Physiology of Exercise Final Exam Set 2

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It promotes increased translation that results in increased protein synthesis.


It regulates the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes.

High-intensity interval training matches

Promotes mitochondrial biogenesis

Which of the following can promote muscle atrophy?

Space flight Prolonged bed rest

Rank the steps in the process involved in executing a muscular contraction in the order of their occurrence. (Place the first step at the top.)

1. a neural message is forwarded to the motor cortex 2. the message is dispatched to the brain stem and relayed to the spinal cord 3. the excitatory neural message depolarizes motor neurons 4. Waves of depolarization are sent down to the axon to the muscle fibers contained in the motor unit

The pH of arterial blood is maintained near _____ at rest.


Identify a true statement about afterload

Afterload is reduced in trained muscles

Which of the following increases the ability to transport free fatty acids in individuals who undergo endurance training?

An increase in the capillary density in the trained muscle

The changes observed within two weeks after beginning resistance training indicate that _____.

increases in strength can be accomplished by changes in the nervous system without an increase in muscle mass

A protein kinase called the _____ is the major regulator of protein synthesis and muscle size. When activated it promotes protein synthesis by increasing translation, which results in increased protein synthesis.

mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR)

An increase in cellular calcium is a primary signal for ____

muscle adaptation

A key regulator of disuse muscle atrophy is the _____

production of free radicals in the inactive muscle fibers

A single bout of resistance exercise _____.

promotes an increase in muscle protein synthesis following exercise

The principle of _____ refers to the types of adaptations occurring in muscle as a result of training.


Identify how endurance exercise training increases the capacity to transport glucose into skeletal muscle fibers.

-By increasing the ability of insulin to promote transport of glucose into the muscle -By increasing the number of GLUT4 glucose transporters

Identify a true statement about 5'adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase (AMPK).

It regulates numerous muscle signaling processes.

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)

It stimulates glucose uptake and fatty acid oxidation.

In the context of central command, identify the results of endurance exercise training-induced reduction in the feed-forward output from higher brain centers. (Check all that apply.)

Lower sympathetic nervous system output Lower ventilation responses

_____ is the measure of the maximal capacity of the body to transport and use oxygen during dynamic exercise using large muscle groups.

Maximal oxygen uptake

_____ is defined as a reduction in the cross-sectional area of muscle fibers resulting in a decrease in muscle mass.

Muscle atrophy

is defined as a reduction in the cross-sectional area of muscle fibers resulting in a decrease in muscle mass.

Muscle atrophy


Muscle that results in movement of a limb in the desired direction

Which of the following happens within two weeks after beginning resistance training?

Muscular strength increases without an increase in muscle fiber size.

Match the signals activated by free radical production during exercise (in the left column) with its function (in the right column).

Nuclear factor kappa B -- It plays a key role in the expression of several muscle proteins and antioxidant enzymes. It plays a key role in the expression of several muscle proteins and antioxidant enzymes. Mitogen activated kinase --It plays a key signaling role in the production of new mitochondria. It plays a key signaling role in the production of new mitochondria.

Identify the individual who is most likely to experience improvements in VO2 max with relatively low training intensities.

One with low VO2 max prior to training

Muscular strength refers to the maximal force that a muscle or muscle group can generate and is commonly expressed as the ____________- ______________ __________, or 1-RM, which is the maximum load that can be moved through a full range of motion.

One-Repetition Maximum


Opposes the movement of a limb in the desired directio

Which of the following statements are true about the magnitude of resistance training-induced hypertrophy

People can be categorized into three groups based upon their level of muscle hypertrophy following resistance training. The degree of exercise-induced increases in muscle protein synthesis varies significantly between individuals.

Identify the receptors responsible for temperature and chemical changes in the muscle.

Small-diameter nerve fibers

Which of the following statements are true about the impact of resistance training on muscle growth?

The addition of myonuclei to growing skeletal muscle fibers appears to be essential for optimal fiber hypertrophy in response to resistance training. The addition of new nuclei to the muscle is required to increase fiber size after the initial growth that occurs early in resistance training.

Which of the following statements are true about the magnitude of resistance training-induced hypertrophy?

The degree of exercise-induced increases in muscle protein synthesis varies significantly between individuals. People can be categorized into three groups based upon their level of muscle hypertrophy following resistance training

Identify the immediate stimulus for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) producing systems to meet the ATP demands of the cross-bridges.

