Positive Psych Midterm Ch 1-3

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Among the most influential factors in the development and proliferation of the Western worldview has been _____________.


Elaborate on how positive and negative emotions are independent:

Merely to eliminate one's negative feelings does not automatically bestow human strengths, virtues, and the capacity to thrive and flourish. Just because someone is relatively free of anxiety, depression, and worry, doesn't mean that person automatically exhibits inspiring instances of compassion, courage, honesty, or self-sacrifice.

____________ __________ ____________ is a combination of high emotional well-being, high psychological well-being, and high social well-being, along with low mental illness.

complete mental health

Positive psychology, as well as all of psychology, is beginning to explore _______-_________ comparisons that may enhance our understanding of how people throughout the world experience psychological well-being


Positive emotions are also associated with successful striving for ___________ ___________.

desired goals

The ___________ __________ of ________ (DMA) proposes that the independence of positive and negative emotions depends on the situation

dynamic model of affect

High ____________ well-being or emotional vitality is present when people are happy and satisfied with their lives.


The differences between humanistic psychology and positive psychology can be found in the focus of investigations and the greater emphasis on traditional ___________ ____________ in the latter school.

empirical research

The central idea is that the person who is truly happy has what is worth desiring and worth having in life- For Aristotle, ______________ was associated with a life of character, albeit a specific type of good character.


The medieval scholastics added the three theological virtues: what are they?

faith, hope, and charity.

People who are low on well-being but high on mental illness symptoms are ______________.


____________ is used in many areas of positive psychology to describe high levels of well-being.


people who score high on well-being and low on mental illness are ____________


Less well known is the alternate list called the four cardinal virtues (or the natural virtues) and the addition of the three theological virtues- The ________ ________ ___________ are those on which all others depend

four cardinal virtues

One of Aristotle's goals was to find the _________ _________ that existed between the extremes of life- this was a state of balance, harmony, and equilibrium, which leads to a life lived in accordance with the principle of eudaimonia.

golden mean

Positive psychology is concerned essentially with the elements and predictors of the _______ _________.

good life

Jeremy Bentham asserted that it was possible to quantify happiness by examining the ratio of positive to negative experiences in one's life. This principle was called the _________ __________

hedonic calculus

Without question, the oldest approach to well-being and happiness is ___________.


In general, this list of 7 core sins condemns behaviors of self-indulgent _____________ and ____________.

hedonism and narcissism

Increase one's quality of life is to what?

help others increase their level of happiness and life satisfaction

Robinson also mentioned two additional perspectives on the good life: the __________ _________ and ________ ________- These paths to well-being are generally taken by only a small number of people because they require considerable sacrifice and renunciation; at least it seems that way to an outside observer.

heroic life and the saintly life

When someone shows signs of low well-being but also scores low on mental illness they are ___________-This would describe someone who has no significant mental health issues but is also dissatisfied or unfulfilled in life.


Within the walls of the monasteries could be found monks involved in the intense practice of contemplative spirituality or ____________- for these men and women, the passionate pursuit of a spiritual relationship with God was so satisfying that most worldly concerns mattered little. The monastic tradition and mysticism continue today, although as disciplines these are undertaken by relatively few individuals


Romanticism emphasizes the importance of exposing children to what 2 things?

nature and encouraging their individual self-expression

The 8th theme in positive psychology is that __________ emotions are still important.


By the mid-1700s some people believed that the prevailing political power structure could be at odds with the welfare of the individual and that when these two conflicted, members of society had the right to what?

overthrow the state and put in its place a system more conducive to individual liberty.

The Greeks set the stage for developments in ______________, __________, ______, and _______________.

philosophy, science, art, and psychology

The Aristotelian ideal valued what?

poise, harmony, and the avoidance of emotional extremes

The 7th theme in positive psychology is the independence of ___________ and ___________ emotions

positive and negative

Based on the notion that positive emotions are important newer forms of psychotherapy focus on the development of _________ __________ and ___________ ___________ strategies rather than focusing on negative emotions, internal conflicts, and anxieties formed in childhood

positive emotions and adaptive coping

High _______________ well-being is found when people feel competent, autonomous, and self-accepting; have a purpose in life; exhibit personal growth; and enjoy positive relationships with others.


