Point and Nonpoint Source Pollution Examples
nonpoint source pollution
chemicals added to road surfaces (salt and other de-icing agents)
nonpoint source pollution
feces and agricultural chemicals from livestock feedlots
point source pollution
leaking septic tank systems
point source pollution
leaking storage lagoons for polluted waste
point source pollution
leaking underground storage tanks that contain chemicals or fuels such as gasoline
nonpoint source pollution
oil and gasoline from personal watercraft
nonpoint source pollution
pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer from residential lawns, golf courses, and farmland
point source pollution
polluted water from abandoned and active mines
nonpoint source pollution
precipitation containing air pollutants
point source pollution
public and industrial waste-water treatment plants
nonpoint source pollution
soil runoff from farms and construction sites
point source pollution
unlined landfills
point source pollution
water discharged by industries
nonpoint source pollution
water runoff from city and suburban streets that may contain oil, gasoline, animal feces, and litter