Practice questions III

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Which of the following is NOT involved in cell migration? a. Dynein b. Flagella c. Actin d. Centrioles


Which of the following is most likely to be found bound to a protein in the body? a. Sodium b. Potassium c. Chloride d. Calcium


Which of the following processes would increase the likelihood of a behavior? a. Extinction b. Negative punishment c. Positive punishment d. Avoidance learning


A certain substance has a specific heat of 1 J/molK and a melting point of 350 K. If one mole of the substance is currently at a temperature of 349 K, how much energy must be added in order to melt it? a. More than 1 J b. Exactly 1 J c. Less than 1 J but more then 0 J d. Less than 0 J


A researcher uses a partiel-report procedure after presenting participants with an array of nine numbers for a fraction of a second. Which of the following is the most likely result of this procedure? a. The participant will be able to recall any of the rows or columns in great detail but only immediately after presentation b. The participant will only be able to recall the first few numbers in the array due to the serial position effect c. The participant will be able to recall approximately seven of the number for a few seconds following presentation of the stimulus d. The participant will not be able to recall any of the numbers verbally, but will be able to draw the full array under hypnosis


How many σ bonds and π bonds are present in the following compound? Acetaldehyde a. Six σ bonds and one π bond b. Six σ bonds and two π bonds c. Seven σ bonds and one π bond d. Seven σ bonds and two π bonds


In the structure shown below, which atom(s) have the most positive charge? (PO4)3- a. The phosphorous atom has the most positive charge b. All atoms share the charge equally c. The four oxygens share the highest charge d. The oxygen at the peak of the trigonal pyramidal geometry has the most positive charge


Neurofibromatosis type I, or von Recklinghausen's disease, is a disorder that causes formation of tumors in multiple nervous system structures as well as the skin. While all cells carry the same mutation on chromosome 17, selective transcription of the genome appears to cause the most significant tumorogenesis in which of the following primary germ layers? a. Ectoderm b. Mesoderm c. Endoderm d. Notochord


Researchers repeatedly startle a participant with a loud buzzer. After some time, the participant stops being startled by the buzzer. If the researchers interrupt the study with the sound of pans banging together, which of the following would likely be observed? a. Increased startle response to the buzzer b. Decreased startle response to the buzzer c. No change in the response to the buzzer d. Generalization to previously nonaversive stimuli


What property of protein-digesting enzymes allows for a sequence to be determined without fully degrading the protein? a. Selectivity b. Sensitivity c. Turnover d. Inhibition


Which ion channels are responsible for maintaining the resting membrane potential? a. Ungated channels b. Voltage-gated channels c. Ligand-gated channels d. No ion channels are involved in maintenance of the resting membrane potential.


Which of the following characteristics is NOT attributed to antibodies? a. Antibodies bind to more than one distinct antigen. b. Antibodies label antigens for targeting by other immune cells. c. Antibodies can cause agglutination by interaction with antigen. d. Antibodies have two heavy chains and two light chains.


Which of the following choices correctly identifies the following three heat transfer processes? I. Heat transferred from the Sun to the Earth II. A metal spoon heating up when placed in a pot of hot soup III. A rising plume of smoke from a fire a. I. Radiation; II. Conduction; III. Convection b. I. Conduction; II. Radiation; III. Convection c. I. Radiation; II. Convection; III. Conduction d. I. Convection; II. Conduction; III. Radiation


Which of the following has the largest dipole moment? a. HCN b. H2O c. CCl4 d. SO2


Which of the following hybridizations does the Be atom in BeH2 assume? a. sp b. sp2 c. sp3 d. sp4


Which of the following is FALSE with regard to adult stem cells? a. They reatin inherent pluripotency if harvested from selected organs. b. They are less controversial than embryonic stem cells. c. They require treatment with various transcription factors. d. There is a reduced risk of rejection if patient's own stem cells are used.


