POLS 1337 FED Chapter 13 The Presidency Part 2

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Why did Reagan believe tax cuts were crucial

(1) believed that if taxes went down, the economy would flourish (2) if tax revenue went down & spending went up, federal deficits would be created. These deficits would justify proposals to cut entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicaid, & Aid to Families w/Dependent Children that put a strain on the federal budget

War Powers Act

(1973) said that the president can't send troops into military conflict for more than 90 days w/o seeking a formal declaration of war, or authorization for continued military action, from Congress.

Hamdi v. Rumsfeld

(2004) Held that US citizens labeled as enemy combatants are still entitled to due process and have the right to challenge their status before an impartial authority(still have right to habeas corpus)

Consequences and flaws of the War Powers Acts

-90-day limit doesn't begin until the president has officially reported the troop engagement to Congress. He could send troops into conflict & not report it to Congress, avoiding a trigger of the Act -the act didn't give Congress the power to end a military conflict except by denying all funding for it. President argue that it's too dangerous to cut funding, & Congress would be reluctant to cut off funding when troops are still in the field & could be harmed/go against constituent's wishes

What can affect the president's ability to personally persuade?

-A presidential approval rating which is the % of the American people who say the president's doing a good job -A president's professional reputation is a combination of his prior experience & the steps he takes throughout his term. When a president has executive experience or a strong reputation as a productive legislator, he's likely to have a reservoir of respect from members of Congress, the public, & the media

How was the office of the VP gradually increased in terms of responsibilities and complexity? Give 2 examples

-After World War II, President Eisenhower assigned his VP, Richard Nixon, the task of traveling around the world to meet w/foreign leaders -Walter Mondale, Jimmy Carter's VP, expanded role of VP office by serving as close adviser to president on issues like national security & domestic policy

How does staff continuity aid in presidential productivity

-By bringing former executive branch personnel into their administrations, these staff members bring personal experience to a new president's organization -Bring policy expertise that helps bolster president in dealing w/members of Congress who specialize in specific policy areas

Overall, what did FDR do in terms of improvement/presidential growth

-FDR expanded the government's role in regulating the economy -FDR used the bully pulpit and advanced the use of communication technology in the office of the president(radio and newsreel) -Roosevelt took a personal role in negotiating legislative deals with members of the House and Senate -Foreign affairs dominated Roosevelt's presidency after Pearl Harbor

Dick Cheney as vice president

-George W. Bush allowed his vice president, Richard (Dick) Cheney, to play a prominent role in the nation's military and foreign policy -perceived as highly influential on issues like Iraq War, antiterrorism policies, & energy development. -George W. Bush relying so heavily on Cheney to make key decisions elevated the power, visibility, & even controversy of the role of the VP

Examples of important first lady actions/decisions

-Lady Bird Johnson on nature conservation -Betty Ford on alcoholism -Rosalynn Carter on mental health -Nancy Reagan on drug addiction -Barbara Bush on literacy -Hillary Clinton on health care, women's rights, & child welfare -Laura Bush on reading and education.

How can a high approval rating affect his relations with other branches?

-Lawmakers are more likely to pass a president's policy proposals when his approval rating is high, & they are less cooperative when the president is unpopular. Members of Congress pay attention to presidential approval ratings because national polls are a barometer of public opinion.

Chief of Staff and responsibilities

-Person who coordinates and oversees interactions among the president, his personal staff, and his cabinet secretaries. -he can be important in forming bridges between the president and Congress -controls the flow of staff & paperwork; focuses the president's attention on key issues -monitors coherence of presidential policies across cabinet depts. & serves as referee for disagreements among members of president's senior staff

To summarize, what are the president's agenda setting tools in the area of domestic policy?(6)

-State of the Union address -the federal budget -the power to make executive appointments -the bully pulpit -the executive power to implement laws -the veto power

What were Reagan's main skills and how did he use them?

-The Great Communicator -Wasn't afraid to take a potentially unpopular stand to accomplish his goals & didn't hesitate to use formal presidential powers to the fullest -Delegated much of actual negotiations over policy to staff members & was successful, but knew when to compromise on issues where they were at a public disadvantage

How did he achieve his vision of foreign policy and effects of this?

-The defense buildup he ordered set off a military spending race that strained the Soviets' state-controlled economy to the breaking point -Reagan's foreign policy was arguably an important factor in the end of Communism and the Cold War.

