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according to max weber, what is the most common basis of authority for the modern state? a) rational-legal b) charismatic c) force d) divine right e) justice


gerlad taiaiake alfred criticizes western forms of leadership as emphasizing which of the following? a) coercion b) authority c) merit d) charisma e) wealth


john rawls work has been criticized for which of the following reasons? a) individuals won't necessarily make conservative choices in order to minimize risk b) merit-based theories of distribution do not work in practice c) citizens in a democracy tend to be far less informed then crawl assumes d) he gives preferential treatment to men


joseph schumpeter was an advocate for which type of democracy? a) dem. elitism b) liberal dem. c) direct dem. d) participatory dem. e) deliberative dem.


joseph schumpter was an advocate for which type of democracy a) democratic elitism b) illiberal democracy c) direct democracy d) participatory democracy e) deliberative democracy


nazism was the first large scale political movement to be based on what idea? a) biocracy b) socialism c) social democracy d) theocracy e) expansion


when must Canadian supreme court judges retire a) at age 75 b) 65 c) 80 d) after 10 years of practice e) no mandatory retirement


which ideological group favours the night watchmen state mode? a) libertarians b) fascists c) totalitarianism d) socialists e) communists


which ideological position would adopt the principle "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs?" a) socialism b) liberalism c) fascism d) utilitarianism e) conservatism


which of the following did aristotle list as a "deviant" form of government? a) democracy b) anarchy c) aristocracy d) polity e) monarchy


which of the following holds the view that there are no predominant classes or interests within society, and that all groups get at least something of what they want? a) pluralism b) socialism c) marxism d) elitism e) new right theory


who famously critiqued traditional positivism, arguing that instead of generating empirical data from which a hypothesis can be derived, theorists should eek to falsify existing hypothesis? a) karl pepper b) hobbes c) max weber d) marx e) august comte


who is credited with saying that political decisions are about "who gets what, when and how?" a) harold laswell b) michael ignatiff c) stephen harper d) pierre trudeau e) preston manning


according to mills harm principle which of the following should the state control? a) drug use b) robbery c) wearing a hijab d) attendance at school e) dietary habits


as the highest authority in a given society, the state can claim to be which of the following? a) independent b) sovereign c) accountable d) just e) omnipotent


how might a meritocratic theory of justice distribute resources? a) according to need b) equality of opportunity c) social standing d) pure equality e) arbitrailiy


in 2013, which of the following institutions attempted to ban public sector employees from wearing religious symbols in public places? a) united states congress b) quebec legislative assembly c) government of canada d) ontario department of education e) french national assembly


in which of the following ciyntres was corporatism not attempted? a) portugal b) britain c) greece d) italy e) spain


the idea that politics is merely the organized power of one class for oppression another represents which ideology? a) feminism b) marxism c) conservatism d) capitalism e) liberalism


the mohawk, oneida, onondaga, cayuga, seneca and iroquois nations lived together in peace for two centuries under which of the following? a) law of civility b) great law of peace c) great democratic agreement d) tribe boundaries law e) native land agreement


the study of politics before the nineteenth century was concerned primarily with a) economics b) values c) class d) national borders e) industry


what did marx's scientific socialism intend to demonstrate about socialism a) neither politically feasible nor ethically desirable b) both ethically desirable and historically inevitable c) that is ethically desirable but utopian d) politically possible but socially something e) historically inevitable and ethically neutral


what thesis, developed by francis fukuyama, states that liberal democratic ideology has proven its superiority over all rivals ? a) end of ideology b) end of history c) end of evolution d) end of an era e) end of philosophy


which government was brought down by the 2006 sponsorship scandal? a) progressive conservative party b) liberal c) conservative d) parti quebecois


which of the following can be most accurately defined as the accepted right to rule? A) power b) authority c) coercion d) persuasion e) force


which of the following has been used to resolve tension and conflict in societies with many minorities? a) deliberative democracy b) consociational democracy c) referenda d) representative democracy deliberative polling


which of the following is not an assumption of pluralism a) barriers to political participation are low b) all political issues are equally important c) some groups have the power to set the political agenda d) most important political issues are the ones discussed e) all group cab contribute to political debate


which of the following os the process of testing, an its results may either support or disprove the existing theory? a) verification b) falsification c) hypothesization d) generalization e) assumption


