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fruits packaging

Bulk $ - Locals, unripe or short distance travelers Hardy items in loose form packaging Bag or box sold by weight Layer $$$ - Apples and delicate products, long distances Protective material between layers of product Items are sold by the count Flat $$ - All berries and some grapes Very delicate product sold by volume, not weight Generally small pint or half-pint containers

cheese info

Categorized by type of milk used How the milk is prepared (raw/past.) How the rind is formed or treated Where and for how long it is aged These all help to determine texture, smell, color, firmness, & conformation

families of fruits

Citrus Melons Berries Drupes Pomes Grapes Tropical Exotic Based on their flavor, texture, origin, and how they are used

beef grading is determined by

Color, texture, and firmness Extent of marbling Animal's age A yield grade may also be issued, and considers: Conformation (body composition & meat to bone ratio) Finish (quality & distribution of fat)

can cutting

Comparison of two similar canned goods to see which is a better product or value. Cans are opened and compared for: Net weight Drained weight Packing Mediums Color Flavor Texture

Adductor Mussel

Cylindrical mussel used to open & close the shell of a bivalve mollusk

flat fish

Dark dextral side, white underside Resides on ocean bottom with both eyes on top side

The purpose of inspection is to:

Detect and destroy diseased and unfit meat Ensure clean and sanitary handling on kill floor and in fabrication areas Prevent harmful substances from getting into the meat Apply an "inspected & passed" stamp on the carcass or the case Prevent false labeling or misleading statements (grades)

Frozen at Sea (FAS)

Dressed or fully processed and frozen at sea On board specialized factory ships (hours old)

types of fruit botanically speaking

Drupes Berries Pomes Pepos Dry Fruit Aggregates Multiples Based on how the fruit forms when growing

drupe fruits

Drupes are stone fruit Stones (pits) contain a soft seed kernel Kernels of some may contain toxins Most drupes will ripen after picking Ripe fruits are very delicate Wash just prior to using Include three groups Freestone Clingstone Tryma or nutlike-drupes Freestone and cling drupes include Apricots, Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches, Plums and technically Olives Nut-like drupes including Almonds and Walnuts have inedible fruits and are discussed under nuts and seeds Blenheim, Moorpark, and Tilton Apricots, Bing, Lapin, Morello, and Rainier Cherries, Donut and White Peaches and Nectarines, and Greengage, Pluot, and Sugar Plums


Edible Portion the usable part of the purchase unit (incorporates loss from trimming, shrinkage & packaging)

exotic fruits

Exotic fruits belong to many of the various categories Grow in tropic and sub-tropic regions Generally available year round due to transportation Add value to menu through differentiation Often are necessary to support cooking of ethnic cuisines from those areas from which they originate Cactus Pears, Carambola, Cherimoyas, Figs, Guavas, Feijoa, Loquats, Lychee, Persimmons, Pomegranates, Pomelo,


Fermented liquid in a diluted form, derived from cider, wine, beer, or any crop that contains sugar including apples, grapes, grain, etc. The name is derived from the French vin aigre (sour wine)

boneless fish

Fit into flat or round categories Cartilage instead of bones for skeletal structure Includes sharks, rays, & skates


Flowering plants' means of reproduction Encased in a protective seed coat, usually with stored food

Refreshed or Previously Frozen

Frozen dressed, then slacked for processing


Fruit composed of a hard solid shell and a loose seed The seed is what is consumed Many nuts are technically just seeds

when receiving fresh fish always check in this order

G - Gills Gills should be bright, not slimy (cut?) E - Eyes Clear and bulging for most species S - Scales In tact and clinging, butter coating T - Texture Firm or elastic to touch, rigor, spring S - Smell Reminiscent of the sea, not fishy; Fresh

bivalve mollusks

Gastropod having one valve for Intake and one valve for Expulsion Identified by 2 hinged shell clams, mussels, oysters

Avoirdupois (avdp)

