Political Science Review For Final

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When was the 14th amendment passed? 1748 1763 1868 1912


Federal aid to states and localities nearly doubled from:


Michigan Model showed that ___

2.5 percent of the public has a coherent ideology

Rational voters make up about what percent of U.S. voters?


About what percent of the world's government are federal system?


How many original copies of the Declaration of Independence remain?


How many electoral voters are necessary to win the presidency?


In 2016, Donald Trump won ___ electoral votes to Hillary Clinton's ___ electoral votes

306 to 232

Roughly how many counties and local government are there in the United States?

3400 counties and 85,000 local government

How long after the September 11th attacks did Congress pass the USA Patriot Act? One week One year, on 9/11/2002 2 days 45 days

45 days

By what percentage of the popular vote did Hillary Clinton exceed Donald Trump's popular vote in 2016?

48,2% to 46.1%

U.S. House races in 2016 saw an incumbent reelection rate of what percent?


The number of newspapers in the United States Has declined steeply during the twentieth century Owned by national or regional chains is over 80 percent Has remained steady since the days of yellow journalism A and B only

A and B only

A conference committee is A special committee convened to resolve differences between the president and Congress. Called into session when a president has vetoed an appropriations bill with a pocket veto. A special committee convened to resolve differences between a House-passed bill and a Senate-passed bill. A special committee in the House that assists the Speaker with his party's agenda.

A special committee convened to resolve differences between a House-passed bill and a Senate-passed bill.

The God Gulf in the U.S. means that: According to many political analysts, the most significant division in American is between those who are religiously observant and those who are not religious Because Jews have higher economic status than any other religious group, they have more conservative opinions Mainline Protestants have more conservative views on many social issues than do Catholics Catholics have more conservative views concerning the redistribution of wealth than do mainline Protestants

According to many political analysts, the most significant division in American is between those who are religiously observant and those who are not religious

Monetary policy primarily involves The degree to which the government tries to regulate the overall economy Government adjustment of taxing and spending decisions The stimulation of the economy for positive growth Adjusting the flow of the money supply

Adjusting the flow of the money supply

According to political scientist Thomas E Patterson, news coverage of political officials Has become increasingly negative Has resulted in increased public dissatisfaction Has resulted in cynicism which has led to lower voter turnout All of the above

All of the above

Iron Triangles Are composed of an interest group working with a Congressional Committee and an agency or department of the executive branch Tend to be focused around a rather narrow policy area Conduct their business in semi-secrecy All of the above

All of the above

The White House Employs a number specialists whose job is to make their boss look good Often leaks information to the press in order to get out its slant on the news Issues press releases and schedules photo-ops All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following are ways the government promotes a strong economy Enforcement of contracts Regulation of accounting methods Control of the monetary supply All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a recognized type of terrorism in use in the contemporary world? State sponsored terrorism Nationalistic terrorism Left or right wing terrorism All of the above

All of the above

Political socialization in schools Includes requiring that students in California have some kind of patriotic experience each day Emphasizes being good citizens in junior high and high school. Includes spending more time on political education in the U.S. than in the U.S.S.R. in the 1960s All of the above.

All of the above.

Essentially the U.S. Constitution may be defined as:

American society's rule book

A filibuster is An attempt to prevent the passage of a bill by halting action through unlimited debate. An attempt to persuade others to vote for a particular bill in return for a favor at a later date. Used in the House to force a standing committee to release a bill. A method used by the Speaker of the House to promote the Majority Party's legislation.

An attempt to prevent the passage of a bill by halting action through unlimited debate.

Private lobbying groups Have been on the decline since the use of computers have enabled citizen groups to contact legislators directly Have drawn the widespread scorn of citizens who don t want to pay for the specific benefits going to small groups Are often used by business interests to insert or remove narrowly-focused rules Often work by filing lawsuits on behalf of an entire citizen group

Are often used by business interests to insert or remove narrowly-focused rules

Single issue groups in the U.S. Are rarely organized along ideological lines Rarely focus attention on individual legislators Are popular because politics in the U.S. has not been as ideologically-anchored as policy struggles in other representative governments All of the above

Are popular because politics in the U.S. has not been as ideologically-anchored as policy struggles in other representative governments

A legislator from Kentucky who votes, against her better judgment, to support subsidies for tobacco growers would be acting As a trustee As a logroller As a delegate As an ombudsperson