Responsibilities as the head of state

-Ultimately, the president is the public face of and the authority behind U.S. foreign policy decisions -Establishes working relationships w/foreign leaders & demonstrates an understanding of how other nations' political systems operate -president oversees a vast organization of employees in State Department & the office of the U.S. Trade Representative who lay groundwork for negotiations w/foreign leaders

How did this work during the Iraq War and consequences of War Powers Act

-War essentially dated to 1990 when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, prompting the Gulf War -By 2002, UN was worried they had military weapons of mass destruction and w/o formal evidence, and Congress' support, Bush declared war formally following guidelines of War Powers Act -By 2006 many democrats who supported Bush in 2002 withdrew support & used the war as leverage in winning 2007 midterms, but Bush still threw a surge of troops into Iraq

What are two elements in relation to the Executive Office of the President that deal directly with President efficiency and productivity

-a tightly organized White House staff organization yields a productive presidency, and the chief of staff is central to that effort in many ways -staff continuity; new presidents often bring former executive branch personnel into their administrations.

What were LBJ's main skills and how did he use them?

-made up for poor communication skills w/public and poor relationship w/the media by relying heavily on his strong negotiation skills from prior experience as a member of Congress & Senate majority leader -Johnson ensured his programs had universal benefit by creating wide eligibility criteria, almost guaranteeing every congressional district in the country would receive some benefit from programs -distributed & awarded federal contracts & funds to key members of Congress & key state officials in return for support of his programs.

Personal persuasion

-president can try to persuade members of Congress & other policy makers to support his policies -some argue that this personal persuasion is the root of presidential power

What are other ways the president engages in setting the domestic policy agenda(3)

-presidents can propose legislation that changes existing programs or creates new ones & ask Congress to consider his suggestions -they can also issue presidential directives that direct the bureaucracy to implement laws as he sees fit -communications like TV and social media

The office of the first lady

-staff members who assist the president's wife w/social ceremonies & events related to the White House, as well as w/the promotion of worthy causes -includes a press secretary, a scheduler, & speechwriters.

Steel Seizure Case

1952. Executive branch doesn't have the power to take control of steel mills for military purposes 3 Types of Executive power: pursuant to express Constitution or Congressional provisions, absence of any express congress or constitution authority, against Congress or the constitution

Paris Peace Accords

1973 peace agreement between the United States, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and the Vietcong that effectively ended the Vietnam War.

Of the 2.5 million employees of the executive branch of the federal government, the president has to power to appoint about __________, including cabinet and subcabinet jobs, federal judgeships, agency heads, and many lesser jobs.


what is an executive agreement

An international agreement made by the president, without senatorial ratification, with the head of a foreign state

What were policies that Reagan had to compromise on?

During last 2 years in office he worked w/Democratic controlled Congress to pass: -trade legislation -welfare reform -the first comprehensive AIDS funding and treatment bill.

Who established the EOP and how did it help expand the powers of the president?

FDR established the EOP -his 1939 decision to move the Bureau of the Budget from the Treasury Department to the EOP gave him more direct control over the federal budget.

New Deal

FDR program for ending the Great Depression through govt. intervention in the economy & development of a set of safety-net programs for individuals

True or False: In the 21st century, U.S. Trade Representatives can negotiate treaties directly, without involvement of the president, as long as the contents of the treaty have no effect on national borders.


True or False: When President Truman seized steel plants in the United States during the Korean War, he said he was exercising his statutory power in order to safeguard the nation's security.


In which type of policy is the president able to work quickly and discreetly, without open debate?


What type of programs did he create?

He created job programs, including the Conservation Corps, the Works Progress Administration, and the Tennessee Valley Authority, all of which both employed and trained workers.

In spite of his efforts and popularity, what were the overall effects of the Reagan administration

He enjoyed consistent popularity & was seen as highly responsive to his base of supporters, but came under great scrutiny after he left office b/c his policies produced higher federal budget deficits & reduced funding for programs for the disadvantaged

Key ideas in Reagan campaign and foreign policy

He took a firm stand against the Soviet Union, which he perceived as a direct threat to the United States and as a major promoter of Communism throughout the world.

Great Society

Lyndon Johnson's program for expanding the federal social welfare programs in health care, education, and housing and for ending poverty. -went further in connecting the individual to the federal government

What government programs were created under FDR(give 7)

Medicaid - a health insurance program for the poor Medicare - a health insurance program for the elderly Food Stamp Program School Lunch Program - benefited school children & farmers Head Start the Job Corps the Elementary & Secondary Education Act.

