Practical #3 Chapters 10-14

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------99% stored in bone, Integral part of bone and teeth structure, serves as _________ bank, supplying body fluids when blood _________ levels drop; _________ salts crystallize on protein collagen during formation of bones; Regulation of muscle contractions (sliding filament theory), Osteoporosis (Afflicts over 40 million people) 3 cups of skimmed milk fortified with Vit. D-----Add fat-free powdered milk to almost anything—meat loaf, sauces, gravies, soups, casseroles, other foods: Name This mineral!


2/3 of bone is calcium phosphate compounds; Part of DNA & RNA; Phospholipids transport other lipids in blood; component of cell membranes------Food sources---Animal proteins. It is added to many foods because it acts as an emulsifying agent, prevents clumping, improves texture and taste, and extends shelf-life. Name this mineral!

fruits and vegetables

A healthy diet incorporating seven or more servings of ____________________________________ and _________________ has been shown in many scientific studies to reduce cardiovascular disease and overall deaths attributable to cancer.


A medical disorder known as__________________ is willingly consuming foods with little or no nutritive value, such as dirt, clay, and laundry starch.


A pregnancy may happen unexpectedly. Therefore, it is important for all women of childbearing age to get ____________________micrograms of folate or folic acid per day prior to pregnancy to prevent birth defects.


A pregnant women needs _____________________ micrograms of folate or folic acid per day during pregnancy to prevent birth defects.


A pregnant women should eat a well-balanced diet, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, calcium-rich foods, lean meats, and a variety of cooked seafood (excluding fish that are high in _____________________________, such as swordfish, albacore tuna, large mouth bass from some lakes and shark).

27 mg/day

A pregnant women should eat iron-rich or iron-fortified foods How much iron per day again?


A stage of human development beginning at fertilization and ending at the start of the 8th week of development.


A stage of human development beginning at the start of the 8th week of development and ending at birth.


A woman should drink at least ____________________ cups of liquids per day during pregnancy.


About 30 to 40 percent of the caloric content in human breast milk is made up of _______________. A high-______________________ diet is necessary to encourage the development of neural pathways in the brain and other parts of the body in an infant.

gestational diabetes

About 4 percent of pregnant women suffer from a condition known as _________________________, which is abnormal glucose tolerance during pregnancy. It usually resolves after childbirth.


According to the CDC, pregnant women are twenty times more likely to become infected with this disease, which is known as _____________________, than nonpregnant, healthy adults. It can be fatal to fetus & mother.


Adults (19-50 years) need 8 mg (males), & females need _______________mg of iron per day.


After six months, infants can gradually begin to consume ___________________________ foods.


Age from birth to one year of age.


All health claims must be substantiated by scientific evidence in order for it to be approved and put on a food label and food packaging. Federal laws have been written. True or False


Almost all of the carbohydrate in human milk is ____________________, which infants digest and tolerate well.


As the pregnancy progresses, a woman must increase her caloric intake. According to the IOM, she should consume an additional ________________ calories per day during the second trimester is required.


As the pregnancy progresses, a woman must increase her caloric intake. An additional _____________________ calories per day during the third trimester is required.


Biologist call the unfertilized egg an _________________.

3 cups/day

Children, adolescents, and adults need to drink ____________________ cups of non-fat cow's milk per day to stay healthy!


Development during ages between two and three years of age.


Doctors test for preeclampsia because they don't want it to turn into eclampsia. Eclampsia is associated with convulsions and possible death. Preeclampsia is tested for elevated blood pressure and __________________ in the urine and is associated with swelling (edema).


During the first six months after her baby is born, the daily caloric cost for a lactating mother is________________________ calories. So if a woman breastfeeds its easier to loose the 25 to 35 pounds that was added during pregnancy.


Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals promotes health. True or False


Eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin ____________________________ at the same time as iron-containing foods markedly increases iron absorption. In some cases triples the absorption.


Food manufacturers are required by the FDA to list on their packages if the product contains any of the eight most common ingredients that cause food __________________. milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy, and wheat.

Listeria monocytogenes (the disease is called listeriosis)

Foods more likely to contain the bacteria that should be avoided are unpasteurized dairy products, especially soft cheeses, and also smoked seafood, hot dogs, paté, cold cuts, and uncooked meats. Name this bacteria that is so deadly to fetuses.


Human milk is low in vitamin ______________, which is needed for calcium absorption and building bone, among other things. Therefore, breast fed children often need to take a vitamin _____________ supplement in the form of drops.

27 mg/day

I want you to know that sexually active or pregnant females' need _____________________ mg of iron per day. If not the embryo, fetus, infant, child, & adolescents will have some type of permanent brain damage.


If sexually active or pregnant, females should eat one serving of __________________________ breakfast cereals per day. Total cereal has 18 mg per serving and is highly recommended in the scientific literature.


