Physio Exam 3 Practice Exam

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Which of the following is the active form of vitamin D?

1,25- dihydroxycholecalciferol

What is the peptide hormone insulin made up of?

2 chains connected by 2 disulfide bonds

What is the intrinsic rhythm of the purkinje fibers?

20-40 bpm

What are the fat soluble vitamins?

A, D, E, K

If the liver does not properly convert ammonia into urea, what could potentially happen?

CNS toxicity

Which of the following causes a plateau in the recovery of membrane potential in the heart?


What type of hormones does zona reticularis secrete?


Which of the following is NOT a tropic hormone?


What encodes insulin?

INS gene on chromosome 11

How does PTH stimulate osteoclasts?

It stimulates osteoblasts to secrete more RANK-L which in turn activates osteoclasts

Which of the following ions/molecules does angiotensin II NOT stimulate regarding reabsorption and secretion?


What surge of hormone marks the beginning of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle?


Which of the following hormones does the placenta NOT secrete?


How is glucose and galactose absorbed?

Na coupled secondary active transport

Which equation represents blood pressure?


What form of thyroid hormone is active?


Which of the following does the liver NOT metabolize


What is the definition of preload?

a measure of how much the cardiomyocytes have stretched by the end of diastole

Which of the following defines dromotropic?

affects the conduction speed

Which of the following labs is decreased during liver disease?


Which region of the airway does gas exchange occur?

alveolar airway

What triggers aldosterone release from the adrenal cortex?

angiotensin II

What is required for lipid absorption?


Where are baroreceptors found?

both carotid sinus and aortic arch

What is the sympathetic supply to the stomach?

celiac plexus

What are brush cells in the lungs?

chemosensory receptors that detect O2 levels

What cells secretes epi and norepi into the bloodstream from the adrenal medulla?

chromaffin cells

Where do mass movements occur?


What is the ability of an object to change shape when force is applied?


What mechanically occurs in the heart during the R wave on an ECG?

continuation of ventricular free wall contraction, passive atrial filling

What region of a villous in the small intestine contains rapidly dividing stem cells?


What labs results would be expected for graves disease?

decreased TSH, increased free T4/T3

How does and increase in HR affect SV?


With hypercalcemia, what happens to membrane excitability?


How is gas exchanged in the lungs?


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of cardiac muscle?

elongated nucleus

What does cortisol regulate?

energy metabolism

What hormone allows for the uterus to expand?


What does a left shift of an oxygen-dissociation curve indicate?

greater affinity for O2

Which of the following is NOT true regarding capillaries?

high velocity is ideal

Which of the following is a symptom of Addison's disease?


If CRH, ACTH, and cortisol are high, where does the problem stem? What type of condition is this?

hypothalamus, tertiary

When is erythropoietin released?

in response to hypoxia

Which of the following does efferent arteriole constriction cause?

increase in pressure, increase GFR, increase in tubular blood flow, decrease in RBF

How is a decrease in extracellular volume counteracted?

increased ADH secretion

According to the Frank-Starling law, what effect does an increase in EDV have?

increased SV

When after load increases in the heart, how is cardiac output affected?


Which of the following does NOT stimulate glucagon secretion?


Which structure is involved in expiration?

internal intercostals

In the heart during excitation-contraction coupling, where is Ca released from?

internal sarcoplasmic reticulum stores

What cells are responsible for the basic electrical rhythm of the GI tract?

interstitial cells of cajal

There is a change in the pressure of the capillaries where the hydrostatic pressure is now greater than the osmotic pressure. Which way does water flow?

into the capillaries

Which of the following is an exocrine secretion of a oxyntic cell?

intrinsic factor

What is essential for thyroid hormone synthesis and normal thyroid function?


What part of the GI tract is where most of the absorption occurs?


In the kidneys, what is responsible for detecting changes in blood pressure and plasma sodium content?

juxtaglomerular apparatus

What type of cells cleanse the blood in the liver?

kupffer cells

What cell type does LH act upon? What does it stimulate?

leydig cells, testosterone synthesis

Where is glucose stored as glycogen?


Which layer of the GI tract decreases the length of the tube?

longitudinal muscle layer

What would you expect a tube of blood to look like from someone who is anemic?

low erythrocytes, high plasma

Which of the following is NOT a pancreatic enzyme that aids in protein digestion?


Which is responsible for GI motility?

myenteric nerve plexus

Where are PTH receptors located?


What target tissue of LH secretes estradiol?


What value is going to differ in an arterial vs venous blood gas?


Which of the following delivers oxygen poor but nutrient-rich blood to the liver?

portal vein

Which part of the pituitary is more neurally connected?


Which is NOT a symptom of hypercalcemia?

prolonged QT interval

Where in the kidneys is glucose highly absorbed?

proximal tubule

What is the volume of air left in the lungs after a maximal expiratory effort?

residual volume

Which of the following foods leave the stomach the fastest?

rich in carbs

What does a decreased V/Q suggest?

right-to-left shunting

How does an increase in 2,3- DPG levels affect a oxygen-dissociation curve?

shifts to right

What type of hormones are slow acting but long lasting?


What is iron bound to for transport in the blood?


Which cell type is found in the alveoli and do gas exchange?

type 1

Which of the following zones of the esophagus is voluntary?


Changes in circulating blood volume affects which type of curve?

vascular function

What does norepinephrine do?


What occurs during phase 6, 7, and 1 of the cardiac cycle?

ventricular filling

Which zone in the lungs have the largest rate of blood flow?

zone 3

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