Which of the following is true of teaching an animal a complicated, multistage behavior? I. The individual parts of the behavior should not run counter to the animal's natural instincts II. The behaviors must be tied to a food reward of some kind III. Rewarding individual parts of the behavior on their own interfered with reinforcement of the entire behavior a. I only b. I and III only c. II and III only d. I, II, and III


Which of the following methods of encoding is most conducive to later recall? a. Semantic b. Visual c. Iconic d. Acoustic


Within one principal energy level, which subshell has the least energy? a. s b. p c. d d. f


A carbon atom participates in one double bond. As such, this carbon contains orbitals with: a. hybridization between the s-orbital and one p-orbital b. hybridization between the s-orbital and two p-orbitals c. hybridization between the s-orbital and three p-orbitals d. no hybridization between the s-orbital and p-orbitals


A person suffers from food poisoning after eating a spoiled lemon, and later finds that smells of limes and other citrus fruits make her nauseous. This is an example of: a. acquisition b. generalization c. discrimination d. negative reinforcement


A protein collected through affinity chromatography displays no activity even though it is found to have a high concentration using the Bradford protein assay. What best explains these findings? a. The Bradford reagent was prepared incorrectly. b. The active site is occupied by free ligand. c. The protein is bound to the column. d. The protein does not catalyze the reaction of interest.


A resonance structure describes: I. the hybrid of all possible structures that contribute to electron distribution II. a potential arrangement of electrons in a molecule III. the single form that the molecule most often takes a. I only b. II only c. I and II only d. I, II, and III


A student making a coffee cup calorimeter fails to use a second coffee cup and incompletely seals the lid. What was her initial goal, and what was the result of this mistake? a. She was trying to create an isolated system but created an open system instead. b. She was trying to create an isolated system but created a closed system instead. c. She was trying to create a closed system but created an open system instead. d. She was trying to create a closed system but created an isolated system instead.


Following a myocardial infarction, the herat often heals by the creation of a scar by fibroblasts. This is an example of: a. complete regeneration b. incomplete regeneration c. competency d. multipotency


From which of the following layers does the notochord form? a. Ectoderm b. Mesoderm c. Endoderm d. Archenteron


In an adiabatic compression process, the internal energy of the gas: a. increases because the work done on the gas is negative b. increases because the work done on the gas is positive c. decreases because the work done on the gas is negative d. decreases because the work done on the gas is positive


In experiment A, a student mixes ink with water and notices that the two liquids mix evenly. In experiment B, the student mixes oil with water; in this case, the liquids separate into two different layers. The entropy change is: a. positive in experiment A and negative in experiment B b. positive in experiment A and zero in experiment B c. negative in experiment A and positive in experiment B c. zero in experiment A and negative in experiment B


Molecular orbitals can contain a maximum of: a. one electron b. two electrons c. four electrons d. 2n^2 electrons, where n is the principal quantum number of the combining atomic orbitals


The entropy of a system can: a. never decrease b. decrease when the entropy of the surroundings increases by at least as much c. decrease when the system is isolated and the process is irreversible d. decrease during an adiabatic reversible process


The s character of the carbon atom in HCN is: a. 25% s and 75% p b. 50% s and 50% p c. 33% s and 67% p d. 75% s and 25% p


What is the character of the bond in carbon monoxide? a. Ionic b. Polar covalent c. Nonpolar covalent d. Coordinate covalent


What is the function of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in SDS-PAGE? a. SDS stabilizes the gel matrix, improving the resolution during electrophoresis. b. SDS solubilizes proteins to give them uniformly negative charges, so the separation is based purely on size. c. SDS raises the pH of the gel, separating multiunit proteins into individual subunits. d. SDS solubilizes proteins to give them uniformly positive charges, so separation is based purely on size.


Which of the following best describes an important property of bond energy? a. Bond energy increases with increasing bond length b. The more shared electron pairs comprising a bond, the higher the energy of the bond. c. Single bonds are more difficult to break than double bonds. d. Bond energy and bond length ate unrelated.


Which of the following is NOT a state function? a. Internal energy b. Heat c. Temperature d. Entropy


Which of the following is an example of a semantic memory? a. Having the ability to drive a car b. Knowing the parts of a car engine c. Remembering the experience of learning to drive d. Associating a car with other vehicles in a semantic network


Which of the following methods would be best to separate large quantities of the following proteins? (Note: MM = molar mass) Protein pI MM Protein A 6.5 28,000 Protein B 6.3 70,000 Protein C 6.6 200,000 a. Ion-exchange chromatography b. Size-exclusion chromatography c. Isoelectric focusing d. Native PAGE


Which of the following molecules contains the oxygen atom with the most negative formal charge? a. H2O b. (CO3)2- c. O3 d. CH2O


