POLS 1101

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which of the following best describes the electorate after the expansion of voting rights under the second party system?

all white males

who were the democratic candidates who successfully won the presidency since 1968?

carter, clinton, obama

the extent to which party identification and overall acceptance of the two-party system is passed down across generations is known as _____ socialization.


which are the major political parties in the u.s.?

democratic and republican parties

What political part was dominant during the fifth party system?

democratic party

What two political parties remained the most competitive during the third party system.

democratic party and republican

third parties have trouble garnering much support from dissatisfied voters because the ideologies of the dissatisfied voters are so


The Tea Party movement began in response to ...

economic stimulus plans, health care reform

prior to 1944, political parties often

excluded minority groups from participating

who did Republican candidate william mckinley appeal to in his campaign for the presidency?

factory workers, industrialists, bankers,

True or false: the internet has limited party activism to individuals who can attend party meetings.


The time period from 1815 to 1828 is known to U.S. hisorians as the Era of _______ _______

good feelings

ideologically oriented parties _____.

have broad views about many different aspects of government.

Party _____ is considered a political attribute that can be passed down from one generation to the next.


Which type of third party is highly organized around a framework concerning the nature and role of government in society?

ideologically oriented parties

A corrupt and useful organization that dominated politics during the turn of the twentieth century was known as a political or party _____.


unlike leaders of the first party system, the coalition formed by the new democrats emphasized leadership through ____.


in comparison to interest groups, political parties usually have ____ responsibilites.


Formal statements of a party's principles and policy objectives are known as the party's _______.


organizations of ideologically similar people that nominate and elect their members to office in order to run the government and shape public policy are known as..

political parties

what factors have contributed to the decline of the two-party system?

primary elections, candidate-centered campaigns

Political parties partake in activities that are primarily intended to

promote democracy

tea party supporters are most likely identify with which of the following political parties?


who is most likely to be motivated to join a third party?

someone who is unhappy with the two major parties

which of the following voting blocs was largely notable in its migration to the republican party during the 1980s.

southern whites

Third parties have existed since

the nineteenth century

how did party machines such as tammany hall impact american politics?

they awarded jobs to citizens as a reward for their loyalty to the party, they integrated immigrants into the social, economic, and political fabric of the u.s.

United States politics has been historically dominated by _____ parties.


what has the dualist nature of politics in american led to?

two-party system

all of the following presidents were affiliated with the republican party except..

woodrow wilson

in what year were women granted the right to vote?


the fourth party system lasted from 1896 to


The fifth party system lasted between 1932 and _____.


campaigns and political parties have utilized the internet and social media for which of the following initiatives?

Fund raising, organizing party activities, connecting with supporters

which of the following, at one time, have been considered third parties in the United States?

Green Party, progressive party

Factional or splinter parties are parties that ....

Have broken off from one of the two dominant parties

What were the two competitive political parties during the first party system?

Jeffersonian republicans, federalists

Between 1968 and 2008, which political party was more likely to win the presidency?

Republican party

Even if a third party candidate fails to win an election, what other way can a third party be successful?

They can encourage the major parties to co-opt issues first introduced by the third parties, they can draw attention to an issue previously ignored by the two major candidates.

which electoral results indicates that the American party system remains vibrant?

Turnout in recent elections

Which of the following events did the Republican party have to overcome to remain competitive in American politics at different times during the party's history?

Watergate scandal, assassination of party leaders, the New Deal.

The changes in the political party's functions, as evidenced by the large turnout in recent elections, suggested which of the following?

Political parties are adapting to the changes and will remain viable in the future.

in the 2000 presidentialrace, many democrats believed that the Green party candidate _____ _____ caused Democrat Al Gore to lose the election to Republican George W. Bush

Ralph Nader

When a realignment in the electorate occurs, what is expected to take place in the United States?

a new party system often begins

Some of the problems weak parties have in influencing the electorate include which of the following?

bringing people out to fund-raisers, attracting volunteers, recruiting candidates.

in general, political parties are made up of a _____ constituency of supporters.


what can political parties do, given their nature in the u.s.?

campaign for candidates, nominate candidates, govern, identify potential candidates, organize elections

which of the following has increased in significance in recent years?

candidate-centered campaigns

as president, woodrow wilson ...

enacted many of the republican party's progressive proposals.