As a delegate

Independent Executive Agencies tend to Be smaller and more narrow in scope than cabinet departments Be Government Corporations Less prominent independent agencies Agencies that operate in conjunction with cabinet departments

Be smaller and more narrow in scope than cabinet departments

The civil war amendments are notable because... They put an end to the debate about slavery. They gave all land-owning men the right to vote. They give more power and prominence to the federal government. Both A and C

Both A and C

What are examples of Independent Executive Agencies? National Aeronautic and Space Administration Federal Trade Commission Small Business Administration Both A and C

Both A and C

How can the public s fear of crime be used for political gain? Politicians can exploit this fear and convince citizens to give up freedom to gain greater security. Voters are more likely to support legislation introducing rehabilitation and treatment alternatives for criminals, bringing greater tax revenue to local officials. People can be convinced to grant the government greater power to combat the perceived threat. Both a and c

Both a and c

People join groups Rarely if they can be free riders and enjoy the same benefits members work for Working for consumer and environmental interests at high rates because almost everyone is affected by these issues In order to receive informational and solidary benefits in spite of the free rider problem Both a and c

Both a and c

According to your text, which historical figure had an influence on the nonviolent resistance movement in the United States? John Locke Henry David Thoreau Mahatma Gandhi Both b and c

Both b and c

The principle that segregation is inherently unequal was established in Brown v. Board of Education. Gideon v. Wainwright. Plessy v. Ferguson. Marbury v. Madison.

Brown v. Board of Education.

The most numerous interest groups are those associated with Unions Public interest Ideology and/or single issues Businesses


Which of the following is used to end floor debate in the Senate A filibuster A majority vote in the Rules Committee Cloture A ruling by the majority leader


According to the authors of your text, what has not been a recent feature of the increasing use of the internet in political races? Concerns over indecency Raising money online Cyber-ads benefiting from a multiplier effect Blogs or web logs

Concerns over indecency

Which is not a tool used in inside lobbying Contact from constituents Donations Providing extensive donations Key arguments members can use to explain why they supported the interest group

Contact from constituents

This is one of the smallest cabinet departments, but is extremely important to foreign policy. The Department of Defense The National Security Council Defense Intelligence agency Department of State

Department of State

The purpose of literacy tests that were used in the southern states after 1870 was to Discourage African-Americans from voting Keep undocumented immigrants from voting Keep schoolteachers employed Ensure that only well-informed people voted

Discourage African-Americans from voting

Which of the following courts is the only level of the federal courts at which juries hear direct testimony from defendants and witnesses? U.S. Courts of Military Appeals Courts of Appeals District Courts Supreme Court

District Courts

Which of the following was not a technique used to prevent African Americans from voting? Violence and intimidation Poll taxes English-Only tests Grandfather clauses

English-Only tests

Congress is given two types of power

Express and Implied

According to Putnam, voluntary interaction between citizens is important to a democracy because increased levels of workplace interaction lead to higher workplace productivity. True False


Generally speaking, the better the economy is doing, the more social services will be required. True False


In Texas v. Johnson, the Supreme Court ruled that ____________. Racists groups are allowed to peacefully assemble Flag burning is a protected form of symbolic speech Burning a cross is a protected form of symbolic speech. Desecrating the American flag constitutes seditious behavior

Flag burning is a protected form of symbolic speech

Vietnam was originally a colony of which country: Cambodia Laos France Holland


Which Supreme Court ruling established the right to an attorney in all criminal felony cases? Gideon v. Wainwright Griswold v. Connecticut Near v. Minnesota Gitlow v. New York

Gideon v. Wainwright

Congress members need to follow public opinion Closely because most Americans pay attention to how their representatives vote and use that information in the voting booth Hardly at all because very few have serious opponents and almost all get re-elected Even though they often have different opinions than their constituency because of their privileged position as political elite Hardly at all because voters can t even place their representatives on a liberal-conservative scale

Hardly at all because very few have serious opponents and almost all get re-elected

The Supreme Court ruled that the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth amendments... Explicitly outline a right to privacy Deny government the right to eavesdrop on electronic communications Imply a right to privacy Are an extension of the full faith and credit clause

Imply a right to privacy

How do European parties differ from those in the United States? Political parties in Western Europe are more loosely organized. In Western Europe, parties try to appeal to all voters. In the United States, parties are organized with strong national identities. In the United States, the major parties are less differentiated by broad ideological differences.