The increase in adenosine diphosphate concentration

Match the biochemical adaptations that take place during endurance training (in the left column) with the results they produce (in the right column)

The increases in mitochondria size matches - Rise in the level of enzymes involved in fatty-acid beta-oxidation Elevation of fatty-acid and beta-oxidation enzymes matches --Increased rate at which acetyl-CoA molecules are formed from free fatty acids (FFA) for entry to the Krebs cycle Increased rate at which acetyl-CoA molecules are formed from free fatty acids (FFA) for entry to the Krebs cycle High rate of beta oxidation matches-- Increased levels of citrate in the muscle Increased levels of citrate in the muscle Increased citrate levels in muscles matches -- Inhibition of phosphofructokinase (PFK), which reduces carbohydrate metabolism in the body during exercise Inhibition of phosphofructokinase (PFK), which reduces carbohydrate metabolism in the body during exercise

Identify a true statement about free radicals production during exercise.

They are important signals for muscle adaptation to exercise training

Identify a true statement about the antioxidant groups produced by skeletal muscles.

They help to prevent radical-mediated cellular damage.

Which of the following is true of the high levels of mechanical stretch that occur across a muscle membrane during resistance training?

They result in muscle hypertrophy.

Neural adaptations that arise from strength training are similar to those that occur with endurance exercise training

This is false. Neural adaptations that arise from strength training are different from those that occur with endurance exercise training.

The magnitude of the exercise-induced increase in mitochondria in muscle is independent of the intensity of the training.

This is false. The magnitude of the exercise-induced increase in mitochondria in muscle is dependent upon both the exercise intensity and duration.

True or false: Whether resistance training improves muscle oxidative properties is likely dependent upon the duration and volume of the training period.

This is true. Studies that used long-duration resistance training programs (weeks to months) with high frequencies of training (3 days/week) and high volume (i.e., high number of repetitions) of exercise consistently report small improvements in both muscle oxidative capacity and capillarization around fibers. Therefore, whether resistance training improves muscle oxidative properties is likely dependent upon the duration and volume of the training period.

The high levels of mechanical stretch across the muscle membrane during resistance training is the primary signal that promotes contractile protein synthesis.

This is true. The high levels of mechanical stretch across the muscle membrane during resistance training is the primary signal that promotes contractile protein synthesis. This results in muscle hypertrophy.

True or false: Prolonged endurance training increases the size of the left ventricle with little change in ventricular wall thickness.

This is true. The prolonged endurance training increases the size of the left ventricle with little change in ventricular wall thickness.

The quantity of skeletal muscle mass differs widely between individuals and this difference is largely due to inherited traits.

This is true. The quantity of skeletal muscle mass differs widely between individuals and this difference is largely due to inherited traits (i.e., genetic differences between individuals). Indeed, it is predicted that the 80% of the differences in muscle mass between individuals can be explained by genetic variation.

True or false: The quantity of skeletal muscle mass differs widely between individuals and this difference is largely due to inherited traits.

This is true. The quantity of skeletal muscle mass differs widely between individuals and this difference is largely due to inherited traits (i.e., genetic differences between individuals). Indeed, it is predicted that the 80% of the differences in muscle mass between individuals can be explained by genetic variation.


Total Peripheral

The stoppage of resistance training results in ______.

a loss of muscular strength

The peripheral resistance against which the ventricle is contracting as it tries to push blood into the aorta is referred to as _____.



assists transcriptional activators that promote mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle following endurance training.

An increase in the end diastolic volume results in a corresponding increase in ________.

cardiac contractility

Endurance training protects muscle damage by increasing the levels of _____.

endogenous antioxidants

Prolonged periods of resistance training results in a _____ in muscle fiber types within the trained muscles.

fast to slow shift

The level of _____ in the muscle cytosol is determined by the mode, intensity, and volume of exercise.

free calcium

Four weeks of sprint training in untrained subjects results in _____.

hypertrophy of fast muscle fibers

The increased capacity of the muscle to extract oxygen following training is primarily due to a(n) _____.

increase in capillary density

Endurance training of muscles results in a(n) _____.

increase in mitochondria volume

During endurance training, a(n) _____ contributes to augmented venous return and increased end diastolic volume.

increase in plasma volume

All training-induced increases in maximum cardiac output must come from a(n)

increase in stroke volume

The training-induced increase in arteriovenous oxygen difference is due to

increased oxygen extraction from the blood

The fast-to-slow shift in myosin isoforms as a result of endurance training is physiologically important because it _____.

increases mechanical efficiency

Muscle contraction during an endurance training session generates a signal that promotes muscle adaptation by _____.

increasing primary and secondary messengers

In the context of the process involved in executing a muscular contraction, how much muscular force is developed is dependent upon

inhibitory signaling to the central nervous system

The pattern of progressively overloading a system or tissue and its gradual adaptation results in ______ over time.

its improved function

Independent of resistance exercise, the branched chain amino _____ can activate the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) and promote small increases in muscle protein synthesis.