Goods of Weight Water is the means of converting liquid or volumetric measurement to avoirdupois measurement

citrus fruits

Grown worldwide in tropical & subtropical climates Origin in Southeast Asia and Australia over 6000 years ago Thick rind of brightly colored zest and bitter white pith Acidic with strong aroma Flesh is segmented & juicy Bitter, tart, or sweet in flavor Pulp, skin, & juice are edible Hybridize easily, many varieties Lemons, Limes, Grapefruits, Kumquats, Mandarins, Tangelos, Tangerines, Clementines, Citron, Ugli Fruits, Oranges Meyer Lemons, Buddha's Hand, Key & Kaffir Limes, Bitter, Valencia, Navel, Bergamot & Blood Oranges, Satsumas, Ruby Red Grapefruit, Yuzu

leafy vegetables

Hardy Greens Strong spicy flavors Often cooked and reduce drastically Milder Greens Mostly water Usually eaten raw Lettuces Quality Indicators Crisp, fresh, brightly colored leaves No slime or brown spots Ethylene sensitive hardy-Chicory, Dandelion, Endive, Escarole, Mustard, Sorrel, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Turnip, Watercress mild-Lettuces Butter, Iceberg, Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Romaine

bulk purchasing

Hardy items in loose form packaging Bag or box sold by weight


Have Exoskeletons Have Segmented Bodies Crustaceans Can Regenerate Appendages


Having an internal shell squid octopus

brassica vegetables

Heads, flowers, & leaves Quick growing, cool weather vegetables Eaten raw or cooked Varieties Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbages, Cauliflower, Kale, Kholrabi Quality Indicators Firm Heavy for size Good color

peppers and chiles info

Heat of chili peppers is ranked 1 - 10 with 10 being the hottest or measured in Scoville units smaller are usually hotter capsaicin-laden: gives heat

herb and spice varieties

Herbs - Leaves Basil, Bay Leaf, Chervil, Cilantro, Dill, Marjoram, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Savory, Tarragon, Thyme Herbs - Stems or Shoots Chives, Garlic Chives, Lemongrass Spices - Seeds Anise, Cardamom (seedpod), Celery, Cumin, Dill, Fennel, Mace (hull), Mustard, Nutmeg (pit) Spices - Fruit Allspice (berry), Cayenne, other Chiles, & Paprika (dried peppers), Peppercorns Spices - Other Cinnamon (tree bark), Ginger (root), Saffron (flower stigmas), Cloves (flower buds)

single source buying

'one stop shopping' historically used for non-perishable & non-edible primarily used by chains & corporate purchasing negotiate for good availability and reliable delivery


(fruits that will not self ripen after being picked) Many Berries, Cherries, Figs, Grapes, Olives, Pineapples, Pomegranates, & Watermelons Some may be forced ripened with and all are susceptible to ethylene


(fruits that will self ripen after being picked) Apricots, Bananas, Cantaloupes, Citrus, Guavas, Honeydews, Kiwis, Mangoes, Nectarines, Papayas, Passion Fruits, Peaches, Pears, Persimmons & Plums Avocados will mature on the vine but will not ripen until picked

milks used for cheese

*Cow Milk - Primary US species: Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Canadienne, Dutch Belted, Guernsey, Holstein-Friesian, Jersey, Kerry, Milking Shorthorn, & Norwegian Red *Sheep Milk - Primary US species: East-Friesian, & Lacaune *Goat Milk - Primary US species: Alpine, LaMancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, Oberhasli, Saanen, Sable, & Toggenburg Buffalo Milk - Primary US Species: Swamp & Riverine Others Rare & not in US - Horse, Camel, Donkey, Yak