In the United States, the major parties are less differentiated by broad ideological differences.

Congressional Staff Include Personal staff who are typically older career public servants with strong job security Include Committee staff who are experts on the topic with which the committee is concerned Include almost 1000 full-time staff members Both A and C

Include Committee staff who are experts on the topic with which the committee is concerned

The adversarial nature of press coverage Includes increasing coverage of personal scandal by the elite media Has lessened dramatically since the days of yellow journalism Systematically targets Republican more than Democratic presidents Includes allegations of fist fights breaking out between reporters

Includes increasing coverage of personal scandal by the elite media

Choose the most famous caucus from the list below


Which is NOT true of the California Assembly It is composed of 80 members It s members serve four year terms Members are restricted to three terms It is the larger of the two chambers

It s members serve four year terms

Who wrote the Bill of Rights? Thomas Jefferson John Jay John Adams James Madison

James Madison

_________ is published and __________ is spoken Libel, sedition Libel, slander Sedition, libel Slander, libel

Libel, slander

Political socialization in college has the effect of Making minority and lower-class students much more likely than upper-class white students to view government in a benevolent way Liberalizing students in terms of seeking to protect their personal economic interests Liberalizing students in terms of making them more tolerant of differences among people All of the above

Liberalizing students in terms of making them more tolerant of differences among people

After Union troops withdrew from the South following the post-civil war occupation, what occurred? Life reverted back to a routine not dissimilar from that preceding the civil war Most former slaves became independent landowners. There was a burst of economic prosperity. Violence towards African Americans declined, while property crime rates increased as former plantation owners competed viciously against each other.

Life reverted back to a routine not dissimilar from that preceding the civil war

Mancur Olson Large groups have the advantage of more resources on which to draw to compete in the policy arena Maintained that it is rational for one to provide time and money to groups to attain benefits on could obtain by not joining that group in the first place. Maintained that small groups have crucial organizational and policy advantages over mass groups Maintained that it is not logical to engage in collective action

Maintained that small groups have crucial organizational and policy advantages over mass groups

The power of judicial review was established in the case of Dred Scott v. Sandford Lochner v. New York Marbury v. Madison McCulloch v. Maryland

Marbury v. Madison

A random sample Should be done at random locations where many people congregate Means that everyone has an equal chance of being selected Need to consist of at least 5,000 people for an accurate national sample Gives poll questions in random order to avoid question order biases

Means that everyone has an equal chance of being selected

Government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable. Means that everyone s personal liberty is protected from the reach of government. Does not, of course, apply to such groups as the KKK and the American Nazi party which clearly operate outside of the bounds of reasonable society. Applies even to such expressions as yelling fire in a crowded theater. Means that minority opinions are necessarily more correct.

Means that everyone s personal liberty is protected from the reach of government.

Monetary donations from interest groups Means that the votes of Congressional members can be bought by interest groups Means that legislators often feel obligated to listen to the arguments of group donating funds Generates much more money from consumer than producer groups because there are so many more consumers All of the above

Means that legislators often feel obligated to listen to the arguments of group donating funds

Agenda-Setting Means that the media often set the agenda of Congressional work Prohibits the coverage of important substantive political issues Means that the media influence what people think about All of the above

Means that the media influence what people think about

According to your text, a realignment Only works because parties are very cohesive Means there is a changing of groups that make up parties Should be done whenever you have your tires balanced Can be critical when accompanied by mass uprisings

Means there is a changing of groups that make up parties

Regarding adult socialization, changes in public opinion occur More because older generations are replaced by new generations More because individual people become more conservative as they age In individual core values as people move through life Independently of religious affiliation or church attendance

More because older generations are replaced by new generations

Which is not true about media ownership? Most cities have competing newspapers. Recently the FCC has permitted greater media ownership concentration. There is no limit on how many newspapers chains can own. Chains can own both newspapers and television stations.

Most cities have competing newspapers.

In 1909, W.E.B. DuBois formed the _______. SNCC ACLU NAACP CRE


NSC stands for the president's National Safety Committee Naval Standards Commission National Security Council Natural Social Confederation

National Security Council

The Brezhnev Doctrine stipulated that: The United States would intervene to prevent the spread of communism. The United States would not topple Castro s government in Cuba. The United States would act with its European allies to curtail communism in Western Europe only. None of the above

None of the above

What are responsibilities of the President? The president is the highest military authority. The president has substantial power over the economy. The president is authorized to receive or decline to receive foreign ambassadors and to negotiate treaties with other nations. Only A and C.

