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AP 104.48 Incident Qualifications System "Red Cards"

-(CICCS) California Incident Command Certification System. -Incident Qualification Card (Red Card) -(IQS) Incident Qualification System -will receive a card yearly -Arduous fitness rating is encouraged for normal qualifications but not required -Two qualification (pack test and physical fitness test by the Departments medical provider) -Work capacity test completed by March 31 -Document on the WCT Qualification Form forward to IQS Coordinator By APRIL 1 -Valid for 1 year -If test is missed before March 1 must contact BC -Meet with BC to review current quals, Incident evaluations, and training needs -BC forwards memo to the appropriate Discipline Leader with a list of classes his staff needs by April 1 -Classes will he sent out prior to September 1 -Must fill out an NWCG nomination form and have it reviewed and signed by BC -Forward form will be sent to the IQS Coordinator by October 1 year year -Completed task books will be reviewed by each respective Discipline Leader before getting submitted to the Red Card Committee -IQS coordinator will update ROSS System with updated records -Red Card Coordianator will assures Red Cards are issued between May 15 an May 30 -Each individual responsibility to request an evaluation form (ICS 225) from their supervisor on OOC incidents -ICS 225 to Discipline Leader prior to October 1 each year -Each individual holding a Red Card will Submit an updated IQS Data Collection Form by March 15 -4 levels of sponsorship (Full@@2/3 cover time off-Duty and class tuition@@1/3 cover off-Duty@@Non-sponsored) -Card can be revoked by sub-standard performance (may be temporary or permanent)

FP 300.77 In-Service Inspection Forms

-2016 California Fire Code, CFC Section -A copy shall be provided to the customer and a copy filed and stored for a minimum of 5 years. -A Notice of Violation (NOV) form shall be used to document any violation that represents an immediate concern for life and safety. A copy shall be provided to the customer, a copy shall be forwarded to Fire Prevention and a Copy shall be placed in the Station inspection file and stores for a minimum of 5 years -Check marks shall only be used to correctly document violations that need immediate attention and explain the consequences for failure to correct the violations -When an (NOV) is issued a follow-up inspection shall be scheduled and performed in a timely manner, usually no more than 7 days.

AP 104.42 Health and Fitness Policy

-5 segments -1-Medical Evaluation One upon being hired and annually if 50 years of age or over or assigned to Haz Mat 66. If under 50 Bi-annually. (Also used to Determine "Fit for Duty" for employees returning from a long term injury/absence or after 30 days of leave, as well as by request of C1 or designer -2-Minimum Fitness Level Standards maintain a minimum fitness level of 10 METs (Metabolic Equivalents) to be considered "Fit for Duty" -3-Employee Fitness Incentive will provide a financial allowance to employees who meet specified fitness levels during annual testing -4-Fitness Level Testing Annual/Bi-Annual Medical Evaluation, The KRN work Capacity Test and/or the Wildland Work Capacity Test (Pack Test) -5-Fitness Maintenance Employees are provided one hour per on-Duty day for physical fitness maintenance Medical evaluation is the ONLY process to determine an employee's minimum fitness level. If the employee fails to obtain 10 METS will require medical consultation The employee will be given an improvement plan and assigned to temporary modified duty 4% Fitness incentive by December 31 or forfeit till next year -successfully complete regular schedule physical -If using KRN Work Capacity must be done by December 31 -If on industrial injury or light duty, the incentive will continue into next year. Employees will have 60 days from the date they are released to full duty to re-qualify Crews are approved to utilize locations away from the station when approved by responsible BC and (Location is within First Due response area) (not interfere with public usage) (not result in citizen complaints) (does not result in a delay in response) (property owner approval has been obtained) usually between 08:00 to 1700 Members who have been off-duty or assigned to temporary light-duty because of injury or illness, in excess of sixty (60) calendar days or assigned temporary light duty (TLD) because of illness or injury, must consult with the Administrative Deputy Chief upon receiving a medical release from their treating physician prior to returning to regular duty -The FIT for Duty Evaluation May be required when employees have been away from active duty in excess of sixty (60) consecutive days. -The Administration Duty Chief will determine if the leave from duty is necessary.