cheese varieties or styles

-fresh (no rind, not aged)(soft)- goat, cottage, feta, farmers -ripened(Bloomy Rind, shortly aged, if any)(soft)- brie, truffle tremor -washed rind (Rind is washed with salt water or alcohol, Stinky & Wet)(semisoft)- Gruyere (aged), French Meunster -natural rind (rind forms naturally with aging)(semisoft)-Manchego, -natural rind (curds are pressed to expel excess whey)(rind forms naturally with aging)(firm)- cheddar, gouda, edam -natural rind (curds are pressed to expel most whey)(rind forms naturally with aging)(hard)-Parmigiano Reggiano, Asiago, Grana Padano, Gouda (aged) -blue veined cheese (inoculated, sprayed, or brushed with spores) (semisoft)- Roquefort, Valdeon, Gorgonzola -specialty cheese (mixture of one or more cheeses with flavorings or garnish)Often labeled as "Pub Cheese" or "Cheese Food Product" -coldpacked-Cheese spreads, molds, or balls are eaten "as is" spread on crackers, made into dips, used on sandwiches, stirred into sauces, or used to bind other things together as a filling of stuffing -specialty cheese(melted ripe cheese and fresh cheese with flavors and emulsifiers) Often shaped or molded, then sliced- processed-Processed cheese melts easily, can be eaten "as is", used on sandwiches, or used to bind other ingredients together. It is pliable and semi-liquid, and can be sprayed or used as the base for canned cheese sauces.

# 300 can

14 - 15 oz. Case/36

# 303 can

16 - 17 oz. Case/36

# 2 can

19 - 20 oz. Case/24

open market buying

2 or more suppliers historically used for perishable products, now includes most any product insures quality maximizes availability & reliable delivery the most common method used

# 2½ can

27 - 29 oz. Case/24

# 5 can

46 - 51 oz. Case/12

dark choc

50-58% choc. no sugar or milk solids. bittersweet, semi, sweet- amount of sugar, lecithin, and vanilla

# 5 Squat can

64 - 72 oz. (4 - 4 ½ lb.) Case/6

pork facts

95% of all pigs raised in the US are from Midwestern states or North Carolina and fall into two categories: Western Most US hogs are western breeds 3 - 6 months old Corn and soy fed White, firm, and dry flesh Eastern Breeds are lower in quality Flesh is wet and yielding Fat is yellowish in color and is the primary product

# 10 can

96 - 120 oz. Case/6

product specification

A detailed written description of a product you wish to purchase You the Purchaser make Specifications: A copy is kept by the receiver for reference A copy is sent to the Vendor for their records The purchaser keeps a copy


A food product made of the curds that result from the coagulation of milk protein using acidity, bacteria, or enzymes. The resultant curd may be pressed, salted, cooked, cured, aged or otherwise manipulated to create a great variety of available shapes, textures, and flavors.

market quotation sheet

A form used to compare prices for multiple Suppliers/Vendors Generally for one category of similar products Meats, Produce, Dairy Products, Etc. Each product is listed by specification List sorted alphabetically, by storage location, or product type Used to support purchasing and receiving functions


A gas given off by ripening fruit Chlorophyll is degraded and color changes Acids are neutralized, reducing sourness Starch chains are shortened to simple sugars Starchy cell walls soften and increases juiciness Enzymatic break down of molecules, creating a sweet, desirable aroma Can adversely effect other produce items


A mineral composed of sodium and chlorine of which neither can exist in nature alone Sodium chloride is found in the earth in deposits called halite


A principal raw material or commodity grown or produced in a region. A major item of trade in steady demand. A basic dietary item, such as flour, rice, or corn.

egg adn butter grades

AA, A, B


An itemized list of merchandise received, cross checked with the Market Quotation Sheet Always check invoice for: Address Quantity Specifications Quality Price Then Sign it!! Once an Invoice has been signed, it becomes a legal, binding document. A promise to pay.