If your pregnant don't eat large mouth from Rayburn or Toledo bend reservoirs, speckled trout from Galveston Bay, and gafftop catfish from the Port Arthur Texas area. And in my option don't eat any _________________________ tuna because it has too much mercury in it. Choose wild caught salmon during pregnancy.


In the United States, about ________________________ percent of babies start out being breastfed.


It is also standard for pregnant women to take prenatal ___________________________ to ensure adequate intake of the needed micronutrients.


It is recommended to replace whole milk with low-fat or fat-free milk. How many cups of cow's milk should adults and adolescents drink per day?


It's okay to do low-impact aerobic exercise (moderate) without the possibility of falling when you're pregnant. True or False


Its federal law to give a newborn a vitamin ____________________shot to prevent the infant from scratching themselves and bleeding to death.

Food Labels

Know how to read __________________________. For example, know too much saturated, trans, & cholesterol fats are harmful to health. Try to buy high iron foods to get 18 mg/day, etc. Understand serving size per container.

False practically nonexistent

Lactose intolerance is common in infants. True or False


Major changes begin to occur in the embryo and fetus in the earliest days, often weeks before a woman even knows that she is pregnant. True or False


Medscape Journal of Medicine reports that fewer than __________________________________ in ten Americans consumes the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, which is between five and thirteen servings per day.


Minerals are better absorbed from ____________________________________ foods.


Minerals are not as efficiently absorbed as most vitamins and so the bioavailability of minerals can be very low. True or False

margarine or oil

MyPlate Planner: Add ________________________ for preparation or addition at the table. Use olive or unsaturated oils only in moderation. Never use oils high in trans fats, saturated fats, or high in cholesterol.

dairy products

MyPlate Planner: Choose one serving of _________________.

One quarter (1/4)

MyPlate Planner: Fill ________________________ of your plate with lean meat, chicken, or fish (about 3 ounces).

One quarter (1/4)

MyPlate Planner: Fill _________________________ of your plate with a whole grain such as ⅓ cup rice.


MyPlate Planner: Fill _____________________of your plate with vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, salad, and fruit.


Needed for synthesis of important ____________________-containing compounds, __________-containing amino acids play role in shaping strands of protein, Shape of protein enables it to perform specific function

25 to 35 pounds

New mothers who gain a healthy amount of weight and participate in regular physical activity during their pregnancies also have an easier time shedding weight post-pregnancy. How much is a healthy amount of weight again?

True Not even a taste

No amount of alcohol is allowed during pregnancy. True or False


Only __________________________ cup of coffee per day or two 12 ounces soda are allowed per day because of the caffeine amounts during pregnancy.


Only about ____________________ percent of calcium is absorbed from milk and other dairy products.

25 and 35

Pregnant women of normal weight (BMI 19.5-24.9) should gain between __________________________ pounds in total through the entire pregnancy.

False (too much mercury in this types of fish)

Pregnant women should eat fish with high methylmercury levels, such as shark, swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel. True or False


Principle electrolyte in extracellular fluid (ECF); Excesses contribute to hypertension; Hypertension affects >60 million Americans, Salt (NaCl) intake has major effect on increasing BP....Don't consume more than 2300 mg of this mineral per day.


Takes place from ages four to eight.

False A healthy diet first

Taking a daily prenatal supplement or multivitamin helps to meet many nutritional needs. Most of these requirements should be fulfilled with a prenatal supplement or multivitamin. True or False

2,300 mg

The Dietary Guidelines recommend that Americans reduce their daily sodium intake to less than _______________________________milligrams.

1,000 mg per day

The RDA for Calcium is ___________________.

300 milligrams (mg) per day

The RDA for Cholesterol is ____________________________.

25 g per day

The RDA for Dietary Fiber is ____________________.

400 micrograms

The RDA for Folate is ______________________µg.

18 mg per day

The RDA for Iron is _______________________________.

2,400 mg per day

The RDA for Sodium is _______________________________.

1,300 mg/day

The RDA of calcium is elevated to ___________________________ milligrams per day during adolescence because this is the life stage with accelerated bone growth.


The RDA of protein during pregnancy is 71 grams per day, which is____________________________grams above the normal recommendation.


The WHO recommends that breastfeeding be done exclusively for the first _____________________ months of an infant's life.


The first part of the Nutrition Facts food label gives you information on the serving size and how many ______________________________are in the container. For example, a label on a box of crackers might tell you that twenty crackers equals one serving and that the whole box contains 10 _________________________________.


The greatest positive influence on calcium absorption comes from having an adequate intake of vitamin _______________________________.


The pediatricians for the first_________________________months recommend breast feeding exclusively with a vitamin D supplement. If not, only iron fortified formula should be given the first 6 months. For the first year no cow's milk is allowed.

