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Which of the following characteristics best describes an intellectually gifted student? A. A need for constant mental stimulation B. A need to learn all new concepts concretely C. A need to break tasks into smaller units of analysis D. A need for extra time to process complex information

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Students who are intellectually gifted demonstrate a need for constant mental stimulation.

Which of the following statements best explains why project-based instruction may be beneficial for intellectually gifted students? A. Gifted students tend to be self-motivated learners. B. Gifted students do not work well with other students. C. Gifted students need strong guidance in their instruction. D. Gifted students can only process information using higher-order thinking skills.

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Project-based instruction, in which students are given some control over the process and content goals, is a way to meet the intellectual and interest needs of gifted students.

A teacher exposes students to a topic several times with increasing complexity throughout the school year. The new learning is put in the context of prior learning. By instructing students in this manner, the teacher best demonstrates an understanding of which of the following? A. Spiral curriculum B. Constructivist teaching C. Inquiry-based learning D. Interdisciplinary learning

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Based on Jerome Bruner's cognitive theory, spiral curriculum exposes students to a topic or theme several times with increasing complexity and in context to the prior experience. This approach is based on the idea that a student's learning ability changes over time and learning should not be in isolation, but rather build on one another.

A teacher who supports the theory of social learning will most likely plan instruction to include which of the following activities? A. Using think-alouds to model how to question text B. Introducing new learning activities with a KWL chart C. Having students write reflective statements at the end of lessons D. Posing Socratic questions during class discussions

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Social learning stresses the concepts of modeling and performing to teach others.

Mr. West is allowing his fifth-grade class to choose from a list of several options to demonstrate what they have learned from a unit about ancient Egypt. Allowing students to select their own assessment method will most likely A. increase their motivation B. reinforce the learning objectives of the unit C. de-emphasize the importance of grades D. activate their prior knowledge

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. By assigning valuable tasks and allowing students to make choices, the teacher is focusing on maintaining and encouraging student motivation.

Which of the following is the most beneficial reason for a teacher to join a professional education organization? A. To receive journals and newsletters on current research B. To earn a higher salary than nonmembers C. To guarantee employment through the organization D. To receive scholarships toward higher education

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Professional organizations provide journals and newsletters on current research.

A group of teachers is meeting for collaborative instructional planning. Which of the following teachers in the group is most likely to contribute a specialty in media integration? A. Library services teacher B. General education teacher C. Special education teacher D. Gifted and talented teacher

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. The library services teacher provides assistance in the area of media use and integration.

Which of the following statements is best supported by current research in education? A. Student choice in learning activities increases active student engagement. B. Delivery of instruction should be approximately the same for all students. C. Written compositions across content areas can dilute the writing process. D. Modifying instruction diminishes a student's ability to perform independently.

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Social learning stresses the concepts of modeling and performing to teach others.

Which of the following is the primary benefit of using a KWL chart with students during instruction? A. Helping students link prior knowledge to the current lesson B. Emphasizing the need for clearly communicated expectations C. Promoting in students an intrinsic motivation to learn D. Meeting students' basic need for autonomy in learning activities

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. A KWL chart is a graphic organizer that encourages students to consider what they know about a topic and what they want to learn about the topic before beginning a unit of study, and then record what they learned about the topic after the lesson. By having students share what they already know about a topic before studying it, the teacher is helping students connect prior knowledge with the current lesson.

Which of the following students would most likely be eligible for protection under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act? A. A student who has had a heart transplant that limits physical activity B. A student who has difficulty communicating thoughts and ideas C. A student who has been identified as gifted and talented D. A student who has problems staying on task and completing assignments

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. A student is entitled to a Section 504 Accommodation Plan if he or she has a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

A teacher returns a writing assignment to students, which includes five separate grades for content, organization, voice, word choice, and sentence structure. Which of the following best describes the type of scoring the teacher used for the assignment? A. Analytic scoring B. Developmental scoring C. Holistic scoring D. Raw scoring

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Analytic scoring requires teachers to provide a score for each writing element of an assignment.

