Practice Visual Arts II

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932 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: Michigan A | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30858 Question: This artist depicted a young boy in shock holding a Santa Claus outfit in The Discovery, and showed people of different religions praying and holding offerings in The Golden Rule. A woman eating a sandwich while her foot rests on a copy of Mein Kampf appears in another of his works. This artist created a Triple Self-Portrait as well as a work where three men accompany Ruby Bridges on the first day of integrated schooling. Another of his works shows a man standing up in a crowd, and is captioned with "Buy War Bonds." For 10 points, name this artist of The Problem We All Live With and the Four Freedoms series, a longtime illustrator of the Saturday Evening Post.

Norman Rockwell

1455 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2010 | Round: 2 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51435 Question: In the background of this painting, a barebacked blond child faces away from the viewer as a similar child dressed in grey stares at the central scene, and both of those children are embraced by a woman in green and blue. To the right, a seated woman with a turquoise headband leans her head and hand on the shoulder of another, and the main figures in this work are framed by three grey arches behind them. In the center, a black-bearded man draped in red holds up three swords as the three armor-clad title figures salute. For 10 points, name this painting depicting three Roman brothers by Jacques-Louis David.

Oath of the Horatii [accept Le Serment des Horaces]

1341 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2011 | Round: 9 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32686 Question: In this work, potted plants are visible above the left shoulder of one of the central figures, and part of a red barn can be seen on the right. Architecture in the background is in the Carpenter form of its title style. This painting's models were the painter's dentist and his sister, Nan. For 10 points, name this regionalist Grant Wood work that depicts a woman and her pitchfork-holding father.

American Gothic

1553 | FICHTE | 2008 | Round: 17 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59487 Question: In one work by this creator of The Triumph of Caesar, a fat black bird, a dark-skinned man with a headdress, and a bunch of flying infants look down through a painted oculus in the ceiling of Camera degla Sposli, found in the (*) Mantuan Ducal Palace. This painter of Agony in the Garden also showed a woman sticking a handkerchief in her left eye on the side of a notably foreshortened corpse. For 10 points name this painter of Dead Christ.

Andrea Mantegna

1549 | FICHTE | 2008 | Round: 12 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59076 Question: One of his bronze sculptures uses a spiral arrangement to make all points of view equally important. In addition to the Puto with Dolphin, he created a statue of a man and who helped defeat Milan for (*) Venice. That statue show the general scowling towards the left as his horse picks up one hoof. For 10 points name this sculptor of Bartolomeo Colloni, also the teacher of Leonardo.

Andrea del Verrochio

1012 | BHSAT | 2012 | Round: 3 | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50417 Question: One self-portrait by this artist depicts his face covered by a camouflage pattern. He depicted an automobile accident entirely in red in Red Car Crash, part of his Death and Disaster series. Valerie Solanas shot this artist, after working in his studio, known as The Factory. He depicted copies of the title singer's image on a silkscreen painting, Eigh Elvises, and the title woman with a bullet hole in her head in Shot Marilyn, one of several works by him depicting Marilyn Monroe. For 10 points, name this pop artist, known for his many pictures of Campbell's Soup cans.

Andy Warhol

1267 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 6 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40868 Question: Giuseppe Angelini's Minerva the Peacemaker lost to this sculptor's Apollo Crowning Himself in a contest arranged by Abbondio Rezzonico. In a tomb by this sculptor, a funeral cortege led by a young woman and brought up at the rear by a blind old man is about to enter a pyramid. This man sculpted a large nude statue whose subject holds a sphere with Nike on top of it in his right hand, as well as depicting (*) Theseus sitting on the dead Minotaur. He also sculpted an apple-holding nude in honor of its subject's marriage to Camilio Borghese. This man's tombs include Tomb of Maria Christina and tombs for Popes Clement XIII and Clement XIV. For 10 points, name this Neoclassical Italian sculptor who sculpted Napoleon as Mars the Peacemaker and Pauline Bonaparte as Venus Victrix.

Antonio Canova

1045 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 33115 Question: At the suggestion of a Serbian merchant, this artist began his career making toys. His works include the giant Flamingo in Chicago. As his popularity grew, he started to construct both wire sculpture and kinetic art as seen in Form Against Yellow and Lobster Trap and Fish Tail. For 10 points, name this American sculptor known for inventing the mobile sculpture.

Alexander Calder

1125 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 1 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31449 Question: One painting by an artist from this country shows a set of fatigued men pulling a barge in a river. A girl nervously looks away as her brother excitedly recognizes their father in one painting by an artist from this country. This country is home to a huge monolith called the Thunder Stone, atop which sits a statue that was designed by Etienne Falconet. This country was home to the artist of They Did Not Expect Him, who also depicted one of its rulers clutching the bloody head of his son whom he had just angrily killed. Many cathedrals in this country are topped with onion domes. For 10 points, name this European country, the birthplace of Ilya Repin and the site of the Bronze Horseman, which depicts Peter the Great.

Russian Federation [prompt on Soviet Union]

1298 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Irvine.doc | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29650 Question: Palla Strozzi commissioned Fra Angelico's depiction of this scene, which shows a man in red kneeling to kiss the feet of the central figure. Yellow and pink cloth hang from an object in Perugino's version of it; that object is absent in Pontormo's blue-dominated version of it. Another version of this scene shows a skull right below a woman in a bright blue dress lamenting on the ground. In addition to that painting by Van der Weyden, Rubens painted a triptych of this scene showing Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea standing on ladders while grasping a large white cloth supporting the titular figure. For 10 points, identify this scene in which Christ is removed from the cross.