Only A and C.

What did the Hatch Act of 1939 prohibit federal workers from doing? Voting for their bosses Donating money to candidates and political parties Participating actively in campaigns Presenting their opinions about candidates and issues publicly

Participating actively in campaigns

The Patriot Act of 2001 was: Not favored at all by Congress. Passed by all but one dissenting vote Passed by half of Congress. Supported unanimously by Congress

Passed by all but one dissenting vote

Which of the following is not a main idea of the Idealist school of foreign policy. People are inherently violent Economic Equality International Morality Economic equality

People are inherently violent

Most of the actual work of legislating is Performed by interest groups and then acted on by Congress. Accomplished in state legislatures and then the more acceptable ideas are acted on by Congress. Performed by the president and then accepted routinely by Congress. Performed by the committees and subcommittees within Congress.

Performed by the committees and subcommittees within Congress.

Pluralists argue that Policy making is characterized by balanced competition between and among rival groups Policy making is skewed toward elites Insist that everyone s interests will be heard even if they are not organized into an interest group. Groups tend to adopt a live and let live philosophy

Policy making is characterized by balanced competition between and among rival groups

Interest groups commonly try to influence the executive branch by Donate money to the President s re-election campaign Filing lawsuits in court to pressure the President to act on some issue Pressuring the President to nominate officials supportive of the group s policy goals or from the group itself All of the above

Pressuring the President to nominate officials supportive of the group s policy goals or from the group itself

What is the basic idea behind monetarism? Government should use its vast powers to tax and spend in a manner that will stimulate or moderate economic growth as necessary. Prices fluctuations are dependent on fluctuations in the money supply. The economy can also be stimulated by decreasing the tax rate, which gives taxpayers more money to spend which, in turn, stimulates the economy. Increased government taxation has a negative effect on the economy by thwarting individual and corporate spending.

Prices fluctuations are dependent on fluctuations in the money supply.

Civil rights are The freedoms individuals have which are protected from government interference by constitutional provisions, laws, and practices Provisions that ensure that all individuals are treated equally by government The first ten amendments to the constitution The rights belonging to all people, simply by nature of them being human

Provisions that ensure that all individuals are treated equally by government

Gatekeeping Is generally biased toward serious news content rather than entertainment value Is unaffected by time and space considerations Refers to how secretaries limit access to elected officials Refers to the way journalists decide what will be news

Refers to the way journalists decide what will be news

The foremost power holder in the House of Representatives is the President of the House. Majority leader. President pro-tempore. Speaker of the House

Speaker of the House

The most important type of committees are the Joint-resolution committees. Special House and Senate investigative committees. Legislative-executive committees for foreign policy. Standing committees.

Standing committees.

The Truman Doctrine States that it is illegal for other countries with nuclear capabilities to transfer nuclear weapons technology to non-nuclear countries. Prohibits the development, production, and stockpiling of biological and toxin weapons. States that the United States will interfere if the freedom of free peoples is endangered by armed minorities or by outside pressures (i.e. Communism). Stated that the United States would not interfere in European affairs and expected European powers to stay out of the Western Hemisphere (the Americas)

States that the United States will interfere if the freedom of free peoples is endangered by armed minorities or by outside pressures (i.e. Communism).

All powers not given to the national government are reserved to the states in the Tenth Amendment. Supremacy Clause. First Amendment. Necessary and Proper Clause.

Tenth Amendment.

In regards to regulation, when industry leaders recruit promising bureaucrats who have already developed an expertise in regulatory details and, in turn, regulatory agencies recruit industry personnel, this is known as: The Market Incentive approach. Market Regulation. The Revolving door . Diplomatic cohesion.

The Revolving door.

Regionally, The Northeast is markedly more liberal than the rest of the country Pacific states are somewhat more conservative than the rest of the country Most Mountain states are more liberal than the rest of the country The South remains more conservative than the rest of the country on most political issues

The South remains more conservative than the rest of the country on most political issues

What is the reserve requirement ? The amount of money banks have to keep in reserve or on hand for people to withdraw in cash. The amount of members that must sit on the board of the Federal Reserve. The interest rate at which each of the over 6,000 member banks of the Federal Reserve system can borrow money from regional banks. The minimum discount rate for transactions between banks.

The amount of money banks have to keep in reserve or on hand for people to withdraw in cash.

