Politics of the Arab Israeli Conflict-Kiel

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'Restructuring' reforms by the nineteenth-century Ottoman rulers, intended to move civil law away from the control of religious elites and make the military and the bureacracy more efficient, remake the Ottoman Empire on a western European model

Eretz Yisrael/Israel

(Heb., "land of Israel"). In Jewish thought, the special term for the land promised to the Jewish people by God in the Torah.

4. greek and egyptian rulers


Al Qassam


Alexandria Protocol 1944


Arab Revolt


Arab Uprising (1936-1939)


May Day Riots (1921)


Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin al-Husayni


Persecution of Jews


Western Wall conflict (1928-29)


jewish muslim "golden age"


spanish explusion of 1942


Irgun and Lehi



**Prejudice against Jews

Muslim-Christian Associations, Arab Higher Committee

**formed in 1936 in response to a general Arab strike that was to continue until Britain granted the Arabs' demands for restrictions on immigration/land sales and the establishment of a democratic government. This Committee was a belated attempt to unify the factions within the Palestinian elite (Christians, Muslims, Nashashibis, al-Husseins, Istiqlal). It attempted to organize and coordinate the strike but didn't really do much.


**the state of being barred from one's native country, typically for political or punitive reasons.

Sects of Jews

- Misrahe (NE and S), similar to sephardic -Sephardic (West) -Ashkenazi (NW/ eastern europe)- yiddish, lots of persecution during crusades, higher standard of living than other areas, population increases, isolated from misrahe and sephardic jews

arab strides in israeli gov

-1966 arab israelis get citizenship, but still sort of under different rules -late 1980s: independent arab israeli parties emerge -2015: 10% of vote in knesset was for arab israelis -arab israelis have never been offered to be a part of a coalition gov

War of 1948

-85% of arab population left and zionists confiscated property and land which was given to new jewish immigrants -puts into place the question of the principle of the right to return -Deer Yasin: palestinian village that was massacred before war that ensues fear in palestinians -large palestinian refugee population in west bank and gaza and other go to neighboring countries -UNWRA sets up DP camps that eventually become permanent and are some of the best educated palestinians -

Peel Commission (1937)

-Lord Peel's commission recommended the partition of Palestine as he did not believe a single state in which both sides would be loyal would be possible -The Jews accepted the plan but the Arabs rejected it and resumed the revolt

Peel Commission (1937)

-Lord Peel's commission recommended the partition of Palestine as he did not believe a single state in which both sides would be loyal would be possible -The Jews accepted the plan but the Arabs rejected it and resumed the revolt bc it gives legitimacy to the idea of a jewish entity, inequivalency of land (desert v. fertile)

cold war era

-US was not super keen on israel bc of cold war -some peace proposals in 50s, 60s, 70s but none were successful

6. Roman empire under constantine

-adopts christianity and splits into 2 (catholic and greek orthodox)

jewish situation after the war

-after independence opened doors up to jewish population, increased substantially -many holocaust survivors -sephardic jews face substantial harrassment and many immigrate (iraq, yemen, morocco) to DP camps to learn hebrew

meaning of palestine for arab world/ pan arabism

-arab neighbors see themselves as putting themselves at risk in order to help palestinians, but also do it for their own personal gain -saw creation of israel as an extension of european imperialism in the ME (israelis didnt really like arabs coming from abroad) -ME united by hatred of the west -came up with agreement of 3 no's: no recognition, no negotiations and no peace by all arab nations until palestinian issue is resolved

split in british loyalty

-british gov in london supported jews -british authorities in palestine sympathized with the palestinians

19th century

-century of nationalism -lots of jews were reforming and assimilating and becoming a lot more secular, but some were becoming more religious (sects emerged) -jews were being physically attacked and banned from certain jobs -religious issue turned into a cultural/ racial issue -May Laws (russia) -lots of people emigrate to US but then laws get stricter in 1921 -ottomans began putting stricter restrictions on loopholes for europeans bc they were losing power in the region