Any other part of aromatic plants used for flavoring food Generally available dried, whole, broken, or ground Many herbs and spices are also available in blends Curry & Chili Powders, Herbs de Provence, Italian Seasoning, Cajun Seasoning, Old Bay


As Purchased refers to the price per unit paid to the supplier Or The price charged by the vendor

fruit vegetables

Botanically classified as fruit Develop from pollinated flowering plant Contain one or more seeds for reproduction Prepared and served as vegetables (savory) Eaten raw or cooked Varieties Avocado, Bell Peppers, Chili Peppers, Eggplant, Squash & Tomatoes Quality Indicators Firm and heavy for size Clean, unblemished skins

pepers and chiles

Botanically classified as fruit Develop from pollinated flowering plant Contain one or more seeds for reproduction Prepared and served as vegetables (savory) Eaten raw or cooked Varieties Sweet Bell, Holland, & Chili or Hot Peppers

squashes and gourds vegetables

Botanically classified as fruit Divided into two categories Summer & Winter Blossoms on stalk, and seeds from center cavity are also edible Summer Varieties Chayote, Crookneck, Cucumbers, Patty Pan, Yellow, & Zucchini Winter Varieties Acorn, Buttercup, Butternut, Calabaza, Hubbard, Pumpkin, Spaghetti Quality Indicators Firm and heavy for size Free of blemishes and mold


Both ends of the can are distended (Packaging problem)

berry fruits

Includes many fruits that are not botanically berries Grow on small shrubs, bushes, or vines Generally do not ripen after harvesting Pick gently when fully ripe Avoid overly soft or moldy fruit when selecting Often used in desserts and with cheese Work well for jams, preserves, jellies and juice 50+ varieties available in the United States Many available dried, pureed, processed, or frozen True berries include Blueberries, Cranberries, Currants, Elderberries, Gooseberries, Huckleberries, Kiwi, Lingonberries, Miracle Berries and technically, Grapes and Starfruit Aggregates like Blackberries, Boysenberries, Dewberries, Loganberries, and Raspberries, made of tiny drupelets Small bunches of multiple fruits that join, like Mulberries Aggregate accessory fruits like the Strawberries with their tiny achenes on the surface

food cost

It can refer to the amount it costs a restaurant for the food that is on the plate (The cost of one (1) portion of a recipe - "Plate Cost") It can refer to the cost of the whole recipe (The cost of all the ingredients in a recipe - "Batch Cost") The amount a restaurant spends on food in a period of time (month) after adjustments (Food for month of business - "Cost of Goods Sold")

families of veg

Leafy Vegetables Brassicas Shoots Fruit-vegetables Squashes & Gourds Bulbs Roots & Tubers Pods & Seeds Mushrooms & Truffles Legumes

bulb vegetables

Members of the lily family Grown fully or partially underground Used as aromatics in cooking Varieties Chives, Garlic, Leeks, Onions, Ramps, Scallions, & Shallots Quality Indicators Firm and fresh appearance Good color


One end of the can is distended and springs in and out (Packaging problem or badly dented)

univalve mollusks

One valve for both intake & expulsion- Gastropod with one shell usually formed around a central axis snails and slugs

shoot and stalk vegetables

Plant stems with high cellulose fiber Best picked when young & tender Older shoots are fibrous and should be trimmed Usually cooked Varieties Artichokes, Asparagus, Bamboo Shoots, Belgian Endive, Celery, Fennel, Fern, Hearts of palm, Rhubarb Quality Indicators Firm No signs of browning or discoloration


Plants that have double-seamed pods Seeds are aligned in a single row within the pods Some pods are edible, some are inedible Edible Pod Varieties (fresh) Green Beans, Haricot Vert, Snow Peas, Snap Peas, Wax Beans Inedible Pod Varieties (fresh) Edamame, English Peas, Fava Beans, Lima Beans, Peanuts Quality Indicators Bright, uniform in size, unmarked, undamaged, not shriveled Many legumes are allowed to remain on the vine to dry When dried, they are removed from the pod The dried seeds are called pulses Dried for Pulses Black Turtle, Kidney, Lima, Navy, Pinto, Soy Green Split, Yellow Split, Chickpea, Peanut Crimson, Golden, Petite French, Black Beluga

beef grades

Prime, Choice, Select, Standard, Commercial, Utility, Cutter, Canner


Product has leaked or is leaking from the can, wet labels, rust, light (Both puffers and springers may eventually leak)