Deposition of Christ [or Descent from the Cross before "cross" is read]

1386 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 6 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40032 Question: A man in a pink robe and white turban stands near the center of a depiction of this scene from the Limbourgs' Très Riches Heures. The central figure's legs are supported by a blond youth dressed in pink in Pontormo's depiction of this scene. A weeping woman in red clutching the knees of another is splayed across the bottom center of a depiction of this scene by Fiorentino. A skull stands near the foot of a red-robed man who helps a fainting woman in a blue robe and white headdress in one of these in the Prado museum by Rogier van der Weyden. Joseph of Arimathea is on a ladder to the right side of Christ in the central panel of triptych of this scene in the The Cathedral of Our Lady by Peter Paul Rubens. For 10 points, name this scene of the dead Christ being taken down after the Crucifixion.

Descent from the Cross [or Deposition from the Cross]

1288 | SCOP Novice | 2012 | Round: 3 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54296 Question: In one work by this artist, a man in gray pants reads a newspaper, and two men stand at a table, inspecting the title commodity. In another work by this artist, a woman looks down at a glass of green liquid. In addition to The (*) New Orleans Cotton Exchange and The Absinthe Drinker, this artist painted a man with a cane overseeing girls in tutus, The Dance Class. For 10 points, name this French impressionist who painted many ballet dancers.

Edgar Degas [day-GAH]

1299 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Macomb.doc | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29678 Question: This man's works in Columbus, Indiana included a hexagonal building with a tall spire on top called the North Christian Church and the Miller House. He used reinforced concrete for the "spine" of a building that is nicknamed "The Whale." In addition to Yale's Ingalls Rink, this man also designed a building with a curved roof suspended by diagonal supports; that work also features a pagoda-like control tower. This designer of MIT's Kresge Auditorium and the main terminal at Dulles Airport is best known for designing the tallest monument in the United States along the Mississippi River. For 10 points, name this Finnish-American architect of St. Louis's Gateway Arch.

Eero Saarinen

1177 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 16 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49901 Question: One artist from this country designed the cover of the first issue of 1893's The Studio and gained fame for his line-block drawings of Salome. Another painter from this nation used historically accurate costumes in his The Finding of the Savior in the Temple and was a compatriot of the artist of candlelit scientific scenes like An (*) Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump. An Italian-born artist working in this country painted a woman with her eyes closed in Beata Beatrix. An earlier artist born here created Marriage a la Mode and depicted the title figure ending up in Bedlam in his series, A Rake's Progress. For 10 points, name this country home to the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and William Hogarth.

England [or Great Britain; or the United Kingdom; or the U.K.]

912 | WIT | 2013 | Round: editors2 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31979 Question: This artist sculpted a depiction of polo in which the legs of two animals do not touch the ground. Another sculpture by this artist, based on a discussion the artist had about Charles Darwin, depicts a figure who is a mixture of monkey and human holding a small club. In a painting by this artist of Paleolithic Man, three people stand around a campfire made by the owner of a (*) wagon. In another painting, seven men with large hats flee from a group of raiders on horseback. This artist of Shotgun Hospitality and A Dash for the Timber created a sculpture in which a man points his right arm backward as his horse rears up. For 10 points, name the sculptor of Bronco Buster, best known for his depictions of the American West.

Frederic Sackrider Remington

1410 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: 10 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41525 Question: Japanese artist Yasumasa Morimora depicted himself as this woman in his "Inner Dialogues" series. A painting by Nickolas Muray depicts her leaning against a wall wearing a red cloak, while another work shows her sitting next to a portrait of Dr. Farrill. Another painter of this woman showed her wearing an orange shirt and handing out weapons in his work In the Arsenal, and a 1931 painting shows that man holding the hand of this woman. The Tree of Hope and (*) The Broken Column both portray this woman, who is shown wearing both a white European dress and a peasant's outfit in another work. The two figures in that double self-portrait are connected by a blood vein. Other self-portraits by this woman include those "with cropped hair" and "with monkeys." For 10 points, name this unibrowed-woman, a Mexican artist who sometimes depicted herself with her husband Diego Rivera.

Frida Kahlo

910 | WIT | 2013 | Round: Editors 5 + Louisville A + Carleton | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32054 Question: Joseph Pennell claimed that this man had no right to paint images of WWI, such as a painting depicting nude Belgians holding up their arms in defiance against the German invasion. He's not Thomas Eakins, but he painted a large group of boys about to jump off a wooden pier and into a lake in another work. This artist of The Barricade and 42 Kids depicted a surprised (*) crowd as a man in shorts falls through rope. The most famous painting by this artist contrasts with a similar work, Dempsey and Firpo, with its less-defined borders between objects and the less sophisticated crowd cheering on the two fighters in a boxing match. For 10 points, name this American painter of the Ashcan school, best known for Stag at Sharkey's.

George Bellows

1302 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Minnesota A and MIT A.doc | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30122 Question: One depiction of this man shows him handing his resignation to Thomas Mifflin; that painting is located in the same building as a work by Constantino Brumidi in which he holds a sword and is surrounded by thirteen angels in heaven. This man is shown next to a table in the Landsdowne portrait, and his "Apotheosis" is on the ceiling of the Capitol rotunda. Another portrait of him is Gilbert Stuart's "Athenaeum" portrait. Grant Wood's Parson Weem's Fable shows this man holding an axe near a cherry tree, and Emanuel Leutze showed him in a boat crossing the Delaware River. For 10 points, name this U.S. President who can also be seen on the dollar bill.