Some kindergarten students think that all cows are brown until they see black-and-white cows on a field trip. Which of the following best describes the change in the students' thinking? A. Assimilation B. Self-efficacy C. Transfer D. Self-regulation

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Assimilation occurs when new information is integrated into a network of prior knowledge.

Increasing the font size of a student's reading assignment is best described as A. an environmental accommodation B. an instructional accommodation C. a lesson modification D. an assessment modification

Option (B) is correct. An accommodation is an adjustment in teaching strategies, environment, or the assessment to content to allow students to learn a target skill at the same level as other students. By increasing the font size of a reading assignment, the teacher has made an instructional accommodation to make the content more accessible to the student without lowering the learning expectations.

After listening to a student's response to a question, the teacher asks, "Can you provide an example?" Which of the following best describes the strategy the teacher is using? A. Praising B. Probing C. Reiterating D. Redirecting

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. The teacher is probing to have the student go deeper in explaining his or her thinking.

Each year, a state administers a selected-response test that measures students' knowledge of the content found in the state standards. Which of the following types of assessment is the state using? A. Criterion referenced B. Norm referenced C. Formative D. Performance based

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. Criterion-referenced tests are intended to measure how well a student has learned a specific body of knowledge and skills.

A teacher implements message journals in the classroom. The teacher sends a journal home with each student on Monday, along with a note regarding accomplishments, concerns, needs, and upcoming school events. Parents return the journals on Thursday with any questions or concerns. Which of the following best describes the purpose of the journals? A. Increasing family participation in school events B. Supporting communication between home and school C. Encouraging honest family conversations about school D. Promoting awareness of the complexity of the student's school day

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. The message journals support the communication between home and school by providing two-way communication.

Mr. Mitchell receives his daughter's score report from a standardized state test. Her national percentile rank is 96. She has earned a classroom grade of B. Mr. Mitchell calls the teacher for an explanation of the differences between the scores. Which of the following is the most appropriate teacher response? A. Your daughter scored higher on the test than 96 percent of students across the state. Her classroom grade was based on tests and classwork. B. Your daughter got the grade that she earned. As I recall, she missed a lot of school days last year, which has affected her grade. C. Your daughter scored at the 96th percentile on a test that measures the state standards. That test does not measure the curriculum that I teach. D. Your daughter is a very good test taker. A score in the 96th percentile is quite an accomplishment, and you must be very proud of her.

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. The most appropriate response reminds the parent that scoring in the 96th percentile means that her daughter performed higher than 96% of student across the state, and then goes on to remind the parent that her daughter's classroom grade was lower because the criteria used in assigning a class grade is based on tests and homework.

A teacher begins a lesson by asking students to list three types of bears. Students list only black bears and brown bears until the teacher shows a picture of a polar bear and panda bear. Which of the following theories is best illustrated in the scenario? A. Schema theory B. Social learning theory C. Seminal learning theory D. Behavioral theory

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. The teacher is drawing on students' previous experiences to build schema around new understanding to include multiple types of bears.

Which of the following is the best action for a teacher to take to develop self-motivation in a group of students? A. Providing students with frequent and specific positive feedback B. Using general phrases to balance praise and critique of student performance C. Reminding students that assignments make up a significant part of their grade D. Determining classroom rules and instructional decisions prior to the first day of school

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. When a teacher frequently encourages students with specific, positive comments, the teacher builds confidence and encourages better classroom performance. When students feel good about themselves, they want to do more and take charge of their own learning.

To best monitor student growth and development, a teacher should understand that A. growth occurs in predictable stages across various domains B. children reach certain developmental milestones at the same time C. new theories have displaced the traditional domains of development D. stages of development have limited application due to variations in student growth

Correct Answer: A Option (A) is correct. While all children do not develop in the same way at the same time, understanding that children develop in cognitive, physical, social, and moral stages is instrumental in recognizing typical and atypical variance to best ensure student success

Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates a social-learning theory approach to learning? A. Students explore properties of magnetism in the science center. B. The teacher models creating an algebraic pattern using pattern blocks. C. Students work with partners to practice basic math facts with flash cards. D. The teacher observes groups of students who are discussing characters in a story

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. A cornerstone of social-learning theory is the idea that people learn through observation.