Products that DO NOT require refrigeration and have a prolonged shelf life. Examples: Dried, Canned, & Jarred Products Flour, Sugar, Rice, Dried Pasta


Products that require refrigeration and have a limited shelf life. Examples: Fresh Meat & Poultry (not frozen or vacuum packed) Fresh Seafood (not frozen or vacuum packed) Fresh Produce Raw Dairy (unpasteirized)

semi perishables

Products that require refrigeration but have an extended shelf life due to the use of an inhibitor. INHIBITORS: Cooking, Pasteurization, Salting, Brining, Acid (marinades), Pickling, Smoking, Vacuum Packing (Cryovac) Examples: Cured, Smoked, & Vacuum Packed Meats Salted & Brined Products Marinated Foods Pasteurized Dairy

layer purchasing

Protective material between layers of product Items are sold by the count

roots and tubers vegetables

Root Vegetables The deep taproot of plants Beets, Carrots, Celeriac, Parsnips, Radishes, & Turnips Tubers Fat underground stems of plants Cassava, Jicama, Potatoes, Sun Chokes, Sweet Potatoes, Taro, & Yams Quality Indicators Firm and unblemished Smooth unwrinkled surface Good color

seeds/pods vegetables

Seed Vegetables What we consume is the seed Sometimes the pod as well Generally contain higher carbs and protein than other vegetables Varieties Fresh Beans, Corn, Okra, Peas, & Sprouts Quality Indicators Firm and unblemished Well shaped


Seed of grass Oryza sativa Eaten primarily as a cereal grain Third highest world-wide production Most consumed product on the plan

legumes (pulses)

Seed that comes from a pod of up to 12 Allowed to dry on the vine and then harvested

boat to table

Small programs in metropolitan areas, generally whole or drawn Flexible menu development using daily catch


Small, hard, dry seeds with or without hulls and fruit layer used as food Two main crops Cereals Legumes


Small, miscellaneous items of little value or miscellaneous objects too numerous or too small to be specified


Soft bodies and gills, often have scales

shrimp sold by

Sold by the Count per Pound IQF, PDQ, PDC, Green

round fish

Swim upright in the water and have symmetrical Halves

receiving fresh finfish cuts

T - Tightly Sealed Containers Packed into sealed bags, tubs, or tins U - Under Ice Containers packed under crushed ice Cut fish should never touch the ice B - Below 36ºF 2 degree rule (Storage - for every 2º above 32º (freezing) you lose a day of shelflife) S - Skin to Skin (if skin is on) Skin side of fillets should always touch High bacterial counts on skin sides Loose scales remain on skin side of fillets

salt varieties

Table Salt Sometimes iodized to prevent goiter (metallic flavor) A variety of grinds and may contain anticaking agents Rock Salt - halite Sometimes used to churn ice cream As a bed for baking shellfish Sea Salt Evaporated seawater with distinct flavor, coarse or fine Kosher Salt Purified rock salt for koshering meat Pickling Salt Very fine salt, pure of additives Specialty Salt Designer salts or finishing salts (See next slide) Alaea Salt Known as Hawaiian salt, distinctively red from volcanic clay Pink Salt Peruvian pink salt is extracted from a vast underground ocean that feed springs in the Andes. The color comes from rose quartz Himalayan pink salt is extracted from the second largest salt mine in the world where mineral color the salt reddish pink Smoked Salt Sea salt that has been smoked over various bark free woods, sometimes with dried herbs or spices (not smoke flavored salt) Danish smoked salt of the Vikings Specialty Sea Salt Evaporated from sea water and sometimes called solar or bay salt Sea salt comes from anywhere on the globe, however several have become renown for their distinct flavor and texture Fleur de Sel, Irish Sea Salt, Sicilian Sea Salt, Volcanic Salt Sea salt that has been blended with activated charcoal from volcanic deposits The most common come from Hawaii and Cyprus Salt Substitutes In an effort to reduce sodium intakes over the years, many salt replacers or reducers have been developed Potassium Chloride, described as metallic or bitter is by far the most common


