pos psych

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With regard to optimal functioning Easterners are more likely to view life as being __________ while Westerners are more likely to view life as being _____________

a question of balance; a linear progression

A culture bound syndrome is defined as

a set of symptoms that is much more common in some societies than in others.

People from individualistic cultures tend to see asking for help as

a sign of weakness.

Your authors warn that as positive psychology moves into the 21st century there is a risk that it will become

another form of disguised individualism.

Which of the following statements is true

as discussed in your textbook, Full engagement in love work and play is necessary but not sufficient to guarantee a good life.

Which of the following is the goal of prevention programs?

creating a set of best practices in prevention. training the next generation of prevention psychologists. increasing the ways that psychology can help nurture highly talented children

Instrumental support is support that is given

when someone is in need

When considering topics such as gratitude

forgiveness, and the development of hope and optimism, underlining neurobiological forces play a role in many of the concepts discussed in the textbook.

In your book the story of The Wise Man of the Gulf illustrates which principle?

having a full and happy life.

The Changing Lives Program is particularly intended to be

inclusive of both gender and ethnicity

When individuals from Western cultures are asked about their own happiness they are most likely to mention

individual factors or achievements.

Compared to collectivist

individualists tend to be more ___________ in their thinking, Short-term

According to Alexis de Tocqueville people in the United States placed greatest emphasis on


In Hinduism

karma refers to, attaining a better placement in the world in the next life.

Techniques that explicate between-person differences are called ___________ while those that explicate within-person differences are called _____________

nomothetic; ideographic

Your textbook makes the point that our views of the good life are

personally constructed over are lifetimes

According to Menninger the best diagnostic system would be one that describes the life


Four coping strategies that seem to be valued equally by health caregivers in in most cultures are

taking action, utilizing social support, reappraising situations, and avoiding thinking about the health issue.

Recognizing that all cultures have the potential to engender unique strengths is referred to as

the culturally different perspective.

The Athenian concept of "magnificence" refers to

the greatness of the soul.

In Confucianism

the idea that is central to achieving happiness is, harmony.

Positive psychology is best defined as

the study and application of that which is good in people.

When researchers are using techniques to measure differences between people

this approach is called, nomothetic.

What is the most parsimonious definition of resilience?

"bouncing back"

What unfortunate motto did the authors provide an example of developing from misguided beliefs about individualism?

Don't ask for help.

Though scholars have begun to consider the extent to which all cultures and values inform positive psychology research and practice which perspective has been largely ignored to date?


What does the eudaimonic version of happiness embrace as the goal in all our actions?


What are the important variables most often studied within the Behavioral framework?

Frequency of behaviors

Which task of adult development is associated with building a broader social circle and a mentoring of the next generation ?


Which term for well-being is most likely to be used by the media and lay people?


How was the industrial revolution connected to the concept of hope

It increased the material benefits for individual citizens and made hope for the future seem more attainable.

The ability to navigate and adapt to the increasingly diverse context of our world is a strength because

It is likely related to quality of life outcomes in heterogeneous societies.

How do genetic/personality predisposition theorists explain the experience emotion?

It is related to certain personality traits.

What is one of the authors' interpretations of the Chinese proverb "A good fortune may forebode a bad luck which may in turn disguise a good fortune"?

Life involves a delicate balance between suffering and feeling good.

Which of the following best characterizes the social patterns of individualist societies?

Loosely interwoven fabric

Which theory of happiness would be consistent with the statement "we are happy because we have reached a desired outcome?"

Need/goal satisfaction theories

Which of the determinants of happiness has a greater degree of genetic contribution?

Negative emotionality

Which of the following is of greatest debate regarding children and resiliency?

The degree and universality of which factors are protective.

What was the most robust predictor of being in the happy-well group versus the sad-sick group?

The extent to which people used mature psychological coping

The main teachings of the Hindu tradition emphasize which of the following?

The interconnectedness of all things.

Which of the following statements is true about the classifications and measures for evaluating strengths or positive outcomes?

The search Institute 40 developmental assets are a profile of student life: attitudes and behavior.

What does the VIA Classification of Strengths promote?

A more strength-based approach to diagnosis and treatment

Which of the following statements is true regarding how cultures view the construct of wisdom?

Americans from the majority culture tend to view wisdom only as cognitive in nature.

Which of the following is a characteristic of positive youth development programs?

Building momentum. Youth challenging themselves to attain other goals. Generating physical and psychological competencies

According to the Snyder Lopez and Teramoto Pedrotti how can progress toward counting culture as a primary influence of development strength and good living be best facilitated?

By becoming aware of your own beliefs about the interplay between culture and psychology, and how those beliefs may color your

According to the PANAS-X how are negative affect states described?

By general distress

What basic question was the PANAS-X designed to answer?

Can we experience positive and negative affect simultaneously?

After viewing a film clip that induced either positive or negative emotions how did research participants who watched negative emotions respond to the request to list everything they would like to do at that moment?

They came up with a shorter list of possible activities than those who viewed positive emotions.

Which of the following most accurately describes the personal goals of the individualist?

They may or may not match the goals of the groups they belong to.

Which of the following statements concerning our everyday thoughts is correct

We are the authors of daily scripts that largely determine our actions.

How many assets are within each group of the Developmental Asset framework categorized?


According to the original calculations of Fredrickson and Losada what is the mean ratio of positive emotions that predicts human flourishing?