AP 104.60 Injury/Accident Reporting, Non-KCFD Personnel

-Accident involving an employee with serious injury or illness, or death occurs, the nearest office of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health will be notified within 8 hours by the responding agency -Local Office of Kern County requires ALL injuries and/or illness involving employees of a business to be reported -Officer in Charge will complete the Cal-OSHA injury Report located on Firenet -(Online forms/employee/Cal-OSHA Injury Report Form) -Automatically sent to OSHA when submitted

AP 105.90 Meetings: Attending On-Duty

-Allowed time off to attend regularly scheduled meetings IF satisfactory station coverage is maintained -Kern County Fire Fighters Union, 1301 -Kern County Public Employees Association, Inc. (SEIU) -Kern Federal Credit Union -Kern County Fireman's Welfare and Benefit Association -Kern Heavy Rescue, Inc. -Kern County Firefighter's Burn Survivor's Trust -Members of other organizations such as city councils, school boards, etc., must furnish their own relief while on-Duty

AP 102.43 Emergency Medical Services: Controlled Substances

-Any use of controlled substance for patient care will be documented on the Patient Care Report (PCR) and on the Controlled Substance Usage Form -The wasting of all controlled substances not used for Pt care will be witnessed by a second person. -Only KCFD sworn personnel or locally accredited Kern County EMT-P involves with Pt care can witness -The person witnessing the waste must have their name documented on the Controlled Substance Usage Form -The witness must sign the Controlled Substance Usage Form -At no time are KCFD Controlled substances to be shared, loaned out, or exchanged with any other allied agency. -KCFD EMT-P are permitted to receive restock of controlled substances from transporting agencies -Shall be documented on the Controlled Substance Usage Form -Anything happens to the MICU(Mobile Intensive Carr Unit) immediately notify Safety 2 and KCEMSD will be notified -The KCEMSD will investigate, report findings to the issuing pharmacy for necessary referral to the DEA -KCFD EMT-P involves in KCFD ALS will be given individual access code to KCFD Knox Medication Vaults located on ALS apparatus-ALS Stations-EMS Coordinators Office. -Fentanyl 400 mcg -Midazolam (Versed) 12.0 mg In times of national shortage -Diazepam (Valium) 30.0 mg -Morphine Sulfate 40.0 mg -The EMS Coordinator will maintain copies of All Controlled Substance Logs for 7 years -Any discrepancies in the Controlled Substance Inventory Count shall be immediately reported to the Station Captain, BC, and Safety 2 -Expiring medication should be replaced 30 days prior to the expiration date. -If discrepancies are found must contact EMS Coordinator, the Training BC, Duty BC, a written memo will be produced outlining the discrepancies and attach as an email to the EMS Coordinator and the Training BC -Controlled Substance Forms must be in blue or black ink -Errors shall be corrected by drawing a single line through the incorrect wording -Controlled Substance shall be inspected every 24 hours and anytime there is a change in personnel at the EMT-P rank

OP-202.85 Emergency Medical Service: Determination of Death

-As EMT's, KCFD Personnel cannot pronounce death. -Times we can choose not to initiate life support measures using certain criteria -Resuscitative efforts are if no benefit to the PT physical condition -Drowning, Hyperthermia, and Barbiturate ingestion all prolong brain life and therefore treatment and transport should be considered -Prehospital Carr Personnel have the discretion to initiate resuscitation in cases were it is necessary for crew safety or given the best course of action in the given situation OBVIOUS DEATH CRITERIA -Absence of respirations -Absence of Cardiac Activity -Fixed Pupils -1 or more of the following conditions —Decapitation —Massive crush Injury to the head, neck, or trunk —Penetrating or blunt injury with evisceration of the heart, lung or brain —Decomposition —Incineration —Rigor Mortis —Post Mortem Lividity Not to initiate CPR -Pulseless, Non-breathing -Prolonged lifelessness with obvious signs of death criteria -Pulseless for 10 minutes confirmed -Blunt trauma found Apneic, Pulseless, and Fixed Pupils -PT has an approved "Do-Not-Resuscitate" (DNR) in accordance with Kern County EMS policy Terminate CPR -Arrest was not witnessed -No Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC) after 30 mins of CPR and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) analysis -Document in a PCR describing the PT assessment and the PT time of death -Do not move -Leave equipment in place -Notify KCSO Corner -Should remains on scene until released by the KCSO corner -Describe the circumstances and reasoning for not initiating "CPR"