Technically classified as berries Known to have been grown in the near east over 8000 years ago Generally categorized by use: Table grapes, wine grapes, juice grapes (raisins, jams & jellies) Also categorized by color Green (white), Red, Purple (black) Available in seedless varieties California produces the majority 90%+ of table grapes grown in the United States in addition to a incredible amount of wine grapes White grapes include Cotton Candy, White Muscat, Princess, and the Sultana or Thompson Seedless Red grapes include, Crimson, Flame, and Ruby Seedless, Champagne, Scarlet Royal and Red Globe Black grapes include Autumn and Summer Royal, Bluebell, Concord, Kyoho, Muscadine, and Nagano There are over 5000 primary known cultivars in the United States with 60+ varieties of table grapes available to foodservice

seafood inspection and grading

The FDA requires that fish and shellfish growers, processors, co-packers, and warehouses follow HACCP plans, however, there is no mandatory federal inspection of fresh seafood required. Due to its very short shelf life, very little fresh seafood is ever graded. NOAA, under the control of the Department of Commerce provides several for fee, voluntary inspection and grading programs. Anyone from the fishing vessel's owner to the chef can purchase these services, and it is mostly processed seafood that receives any grading. Unfortunately, it is often left to local Fish & Game or Health Departments to eliminate inferior , illegal, or mislabeled products from the system. ($$$)


The leafy green part of aromatic plants used for flavoring food Other green parts of the plant may be used Available in a variety of forms Generally fresh is preferable, but dry is common

poultry grades determined by

The presence of body deformities The amount of flesh and fat The presence of pinfeathers The general condition of the bird Tears and cuts Broken bones Bruising or discoloration


Tree fruit with a central seed core Usually five pointed or star-shaped Thin skin with firm flesh Sometimes mealy Comprised of three main groups Apples 100+ Varieties in the US Pears 30+ Varieties Quince Apples are commonly broken into groups by their use including ornamental, eating, cooking, and cider There are over 7500 known cultivars with 120+ varieties available as eating fruit in the United States Pears are grown for ornamental trees and eating fruit, however there are over 3000 known cultivars with 30+ available as eating fruit in the United States Quince, a hard astringent pome is unusually high in pectin and is often made into jellies, jams or preserves (membrillo)

tropical fruits

Tropical fruits belong to many of the various categories Grow in tropic and sub-tropic regions Generally available year round due to transportation Add value to menu through differentiation Often are necessary to support cooking of ethnic cuisines from those areas from which they originate Bananas, Plantains, Coconuts, Dates, Kiwis, Mangoes, Papayas, Passion Fruit, Pineapples

melon fruits

Two categories, sweet & water Many shapes, sizes & colors Smooth, grooved, or netted surface White, pink, green, orange, or yellow Sweet, cucumber, bitter, or spicy Up to 90% water Rarely cooked Usually chilled & sliced Most are vine ripened for best quality 50+ varieties available in the US Muskmelons including netted skins like Cantaloupe, Persian, and Santa Clause Melons and smooth skins like Honeydew, Crenshaw and Casaba Melons Winter or Canary Melons, Bitter Melons, and Watermelons including the Charleston Gray, the Crimson Sweet, Seedless, and Sugar Baby or Icebox varieties

cheese infoo

Type of milk and when the milk is taken (time of year/time of day/pasteurized/raw) Coagulant & Temperature Cutting & Cooking the curd Draining the curd (whey) Salting, Inoculating & Forming the curd Pressing the curds Treatment of the Pressed curds (wrapped, pinned, waxed) Rind Formation Aging/Ripening (affinage)

fruits grades

U.S. No. 1 (best) Designates fruit that are free of defect, of good quality and appear to be the same or similar when viewed together in their packaging