which type of state is concerned primarily with internal and external security? a) the developmental state b) the night-watchmen state c) minimal state d) sovereign state e) welfare state


who is/are most concerned and disturbed with governments tendency toward self-expansion? a) corporatists b) the new right c) elitists d) the new left e) marxists


who said the liberty was virtually impossible without equality? a) karl marx b) mary wollstonecraft c) thomas hobbes d) john locke e) john stuart mill


whose theory of hegemony asserted that elites had the power to dominate and manipulate society by determining the boundaries of legality and normality? a) herbert marcuse b) antonio gramsci c) leon trotsky d) karl marx e) vladimir lenin


according to george manuel, indigenous leadership is based on which of the following? a) ability to achieve status through force b) ability to develop power c) ability to give well and give often d) ability to win regular elections e) ability to outperform rivals in combat


according to max weber, which of the following is/are unreliable? a) monarch b) traditional authority c) charismatic authority d) legal-rational authority e) mass media


in the 21st century there is a growing conflict between which of the following? a) liberty and security b) nationalism and internationalism c) liberty equality d) democracy and authority


liberal feminism is often described as which of the following? a) 3rd wave feminism b) radical feminism c) first wave feminism d) american fem E) SECONd wave


on which of the following grounds would john stuart seek to ban smoking in public? a) causes ill health yo the smoker b) in the interests of the smoker to stop c) harms other d) all of the above e) none of the above


the developmental state model is most prevalent in which part of the world? a) south america b) north america c) east asia d) europe e) africa


the idea of a universal liberalism as employed by both rawls and nozick is criticized by what approach? a) utilitarianism b) anarchism c) communitarianism d) libertarianism e) cosmopolitanism


when did the enlightenment take place? a) late 20th century b) 15th-16th century c) 17th-18th century d) 19th century e) early 20th century


which is the following issues is NOT addressed in the US charter of rights a) women reproductive rights b) lgbt community recognition c) same-sex marriage d) quebec right to secede e) aboriginal rights


which of the following is NOT a characteristic of positive liberty in liberal thought a) equality of opportunity b) freedom to pursue self-development c) individual freedom from external external constraints d) protection of rights e) all of the above


which of the following is associated with an optimistic view of human nature a) nationalism b) classical liberalism c) socialism d) new liberalism e) conservatism


which of the following statements about edmund burke is NOT true a) he opposed british colonial rule of India b) was a member of parliament in England c) supported the french revolution d) was a lawyer turned politician e) supported the american revolution


which regime ha employed the social partnership model a) belgium b) us c) austria d) canada e) switzerland


which theory holds that science must limit itself to that which is observable? a) institutionalism b) liberalism c) positivism d) realism e) structural functionalism


who regarded democracy as a desirable from government? a) hobbes b) plato c) locke d) aristotle e) none of the above


who said " A has power over B to the extent that he can get B to do something that B would not normally do" a) max weber b) steven lukes c) robert dahl d) thomashobbes


who was the prime minister of canada when the north american free trade agreement was negotiated? a) stephen harper b) jean chrétien c) brian mulroney d) john turner e) pierre trudeau


advocates of participatory democracy argue which point about political participation? a) the bulk of all legislation should be developed by representatives of the people b) the masses are easily swayed by charismatic leaders c) the people at large tend to have authoritarian tendencies d) political participation leads to a more informed citizenry e) participation is seen as a burden by most citizens


advocates of participatory democracy argue which point about political participation? a) the bulk of all legislation should be developed by representatives of the people b) the masses are easily swayed by charismatic leaders c) the people at large tend to have authoritative tendencies d) political participation leads to a more informed citizenry e) participation is seen as a burden by most citizens


rational choice analysis was first developed in what field of study? a) poli sci b) anthropology c) sociology d) economics e) psychology


sustainable development is associated with which of the following? a) liberal feminism b) reformism c) radical feminism d) the radical green movement e) marxist feminism


up until what year did aboriginal people in canada have to renounce their status as members of their particular nations in exchange for the right to vote? a) 1867 b) 1920 c) 1950 d) 1960 e) 1940


what type of analysis is concerned with the meaning of the concepts we use? a) empirical b) normative c) quantitive d) semantic e) qualitative


which jurisdiction is cited as the first democracy? a) uk b) france c) us d) ancient greek city states e) ancient rome