RP 501.60 communications equipment and use

-BC is responsible for maintain correct ID for each radio under their command. -If using a loaner BC must advise ECC of the change -Should a radio become wet inside, turn it off and send it to radio shop for service -if microphone becomes wet dry and clean the connectors as soon as possible

RP 501.30 Communications Plan: Emergency Traffic

-Emergency Tone=tone over Command Channel when this channel is in use for Emergency Traffic. A single tone will sound every 5 seconds to notify anyone on the channel not to transmit unless they are part of the Emergency Traffic -Emergency Traffic=term used after Mayday has been declared -Mayday=life-threatening situation and in need of immediate assistance. -PAR=(Personnel Accountability Report)crews to report the status. -RIC=(Rapid Intervention Crew)functional group assigned to rescue the downed Firefighter -RIC Group Supervisor=the person assigned to control and coordinate the actions of the RIC Crews. AFFECTED FIREFIGHTERS ACTIONS -Declare "MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY" on the Incident tactical channel and listen for the acknowledgement. It is imperative to get as much detail as possible to assist in locating rescuing and/or treating personnel. -If no contact is made on the incident TAC channel after three attempts, then activate the Orange Emergency Button on the radio. -When the firefighter's Mayday call has acknowledged, give a LUNAR report. LUNAR REPORT L-Location (roof, floor and ABCD side) U-Unit N-Name A-Assignment Given and Air Supply R-Resources Needed Any radio channel on which a "MAYDAY" is acknowledge becomes the RIC channel dedicated to the assistance of the distressed firefighter. The incident TAC is preferred, but it could be KRN 2 or any channel on which a "MAYDAY" is acknowledged. When a "MAYDAY" is declared, the new tactical channel will be TAC 16. This change of tactical channel every time will reduce the confusion of remembering what channel will be used. IC Actions: -Simultaneously announce on the Command Channel and the TAC channel "All Units Hold; EMERGENCY TRAFFIC; Clear this Channel for EMERGENCY TRAFFIC." -Advise ECC of the Mayday and request an additional alarm. -Garner LUNAR information from the distressed firefighter. -Remind the distressed firefighter to follow the GRAB LIVES procedure. -Declare the Tactical Channel as the RIC channel. -Direct RIC Group and any additional resource assigned to the rescue to remain on the RIC Channel. -Direct all other resources to move to the new TAC channel (16C). -Conduct a PAR on the new TAC channel. -State any new objective and assignments. ECC Actions: -Dispatch requested resources. -Start Medical aid response. -Notify the Duty Chief. -Start Time Clock Clearing an Accidental Emergency Activation: -When an emergency activation is received by ECC, validation of this activation becomes a priority. ECC will be engaged in determining details of emergency or if this is an accidental activation. It is vitally important that an accidental activation is cleared ASAP! -Immediately advise ECC or Kern 2 (the emergency channel) that is an accidental activation. When ECC acknowledges, reset the emergency button by pressing it for approximately 2 seconds..

OP 206.55 Vehicle: Dropping Off Apparatus at Fleet Services

-Every effort to minimize (OOS) and out of area time of apparatus -Reserve apparatus should be utilized and coordinated through BC -Coordinate with Fleet Services to determine where to be left and estimate of how long apparatus will be (OOS) -All paperwork, contact number -Place all paperwork on drivers seat attached to vehicles clipboard -lock all compartments and cab doors -Ignition and compartment keys shall be placed in the metal lock box - Lock box located on the Northwest Corner of the Fleet Building -Conduct a vehicle inventory -Fleet will ensure personnel will receive all pertinent information regarding completed repairs -Keys will be available in the metal lock box.

