Physics - Color
Primary Color
3 colors that can be combined using artificial lighting to produce white *Red *Green *Blue
Complementary Colors
3 pairs of two colors that can be combined using artificial lighting to produce white *Red - Cyan *Green - Magenta *Blue - Yellow
A natural coloring substance that absorbs certain frequencies of light
Why is the sun yellow?
As shorter light waves are more easily dispersed, the longer light waves are not. this lets red, orange, yellow, and green light to travel to us directly, and we see the Sun in a yellow to orange color
Why are the sunsets red?
As the sun starts to fall below the Earth's horizon, light must diffract around the Earth to reach us. Since red has the longest wavelength of light, it diffracts the best and is the last light we lose.
Different frequencies of light produce different hues, which we call colors.
Why is the sky blue?
Light waves with smaller wavelength are refracted and dispersed easier than longer waves. Therefore; blue, indigo, and violet are seem most in the atmosphere, the result of which appears blue.
White Light
Natural light, such as sunlight, typically exists with multiple frequencies, which we visualize as the color white.
What is a rainbow?
The dispersion of light through small raindrops form a perfect circle. However, part of this circle is blocked by the Earth's horizon, so we only see a part of this effect.
The separation of light into its many colors, often trough a prism or similar device
Violet Light
Visible light with a wavelength of about 400 nm
Indigo Light
Visible light with a wavelength of about 445 nm
Blue Light
Visible light with a wavelength of about 475 nm.
Green Light
Visible light with a wavelength of about 510 nm
Yellow light
Visible light with a wavelength of about 570 nm
Orange Light
Visible light with a wavelength of about 590
Red Light
Visible with a wavelength of about 650 nm
the absence of any light color
Color Spectrum
the array of different colors of light ordered by increasing frequencies