Over how long of a period has the VIA-IS shown satisfactory consistency and reliability?

4 months

What percentage of people on earth are estimated to be collectivistic?


What do specific action tendencies suggest?

A restricted range of possible behavioral options

When determining a resilient child's level of post-threat functioning what should observers consider?

A return to normal functioning

What is nirvana?

A state in which the self is freed from desire for anything

A capacity for feeling thinking and behaving in a way that allows optimal functioning in the pursuit of valued outcomes is the definition of what positive psychological construct?

A strength

The Japanese story of Momotaro the adopted child shows which of the following themes?

Acting for the good of the group. Promotion of harmony. Interdependence and sharing.

What population is the Clifton StrengthsFinder appropriate for?

Adults and adolescents

The most celebrated cases of resilience often depict an individual overcoming overwhelming odds so as to become stronger. According to this definition which of the following individuals would be considered resilient?

An individual who was sexually molested as a child but now advocates publicly for abused women

How did Donald Clifton view strengths?

As extensions of talent

According to Rowe and Kahn (1998) who summarized the findings from the MacArthur Study of Successful Aging what is one component of aging well?

Avoiding disease

Why is the VIA Classification of Strengths known as "the antithesis of the DSM?"

Because it encourages a strengths based approach to diagnosis and treatment.

In Chapter 5 Keyonna was able to convince her team leader that she wanted to "think about design" rather than produce designs. Why is Sarah's story notable?

Because she anticipated the need for flexibility in her sixth decade of life

Participants in Terman's study who had a high risk of mortality were also more likely to have what type of explanatory style?


The Maturational and Biological theory of development has its greatest impact in what area?

Child rearing

Which to Eastern values are central to the teachings of Confucianism Taoism Buddhism and Hinduism?

Compassion and harmony.

Who proposed the theory of flow?


The first important message from the Mental Health: Culture Race and Ethnicity report was that culture counts. What does this mean?

Culture counts in the etiology, effects, and treatment of psychological problems.

Which Surgeon General of the United States oversaw the development of the report titled Mental Health: Culture Race Ethnicity?

David Satcher

What was The Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) designed to do?

Describe individual differences of character strengths.

According to Confucianism what is the source of human suffering?


What are two benefits of focusing on "what is wrong with people"?

Development of reliable psychiatric diagnoses and discovery of effective treatments of mental illnesses

How do process/activity theories explain happiness?

Engaging in particular life activities generates happiness.

The concept of karma is associated with which religious tradition?


The six tasks of adult development mapped out by Valliant include which of the following?

Identity and Intimacy

People in the Renaissance were different than people in the Middle Ages because people in the Middle Ages found hope in searching their own souls. In contrast how did people in the Renaissance find hope?

In personal and materialistic achievements in their individual lives

The current drive towards developing the field of positive psychology has been largely due to the efforts of

Martin Seligman.

Which of the following dimensions were used to classify individuals as "sad-sick" in the Study of Adult Development?

Mental health, social support, and life satisfaction

What level of similarity is rated as being the most comfortable for people?

Moderate to high levels of similarity

What is emotion a more specific version of?


Which of the following characteristics is NOT a problem when attempting to measure strengths in other cultures?

Reliability equivalence.

What is another common term for romantic love?

Passionate love

Which of the following is true about collectivist trends?

People in lower social classes tend to be more collectivist.

Western stories and fairytales are most likely to exemplify

Personal achievement at the cost of others.

What were the Middle Ages also called the Dark Ages (500 - 1450) best represented by?

Physical, social, and intellectual immobility

Which of the following statements about research on youth from different cultures is true?

Predictors of success amongst American Indian adolescence include addressing both the positive and risky aspects facing them.

Morgan is a happy person who attributes happiness to keeping busy at work and coaching a little league ball team. Which theory of happiness is Morgan most likely to accept?

Process/activity theories

What is most characteristic of agape love?


Futuristic Relator and Maximizer are three of the themes assessed by which measure of human strengths?

The Clifton StrengthsFinder

The study of the development of mental illness has been greatly aided by which of the following events

The National Institute of Mental Health was created in 1947.

Which positive youth development program focuses on awareness of thought patterns and on modifying the explanatory style of students?

The Penn Resiliency Program

Which historic period immediately followed the Middle Ages?

The Renaissance

Which of the three measures of human strengths discussed in Chapter 3 cannot be taken online?

The Search Institute Profiles of Student Life

A resilience researcher would most likely be interested in which of the following aspects of the life of young people?

The naturally occurring resources that help children and adolescents overcome life's challenges.

Which of the following theories of happiness are most consistent with psychoanalytic and humanistic theorists?

The need/goal satisfaction theory

Although scholars agree on what needs to be present for a person to be considered resilient there is considerable debate regarding what?

The universality of protective factors.

As described in Chapter 2 how is hope generally defined in Western culture?

The view that people can influence the future in positive ways

Which of the following statements gives the best explanation for the relationship between individualism and collectivism?

Two valid perspectives that need not be mutually exclusive

Watson and Lee Anna Clark developed the PANAS-X. What two dimensions of affect does the PANAS-X assess?

Valence and content

In traditional Eastern culture what orientation to time is most typical?

Valuing a past orientation over the future

The VIA classification system was generated in response to which basic questions?

What are the characteristics of self-actualizers, and how can we help average people achieve them?

