Physics Chapter 15 - ALL IN ONE

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What determines the direction of heat flow?

Temperature difference

When water at 4°C is heated it expands. If it is instead cooled it will

also expand

thermal expansion

- Due to rise in temperature of a substance, molecules jiggle faster and move farther apart. - Most substances expand when heated and contract when cooled

flow of internal energy

- From a high-temperature substance to a low-temperature substance until thermal equilibrium is reached - Internal energy never flows unassisted from a low-temperature to a high-temperature substance


- Internal energy transferred from one thing to another due to a temperature difference - Internal energy in transit

what does a thermometer do?

- Measures temperature by expansion or contraction of a liquid (mercury or colored alcohol) - Reading occurs when the thermometer and the object reach thermal equilibrium (having the same average kinetic energy per particle) - Infrared thermometers operate by sensing IR radiation

13. Distinguish between a calorie and a joule.

-1 calorie = 4.19 joules

The temperature of absolute zero is stated as ___________.


14. How many joules are needed to change the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree C?

-4.19 joules raises the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree C

what is temperature

-A number that corresponds to the warmth or coldness of an object - Measured by a thermometer - Is a per-particle property - No upper limit - Definite limit on lower end

1. What are the temperatures for freezing water on the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales? For boiling water?

-Celsius: Freezing-0 degrees; Boiling-100 degrees -Fahrenheit: Freezing-32 degrees; Boiling-212 degrees

2. What are the temperatures for freezing water and boiling water on the Kelvin temperature scale?

-freezing: 273.15 degrees -boiling: 373.15 degrees

7. In which direction does internal energy flow between hot and cold objects?

-from warmer objects to colder objects

10. What role does temperature have in the direction of internal energy flow?

-heat flows spontaneously from high temperature to low temperature

9. How does heat differ from internal energy or are they two terms for the same thing?

-heat is energy in transit from a body of higher temperature to one of lower temperature; once transferred, the energy ceases to be heat -they are not two terms for the same thing

8. Does a hot object contain internal energy, or does it contain heat?

-internal energy

19. Northeastern Canada and much of Europe receive about the same amount of sunlight per unit area. Why, then, is Europe generally warmer in the winter?

-internal energy is carried in the Gulf Stream from tropical waters to the North Atlantic, where it warms the otherwise cold climate

24. Which generally expands more for an equal increase in temperature: liquids or solids?


12. Distinguish between a calorie and a Calorie.

-a Calorie is 1000 calories

A block of wood and a block of copper will feel neither hot nor cold to the touch when they each have

your temperature

17. Does a substance that cools off quickly have a high or a low specific heat capacity?

-low specific heat capacity

16. Does a substance that heats up quickly have a high or a low specific heat capacity?

-low specific heat capacity (heats up quickly, cools down quickly)

23. Why does a bimetallic strip bend with changes in temperature?

-made with 2 different materials and both have different expansion and contraction rates.

6. Is there a distinction between thermal energy and internal energy? Which term do physicists prefer?

-no they are the same (energy that results from heat flow) -internal energy

15. Which warms up faster when heat is applied: iron or silver?


20. According to the law of conservation of energy, if ocean water cools, then something else should warm. What is it that warms?

-the cooling ocean warms the air

22. Why do substances expand when their temperature is increased?

-the molecules wiggle faster and move apart

5. Under what conditions can we say that "a thermometer measures its own temperature"?

-the necessary condition is thermal equilibrium-the thing being measured and the thermometer will have the same temperature

11. How is the energy value of foods determined?

-they are determined by burning them and measuring the energy released

3. What is meant by "translational" kinetic energy?

-translational energy is the energy of to-and-fro molecular motion

4. Which forms of energy determine temperature: translational kinetic energy, rotational kinetic energy, vibrational kinetic energy or all of these?

-translational kinetic energy

18. How does the specific heat capacity of water compare with the specific heat capacities of other common materials?

-water has a higher capacity for storing energy than all but a few uncommon materials

21. Why is the temperature fairly constant for landmasses surrounded by large bodies of water?

-water has a moderating effect-slow to cool, slow to warm

Celsius scale

0ºC for freezing point of water to 100ºC for boiling point of wate

Which one of these is largest amount of energy?

1 Calorie

4.18 joules=

1 calorie

The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C is ___________.

1 calorie

Distinguish between a calorie and a joule.

1 calorie = 4.19 joules

What is meant by "translational" kinetic energy?

Motion from one place to another

Which one of these cites the lowest temperature?


What are the temperatures for freezing water and boiling water on the Kelvin temperature scale?

273 k, 373 k

Fahrenheit scale

32ºF for freezing point of water to 212ºF for boiling point of water

At what temperature do the combined effects of contraction and expansion produce the smallest volume for water?