Which of the following types of assessment is most appropriate to use to identify students with high intelligence who qualify for enrichment services? A. Essay tests B. Aptitude tests C. Criterion-referenced tests D. Diagnostic tests

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Aptitude tests are used to assess IQ or academic potential and would most likely be used to evaluate students for enrichment services.

A grade-level team is meeting with parents to discuss concerns that field trips are educational but not enjoyable for students. Which of the following should be the initial focus of the meeting? A. Evaluating the field trips from previous years based on a group-created rubric B. Building a base of common knowledge of expectations for school field trips C. Assessing possible future field trip sites based on parent and travel Web site reviews D. Determining whether the stakeholders present at the meeting represent all concerned parents

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Building a base of common knowledge of expectations for school field trips should be the initial step for this particular grade-level team meeting.

Which of the following instructional guidelines will best support skill acquisition of English-language learners (ELLs)? A. Providing large-print versions of student texts B. Using frequent visual aids and cues C. Administering oral assessments in all content areas D. Correcting grammatical errors immediately

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. ELLs benefit from the use of visual aids and cues.

A teacher writes the following instructional objective on the board: Students will be able to compare and contrast the settings in myths and traditional folktales. Which of the following strategies best achieves the objective? A. Using didactic questions to determine student comprehension B. Having students create a chart to list similarities and differences C. Forming collaborative learning groups to brainstorm ideas about settings D. Asking students to draw concept maps to rank key words from concrete to abstract

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Having students create a chart to list similarities and differences is the most effective method for comparing and contrasting ideas.

A written assignment can function as an informal assessment when used as A. an in-class essay or test B. an early indicator of a student's level of knowledge C. a student-led grading assignment D. an end-of-semester assignment

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Informal assessment of student learning is a form of formative assessment that should occur constantly throughout instruction to provide feedback on students' work and should not be used for grading purposes. Informal assessment of students' written work should be used early in the process of instruction to best provide feedback to the teacher on the students' current level of knowledge. The teacher can then adapt instruction accordingly to ensure that all students' needs are met.

Which of the following strategies is most likely to increase students' self-motivation during a unit? A. Planning project-based, hands-on activities B. Organizing a culminating performance for parents C. Providing students with extrinsic rewards for finishing activities D. Offering students a menu of activities to choose from

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Offering students a menu of activities to choose from increases self-motivation.

Which of the following statements best describes the impact of Piaget's theory of cognitive development on education? A. Independence and discovery are the keys to early learning. B. Knowledge occurs in stages and grows in complexity over time. C. Knowledge empowers and liberates the intellects of young learners. D. Curiosity and adaptation explain the essence of human development.

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Jean Piaget is best known for his theory of cognitive development, defined in four specific stages that occur over time: the sensorimotor stage, the pre-operational stage, the concrete operational stage, and the formal operational stage. Piaget's theory recognizes that children move through the stages at different rates; therefore, teachers must make a special effort to develop activities and assessments with each individual child in mind.

Which of the following best describes the primary role of a mentor working with a new teacher? A. If students are being disruptive, the mentor takes over the class and models how to manage different types of behavior for the new teacher. B. The mentor observes the new teacher in the classroom and then meets with the teacher to discuss and reflect on the observations and plan strategies for improvement. C. The mentor reads the principal's evaluation of the new teacher and then suggests effective instructional strategies for the principal to use to support the teacher. D. As students engage in independent study work at their desks, the mentor and the new teacher circulate around the classroom and provide support to students as needed.

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Mentors often support new teachers by observing them in the classroom and debriefing and reflecting with them after class. At this time, the mentor will discuss the new teacher's strengths and plan strategies to address areas for improvement.

A third-grade teacher who is having difficulty managing classroom behavior plans to observe the behavior management system a colleague uses. The teacher's action is best described as which of the following types of reflective practice? A. Journal B. Peer observation C. Critical incident analysis D. Portfolio

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Peer observation is the observation by colleagues of each other's teaching. A journal involves the teacher keeping written notes of information such as self-assessment, collaborative critique, self-reflection, and goal settings.