Macroeconomic policy is The major investment decisions of a household or business Only used to stimulate the economy for positive growth The degree to which the government tries to regulate the overall economy Government spending decisions necessary to keep government functioning

The degree to which the government tries to regulate the overall economy

According to the Constitution, which governmental branch has the power to declare war on other nations? The executive The judicial Both the executive and the judicial The legislative

The legislative

What does the Laffer curve depict? The normal distribution of income. Income disparity. The optimal rate of taxation. Fluctuations in the rate of inflation.

The optimal rate of taxation.

The concept of a gerrymander refers to Legislation passed in southern states to limit ethnic participation in elections. The practice of drawing district boundaries for partisan gain An informal rule in the Senate which allow senators to discuss any topic when a bill is being considered that the senator is opposing. A partisan political procedure which requires the minority party to relinquish seats on exclusive committees at the request of the Speaker of the House.

The practice of drawing district boundaries for partisan gain

According to your text, since World War II, the tax burden has relatively shifted from The wealthy to the middle and lower classes Individual taxpayers to Corporations Lower tax brackets to upper tax brackets both 3 and 4

The wealthy to the middle and lower classes

Levels of productivity have risen fairly steadily in the United States over the last few decades. True False


Under the Keynesian economic model, taxation is considered a government tool to stimulate or moderate economic growth. True False


Who got the Democratic nomination for president in 1984?

Walter Mondale

Rousseau believed that public opinion Was a kind of mass force that could influence public policy Was limited to a small number of educated people Could largely be ignored by public officials Was largely shaped by elite propaganda

Was a kind of mass force that could influence public policy

When he first took office, President Kennedy Supported the civil rights movement and passed legislation outlawing segregation. Was reluctant to support the civil rights movement because he did not want to alienate southern supporters. Immediately passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 After some deliberation introduced the Civil Rights Act of 1968

Was reluctant to support the civil rights movement because he did not want to alienate southern supporters.

The gender gap in the U.S. means that Women are generally more fearful and thus more in favor of military action Is largest on gender-related issues Women are generally more supportive of government spending for education, welfare, and health Women were more likely to support the Equal Rights Amendment

Women are generally more supportive of government spending for education, welfare, and health

The age gap in the U.S. means that Younger people are more gung-ho and supportive of military deployment People become markedly more conservative as they grow older Exists primarily because people change ideologically as a result of life-cycle effects Younger people take more liberal positions on social issues

Younger people take more liberal positions on social issues

Negative freedom refers to

a freedom from government intervention

The U.S. system of government is, in pratice

a representative democracy

Who is most likely to vote on election day>

a retired surgeon who lives off of his stock portfolio

Rational voters:

all of the above

Which of the following is not an example of a "free rider" problem?

all of the above are examples of free riders

Which of the following was one of the Anti-federalists fears about the new U.S. Constitution? The powers given to Congress would eclipse the powers of the states. The powers of the Presidency were a threat to local and state rule. Individual rights and liberties would not be protected from the new central government. all of the above.

all of the above.

How can people realize their potential power?

all of these answers

A social contract may be defined more accurately as

an agreement between rational individuals who give up some liberties to a government bound to protect their natural rights

Independent expenditures:

are monies spent by third parties to support or defeat a certain candidate

Bureaucracies are necessary to carry out governmental functions fairly and professionally. can be run on a for-profit basis. operates according to the spoils system. use discretion to provide a personal touch.

are necessary to carry out governmental functions fairly and professionally.

In recent decades the judicial selection process has been taken out of the hands of the Senate. become less important to presidents and other political actors. become more politicized than it was in the past. become less open to public and media scrutiny.

become more politicized than it was in the past.

The post-Cold War Bush Doctrine is based on the premise that military power is still the only power that really counts. argues that Russia is still our main adversary. states that the United States will destroy any terrorist threat to it and its population before it can reach the United States both 1 and 3

both 1 and 3

A collection action problem

both a and b

The USA Patriot Act was passed quickly because it played on the insecurities of Americans after 9/11 Potentially infringes on rights that are guaranteed to Americans in the Amendments gives Americans more rights both a and b

both a and b

One problem that is hard to fix under a federal system involves

both public education and environment concerns

Regarding television, there is an annual Television Talk Show Hosts Day at the White House. about half of American households have cable television. CNN live coverage of the Senate began in the 1980s. by the late 1980s about two-thirds of Americans said they got most of their news from television.

by the late 1980s about two-thirds of Americans said they got most of their news from television.