IP 602.10 Child & Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse

-Filled out and routed to Arson Unit in every instance where abuse is suspected. -If KCFD personnel are first on-scene, we are reporting party. -submitted within 36 hours to KCSO -Found on FireNet. "Kern County Aging & Adult Services-Abuse Reporting"

AP 104.46 Incident Management Team Participation

-Gives exposure to large, complex incidents -Work in fuel types that we are not regularly exposed to in our county -Provide training opportunities with outside experts -Providing a pool of experienced, trained personnel to manage local incidents and train our own personnel -Establishing esprit de corps locally, and respect from the larger fire management community -Kern County Firefighters are experts in many areas due to this participation -Pride and pursuit of excellence are core values of Our Department -Initial application -Annual updates -Responsibilities for participation in local incidents and training -Team membership renewal INITIAL APPLICATION -Complete Team application -Complete Kern County Fire Department IMT Application Form -Forward to DC -Each supervisor will review and comment on the application -DC will forward it to the Red Card Committee for verification -After verification, Operations Deputy Chief or his designee will forward the Team Application to the appropriate Team contact. -Once accepted on the Team, the applicant or team must advise by email [email protected] -OPS DC will have the roster updated on the Share drive IMT information folder -If the Team uses ICAP (Incident Command Application Program) system, the applicant must complete the KCFD application process and receive approval before submitting the ICAP application -The confirmation email sent to [email protected] from the Team will serve as acceptance -Failure to follow the proper application process will result in denial. -Forms are located at S:/Fire/IMT information/IMT Forms ANNUAL UPDATE -OPS DC, the DCs, and a representative from the Red Card Committee will meet once a year to identify any team members who are not supporting the local Unit. -If someone is identified as not contributing to their local responsibilities or as exhibiting conduct unbecoming, -THEY WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE IMT TEAM ROSTER -Will be posted on the share drive -S:/Fire/IMT Information/IMT Roster -Updated by OPS Chief designee when New Members are added -Annually after Annual Update Forms are received TEAM MEMBER LOCAL RESPONSIBILITIES -Major value of being on a Team is the experience and qualifications gained -Gained for benefit Our Department on Local Incidents -Must participate in an Incident Management Capacity on an Average of One (1) KCFD Extended Attack Incident Per Year during the term of their Team commitment -Incident Management functions for the purpose of the requirement PLANS, LOGISTICS, FINANCE, or A Single Resource OPERATIONS functions -Must be willing to serve as a mentor/guide/career coach in their functional area -Participate I'm Training a KCFD EMPLOYEE on an Incident -At least once (1) during their Team commitment period Completing a portion of a Position Task Book and an Evaluation for the Individual -Participate as a Lead instructor or Carde Member for NWCG classes in functional area -At least once (1) during their commitment period -Team members will comply with the KCFD Rules of Engagement requirements -Once functioning within ICS on an Incident, you will not leave this assignment for your Team assignment, unless approved by DC -When Department staffing needs are below functional levels, the Duty Chief will have discretion to hold or delay Team Members availability TEAM MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL -Must fill out a Kern County Fire Department IMT Application Form and indicate on the form this is a renewal application -Annual Update Form for the year should also be submitted -Go through the Chain of Command for review and approval -KCFD maintains approximately 30 IMT members -To allow for experience and training opportunities, Personnel in Unit Leaders positions and below -Limited to 5 years -Will be removed from Teams -Can pursue a new position for Team selection -Personnel May fill Section Chief and Command positions for more than 5 years TEAM SUBSTITUTION -Must Request permission through DC by email -Members should submit at least one week prior to the need and indicate the following in the email: -Team Name/Position Filled/Term of Commitment (Start and End date availability request) -DC will advise by email if request is approved or not -If DC gives approval will notify Staff by email -Listing the Member as a Substitute on the Team on the Share Drive -FIRE/IMT information/IMT Roster