In Europe, the years 1400 to 1600 produced a steady shift in how people thought about personhood; originating in the Italian Renaissance, this shift to humanism involved a liberation from Church dogma to explore classic teachings- in this respect, it laid the groundwork for the later emergence of ___________.


A study has discovered that people can be motivated to overcome their low ________-____________ if they felt their efforts would also help others


Socrates taught that true happiness could be achieved only through what?

self-knowledge and that only this examination of one's universal soul was true wisdom.

The recognition and expression of negative emotions are also vital to ___________-____________ and ____________ __________

self-understanding and personal growth

High __________ well-being is found when people have positive attitudes toward others, believe that social change is possible, try to make a contribution to society, believe the social world is understandable, and feel a part of a larger social community


A fourth theme in positive psychology is that people need ____________ ____________ relationships.

social relationships

During the early Middle Ages (approximately 500 CE to 1200 CE) the Christian Church and its monasteries were the center of_____________, _____________, and often _____________ life.

spiritual, intellectual, and often political

Someone who exhibits both high well-being and high mental illness is ____________- This refers to someone who is generally doing well in life but is currently experiencing significant distress about some issue.


onja Lyubomirsky, Ed Diener, and Laura King (2005) completed a somewhat voluminous review of 225 studies on happiness and well-being- what did they conclude?

that people who experience more positive emotions tend to have greater success in numerous areas of life compared to those more negatively oriented.

Positive psychology revisits "______ __________ ___________" with an interest in finding out what works, what's right, and what's improving.

the average person

Socrates believed that once the true nature of ______ ______ is known, it will automatically be desired and so will rationally motivate virtuous behavior.

the good

What two notions contributed vitally to this intellectual transformation known as the renaissance?

the idea that artists possessed a special gift and the rise of individualism.

How do you define positive psychology?

the scientific study of ordinary human strength and virtues and what enables individuals and communities to thrive

Unlike the divine command theory, Aristotle did not list specific behaviors that must be avoided- rather, whether any single behavior is a virtue or a vice depends on what?

the specific situation in which it occurs.

T/F: According to the romantics the ability to feel emotions intensely was important to living a full and significant life


T/F: Although the single-minded pursuit of pleasure is among the oldest notions of the good life, this form of hedonism has been seen as self-defeating and unworkable by most societies throughout history.


T/F: Positive psychology has a permanent place in scientific psychology


T/F: Positive psychology researchers have found that positive forms of therapy can be just as useful as older therapies that focus on eliminating negative emotions


T/F: Research says happiness may be necessary to the good life but not sufficient


T/F: Studies have also found that across the life span a greater capacity for empathy is associated with higher life satisfaction and more positive relationships


T/F: There are unique psychological processes that help a person move from feeling negative emotions such as anxiety and depression to a position of neutral emotionality (e.g., decreasing the amount of negative self-talk). At the same time, there are other equally unique psychological processes that help someone move from neutral emotionality to greater happiness, life satisfaction, and joy (e.g., creating a sense of vibrant engagement).


T/F: Today, Positive psychology extensively covered in professional journals.


T/F: people who experience and express positive emotions more often are more likely to be physically healthier, be more resistant to illness, and live longer than others


T/F: positive psychology is not the first attempt by psychologists to focus research on positive emotions, healthy adaptation, and the development of human potential


T/F: the Epicureans sought a secure and comfortable existence by avoiding unnecessary pains and cultivating moderate pleasures.


T/F: the good life must include relationships with other people and with the society as a whole.


In the early 1800s people began to believe that the best way to express their individualism was to explore their own __________ ____________ _____________ of the world.

unique emotional experience

________________: According to this philosophy, happiness for all people is the ultimate aim of all human actions and should be used as the standard by which actions should be evaluated as right or wrong.


This ________ __________of happiness holds that the cultivation and development of certain virtues lead a person toward the greatest well-being and, therefore, toward the good life.

virtue theory

The 9th and last theme in positive psychology is the science of ______-_________ which can be described as what?

well-being; Study healthy personality development and optimal state of well-being

The DMA states that under normal circumstances there is independence between positive and negative emotions- when is this not the case according to the DMA model:

when people are under stress or uncertainty then positive and negative emotions "fuse" and become dependent.