Palestine under UN

-creates a special committee for Palestine w/ 11 countries to study the problems, can't agree so they come up with 2 plans for the problem -majority report: partitition into arab and jewish states with jerusalem being an internationalized zone -minority report: united central gov, with 2 seperate local govs -UN voted in Nov. 1947 in favor of majority plan (US started getting more sympathetic to zionist movement but told different parties different things to appease them) -concerted effort by zionists to get US and truman to vote in favor of them and approve resolution + soviet union -palestinians strongly oppose partition, fighting emerges and escalates

roots of the conflict

-different promises during WW1 (gave people the idea that they were in the right) -british support came from sympathy for the cause (religious) -influence in the region -getting and keeping russia and us in war

5. Roman empire

-direct rule on israelites/ israel, no autonomy like with previous empires -lots of revolts by israelites and in retailation in 70 CE they destroy the second temple and begin expulsion of jews from jerusalem leading to the jewish diaspora of 70-500 CE)

palestine under ottomans

-empire was split into administrative districts and palestine was split apart (geographically defined but not politically united) -economy: agriculture, tourism, handy crafts, no industrial rev., commerce bc of trading route -primarily poor, illiterate working on fields and living there -relationship with europe was never strong but both used the other for their own power struggle -1850s and 60s: foreigners could buy land as long as they were registered which expels peasants from the land who worked there, peasants don't want to pay taxes so more land goes into private owners which leads to a growing class of landless peasants -ottoman rules about religious/ ethnic minorities: could pay jizea tax for nonmuslims, very multiethnic, pretty tolerant -majority religion: sunni muslim -after spanish inquisition jews immigrated to ottoman empire -restrictions but no great tensions (1890s)


-founder of Revisionist Zionism

May 14, 1948

-israel declares independence, strategic plan before partition officially begins -factors that give zionists advantage in fighting: stockpile of weapons, british military training, backing by US, weapon embargo that affects palestinians, no organized effort by palestinians -israel fighting against 6 of its neighbboring countries and gained territory (78% of palestine was in zionist hands) -secret negotiations with king of jordan bc he wants to annex west bank -puts into place the question of the principle of the right to return

palestinian reaction to zionism

-jewish population grows from 10-30%, palestinians lose their jobs, concerned about future, first manifestation of conflict before WW2

Palestinian situation after war

-jordan formally annexed west bank and east bank of jerusalem and gave palestinians citizenship, then in 1968 they recinded it and said they were distinctly palestinian -east bank jordanians were scared of palestinian loyalties or them trying to start trouble with israel -many palestinians start to sympathize with radicalism -Gaza is 75% refugees, deeply impoverished, brain drain, relies on aid from other countries

aftermath of WW2

-many DPs, zionists want them to come to palestine so they put pressure on mandate to increase immigration -britain extended white paper quota for immigration and angered both sides -haganah joins irgun bc of frustration -bombing of the King David Hotel (1946) by irgun approved by haganah -split in zionist leadership: moderate (weizman wanted a conference) and militant (led by Ben Gurion, don't go to conference) -1947: britain calls for basically another WP but its rejected and britain resigns as mandate power and turns it over to UN

split within socialist zionist camp

-militant sect: ben gurion and moshe dayan, Pinhas Lavon and Golda Meir -diplomatic/moderate sect: moshe sharett, chaim weizmann


-no actual fighting in Palestine, but in other parts of ME -Britain still has control over palestine during war and uses it as a staging area and restricts jewish immigration (bad timing with holocaust) -jews help britain fight nazis but at the same time they steal arms from britain to start building an arsenal and continue to smuggle jews into palestine -Abraham stern: militantly anti-british after white papers, irgun, 1944 assassination of top ranking british officials


-ottomans are originally neutral, but then go on Germany's side -Britain wants influence in ME for protection against france, try to get ottomans away from russian front, suez canal protection, economic opportunities