In countries with proportional representation, forming coalitions among many political parties is


which president was elected under his promise that he would at least do something about the great depression?

franklin d. roosevelt

which of the following led to the start of the fifth party system?

great depression

political parties began to emerge in the u.s. ______ our founding fathers' beliefs on parties.

in spite of

why did thomas jefferson remain with george washington's cabinet during washington's first term of office?

jefferson wanted the new u.s. government to succeed.

Assume that there are eleven elected seats in a certain legislature. Seven of these members are Democrats while the remaining four are Republicans. The Democratic Party is the _______ party while the Republican Party is the _____ party

majority, minority

compared with political parties, interest groups usually have _____ issue concerns.


contrasted with the new democrats, under president obama, the democratic party desires for an expanded role for the ______ government in american life.


George washington generally _____ the idea of political parties in government.


in a proportional representation system, which of the following is most likely true?

political parties win a number of seats in the legislature equal to the percent of the vote each party receives.

Political scientists contend that which of the following will replace the traditional role of political parties?

primaries, candidate-centered campaigns

Today, voters will likely choose their party's candidates through _____ elections.


The theory that parties make government more effective and provide important cues for voters is known as the ____.

responsible party model

the tea party has influenced the republican party by pushing it to the ideological _____.


What issue eventually split up the whig party, paving the way for its eventual demise?


which of the following are key principles outlined by the tea party movement?

states' rights, fiscal responsibility, national security

The number and competitiveness of political parties in a given polity is known as a party ______.


if an interest group such as the nra nominated its own candidate, what might happen?

the candidate would likely not have broad enough support for victory

which of the following contributed to the rise of the jeffersonians?

the creation of newly established political papers used to communicate with voters, the decline of the federalist party after losing the 1800 elections, a strong base of support that continued to grow even after Jefferson lost the 1796 presidential election to John Adams.

The philosophy in which political supporters were awarded jobs in return for their support is known as ____

the spoils system

how did many of our founding fathers in American history view the possible existence of political parties?

they viewed political parties with suspicion

true or false: a check can be an effective tool even for elected officials who are not running for reelection.


most political conflicts in the u.s. are considered


Checks are more likely to be placed when policies supported by elected officials prove to be ...

unpopular with voters

Political parties that effectively contest and win elections are known as _____ parties.


the republican for the 1896 presidential election was

william mckinley

For a party to be in the best position to enact a broad partisan agenda, what does a party hope for?

winning control of the executive branch, winning a majority of seats in a legislature

By attracting additional supporters to their parties in recent years, political parties have

become more diverse

since 1968, there has been a rise in the number of ______ committees, in which organizations form to support the indiviudal candidate rather than the party's slate of candidates.


The United states' current election laws at both the federal and state levels benefit which of the following political parties?

democratic and republican party

In a winner-take-all electoral system, the winning candidate

does not need to win a majority of the popular vote.

why do some scholars think that we have moved beyond the fifth party system and into a new system?

since 1968, republicans have won seven of twelve presidential elections.

Which of the following philosophies has the Democratic Party espoused during its history?

the spoils system, populism

In the U.S., a party organized as opposition or alternative to the existing parties in a two-party system is known as a _____ party.


which party formed during the 1830s remained competitive against the Jacksonian democratic party?

whig party

Which two political parties were considered the most competitive during the second party system?

whigs, democrats

Which of the following voting blocs were considered part of the New Deal coalition?

african americans, southern democrats, immigrants, catholics

Which of the following presidents do New Democrats most identify with?

bill clinton

Third parties formed to promote a stance on a particular concern are known as which of the following?

issue advocacy parties

What arguments have political scientists made about the two-party system in the United States?

the media has replaced the parties as a source of information for many Americans, the two-party system is facing a decline in its overall influence in American politics.

countries with multi-party systems have what kind of electoral system?

a proportional representation system

Which of the following events dd the Democratic Party have to overcome to remain competitive in American politics during the party's history?

assassination of party leaders, Republicans winning all but 5 presidential elections since 1968, internal divisions on civil rights issues

how do "checks" on elected officials work?

checks are intended to enable voters to limit the power of elected officials.

which of the following are considered ways in which third parties can impact the American political process?

they can influence electoral outcomes in a closely contested election between the two dominant party candidates., they give voters who are dissatisfied with the candidates from the two major parties a third option to vote for, they draw attention to issues that were previously ignored by the two major parties.

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