which of the following argues that patriarchy exists not only in the public realm but in family life and relationships as well? a) first wave b) epistemology c) third wave d) second wave e) postmodernism


which of the following did not emerge from the enlightenment tradition? a) nationalism b) anarchism c) socialism d) conservatism e) liberalism


which of the following is not an ideology but rather a critique of ideologies? a) communism b) neoliberalism c) fascism d) postmodernism e)nationalism


which of the following most accurately describes likes 3rd face of power? a) A exercises power over b when a affects b in a manner contrary to bs interests b) a keeps issues that might threaten his public interests off the agenda c) a has power over b to the extent that he can get b to do something they wouldn't normally do d) A exercises power over B by influencing, shaping or determining his very wants


which perspectives views elections as protective devices designed to ensure that decision makers take the preference of the people into account? a) liberalism b) cosmopolitanism c) communitarianism d) utilitarianism e) democratic elitism


which political theorists spoke of a "clash of civilizations" a) rawls b) t. h. marshall c) bhikhu parekh d) samuel huntington e) will kymlicka


which theoretical perspective does not assume that political actors are aware of their own interests? a) collective rights theory b) 1st face c) 2nd d) 3rd e) rational choice


which type of theoriess believe that the existence of competing groups is a natural feature of all societies of any complexity? a) corportionists b) communists c) marxists d) pluralists e) elitists


who said "nation is a daily plebiscite" a) mill b) ernest gleaner c) bertrand russell d) ernest renan


who said that politics is the "art of governing mankind by deceiving them." a) mamchiavelli b) gerry stoker c) isaiah berlin d) isaac d'isreal e) karl marx


who said that power is "the production of intended results" a) jungen Habermas b) michael foucault c) max weber d) bertrand russell e) steven lukes


who understood human nature to be self-serving and competitive? a) john locke b) robert dahl c) plato d) hobbes e) jean-jacque rousseau


who understood human nature to be self-serving and competitive? a) locke b) robert dahl c) plato d) hobbes e) jean jacques rousseau


academic support for the new right was provided by which thinker? a) ann ticker b) john maynard jeynes c) john stuart mills d) jeremy bentham e) milton friedman


according to communitarianism, which of the following is implicated in the formation of any conception of justice? a) community values b) religion c) language d) history e) all of the above


according to j. mill, what is the only reason freedom should be restricted? a) to increase security bb) secure the power of the ruler c) to limit self-harm d) further the agenda of the state e) reduce harm to others


john nozick prioritized which of the following? a) positive liberty b) needs-based redistribution c) gender equality d) greatest benefit of the least advantaged e) fair acquisition of property


pluralism measures power in terms of which of the following? a) accumulation of economic resources b) legitimacy c) rational-legal authority d) coercion e) decision making


since the 19th centuries, which ideologies have been the most influential? a) communism and socialism b) conservatism and liberalism c) liberalism and nationalism d) conservatism and socialism e) liberalism and socialism


the concept of governance includes which aspects of the government process? a) parliament b) the family c) the market d) the courts e) all of the above


what is the aim of utilitarianism? a) maximum liberty for individuals b) universal equality c) the rule of law d) constitutional protection for freedom of Expression e) greatest happiness for all


which concept focuses on the fairness of the process by which an outcome is reached a) negative liberty b) positive liberty c) social justice d) new liberalism e) procedural justice


which group sees economic growth as incompatible with environmental protection a) eco-feminists b) liberals c) radical greens d) post modernists e) reform environmentalists


which of the following are forms of subordination with which intersectional feminists might be concerned a) homophobia b) classism c) sexism d) racism e) all of the above


which of the following best describes a socialist view of human nature a) self-interested b) violent c) solitary d) greedy e) cooperative


which of the following ideologies emphasizes the importance of limitation and constraint on the states role in society a) communism b) fascism c) reform liberalism d) socialism e) classical liberalism


which of the following is closely associated with a theory of justice based on need a) conservatism b) liberalism c) fascism d) communism e) social justice


which of the following is true according to traditional elite theorists? a) economic resources are necessary for the elite groups to maintain its status b) socialist societies are based on equality, so there are no elites c) a ruling elite is a desirable feature of all complex societies d) it was a reasonable alternative to the preferable marXist egalitarianism e) a ruling elite is an inevitable feature of all complex societies


which of the following thinkers is not regarded as a utopian socialist a) karl marx b) charles fourier c) claude-henri saint-simon d) robert owen e) all of the above are considered "utopian" socialists


which state is an example of an illiberal democracy? a) united states b) iraq c) japan d) britain e) malaysia


who distinguished between positive and negative liberty? a) locke b) rawls c) wollstonecraft d) mill e) isaiah berlin


who introduced canada's first universal health care system? A) pierre trudeau b) tommy douglas c) brian mulroney d) john diefenbaker e) lester pearson