Colonel T.E. Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia")

-sent by the British to support the Arab revolt. led guerrilla raids against the Turks, destroyed bridges and supply trains -british gaurentee reinstating the caliphate (muslim rule in the region) if they rebel against ottomans -britain colonizes after war despite their agreements bc they made other ones that conflicted

Israel's retaliation

-some people were crossing from the west bank into israel and carrying out terrorist attacks and others were just trying to go home/ get their land back -israel wanted a deterrance strategy to stop terrorists and encourage other countries to crack down on terrorist activity

bath party

-started gaining influence in syria and iraq and jordan, tried to eliminate western influence, adopted non aligned positions in cold war, opposing monarchs are puppets of europeans, wanted to defeat israel (build up military to defeat them in the future, but west doesn't sell them arms), wants to unite arab world, tries to keep islam out of politics, clashes with muslim brotherhood and other parties, emergence of radical sunni islam as a result

8. Ottomans

-take over constantinople and SE Europe (1300) -holds control of palestine until WW1

Herzl's question

-why wherever jews show up in large numbers do they get persecuted? the answer is they are going to make a place for themselves -emancipation/ equal rights is only on paper and not in practice

Dreyfus Affair

1894 Falsely charged for supplying French secrets to the Germans.Found guilty and sent to Devil's Island, tried for treason because the military was anti-Semitic, and it divided the country (becomes a jewish issue instead of a military one), zionist movement born from this event

Moshe Sharett

2nd prime minister of israel, started to engage in international talks, believed they didn't necessarily think retaliation was the right solution, looked into integrating arab israelis into society and what to do with palestinian refugees

Revisionist Zionism

A faction within the Zionist movement. Used military force (the Irgun). Founding of non-religious rights in Israel. Must take over land and repel all others, complete opposite of Labor Zionism, Vladmir Jabotinsky and Mechachem Begin were heads, attacked socialist aspects of socialist zionism

Islamic Golden Age

A hypothetical period that describes the status of the Islamic world from the mid-8th to the mid-13th century CE. During this period, artists, engineers, scholars, poets, philosophers, geographers and traders in the Islamic world contributed to agriculture, the arts, economics, industry, law, literature, navigation, philosophy, sciences, sociology, and technology, both by preserving earlier traditions and by adding inventions and innovations of their own.


A policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine, founded in the 1890s

Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916)

An agreement between the british and the french. France gets Syria and Lebanon, and Britain gets Iraq, Palestine, and Transjordan. Russia gets Armenia bc of orthodox religion

British Mandate

An agreement that placed Palestine under British control from 1919-1940's, worked together with WZO to create a national homeland for jews (Jewish agency coordinated with Britain for land, immigration and schools)

1939 White Paper

An issued paper which renounced Britain's commitment to a Jewish national home in Palestine (in order to get Arab support) and restricted immigration of Jews to the area to 75,000 over five years. Jews were angered and turned to self-governing instututions like the Haganah, a militia to protect the Jews, "Macdonald White Paper." Most sympathetic (of all the white papers) toward Arabs. Called for the creation of a unified Palestinian state and a limited Jewish immigration and ability to purchase land. Britain finally ends its support for the Jewish National Home.


Belief in one God, Judaism was first monotheistic religion which Christianity and Islam are based off of

Balfour Declaration (1917)

British promise of support for the establishment of Jewish settlement in Palestine, Statement issued by Britain's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour in 1917, but said that it would not take land away from the indigneous people (main objective until 1939)

Law of Return (1950)

Effective from 1950, all Jews of 'good character' to gain citizenship upon immigration (stark contrast to palestinian refugees)

Pinsker, Leon

European Zionist who believed that Jewish assimilation into Christian European nations was impossible; argued for return to Middle Eastern Holy Land.