A score report from a standardized test ranks a seventh-grade student in the 70th percentile. The score indicates that which of the following is true? A. The student earned a letter grade of C. B. The student scored higher than 70% of all students. C. The student correctly answered 70% of the questions. D. The student earned the same score as 70% of all students.

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Percentiles rank an individual's score among the scores of a specific population. The student was ranked in the 70th percentile, meaning the student scored better than 70% of the students who took the same test.

Which of the following foundational theorists contributed to the idea that knowledge occurs in stages and grows in complexity over time? A. Paulo Freire B. Jean Piaget C. Maria Montessori D. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Piaget is best known for his idea of the four stages of cognitive development: the sensorimotor stage, the pre-operational stage, the concrete operational stage, and the formal operational stage.

Which of the following actions best demonstrates a student engaging in active listening during a talk by a guest speaker? A. Filling out a KWL chart based on the speaker's message B. Restating the speaker's key points and summarizing the message C. Glancing at the speaker while completing a classroom assignment D. Engaging in conversation with someone nearby about the topic at hand

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Restating the speaker's points and summarizing are signs of active listening.Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Restating the speaker's points and summarizing are signs of active listening.

Which of the following should a teacher do to best improve content knowledge in science? A. Participate in an online book club for teachers B. Join the National Science Teachers Association C. Attend a district-wide professional development seminar D. Watch a video about how to differentiate instruction in science

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Subject-specific professional organizations provide many opportunities to learn and network.

Which of the following actions complies with the fair use provisions of copyright law? A. Allowing students to read a scanned copy of a complete textbook that the teacher found online B. Permitting several groups of students to watch a portion of a teacher-purchased movie C. Providing students with multiple copies of a short story by a contemporary author D. Copying a CD of a recorded novel and distributing the copies to students

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. Teachers are allowed to show a film that has been purchased legally to students.

Constructivist teaching is based on the belief that the teacher's role is to encourage students to A. receive and record information presented to them B. seek answers by making connections to prior knowledge C. focus learning on a fixed topic that has been defined by the teacher D. learn new content through repetition of important skills

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. The basis of constructivist learning is that students build upon prior knowledge to construct new meaning. The constructivist approach encourages students to take ownership the learning process. The roles of the teacher are to facilitate interactive, discovery learning and to avoid direct instruction and passive learning.

A principal presents a research article to teachers on providing cognitive supports to students and recommends that they implement the strategies in the classroom. Which of the following is the most effective first step for a beginning teacher to successfully implement the strategies? A. Reading more research about how to provide cognitive supports for students B. Collaborating with a colleague to discuss ideas for implementation C. Examining whether the research is approved by the department of education D. Requesting that the principal provide funds to attend a conference

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. The first step for a beginning teacher should be to collaborate with a colleague on ideas for implementation.

Which of the following learning theories suggests that interaction with more knowledgeable models, such as a teacher or more advanced peer, directly affects the process of learning? A. Cognitive theory B. Social development theory C. Three domains of learning D. Zone of proximal development

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. The social development theory by Vygotsky is based on the idea that social interaction plays a fundamental role in cognitive development. Interaction with a "more knowledgeable other," such as a teacher or peer, directly affects learning.

A teacher is planning to include daily discussion groups as part of an upcoming language arts unit on research. Which of the following best describes a strategy that the teacher can use to engage all students? A. The teacher creates a pretest based on a class research topic. B. Students create an inventory of issues or topics that interest them. C. The teacher determines a topic for the whole class to research. D. Students select topics out of a collection of previously researched ideas.

Correct Answer: B Option (B) is correct. When students feel a sense of ownership in the topics they learn about, students will be engaged in learning.