Which of the following would elderly individuals be most likely to have trouble recalling? a. The circumstances of meeting his or her significant other in college b. A doctor's appointment scheduled for 1:00 p.m. c. The names of characters in his or her favorite television show d. That a library book needs to be returned when passing by the library on a morning walk


Why is the single bond stronger than a π bond? I. π bonds have greater orbital overlap II. s-orbitals have more overlap than p-orbitals III. sp3 hybridization is always unstable a. I only b. II only c. I and III d. I, II, and III


π bonds are formed by which of the following orbitals? a. Two s-orbitals b. Two p-orbitals c. One s-orbital and one p-orbital d. Two sp2-hybridized orbitals


A cell releases a substance that diffuses through the environment, resulting in differentiation of a nearby cell. This is an example of what type of cell-cell communication? a. Autocrine b. Juxtacrine c. Paracrine d. Endocrine


A child is born with webbed toes. This pathology is most likley accounted for by a failure of: a. cell differentiation b. cell determination c. apoptosis d. neurulation


A credit card company charges a fee for a late payment. This is an example of: a. positive reinforcement b. negative reinforcement c. positive punishment d. negative punishment


A rat is trained to press a lever to obtain food under a fixed-interval schedule. Which of the following behaviors would the rat most likely exhibit? a. Pressing the lever continuously whenever it is hungry b. Pressing the lever exactly once and waiting for the food pellet before pressing it again c. Pressing the lever slowly at first, but with increasing frequency as the end of the interval approaches d. None of the above; the association formed by fixed-interval schedules is too weak to increase behavior


Although the octet rule dictates much of molecular structure, some atoms can violate the octet rule by being surrounded by more than eight electrons. Which of the following is the best explanation for why some atoms can exceed the octet? a. Atoms that exceed the octet already have eight electrons in their outermost electron shell. b. Atoms that exceed the octet only do so when bonding with transition metals. c. Atoms that exceed the octet can do so because they have d-orbitals in which extra electrons can reside. d. Some atoms can exceed the octet because they are highly electronegative.


Both (CO3)2- and ClF3 have three atoms boned to a central atom. What is the best explanation for why (CO3)2- has a trigonal bipyramidal electronic geometry? a. (CO3)2- has multiple resonance structures, while ClF3 does not b. (CO3)2- has a charge of -2, while ClF3 has no charge c. ClF3 has lone pairs on its central atom, while (CO3)2- has none d. (CO3)2- has lone pairs on its central atom, while ClF3 has none


Both BF3 and NH# have three atoms bonded to the central atom. Which of the following is the best explanation for why the geometry of these two molecules is different? a. BF3 has three bonded atoms and no lone pairs, which makes its geometry trigonal pyramidal. b. NH3 is nonpolar, BF3 is polar c. NH3 has three bonded atoms and one lone pair, which makes its geometry trigonal pyramidal. d. BF3 is nonpolar, NH3 is polar.


Given the cycle shown, what is the total work done by the gas during the cycle? See figure on page 106 a. -10 J b. 0 J c. 7.5 J d.17.5 J


Hormones are found in the body in very low concentrations, but tend to have a strong effect. What type of receptor are hormones most likely to act on? I. Ligand-gated ion channels II. Enzyme-linked receptors III. G protein-coupled receptors a. I only b. III only c. II and III only d. I, II, and III


How does the gel for isoelectric focusing differ from the gel for traditional electrophoresis? a. Isoelectric focusing uses a gel with much larger pore sizes to allow for complete migration. b. Isoelectric focusing uses a gel with SDS added to encourage a uniform negative charge. c. Isoelectric focusing uses a gel with a pH gradient that encourages a variable charge. d. The gel is unchanged in isoelectric focusing; the protein mixture is treated before loading.