What are 2 important concepts related to the rise of democracy that were discussed in class?

◦ All men are created equal: they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights ◦ The action of happiness became a right as well as a personal choice

Name some journals that have published work from the area of positive psychology:

- American Psychologist (the official journal of the American Psychological Association) - Journal of Community Psychology (2002, 30[4]), the Review of General Psychology (2005, 9[2]) - Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy (2006, 20[2]), - the Counseling Psychologist (2015, 43[4]) - the Journal of Organizational Behavior (2008, 29[2]).2 - the Journal of Positive Psychology - the Journal of Happiness Studies - Journal of Happiness and Well-Being - the International Journal of Wellbeing.

List some interests of those who practice positive psychology:

- Building enriching communities, compassion, creativity, and empathy - Enhancement of immune system and functioning◦Life-span models of positive personality development - Psychological benefits of Zen meditation

Another basic theme in positive psychology is that positive emotions are important- describe why:

- Focus on working on positive emotions rather than negative ones - Helps people emerge from debilitation psychological problems - Self-help interventions based on positive psychology can also help increase positive mood and well-being

What does positive psychology do for individuals?

- Helps people find what is best within themselves - Enhances their experiences in work and relations

The 20th century also saw the recognition by Western psychology that perspectives on well-being from other cultures may be important- give some examples to support this:

- Some of the more interesting contributions have come from Eastern psychology in the form of research on meditation, yoga, acupuncture, tai chi chuan, and newer models of well-being (e.g., Dambrun et al., 2012). -In particular, ideas from Buddhist mindfulness meditation have recently become important in positive psychology (see Chapter 4).

This religious approach to the search for happiness has been called a divine command theory of happiness- describe it more in depth:

- The idea here is that happiness is found by living in accord with the commands or rules set down by a Supreme Being (Honderich, 1995). - In its most basic form, this theory holds that if one follows the commands, there will be rewards, and conversely, if one doesn't follow the commands, there will be punishments.

Expalin eudaimonia:

- that condition of flourishing and completeness that constitutes true and enduring joy - It is a life lived in a certain way, where life here refers to life-on-the-whole, not some number of moments strung together.

_____________ is the belief that valid knowledge is constructed from experiences derived from the five senses


Describe the 3 elements that contribute to the good life:

1. Connections with others: positive connections to others can include the ability to love, the presence of altruistic concerns, the ability to forgive, and the presence of spiritual connections to help create a sense of deeper meaning and purpose in life. 2. Positive individual traits: Positive individual traits include such elements as a sense of integrity, the ability to play and be creative, and the presence of virtues such as courage and humility. 3. Life regulation qualities: life regulation qualities are those that allow us to regulate our day-to-day behavior so that we can accomplish our goals while helping to benefit the people and institutions that we encounter along the way. These qualities include a sense of individuality or autonomy, a high degree of healthy self-control, and the presence of wisdom as a guide to behavior.

Describe what positive psychology studies at the subjective, individual, and group levels:

1. Subjective level: positive psychology looks at positive subjective states or positive emotions such as happiness, joy, satisfaction with life, relaxation, love, intimacy, and contentment. 2. Individual level: positive psychology focuses on a study of positive individual traits, or the more positive behavioral patterns seen in people over time, such as manifestations of courage, honesty, persistence, and wisdom. 3. Group level: positive psychology focuses on the development, creation, and maintenance of positive institutions. In this regard, it addresses issues such as the development of civic virtues, the creation of healthy families, and the study of healthy work environments.

The Church's doctrine of the seven deadly sins was a list of basic evils that destroy character and can lead to a host of other sins- what are these 7 deadly sins?

1. anger 2. envy 3. greed 4. intemperance 5. lust 6. pride 7. sloth

Aristotle proposed 12 basic virtues that when cultivated allowed us to grow toward a state of eudaimonia: what are they?