An adult

The period from adolescence to the end of life and begins at age nineteen.


The period from ages nine to thirteen, which is the beginning of adolescence.


The stage of development that takes place between ages fourteen and eighteen years of age.


This disorder is marked by elevated blood pressure and protein in the urine and is associated with swelling during pregnancy. Name it!

reabsorption & absorption respectively

To maintain blood calcium levels the body does 3 things. 1) release of calcium stored in the bones (steals from our bones); 2) kidney cells increase calcium _____________ and decrease its excretion in the urine; 3) increases dietary calcium _______________________ inside the small intestine.

160 degree F

To prevent listeriosis, cook hot dogs, cold cuts (e.g., deli meats/luncheon meat), and smoked seafood to ___________________° F

40 degrees F (I keep my icebox at 35 degrees F just to be safe)

To prevent listeriosis, store food at _____________° F or below in the refrigerator and at 0° F in the freezer


To refrain from overeating try consuming small meals at ________________________ intervals throughout the day as opposed to two or three large meals.


When following a balanced, healthful diet with many nutrient-dense foods, you may consume enough of your daily nutrients before you reach your daily calorie limit. The remaining calories are ____________________________.


Yet by the age of six months, when solid foods should begin to be introduced into a child's diet along with breastmilk, only ____________________ percent of infants in the United States were still breastfed exclusively, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Folic acid

____________________ is the man-made form of folate. _______________________ is absorbed easier than the natural folate form. _______________________ is fortified in flour, rice, spaghettis, cereals, etc. to prevent birth defects & neural tube defects.


______________________ is the major cation (positive ion) inside animal cells, Critical to maintaining cardiac regularity (Irregular heart rhythm), most diets provide adequate intake, Abundant inside all living cells; Fresh fruits & vegetables provide best source... Name this mineral!


_______________________ occurs primarily with sodium; Critical in maintaining fluid, electrolyte, acid-base balance; Part of hydrochloric acid in stomach— maintaining acidity of gastric fluids


_________________________ are the most allergic food. True food allergies always involve antibodies.


__________________________ is required as cofactor by more than 200 enzymes, heme-----A complex red organic pigment containing iron and other atoms to which oxygen binds, Abundant in foods high in protein content, Shellfish (especially oysters), Meats & liver. Name this mineral!


______________________________ is critical to operation of hundreds of enzymes; Helps muscles to relax after contraction; Food sources include, Dark green, leafy vegetables, Nuts & legumes, Whole-grain breads & cereals, Seafood, Chocolate & cocoa


_________________________________ is thicker than breast milk, and is yellowish or creamy in color. This protein-rich liquid fulfills an infant's nutrient needs during those early days.

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)

_____________________________________ values are set to meet the needs of the vast majority (97 to 98 percent) of the target healthy population.

iron deficiency

__________________________________________ is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide.

Iron-deficiency anemia

______________________________________________ is a condition that develops from having insufficient iron levels in the body resulting in fewer and smaller red blood cells containing lower amounts of hemoglobin


_______________________________________________participates in carbohydrate & lipid metabolism, Enhances activity of insulin, requiring less insulin to control blood glucose---Unrefined foods best source, Liver, Brewer's yeast, Whole grains, nuts, Cheeses.....Name this mineral!


_______________________________is an integral part of thyroid hormones, which regulate...Body temperature, Metabolic rate, Reproduction, Growth, Manufacture of blood cells, Muscle & nerve function Oceans provide major source---In US & Canada, use of iodized salt meets requirements. Name this mineral!

Tolerable Upper Intake Levels

____________________________indicate the highest level of continuous intake of a particular nutrient that may be taken without causing health problems. For example the Tolerable Upper Intake Levels for iron is 45mg/day.


___________________________diets high in __________________________ during growing years produce crystalline deposits in bones & teeth---Bones become stronger; teeth more resistant to decay---Found in _________________drinking water; processed soft drinks & juices made with __________________ water; ________________ toothpastes, gels, oral rinses. Name this mineral!


_____________________is a fertilized ovum (egg).


____________________catalyze formation of hemoglobin, Help manufacture of collagen, Assist in healing of wounds, Maintain sheaths around nerve fibers------Best sources include legumes, whole grains, seafood, nuts, seeds. Name this mineral!


___________________is the most is component of hemoglobin in red blood cells (RBC) & myoglobin in muscle cells, ____________-deficiency anemia: refers to severe depletion of ________________ stores, resulting in low hemoglobin concentration, ___________ deficiency & pica---Craving for nonfood substances, _________ poisoning----supplements—as few as 6-12 tablets can be lethal-Heme iron: most absorbable form-Bound into iron-carrying proteins in meat, poultry, and fish

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