If an object with an initial temperature of 300 K increases its temperature by 1 degree C every minute, by how many degrees Farenheit will its temperature have increased in 10 minutes? a. 6 degrees F b. 10 degrees F c. 18 degrees F d. 30 degrees C


Many pets will run toward the kitchen when they hear the sound of a can opener oening a can of pet food. The sound of the can opener is a: a. conditioned response b. unconditioned response c. conditioned stimulus d. unconditioned stimulus


The figure shown depicts a thick metal container with two compartments. Compartment A is full of a hot gas, while compartment B is full of a cold gas. What is the primary mode of heat transfer in this system? (Rectangle with line through center. A on left. B on right) a. Radiation b. Convection c. Conduction d. Enthalpy


The four C-H bonds of CH4 point toward the vertices of a tetrahedron. This indicates that the hybridization of the carbon atom in methane is: a. sp b. sp2 c. sp3 d. sp3d


What is the final temperature of a 5 kg silver pendant that is left in front of an electric heater, abosrbing heat energy at a rate of 100 W for 10 minutes? Assume the pendant is initially at 20 degrees C and that the specific heat of silver is 233 J/kgK. a. 29 degrees C b. 59 degrees C c. 72 degrees C d. 100 degrees C


Which amino acids contribute most significantly to the pI of a protein? I. Lysine II. Glycine III. Arginine a. I only b. I and II only c. I and III only d. I, II, and III


Which of the following associations of a primary germ layer and an adult organ is correct? a. Endoderm-cardiac muscle b. Endoderm-lens of the eye c. Ectoderm-fingernails d. Mesoderm-lungs


Which of the following best describes the number and character of the bonds in an ammonium cation? a. Three polar covalent bonds b. Four polar covalent bonds, of which none are coordinate covalent bonds c. Four polar covalent bonds, of which one is a coordinate covalent bond d. Four polar covalent bonds, of which two are coordinate covalent bonds


Which of the following developmental stages has the greatest nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio? a. Eight-cell embryo b. Morula c. Blastula d. Zygote


Which of the following is an example of a circumstance that could cause a state-dependent recall effect? I. The individual is underwater II. The individual is intoxicated III. The individual is manic a. I only b. III only c. II and III only d. I, II, and III


Which of the following is likely to be found in maternal blood during pregnancy? a. Immunoglobulins produced by the fetus b. Fetal hemoglobin released from fetal red blood cells c. Progesterone produced by placental cells d. Carbon dioxide exhaled from fetal lungs


Which of the following is the best explanation of the phenomenon of hydrogen bonding? a. Hydrogen has a strong affinity for holding onto valence electrons. b. Hydrogen can only hold two valence electrons. c. Electronegative atoms disproportionately carry shared electron pairs when bonded to hydrogen. d. Hydrogen bonds have ionic character.


Which of the following is the best name for the new bond formed in the reaction shown below? H20 + H+ -> (H3O)+ a. Nonpolar covalent bond b. Ionic bond c. Coordinate covalent bond d. Hydrogen bond


Which of the following is true of controlled processing? a. It is the means through which the information enters the short-term memory. b. Information that requires controlled processing cannot become automatic c. It always requires active attention to the information being encoded d. Most information we can later recall is encoded using controlled processing


Which of the following processes is LEAST likely to be accompanied by a change in temperature? a. The kinetic energy of a gas increased through a chemical reaction b. Energy is transferred to a solid via electromagnetic waves c. A boiling liquid is heated on a hot plate d. A warm gas is mixed with a cold gas


Which of the following proteins is most likely to be found extracellularly? a. Tubulin b. Myosin c. Collagen d. Actin


Which of the following shows the correct order of early developmental milestones during embryogenesis? a. Blastula->gastrula->morula b. Morula->gastrula->blastula c. Morula->blastula->gastrula d. Gastrula->blastula->morula


Which of the following statements regarding fetal circulation is FALSE? a. In the umbilical cord, there are more arteries than veins. b. The foramen ovale is the only shunt that connects two chambers of the heart. c. Blood flows in the ductus arteriosus is from the aorta to the pulmonary trunk. d. The ductus venosus is the only shunt that bypasses the liver.


Which of the following structure(s) contributes most to NO2's resonance hybrid? I. O(-1)-N(+1)=O II. O=N(+1)-O(-1) III. O(-1)-N(+2)-O(-1) a. I only b. III only c. I and II only d. I, II, and III


Which of the following types of intermolecular forces provides the most accurate explanation for why noble gases can liquefy? a. Hydrogen bonding b. Ion-dipole interactions c. Dispersion forces d. Dipole-dipole interactions


Which of the following would be most likely to be stored in long-term memory? a. A list of nonsense words b. A list of dates of birth of 15 randomly selected people c. A list of names of musicians in an individual's favorite bands d. A list of dates of battles in the Peloponnesian War


Which protein properties allow UV spectroscopy to be used as a method of determining concentration? a. Proteins have partially planar characteristics in peptide bonds. b. Globular proteins cause scattering of light. c. Proteins contain aromatic groups in certain amino acids. d. All organic macromolecules can be assessed with UV spectroscopy.