RP 501.70 Call Signs and Designators

-Kern Valley Helibase (Kern Valley Helibase) -Wildland Fire Defense Planner (Forester) -Wildland Fire Plan Battalion Chief (Battalion 40) -Crew Coordinator (Superintendent 40) -Helicopter Foreman 408 (Foreman 408) -Helicopter Foreman 407 (Foreman 407) -FHEP Mechanic (Repair 45) -Mechanics (Repair) -Corporate Communications (Corp Comm 1-2) -When a Battalion Chief responds "Out of Battalion" and someone else takes command, the original BC should add the shift letter to the call sign ex.. Battalion 4-C -On multi-agency Response's, Chief Officers should be preceded by their jurisdiction. Ex... Bakersfield Battalion 1 / Kern Battalion 4 Sequoia Division 5 / Kern Command 6 -Wildland Engines (Engine 3-##) -Reserve Engines (Engine 4-##) -Engine 474 is covering for Engine 14, it becomes (Engine 14R) -Training Engines (Engine 501-505) OES Engine (OES Engine 280) OES Type 3 (OES Engine 8531-8533) OES Hazmat (OES Hazmat 51)

OP 204.41 RAD-57 Carbon Monoxide Oximeter

-Masonic Rad-57 Handheld Pulse Carbon Monoxide (CO) Oximeter -Beginning of Shift baseline SpO2 and SpCO -SpO2 and SpCO levels monitored at incidents where members have or suspected to have been exposed to CO -Even if monitor reads "normal" but are showing signs and symptoms the probability should remain and treated accordingly -Rad-57 can be used to monitor EMS patients -Signs and symptoms of CO exposure -Headache-Nausea and/or Vomiting-Dizziness-Chest Pain-Confusion-Weakness-Difficulty Breathing-Cyanosis (late sign) -In any instance where subject is demonstrating signs and symptoms of elevated SpCO levels but Rad-57 is normal treat patient as assuming levels are elevated. -O2, higher care and transport

IP 602.17 KRN 66 Wildland Fire Investigation Report

-Our contract with CALFIRE requires we investigate ALL fires within the SRA throughout the entire year. -Any part of SRA, regardless of the jurisdiction where the fire starts. -The KRN 66 form is a CAUSE AND ORIGIN report. -The KRN 66 and RMS report will be completed for each fire. -It will be printed and signed by the reporting officer, reviewed and signed by the reviewing Chief Officer (BC) and routed to the Arson Investigation Unit.

OP-202.75 Emergency Medical Services: Med-Alert System

-Personnel Should rapidly assess the number of patients and the extent of injuries -Request the appropriate # of Ambulances -1 Ambulance can handle 2 Pt. -Med-Alert provides a mechanism =multi-casualty =mass casualty =hazardous materials =other incidents having negative impact to delivery and operations of the EMS system MED-ALTER Activation Criteria 1. 5 or more casualties 2. Evacuation of a Medical Facility (Convalescent Home, Hospital) 3. Significant Medical Hazard to a Significant Population (Hazardous Materials, Flood, Populated Area Evacuation, etc) 4. Any Hazardous Materials Incident Pt. or Victim with exposure or contamination 5. Suspected or Confirmed Active Shooter, or other acts of Extremism with Potential for Loss of Life May be activated by -Public Agency Dispatch -Communications Center Personnel -Fire Personnel -Ambulance Personnel -Law Enforcement Personnel -Hospital Emergency Department Personnel -The EMS Division Relay the Following information to ECC ASAP -Estimated # of Casualties and Severity of Injuries -Agencies at Scene -Command Post and Staging Area Location -Identification of the Individual in Charge of On-scene EMS Operations -The Chemical Name and MSDS, if possible, for a Hazardous Materials Exposure Victim

AP 103.60 Fuel: Diesel Inventories

-Station Captains are responsible for monitoring fuel inventories and ordering fuel -Should be ordered when fuel tanks are APPROACHING half full. -Majority of Stations have 1000 Capacity with 500 minimum -32 locations -Each Battalion has 1 -FHEF/Edison -Support Services

AP 105.35 Temporary Light Duty (TLD)

-TLD committee has (2) Department Representatives and (2) Union Representatives. -They meet in January to review and recommend changes -Submit a Physician's Release of Ill or Injured Firefighter form. -Employee will report to Department Health & Wellness Officer and assigned by Admin DC. -The Department may accommodate employees who were hurt off duty with TLD assignment.