The reduced stimulation of glycolysis following an endurance training leads to a(n) ________.

lower oxygen deficit

The lower adenosine diphosphate concentration following endurance training results in a

lower reliance on glycolysis

Muscles receive a neural activation signal from motor neurons located in the spinal cord. This neural signal is referred to as

neural drive

Muscles receive a neural activation signal from motor neurons located in the spinal cord. This neural signal is referred to as:

neural drive

In contrast to detraining in endurance training, detraining in resistance training

occurs at a slower rate

In contrast to detraining in endurance training, detraining in resistance training _____.

occurs at a slower rate

The _____ principle refers to the fact that an organ system or tissue must be exercised at a level beyond which it is accustomed in order to achieve a training adaptation.


The corollary of the _____ principle is the principle of reversibility.


The VO2 max has been found to be less than 20 ml/kg/min in

patients with severe pulmonary disease

The group III and group IV nerve fibers provide a _________ _________ mechanism that contributes to the regulation of the cardiovascular and respiratory responses during exercise.

peripheral feedback

A key regulator of disuse muscle atrophy is the _____.

production of free radicals in the inactive muscle fibers

Exercise-induced increases in both muscle hypertrophy and strength is a relatively slow process because ___

protein synthesis must exceed protein breakdown for three or more weeks to achieve significant muscle growth

Exercise-induced increases in both muscle hypertrophy and strength is a relatively slow process because _____

protein synthesis must exceed protein breakdown for three or more weeks to achieve significant muscle growth

Resistance training could improve muscular strength by _____

reducing antagonist co-activation during a movement

Resistance training could improve muscular strength by _____.

reducing antagonist co-activation during a movement

Identify a primary signaling event that occurs due to repeated muscle contractions.

release of calcium

In the context of resistance training-induced muscle growth, postexercise protein synthesis _____.

remains elevated for a longer period in untrained individuals

Which of the following are true about the events leading to resistance training-induced muscle growth

-Exercise-induced increase in muscle protein synthesis is largely due to an increase in the amount of protein synthesized per molecule of mRNA. -Within the first several workouts of a resistance training program, ribosomal abundance increases in the muscle.

Which of the following are true about the impact of increased oxidative stress?

-It decreases muscle protein synthesis. -It rapidly activates enzymes (proteases) that break down muscle proteins

Which of the following statements are true about the impact of resistance training?

-It increases the size and strength of both tendons and ligaments. -It has a positive impact on the strength of connective tissue.

Identify the genetic factors that contribute to the high VO2 max values possessed by elite male and female endurance athletes. (Check all that apply.)

-Large Cardiovascular Capacity -High Percentage of Slow Muscle Fibers

Identify the true statements about the impact of resistance training on muscle growth.

-Several endogenous hormones such as testosterone, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) have the potential to increase muscle protein synthesis. -Resistance training-induced increases in protein synthesis is likely due to the intrinsic signaling mechanisms within muscle fibers.

Identify the true statements about the impact of the mechanisms responsible for the impairment of strength development during concurrent strength and endurance training.

-Some investigators predict that concurrent training may impair neural adaptations to resistance training. -In theory, overtraining could contribute to the inability to attain optimal strength gains during concurrent strength and endurance training.

Identify the factors that contribute to the magnitude of increased neural drive due to resistance training.

-The total number of motor neurons activated -Neural transmission across the neuromuscular junction =The firing rate of motor neuron

The principle of _____ indicates that the fitness gains by exercising at an overload are quickly lost when training is stopped and the overload is removed.


Which of the following statements are true about hypertrophy in the context of resistance training?

-Weight training elicits a greater degree of hypertrophy in type II fibers than in type I fibers. -Skeletal muscle hypertrophy results in increased strength.

Arrange the biochemical adaptations that take place during endurance training in the order of their occurrence. (Place the adaptation that occurs first at the top.)

1. increase in both subpopulations of mitochondria-subsarcolemmal and intermyofibrilliar in muscle fibers 2. elevation of the enzymes involved in fatty-acid-beta-oxidation 3. increased rate at which acetyl-COA molecules are formed from free fatty acids for entry to the Krebs Cycle 4. High rate of beta oxidation and increased levels of citrate in the muscle 5. inhibition of rate-limiting enzyme in glycolysis 6. Decrease in carbohydrate metabolism and increase in lipid oxidation

Rank the time-dependent changes in resistance exercise-induced signaling in skeletal muscles in the order of their occurrence

1. muscles levels of activated Rheb and phosphatidic acid begin to rise 2.mTOR activation begins 3. Muscle protein synthesis increases

Which of the following is an important signaling molecule that is activated during both high-intensity interval training and submaximal endurance exercise?

5' adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase

One week of detraining results in a loss of about _____ of what was gained during the five weeks of training.


Prolonged endurance training can typically increase muscle mitochondrial protein by ____ within the first six weeks of training.


Identify a result of slower utilization of blood glucose during prolonged exercise in trained individuals.

A decrease in the risk of developing hypoglycemia

Which of the following is likely to happen during the first weeks of daily endurance exercise?

A progressive increase in specific muscle proteins that improve muscle function

Identify a factor that can increase stroke volume in response to endurance training.

An increase in cardiac contractility

Endurance exercise training increases the muscle's ability to metabolize fat by _____.

An increase in fat metabolism

Which of the following can cause the activation of mTOR in resistance training?

An increase in muscle levels of phosphatidic acid (PA) Elimination of tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2) blockade of Rheb


Average individual

In the context of the impact of the protein synthesis on the impairment of strength development during concurrent strength and endurance training, which of the following is true?

Concurrent bouts of resistance and endurance exercise training could result in impaired protein synthesis following resistance exercise training

_____ refers to the observation that if one limb engages in resistance training, muscular strength increases in the untrained (contralateral) limb.

Cross education

NFκB is a transcriptional activator that can be activated by _____.

the free radicals that are produced in contracting muscles

In the context of the process involved in executing a muscular contraction, how much muscular force is developed is dependent upon _____.

the level of inhibitory signaling to the central nervous system

A 1-RM or one-repetition maximum is _____.

the maximal amount of weight that a person can lift for one repetition

Repeated muscle contractions

trigger a signaling cascade that leads to mitochondrial biogenesis.

Resistance training-induced shifts in muscle fiber types are less prominent than observed with endurance training-induced transformations because all of the change in fiber type is a movement from _____ fibers.

type IIx to type IIa

Identify a primary signal for muscle adaptation.

Decreases in muscle energy levels


End Diastolic Volume

Identify the true statements about the impact of endurance exercise training

Endurance exercise training increases the oxidative capacity in the trained muscle fibers. Endurance exercise training promotes the formation of new capillaries around the trained muscle fibers.

Identify the true statements about the impact of endurance exercise training.

Endurance exercise training increases the oxidative capacity in the trained muscle fibers. Endurance exercise training promotes the formation of new capillaries around the trained muscle fibers.

In the context of central command, which of the following statements is true of endurance exercise training?

Endurance training reduces the feed-forward output from higher brain centers to the cardiovascular control center during submaximal exercise task.

Why does regular endurance training result in less disruption of the blood pH during submaximal work?

Endurance-trained muscles produce less lactate and H+.

Which of the following are true about the events leading to resistance training-induced muscle growth?

Exercise-induced increase in muscle protein synthesis is largely due to an increase in the amount of protein synthesized per molecule of mRNA. Within the first several workouts of a resistance training program, ribosomal abundance increases in the muscle.

True or false: Even a few weeks of exercise training can result in large increases in maximal heart rate.


An increase in the end diastolic volume stretches the left ventricular wall, causing cardiac muscle to contract more forecefully via the ________.

Frank-Starling mechanism

_____ refers to an increase in the total number of muscle fibers within a specific muscle (e.g., biceps brachii).


In the context of resistance training, identify the true statements about hypertrophy

Hypertrophy is likely the primary way to increase muscle mass following long-term strength training. Hypertrophy refers to an increase in muscle fiber size.

In the context of resistance training, identify the true statements about hypertrophy.

Hypertrophy is likely the primary way to increase muscle mass following long-term strength training. Hypertrophy refers to an increase in muscle fiber size.

Identify the locations of the two subpopulations of mitochondria in skeletal muscle. Check all that apply.

Immediately beneath the sarcolemma Around the contractile proteins

Sprint training

Increases the activities of key glycolytic enzymes

2% to 3%

Individuals with a high VO2 max initially

15% to 20%

Individuals with low VO2 max initially

Identify a true statement about free calcium in the muscle cytoplasm.

It can activate an important kinase called calmodulin-dependent kinase

Which of the following is true of detraining following endurance training?

It can impair submaximal endurance performance.

Identify the true statements about the impact of resistance training

It improves muscle antioxidant capacity. It increases bone mineral content.

Identify a true statement about maximal oxygen uptake.

It involves large muscle groups.

Which of the following is true of mTOR?

It is a protein kinase that is the major regulator of protein synthesis and muscle size.

In the context of resistance training, identify a true statement about hyperplasia.

It is likely that the contribution of hyperplasia to training-induced muscle mass is small.

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