What was the purpose of the report Mental Health: Culture Race

and Ethnicity published in 2001?, To further analyze how culture influences mental health

The multicultural personality is defined as

a person's ability to navigate and adapt to the context of our world.

Most professionals who study culturally embedded strengths maintain that

a core group of positive traits and processes might exist across cultures, but show up in very different ways.

In Eastern philosophy the path to happiness is

a matter of balance.

Which of the following are considered to be the three greatest realms of life

according to Seligman, love, work, and play

According to Chapter 4 what need has gone largely unmet in the area of positive psychology

according to critics?, The need for strength-based psychology scholarship to address culture in research, service delivery, and programming.

Which of the following is a possible use of the principles of positive psychology

according to your authors, Parents can use positive psychology techniques to bring out the best in their children.

In studies published in the Journal of Positive Psychology and the Journal of Happiness Studies which construct is most likely to be overlooked?


A set of personal attributes which have a common core of meaning is the definition of

an identity dimension.

Which of the following are the human strengths that are most likely to help people buffer against mental illness according to Martin Seligman?

courage. work ethic. perseverance

The Multicultural Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) has identified five factors that describe the multicultural personality style. These five are

cultural empathy, open-mindedness, emotional stability, initiative, and flexibility.

The Clifton StrengthsFinder is designed to be used

for adolescents and adults with reading levels at grade 10 or higher.

In the Search Institutes Developmental Assets Scale external assets are those which

the child gains through interactions with people and institutions.

The ability to think in more than one direction or from more than one point of view is referred to as

dialectical thinking.

When people are given feedback from the Clifton StrengthsFinder they are

discouraged from comparing their profiles with other people's profiles.

When researchers say they have begun to consider culturally pluralistic explanations they are referring to

distinct cultural entities that adopt some values of the majority group.

Positive psychology takes the position that

focusing on only the good or the bad is an incomplete way to portray humankind.

The concept of subjective well-being is equivalent to the concept of

emotional well-being.

By the middle of the 20th century the belief that some races were inferior was replaced by the concept of "cultural deficiencies." The concept of cultural deficiency was the idea that people from some cultures had stunted physical and psychological growth because of

environmental, nutritional, linguistic and interpersonal factors.

In the Judeo-Christian tradition the virtues of ___________________ are given particular importance

faith, hope, and charity

According to your textbook's authors your head your heart and your spiritual life all contribute to the concept of


According to Martin Seligman the work of the Presidential Task Force on Prevention is to

identify the best practices in prevention.

Professional psychotherapists consider which of the following to be of greatest importance in the process of change

love. work. play

Until recently two of the fundamental missions of psychology have been largely forgotten. These two were,

making the lives of all people better, and nurturing "genius."

Viewing children as decision-makers is most likely to have the result of

making them stronger and more productive.

How do resilience researchers define external adaptation?

meeting the expectations of society

In the study of children on the Hawaiian island of Kauai what percentage of children were considered to be at risk because of deficits in family support and home environments?

one third

According to Peterson and Seligman one of the strengths of the VIA classification system is that it has the potential to

provide a common language for describing human strengths.

The Eastern search for spiritual transcendence parallels which concept in the West?

pursuits for a better life on earth

The recognition of the differences between various psychological disorders was

recognized by people for thousands of years

In the vignette "One Man's View of Aging" the main lesson to be learned is that

some people have positive adjustment in older years despite early difficulties.

What did the participants in Terman's study of 1500 intellectually gifted children nickname themselves?

the "Termites"

When comparing the DSM and the ICD

the ICD has a broader scope

The question "what protects children from today's problems" was the question that drove the development of

the Search Institute's 40 developmental assets

Which classification system was originally developed to assess a positive youth development program and to define the concept of "strength?"

the VIA-IS

Which of the following is a bias in the field of psychology?

the Western perspective. focusing only on the negative. focusing only on the positive.

What do need/goal satisfaction theories of happiness state?

the reduction of tension or the satisfaction of needs lead to happiness.

According to psychoanalytic theory the basic assumption about humans is that they are

the result of conflicts in the resolution of those conflicts.

According to Clifton's Gallup Themes of Talent scale People who are high in the deliberative theme are characterized by

the serious care they take in making decisions and choices, and the anticipation of obstacles.

When using measures of psychological strength it is important to

understand the role that culture plays in the definition of what a strength is.

According to your authors most healthcare practitioners base their treatment decisions on

universal truths discovered by their fields through the scientific method.

Studies of the biological or genetic determinants of happiness have found that _____% of positive emotionality and ______% of negative emotionality are genetically based.

40; 55

According to Lyubomirsky Sheldon and Schkade about _____% of the population variance for happiness is based on genetics.


In the end what percentage of the Kuaai children in Dr. Werner's study were resilient?


To be authentic and live according to real needs and desired goals is characteristic of what view of happiness?

A Eudaimonic view

What type of happiness theorist would agree with the statement "happiness changes little over a six year period?

A genetic/personality predisposition theorist

A naturally recurring pattern of thought feeling or behavior that can be utilized and displayed in life experiences is the definition of what positive psychological construct?

A talent

Which of the following Proverbs best illustrates the suggestion made by your authors for effectively living your life

A winning effort begins with preparation.

What activity was described in Chapter 4 as potentially shedding the greatest light on the biggest and most important hopes of people?

