Political Science Quizzes

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The fundamental law of the United States of America is the: Select one: a. Declaration of Independence b. Bill of Rights c. Constitution d. magna charta e. curia regis

Feedback The correct answer is: Constitution

The United States Constitution: Select one: a. is the oldest written constitution in force in a major nation b. provides for the general powers & limits of the federal government c. establishes a division in governmental powers called the separation of powers d. establishes itself as supreme over all state law e. all of the above

Feedback The correct answer is: all of the above

The US Constitution is the highest legal authority and it: Select one: a. is unwritten b. overrides any state or federal laws that go beyond what the Constitution permits c. overrides any state, but not any federal, laws that go beyond what the Constitution permits d. overrides any federal, but not state, laws that go beyond what the Constitution permits

Feedback The correct answer is: overrides any state or federal laws that go beyond what the Constitution permits

Article I, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution: Select one: a. provides that all power to make laws for the federal government shall be held by Congress b. provides that all power to make laws for the federal government shall be held by the Supreme Court c. provides that all power to make laws for the federal government shall be held by the Vice President d. provides that all power to make laws for state governments shall be held by senators e. provides that all power to make laws for state governments shall be held by state governors

Feedback The correct answer is: provides that all power to make laws for the federal government shall be held by Congress

The United States Constitution divides governmental power to prevent: Select one: a. extreme gaps in income b. states from becoming too powerful c. the tyranny the founders experienced under King George III d. excessive taxation

Feedback The correct answer is: the tyranny the founders experienced under King George III

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives serve Select one: a. 4 Year terms b. 6 Year terms c. 2 Year terms d. Life terms

The correct answer is: 2 Year terms

The Civil War Amendments: Select one: a. Address the issue of slavery b. Include the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments c. Prohibit slavery, define who is a citizen and give citizens the right to vote without regard to race, color, or previous condition of servitude d. Have the effect of applying the Bill of Rights to the states not just the federal govermment e. All of the above

The correct answer is: All of the above

The Eighth Amendment: Select one: a. Prohibits excessive fines b. Prohibits excessive bail c. Prohibits cruel and unusual punishment d. All of the above

The correct answer is: All of the above

The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. Which of the following is true? Select one: a. It provides for search warrants for law officers to conduct searches and seizures b. It requires probable cause for searches c. It protects the rights of citizens by limiting government authority d. All of the above

The correct answer is: All of the above

The Preamble to the Constitution: Select one: a. Sets forth the purposes and goals of the new federal government b. Begins with the words "We the People..." c. Emphasizes the value of the individual d. All of the above

The correct answer is: All of the above

Which constitutional provision states that the U.S. Constitution and all valid federal laws are superior to all state laws? Select one: a. Article VI Supremacy Clause b. Article I, Section 8 Enumerated Powers c. Article I, Section 8 Necessary and Proper Clause d. 10th Amendment

The correct answer is: Article VI Supremacy Clause

Constitutional protections for the accused include all BUT the following: Select one: a. Speedy trial, right to due process, no cruel and unusual punishment b. no double jeopardy, no excessive fines or bail, right to trial by jury of one's peers c. no cruel or unusual punishment, right to due process and to a grand jury for serious crimes d. Cannot be tried for slander against a public figure

The correct answer is: Cannot be tried for slander against a public figure

The President of the Senate who is also the U.S. Vice President, is... Select one: a. Elected by the majority party b. Elected by bipartisan popular vote in the Senate c. Elected by the Electoral College d. Elected in joint session of Congress

The correct answer is: Elected by the Electoral College

If the Supreme Court finds a bill passed by Congress and signed into law by the President unconstitutional, what action may Congress take? Select one: a. Override the Supreme Court's decision with a two-thirds vote b. Appeal to the President to convert the law to an executive order c. Enact statutes (law) that meet the court's objection d. Amend the Constitution to remove court objections

The correct answer is: Enact statutes (law) that meet the court's objection

Is the power to negotiate a trade agreement with Canada a federal, shared, or state power? Select one: a. Federal b. Shared c. Stae

The correct answer is: Federal

The text author states that American culture and therefore Americans collectively value these four things: Select one: a. Freedom, equality, suffrage, and self government b. Liberty, fraternity, equality and unity c. Liberty, Individualism Equality, and Self Government d. Equality, individualism, hard work, and family