Which of the following best helps a teacher adapt instruction to meet the needs of a diverse group of learners? A. Creating single, short-term approaches for assisting students with learning disabilities B. Performing an Internet search for instructional ideas for assisting English-language learners C. Building a repertoire of teaching skills to modify instruction as needed D. Asking students what will most help them understand the instruction

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. A teacher is likely to have students in class of all different ability levels and from a variety of cultures. Thus, it is imperative for all teachers to have a large repertoire of teaching skills and strategies on hand so they can adapt instruction to meet the needs of these diverse groups of learners.

Which of the following is the best strategy for a new teacher to use when determining instructional content? A. Treating the first year as a trial period to be improved on in future years B. Using the previous teacher's lesson plans as a foundation and adjusting them as needed C. Reviewing the curriculum standards provided by the state and school district D. Utilizing student textbooks and teacher guides to outline appropriate content

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. A teacher's primary resource for appropriate content is the state-mandated and school district curriculum standards. These knowledge and skills statements provide the baseline for student mastery by subject and skill level for what is taught and learned.

A teacher develops a mnemonic for the steps of writing a paragraph. Which of the following is the most effective method to teach the students the mnemonic? A. Having students write the mnemonic repeatedly until they memorize it B. Listing a set of topics the students can choose for their writing assignment C. Creating a cue to link each letter of the mnemonic according to learning style D. Reminding students that it is not necessary to link the new information to prior knowledge

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. Creating a cue according to students' learning styles, whether auditory, visual, or kinesthetic, will enable students to learn the mnemonic more effectively. The cue will help students learn and review the steps of writing a paragraph so that the teacher does not need to repeat or reteach the skills each time the students engage in paragraph writing.

Which of the following scenarios best describes a teacher's use of holistic scoring? A. A teacher reads a student paper and places it into the high, middle, or low scoring group. The teacher then rereads each group of papers to assign a letter grade. B. A teacher reads a student paper and looks for the criteria on the scoring rubric. The teacher adds up the points for each criterion and assigns a single number grade to each paper. C. A teacher reads a student paper using a rubric that addresses the scoring criteria. The teacher balances the strengths and weaknesses and assigns an overall score. D. A teacher reads a student paper and assigns a score to each criterion. The teacher writes feedback on the paper about the score for each criterion.

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. Holistic scoring is used to give students a single, overall score for an assignment as a whole. A scoring rubric is used in holistic scoring to lay out specific criteria. As the teacher reads a student's paper, he or she balances the strengths and weaknesses among the various criteria to arrive at an overall assessment of success or effectiveness of a paper.

Homogeneous grouping is most beneficial when the teacher wants to place students in groups for A. a field trip B. a science experiment C. math remediation lessons D. a discussion of classroom rules

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. It is appropriate to place students with similar weaknesses in groups to receive remediation.

Which of the following actions is most beneficial to the professional development of a first-year teacher who is having difficulty with classroom management? A. Reading articles from professional education journals B. Attending a workshop on differentiated instruction C. Participating in a campus mentorship program D. Taking graduate classes at an online university

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. Mentoring with a strong teacher will provide the teacher with immediate and on-going support personalized to fit the concern about classroom management.

A student is unable to participate in a physical education class because of a physical disability. Which of the following support personnel is best suited to teach the student adaptations that will make participation possible? A. Individualized Education Program team member B. Guidance counselor C. Occupational therapist D. Paraprofessional staff member

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. Occupational therapists help students understand ways to remove physical barriers in everyday life.

Which of the following is a primary factor for a teacher to consider when administering peer- and self-assessments on a class assignment? A. The ability to maintain the integrity of the assignment being assessed B. The amount of time required to complete the assessment C. The students' ability to objectively assess one another's work D. The teacher's ability to gain administrative approval for the assessment

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. Students may not have the knowledge needed to objectively assess their peers. This would make their assessment irrelevant and possibly damaging to the learning process.

Mr. Irwin encourages his elementary students to be active participants during his lessons. A few weeks into the new school year, Mr. Irwin notices Aiko, an Asian Pacific student, does not participate in discussions or ask any questions. Which of the following should Mr. Irwin consider first about Aiko? A. Aiko is an elementary-aged student and does not have the attention span to participate during class time. B. Aiko is bored and does not have interest in the lessons. C. Aiko may have grown up in a culture that encouraged him to be quiet and obedient without questioning his superiors. D. Aiko may have a learning disability that is preventing him from asking questions.