4 degrees.

how much heat is required to change the temperature by 1 celsius

4.18 joules of heat are needed to change the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 celsius degree

The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1°C is

4.19 joules.

When 10 grams of hot water cool by 1°C, the amount of heat given off is

41.9 joules.

At what temperature do the combined effects of contraction and expansion produce the smallest volume for water?


Water is most dense at ___________.


Before ice can form on a lake, all the water in the lake must be cooled to


Distinguish between a calorie and a Calorie.

A Calorie is 1000 calories.

Does a substance that heats up quickly have a high or a low specific heat capacity?

A low specific heat capacity

6) Which temperature scale has the smallest sized degrees? A) Fahrenheit B) Celsius C) Kelvin D) none of the above

A) Fahrenheit

6) Which temperature scale has the smallest sized degrees? A) Fahrenheit B) Celsius C) Kelvin D) none of the above

A) Fahrenheit

58) If you measure the distance between two telephone poles with a steel tape on a very hot day, your measured distance will be A) a bit short. B) a bit long. C) the same as on an average-temperature day.

A) a bit short.

35) Aluminum has a specific heat capacity more than twice that of copper. Place equal masses of aluminum and copper wire in a flame and the one to undergo the fastest increase in temperature will be A) copper. B) aluminum. C) both the same

A) copper.

62) Open spaces in ice crystals contribute to A) decreased density. B) increased density. C) neither of these

A) decreased density.

74) Consider some water at 6°C. For a slight increase its temperature the water will A) expand. B) contract. C) remain the same.

A) expand.

51) The fact that gasoline overflows a full tank on a hot day is evidence that A) gasoline expands more with increasing temperature than its tank. B) the tank contracts while gasoline expands with temperature. C) both of these D) neither of these

A) gasoline expands more with increasing temperature than its tank.

56) If glass expanded more than mercury, then the column of mercury in a mercury thermometer would fall when the temperature A) increases. B) decreases. C) neither of these

A) increases.

70) If the temperature of a sample of water at 4°C is slightly increased, its volume A) increases. B) decreases. C) remains the same.

A) increases.

71) If the temperature of a sample of water at 4°C is slightly lowered, its volume A) increases. B) decreases. C) remains the same.

A) increases.

21) The white-hot sparks from a 4th-of-July-type sparkler that strike your skin transfer A) little energy to you in spite of their high temperature. B) little energy to you due to their low temperature. C) much energy, but at a low temperature. D) none of the above

A) little energy to you in spite of their high temperature

37) One of water's interesting thermal properties is that when heated it takes a relatively A) long time in changing temperature. B) short time in changing temperature. C) same amount of time to cool. D) none of the above

A) long time in changing temperature.

32) A substance that cools down faster than others has A) low specific heat capacity. B) high specific heat capacity. C) either of these D) neither of these

A) low specific heat capacity.

36) The fact that desert sand is very hot in the day and very cold at night is evidence that the specific heat capacity of sand is relatively A) low. B) high. C) practically absent.

A) low.

36) The fact that desert sand is very hot in the day and very cold at night is evidence that the specific heat capacity of sand is relatively A) low. B) high. C) practically absent.

A) low.

63) Due to the presence of ice crystals in nearly frozen liquid water, the density of water is A) lower. B) unaffected. C) higher.

A) lower.

64) Microscopic slush in ice water tends to make water density A) lower. B) higher. C) sustain at one value.

A) lower.

41) If the specific heat of water were lower than it is, ponds in the cold of winter would be A) more likely to freeze. B) less likely to freeze. C) neither more nor less likely to freeze.

A) more likely to freeze.

39) If the specific heat capacity of water were lower than it is, a nice hot bath would be a A) shorter experience. B) longer experience. C) same regardless of water's specific heat capacity.

A) shorter experience.

40) If the specific heat capacity of water were lower than it is, a watermelon in a picnic cooler would cool in a A) shorter time. B) longer time. C) the same time anyway.

A) shorter time.

28) The specific heat capacity is highest for substances that absorb or release large quantities of heat for correspondingly A) small temperature changes. B) large temperature changes. C) small or large changes in temperature. D) none of the above

A) small temperature changes.

66) Ice tends to form first at the A) surface of bodies of water. B) bottom of bodies of water. C) either depending on water depth.

A) surface of bodies of water.

59) A body of water will be deeper when its A) temperature rises. B) temperature drops. C) neither of these

A) temperature rises.

In what form does radiant energy travel?

As electromagnetic waves

75) Before ice can form on a lake, all the water in the lake must be cooled to A) zero°C. B) 4°C. C) -32°C. D) none of the above

B) 4°C.