The Court decides whether to hear a case by the rule of four. by a majority decision. through unanimous consent. only if the solicitor general so recommends.

by the rule of four.

The "Goldilocks Dilemma" refers to

centripetal and centrifugal power

Non-violent illegal political participation is best known as:

civil disobedience

The totality of voluntary civic and social organizations and institutions that form the basis of a functioning society is known as

civil society

The construction of the constitution reminds us that statesmanship is about ___.

civility and hard work

Concerning their power as commander-in-chief, American presidents have often waited to act until Congress has declared war. committed American forces without congressional approval. declared war without congressional ratification. stood by while Congress initiated foreign conflicts.

committed American forces without congressional approval.

The U.S. Constitution that emerged from the 1787 convention may be said to be the result of:

compromise and debate

Powers shared between the national and state governments are known as:

concurrent powers

What was deleted from the draft of Jefferson's Declaration of Independence?

condemnation of the slave trade

The U.S. government has adopted the role of supporting ___, often at the expense of programs intended to provide economic security for the masses

corporate capitalism

In the 2010 U.S. supreme court decision Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission more power was given to

corporations and unions

The best statement of the social contraction between American citizens and their government is found in the ___

declaration of independence

Article vi of the U.S. constitution

declares the constitution the supreme law of the land

Madison maintained that the only way to avoid the problem of factionalism was to have:

democracy on a large scale

What is the most common means to select delegates to a presidential nominating convention?

direct primary

As an indicator of a decline in American civil society, the text cites Robert Putnam's analysis of

drops in group membership

Which model of federalism was said to resemble a layer cake

dual federalsim

Super delegates are

elected officeholders such as congress people and the governors of states.

The following is a theory of government which asserts that a small group of people posses all real power


In the Constitution the powers that are granted exclusively to the national government are called specified enumerated designated reserved


In speaking about equality, American usually mean

equality of opportunity

In his Federalist Paper #10, James Madison argues that which of the following is the problem with democracy?


The "great compromise" created an unicameral legislature with proportional representation.


The idea of natural rights was first mentioned in the preamble of the constitution


There is only one clearly defined process for formally proposing amendments to the constitution.


Under the articles of confederation, the continental congress was given the power to collect taxes from all the states


The articles of Confederation provided for an equitable distribution of power between the federal government and the states


Why is federalism well suited to geographically large countries?

flexibility allows sub-governments to respond appropriately to local problems and conditions

The 15th amendment did what?

gave black men the right to vote

According to your text, split-ticket voting encourages candidates to attract many different party nominations. voters to base their vote on ideological congruity with the candidate. responsible party government as the different parties hold each other accountable for their policies. governmental gridlock as competing parties stymie each other.

governmental gridlock as competing parties stymie each other.

Media coverage of electoral campaigns that concentrate on who is ahead and who is behind but presents little analysis of substantive issues is called media blitz dark-horse ballot horse-race coverage wild-horse campaigns

horse-race coverage

Who decides what presidential candidates becomes president if neither of the candidates win the majority of the electoral college?

house of representatives

Dual federalism ended when?

in the early 1930s

In one word, how would the history of the U.S. supreme court in regards to supporting federalism may be stated


Some of advantages that incumbents have include all but one of the following

incremental amounts of megalomania

According to your text, which group is least knowledgeable of all voters?

independent voters

What does "classical liberal tradition" emphasize?

individual freedoms and natural rights

Under majority rule, a majority may democratically pass a law which undermines the democratic rights of a minority. This is known as

irony of democracy

The ability of states to enter into agreements with other states without the consent of congress ___

is denied in article i of the constitution

Assessing the welfare system prior to 1996, the text concludes that it was doing a very poor job of moving families out of poverty and into the workforce it worked much better than anyone realized. it was actually more popular than politicians thought. its generous level of benefits discourage recipients from seeking employment.

it was doing a very poor job of moving families out of poverty and into the workforce

___ maintained that the key to limiting the power of government was to separate that government into executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

james madison

In the declaration of independence, Thomas Jefferson uses and changes some of whose words to support his notions of life, liberty, and property rights?

john locke

Political philosopher ___ said that a community surrenders some degree of its natural rights in favor of government, which is better able to protect those rights than any man could alone.

john locke

The British political philosopher ___ advocated the notion that constitutions were essentially contrast between the people and the government

john locke

The Great Compromise resolved the conflict between ___

large and small states over the issue of representation

The Cold War has had little effect on America's beliefs about its role in the world. was a temporary aberration from traditional American foreign policy. was a triumph for the forces of democracy during the Hungarian uprising. led to the involvement of the United States in hot wars in Korea and Vietnam.

led to the involvement of the United States in hot wars in Korea and Vietnam.