George Washington

1028 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Hart | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45633 Question: In a lithograph parody of this artist entitled Businessmen's Class, elderly workers hold dumbbells. One of his later paintings shows heavy clouds pass by a cabin in Woodstock as the title white horse walks away from the viewer. He was denied the Lippincott Prize for a painting that depicted a subject similar to his earlier River Rats, and one work shows a mother holding an infant and reclining against a staircase as clothes lines extend from the tenement buildings behind her. He's not Eakins, but naked youths dive off a dock in his Forty-two Kids, and he showed youthful beachgoers in Beach at Coney Island. This artist of Cliff Dwellers borrowed from the Belvedere torso in a work where a vulgar crowd cheers on two men locked in combat at a namesake Athletic club. FTP, name this Ashcan School artist who painted Both Members of this Club and Stag at Sharkey's.

George Wesley Bellows

995 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: Michigan A + Brian McP | Question: 22 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40366 Question: One of this artist's late works depicts a woman powdering herself while her left hand rests on a table which holds a small mirror. At the center of another of his late works is a slim trumpeter wearing what looks like a pointy hat; that painting depicts a (*) circus sideshow. This artist created a work depicting three female nudes, the central one of whom is posing in front of a wall which displays a copy of this artist's most famous painting. In one of his paintings, a boy in a red hat stands waist-deep in a river with his hands cupped to his mouth and various figures lounge on the shore. This artist of Bathers at Asnieres is most famous for a painting in which a woman with a parasol holds a monkey on a leash. For 10 points, name this artist of A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.

Georges-Pierre Seurat

1188 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 24 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53028 Question: One architect born in this country erected a "Parthenon of steel and glass" for the US Embassy in Athens. An architect born in this country designed the Tugendhat House in the Czech Republic, which used themes developed in his Barcelona Pavilion at the 1929 International Exposition. An architect born in this nation used stilts to protect a house from the flooding of the Fox River; that home was made mainly of Roman Travertine marble and (*) plate-glass and is Illinois' Farnsworth House. That same architect from this country worked with Philip Johnson on the Seagram Building and declared that "less is more". For 10 points, name this country, the birthplace of architects like Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius.

Germany [or Federal Republic of Germany or Bundesrepublik Deutschland; accept first line buzz on West Germany or Federal Republic of Germamy or FDR or Westdeutschland]

1163 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 4.pdf | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30533 Question: In this work, John the Baptist reads from a Bible in which the first words of Isaiah 40, "comfort ye," can be seen. When closed, this work shows its patrons kneeling before illusionistic sculptures of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist. Statuesque depictions of Cain and Abel appear above the nude Adam and Eve on the sides of this work, in which a red-robed Jesus wears a papal crown. Saints, martyrs, and apostles gather in the largest panel of this work to honor a creature whose blood is pouring into a chalice. It is sometimes titled for that panel, the Adoration of the Lamb. For 10 points, name this altarpiece by Hubert and Jan van Eyck.

Ghent Altarpiece [or Adoration of the Lamb before mentioned]

1242 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 15 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49258 Question: A complete copy of one work by this artist is housed in the Otsuka Museum in Japan. One work by this artist contains an early example of the Droste effect with St. Peter being offered a smaller version of the triptych by its namesake, Cardinal Stefaneschi. His student Taddeo Gaddi decorated the walls of the Baroncelli Chapel. This painter of the Ognissanti Madonna and an early portrait of Dante also included a notable Kiss of Judas scene in a blue-ceilinged chapel commissioned by Scrovegni, as well as a turbulent Lamenation. For 10 points, name this painter of the Arena Chapel, a student of Cimabue who is regarded as the first major artist of the Renaissance.

Giotto di Bondone

1435 | SCOP Novice | 2011 | Round: 8 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54053 Question: Two fixtures for hanging chandeliers appear on the ceiling in this painting, but no chandeliers are seen. Two pictures hang above an open doorway, where a man in black stands. The left side of this painting is obscured by a large canvas. The central figure stands near a (*) dwarf, whose foot is on a sleeping dog. The artist himself appears in what painting, depicting the Infanta Margarita of Spain, by Diego Velazquez?

Las Meniñas (accept The Maids of Honor)

1511 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Finals 1 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48495 Question: Samuel Rogers' Italy was the inspiration for this artist's "Ginevra," while John Milton inspired his "Il Penseroso." He began his career making wax figures of characters from Dante's Inferno and moved to sculpting busts of such patrons as Jacob Burnett and Nicholas Longworth, the latter of whom he paid tribute to with his Eve Disconsolate. The only male nude sculpted by this man was one of a conch-shell holding child, the Fisher Boy, while his female sculptures include The Last of the Tribes, a rendition of an Indian girl, and California, an allegorical take on the Gold Rush. However, his masterpiece was an adaptation of the Venus di Medici showing a nude woman holding a cross and chained to a post. FTP, identify this American neoclassical sculptor of the Greek Slave.

Hiram Powers

1100 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: 3 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51945 Question: This artist depicted a woman holding a pencil in one hand and porcelain in the other in his painting Purple and Rose. This man painted a girl in a white dress holding a fan in her right hand and staring at the mirror on top of a fireplace, and he impressed Frederick Leyland with a work depicting golden leaves and two creatures fighting. In addition to The Peacock Room, he painted several views of the Old Battersea Bridge as well as a view of fireworks at the Cremorne Gardens. For 10 points, name this American artist of Nocturne in Black and Gold, whose Arrangement in Grey and Black is a portrait of his mother.