78) The temperature at the bottom of Lake Tahoe, high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California, at this moment is A) below 4°C. B) 4°C. C) above 4°C. D) uncertain. Answer: B

B) 4°C.

57) If you measure the width of an outdoor barn with a steel tape on a very cold day, your measured width will be A) a bit short. B) a bit long. C) the same as on an average-temperature day.

B) a bit long.

73) When water at 4°C is heated it expands. If it is instead cooled it will A) contracts. B) also expand. C) neither contracts nor expands.

B) also expand.

48) Consider a metal ring with a gap cut in it. When the ring is heated, the gap A) becomes narrower. B) becomes wider. C) retains its size.

B) becomes wider.

47) As a piece of metal with a hole in it cools, the diameter of the hole A) increases. B) decreases. C) remains the same.

B) decreases.

69) If the temperature of a sample of water at 0°C is slightly increased, its volume A) increases. B) decreases. C) remains the same.

B) decreases.

76) When the temperature of a solid block of ice is lowered, its volume A) increases. B) decreases. C) stays the same.

B) decreases.

50) It is important that the two metals that compose a bimetallic strip have A) different conductivities. B) different rates of expansion. C) equal thicknesses. D) all of the above E) none of the above

B) different rates of expansion.

44) When most substances are heated, molecules inside move faster and take up more space, resulting in thermal A) bending. B) expansion. C) contraction. D) heat.

B) expansion.

27) Materials composed of molecules that absorb large amounts of energy in the form of internal vibrations and rotations have A) low specific heats. B) high specific heats. C) none of the above

B) high specific heats.

14) Compared to a giant iceberg, a hot cup of coffee has A) more internal energy and higher temperature. B) higher temperature, but less internal energy. C) a greater specific heat and more internal energy. D) none of the above

B) higher temperature, but less internal energy.

29) Aluminum has a higher specific heat capacity than iron. This means that for equal masses of aluminum and iron, the metal that heats more quickly when the same amount of heat is applied is A) aluminum. B) iron. C) need more information

B) iron.

45) When we enlarge a photograph of an iron ring, the image of the hole becomes A) smaller. B) larger. C) neither smaller nor larger.

B) larger.

46) When an iron ring is heated, the hole becomes A) smaller. B) larger. C) neither smaller nor larger. D) either smaller or larger, depending on the ring thickness.

B) larger.

43) A closed, sealed can of air placed on a hot stove. The contained air undergoes an increase in A) mass. B) temperature. C) both of these D) neither of these

B) temperature.

42) In terms of thermal expansion it is important that A) a key and its lock are made of similar or the same material. B) the fillings in your teeth expand at the same rate as teeth. C) iron rods and concrete in which they're embedded expand equally. D) all of the above E) none of the above

B) the fillings in your teeth expand at the same rate as teeth.

79) When ice floats in water, a small part of it extends above the surface. Interestingly, the volume of ice that extends above the surface is equal to the volume of the A) water the ice displaces. B) vast number of open spaces in all the hexagonal ice crystals. C) both of these D) neither of these

B) vast number of open spaces in all the hexagonal ice crystals.

77) During a very cold winter, water pipes sometimes burst due to A) the ground contracting when colder. B) water expanding when freezing. C) water contracting when freezing. D) thawing producing pressure on the pipes. E) none of the above

B) water expanding when freezing.

Why does a bimetallic strip bend with changes in temperature?

Because it is made of two different kinds of metals. One metal expands more than the other

Why does ice form at the surface of a body of water instead of at the bottom?

Because water at 0 degrees is not the most dense

8) Room temperature on the Kelvin scale is about A) 100 K. B) 200 K. C) 300 K. D) 400 K. E) more than 400 K.

C) 300 K.

17) The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1°C is A) 4.19 calories. B) 4.19 Calories. C) 4.19 joules. D) none of the above

C) 4.19 joules.

18) When 10 grams of hot water cool by 1°C, the amount of heat given off is A) 41.9 calories. B) 41.9 Calories. C) 41.9 joules. D) more than 41.9 joules. E) none of the above

C) 41.9 joules.

60) Which of these is correct? A) a piece of solid iron floats in molten iron. B) a piece of solid aluminum floats in molten aluminum. C) a piece of ice floats in water. D) all the above E) none of the above

C) a piece of ice floats in water.

61) When ice water at 0°C is heated A) thermal expansion occurs. B) thermal contraction occurs. C) both occur until 4°C is reached

C) both occur until 4°C is reached

67) Ice crystals in nearly frozen liquid water make up a A) microscopic slush. B) region of lower density. C) both of these D) neither of these

C) both of these

68) When ice crystals collapse at the surface of ice, the result is a A) thin film of water. B) slippery surface. C) both of these. D) none of the above

C) both of these.

quantity of heat is measured in?

