Poly Sci 128 Question Test 51-100

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Who is the governor of your state now? *

• Answers will vary. [District of Columbia residents should answer that D.C. does not have a governor.]

What is one way Americans can serve their country?

• Vote • Pay taxes • Obey the law • Serve in the military • Run for office • Work for local, sate, or federal government

Name one war fought by the United States in the 1800s.

• War of 1812 • Mexican-American War • Civil War • Spanish-American War

Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s.

• World War I • World War II • Korean War • Vietnam War • (Persian) Gulf War

George Washington is famous for many things. Name one.

• "Father of Our Country"• First president of the United States• General of the Continental Army • President of the Constitutional Convention

James Madison is famous for many things. Name one.

• "Father of the Constitution" • Fourth president of the United States • President during the War of 1812 • One of the writers of the Federalist Papers

The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitu• (James) Madison

• (Alexander) Hamilton • (John) Jay • Publiustion. Name one of the writers.

The American Revolution had many important events. Name one.

• (Battle of) Bunker Hill • Declaration of Independence • Washington Crossing the Delaware (Battle of Trenton) • (Battle of) Saratoga • Valley Forge (Encampment) • (Battle of) Yorktown (British surrendered at Yorktown)

The Civil War had many important events. Name one.

• (Battle of) Fort Sumter• Emancipation Proclamation • (Battle of) Vicksburg • (Battle of) Gettysburg • Sherman's March• (Surrender at) Appomattox • (Battle of) Antietam/Sharpsburg • Lincoln was assassinated.

How long do Supreme Court justices serve?

• (For) life • Lifetime appointment • (Until) retirement

What is the purpose of the 10th Amendment?

• (It states that the) powers not given to the federal government belong to the states or to the people.

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? *

• (Thomas) Jefferson

What founding document was written in 1787?

• (U.S.) Constitution

What amendment gives citizenship to all persons born in the United States?

• 14th Amendment

What group of people was taken and sold as slaves?

• Africans • People from Africa

When did all men get the right to vote?

• After the Civil War • During Reconstruction • (With the) 15th Amendment • 1870

Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived? *

• American Indians • Native Americans

What war did the Americans fight to win independence from Britain?

• American Revolution • The (American) Revolutionary War • War for (American) Independence

What are two examples of civic participation in the United States?

69. What are two examples of civic participation in the United States? • Vote • Run for office • Join a political party • Help with a campaign • Join a civic group • Join a community group • Give an elected official your opinion (on an issue) • support or oppose an issue or policy • Write to a newspaper

What is the capital of your state?

• Answers will vary. [District of Columbia residents should answer that D.C. is not a state and does not have a capital. Residents of U.S. territories should name the capital of the territory.]

Who can vote in federal elections, run for federal office, and serve on a jury in the United States?

• Citizens • Citizens of the United States • U.S. citizens

There are four amendments to the U.S. Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them.

• Citizens eighteen (18) and older (can vote) .• You don't have to pay (a poll tax) to vote. • Any citizen can vote. (Women and men can vote.) • A male citizen of any race (can vote).

Alexander Hamilton is famous for many things. Name one.

• First Secretary of the Treasury • One of the writers of the Federalist Papers • Helped establish the First Bank of the United States • Aide to General George Washington• Member of the Continental Congress

How many Supreme Court justices are usually needed to decide a case?

• Five (5)

Benjamin Franklin is famous for many things. Name one.

• Founded the first free public libraries • First Postmaster General of the United States • Helped write the Declaration of Independence • Inventor• U.S. diplomat

What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

• Freed the slaves • Freed slaves in the Confederacy • Freed slaves in the Confederate states • Freed slaves in most Southern states

Abraham Lincoln is famous for many things. Name one.

• Freed the slaves (Emancipation Proclamation) • Saved (or preserved) the Union • Led the United States during the Civil War • 16th president of the United States • Delivered the Gettysburg Address

The colonists came to America for many reasons. Name one.

• Freedom • Political liberty • Religious freedom • Economic opportunity • Escape persecution

What are three rights of everyone living in the United States?

• Freedom of expression • Freedom of speech • Freedom of assembly • Freedom to petition the government • Freedom of religion • The right to bear arms

Name two promises that new citizens make in the Oath of Allegiance.

• Give up loyalty to other countries • Defend the (U.S.) Constitution• Obey the laws of the United States • Serve in the military (if needed) • Serve (help, do important work for) the nation (if needed) • Be loyal to the United States

Name one reason why the Americans declared independence from Britain.

• High taxes • Taxation without representation • British soldiers stayed in Americans' houses (boarding, quartering) • They did not have self-government • Boston Massacre • Boston Tea Party (Tea Act) • Stamp Act • Sugar Act • Townshend Acts • Intolerable (Coercive) Acts

When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?

• July 4, 1776

What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803?

• Louisiana Territory • Louisiana

How can people become United States citizens?

• Naturalize • Derive citizenship • Be born in the United States

There were 13 original states. Name five. .

• New Hampshire • Massachusetts • Rhode Island • Connecticut • New York • New Jersey • Pennsylvania • Delaware • Maryland • Virginia • North Carolina • South Carolina • Georgia

How many seats are on the Supreme Court?

• Nine (9)

Name one power that is only for the federal government.

• Print paper money • Mint coins • Declare war • Create an army • Make treaties • Set foreign policy

Name one power that is only for the states.

• Provide schooling and education • Provide protection (police) • Provide safety (fire departments) • Give a driver's license • Approve zoning and land use

Why is it important to pay federal taxes?

• Required by law • All people pay to fund the federal government • Required by the (U.S.) Constitution (16th Amendment) • Civic duty

It is important for all men age 18 through 25 to register for the Selective Service. Name one reason why.

• Required by law • Civic duty • Makes the draft fair, if needed

What does the judicial branch do?

• Reviews laws • Explains laws • Resolves disputes (disagreements) about the law • Decides if a law goes against the (U.S.) Constitution

What is the highest court in the United States?*

• Supreme Court

Name one leader of the women's rights movement in the 1800s.

• Susan B. Anthony • Elizabeth Cady Stanton • Sojourner Truth • Harriet Tubman• Lucretia Mott • Lucy Stone

Name the U.S. war between the North and the South.

• The Civil War

What U.S. war ended slavery?

• The Civil War

What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance? *

• The United States • The flag 67. Name two promises that new citizens make in the Oath of Allegiance. • Give up loyalty to other countries • Defend the (U.S.) Constitution • Obey the laws of the United States • Serve in the military (if needed) • Serve (help, do important work for) the nation (if needed) • Be loyal to the United States

Why were the Federalist Papers important?

• They helped people understand the (U.S.) Constitution. • They supported passing the (U.S.) Constitution.

Supreme Court justices serve for life. Why?

• To be independent (of politics) • To limit outside (political) influence

Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now?

• Visit uscis.gov/citizenship/testupdates for the name of the Chief Justice of the United States.

Tomas Jefferson is famous for many things. Name one.

• Writer of the Declaration of Independence • Third president of the United States • Doubled the size of the United States (Louisiana Purchase) • First Secretary of State• Founded the University of Virginia • Writer of the Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom

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