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. Teachers must be aware of a student's cultural background, since it may greatly affect the way the student learns and participates in school settings.

A science teacher wants to build a garden on school property for students to grow plants and study life cycles. The teacher creates an action plan that includes goals for involving the community. Which of the following describes the best first step for the teacher's action plan? A. Assigning tasks to all stakeholders for the project B. Getting students to ask local businesses for donations C. Meeting with administrators to talk about the purpose and scope of the project D. Asking parents to send in monetary donations to support the garden

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. The administration should be informed before a teacher implements an action plan that includes community involvement.

Following a lesson on animal adaptations, a teacher takes students on a field trip to the zoo. Which of the following questions should the teacher ask students to best promote higher-level thinking? A. How long do you think the giraffe's neck is? B. Do you know where most giraffes live in the wild? C. How does the giraffe's long neck help it to survive? D. What colors do you see on the giraffe's neck?

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. The open-ended question promotes higher-level thinking as it has many plausible answers and requires students to draw conclusions based on their knowledge of giraffes and their survival needs.

During calendar time, a student asks the teacher why the students had the day off for Veterans Day. Which of the following reflects best teaching practice? A. Asking the student to research Veterans Day B. Redirecting the student back to the math lesson C. Using the student's question as a teachable moment D. Reminding students that Veterans Day celebrated veterans

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. The teacher should use the student's question about Veterans Day as a teachable moment.

A teacher has just presented new material to a group of students. Which of the following strategies will best help the students retain the information? A. Quizzing the students on the new material on the same day it is presented B. Giving the students a 10-minute break before moving on to new material C. Having the students discuss with one another their understanding of the new material D. Asking the students knowledge-level questions about the new material

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. The think-pair-share strategy gives students a chance to think and discuss new material with others, which enhances retention.

A science teacher scores a student's lab report using criteria with described levels of proficiency and assigned point values for each task. The total points a student earns determines the student's grade on the lab report. Which of the following tools is the teacher using? A. Holistic rubric B. Learning logs C. Analytical checklist D. Anecdotal notes

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. This question encourages teachers to think about selecting appropriate assessment tools to evaluate students' learning. Analytical rubrics assign a specific point value to each attribute (discussion, grammar, spelling, format) of a project, thereby providing a detailed assessment of multifaceted projects.

After writing in his journal, seven-year-old Tyler asks the teacher, "Did I do good?" Which of the following of Erikson's stages of psychosocial development best describes Tyler? A. Trust versus mistrust B. Autonomy versus shame and doubt C. Industry versus inferiority D. Identity versus role confusion

Correct Answer: C Option (C) is correct. This stage covers the early school years from approximately age 5 to 11. Through social interactions, children begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments and abilities.

Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies the use of verbal and nonverbal communication? A. Gaining information about a story by using open-ended questions B. Asking students to cheer when a student answers a question correctly C. Utilizing a variety of technological devices to create a written report D. Using a combination of tone, gestures, and proximity when giving a presentation

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. A combination of tone of voice, directive gestures, and space proximity are the most reliable evidence of good communication modes including both verbal and nonverbal communication. In this scenario, the teacher uses voice (verbal) and physical gestures and proximity (nonverbal) to communicate.

Which of the following is the most appropriate form of assessment for a teacher to use to determine whether the instruction provided has been effective? A. Diagnostic assessment B. Aptitude assessment C. Performance assessment D. Summative assessment

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. A summative assessment should be given after instruction has been completed to determine effectiveness.

Which of the following would be the most beneficial result from a teacher's use of a variety of assessment formats in the classroom? A. Preparing students to become accustomed to the challenges of taking standardized tests B. Creating specialized situations for the application of students' knowledge C. Understanding students' learning styles to enhance future lesson creation D. Achieving a more comprehensive picture of a student's learning process

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. All students learn differently; therefore, effective classroom assessment includes a variety of strategies such as observation of students' written work, students' responses to questions in class, and students' performance on standardized and classroom tests. By using a variety of assessment methods, the teacher is provided with a comprehensive picture of the students' learning process.