Measured in joules or calories

49) When a bimetallic bar made of copper and iron strips is heated, the bar bends toward the iron strip. The reason for this is A) iron gets hotter before copper. B) copper gets hotter before iron. C) copper expands more than iron. D) iron expands more than copper. E) none of the above

C) copper expands more than iron.

49) When a bimetallic bar made of copper and iron strips is heated, the bar bends toward the iron strip. The reason for this is A) iron gets hotter before copper. B) copper gets hotter before iron. C) copper expands more than iron. D) iron expands more than copper. E) none of the above

C) copper expands more than iron.

72) If you wish to expand the volume of a sample of water at 4°C A) raise its temperature a bit. B) lower its temperature a bit. C) either of these D) neither of these

C) either of these

52) In most cases, which expands more for comparable changes in temperature? A) solids. B) liquids. C) gases. D) all expand about equally.

C) gases.

38) The moderate temperatures of islands throughout the world has much to do with water's A) good conductivity. B) vast supply of internal energy. C) high specific heat capacity. D) high evaporation rate. E) absorption of solar energy.

C) high specific heat capacity.

55) Which of these expands when the temperature is lowered? A) iron B) wood C) ice water D) helium E) none of the above

C) ice water

65) Ice has a lower density than water because ice A) molecules are more compact in the solid state. B) molecules vibrate at lower rates than water molecules. C) is composed of open-structured crystals. D) density decreases with decreasing temperature.

C) is composed of open-structured crystals.

Distinguish between a calorie and a Calorie

Calorie = 1 kilo-calorie

Which temperature scales have equal sized degrees

Celsius and Kelvin

Which temperature scales have equal sized degrees?

Celsius and Kelvin

When the temperature of ice-cold water is increased slightly, does it undergo a net expansion or a net contraction?


When the temperature of ice-cold water is increased slightly, does it undergo a net expansion or a net contraction?

Contraction (0-4 C), then expansion

20) White-hot sparks from a 4th-of-July-type sparkler that strike your skin have relatively A) high temperatures. B) few molecules per spark. C) low transfer of energy. D) all of the above E) none of the above

D) all of the above

26) The quantity of heat that a substance can transfer relates to its A) mass B) specific heat capacity C) change in its temperature. D) all of the above

D) all of the above

26) The quantity of heat that a substance can transfer relates to its A) mass B) specific heat capacity C) change in its temperature. D) all of the above

D) all of the above

53) Which of the following expands more when the temperature is increased? Equal volumes of A) iron. B) wood. C) ice water. D) helium. E) all expand the same.

D) helium.

54) Which of the following contracts most when the temperature is decreased? Equal volumes of A) iron. B) wood. C) water. D) helium. E) all contract the same.

D) helium.

what is specific heat capacity?

Defined as the quantity of heat required to change the temperature of a unit mass of the substance by 1 degree Celsius

Which temperature scale has the smallest sized degrees?


What is the role of "loose" electrons in heat conductors?

Free electrons can move through a material carrying heat, jostling atoms and other electrons.

What are the temperatures for freezing water on the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales? For boiling water?

Freezing (0 C, 32 F). Boiling (100 C, 212 F)

In which direction does heat flow spontaneously between hot and cold objects?

From high temperature to low temperature

Northeastern Canada and much of Europe receive about the same amount of sunlight per unit area. Why then is Europe generally warmer in the winter?

Gulf-stream carries warm water to Europe

If you touch the metal sides in an oven with your bare hand, you're in trouble. But hold your hand briefly in the oven air and you're okay. What does this tell you about the relative conductivities of metal and air?

Metal is a good conductor of heat, whereas air is a terrible conductor of heat.

Distinguish between temperature and heat

Heat is the energy transferred from one object to another due to a temperature difference.

What is meant when we say that a thermometer is in thermal equilibrium with another object?

Heat no longer flows between the object and thermometer when both are at the same temperature.

Why do substances expand when their temperature is increased?

Higher-temperature substances have greater molecular motion.

Why is ice less dense than water?

Ice crystallizes with an open structure, and the gaps that form between the water molecules in ice increase its volume.

When an air molecule is hit by an approaching, faster moving molecule, does the approaching molecule's rebound speed increase or decrease? How about when it hits a receding molecule?

Increase, decrease

Does a good insulator prevent heat from escaping or slow its passage?

Insulators slow the passage of heat

Does a hot object contain internal energy or does it contain heat?

Internal energy

Aluminum has a higher specific heat capacity than iron. This means that for equal masses of aluminum and iron, the metal that heats more quickly when the same amount of heat is applied is


What determines whether an object is a net absorber or a net emitter of radiant energy at a given time?