Which of the following theorists argues that multiculturalism prioritizes integration over the institutionalization of difference? 29) _____ A) Kate Millett B) John Rawls C) Samuel Huntington D) Carole Pateman E) Will Kymlicka

e: will kymlicka

conservatives are inherently illiberal


governance is a narrower concept then government


in the 1980's, new right politics involved restricting trade an tightening restrictions on the flow of foreign capital into and out of the country


james madison was a firm advocate of majoritarian


joseph schumpeter believed that active and informed popular participation was integral to a democracy integrity


libertarians tend to approve of the welfare state


pluralists believe in a single coherent public interest that applies to all citizens regardless of class and/or identity


samuel huntington argues against the idea that waves of democratization are usually followed by reverse waves


social conservatives in the united states tend to favour secularism


the study of political science tends to be value free


the united states bill of rights protects citizens positive free


second wave feminists argue that women should seek what? a) submission b) equality c) dominance d) status e) all of the above


deliberative democracy was heavily influenced by the ideas of which of the following theorists

jurgen habermas

which ideology understands nations to be "invented or constructed" forms of social organization


bantams utilitarianism has been criticized for ignoring the risk that human rights of minorities might be overridden by the government


false consciousness can be associated with steven likes third face of power


for much of its history, democracy was seen in a negative light


freedom can be defined as the absence of restraints


in the study of social phenomena, behaviourism stressed the importance of values in social inquiry


liberals support equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome


many east asian countries emphasize economic development over democracy


mill advocated for state-intervention only when an action is other-regarding


realistically, supreme court judges decisions are constrained by their need to maintain the court legitimacy


robert dahl believed that "A has power over B to the extent that he can get B to do something that B would not do otherwise"


since the mid 20th century, debates have focused on two basic models of democracy: participatory and elitist


totalitarian regimes function purely on power, not authority


welfare programs are often associated with social democrqacy


which perspectives views elections as protective devices designed to ensure that decision makers take the preference of the people into account


which of the following pluralistic states that encompasses different cultures, religions, and identities? a) multiculturalism b) positive discrimination c) ethnic nationalism d) sustainable development e) melting pot theory

A a

the framers of the us constitution were concerned primarily with distancing themselves from the british monarchy and which of the following? a) protecting religious freedoms b) protecting the rights of women c) improving conditions for the working class d) abolishing slavery e) preventing the negative consequences of majoritarianism


unhyphenated americans are: a) young, rural whites with limited education b) young americans living in the urban areas c) a and c d) fundamentalist, conservative protestants


what is john rawls device for ensuring that individuals do not know what their position in society will be? a) veil of ignorance b) reflexive equilibrium c) social contract d) original position e) social justice


which of the following is an example of a positive right a) freedom to assemble b) minimum wage c) free speech d) freedom of religion e) freedom of the press


which of the following is consistent with a foundational ontology? a) an interpretive epistemology is adopted b) individuals are the building blocks of any social theory c) a real world is out there that can be readily observed d) the world is socially constructed e) only human have intrinsic values


which of the following regards the state as a criminal organization? a) neoconservatism b) primordialism c) anarchism d) fascism e) classical liberalism


what is meant by equality in the liberal tradition a) equal distributions resource b) homogeneity of a population c) equality of opportunity d) equality of outcomes e) all of the above


women in what country were the first to vote? a) UK b) america c) france D) new Zealand e) post modernism


aristotle considered democracy to be the least bad form of government


who introduced canada's 1st universal health care system

lester pearson

in an illiberal democracy, elections typically lead to what outcome?

low turnover in leadership

advertising is an example of likes 3rd face of power


authority can be defined as legitimate power


equality is considered to be a universally good thing


according to lively, which of the following can not be used to identify a democracy?

that rulers should be chosen by the ruled

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