James Abbott MacNeill Whistler

1280 | RAVE | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59894 Question: One artist from this country included the "Little Boy" exhibition as part of his Superflat movement. Renzo Piano designed an airport on an artificial landmass in this country, and another artist from here depicted several "stations" in his works. Artist from this country created a series on an entity shown in one work "under Mannen bridge," as well as an erotic depiction of two (*) octopuses engaging a diver in his Dream of the Fisherman's Wife. That ukiyo-e artist from this country is better known for his The Great Wave. For 10 points, identify this native country of Utagawa Hiroshige and Katsushika Hokusai, who painted 36 Views of Mount Fuji.


1427 | Penn Bowl | 2011 | Round: Editors Packet 10 + Minnesota + Some MD | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45554 Question: In one of this man's paintings, a moorish boy sneakily reaches for a bottle of wine while the characters on the left are concentrated on the man holding a theorbo in the center. This painter of The Music Party or The Delights of Life also depicted a man helping a woman up from a fall in The Misstep. Also noted for his Meeting in the Open Air, he depicted a commedia dellárte character in a white costume with pink bowties on his shoes in his Pierrot or Gilles. His most famous work features joyful putti flying around a convoy of lovers who are about to board a boat which will take them to the island where Venus was born. For 10 points, name this French Rococo painter who pioneered the fete-galantes genre in his Embarcation for Cythera.

Jean-Antoine Watteau

981 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Seven Lakes + Rockefeller | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29975 Question: In one of this artist's works, a black dog paws at the blue pants of a kneeling figure holding a baby, his Oedipus Taken Down from the Tree. Ruth and Boaz approach the title seated group from the left in this painter's Harvesters Resting. A man in a white long sleeve shirt leans on the title tool in a painting which inspired an Edward Markham poem. A pitchfork staked into the ground stands to the left of peasant couple with their heads bowed next to a basket of potatoes in a work by hits painter that was originally known as Prayer for the Potato Crop. For 10 points, name this French Barbizon artist of The Man with the Hoe and The Angelus, who depicted three women collecting stray grains of wheat in The Gleaners.

Jean-François Millet

1300 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Macomb.doc | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29681 Question: A woman holding a striped garment is surprised by a man in a doorway in one work by this artist, whose series for the Madame du Barry is the subject of an August 2011 book by Colin Bailey. This artist of The Stolen Kiss included The Pursuit and The Lover Crowned in his cycle The Progress of Love. Another work by him depicts a man with a stick sneaking behind a woman with a cloth over her eyes. That work, Blind Man's Bluff, shares the same semi-erotic theme as his work showing a man looking up the skirt of a woman in a pink dress. That woman is high above the ground because she is on the title object. For 10 points, name this French Rococo painter of The Swing.

Jean-Honoré Fragonard [or The Stolen Kiss before "this artist"]

1542 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: UCLA and Chicago | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47943 Question: This artist executed the Blue series for the Centre Pompidou and Personages and Birds for the Wichita State Art Museum, while a stuffed parrot sits on top of his sculpture simply called Object. A Jan Steen painting influenced the second entry in his Dutch Interiors series, and he created the ceramic murals Wall of the Sun and Wall of the Moon for the UNESCO building. A blackberry jam stain became his Birth of the World, and another work features the multi-colored title animal below the multi-colored title celestial object. For 10 points, name this artist of Dog Barking at the Moon and Harlequin's Carnival, a Catalan surrealist.

Joan Miro

1085 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41801 Question: This artist painted tinkering youths in The Young Boat-Builders and he worked in a double rainbow into a purple sky in his watercolor of Stonehenge. This man called many of his experimental works "studys" like his Cloud Study and Seascape Study with Rain Clouds. He painted a series of works centered on a religious structure with a tall spire near grazing cows or underneath a rainbow in views "from the Meadows" and "from the Bishop's Grounds." That building is Salisbury Cathedral. This artist created many Suffolk landscapes like Dedham Vale and he created a scene where red-bridled horses pull a wagon through the River Stour near Flatford Mill and Willy Lott's cottage. For 10 points, name this painter of The Hay Wain.

John Constable

1109 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: Finals 2 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 52191 Question: In one work by this artist, the Virgin Mary wears a blue dress and is surrounded by a group of people while she holds the infant Jesus in her hands. This artist of Darmstadt Madonna created a horizontal painting of Christ lying dead in his tomb, and produced a series of forty-one woodcuts starting with The Creation in his Dance of Death. This man notably painted portraits of Thomas More and Erasmus, while his most famous work is believed to be a depiction of Georges de Selve and Jean de Dinteville. For 10 points, name this artist who painted two men standing in front of a green curtain next to a distorted skull in The Ambassadors.

Hans Holbein the Younger

1076 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 1 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41083 Question: A painting by this person held by The Metropolitan features a scythe hanging in a tree while a rake sits in the grass. This artist of The Flowering Orchard painted red walls and a yellow floor in a diagonally oriented painting whose lone standing man, modeled after Joseph Ginoux, is dressed completely in white. A doctor supports his face with his hand while his elbow rests on two yellow books in one of this man's paintings of Dr. Gachet. For two years during the 1880's, he painted many still-lifes of sunflowers. For 10 points, name this artist who worked in France and painted various scenes of Arles in works like The Night Café and The Starry Night.