World Zionist Organization (WZO)

Founded by Theodor Herzl other prominent European Jewish leaders to promote Jewish migration to and settlement in Palestine to form a Zionist state.


Founder of Islam (610 CE) , Arab prophet, begins gaining followers and then persecution occurs, moves to medina and implements preaching and then seizes mecca, western arabia, persia, palestine

Theodore Herzl and Zionism

Herzl, writer of The Jewish State believed like many other Zionists that the Jews deserved their own country in order for their persecutions to end, so they all aimed to secure a place in Palestine. Wrote the Jewish State and advocated Jewish Nationalism. Got funds by yishuvs or jewish banking families to provide refuge for persecuted jews, advocated a Jewish homeland in the Holy Land as a remedy to continued persecution of Jews in eastern and central Europe, Austrian journalist and founder of the Zionist movement urging the creation of a Jewish national homeland in Palestine. , A worldwide movement, originating in the 19th century that sought to establish and develop a Jewish nation in Palestine. Since 1948, its function has been to support the state of Israel.


Islamic empire ruled by those believed to be the successors to the Prophet Muhammad, Area ruled by a caliph (name of empire)

Diaspora Jews

Jews who lived outside of the land of Palestine. Because they were dispersed outside of their homeland, they were called Jews of the dispersion


Leader of Egypt, tried to crack down on palestinian attacks to avoid retaliation, maintained secret dialogue with israel -radicalizes when israel buys arms, but US won't agree to egypt buying them, US also doesn't help fund a dam, sharp increase in attacks in Israel and retaliation


Literally "people of the book"; applied as inclusive term to Jews and Christians in Islamic territories; later extended to Zoroastrians and even Hindus & Buddhists, Non-muslims. "protected people". Only had to pay jizya (small tax) and retained personal freedom.

partition of israel

On Nov. 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for Palestine to be partitioned between Arabs and Jews, allowing for the formation of the Jewish state of Israel.


One of the two main ethnic groups within the Jewish culture. This branch eventually settled in Central Europe after having been driven out of Jerusalem early in the first millenium A.D

Jewish Agency

Organization set up under the Palestine mandate to work with Britain toward the Jewish national home; later charged with aiding Jewish immigration and absorption into Israel, International Jewish communal aid organization for distressed Jewish communities and aids immigration, education in Israel. Successor of World Zionist Movement

White Paper of 1939

Policy paper issued by the British government that rejected the idea of partitioning the British Mandate in Palestine, instead advocation the creation of an independent Palestine governed by Arabs and Jews according to their share of the population. It set a limit of 75,000 Jewish immigrants for the period from 1940 to 1944. -secular bi-national gov, self gov for each side, limits on jewish immigration and landowning -jews dont accept this and arabs reject it bc of overrepresentation of jews and wanted immediate stop of jewish immigration -british tries to implement WP but it doesnt work -distinct palestinian national identity emerges; connects idea of self gov for ppl tied to the land, not really a political movement, but many factions now they are identifying as palestinian bc mandate is seperating them from other arabs and opposition against zionism (rally round the flag)

Chaim Weizmann

Russian-born Jewish chemist, first president of Israel, persuaded the United States to recognize the new state of Israel

The Holocaust & Israel

The Holocaust occurred during World War II. 5-6 million Jews were killed. Israel was founded in 1948. the holocaust gave jews even more of a justification for a jewish homeland

Lavon Affair

The Lavon Affair started because Israel's Defense Minister, Pinhas Lavon, believed that if British troops left Egypt, they would open the way for Egyptians to attack Israel so he believed that British troops in Egypt kept Israel secure. In order to ensure that Britain stayed in Egypt, he sent Israeli spies into Egypt who set off bombs and tried to blame the muslim brotherhood, thus tricking the British into believing they needed to stay as Egypt was an unsafe place. The plan collapsed and the Israeli spy ring was discovered although Israeli politicians did not release the events until the 60's. Led to the resignation of Sharett.