A world poll conducted in a scientifically rigorous manner to interview as many individuals as possible

Who was the first theorist to coin the term "positive psychology"

Abraham Maslow

The appraisal of an event as painful or pleasurable and the experience of autonomic arousal are components of what emotional term?


Which emotional term is defined as a person's immediate physiological response to a stimulus?


Which two primary characteristics accounted for the resiliency of at-risk children in the Werner and Smith study involving a cohort of 700 children born on the island of Kauai?

An outgoing disposition and several sources of support

What is required of establishing cross-cultural constructs of positive psychology beyond determining if strengths uniformly exist and are valued across cultures?

An understanding of the indigenous psychology of the group telling how the strength is valued and how it functions positively.

What process do individualists tend to go through before deciding whether to pursue relationships?

Analysis of the advantages and the disadvantages.

According to Fredrickson how are momentary thought-action repertoires defined?

As a broad range of behavioral options

Negative and positive affect were once thought to be polar opposites. How are they understood now?

As independent with different correlates

How would a psychologist who supports the hedonic perspective view subjective well-being and happiness?

As synonymous

In Hinduism which of the following life achievements are valued?

Attaining knowledge and being good to others.

What actions are at the core of Confucian teachings?

Attaining virtue

According to the Search Institute what is considered to contribute to the thriving of young people through common sense positive experiences and qualities?


Why should individuals be cautious when prescribing coping strategies that appear universally beneficial?

Because the effects or benefits of the strategy may differ drastically across cultures

How are culturally embedded psychologists able to maintain that there are no universal cultural traits despite the discovery of core traits that appear to exist across cultures?

Because these traits manifest themselves and are viewed differently across the different cultures

Which developmental theory is based on the assumption that development is a function of the laws of learning?


Which of the following traditional assumptions is associated with the term "tabula rasa"?


In Fredrickson's model what component consists of the expansion of an individual's momentary thought-action repertoire?


"Suffering is part of being." This philosophical tenet is commonly associated with which religious tradition?


What term was coined by Snyder to describe the ironic process in which every season advertisers use uniqueness to persuade customers to buy products which then become common only to repeat the cycle the next shopping season?

Catch-22 carousel

What is the genetically and culturally deficient perspective on human diversity?

Certain groups have great deficiencies of race and culture, which explains why they were dominated and oppressed by other groups.

Risk-focused strategies asset-focused strategies and process-focused strategies are three strategies for promoting resilience in what group of individuals

Children and youth

What is the most collectivistic nation in the world according to the research of Oyserman and colleagues?


What components are included in Keyes' model of social well-being?

Coherence, integration, and actualization

According to Ryff and Keyes emotional well-being social well-being and psychological well-being are the three components that make up what?

Complete Mental Health

What are the four Eastern disciplines discussed in Chapter 2 that may influence the future of positive psychology research and practice?

Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism

Which scales on the Clifton StrengthsFinder have been found to have the lowest internal consistency?

Connection and Restorative

According to Valliant engagement with a career is characterized by what?

Contentment, compensation, competence, and commitment

Regarding culture what do Snyder Lopez and Teramoto Pedrotti recommend future positive psychologists to do?

Count culture as a major influence on the development of human strength and good living.

According to the VIA Classification of Virtues and Strengths the emotional strengths that involve the exercise of will to accomplish goals in the face of opposition is the definition of what?


The VIA-IS consists of strengths organized under six virtues. Which of the following are included in these six overarching virtues?

Courage, justice, and transcendence

Beliefs about how genetic racial deficiencies predetermined cognitive ability and life outcome were abandoned and replaced with what belief?

Cultural deficiencies in environment, linguistics, perception, and interpersonal ability were more to blame for life outcomes.

Which of the following statements about culture in today's United States is true?

Cultural groups can be defined by any demographic measure, including such things as sexual orientation or profession.

Which is a thought commonly held by psychologists who subscribe to the genetically deficient model?

Cultural groups with genetic deficiencies are naturally less intelligent, cannot benefit from growth opportunities, and cannot advance society.

When distinct cultural entity adopts some of the values of the majority group this is referred to as

Cultural pluralism.

Culturally embedded psychologists believe that research and practice is conducted at the intersection of what aspect of both the professional and client?


What major force is often ignored in the conceptualization of resilience outcomes?


Within the Chickering model what is the primary developmental goal for college students?

Developmental Competence

Which group of psychologists is known to approach their research with questions about "what is working" instead of "what is not working?"

Developmental Psychologists

When researchers suggest that it is important to keep in mind construct equivalents in evaluating strengths they mean that

Different cultures define different concepts differently.

What must be done to best help a client despite the fact that no one can yet be certain about the universality of specific strengths or positive coping techniques?

Do the best possible job of determining with the client if and how culture counts in each interaction.

What is the culturally different perspective as held by psychologists and anthropologists?

Each culture has the full potential to grow because of the unique strengths engendered by that culture.

Which of the following dimensions were associated with individuals classified as "happy - well" in the Study of Adult Development?

Education, being married, and maintaining a healthy weight.

What is affect believed to be a component of?


Which emotional term involves responses that occur when we become aware of painful or pleasurable experiences and associated autonomic arousal and evaluate the situation?


According to your authors which of the following best describes the role of evolution and neurobiology in the development of positive psychology

Evolution is an important consideration in the context of a variety of topics.