YIELD grades for pork

U.S. Number 1, 2, 3, 4, & Utility

fresh fish

Under 10 days since caught, never frozen No FDA definition for the term Specialized handlers pushing for standards

credit memo

Used at time of delivery when product is rejected or is missing from load Reduces total dollar amount of invoice Can act as a request for pick up (R.F.P)

debit memo

Used when you agree to accept goods delivered, but, are not on the invoice Adds dollars to the total of the invoice

flat purchasing

Very delicate product sold by volume, not weight Generally small pint or half-pint containers


White - Piedmont, Alba, Summer Strongly scented and added sparingly to dishes Black - Périgord, French, Summer, Winter More mildly scented and often used as garnish Added to pâtés, terrines, or egg dishes

4 subspecies of shrimp

White, Black, Pink, and Brown

market forms of fresh fish

Whole or Round - As Caught Drawn - Eviscerated Only Dressed - Further Processed Headless & Gutted - minimum Pan Dressed - maximum Head, fins, scales, tail (spec) Steak - Vertical cut of the fish Each cut contains vertebrae Skin-on or skin-off Fillet - Sides of the fish Parallel to the spine Skin-on or skin-off Does not mean boneless Rounds & Half Moons - Larger Fish Swordfish, Tina, Halibut Loins - Can have a couple meanings Quadrants of large-bodied fish Thick top of fillet on smaller fish Skin-on or skin-off Generally boneless May contain bloodline (spec)


Wild - Foraged or Hunted, Wild mushrooms are stronger with earthy, nuttier flavor They should always be cooked, Boletes, Chanterelles, Chicken of the Woods, Black Trumpets, Hedgehogs, Lobster, Maitake, Matsutake, Morels, Oysters, Porcini & Puffballs Cultivated - Farm Raised White, Button, Oyster, Portabella, Shiitake, & Crimini

packing medium

a type of liquid, thickened or not, sweetened or not, which protects, moistens or marinates products

grades for chicken

a, b, c, utility

sweeteners functions

adding flavor and sweetness, adding color from browning, serving as food for yeast, aiding in retention of moisture, tenderizing products, stabilize egg foams

natural process lactic acid tenderizes meat


cost of sales

all items to purchase all food and beverage


all non-food items (items that are not to be eaten). Sometimes referred to as Staples or Sundries. Examples: Paper Goods, Cleaning Supplies, Butcher's Twine

open market purchasing

allows food service operators to obtain bids from various purveyors. purveyors compete with one another to offer the specified quantity and quality of product at the lowest price and best service to the food service operation. usually for perishables

q factor

an estimated cost that covers all ingredients that have a measure but are insignificant in cost. such as salt, and ingredients that are regularly adjusted as needed such as flour. is usually applied as a % of the total ingredient cost to achieve the recipe cost

Average Age and "Live Weight" of beef

at slaughter 2 years and 1600 pounds

milk grades are determined by

bacterial count a b c


bean pods from cacao tree

inverts and syrups (liquid sugars)

boiled with hydrochloric acid and water corn- cornstarch to liquid using enzymes maple-sugar maple tree could take 30-40 gallons raw sap for one gallon syrup honey- first sugar. clover, and orange blossom. flower nectar- 80% water. dried to about 70% sugar. oils, gum, and water. glucose- sim to corn. from corn, rice, or potatoes. shine malt- from barley grain, vitamins and nut value.


breaks down fat globules by through fine nozzle.

flank edge is measured

by the edge or the eye to the end of the flank edge

brown sugar

cane sugar and molasses.

chile pepper seeds contain


main protein in milk that causes it to clump and curdle in acid, salt, or high heat


ripening cheese

cheedar- inside out brie- outside in

milk choc

cocoa butter, sugar, and vanilla with beans. 12% mil solids. 10% choc liquor

fine and superfine sugar

contain crystals, dissolve faster, not as fine as powdered

portion cut

cuts created by further fabricating or dividing the Primal. A.K.A. "H.R.I."

sub primal cut

cuts created by further fabricating or dividing the Primal. A.K.A. "H.R.I."


