Physiological Psychology Chapter 12 Terms
An increased number of ______ receptors in the postsynaptic membrane strengthens the synapse.
Ionotropic glutamate receptor that controls sodium channel, when open it produces EPSP
AMPA receptor
Drug that blocks NMDA receptors
The ____________ is part of an important system involved in classically conditioned emotional responses.
Amnesia for events after brain injury
Anterograde amnesia
Concurrent stimulation of weak and strong synapses to a given neuron strengthen the weak
Associative long term potentiation
Constant contact with frontal cortex, takes over when behaviors become habitual
Basal ganglia
There is considerable evidence that when learned behaviors become automatic and routine, they are transferred to the ______
Basal ganglia
Gene transcription factor
Type 2 calcium-calmodulin kinase; may play a role in the establishment of LTP
Structural changes are dependent on
Calcium kinase
The lateral nucleus of the amygdala contains neurons whose axons project to the:
Central nucleus
A learning procedure; where a stimulus that initially produces no particular response is followed several times by an US and produces an UR.
Classical conditioning
________ conditioning involves automatic responses, and ___________ conditioning involves behaviors that have been learned
Classical; instrumental
Wrap around axon and have one powerful synapse, impact output of pukinje cells
Climbing fibers
People with anterograde amnesia Show impairment of:
Complex relational learning
Reporting of memories of events that did not take place without the intention to deceive; symptom of Korsakoff's syndrome
The process by which short term memories are converted into long term
James Olds and Peter Milner reported that electrical stimulation of rat brain _____
Could have reinforcing effects
These memories can be verbally expressed
Declarative memory
Neural circuits that contain memories are established by strengthening some synapses and weakening others; the low-frequency stimulation of synaptic inputs to a cell can __________ their strength in a phenomenon known as ________________
Decrease, long-term depression
An action potential that occurs in the dendrite of some types of pyramidal cells
Dendritic spike
_________ is an essential ingredient in long-lasting long-term potentiation
Where an object is
Dorsal stream
What treatment would be expected to block the formation of LTP?
Drugs that block NMDA receptors
Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic forms of learning?
Emotional learning
Place cells, grid cells, ....
Enthorhinal cortex
What are the three parts of the hippocampal formation of the medial temporal lobe?
Entorhinal cortex Parahippocampal cortex Perirhinal cortex
What is the process of hippocampal formation?
Entorhinal cortex --> perforant path --> denate gyrus
Remembering sequences of events
Episodic learning
Memory of a collection of perception of events organized in time and identified by context
Episodic memory
What does EPSP stand for?
Excitatory postsynaptic potential
Hypothesis that the cellular basis of learning involves the strengthening of a synapse that is repeatedly active when the postsynaptic neuron fires
Hebb Rule
This explains how neurons are changed by experience in a way that would cause changes in behavior.
Hebb rule
Those which are enhanced by coincident activity between post and pre synaptic neuron
Hebbian synapses
Forebrain structure of temporal lobe; important part of the limbic system, includes the hippocampus, dentate gyrus, and subiculum
Hippocampal formation
The acquisition of specific behaviors and skills is the most important form of __________ memory.
Providing a drink of water to a thirsty animal after a lever press is an example of ___________ conditioning.
A learning procedure whereby the effects of a particular behavior in a particular situation increase (reinforce) or decrease (punish) the probability of the behavior
Instrumental conditioning
Damage to the basal ganglia or infusion of a drug that blocks NMDA receptors there can disrupt _____
Instrumental conditioning
Lesions of the basal ganglia in rats disrupt _____
Instrumental conditioning
What kind of learning is blocked by lesions of the basal ganglia?
It disrupts instrumental conditioning, but it does not effect other forms of learning
Permanent anterograde amnesia usually resulting from alcoholism
Korsakoff's syndrome
Project to central nucleus, strengthed with a tone pairing and foot shock
Lateral nucleus of amygdala
When a rat encounters a painful stimulus, somatosensory input activates strong synapses in the _____
Lateral nucleus of the amygdala
______________ refers to the process by which experiences change our nervous system and hence our behavior.
It has been found that blocking NMDA receptors in the basal ganglia can disrupt what kind of learning?
