Potoshop Brain Buffet Lessons Review

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Makes area's darker?

Burn Tool

Raw image settings are saved in a what?

External XMP File

Is the space between specific letter pairs?


Will show all your layers that you have created?

Layers Panel

Space between lines


What locks the image pixels in the layers?

Lock Image Pixels

What locks the movements of the layers?

Lock Movement

What locks all layers?

Lock Pannel

What Locks the transparent in the image?

Lock Transparent Pixels

Is how visible something?


What must you do with the XMP file after editing the RAW image in Photoshop?

Open Image

What are the print presets on photoshop CC18/19/20?

Photo, Print, and Art & Illustration

How do you save a group as a file?

Quick Export as a PNG

It is the best to set up your document because that's Photoshop's native language?


Coverts text, shapes, Smart objects, and groups into standard photoshop pixel-based layers?


When photoshop redraws the image to enlarge or reduce the image by changing the number of pixels?


Classic, serious, sanserif, Modern clean?

Serif fonts

What filter was recommended?

Shake Reduction

Sharpens the image?

Sharpen Tool

Which Layer mask reveals that part of the layer?


Allows you to rest or save your arguments of panels?

Workspace Settings

Save color you might need to reuse


Indicates which panel group the panel group will be joining?

Tip Panel

Shows all The tools you can work with in photoshop designing?

Tools panel

For digital displays, resolution normally means the What?

Total Pixel Dimensions

Is the space between all of the letters?


Opacity is the opposite of What?


0 opacity is What?

100% Transparent

Print Resolution is best at what?

300 dpi

In the file handling preferences, what interval should you do automatic save recovery?

5 Minutes

Will adjust your photo and brighten and darken your photo?

Adjustments Panel

What option allows you to fill a selection using the surround pixels in an image?

Auto and default

Where do you go to save for print?

BB Complete

A invisible line?


If you want to add a stroke or drop shadow to a layer, what do you add?

Bevel & Emboss

Which layer mask hides that part of the layer?


A section of paper that we wanna print beyond the edge.

Bleed Space

Indicates where the panel will be placed when moving it around?

Blue Line

How do you save as layer style?

Click on new Style

Paints one part of an image over another part of the same image, with minimal matches?

Clone Stamp Tool

What is the shortcut to remove the marching ants?

Content aware

Changes the number of pixels by throwing some of the image away?


What letter on the keyboard resets the foreground and background to default colors?

Ctrl D to Deselect Color

What is the shortcut for Edit>Preferences>General?

Ctrl K

How do you invert a layer mask?

Ctrl/ Cmd+I to invert

Which Removes Color


Makes area's lighter?

Dodge Tool

How do you save artboards?

File, Export, Artboards to Files

How do you save individual layers as files?

File, Export, Layers to Files

To open a new document, go to?

File, New

Is like flipping a page in a book?

Flip Horizontal

Is flipping a page in a notepad or legal pad?

Flip Vertical

What Metadata gets recorded when a picture is taken with most smart phones?


What should you use to style settings to be sure the shadows are unified?

Global Light

What is recommended if you experience weird crashes or strange visuals for the video card in photoshop?

Graphics processor

Groups all of the finished layers?

Group Panel

When placing a linked object, you can't make any changes unless you?

Group Them

Double click the what to fit it to the document to the window?

Hand Tool

Matches the texture, lighting, transparency, and shading of the sampled pixels to the pixels being healed?

Healing Brush Tool

To resize from the middle and constrain the shape when resizing to prevent distorting?

Hold Shift

What Should be checked when saving a PSD?

Maximize Compatibility

Will show you different menus?

Menu Bar

What adds the copyright and contact info to a project?


To Open up a new layer go to the what?

New Layer Panel

will show you what options you want to choose?

Option Bar

What for file types can you export your work into when using the quick export format preferences?


Repair a selected area with pixels from another area?

Patch Tool

The Tiny dots that make up a raster or bitmap image?


The paper size must also be entered to get the right size document?

Print Resolution

Which adds color?


To refine a selection go to what?

Select in Mask

How do you view what your document will look like before offset printing?

Soft Proofing

Adds and removes color?

Sponge Tool

Automatically samples from around the retouched area?

Spot Healing Brush Tool

What keys on the keyboard changes the Brush size?

The Bracket Keys

A Device that's going to be displayed the image?

Web Resolution

What are the screen presets on photoshop CC18/19/20?

Web, Mobile, and Film & Video

Double Click the What to zoom to 100%?

Zoom Tool

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