Pan-Islam/ Pan arabism

The belief that all Muslims should be united under a single Islamic state or that the world should be united under a global Islamic state, promoted by some Ottoman sultans and some popular leaders, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani's ideology meant to unite the ummah and resist European penetration, A movement that calls for unification among the peoples and countries of the Arab World, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arabian Sea. It is closely connected to Arab nationalism, which asserts that the Arabs constitute a single nation.


The name for participants in one of the nine armed expeditions by Christians beginning in 1095 and ending in 1291 that were intended to drive the Muslims out of the Holy Land (jerusalem) and, in the process, reunited Christians of the East and West.

Religious Zionism

This stream of Zionism used the authority of the Torah to stake a Jewish claim to the land of Israel


Zionist military force engaged in violent resistance to British presence in Palestine in the 1940s.

Ben Gurion

Zionist pioneer and politician and Israel's defense (1948-1953 and 1955-1963) First Prime Minister of Israel

Jewish National Fund

a fund that was founded in 1901 to buy and develop land in Ottoman Palestine (later Israel) for Jewish settlement Herzl set up through fundraisers in 1901, funded by jews worldwide especially in response to the holocaust.


aka palestine/israel, very diverse area

Revisionist Party

claiming both sides of the jordan river, militant strategy, emulate the facist movement, right wing nationalism, founded Irgun( carries out terrorist attacks on arabs and british)

2. persian empire

conquered babylon and allowed israelites to return and rule in judea (under the sovereignty of persia)

3. alexander the great

conquers persia (330 BCE)

arab nationalism

emerged in 20th century in response to fall of ottoman empire, originally was moderate but after 1948 was more radical

tazemah laws

equality for jews and christians, but increasing tensions and restrictions

Nuremberg Laws (1935)

established legal basis in Nazi Germany for discrimination against Jews. defining status of Jews, stripped Jews of their German citizenship, jobs, and property


grand mufti of jerusalem, end of zionist project, wanted independence for jerusalem

zionist bank

helps fund second wave aliyah (many from Russia bc of revolution, socialists going to kibbutz, many of them became part of Israel's labor party)

1. time of the first temple

israelites got control of portions of israel, egypt, assyria and babylons were constant threats temple was destroyed in 586 BCE

Zionist Movement

jewish nationalism, a movement of world Jewry that arose late in the 19th century with the aim of creating a Jewish state in Palestine, despite religious and cultural differences

emergence of arab islamic empire

muhammad gained followers, started as a religious movement and started own city then expanded and then falls apart after 600 yrs but splinters off into different rulers but still is all islamic

al quassem

muslim cleric, became a hero to palestinians, created an arab militia to fight jews


one of the oldest continuously occupied towns in the world


organized violence against Jews, often officially encouraged massacre or persecution of a minority group, especially one conducted against Jews, often used to redirect public anger from the government

Semetic People

people who have migrated and share the same root language from another area, a major branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family including Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, and many more, indigenous to middle east

1919 Paris Peace Conference

redrew Europe, wrote treaty of Versailles, placed war guilt on germany. US never signed and never joined league of nations with Wilson's 14 points and self determination, created mandates in colonies in defeated powers (temporary, semi autonomous, assist local population to establish economic, politic and social institutions

israel's governmental system

representative parliamentary system, SDMulti-member district (everyone votes for the same people), low vote threshold, parties emphasize their distinctness from one another, form coalitions to get bills passed

Jews who are anti zionists

some argue that only the messiah can give israel to the jews

7. crusaders

take over palestine in 1099, then Muslims take back jerusalem in 100 years


the immigration of Jews from the diaspora to the Land of Israel

The split between Sunni and Shiite Muslims began with disagreement over

who the rightful successor of Muhammad is

1929 western wall conflict

zionist start to put up barriers around western wall in order to pray but palestinians see this as a dangerous precedent and more than 100 dead on each side, conflicts were fairly common after this

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