OP-203.35 Expanded Dispatch

-The Expanded Dispatch Center provides support to an Incident or Event allowing ECC to process routine incidents and daily operations -Expanded Dispatch May be activated at the direction of the ECC Duty Officer in coordination with the Duty Chief -Once activated, Expanded Dispatch will assume Incident ordering and tracking of resources -When Expanded Dispatch is staffed and opened, ECC will advise on the Incident Command channel -Expanded Dispatch will be at ECC in the Expanded Dispatch room -An alternate location may also be used at the discretion of the Duty Officer and Duty Chief -1 Duty Chief, 1 EDSD, and 2 EDRC's -Operating hours will be based on the demand of the incident and provides to the incident(s), Fire Staff and other agencies -Expanded is the primary point of contact and ordering for the incident or incidents -Expanded will assume the name of the incident(s) to which it is supporting -"Walker Expanded" or "Taejon Complex Expanded" -Messages from the incident should be directed to Expanded Dispatch either by phone or on the designated command channel EXPANDED DISPATCH #'s -Supervisors 868-4050 -Equipment 868-4046 -Supply 868-4036 -Crews 868-4038 -Overhead 868-4039 -Aircraft 868-4049 Brief as possible but relay pertinent information including a callback # When activated, Expanded Dispatch is responsible for: -Maintaining communications with the Fire DOC. -Announcements to be made on the Command Channel when opening/closing of Expanded Dispatch -Monitoring Incident assigned radio channel(s) -Placing Resource orders in ROSS, i.e., aircraft, crews, equipment, and overhead -ECC will handle all aircraft traffic and aircraft request through the intercom in coordination with Expanded Dispatch and ROSS -Required notification, including South OPS, Cal Fire/AREP, OES, and KCFD Duty Chief -IMT and Expanded Team deployments in ROSS -Demobilization of resources in ROSS -Maintaining and updating Incident documentation: 209s, FMAG, Spot Weather, and AREP Approvals

OP 200.07 Aqueduct (LADWP) Water Use

-The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) allow KCFD to utilize the aqueduct for access to water in remote areas of the following stations -Stations 14-15-73-75 -Stations 14-15-73 have access keys -Considered drinking water and need to prevent contamination -ECC needs to be notified so they can make the appropriate notifications -Any device used to draft water from the aqueduct needs to be clean and free of foam or any surfactant. Proper care must be taken to prevent fuel, oil, or grease residues from being introduced. -Crews must back flush all drafting hoses with clean tank water to reduce the risk of contamination and debris -Someone must remain on scene of pumping apparatus at all times -When mission is complete the access lid from the aqueduct shall be closed and secured with the original lock.

AP 100.20 Blood Bank: Request for Donations

-locations 11515 Bolthouse Dr. Bako/5901 Truxtun Ave. -Provide blood to current and retired employees, their household family members, and other persons determined by C1 -Kern County Fire Department "Account" -Request made through C1, C1 Administrative Assistant, and/or the Administration Secretary -Initial call made to ECC if possible

OP-204.07 Incident Summary Report (Blue/Green Sheet) and Lessons Learned Report

3 Reports to review events that resulted in Fatality, Serious Injury or Illness -Lessons Learned Report: Noteworthy incidents which by definition do not meet the "Blue/Green Sheet" submission criteria -Blue Sheet: Preliminary Summary Report -Green Sheet: Incident Informational Summary Report Lessons Learned may be submitted at any time by anyone of any rank on FireNet under the employee tab. The Blue Sheet is prepared for distribution within 6 hours and posted within 12 hours by a Safety Officer The Green Sheet is prepared and distributed within 7 calendar days by a Safety Officer. A request to extent the deadline is allowable Used as safety training tool and accident prevention. These reports do not contain confidential information, identify any individual, or place personal blame Lessons Learned does not meet the "Blue/Green Sheet" submission criteria A near-miss Incident (an Incident without injury) Once submitted will be reviewed by S1 and forward to appropriate DC for approval and distribution Blue Sheet (Preliminary Summary Report) Provides preventative warning or alert information relative to unsafe situations or conditions to the field as soon as possible -prepared for distribution within 6 hours -Posted on TS within 12 hours after the incident Completed in FireNet and sent to S1. Forward to DC for Approval. SO will distribute on TS -BC and Capt will ensure that subordinates and crew members review the documents. -Considered public once disturbed Green Sheet (Incident Informational Summary Report) Aid in accident prevention by letting interested parties know "what happened" and use for a safety training tool Places no personal blame Once Blue Sheet is disturbed S1 will select 3 people to investigate the issue in depth -1 from Training, 1 BC, and 1 Subject Matter Expert They will be recommended to DC for approval -Investigation Team will have 7 day to produce their findings to DC -Contains information including events or issues of interest and lessons learned aimed at preventing similar occurrences in the future -once distributes it is considered "public document" and may be shared with external sources -Distributed within 7 days of the accident (unless otherwise directed by C1 or designee) -A revised Green Sheet May be issued following the distribution process if: @Additional pertinent information is developed @The initial Green Sheet needs updating and clarification