Vincent van Gogh

1516 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Maryland A | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48573 Question: On the right end of this painting, a saw and a split log with a stick and an ax resting on it lie on the floor, beneath the bench where a bearded man in brown constructs a mousetrap, symbolizing the role of the cross as a trap against Satan. An open door and the brick walls of a castle with a guard perched in front form the backdrop of the left end, where a man in black and a woman in a red garment and white veil kneel in awe. Between these depictions of Joseph as a carpenter and this painting's donors, a vase, a candle, and an open book rest on the table in the center panel of this work, which shows an angel approaching an oblivious Virgin Mary, who wears a flowing red dress and stares intently at the book in her hands. FTP, identify this three part altarpiece showing an annunciation scene, a work by Robert Campin, the Master of Flemalle.

Merode Altarpiece

1457 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2010 | Round: 4 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51461 Question: One painting of this title includes three depictions of Frederic Bazille as well as Gustave Courbet and a dachshund and was created by Claude Monet. Another painting of this title adapted the poses of the central figures from Marcantonio Raimondi's engraving of Raphael's design The Judgment of Paris. That painting includes an unattended rowboat in a stream in which a woman in white bathes in the background and a reclining bearded man with a cane and a basket of fruit atop a blue dress in the foreground. For 10 points, name this painting depicting a nude female and two men on a picnic by Edouard Manet.

Luncheon on the Grass [accept Le Déjeuner sur l'Herbe]

1415 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: 3 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41347 Question: This artist's frescoes depicting monastic life in the San Miniato are badly damaged, as are his scenes of The Creation in the Santa Maria Novella. Those works are located in the "Green" Cloister, which also contains his Flood and Waters Subsiding. He depicted the heads of four prophets around a clock in the Florence Cathedral, while another work depicts Micheletto da Cotignola under a checkered flag riding a black horse. This artist's extensive use of perspective can be seen in his last known work, which depicts dogs and men on horseback among some trees, as well as a funerary monument of an (*) English condotttiero. In addition to Hunt in the Forest and that depiction of Sir John Hawkwood, he is also known for a set of three paintings depicting a 1432 battle between Florentine and Sienese forces. For 10 points, name this Renaissance artist who painted The Battle of San Romano.

Paolo Uccello [or Paolo di Dono]

936 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: Washington | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30935 Question: One work by this artist shows a leopard pelt on a horse in a scene that depicts three hunting dogs and several men attacking the title creatures. Another piece by this creator of The Hippopotamus and Crocodile Hunt shows many putti playing among some red curtains while two pairs of lavishly-dressed men and women stand on a stage. That painting, The Exchange of the Princesses, was part of a series of works that was intended to depict the life of Marie de' Medici. The center panel of an altarpiece by this artist shows several muscular men attempt to lift the seemingly unbearable weight of Christ. For 10 points, name this artist known for The Elevation of the Cross and fleshy nudes.

Peter Paul Rubens

1075 | Illinois Fall | 2012 | Round: 15 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 42147 Question: This artist portrayed a pickpocket enclosed in a glass bubble in The Misanthrope. He painted The Suicide of Saul as well as sword-wielding angels descending to slay beasts in his version of Fall of Rebel Angels. This painter painted a slew of toga-wearing, trumpet-playing skeletons who vary from their skeleton brethren who execute humans in his version of The Triumph of Death. In one of his works showing meager life, two people carry in porridge during a marriage feast in a barn. In another, farmers on the coast nonchalantly go on with life as a boy falls into the sea. For 10 points, name this Dutch painter of The Peasant Wedding and Landscape with the Fall of Icarus.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder

1093 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: 1 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51918 Question: One artist from this movement created a work in which a man looks through a peephole, only to observe that nobody is in the room. Another member displayed a cherry on top of a curved spoon, a work that is now located in Minneapolis. Along with Tom Wesselmann, it featured an artist who depicted a drowning blue-haired girl and a man who became famous for his paintings of maps and flags. This movement that Jasper Johns was a part of included works incorporating Ben-Day dots and comic strips. For 10 points, name this art movement whose members like Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol depicted everyday items such as Campbell's Soup Cans.

Pop art

1152 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 15 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53272 Question: Because this man slandered Guido Reni, Reni used his face as the model for a devil being crushed by St. Michael. Another depiction of this person was inspired by a still photograph of a nurse with broken glasses, blood running down the right side of her face, from The Battleship Potemkin. He allowed a different artist to paint his portrait after seeing that artist's painting of the servant Juan de Pareja. This patron of Gian Lorenzo Bernini wears a red cap and holds a letter in a portrait that inspired a series of "screaming" figures by Francis Bacon. For 10 points, name this pope depicted in a portrait by Diego Velazquez.

Pope Innocent X [or Giovanni Battista Pamphili]

1008 | BHSAT | 2012 | Round: 11 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50587 Question: This artist did a series of paintings of dark streets illuminated by single street lamps standing at their centers. Another series of paintings by him show canvases standing in front of windows that show identical landscapes. This painter of The Empire of Lights and The Human Condition depicted a train coming out from above a mantelpiece in his Time Transfixed. One of his paintings has the caption "this is not a pipe", while another depicts a man in a bowler hat with an apple obscuring his face. For 10 points, name this Belgian surrealist of The Treachery of Images and The Son of Man.