It is determined by the temperature of the object relative to its surroundings. Hotter objects are net emitters.

A temperature difference of 10 Celsius degrees is also equal to a temperature difference of 10 on the

Kelvin scale.

What is meant by "translational" kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy of motion that carries a molecule from one place to another

Does "microscopic slush" in water tend to make it more dense or less dense?

Less dense

Which generally expands more for an equal increase in temperature: solids or liquids?

Liquids generally expand more than solids.

The reason you can walk barefoot on red-hot coals of wood without burning your feet mainly involves

Low conductivity of the coals.

Can an object be both a good absorber and a good reflector at the same time?

No. A good absorber reflects very little light.

Since all objects emit energy to their surroundings, why don't the temperatures of all objects continuously decrease?

Objects that are good emitters are equally good absorbers, so they absorb radiation as well as emit it.

Why are materials such as wood, fur, feathers, and even snow good insulators?

Outer electrons in these materials are firmly attached.

Relatively speaking, do high-frequency waves have long wavelengths or short wavelengths? Name an electromagnetic wave with higher frequency than blue light.

Short, ultraviolet

Which warms up faster when heat is applied--iron or silver?


How are the speeds of molecules of air affected when the air is compressed by the action of a tire pump? What happens to the temperature of the air?

Speeds increase; temperature increases.

Sun's radiant energy is composed of shorter wavelengths than Earth's due to Sun's greater

Surface temperature

What is terrestrial radiation?

Terrestrial radiation is infrared radiation emitted by Earth's surface.

How would decreasing the percentage of greenhouse gases affect the amount of infrared radiation reflected by the atmosphere back toward Earth?

The amount of infrared radiation would decrease.

How would increasing the density of air in the atmosphere affect the amount of infrared radiation returned by the atmosphere back toward Earth?

The amount of infrared radiation would increase.

According to the law of conservation of energy, if ocean water cools, then something else should warm. What is it that warms?

The cooling ocean warms the air.

Northeastern Canada and much of Europe receive about the same amount of sunlight per unit area. Why, then, is Europe generally warmer in the winter?

The gulf stream carries warm, high heat capacity water past the west coast of Europe.

How does the peak frequency of radiant energy relate to the absolute temperature of the radiating source?

The peak frequency increases as temperature increases.

Which will undergo the greater rate of cooling: a red-hot poker in a warm oven or a red-hot poker in a cold room (or do both cool at the same rate)?

The poker in the cold room cools fastest

Why does the direction of coastal winds change from day to night?

The specific heat of water is greater than the specific heat of land. Water cools more slowly at night. The temperature difference drives convection and offshore winds.

What is meant by the statement that a thermometer measures its own temperature?

The thermometer measures an object when in comes in thermal equilibrium with that object. So, the thermometer's temperature is the same as the temperature it is trying to measure

Why does a bimetallic strip bend with changes in temperature?

The two metals expand at different rates.

Is there a distinction between thermal energy and internal energy? Which term do physicists prefer?

Thermal energy emphasizes heat flow, whereas internal energy is the grand total of all energies inside a substance. Physicists prefer internal energy.

How is heat similar to and different from internal energy?

They are both forms of energy, but heat flows, whereas internal energy does not.

Which forms of energy determine temperature: translational kinetic energy, rotational kinetic energy, vibrational kinetic energy, or all of these?

Translational only

Which of these has the highest specific heat capacity?


Why is the temperature fairly constant for landmasses surrounded by large bodies of water?

Water has a high specific heat capacity.

How does the specific heat capacity of water compare with the specific heat capacities of other common materials?

Water has a higher specific heat capacity than most common materials

How does the specific heat capacity of water compare with the specific heat capacities of other common materials?

Water has a higher specific heat capacity than most common materials.

Why is the temperature fairly constant for land masses surrounded by large bodies of water?

When it is hot, the water cools; and when it is cold, the water warms.

expansion of water

When water becomes ice, it expands. Ice has open-structured crystals resulting from strong bonds at certain angles that increase its volume. This make ice less dense than water.

Why does all the water in a lake have to be cooled to 4°C before the surface water can be cooled below 4°C?

When water is cooled to 4°C, it sinks and deeper, warmer, water rises to the surface.

Explain why a firewalker can step quickly without harm on red-hot coals with bare feet.

Wood, even as glowing coals, is a poor conductor of heat.

A good heat conductor is

a poor insulator.

Which body glows with electromagnetic waves?

all of the above (the sun, the earth, you and your classmates)

The air in your room is composed of molecules that have

a wide variety of speeds.

When the temperature of a strip of iron is increased, the length of the strip ___________.

also increases

If you were caught in freezing weather with only a candle for heat, you would be warmer in

an igloo.