The correct answer is: Liberty, Individualism Equality, and Self Government

Which of the following is NOT a constitutional power of the legislative branch? Select one: a. Make federal laws b. Veto federal laws c. Collect taxes d. Regulate commerce with foreign nations

The correct answer is: Regulate commerce with foreign nations

Which of the following is an example of a natural right mentioned in the Declaration of Independence that nearly all Americans agree government may not infringe and has a responsibility to secure? Select one: a. Right to employment b. Right to housing c. Right to liberty d. All of the above

The correct answer is: Right to liberty

Is the power to appropriate and spend money on programs that assist the poor with healthcare a federal, shared, or state power? Select one: a. Federal b. Shared c. State

The correct answer is: Shared

Is the power to change the tax rate on earned income a federal, shared, or state power? Select one: a. Federal b. Shared c. State

The correct answer is: Shared

The majority party in the House chooses a leader. This person's title is: Select one: a. Majority Whip b. Speaker of Congress c. Speaker of the House d. President Pro-Tem

The correct answer is: Speaker of the House

Is the power to incorporate the new city of Sandy Springs a federal, shared, or state power? Select one: a. Federal b. Shared c. State

The correct answer is: State

A significant shortcoming of government under the Articles of Confederation was: Select one: a. Ability to incorporate new territory b. Federal or national government collected taxes disproportionately c. The national government was too weak d. Porous state borders

The correct answer is: The national government was too weak

Which of the following statements is true about the American system of federalism? Select one: a. There are some areas of public policy over which only the federal government has authority and some areas over which only state governments have authority. b. Only state governments have authority over public policy c. Only the federal or national government has authority over public policy d. None of the above

The correct answer is: There are some areas of public policy over which only the federal government has authority and some areas over which only state governments have authority.

The primary function of the Legislative Branch of government is... Select one: a. To write laws b. Investigate criminal activity c. Conduct governmental inquiries d. Oversee the Executive branch

The correct answer is: To write laws

Congress may override a presidential veto of a law... Select one: a. With a majority vote in each house b. With a two thirds vote in each house c. With a three-fourths vote in each house d. With a three-fifths vote in each house

The correct answer is: With a two thirds vote in each house

The right to privacy: Select one: a. is explicitly gauranteed by the original text of the constitution b. Is explicitly guaranteed by the first amendment to the constitution c. has been inferred from other right by the Supreme Court d. Has no relation to the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision

The correct answer is: has been inferred from other right by the Supreme Court

Since the 19th Century the power of the federal government relative to the state governments has: Select one: a. increased b. decreased c. remained constant

The correct answer is: increased

As originally intended the Bill of Rights limited the powers of: Select one: a. only state governments b. both the national and state governments c. only the national government d. individuals from imposing on others

The correct answer is: only the national government

The federalists advocated for- Select one: a. the unicameral legislature used in the Articles of Confederation b. ratification of the new Constitution c. a system of strong state governments rather than a stronger national government d. minor changes to the Articles of Confederation

The correct answer is: ratification of the new Constitution

The Federalists advocated: Select one: a. The unicameral legislature used in the Articles of Confederation b. ratification of the new constitution c. a system of strong state governments rather than a strong national government d. Return to the Articles of Confederation

The correct answer is: ratification of the new constitution

The power of the courts to decide whether an act of government is constitutional or not is called: Select one: a. the power of court packing b. jurisprudential power c. the power of judicial review d. court marshal power

The correct answer is: the power of judicial review

Is the power to design a new twenty dollar bill with a woman on its face a federal, shared, or state power? Select one: a. Federal b. Shared c. State d. None of the above, it requires a Constitutional Amendment

a. Federal

Which of the following is NOT true? Select one: a. The reserved powers clause gives power to the states or we the people that are not otherwise prohibited by the constitution b. Enumerated or listed powers apply solely to the federal government-there are 17 of them. c. Congress may pass any law that is necessary and proper to carry out the federal government's enumerated powers d. The commerce and establishment clauses of the constitution has kept the growth of national government power in check

d. The commerce and establishment clauses of the constitution has kept the growth of national government power in check

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