Rene Francois Ghislain Magritte

990 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: Chicago A | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39590 Question: One work by this man can be closed to show a freaky skull and black cross or opened to reveal a thread of text running across a blue sky with a brightly-haloed Christ at center. Gold chainmail is visible beneath the collar of a man whose spindly fingers grasp a ring and a hammer in this man's portrait of Francesco D'Este. Another subject holds a white arrow while displaying the Order of the Golden Fleece, suggesting his parentage by Philip the Good, at whose Burgundian court this artist was a fixture. (*) Crossbow imagery abounds in a work by this painter commissioned by the Louvain Archer's Guild; that work shows a man in pale blue at top and a skull on the ground next to the hand of a fainting woman in blue who mirrors the central figure, who is lowered by Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea. A red cloak features prominently in all three sections in a panel altarpiece by this student of Robert Campin. For 10 points, name this artist of a famous Descent From The Cross and the Miraflores Altarpiece, a leading early Flemish painter.

Rogier Van Der Weyden

1467 | SCOP Novice | 2010 | Round: 2 | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53502 Question: This painting was originally topped by the Sforza coat of arms, and it includes a seemingly disembodied hand holding a knife. On the right of this painting, three men converse enthusiastically, and at the left, a figure clutches a bag while leaning away into shadow. An effeminate young man leans to the left while the central figure spreads his hands over a (*) meal shared by thirteen people. Depicting the moment after Jesus announces that he will be betrayed, name this mural of the final meal shared by Jesus and his disciples by Leonardo da Vinci.

The Last Supper [accept L'Ultima Cena]

1331 | BHSAT | 2011 | Round: 9 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50283 Question: The tondo above the central portion of this painting contains putti with banners bearing phrases such as "Divine Inspiration" and "To Each What is Due". This painting hangs in the Stanza della Segnatura opposite another work by its artist, La Disputa. Bramante was a possible model for a figure on the right who bends down on the right to teach children math with a compass. A figure at the bottom in purple writing at a desk is thought to be a portrait of Michelangelo as Heraclitus. For 10 points, this what fresco by Raphael featuring figures like Plato and Aristotle?

The School of Athens [or Scuola d'Atene]

1116 | Minnesota Open | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44078 Question: The commission for this painting was most likely made at a performance of a Meyerbeer opera by an actress who was Charles de Mornay's mistress. The wallpaper in the background of this work is interrupted by a tile that shows several flowers in a narrow vase. A fake wooden bird with outstretched wings is shown this painting's background, which also contains open cabinet with red and black doors. This work's title characters are all seated on small (*) mats. A servant is looking back toward one of her masters in this painting, one of whose figures holds the pipe of a hookah that is placed between the title characters. For 10 points, name this painting by Eugene Delacroix that shows three of the title figures in a harem.

The Women of Algiers (in their apartment) [or Femmes d'Alger dans leus appartement]

939 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: ColumbiaChicagos | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 43459 Question: One artist from a school of painting in this city painted a depiction of the Holy Family that was mistaken for the work of Leonardo, and was made a cavaliere by Pope Leo X for depicting scenes from the life of Alexander the Great. When a pagan statue of Venus was blamed for the Black Plague, an artist from this city was commissioned to replace it with a fountain, resulting in his Fonte Gaia. This city's patron saint, Ansanus, appears in an annunciation painted for this city's cathedral by Simone Martini. The school of painters in this city included Il Sodoma and Jacopo della Quercia, as well as the late Gothic artist of the Maesta. For 10 points, name this Tuscan city home to the artist Duccio.


1569 | The Experiment | 2007 | Round: 5 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59813 Question: Some controversy exists over whether this artist really painted Guido Riccio da Fogliano, a depiction of a captain on horseback approaching a castle. Some works by him include a wood panel St. Louis of Toulouse Crowning Robert of Anjou in Naples, a polyptych on Saint Caterina in Pisa, and frescoes on the life of St. Martin in Assisi. He also collaborated with his brother-in-law Lippo Memmi on a few works. Much like his probable teacher Duccio, he created a Maesta for his hometown of Siena. FTP, name this very early Italian painter born in 1284, hailed in Siena as "Simone the magnificent."

Simone Martini

948 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Editors 8 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44554 Question: The 2010 restoration of this painting revealed that its artist used fluorescent red dye to paint the floor, although that color has almost entirely faded. One version of this painting includes its artist's portraits of Eugene Boch and the Zouave Paul-Eugène Milliet. Its artist painted it in order to "rest the brain," and deliberately painted no shadows in it to make it resemble a Japanese print. In the back left corner of this painting, two walls meet at an oddly skewed angle. It includes a green window in the background, two lilac doors, and two small wooden chairs, as well as a bright yellow piece of furniture on the right with a scarlet coverlet. Painted in 1888, it depicts a location in the Yellow House, which its artist briefly shared with Paul Gauguin. For 10 points, name this Post-Impressionist painting of a room in the house of its artist, Vincent van Gogh.

The Bedroom in Arles [or The Bedroom at Arles]

1337 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2011 | Round: 5 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32571 Question: This artwork was painted over a previous decoration of gold stars on a blue sky. Sibyls and Prophets surround its nine central panels, which depict scenes from the Book of Genesis. This painting's bestknown section shows a man reaching out and almost touching fingers with God. The artist stood on a scaffold to paint, for 10 points, what large fresco that includes The Creation of Adam, a work of Michelangelo?

ceiling of the Sistine Chapel [prompt on Sistine Chapel]

1021 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Borglum | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48372 Question: During the siege that preceded this battle, the Marquis de Surville lost royal favor by minting unauthorized silver coins. John William Friso, the Prince of Orange, disobeyed orders by launching an all-out assault during this battle. The two armies clashed between the Wood of Sars and the Wood of Laniere, just after the surrender of Tournai. An afternoon charge by the Earl of Orkney sealed victory in this battle, which led immediately to the fall of the fortress at Mons. The losing army was led exclusively by the Duke of Boufflers after a musket ball crippled his co-commander, the Marshal Villars. This bloodiest battle of the Eighteenth Century saw the winning commanders build on their victory the previous year at Oudenarde. FTP, name this tactical victory for the Grand Alliance under Eugene of Savoy and the Duke of Marlborough, fought in 1709 during the War of the Spanish Succession.