A 20 m steel rod at 10 degrees C is dangling from the edge of a building and is 2.5 cm from the ground. If the rod is heated to 90 degrees C, will the rod touch the ground? (Note: α = 1.1 x 10^-5 K^-1) a. Yes, because it expands by 3.2 cm b. Yes, because it expands by 2.6 cm c. No, because it expands by 2.2 cm d. No, because it expands by 1.8 cm


A cancer cell is removed from a patient and cultured. The cells in this culture seem to be able to divide indefinitely with no cellular senescence. Which peptide is likely activated in these cells that accounts for this characteristic? a. Epidermal growth factor b. Sonic hedgehog c. Transforming growth factor beta d. Telomerase


A pregnant women is accidentally given a single dose of a teratogenic drug late in the third trimester. The baby is born three days later. Which of the following is the most likely outcome? a. Complete failure of organ development and death of the fetus. b. Partial failure of organ development with survival of the fetus. c. Serious disfigurement of the fetus. d. Respiratory distress at birth, but no long-term effects.


A tumor is removed from a patient, and when investigated by pathologists, appears to contain tissue resembling placenta, hair, thyroid tissue, and cardiac muscle. What was the likley potency of the cells from with the tumor originated? a. Nonpotent b. Multipotent c. Pluripotent d. Totipotent


An electron is known to be in the n=4 shell and the l=2 subshell. How many possible combinations of quantum numbers could this electron have? a. 1 b. 2 c. 5 d. 10


An individual memorizes a shopping list by associating each item with an image that corresponds with a number. This individual is using which of the following mnemonics? a. Clustering b. Method of loci c. Elaborative rehearsal d. Peg-words


At what pH can protein A best be obtained through electrophoresis? (Note: MM= molar mass) Protein pI MM Protein A 4.5 25,000 Protein B 6.0 10,000 Protein C 9.5 12,000 a. 2.5 b. 3.5 c. 4.5 d. 5.5


Compared to single bonds, triple bonds are: a. weaker b. longer c. made up of fewer π bonds d. More rigid


Despite the fact that both C2H2 and HCN contain triple bonds, the lengths of these triple bonds are not equal. Which of the following is the best explanation for this finding? a. In C2H2, the bond is shorter because it is between atoms of the same element b. The two molecules have different resonance structures c. Carbon is more electronegative than hydrogen d. Nitrogen is more electronegative than carbon


How much heat is required to completely melt 500 g gold earrings, given that their initial temperature is 25 degrees C? (The melting point of gold is 1064 degrees C, its heat of fusion is 6.37 x 10^4 J/kg, and its specific heat is 126 J/kgK.) a. 15 kJ b. 32 kJ c. 66 kJ d. 97 kJ


Substances A and B have the same freezing and boiling points. If solid samples of both substances are heated in the exact same way, substance A boils before substance B. Which of the following would NOT explain this phenomenon? a. Substance B has a higher specific heat b. Substance B has a higher heat of vaporization c. Substance B has a higher heat of fusion d. Substance B has a higher internal energy


The hybridizations of the carbon and nitrogen atoms in CN- are: a. sp3 and sp3, respectively b. sp3 and sp, respectively c. sp and sp3, respectively d. sp and sp, respectively


The influence of a specific group of cells on the differentiation of another group of cells is called: a. competence b. senescence c. determination d. induction


Two atomic orbitals may combine to form: I. a bonding molecular orbital II. an antibonding molecular orbital III. hybridized orbitals a. I only b. III only c. I and II only d. I, II, and III


Which of the following compounds possesses at least one σ bond? a. CH4 b. C2H2 c. C2H4 d. All of the above contain at least one σ bond


Which of the following correctly ranks the compounds below by ascending boiling point? I. Acetone II. KCl III. Kr IV. Isopropyl alcohol a. I<II<IV<III b. III<IV<I<II c. II<IV<I<III d. III<I<IV<II


Which of the following is NOT a component of all trimeric G proteins? a. Gα b. Gβ c. Gγ d. Gi


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