post academic success test 1

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

is a time management technique that involes studying two hours for every one hour in class

2:1 ratio

How many levels are there in Bloom's Taxonomy?


A person with strong intelligence strives for personal growth, works to achieve personal goals, and uses self-motivation. Interpersonal Linguistic Naturalist Intrapersonal


When creating a weekly time management schedule, you should write in all of your fixed activities first. true or false


Your learning style is a preference, not a limitation as to your ability to process information. true or flase


Well-written affirmations should use words such as try, hope to, and never to show good intentions to start a behavior. true or false


Which of the following is NOT a learning modality (style): ( Feeling Kinesthetic Visual Auditory


Personality preference refers to doing or responding in a way that feels awkward or forced. true or false


Learning • Belonging • Purpose • Mastery ( what type of reward)


Linguistic intelligence:Requires the development of foreign language skills Involves an interest in semantics, words, and language skills. Utilizes strong visual skills. Often is a strength of mathematicians, scientists, and mu

involves an interest in semantics, words, and language skills.

You tell students what to do, you show them what to do, and then you have them do it before they have time to forget.

see say do

what are challenges, not threats


Which of the following is NOT a level represented in Bloom's taxonomy? Understanding Analyzing Evaluating Teaching Creating


According to Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences, intelligence is the potential to process information, solve problems, and/or create products that are valued in a specific culture. true or false


An immediate goal is a well-defined plan of action to complete a task within as few as three hours. true or false


Frequently, the inability to achieve goals begins with the lack of a sound process or strategy to write and plan effective goals. true or false


Locus of control refers to a person's belief about external or internal circumstances that control his/her life. true or false


Procrastination may begin as soon as a person perceives that a task is too hard or significant. true and false


The ABC Method is a method used for organizing tasks according to rank of importance. true or false


The See-Say-Do Strategy is a multisensory strategy that uses three learning modalities. true or false


The first three levels of Bloom's taxonomy are considered to be lower-level thinking skills. true or false


The process of breaking larger assignments or sections of information into more manageable units is called what? true or false


The process of creating a powerful mindset can only be done by you, for yourself. true or false


To create a powerful mindset, a person must be willing to examine and change personal attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. true or false


Understanding the six levels in Bloom's taxonomy can help you understand questions with different levels of difficulty. true or false


Bloom's Taxonomy was created by Benjamin Bloom in 1956. Bloom identified that there were three categories of learning. Cognitive: Mental skills (knowledge) Affective: Growth in feelings or emotional areas (attitude) Psychomotor: Manual or physical skills (skills).

Levels of Bloom's Taxonomy( essay)

Stress coping strategies

Spend time on a favorite hobby • Exercise • Eat right • Relaxation techniques Time Management • Set goals • Stop procrastination

any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain.


Which technique would work well for a student who wants to stop wasting the first half hour of a study block trying to "get started" on studying? Take Charge TechniqueSay Yes TechniqueMarathon TechniqueMental Rehearsal Technique

Take Charge Technique

Month by month

Term schedule

Excessive stress that hinders a person's ability to perform well BEFORE or DURING a test

Test anxiety

In a geometry class, the person who traces different geometric shapes is MAINLY using: ( kinesthetic modality The auditory modality The visual modality Time ineffectively

The kinesthetic modality

each person has different ways of learning and different intelligences they use in their daily lives.

Theory of Multiple Intelligences

the ability to use one's time effectively or productively, especially at work.Meet obligations with less stress • Procrastinate less • Learn more efficiently • Increase confidence • Valued in the workplace

Time Management

time management technique that allows you to trade or exchange time blocks for two activities within the same day

Trading time

manging school, work, leisure

Pie of Life

1 week till 3 months goal

Short-term goal

Everyone processes and learns new information in different ways. There are three main cognitive learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

3 Learning Modalities (essay)

Howard Gardner explains intelligence as: (1pts) Student Results Multiple ChoiceMultiple Choice OptionsThe cognitive weaknesses in adults. A set state of intellect that is established at birth. A person's potential in 8 different areas of talents or abilities. Receiving straight A's in all of your academic classes.

A person's potential in 8 different areas of talents or abilities.

Belief pattern that shows whether the person believes external or internal forces control circumstances in their life.

Locus of Control

term, weekly, fixed

Schedule types (essay)

Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, and Kinesthetic are examples of

learning modalities

a strategy to prioritize task or projects according to rank of importance

ABC Method

Students who possess an internal locus of control: Blame others for their shortcomings or circumstances. Accept responsibility for their situations and outcomes. Experience more stress and frustration than do students with an external locus of control. Lay blame on others and make excuses for disappointing performance.

Accept responsibility for their situations and outcomes.

positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts.