AP 101.80 Company Reminder: Reports, Checks, Maintenance, & Drill

DAILY -Body Armor -Defib -E-mail -Gas Monitors -SCBA's/RIC Bags/PALS -Telestaff for updates personnel assignments —Continuous Monitoring Device -Drill minimum 2 hrs per day (1/2 manipulative) -Fuel Distrubution -Fuel Inventory -Knox Keys -Vehicle Log ANNUALLY -Annual personnel evaluation report -Business plan and Chemical Inventory -Capital Outlay (Budget) -Capital Projects-(Major Maintenance) Submitting Date: NO LATER THEN SEPT 1 -Capital Equipment-Submitting date: NO LATER THAN NOV 1 -Hydrants Survey and Service -Company inspections- some every two years(commercial, public assemblage, and industrial buildings -Ice machine (filter and cleaning) April -Preplan Target Areas (every shift 1 a year) -Vacation request (submit by Nov 1) -Tank Survey (air compressor/LPG tanks)

Pulse Ox <94

Oxygen therapy must be administered

OP 205.20 Staffing Plan: Callback Procedures

Signup-The date and time each person's signup is logged in Telestaff. It is important to note that a "late" signup (after Telestaff has taken a snapshot of signups and place the list in the queue to call) will not be included in the callback list, even though actual calls have not been initiated. Call schedule found on Target Solutions. -BCs manage the staffing plan, who will supervise the operation of the plan. -BCs May have headquarters Captain initiate manual Telestaff callbacks when needed and manual direct telephone callbacks for emergency activity. -employee working out of rank the first day and a in rank signed up to work the second day only -All callback should be rank for rank. Battalion first then department. Workup first and then work down position calls -Jury Duty employee shall notify BC immediately. BCs will use discretion and make adjustments if employee is unable to work -BC should be notified if a employee is planing to take OT and attend a class. -Duty trade of callback work opportunity is not allowed. -Hours renew twice April 1 and October 1 -FF trainees will not be allowed to work non-emergency callbacks, nor be required to work forces Hires. -FF trainees are subject to callbacks for emergency and able to fill special needs staffing, such as Augmented Staffing -Probationary FF May work non-emergency callbacks for FF position only. Also included in force hire -BC will have discretion on Force hire for probi -BC will update restrictions or privileges -BC will advise Telestaff Administration to enter probi into the Telestaff when completed with training and will be given credit for average FF in that Battalion -BC in administration positions are required to post all reportable hours for their employees (8.0 x 1.5= 12 hours) -BC should manage forced hire portion of the plan to give employee maximum notice -2 hours or more is considered force hire on shift change day. Minimum 2 at the station. Exceptions 66/62 -BC should use on duty personnel to mange holdovers -Unfit person for emergency callback will notify BC who will notify DC - All total callbacks I'm Bakersfield contact command center and outlying Battalion HQ if you live outside Bako -Keep PPE and Uniform Available if not could be disciplined -have roster of people living in the area 30 min and 1 hr. -Backup station 17/25/37/52/62/77 -anytime you move update on Target Solutions homepage. I do will be forward to Telestaff Administrator -emergency callback hours must be manually entered by BC or Designee -emergency callback call HQ Battalion with arrival time and round trip mileage -round trip will be recorded in the "note" section of the Telestaff entry for the employee -as Strike Team or employee releases shall advise Command Center or ECC and Battalion HQ of their release -BC are responsible for verifying the info on the Overtime/Leave Reports -BC headquarters stations and back-up stations will maintain Emergency Callback Rosters