1. courage 2. liberality 3. pride (as self-respect) 4. friendliness 5. wittiness 6. justice 7. temperance 8. magnificence 9. good temper 10. truthfulness 11. shame (or appropriate guilt for our transgressions) 12. honor

List the four cardinal virtues derived from the greeks:

1. fortitude 2. justice 3. prudence 4. temperance

A summary of the Greeks' ideas on the Good Life can be condensed into four major theories; name and describe them:

1.The contemplative life: one person pursues knowledge, understanding, self-reflection, and wisdom. The contemplative theory is guided by Socrates's contention that "the unexamined life is not worth living." 2.The active life: based on a sense of duty, social responsibility, and engagement with the world. The active life centers on involvement in civic, political, or business activity in an effort to influence society. 3.The fatalistic life: recognizes that life brings difficulties and that consequently some measure of well-being must come from an acceptance without unnecessary complaint or struggle of these unwelcome inevitabilities. 4.Hedonism:

The end of the _______ century brought a new conception of human nature that was increasingly founded on the beginnings of modern science.


Toward the end of the 4th century BCE, Epicurus founded the school of _______________, which asserts that happiness is best achieved by withdrawing from the world of politics to cultivate a quiet existence of simple pleasures.


Aristotle's perspective on well-being has been termed the ____________ __________ because well-being, virtue, and practical wisdom are all interrelated such that each continuously influences the other.

Aristotelian circle

Unlike his teacher Plato, _______________ did not favor the intuition of eternal forms in the search for higher truth and well-being.


A lasting influence of the Romantics was an adoration of ______________ ____________.

childhood experience

____________ also transformed the meaning of religious devotion in Western society by viewing God not as an awesome and powerful God to be feared but as a loving presence who deeply cares for humanity


What is a 6th theme of positive psychology?

Compassion and empathy are important

___________: Characterized by a motivational force or action tendency and by changes in physiology, subjective feelings, and overt behavior


The religion and culture of the ancient Hebrews represents one of three pillars that have sustained Western civilization, along with what other 2?

Greek civilization and Christianity.

___________ in its basic form is the belief that the pursuit of well-being is fundamentally the pursuit of individual sensual pleasures and the avoidance of harm, pain, and suffering.


_________ ______________ was a renowned Jewish religious leader, philosopher, and physician in Egypt who advocated the practice of mindfulness as vital to healthy functioning and encouraged the development of positive character traits

Moses Maimonides

____________ and ___________ have differential effects on a person's self-reported well-being

Optimism and pessimism

What is another common theme in positive psychology?

People can flourish and thrive

The individual most responsible for the new direction in Greek intellectual life was ___________


Concurrent with the Epicureans was the founding of the __________ school by Zeno.


The ancient ________ taught that material wealth, happiness, love, and admiration all were subject to change, and therefore, a person must not base his or her well-being on these ephemera.


A fifth theme is positive psychology is that _____________ and __________ are important- give examples

Strengths and virtues; Values like courage, fidelity, and honesty

The process to be used in the search for truth was a rationality based on dispassionate and objective observation of events in the world- what were the 3 keys?

The keys were logic, objectivity, and empiricism.

What does the notion of the good life come from?

The notion of the good life comes from speculations about what holds the greatest value in life—that is, what is the nature of the highest or most important good. When this idea is applied to human life, the good refers to the factors that contribute most to a well-lived and fulfilling life.

Today, positive psychology has a special focus on studying topics relevant to positive human functioning- give some examples of this topic:

Topics such as happiness and life satisfaction, optimal experiencing, love, wellness, wisdom, creativity, healthy life span development, and self-actualization

It also obvious that negative emotions can be necessary for survival at times; we would be far too vulnerable if we completely eliminated __________, _________, and __________ from our lives.

anxiety, fear, or skepticism

_____________ or the recognition of our genuine self-identity and the honest expression of one's "true voice"


In the past we thought humans were driven by mostly selfish motivations- a new vision of human beings has been emerging from recent psychological research that sees human socialization and the ability to live in groups as a highly adaptable trait- in fact, a newer perspective holds that the need to cooperate and the desire to help others may be ___________ __________ and ___________

biologically based and innate

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