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

959 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: PennRutgersYaleB | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45073 Question: Men lift this man's body off of a camel under a stormy red sky in the follow-up to a painting where this man's corpse is held precariously by soldiers in a long catacomb rendered in a diagonal perspective. Niccolò di Piero Lamberti sculpted this man seated and holding a book for the Cathedral of Florence. Vasari relates how, after one sculpture of this figure was rejected by the Linen Drapers Guild, the artist pretended to fix it for fifteen days before the guild then accepted it unaltered. In one painting, this religious figure causes a hammer held by a turbaned man to break, saving the life of the man lying naked on the ground. Donatello sculpted this saint for a niche of the Orsanmichele, and he intervenes to save the title figure in Tintoretto's The Miracle of the Slave. For 10 points, name this saint who lends his name to a cathedral in Venice.

Saint Mark the Evangelist [or Marcus; or Marco]

1123 | Minnesota Open | 2012 | Round: Finals 2 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44654 Question: In the right background of this work, a man in a red hat points accusingly toward its central character. A man holding a large staff with a red knob and wearing a blue-and-yellow hat sadly looks on at the central action of this work from its left foreground in front of a soldier wielding a halberd. The clouds in the background of this work form a vertical path toward heaven, and the three Mary's at the bottom left of this work sadly look on as a man in yellow hammers a hole through a (*) plank. A rope is tied around the wrist of the central figure of this work, and the other end of that rope is held by a man dressed in green who is also extending a hand toward the central figure's shoulder. The central figure of this painting is dressed in a flowing red cloak, which is being tugged on by the men surrounding him. For 10 points, name this painting which shows Christ moments before he is stripped of his clothes for his crucifixion, by El Greco.

The Disrobing of Christ [or El Espolio; or El Expolio]

1465 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2010 | Round: Finals 2 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51640 Question: In this work, an angel with red wings with green trim kneels while holding a thick stem bearing four white flowers, and a nude Eve stands to the right of Saint Cecilia playing an organ. In this work, the Virgin Mary and Saint John both hold open books as they flank a figure in red wearing a three-tiered crown, and the bottom-left portion of this work only survives as a copy by Jef Vanderveken, The Just Judges. Housed in Saint Bavo's Cathedral, this work also depicts angels kneeling around a lamb whose blood is filling a chalice. For 10 points, name this many-paneled work by Hubert and Jan van Eyck.

The Ghent Altarpiece [accept Het Lams God; accept The Adoration of the Lamb before "lamb"; prompt on The Adoration of the Lamb after "lamb"]

1555 | FICHTE | 2008 | Round: 2 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55775 Question: Jacob Zwarts identified one figure in this painting as Miguel de Barrios, a Spanish converso who formed an alliance with the Morrocan sugar heiress also depicted. That man wears a floppy black hat above his long, curly hair, and the woman wears several (*) bracelets and a flowing orange dress, while the man's right hand appears to be feeling her up. For 10 points name this painting by Rembrandt of a Sephardic couple.

The Jewish Bride

1054 | Collegiate Novice | 2012 | Round: 6 | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34191 Question: A rectangular limestone sculpture with this name is placed at the tomb of T. Rachevaskaia in Paris's Montparnasse Cemetery. Alfred Eisenstaedt's V-J Day in Times Square is sometimes given this name, which identifies a sculpture by Constantin Brancusi. Another work of this name, which was removed from its artist's The Gates of Hell, depicts Paolo and Francesca. For 10 points, give the name of this Rodin sculpture in which two figures hold each other close and bring their faces together to perform the affectionate title action.

The Kiss

1290 | SCOP Novice | 2012 | Round: 6 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54514 Question: In one work with this title a woman wears a dress decorated with circles and ovals and a man wears a robe with black and white rectangles while standing on the edge of a flowery meadow. That work is by Gustav (*) Klimt. Another work with this name depicts Paolo and Francesca da Rimini embracing, and was part of The Gates of Hell. For 10 points name this work by Rodin that depicts a couple performing the title act of love.

The Kiss (accept Der Kuss; accept Le Baiser)

1377 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 11 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39137 Question: The creator of this series wrote a letter in which he explained that in one painting from it, halos of complementary color are formed by the central objects. Two paintings in this series flank a portrait of an old woman sitting in a rocking chair in the Berceuse Triptych that the artist presented to a Les Vingt [lay VANT] exhibition. Emile Schuffenecker may have forged a repetition of the fourth painting in the second set of this series. These paintings were intended to serve as the decoration for the guestroom of the Yellow House, where the artist's close friend Paul Gauguin was staying. Consisting of a "Paris" set with stalks removed and "Arles" set with at least three in a vase, for 10 points, name this series of floral still-lifes by Vincent van Gogh.