Which is greater-an increase in temperature of 1 Celsius degree or an increase of 1 Fahrenheit degree?

an increase of 1 °C is larger

Pour a liter of water at 40°C into a liter of water at 20°C and the final temperature of the two becomes

at or about 30°C.

Consider a metal ring with a gap cut in it. When the ring is heated, the gap

becomes wider

Which will normally warm faster: a black pot of cold water or a silvered pot of cold water? Which will cool faster?


Heat energy is measured in units of

both of these (calories, joules)

how are the energy ratings of food and fuels determined?

by the energy that is released when they are burned, common unit for food is Calorie

If air were a better conductor, at nighttime Earth would be

considerably colder.

Newton's law of cooling applies to objects that undergo _________.

cooling or warming

Aluminum has a specific heat capacity more than twice that of copper. Place equal masses of aluminum and copper wire in a flame and the one to undergo the fastest increase in temperature will be


If a pizza radiates more energy than it absorbs, its temperature


If you wish to expand the volume of a sample of water at 4°C

either of these

When we speak about heat we refer to ___________.

energy in transit

When most substances are heated, molecules inside move faster and take up more space, resulting in thermal


Internal energy is greater in a

fire-engine pail of boiling-hot tea.

When you touch a hot potato with your finger, energy flows

from the potato to your finger.

When you touch a cold piece of ice with your finger, energy flows

from your finger to the ice.

What type of gas absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation?

greenhouse gases

the specific heat capacity of water

has higher capacity for storing energy than almost any other substance.

An apple pie will be a net emitter of energy when its temperature is

higher than its surroundings.


how fast particles move as they vibrate and jiggle in place


how fast particles slide and jiggle past one another


how fast the gas particles are bouncing to and fro

thermal expansion in solids

increase in expansion are greater in liquids than in solids

When a hot object makes thermal contact with a cold object, the direction of

internal energy flow is from hot to cold

On a cold day your feet feel warmer on a rug than on a tile floor because a rug

is a poorer conductor.

What is a Calorie

kilocalories or 1000 calories

Temperature is most closely related to molecular

kinetic energy.

Does "microscopic slush" in water tend to make it more dense or less dense?

less dense

Hot sand cools off faster at night than plants and vegetation. This indicates that the specific heat capacity for sand is ___________.

less than that of plants

Metals are good conductors of both heat and electricity due to

looseness of outer electrons in metal atoms.

Does a substance that cools off quickly have a high or a low specific heat capacity?


Due to the presence of ice crystals in nearly frozen liquid water, the density of water is


When coal dust is spread on snow on a sunny day

more melting occurs.

Which of these are good conductors?

none of the above (feathers,snow,wood)

Heat travels from the Sun to Earth by the process of _________.


A Thermos bottle has double glass walls with silver coating on the glass surfaces that face each other. The silver coating reduces energy transfer by


The form of heat transfer that doesn't depend on a medium is


what is thermal inertia?

resistance of a substance to a change in temperature

If the specific heat capacity of water were lower than it is, a nice hot bath would be a

shorter experience.

The higher the temperature of an object, the

shorter the wavelengths it radiates.

In practice, a good insulator

slows heat slow

A substance with a high thermal inertia has a high

specific heat capacity.

bimetallic strip

strip of brass and iron is increased, greater expansion occurs for the brass strip

Heat energy travels from an object with a high

temperature to an object with a lower temperature.

Heat normally flows from objects of high

temperature to objects of low temperature.

temperature is proportional to.....

the average translational kinetic energy per particle in a substance

In terms of thermal expansion it is important that

the fillings in your teeth expand at the same rate as teeth.

Waves emitted by the Sun and terrestrial wave emissions are

the same except for their frequencies and wavelengths.

Tomatoes have a higher specific heat capacity than dough. This means that when you bite into a hot pizza

the tomato sauce feels hotter than the dough

Heat is simply another word for

thermal energy that flows from hot to cold

The fact that a thermometer "takes its own temperature" illustrates

thermal equilibrium

The kind of molecular motion that mostly relates to the temperature of a substance is

translational motion

Long ago a runaway greenhouse effect transformed the planet


kelvin scale

• 0 K for freezing point of water to 373 K for boiling point of water • 0 at absolute zero; same size degrees as Celsius scale • kelvins, rather than degrees, are used

When 10 grams of hot water cool by 1°C, the amount of heat given off is

4.19 joules

The air in your room is composed of molecules that have

a wide variety of speeds

It is important that the two metals that compose a bimetallic strip have

different rates of expansion.

In most cases, which expands more for comparable changes in temperature?


Compared to a giant iceberg, a hot cup of coffee has

higher temperature, but less internal energy.

