Which of the following is an example of a top level domain?
.edu is an example of what?
An IP address
The U.S government actively responded to the Sony attack because it was considered...
An attack on American values and freedom of expression
The U.S. government actively responded to the Sony attack because it was considered...
An attack on American values and freedom of expression
The Macron e-mail dump is best understood as the combination of TWO types of attack? Confidentiality and which other type of attack?
Command and Control
Automatic activation once
The use of a cyber weapon by the United States to disable computers controlling Iranian missile and rocket systems and thus taking the systems offline (at least temporarily) is indicative of what type of cyber attack?
Packet Switching
Breaking data into smaller units that can be sent independently through a network and reassembled later
Building Stuxnet and
Actions on objectives
Cause centrifuges to spin
Which actor is believed to be behind the attempt to hack of the New York Times?
William Lynn III argues that the best-laid plans for defending the military networks will not matter unless what vital aspect of national security is protected?
Civilian Infrastructure
What type of attack best describes the Home Depot attack?
Which type of attack best describes the breaching of Chancellor Merkel's phone?
In 2017, over 20,000 emails were released from the campaign of Emmanuel Macron less than two-days before the French Presidential election. Most of the emails concerned routine campaign affairs and were genuine. While most of the emails were genuine, contained within the email dump were several fabricated emails designed to look like the Macron campaign was engaged in criminal activities including tax evasion, money laundering and election fraud. There was no factual evidence to support these claims outside of the fabricated emails. It is believed that the email theft, fabrication and leaking was conducted by Fancy Bear (APT 28) which is the cyber unit attached to Russian military intelligence (GRU). The objective of the leak was to sway the French election in favor of Russia's preferred candidate - Marie Le Pen and the National Front. This attack is best classified as?
Cyber Conflict
The United States military conducted a cyber attack against Iran in June 2019 after Iran shot down an American drone. While details of the attack remain unclear, the attack is targeted and disabled some Iranian air defense systems. Which best characterizes the motive behind this attack?
Cyber Conflict
In 2014, hackers used stolen credentials from a third-party vendor to compromise the credit card scanners at self-checkout stations at Home Depot stores in both the U.S.A. and Canada. The attackers were able to steal the credit card information on over 50 million costumers before the attack was detected. This stolen credit card information has since been sold on the dark web and used for identity theft. What actor-motive do you believe best classifies the Home Depot attack?
Cyber Crime
In 2013, it was revealed that the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) had conducted an extensive surveillance program in Germany. Notably, this included compromising the personal cell hone of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Cyber Espionage
Advanced Research Project Agency
Department of Defense agency responsible for creating an early computer network
U.S. Cyber Command is principally responsible for securing the .mil domain. Which institution is primarily responsible for helping secure the civilian government (.gov) and private sector domains (.com, .net...etc)?
Department of Homeland Security
Only U.S. Cyber Command is authorized to conduct cyber operations outside of U.S. networks.
The National Security Agency is a civilian intelligence agency that answers directly to the President.
The creation of U.S. Cyber Command consolidated all government agencies and activities in cybersecurity into a single institution?
Which agency is responsible for investigating major cyber crimes committed inside the U.S.?
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
What best describes the motive for the San Francisco attack?
What was the motivation behind the attempt to hack the New York Times and other media outlets?
Gain information on news sources
A key advantage that the London Olympics had over Sony Pictures that allowed them to overcome a threat was?
Incident planning and preparations
Infect centrifuge controls
The agency responsible for assigning and maintaining the Domain Name System.
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
The international agency responsible for developing and maintaining common internet standards and protocols.
Internet Engineering Task Force
America Online, Xfinity-Comcast, Verizon and Cincinnati Bell are all examples of what?
Internet Service Providers
Jumping an air gap to install
The 1991 High Performance Computing Act did what?
Led to the expansion of internet access in the United States
Which two cyber security institutions currently share a common leader in a configuration known as the "dual hat"?
National Security Agency U.S. Cyber Command
Which institution is specifically tasked with advising the President on policy concerning new technologies?
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Which surveillance program disclosed by Edward Snowden allowed for the collection of data from internet companies like Yahoo and Google under the auspices of U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) Court?
Domain Name System
Process of assigning names to IP addresses
A key step in the American response to the Sony attack was?
Public attribution to North Korea
The Thanksgiving attack on San Francisco was an example of what kind of cyber attack?
Scouting Natanz nuclear facility
The use of stolen credentials from a third-party vendor to compromise the Home Depot system is illustrative of what kind of larger vulnerability within cyber security?
Supply Chain Vulnerability
What is the colloquial name for the trend of connecting regular devices like medical equipment, household appliances and cars to the internet?
The Internet of Things (IoT)
Both the attacks on Sony and the New York Times are example of what condition of the internet as a security domain?
The targeting of civilians by governments
What was the goal of the Sony Picture's hack?
To inflict harm on the targets as retribution
Internet Governance Forum
UN organized group for discussing a multi-stakeholder approach to internet governance
What delivery device was used by Russia to install the Agent.BTZ worm on SIPRNet computers?
USB flash-drive
Use exploits to spread through