What form of "good adaptation" do researchers agree is necessary to determine who is resilient?


In the Developmental Asset framework positive experiences that young people gain through interactions with people and institutions are considered what type of assets?

External assets

Which two of the big five factors of personality were found to be most closely related to the characteristics of happiness?

Extroversion and neuroticism

Which theory does not view happiness as changing with life conditions?

Genetic/personality predisposition theories

David Myers has identified several strategies for increasing happiness in one's life. What is one of these strategies?

Give priority to close relationships

In Hinduism the ultimate success would be

Going directly to the afterlife without having to repeat life's lessons.

What two qualities or characteristics consistently emerge in the lives of the happiest young adults?

Good mental health and good social relationships

Which of the following has been found to be associated with the presence of positive emotions?

Greater success in creative problem-solving. increases in coping effectively. Decreasing levels of stress

According to Lyubomirsky Sheldon and Schkade a genetically determined set point for happiness happiness-relevant circumstantial factors and happiness-relevant activities and practices are the three major factors involved in what positive emotion?


According to Aristotle what is eudaimonia?

Happiness based on a lifelong pursuit of meaningful goals.

What is the definition of happiness?

Happiness is a positive emotional state that is defined individually or subjectively.

From the Eastern perspective on positive psychology what is happiness?

Happiness is the satisfactions of plain living, shared within a harmonious social network.

What would culture-free positive psychologists be most likely to say "we all want to be?"


In Hindu teachings it is believed that all people are interconnected by one unifying concept. What human strengths may be highly valued given this belief?


What was Henry Goddard's role in the application of eugenics research?

He established intelligence screening procedures to deport unworthy and deficient immigrants.

What do not smoking being educated and having stable marriage all predict?

Healthy aging

The "Head

Heart, Holy Test" has been described as a successful tool in analyzing cultural nuances in the expression of which positive trait?, Hope

When experiencing positive emotions what three (3) things are we more likely to do?

Help other people, be flexible in our thinking, and come up with solutions to our problems.

What Eastern religious tradition focuses on personal betterment as many Western traditions do?


What Eastern religious tradition lacks an identifiable founder?


In Western culture two constructs related to individualism are

Hope and need for uniqueness

Karl Menninger spoke of the power of the "sublime expressions of the life instinct." What did he call those expressions?

Hope, faith, and love

If you were to overhear a conversation between two positive psychologists discussing human strengths what would you likely hear them say

Human strengths are the active ingredients of positive living.

According to Confucianism what are the five virtues associated with a moral existence?

Humanity, duty, etiquette, wisdom, truthfulness

Which of the following statements best describes people's need for uniqueness levels?

Individual differences in need for uniqueness exist.

How does marital status influence subjective well-being?

Individuals who are married report higher subjective well-being than individuals who are not married.

Which of the following is NOT seen as a general truth about the interplay between culture and psychological strength?

Individuals within a specific culture will inevitably have the same strengths, perspectives, and psychological functioning.

Which task of adult development is associated with increased spirituality and a greater sense of contentment with life?


What is valued in collectivist cultures?

Interdependence in daily living

According to the Search Institute what types of variables contribute to a child's thriving?

Internal and external variables

In the Developmental Asset framework those personal characteristics and behaviors that stimulate the positive development of young people are considered what type of assets?

Internal assets

Which of the following statements is true about the study of "positive youth development"?

It is likely that different developmental assets exist for different populations.

What are the benefits of play in young adults?

It promotes better coping with the stresses of life.

What are the benefits of juvenile play?

It promotes higher levels of creativity and influences brain development.

What is one possible benefit of the Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer?

It will help youths direct their energies to maximize their potentials.

The increased likelihood of behaving positively toward other people and developing more positive relationships are the benefits of what positive emotion?


Valiant further simplified Rowe and Kahn's definition of successful aging. What three components did he include in his characterization of positive aging?

Joy, love, and learning

Psychology and psychiatry have historically been focused on pathology or conditions. What psychiatrist can be credited with attempting to shift the way healthcare professionals viewed mental illness?

Karl Menninger

What positive psychologist would conceptualize complete mental health as the combination of high levels of emotional well-being psychological well-being and social well-being?


According to Buddhists' Brahma Viharas what are the virtues that are above all others in importance?

Love, compassion, joy, and equanimity

Which social class tends to be the most collectivist?


Which institutions best supported the action and planning of a hopeful society in the Middle Ages?

Monasteries and religious schools

How is mood different from emotion?

Mood is objectless, free-floating, and long-lasting.

Compared to individualists collectivists tend to be ___________ in their interactions

More formal

According to Glass changes in productivity over time are associated with which of the following outcomes?

More hospital admissions and strokes

Which of the following statements about the relationship between income and happiness is true?

More money is associated with greater happiness in poor nations, but not in affluent nations.

What term describes the pursuit of individualistic goals so as to produce a sense of specialness?

Need for uniqueness

Jordan works out at the gym and fines of the workouts relieve tension and create positive feelings. Which theory of happiness is Morgan most likely to accept?

Need/goal satisfaction theories

Which of the following is considered one of the few universal truths in the resilience literature?

One caring adult can help a child/youth adapt.

What are positive psychology scientists and practitioners are committed to studying and promoting?

Optimal human functioning, especially client strengths

Through the use of empirically-based semi-structured interviews Donald Clifton identified hundreds of personal talents that predicted success in work and academics. Who did researchers examine in these interviews?