Which unit represents the most energy?


The amount of heat transferred to a system can be measured in

joules and calories

When we enlarge a photograph of an iron ring, the image of the hole becomes


If the specific heat of water were lower than it is, ponds in the cold of winter would be

more likely to freeze.

Pour two liters of water at 40°C into one liter of water at 20°C and the final temperature of the two becomes

more than 30°C.

Heat energy travels from an object with a high

temperature to an object with a lower temperature

A substance with a high thermal inertia has a high

temperature, in many cases.

When most substances are heated, molecules inside move faster and take up more space, resulting in thermal


When you touch a hot potato with your finger, energy flows

from the potato to your finger

When you touch a cold piece of ice with your finger, energy flows

from your finger to the ice

A substance that heats up relatively slowly has a

high specific heat capacity

Aluminum has a higher specific heat capacity than iron. This means that for equal masses of aluminum and iron, the metal that heats up the fastest is


Which of the following normally warms up fastest when heat is applied?


When an iron ring is heated, the hole becomes


Temperature is most closely related to molecular

kinetic energy

Place a 1-kilogram block of iron at 40°C into 1 kilogram of water at 20°C and the final temperature of the two becomes

less than 30°C

Hot sand cools off faster at night than plants and vegetation. Then, the specific heat capacity of sand is

less than that of plants.

The white-hot sparks from a 4th-of-July-type sparkler that strike your skin transfer

little energy to you despite of their high temperature.

One of water's interesting thermal properties is that when heated it takes a relatively

long time in changing temperature.

The fact that desert sand is very hot in the day and very cold at night is evidence that the specific heat capacity of sand is relatively


A substance that heats up relatively quickly has a

low specific heat capacity

A substance that cools down faster than others has a

low specific heat capacity.

Translational motion is characterized by

motion that carries a molecule from one place to another

Which of these temperatures is likely when a container of water at 20°C is mixed with water at 28°C?


The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1°C is

4.19 joules

12) When you touch a cold piece of ice with your finger, energy flows A) from your finger to the ice. B) from the ice to your finger. C) actually, both ways.

A) from your finger to the ice.

33) A substance that heats up relatively slowly has a A) high specific heat capacity. B) low specific heat capacity. C) either of these D) neither of these

A) high specific heat capacity.

4) Temperature is most closely related to molecular A) kinetic energy. B) potential energy. C) electrical energy. D) mechanical energy in general.

A) kinetic energy.

19) Which unit represents the most energy? A) calorie B) Calorie C) joule D) all the same

B) Calorie

7) A temperature difference of 10 Celsius degrees is also equal to a temperature difference of 10 on the A) Fahrenheit scale. B) Kelvin scale. C) both of these D) neither of these

B) Kelvin scale.

1) The air in your room is composed of molecules that have A) nearly identical speeds. B) a wide variety of speeds. C) no speeds worth mentioning.

B) a wide variety of speeds.

22) Pour a liter of water at 40°C into a liter of water at 20°C and the final temperature of the two becomes A) less than 30°C. B) at or about 30°C. C) more than 30°C.

B) at or about 30°C.

11) Internal energy is greater in a A) cup of boiling-hot tea. B) fire-engine pail of boiling-hot tea. C) both the same

B) fire-engine pail of boiling-hot tea.

13) When you touch a hot potato with your finger, energy flows A) from your finger to the potato. B) from the potato to your finger. C) actually, both ways.

B) from the potato to your finger.

27) Materials composed of molecules that absorb large amounts of energy in the form of internal vibrations and rotations have A) low specific heats. B) high specific heats. C) none of the above

B) high specific heats

14) Compared to a giant iceberg, a hot cup of coffee has A) more internal energy and higher temperature. B) higher temperature, but less internal energy. C) a greater specific heat and more internal energy. D) none of the above

B) higher temperature, but less internal energy.

31) Which of the following normally warms up fastest when heat is applied? A) water B) iron C) glass D) wood E) all of the above

B) iron

29) Aluminum has a higher specific heat capacity than iron. This means that for equal masses of aluminum and iron, the metal that heats more quickly when the same amount of heat is applied is A) aluminum. B) iron. C) need more information

B) iron.

34) A substance that heats up relatively quickly has a A) high specific heat capacity. B) low specific heat capacity. C) either of these D) neither of these

B) low specific heat capacity.

15) Heat energy travels from an object with a high A) internal energy to an object with a lower internal energy. B) temperature to an object with a lower temperature. C) both of the above D) none of the above

B) temperature to an object with a lower temperature.

30) Tomatoes have a higher specific heat capacity than dough. This means that when you bite into a hot pizza A) the dough feels hotter than the tomato sauce. B) the tomato sauce feels hotter than the dough. C) since sauce and dough are at the same temperature, neither feels hotter.