Which of the following is a signal that a person may need to use the Increase-Decrease method? the person feels negative about school because of lack of sufficient time to study. The person feels the need to find more time to spend with friends and family. The person feels as if life is nothing more than work, work, work. All of the above feelings may indicate the need for the use of the Increase-Decrease method.

All of the above feelings may indicate the need for the use of the Increase-Decrease method.

Creating study tapes, reciting, and working in study groups are effective strategies especially for: (1pts) Student Results Multiple ChoiceMultiple Choice OptionsKinesthetic learners Auditory LearnersVisual LearnersAll of the above

Auditory Learners

An individual with a high logical-mathematical intelligence tends to: Student Results Multiple ChoiceMultiple Choice Options Be good with problem-solving and analytical tasks. Enjoy and excel at written communication. Prefer careers that involve leadership skills. Have an ability to read and write music.

Be good with problem-solving and analytical tasks.

Which of the following would NOT be considered an essential concentration or focus strategy? Creating a study ritual Chunking information Being a passive learner Beginning with a warm-up activity

Being a passive learner

information is process of grouping information into meaningfully sized units of information to comprehend the process


the action or power of focusing one's attention or mental effort.


Spend time on a favorite hobby • Exercise • Eat right • Relaxation techniques Time Management • Set goals • Stop procrastination

Coping strategies

Think about the results you want to see. Before you set a goal, take a closer look at what you're trying to achieve and ask yourself the following questions: ... Create SMART goals. ... Write your goals down. ... Create an action plan. ... Create a timeline. ... Take action. ... Re-evaluate and assess your progress.

Creating goals ( essay)

Purposeful, skillful thinking that focuses on understanding and logic.

Critical thinking

individuals are motivated to perform if they know that their extra performance is recognized and rewarded

Expectancy Theory

Which of the following is NOT a reason to eliminate external and internal distractors from your study environment? External and internal distractors consume space in your memory system. External and internal distractors enable you to focus more effectively on your studies. External and internal distractors disturb your brainwave patterns. External and internal distractors affect the flow of stimuli throughout your memory system.

External and internal distractors enable you to focus more effectively on your studies.External and internal distractors affect the flow of stimuli throughout your memory system.

Blame other people for your shortcomings.


Phone •Noise • Clutter • People


Money • Fear of Failure • Recognition • Rewards (what type of reward)


Belief pattern that can hinder progress or action because the person fears the outcome or consequences will be negative.

Fear of failure

Which of the statements about fear of failure is NOT true? Fear of failure hinders progress and is often based on fear of the outcome or consequences. Self-doubt, feeling overwhelmed, insecurity, under-preparedness, and lack of know-how are some reasons people experience fear of failure. Fear of failure about tests may be based on negative test experiences, lack of test-taking skills, and lack of confidence. Fear of failure is a powerful fear that requires guidance from counselors or instructors to overcome and move forward in a more positive way.

Fear of failure is a powerful fear that requires guidance from counselors or instructors to overcome and move forward in a more positive way.

well planned blocks of time set aside to study specific subjects during the course of the week

Fixed study

blocks of time on a weekly schedule that you use only when you need them.

Flex study

Goal • Identify a specific, realistic goal • Definite completion time Purpose • Benefits? Consequences if not achieved? • Increases motivation/commitment Steps • Name the details (supplies, etc.) • Schedule time to complete steps • Use goal tracker/organizer

GPS Strategy

ollowing are the steps in order for the GPS strategy for goal setting: ( Goal - People - Steps Goal - Purpose - Steps Get ready - Plan - Start Gather - Purpose - Start

Goal - Purpose - Steps

few hours or days goal

Immediate goal

suggests that behavior is motivated by a desire for reinforcement or incentives.

Incentive Theory

involes increasing or decreasing of time used in one area of life in order to make more time for another area of life

Increase-Decrease Method

YOU have the power to control situations in your life.

Internal Locus of Control ( essay)

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of an ideal study area? Select all that apply. (Lively music playing to help keep you energized and focused. A location with two or more sources of lighting . A couch or recliner for you to relax as you study. Uncluttered work area with enough room for your books and supplies.

Lively music playing to help keep you energized and focused. A couch or recliner for you to relax as you study.

occurs when you study more than three hours in a row.

Marathon studying

the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.


Which of the following techniques is not designed to change a student's negative, self-defeating attitude into a more positive, success-oriented attitude? Multisensory strategies AffirmationsPositive self-talk Visualizing success

Multisensory strategies

frequantly use the two processes of visulaizing and reciting

Multisensory strategies

Which of the following statements is not accurate? Self-efficacy reveals a person's self-confidence and belief in his/her ability to complete a task at the desired level of performance. People with high self-efficacy exhibit confidence in everything they do and in all new tasks in which they do not have prior experience. People with high self-efficacy have a mindset that they can tackle new projects in specific areas in which they already have expertise. People with high self-efficacy tend to aim high and work hard to achieve goals.