Outstanding performers in their academic or career roles and settings

Which of the following is true about the MacArthur Foundation Study of Successful Aging?

Participants were followed over the course of several years.

What is the culturally embedded perspective on science and practice?

People acknowledge the influence of cultural values in examining strength and positive functioning.

Which of the following has research shown tends to occur as people get older?

People become more collectivistic

Which of the following factors was considered in the MacArthur Foundation Study of Successful Aging?

Physical. Social. Psychological

What are the positive outcomes associated with play?

Play allows us an opportunity to practice the social, emotional, and physical skills needed in everyday life.

In what type of nation is financial status more highly correlated with satisfaction for students?

Poor nations

Which of the following statements about positive psychology is true

Positive psychology's real test is whether students will be drawn to the area.

Which theory of happiness is our founders' promise of "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" most congruent with?

Process/activity theories

Which of the following is a recommendation for culture sensitive research practice and policymaking according to the APA?

Professionals are encouraged to develop specific competencies to help account for cultural influences in psychology.

How do positive youth developmentalists typically define programs that work?

Programs that work help youth move toward competencies.

Which of the following characteristics is targeted by positive programs?

Promoting moral competencies.

What psychological theory is most in line with need/goal satisfaction theories?


The second important message from the Mental Health: Culture Race and Ethnicity report was related to culture and psychologist behavior. What does the report suggest regarding psychologists' behavior?

Psychologists need to incorporate cultural issues into their conceptualizations and treatments.

What is the most important goal in the Taoist philosophy?

Realizing naturalness and spontaneity in life

Which of the following is one of the nine positive outcomes targeted by positive youth development programs?

Recognizing positive behavior

What do we call researchers who study resources that help children and adolescents overcome life's many challenges?

Resilience Researchers

In 2001 Danner Snowdon and Friesen evaluated the autobiographies of 180 Catholic nuns written in the early 20th century. According to the results of their study positive emotional content in the writings was inversely correlated with what outcome?

Risk of mortality sixty years later

Since the publishing of Democracy in America the United States has been known as the land of the ______________?

Rugged individualist

Self-acceptance personal growth purpose in life environmental mastery autonomy and positive relations with others are components of whose model of psychological well-being?


What three structures make up the construct of emotional well-being?

Satisfaction, positive affect, and the absence of negative affect

What are the core emphases of Collectivism?

Sense of dependence, conformity and Self as Unit of Analysis

What are the core emphases of Individualism?

Sense of independence, Need for uniqueness and Self as Unit of Analysis

Which of the following is a protective factor for psychological resilience within the child himself or herself?

Skills for self-control or self-regulation.

Who developed the Need for Uniqueness scale?

Snyder & Fromkin

Within the Cognitive-Developmental framework what is the primary method used to study development?

Social and cognitive problem solving

What term did social psychologist Eliot Aronson use to describe the shared characteristics of all human beings?

Social animals

Which contextual factor promotes successful aging across studies?

Social support

David Myers has identified several strategies for increasing happiness in one's life. One of these is to act happy. Why is this likely to be effective

Sometimes our emotions follow our behaviors.

What pathway to the good life is commonly associated with Eastern religious traditions?

Spiritual pursuits of transcendence and enlightenment

Which of the following is found in all cultures that may buffer people from developing mental disorders?

Strengths such as resilience and adaptive ways of coping

A combination of positive affect (in the absence of negative affect) and general life satisfaction is the definition of what term?

Subjective well-being

A combination of positive affect general life satisfaction and the absence of negative affect is the definition of which emotional term?

Subjective well-being

The subjective evaluation of one's status in the world is a simple definition of what?

Subjective well-being

What is the Clifton StrengthsFinder used to identify or evaluate?


Which of the following positive outcomes is associated with school work and civic contributions?

Teaching children how to be multi-culturally competent.

After decades of various models focused on deficiency many psychologists focused on a culturally different model which emphasized what aspect?

That each culture has its own unique strengths and has positive features to offer to greater society.

In his research on the effects of prolonged exposure to fear and anger what did Hans Selye conclude?

That while physical stress harms the body it also has a survival value for humans.

Which of the three measures of human strengths discussed in Chapter 3 consists of questions that focus on the individual's environment?

The Search Institute Profiles of Student Life

What is the Tao?

The Way the energy that surrounds everyone

What are some of the factors that make positive youth development programs more effective?

The amount of time and structure they provide

What does the Taoist yin and yang symbol represent?

The balance between opposing forces and desires.

What defines the collectivist?

The characteristics of their groups

Which of the following best describes the situation in the United States in the 21st century

The country is prosperous, stable and poised for peace, fifth century Athens, 15th-century Florence, and Victorian England

In the late 1800s and early 1900s anthropologists and psychologists referred to race and culture as determinants of positive and negative personal behaviors. What was the conclusion of research endeavors during this time?

The dominant racial or cultural group was superior to all ethnic or cultural minorities and kept power because of an abundance of positive features.

The soundness of positive youth development programs is determined by which of the following?

The extent to which they promote the good and prevent the bad

Which part of culture was described as most heavily influencing delivery of care including diagnosis and treatment of the mentally ill?

The individual clinician and the larger health care system

Which of the following statements about marriage and subjective well-being is true?

The relationship varies according to age, income, education, and ethnic factors.