Which group serves as a link between the president's most important foreign and military advisors?

National Security Council

Bully pulpit

Nickname for the power of the president to use the attention associated with the office to persuade the media, Congress, and the public to support his policy positions.

American Civil Liberties Union

Organization founded during World War I to protest the suppression of freedom of expression in wartime; played a major role in court cases that achieved judicial recognition of Americans' civil liberties.

What were significant changes to the structure of the EOP and whose administration/presidency was it under

President Eisenhower, a highly decorated army general who was accustomed to formal chain of command, appointed first chief of staff, Sherman Adams. -Also raised the status of the NSC & Bureau of the Budget to full advisory roles reporting directly to his office

The most significant recent clash between the president and the judiciary over wartime powers

President George W. Bush's declared war on terror. Following 9/11, President Bush greatly expanded the powers of the executive branch

Press conferences

Press conferences are one important way of sustaining a relationship with the news media & presidents use them to their advantage

Why are press conferences risky?

Press conferences are somewhat risky because, unlike speeches, presidents don't control the content of the questions that are asked, & they can sometimes make unrehearsed statements that have political consequences.

Which department within the executive branch has primary authority over foreign affairs?

State Departments

Which recent presidential candidate was born to an American mother outside of the United States?

Ted Cruz

What is the personal office of the president, consisting of key personnel and political advisers, such as legal counsel to the president, secretary, press secretary, and appointments secretary?

The White House Office

Originally, which four officials were included in the Cabinet?

The attorney general and secretaries of state, treasury, and war

Head of State

Title given to the president as national leader.

What is the purpose of a political action committee (PAC)

To raise money to donate to a political campaign or candidate

true or false: While the president has the power to make treaties with foreign nations, those treaties must be ratified by two-thirds of "the Senators present."


suspension of habeas corpus

Used during Lincoln administration, in which a person was arrested w/o probable cause or informed of charges against them or given an opportunity to challenge them

Executive Office of the President(EOP) and what entities it includes

a loosely knit unit of several key organizations that report directly to him. includes: -the White House Office -the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) -the National Security Council (NSC) -the Council of Economic Advisers.

Social Security

a pension program to which workers contributed through a payroll tax that was also paid by employers, further entwined business & govt.

Tonkin Gulf Resolution and when was it repealed

a resolution adopted by Congress in 1964 under lBJ, giving the president broad powers to wage war in Vietnam -repealed in 1971 during Nixon administration

Key ideas in Reagan campaign and domestic policy

believed that the New Deal & Great Society had weakened individual initiative/responsibility & wanted to scale back federal programs that provided benefits to individuals w/o asking for anything in return

The term "________" is often used for an EOP staff member who is in charge of a particular policy area.


Presidents have made strong use of their inherent powers during times of


National Labor Relations Act

established federal oversight of working conditions, labor standards, and labor disputes.

Presidential powers that are written into law or the Constitution are known as ________ powers.


Section 2 of Article II of the Constitution gives the president the power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States except in cases of __________


How to use bully pulpit effectively and what is most important for the President to address an audience effectively

key to using the bully pulpit effectively is: -to explain a policy in simple and accessible terms -to get the public's attention -to frame an issue in a way that is favorable to the president's policy position. Using the bully pulpit can accomplish the president's goals only if he already has a receptive audience.

An informal group of advisors with whom the president feels comfortable discussing matters of state is called the ________.

kitchen cabinet

Securities and Exchange Commission

monitors the stock market and enforces laws regulating the sale of stocks and bonds

Before the advent of television, a strong ________ was needed to register voters and get them out to the polls on election day.

party organization

LBJ's efforts in terms of civil rights

persuaded Congress to pass: -Civil Rights Act of 1964 -Voting Rights Act of 1965 -Fair Housing Act of 1968 together formed a powerful set of laws protecting rights of African Americans and other minority groups

Commander in chief

term for the president as commander of the nation's armed forces

When does the constitution allow the suspension of habeas corpus

the Supreme Court declared that neither Congress nor the president has the authority to suspend the writ of habeas corpus, which the Constitution allows only during "Cases of Rebellion or Invasion."

True or False: If the president is willing to allow a bill to become law but does not want to be seen as approving the bill, he or she can allow the bill to become law by not sending it back to Congress within the required 10 congressional working days, provided Congress is not in recess


True or False: The State of the Union message is not constitutionally required, but this annual speech gives the president the opportunity to announce his or her priorities for the nation in the coming year.


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