The distrust of tyrannical executive rule was reflected in the new states' constitutions which stressed ___ rather than ___ power.

legislative, executive

The United States spends more per capita on social policies than any other developed nation. more per capita on social policies than Great Britain but less than France. about the same per capita on social policies as most European nations. less per capita on social policies than most other developed nations.

less per capita on social policies than most other developed nations.

According to the text's authors, bureaucracy is not an important arena for political struggle. misconceptions about modern bureaucracy include overlooking the fact that most Americans are employed by private bureaucracies democratic reforms are usually initiated in the federal bureaucracy. expertise plays no role in a bureaucracy.

misconceptions about modern bureaucracy include overlooking the fact that most Americans are employed by private bureaucracies

Which of the following is not a component of natural rights?

natural rights can be created

According to your textbook, the business community views government s role as a mechanism to safeguard disadvantaged groups from the market. an arbiter between competing economic interests. a totally unnecessary component of the economy. necessary to promote conditions in which the economy works efficiently.

necessary to promote conditions in which the economy works efficiently.

A single-member-district system allows representatives to choose their running mates. citizens to have more than one representative. representation to occur based on the proportion of votes each candidate receives. only the person with the most votes to represent the district.

only the person with the most votes to represent the district.

Congressman X attacks judicial activism and says that federal courts should fit their decisions to the precise words found in major laws and the Constitution. He is advocating a judicial philosophy of constitutional adaptation. original intent. judicial review. judicial activism.

original intent.

The determination of public policy is determined through negotiation between the groups with government playing the role of moderator


Which of these is the political attitudes and beliefs widely shared by a people or nation?

political culture

One example of political belief and political myth revolves around the idea of ____ in the United States.

political equality

___ prohibit states and cities from regulating certain activites


Centering on the horse race aspect of the campaign discourages attention to the personal character of the candidates. presents little analysis of substantive issues. encourages attention to the historical and international consequences of a political election. encourages citizen awareness of the campaign.

presents little analysis of substantive issues.

The Wagner act of 1935 was created to

prevent unfair practices by employers

One problem that is difficult to address in a federal system is

problems that "spill over" from one state to another

The idea of equality of condition, that all people should enjoy essentially the same material circumstances, is widely ___ in the United States.


Before Justice Marshall arrived, the Supreme Court was a coequal branch. relatively weak. headed by Thomas Jefferson. praised by Anti-Federalists.

relatively weak.

In the newspaper business the most liberal people tend to be reporters. editors. publishers. owners.


The authors of your textbook argue that the consolidation of news media ownership has been lessened by the trend toward cross-ownership results in growing uniformity of news coverage across the country into the hands of the government allows for objective reporting and for equal treatment in political campaigns. is governed by the FCC which is not influenced by the industry it is supposed to regulate

results in growing uniformity of news coverage across the country

The three fifths compromise at the constitutional convention in 1787 provided that

slaves would count as 3/5ths of a person for purposes of representation in congress

From the following choices select the major sources of campaign funds at the federal level

small donors

What is a free rider?

someone who gets the benefit of the collective action without having to pay any of the cost

What kind of system of government in a Confederation?

sovereignty rests with the constituent units

A central issue in McCulloch v. Maryland was

state taxing authority

Under the U.S. Constitution, _________ administer all elections. political parties Supreme Court justices states interest groups


Under the U.S. constitution, ___ administer all elections


Many southern states moved their primaries to the early part of the primary on a day knows as ____

super tuesday

Which English actions in the 1700's directly influenced the growing nationalism of the American Colonials?

the "Intolerable Acts" of 1774

One example of preemption is

the American with Disabilities Act

The major force behind adding the Bill of Rights to the Constitution was ___

the anti-federalists

a federal system provides

the central and regional governments with power protected in a constitution

A federal system provides the central and regional governments with powers protected in a constitution. regional governments with greater power than the central government. a central government with all legal power. a means for state governments to withdraw if they see fit.

the central and regional governments with powers protected in a constitution.