deep taproots

yield grade

derived from the side

product specifications

describe the quality and quantity of each standardized recipe ingredient. includes the exact quality of an ingredient, such as the grade of fruits and veg. or classification of beef. as well as the quantity of ingredients to be used.


fat underground stem

primal cut

first, major cuts from a carcass, untrimmed and requiring further fabrication.


french for coating chocolate

contract buying

from a company. like pepsi

most foods are available in the following forms

frozen, fresh, canned, and dried

dressed fish

gills, scales, organs removed

confectioners or powdered sugar

grinding fine and mixing with small amount of starch to prevent caking. icing


heats milk to 161 for 15 sec and rapid cool to 45 . kills most bacteria, and extends keeping quality by killing naturally occuring enzymes. about 1 week


higher temp, shorter periods 60-90 days but once open about as long as regular milk

uht ultra high temp processing

holding milk 2-6 seconds at 280-300 3 months before opening

drawn fish

internal organs removed

operating expenses

labor and overhead costs

warm water oysters are

milder in taste


muscle fibers


no chocolate liquor. sugar, cocoa butter, lecithin, milk, vanilla, dried milk

truffles grown near

oak or beech

fixed menu

offers same dishes everyday for extended period of time

contract buying

one purveyor for a particular product contract has a set period of time product involved has a set cost requires a legal contract

single source buying

operators can purchase products from a single purveyor, negotiating price price for volume-based discounts. is attractive for items that are consistently purchased in large volumes

coarse sugar

or sanding sugar, decoration, larger

illnesses and toxins from finfish

parasites, scombroid poisoning, mercury poisoning, Ciguatera,

mold in blue veined cheeses


black truffles


4 primal cuts of pork

picnic shoulder, boston butt, loin, ham,

white truffles


no quality grades are specified for


grades for lamb and veal

prime, choice, good

chocolate process

removed, wash, ferment, dry, roasted, cracked into nibs roasted twice and into butters or liquor conching- huge granite rollers, combine heated liquor 12-72 hours.


results from an interaction between milk and bacteria or an enzyme called rennet

chiles rated on

scovillle unit scale (0-30,000) or 1-10 scale

mushrooms have no

seeds, stems, or flowers stripe is "stem"

cycle menu

set days and come back after period

prix fixe

set price for everything app entree dessert unless special items

4 primal cuts of veal and lamb

shoulder, rack, loin, leg

4 categories of crustaceans

shrimp, lobster, crabs, crayfish


sucrose- sugar cane or beets carbs- wheat and other grains maltose- malt sugar fructose- fruits and veg lactose- dairy glucose- fruits and veg

granulated sugar

table sugar, sugar beets or cane

When receiving four criteria must be met, to ensure safe product

temperature, smell, touch, color

oyster info

the age of the oyster older = stronger younger = milder water it is in greatly affects East Coast: Salty seaweed vegetable taste Named for the place of origin West Coast: Fruity, melon, lettuce taste Others: Belon (European Flat) from France

portion cost

the cost of one portion of the standardized recipe

plate cost

the cost of several recipes often need to be determined and added together in order to determine the plate cost of a menu item.

preliminary selling price

the lowest suggested selling price to list on the menu. desired cost percentage- dividing plate cost by food cost or pricing factor-using food cost percentage goal ex. 100% / 28% food cost = pricing factor (3.57) then plate cost (5.34 x 3.57)= preliminary selling price (19.07)

recipe cost per unit

the price of one recipe unit of the ingredient cost

invoice cost per unit

the purchase cost of an ingredient in the specified unit in which it is purchased

recipe cost

total cost of preparing a recipe. after calculating the measurable ingredients by using a q factor

3 types of mollusks

univalve, bivalve, cephalopods

no yield grades are specified for


drained weight

weight of the useable product, minus the "Packing Medium"


wild cultivated- europe and both us coasts Grown on ropes or in mesh tubes suspended form rafts More expensive than wild Cleaner and meatier than wild maine and washington

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