Learning guided by a simple visual cue
Long term decrease in excitability caused by stimulation of terminal button while postsynaptic membrane is hyperpolarized or slightly depolarized. dephosphorylation of ampa receptors
Long term Depression (LTD)
Long term increase in the excitability of a neuron to a particular synaptic input caused by repeated high frequency activity of that input
Long term potentiation
An increase in the magnitude of excitatory postsynaptic potentials in postsynaptic neurons over the long term is known as _____
Long-term potentiation
Axons connect VTA and NAC; electrical stimulation of these neurons is reinforcing
Medial forebrain bundle
Projects from VTA to cortex, short term memory planning and strategy
Projects from VTA to the limbic system . reinforcement and reward
Learning to make a new response
Motor learning
_______________ receptors are glutamate receptors found in the hippocampal formation that control calcium ion channels.
Ionotropic glutamate receptor that controls calcium channel normally blocked by Mg 2+ ions ; involved in LTP
NMDA receptor
Projects from substantia nigra to caudate nucleus and putamen, control of movements
Nigrostriatal system
Enzyme that produces NO
Nitric oxide synthase
______ can facilitate long-term potentiation by increasing the release of glutamate from presynaptic terminals
Nitric oxides
Learning to recognize music, learning sequences, and classical conditioning are examples of ____________ memory tasks.
Memory whose formation does not depend on the hippocampal formation; perceptual, stimulus-response, and motor memory
Nondeclarative memory
The ability to recognize faces, melodies, and pictures are all examples of _________
Nondeclarative memory
Nucleus of the basal forebrain near the septum; receives dopamine secreting terminal buttons from the neurons of the VTA involved in reinforcement and attention
Nucleus accumbens
Viewing and recalling the actions of another person
Observational learning
Formation of the protein _______is an essential part of long-lasting, long-term potentiation.
Region of the limbic cortex adjacent to the hippocampal formation that, along with the perirhinal cortex, relays information between enthorhinial cortex and other brain regions
Parahippocampal cortex
These run through purkinje cells
Parallel fibers
Learning to recognize a particular stimulus
Perceptual learning
Recognizing people by the shape of their faces and recognizing objects by how they feel or smell are examples of _____
Perceptual learning
Region of the limbic cortex adjacent to the hippocampal formation that, along with the parahippocampal cortex, relays information between enthorhinial cortex and other brain regions
Perirhinal cortex
Experimenters found that in rats, a certain type of cell will fire when the animal is in a specific location, and not when it is in another location. This type of cell is referred to as a _____
Place cell
Neuron that becomes active when the animal is in a particular place in the environment , most typically found in the hippocampal formation
Place cell
A ___________ excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) is an extracellular measurement of the EPSPs produced by the synapse of the perforant path axons with the dentate granule cells.
An evoked potential that represents the EPSPs of a population of neurons
Population EPSP
Only output of the cerebellum
Pukinje cells
An aversive stimulus that follows a particular behavior and thus makes the behavior become less frequent
Punishing stimulus
It was found that patients with anterograde amnesia could learn to:
Recognize faces and melodies
Consolidation of memory that occurs subsequent to original consolidation that can be triggered by a reminder of the original stimulus ; allows modification of existing memories
Memories can be altered or connected to newer memories through a process known as ________
An appetitive stimulus that follows a particular behavior and thus makes the behavior become more frequent
Reinforcing stimulus
In instrumental conditioning, favorable consequences are referred to as __________ stimuli, whereas unfavorable consequences are referred to as __________ stimuli.
Reinforcing, punishing
Learning the relationships among individual stimuli
Relational learning
This type of learning involves learning about relationships among many stimuli.
Relational learning
Amnesia for events prior to brain injury
Retrograde amnesia
Memory of facts and general information
Semantic memory
___________ memories can be acquired gradually, whereas ___________ memories must be learned all at once.
Semantic, episodic
Periods of intense high frequency oscillations that originate in the hippocampal fields CA1 and CA3 and propagate to the cerebral cortex. involved in replay of recently acquired info.
Sharp wave ripple complexes
Knowing the content of a space and the relationship between those objects
Spatial learning
Learning to automatically make a particular response in the presence of a particular stimulus; includes classical and instrumental conditioning
Stimulus response learning
Formation of new synaptic connections
_____________ strengthening occurs when synapses are active while the membrane of the postsynaptic cell is depolarized.
High frequency
Tetanic stimulation
Which of the following was NOT a conclusion drawn by Milner with regard to the pure amnesia displayed by Patient H.M.?
The hippocampus is not involved in converting immediate memories into long-term memories
Important for complex instructed behavior like driving
Transcortical connections
____________ is/are involved in the acquisition of episodic memories and complex behaviors that involve deliberation or instruction.
Transcortical connections
Classical conditioning occurs when __________ stimuli and responses are transformed into ____________ stimuli and responses.
Unconditional, conditional
What an object is
Ventral stream
Group of dopaminergic neurons whose axons form the mesolimbic and mesocortical systems; plays critical role in reinforcement
Ventral tegmental area
In the visual cortex, the ________ stream is involved with object recognition, whereas the ________ stream is involved with perception of the location of objects.
Ventral, dorsal
Functional-imaging studies have shown that specific types of short-term visual memories involve activity of specific regions of the _____
Visual association cortex