Politics can be defined as:

the competition to influence public policy or who gets what, when, and how

More time spent working and less time spent interacting with other people, the obsession with material gain and the rise in our current culture of consumerism has led to what?

the decline of civil society in America

What is a major problem of pluralism?

the economic and political resources that may be brought to bear on an issue by a corporation or industy

How is it possible that one candidate can win the presidential popular vote, yet lose the election?

the electoral college determines the winner

The framers of the Constitution believed that You Answered the presidency would be the branch of the national government closest to the people. the president would be able to depend upon his party s support in Congress. it was essential that presidents campaign diligently for public support. the focal point of power and policy making would be on Congress.

the focal point of power and policy making would be on Congress.

The fact that government can both be empowered and limited by constitutions forms the basis for:

the framers of the constitution fully trusted the people to choose their own representatives

Which is not true of the U.S. Constitution?

the framers of the constitution fully trusted the people to choose their own representatives

Civil liberties are the privileges of citizenship, such as voting, that are protected by government. the freedoms of citizens, such as worship, with which government cannot interfere. rights bestowed on individuals once they reach adulthood. the rights of citizens established by Congress.

the freedoms of citizens, such as worship, with which government cannot interfere.

Incumbents most accurately means

the present existing holder of a political office

Front loading may be most accurately defined as

the process of moving primaries to the early part of primary season

All of the following can help explain the incumbency advantage except incumbents advantages in fundraising. higher name recognition for incumbents. the benefits of casework. the public s high regard for Congress as an institution.

the public s high regard for Congress as an institution.

Which of the following is not one of the three primary trends that have contributed to the relative shift in government and economic power in the U.S.?

the relative strength of the American military

Article i of the U.S. constitution lists all but one of the following

the responsibilities of the executive power

Of the countries that follow, which one has on average the lowest election voter turnout?

the united states of america

Cities hate mandates because

they often are unfunded; they are rules but not money to implement the rules

In Roe v. Wade (1973), the Supreme Court struck down state abortion laws on the grounds that only the federal government has the power to regulate reproductive decisions. there can be no restrictions on a woman s right to choose at any time to have an abortion. they violated a woman s right to privacy as implied by the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth Amendments. they violated a woman s right to Due Process as protected by the Fourteenth Amendment.

they violated a woman s right to privacy as implied by the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth Amendments.

Because the Social Security system is so popular, it is called the _____ of American politics. lightning rod holy icon sacred cow third rail

third rail

Classical Liberalism was popularized in the writings of political theorists such as

thomas hobbes

Who was notably absent from the constitutional convention?

thomas jefferson and john adams

Who said "justice is whatever the strong decide"?


The Pendelton Act, the Civil Service Reform Act and the Hatch Act are three laws that regulate the federal bureaucratic workforce the components of an ideal bureaucracy as depicted by Max Weber the primary laws governing environmental protection in the U.S. cabinet departments

three laws that regulate the federal bureaucratic workforce

Republicanism rests on the idea that political power should rest with the people, rather than with elites


Signing the declaration of independence was an act of treason against Great Britain.


The members of the constitutional convention originally met to simply revise, not replace the articles of confederation


the theory of representation in which the proper role of representatives is to vote their best judgment as to what is best for their constituents and the nation as a whole is known as political robot trustee delegate politico


The Declaration of Independence consists of three main parts:

unalienable rights of people, abuses by the British, and declares the colonies free

Boycotts are considered to be what type of political participation?

unconventional but legal political participation

Over 90 percent of all the nations in the world are governed by unitary systems. confederations. parliamentary democracies. dual federalism.

unitary systems.

In creating a new federal system, the Framers sought to create

unity without uniformity

Political machines kept down voting totals to maintain control by the "boss." used patronage to recruit members and maintain power guaranteed that the police ran government and not that the government controlled the police force. focused on broad principles to appeal to voters.

used patronage to recruit members and maintain power

About how much voter fraud was there in the early 2000s?

virtually nonexistent, maybe two or three ballots per state, per election

Strong political parties provide voters with clear choices between ideological platforms. greater independence for political candidates. greater power for the factions within each party. Republicans and Democrats with a similar party philosophy.

voters with clear choices between ideological platforms.

One reason why voter turnout in the U.S. is so low is that

we vote so often, and for so many offices that it is not special

A unity system is

when the national government has most of the power

Enumerated powers are those that are:

written into the constitution

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