People with high self-efficacy exhibit confidence in everything they do and in all new tasks in which they do not have prior experience.

Extraversion or Introversion E or I. Sensing or Intuition S or N. Thinking or Feeling T or F. Judging or Perceiving J or P.

Personality preferences

students with the Feeling personality tend to: Student Results Multiple ChoiceMultiple Choice Options Place emphasis on factual, logical information to make decisions. Place emphasis on personal values and the effects decisions will have on other people. See "big" pictures before paying attention to details .None of the above

Place emphasis on personal values and the effects decisions will have on other people.

When creating a weekly schedule, to determine the number of hours needed for fixed study, you should: (Plan to study 2 hours during the week for every hour you spend in class. Ask other students how long it takes them to complete assignments. Plan to spend 2 hours each night studying for each of your classes. Add up the amount of time it takes for you to read the assigned pages of your textbook.

Plan to study 2 hours during the week for every hour you spend in class.

A kinesthetic learner: Student Results Multiple ChoiceMultiple Choice OptionsMust always stand or move around the room when studying. Prefers to use fine or large muscle movements to process information. Is unable to learn using visual or auditory strategies. Verbalizes frequently.

Prefers to use fine or large muscle movements to process information.

Learning styles and learning preferences: Student Results Multiple ChoiceMultiple Choice OptionsAssess a person's emotional responses to stressful situations. Measure a person's level of intellect. Provide a way of gaining personal insights and personal growth. Indicate the level of achievement a person may obtain.

Provide a way of gaining personal insights and personal growth.

Which of the following is an essential strategy for studying during fixed study blocks: OptionsStudy in the same place and at the same time every day. Schedule at least one study block every day of the week. Study your easiest/most-liked subjects earlier in the day .Fixed study blocks should never be changed or adjusted.

Schedule at least one study block every day of the week.

Belief in your abilities to accomplish a specific task or to demonstrate a set of skills


the way you talk to yourself, or your inner voice. i can do it


Fixed activities - class times, meals, sleep, church, etc. • Fixed study - 2:1 Ratio • Flexible study - 2-3 hours/week • Personal goals, leisure, social, etc.

Weekly schedule

Flex time on a time management schedule means: You can be flexible and do whatever you feel like doing. Is set aside to study for your most difficult subject instead of using the 2:1 ratio. Works as a "safety net" for times you underestimate your study needs. Is the block of time used for trading time with another social activity.

Works as a "safety net" for times you underestimate your study needs.

The term mindset refers to: a strong personal opinion that at times appears to be stubbornness. a mental tendency or habit that does NOT affect goals, attitude or self-image. a set of concepts people establish that shows how they see the world and themselves. All of the above

a set of concepts people establish that shows how they see the world and themselves.

Which of the following describe some of the benefits of being a skilled time manager? Select all the apply. Enjoy and appreciate leisure time Increased self-esteem Organized priorities Established daily routines


Which of the following does not show common reasons people procrastinate? a They lack motivation, interest, or purpose. b. They have learned this behavior and do not know how to change it. c. Their sense of self-efficacy and self-confidence are high. d. They use procrastination as a way to protect their self-esteem and their fear of failure.


In a time management schedule, trading time should occur: freely - whenever you want to do something else instead of studying. cautiously - only when you need flexibility in your schedule for a special event. never - you should always stick to your original schedule. regularly - to provide flexibility and reduce boredom.


The process of breaking larger assignments or sections of information into more manageable units is called what?


Which of the following strategies is not recommended when using goal-setting strategies to plan a term-long project? a. Estimate the time needed for each part of the task. b. Write target dates on your calendar to show plans for each step of the task. c. Double the estimated amount of time needed to ensure you have sufficient time for completion. d. Take a break when you complete a smaller step of the larger goal


You can strengthen your self-efficacy by: Optionsmodeling the actions of successful individuals doing the task you are interested in doing. creating a plan of action so you do not set yourself up for under-performing or failing. breaking larger goals into smaller steps to increase confidence and likelihood of success. doing all of the actions represented above.

doing all of the actions represented above.

A term schedule is your to-do list of specific tasks and helps you make efficient use of your time each day. true or false


A well developed time management schedule will be organized in such a way as to avoid studying on the weekends. true of false


As stress increases, often our ability to be able to cope with the stress increases as well. true or false


Critical thinking involves a lower-order, purposeless thinking. true or false


For realistic balance in one's life, a student should allocate equal time to work, school, and leisure activities. true or false


Most stress is beneficial for the body and does not affect performance or cognitive functions. true or false


Motivation can quickly gain momentum when we engage in negative self-talk. true or false


The Extraversion and the Thinking personality preferences are the most desirable preferences for college students. true or false


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