How did the Mental Health: Culture Race and Ethnicity report define culture?

The shared attributes of one group and that group's common heritage for their shared norms

Many of the children in Dr. Werner's study attributed their resiliency to what factor when they became adults?

The support they obtained from one caring adult

The early American emphases on equal rights capitalism and open frontiers stemmed from which aspect of the early American?

Their individualistic nature

What is a reflection and a determinant of the life goals that people value and pursue?

Their respective cultures

How might joy and contentment have an "undoing" potential for negative emotions?

They act as antidotes to negative emotions.

What is the common theme among the Clifton StrengthsFinder the VIA-IS and the Search Institute Profiles of Student Life?

They all identify a person's primary strengths.

What is the relationship between pleasant and unpleasant affects?

They are independent of each other.

What effect does the emotion of joy tend to have on people?

They are likely to initiate activities.

What was the similarity between the model of cultural deficiency and the model focused on racial deficiency?

They both applied a biased, negative, and oversimplified framework for examining the cognitive abilities of group members.

What do the Penn Resiliency Program and the Big Brothers and Big Sisters programs have in common?

They both strive to build the confidences and competencies in young people.

In a study in which some physicians were given a gift of chocolate while some were not how did the group of physicians who received the candy differ from the group who did not receive candy?

They displayed superior reasoning and decision making.

In the well-being model proposed by Ryff and Keyes which of the following is true?

They suggest six components in a multidimensional model, conceptualizing positive functioning.

In an experiment by Isen how did induced positive affect through the finding of a coin effect human behavior?

Those who found the coin were more likely to help someone in need.

In the Cohen study of emotional style and health which of the following statements is true?

Those with lower positive emotions reported fewer symptoms of illness.

Benson and Scales definition "a specific expression of positive youth development "refers to which concept?


In the broaden and build model how are individuals believed to build resources?

Through an upward spiral of positive emotions

How did Clifton derive the themes of talent listed in the Gallup classification system?

Through empirically-based, semi-structured interviews

How can an individual use the information obtained from the Clifton StrengthsFinder?

To capitalize or build upon their talents in order to develop their strengths in particular life roles

Craniometry was once used as a basis for determining the superiority of certain groups. What did craniometrists study?

Variations within cultural groups on their head size to determine how to select capable leaders from within each group

Which of the following is NOT listed as one of the possible uses of positive psychology?

We can help reduce the amount of stress that people experience in their everyday lives.

Traditional views of human nature have suffered from which of the following biases?

What are the negative aspects of human nature?

The Search Institute's Developmental Assets were conceptualized in response to what question?

What protects children from today's problems?

Chapter 4 discusses a number of cultural factors that influence whether people will seek help. Which of the following is a way in which culture influences help seeking behavior?

What types of help are sought. What coping styles and social supports are available. How much stigma the culture attaches to mental illness.

In studying human success what simple question did Donald Clifton base his research on?

What would happen if we studied what is right with people?

What makes a culture collectivistic?

When concerns about the group are greater than concerns about the individual

What makes a culture individualistic?

When concerns about the individual are greater than concerns about the group

What principal being illustrated in the article titled "Beach Man Named Nations Happiest? "

Whether or not a person is happy is largely a matter of choice.

Which of the following represents the six virtues listed on the VIA-IS?

Wisdom and knowledge, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence.

Which scale on the Clifton StrengthsFinder has been found to have the highest internal consistency?


The ICD is a publication of the

World Health Organization.

In the Islamic faith giving to the poor is regarded as

a privilege.

In order to understand how a strength or process becomes valued within a culture studies should be conducted

across nations, and within diverse nations

Your textbook includes a sample printout from the Your Signature Themes report for one of your authors. According to the characteristics in this report Shane Lopez is able to sort through clutter and find the best route

and to allow him to see patterns of where others simply see complexity. This concept refers to, strategic.

According to the MacArthur study of successful aging the three components of successful aging were

avoiding disease, engaging with life, and maintaining functioning.

Multiple studies have shown that positive affect is associated with

better decision-making. increases in helping behavior. greater willingness to take risks.

The largest strides in prevention have largely come from

building a science focused on systematically promoting the competence of individuals.

Developing an enduring philosophy of positive psychology is best served by

building the field on scientific principles.

When a researcher from one culture attempts to take measurements in another culture they risk setting up deficit models. This means that

certain groups might be thought not to possess a given strengths. they might miss crucial information about the construct. they might fail to ask questions in a culturally relevant way.

According to Martin Seligman

children are now seen as, decision makers.

The Eastern view of the world is a_______________ while the Western view of the world is a ____________

circle; line.

According to the VIA Classification of Virtues and Strengths

civic strengths that underlie healthy community life is the definition of what?, Justice

According to Fredrickson's work the reactions people have to positive emotions tend to be______________ and the reactions people have to negative emotions tend to be _____________________.

cognitive; physical

The Buddhist idea of karuna refers to


The goal of "personal mini experiments" is to

conduct experiments that mirror the research that psychologists do.

When attempting to measure strengths in other cultures measures may not reflect a culturally normative understanding of the particular construct. This potential problem refers to the issue of

construct equivalence.

Those who study strength focused scholarship have observed that

cultural influences on research, service delivery, and program evaluations, are frequently overlooked.

Interpreting behaviors within the context of the culture is known as

cultural relativism.