A kindergarten student asks, "Why is the moon always a different shape?" Which of the following teacher responses best encourages higher-order thinking? A. I do not know, but that is a good question. B. Let's ask the class to brainstorm some answers. C. You should look for a book that describes the moon in the library. D. Let's record the shape of the moon for the next month and research why it changes.

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Asking students to record what they observe and research why the change is occurring will promote the highest level of thinking.

Which of the following best describes negative reinforcement? A. Something of value is given for appropriate behavior. B. Something of value is taken away to modify inappropriate behavior. C. Something unwanted is given to modify inappropriate behavior. D. Something unwanted is taken away for appropriate behavior.

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Negative reinforcement is used in a classroom to increase appropriate behavior by taking away something unwanted.

Which of the following types of assessment is best described in this list of advantages and disadvantages? Advantages: allows for student self-evaluation; displays student progress over time; provides a flexible way to assess progress Disadvantages: evaluation is often subjective; time demands are often extensive; materials used for assessment may become bulky A. Essay B. Selected response C. Observation D. Portfolio

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Portfolio assessment promotes student self-evaluation and displays student progress over time, but is subjective and requires a great deal of time.

Which of the following best describes how students effectively use self-assessment in the classroom? A. Giving feedback to other students on the quality of their work B. Assessing material that is out of their experiential base C. Valuing only the final product of their work D. Taking responsibility for the development of their own learning

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Self-assessment is the process that empowers students to gather information about their own learning and analyze their progress toward the intended learning goals and preparation for the next step in learning.

Which of the following is the most appropriate first intervention to support the learning needs of a student who struggles with maintaining focus and has a limited attention span? A. Providing assignments with low-readability levels B. Placing a countdown timer on the student's desk C. Having the student complete all independent work on a computer D. Simplifying and repeating assignment instructions

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. Simplifying and repeating instructions will help a student who has a limited attention span.

The parents of a student who struggled academically the previous year request a conference with the student's new teacher at the beginning of the school year. Which of the following should be the main focus of the conference? A. Reviewing standardized test data from previous years B. Providing information on local area tutors C. Explaining the new instructional strategies to be used D. Developing an action plan for targeted academic goals

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. The main focus of the conference should be to develop an action plan to improve the student's academic performance. Establishing goals will help with the next step.

A teacher notices that some students learn best by discussing subject matter content with peers, while others prefer a quiet place to read and practice on their own. In response, the teacher decides to adjust lesson expectations and create space in the classroom to meet the needs of both sets of students. By taking this action, the teacher demonstrates an understanding of the importance of which of the following? A. Scaffolding B. Constructivism C. Divergent thinking D. Differentiated instruction

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. The teacher is differentiating instruction by providing students with different avenues to process and acquire subject-area content.

Which of the following represents the most effective method for choosing students to answer questions? A. Calling on students who volunteer to answer questions B. Targeting students who do not volunteer to answer questions C. Asking high-achieving students higher-order thinking questions D. Providing opportunities for questions to be answered equally among students

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. The teacher should give all students a chance to be active members of the classroom by allowing everyone an opportunity to respond to questions.

A teacher discovers that the majority of students are unable to remember the information that was covered during the previous class. Which of the following statements best explains the phenomenon? A. Long-term memories disappear after a period of time. B. Short-term memories are stored according to the sounds associated with them, not by what they mean. C. Only a set amount of information can be stored in long-term memory. D. Information that is not converted from short-term memory to long-term memory is lost.

Correct Answer: D Option (D) is correct. This question requires you to use your knowledge of how memory works. Short-term memories last for only a few seconds; they must be converted to long-term memory or they are lost forever. When short-term memories are formed, a person must make a connection or association between the information and prior knowledge for the information to be stored in long-term memory and recalled. Research shows that long-term memory is relatively permanent and limitless.

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