B) the tomato sauce feels hotter than the dough.

If you measure the distance between two telephone poles with a steel tape on a very hot day, your measured distance will be

a bit short

White-hot sparks from a 4th-of-July-type sparkler that strike your skin have relatively

all of the above

Pour a liter of water at 40°C into a liter of water at 20°C and the final temperature of the two becomes

at or about 30°C

Temperature is generally proportional to a substance's

average translational kinetic energy

When a bimetallic bar made of copper and iron strips is heated, the bar bends toward the iron strip. The reason for this is

copper expands more than iron.

As a piece of metal with a hole in it cools, the diameter of the hole


If glass expanded more than mercury, then the column of mercury in a mercury thermometer would fall when the temperature


The fact that gasoline overflows a full tank on a hot day is evidence that

gasoline expands more with increasing temperature than its tank

To say that water has a high specific heat capacity is to say that water

gives off a lot of energy in cooling

Which of the following contracts most when the temperature is decreased? Equal volumes of


Which of the following expands more when the temperature is increased? Equal volumes of


The moderate temperatures of islands throughout the world has much to do with water's

high specific heat capacity.

Materials composed of molecules that absorb large amounts of energy in the form of internal vibrations and rotations have

high specific heats.

Which of these expands when the temperature is lowered?

ice water

When the temperature of a strip of iron is increased, the length of the strip


If you measure the width of an outdoor barn with a steel tape on a very cold day, your measured width will be

a bit long

If you wanted to raise the internal energy of a bucket of 20°C water, you could

add 25°C water in the bucket.

The quantity of heat that a substance can transfer relates to its

all of the above

Consider a metal ring with a gap cut in it. When the ring is heated, the gap

becomes wider.

In which is the temperature greater?

boiling-hot tea in a cup

Heat energy is measured in units of

both calories and joules

24) Place a 1-kilogram block of iron at 40°C into 1 kilogram of water at 20°C and the final temperature of the two becomes A) less than 30°C. B) at or about 30°C. C) more than 30°C.

A) less than 30°C.

Room temperature on the Kelvin scale is about


21) The white-hot sparks from a 4th-of-July-type sparkler that strike your skin transfer A) little energy to you in spite of their high temperature. B) little energy to you due to their low temperature. C) much energy, but at a low temperature. D) none of the above

A) little energy to you in spite of their high temperature.

32) A substance that cools down faster than others has a A) low specific heat capacity. B) high specific heat capacity. C) either of these D) neither of these

A) low specific heat capacity.

28) The specific heat capacity is highest for substances that absorb or release large quantities of heat for correspondingly A) small temperature changes. B) large temperature changes. C) small or large changes in temperature. D) none of the above

A) small temperature changes.

9) The fact that a thermometer "takes its own temperature" illustrates A) thermal equilibrium. B) energy conservation. C) the difference between heat and internal energy. D) the fact that molecules are constantly moving.

A) thermal equilibrium.

2) The kind of molecular motion that mostly relates to the temperature of a substance is A) translational motion. B) rotational motion. C) vibrational motion. D) all about equally

A) translational motion.

5) Which temperature scales have equal sized degrees? A) Fahrenheit and Celsius B) Fahrenheit and Kelvin C) Celsius and Kelvin D) none of the above

C) Celsius and Kelvin

16) Heat energy is measured in units of A) joules. B) calories. C) both of these D) neither of these

C) both of these

3) Translational motion is characterized by A) motion that carries a molecule from one place to another. B) the motion used in measuring temperature. C) both of these D) neither of these

C) both of these

10) In which is the temperature greater? A) boiling-hot tea in a cup B) boiling-hot tea in a fire-engine pail C) both the same

C) both the same

23) Pour two liters of water at 40°C into one liter of water at 20°C and the final temperature of the two becomes A) less than 30°C. B) at or about 30°C. C) more than 30°C.

C) more than 30°C.

25) A substance with a high thermal inertia has a high A) temperature, in many cases. B) heat conductivity. C) specific heat capacity. D) energy content.

C) specific heat capacity.

Which temperature scale has the smallest sized degrees


A temperature difference of 10 Celsius degrees is also equal to a temperature difference of 10 on the

Fahrenheit scale

If the specific heat capacity of water were lower than it is, a nice hot bath would be a

shorter experience

If the specific heat capacity of water were lower than it is, a watermelon in a picnic cooler would cool in a

shorter time

The specific heat capacity is highest for substances that absorb or release large quantities of heat for correspondingly

small temperature changes.

A closed, sealed can of air placed on a hot stove. The contained air undergoes an increase in


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