According to the Surgeon General's report (2001)

culture and cultural diversity affect all aspects related to the delivery of healthcare.

"A common heritage or set of beliefs norms and values" is the definition of


Which of the following has been an emphasis of psychology since the Second World War?

curing mental illness, making the lives of people more fulfilling, and identifying and nurturing high talent

Examination of the MacArthur data revealed that emotional support for men was usually________ while emotional support for women was usually______

from spouses; from friends and relatives

In chapter 5 the case of Tony is noteworthy because it illustrates

generativity through perpetuating talents in a different role.

The belief that the dominant race or culture is superior to other racial or ethnic minority groups within the United States has been referred to as

genetically deficient.

In a study investigating resilience in American Indian adolescence researchers found that _______________ was significantly linked to resilience.

having strong ties to their American Indian heritage

According to Martin Seligman viewing children as decision-makers can have the effect of

helping them become masterful. helping them become efficacious. making them feel helpless and hopeless.

Your textbook includes a sample printout from the Your Signature Themes report for one of your authors. According to the characteristics in this report Shane Lopez is delighted to discover beneath the complex surface and elegantly simple concept to explain why things are the way they are. This concept refers to


According to Deborah Blum in her article "Finding Strength: How to Overcome Anything" people who are resilient

in themselves and recognize their own strengths.

In individualist cultures

individuals follow what is enjoyable to them.

What kind of support is important for successful aging?

instrumental support

In the early 1900s American psychologists such as G Stanley Hall and Henry Goddard believed that

intelligence test should be used to increase the deportation rates of the "feebleminded" from Ellis Island.

In the Search Institute's Developmental Asset Scale

internal assets are those which, stimulate the positive development of young people through personal characteristics and behaviors.

According to Keyes a person who has no mental illness but has low levels of well-being is described as


In the New Testament of the Bible gifts that are valued by God include all of the following

leadership. hospitality. mercy.

With regard to the mental health well-being of various subcultures

mental health measures of some groups have been tainted by investigating constructs found only in power-holding groups.

According to Deborah Blum in her article "Finding Strength: How to Overcome Anything" just over _________% of poor

neglected, or abused children are building better lives by the time they are teenagers., 30

The Clifton StrengthsFinder has been found to have convergent validity with the Big Five personality constructs. Those five constructs are

openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

Regarding similarity to others most people are most comfortable if they perceive that

others are moderately similar to them.

According to Diener the thing most important to happiness is

our perceptions of the world.

Our worldview is

our way of describing what is and what should be.

A "way of describing the universe and life within it both in terms of what it is and what ought to be" is the definition of

our world view.

Until recently human beings were largely seen as,

passive products of their environment. victims of childhood conflict. a collection of damaged habits and drives.

The concept of reality negotiation posits that

people negotiate over how to build meaningful systems for understanding our world.

One of the authors of your textbook recounts the story of flights delayed at an airport. The purpose of this story was to illustrate that

people tend to make the best of a bad situation.

An ongoing inevitable process that engages youth encourages them to interact with their environment and positive agents using momentum to attain goals is the characteristic of

positive youth development.

After the National Institute of Mental Health was created

research into the cause and treatment of mental illnesses was increased.

One of the difficulties in developing the practice of positive psychology lies in the fact that

researchers have not yet developed the science of studying positive psychology

"A class a phenomenon characterized by patterns of positive adaptation in the context of significant adversity or risk" is the definition of


According to Utsey and colleagues African-Americans who reported higher levels of racial pride also reported higher levels of


Which of the following is one of the two things scholars agree must be present for a person to be considered resilient?

risk or adversity

In comparing Eastern and Western cultures Western culture has placed more emphasis on_____________ while Eastern cultures have placed more emphasis on______________

self efficacy; living well

According to Diener happiness is synonymous with

subjective well-being.

In collectivist cultures

success and satisfaction stems from, the feeling that one has fulfilled the duties as a member of the group.

In the Eastern tradition the concept of "enlightenment" is roughly the same as

the ability to see things objectively.

In the case study of "Jackson" the child's ability to rebound from abuse was made possible by

the availability of a safe place to sit and heal.

According to the MacArthur study of successful aging social support is most potent when

the support given his balance by support received.

Robert Kennedy's 1968 speech at the University of Kansas focused on which of the following points?

the things in life that make it worthwhile

When individuals from Eastern cultures are asked about their own happiness

they are most likely to mention, harmonious relations with others.

According to your authors minorities and other underrepresented groups have been subject to a sort of "double jeopardy" because

they tend to be branded as pathological in comparison to the majority group.

According to research by Sheldon Cohen participants who were low on positive emotional style were _______ times more likely to get sick than those with positive emotional styles.


Whether an event is perceived as painful or pleasurable refers to its


Aristotle's view of society was that it

was important in helping people self-actualized.

According to Utsey and colleagues amongst African-Americans

well-being and positive psychological functioning were related to, a traditional African-American worldview, including pride in racial heritage.

Regarding the ME and WE perspectives

what tends to characterize the goals of the high hope person?, Balance between ME and WE goals

Hoshi is seeking healthcare because of an affliction called koro which is a fear that the genitals will recede into the body and possibly cause death. According to what you have learned in chapter 4

which of the following statements most likely applies to Hoshi?, Hoshi may be suffering from a culture bound syndrome.

The characteristics of love

work, and play our normal tasks associated with, human growth. normalcy. mental health.

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