OP 201.20 Department Operations Center

The Department Operations Center (DOC) May be activated by the DC when an incident requires a significant commitment of resources or due to the complexity of an incident -Wildland fires -Multiple Wildland fires -Large Scale Events/disasters -Incidents that require evacuations -The DOC serves as the central point for departmental coordination and overall management of resources and staffing when a significant amount of resources are committed. -The DOC coordinates with the Kern County EOC when activated -When DOC is activated, an announcement will be made on the assigned command channel -Phone # 391-7185 -Calls brief as possible due to the large volume of calls generated by the incident -DOC will monitor radio channels assigned to the incident and Kern 1 -Call sign "Fire DOC" -DOC is located in the Operations Conference Room at HQ -Staff consist of a DC, BC (DOC Manager), one or more administrative staff, and other positions as needed (PIO, Liasion, etc) -DOC balances department resources and station coverage by activating reserve apparatus, initiating off duty personnel callbacks and reallocating on-Duty apparatus. -Critical that status of available apparatus and personnel be provided to the DOC in a timely fashion to assist with Station Coverage -Callbacks of Personnel May be made directly from DOC or through Battalion callback system -Personnel reporting to HQ shall check in with DOC to gather necessary information for assignment DUTIES -Determine Resource needs by surveying battalions and department staffing -Status updates for the incident to provide information for county government entities, other agencies and the public -Provide logistical, planning and financial/billing support -Complete critical documents including and not limited to incident activity, incident action plan (IAP), FMAG and ICS 209 -Assist with mobilization of resources, demobilization and May set demobilization priorities for department staffing in coordination with expanded dispatch -Maintain documentation throughout the incident -Establish communication with the EOC if activated -Coordinate with other activated DOC's: —Sheriff —Public 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 —General Service —Other non-County agencies (Cities, Utilities, Transportation, etc.)

AP-110.70 Vehicle: Driver-Operator Certification

To be eligible for Engineer's Promotional exam -State-certified Driver Operator 1A and 1B -KCFD practical exam NOT necessary to receive the State Fire Marshal Certificate, if taking a state certified Driver Operator class sponsored and instructed by KCFD -Must have a standard on latest "Employee Performance Report" -Must have completed the one-year probationary period -The 1st priority will be given to those FF who are eligible for next Engineer's Exam -The class will be conducted as often as necessary to meet the needs of the department -Driver Operator Certification will consist of six (6) events -(4) will be tested and graded -There will be no retakes of any events if it is not successfully passed on the 1st attempt -Drafting -Hydrant Hookup -Street Driving -Obstacle Course -Water Tender Ops/Type 3 Driving and Operations are mandatory to attend but will not be graded. For informational purposes only

AP 104.43 Work Capacity Test for Wildland Firefighters Qualifications

Two testing processes -1- Wildland Firefighting Work Capacity Test (Pack Test) -2-Results of a regularly scheduled Medical Evaluation in lieu of thenPack Test -Either Test must be completed within the calendar year for which the Red Card is to be issued. -To meet this requirement, testing must be completed by April 1st -Eligibility for Work Capacity testing is contingent upon the employee being cleared for active duty and completion of their most recently scheduled employee Medical Evaluation -The pack test Shall Not take place of a regularly scheduled employee Medical Evaluation -BC will be tested at HQ by a Air and Wildland Division and/or Duty Chief -Personnel to be tested must have been cleared for active fire duty by the Department's Medical Provider prior to attempting any testing. This requires verified completion of the last regularly scheduled physical examination -unsuccessful persons can retest at next scheduled test date in their assigned Battalion -light duty or injury leave may test at the next available test date regardless of Battalion/shift assigned. Off duty will be on their own time -copies of results go to Employee Wellness Officer (EWO) at HQ. The EWO will notify the Air and Wildland Division of results for red card use -Results from Department's Medical Provider Test are to be submitted in the form of a copy of the results letter upon completion of the physical exam submitted to Battalion 8 for red card use. It is the employee's responsibility to provide copy

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