Vincent van Gogh's Sunflowers [or Tournesols]

1567 | The Experiment | 2007 | Round: 4 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59009 Question: This painter's literary output includes a collection of poetry The Sylphs of the Seasons and a romance novel Monaldi; he also wrote some Lectures on Art edited by his brother-in-law Richard Henry Dana. His paintings include Spalatro's Vision of the Bloody Hand and Uriel in the Sun. He supposedly coined the term "objective correlative" in 1840, and ended his career futilely attempting to complete a massive depiction of Belshazzar's Feast, which now hangs unfinished in the Boston Athenaeum. FTP, name this first American romantic painter who did lots of landscapes, and is one of very few artists with ►the first name Washington.

Washington Allston

1418 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: 5 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41391 Question: It's not an apple, but a gigantic one of these objects occupies a room in Magritte's Tomb of the Wrestlers, while another is the focal point of his work The Great War. A man in white carries a large basket of these objects on his back in a Diego Rivera painting, while in another work some lie atop a bear-skin rug in front of the artist's girlfriend Joanna Heffernan. In addition to appearing in Whistler's Symphony in White No. 1, these objects also can be seen in the water in Millais's (*) Ophelia. Some of these appear with a red bird in Beata Beatrix, and they also appear in the arms of the maid and in the hair of the titular prostitute in Manet's Olympia. Vincent van Gogh is known for producing two series of a yellow kind of these objects, and Georgia O'Keeffe's depictions of them often represent female sexuality. For 10 points, name these objects which symbolize spring and have petals.

flowers [accept rose before "The Great War" is read]

1287 | SCOP Novice | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54163 Question: Willard Van Dyke and Edward Weston were co-founders of a group of artists in this medium called f/64 ["f"-stop-"64"]. Poor passengers in the lower deck of a ship are depicted using this medium in The Steerage by Alfred (*) Stieglitz. Moon and Half Dome and Migrant Mother are images in this medium created by Ansel Adams and Dorothea Lange. For 10 points, name this artistic technique used to capture a post-war kiss in Times Square.

photography (accept word forms)

1308 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Rancho Bernardo.doc | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30217 Question: A glass of water is placed on top of one of these objects in Rene Magritte's painting Hegel's Holiday. Francis Bacon depicted one behind a headless-man in his 1946 work Painting. A Renoir painting named for them depicts a woman with a basket in front of a crowd holding these objects, one of which partially obscures a lamppost in a Gustave Caillebotte (KYE-"boat") painting of a Paris street. A woman with a small child and a woman holding a monkey on a leash both hold one of these objects in an 1884 work by George Seurat. For 10 points, name these items which many people hold in A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte even though it isn't raining.


1474 | SCOP Novice | 2010 | Round: 9 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53711 Question: This artist portrayed a dynamic figure with both feet on the ground in his intentionally unfinished The Walking Man. He sculpted designs of later works like Ugolino into a portal inspired by (*) Dante. He also sculpted Paolo and Francesca from Dante's Inferno in a lovelock, as well as a work where a poet sits with his chin on his knuckles in a contemplative pose. Name this French sculptor of The Gates of Hell, which includes The Kiss, and The Thinker.

Auguste Rodin

1546 | FICHTE | 2008 | Round: 1 | Question: 25 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55763 Question: One of his paintings shows a woman in black stockings and scanty white clothing passed out on a bed that blends in with the yellow background. He showed "two women waltzing" and "La Goulue arriving with two women" at a place that was a (*) frequent subject of his, such as in a painting where two figures' green dresses blend together. For 10 points name this creator of At the Moulin Rouge.

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

1246 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49029 Question: Hans Holbein the Younger painted this figure with an extended chin. One painting, El Expolio, sees this figure's red robe being taken off, and was painted by El Greco. He is depicted at the top of The Burial of Count Orgaz. An extremely foreshortened painting of this man was painted by Mantegna. A depiction of this person in the arms of another person is a Maestà, and a different form of that scene is the Pietà, which occurs after he dies and is held by his mother. For 10 points, name this central figure in The Last Supper, in which he is surrounded by the twelve apostles.

Jesus Christ [accept either or both names

1527 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Columbia and Temple | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45714 Question: Horace Vernet painted this figure on his deathbed, while Antoine-Jean Gros's paintings of him include one at Jaffa and one at the Arcole Bridge. In one work by his most famous depicter, he stands in his signature pose as his candles burn out at dawn in his study, while in another the names of Charlemagne and Hannibal are carved into a mountain beneath the hooves of his leaping horse. If it were not for a mis-measurement of The Marriage at Cana, the painting of him placing a crown on his wife's head would be the largest at the Louvre, whose central hall bears his name. For 10 points, name this favorite subject of Jacques-Louis David, former Emperor of France.

Napoleon Bonaparte [accept either]

1466 | SCOP Novice | 2010 | Round: 1 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53493 Question: This artist of The Ghost of Vermeer van Delft Which Can be Used as a Table and Swans Reflecting Elephants created the object sometimes known as Aphrodisiac Telephone, which has a lobster in place of its headset. He used his wife, Gala, as a model for his Madonna of Port Lligat, but his best-known painting features a distorted self-portrait in profile, a swarm of (*) ants, and three soft clocks. Name this Spanish surrealist painter of The Persistence of Memory.

Salvador Dali

1249 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 6 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49078 Question: One of these objects is held by Cornelia's friend in a painting by Angelica Kauffman. A triskelion and a repeated letter-S motif are found on one of these objects in a painting of Sir Thomas More by Hans Holbein. Many of them are roped around a jug in The Death of Sardanapalus. One made of vines and another with blue stones are shown frequently in the works of Frida Kahlo, and Ophelia wears one made from violets in a John Everett Millais painting. For 10 points, name this type of jewelry worn around the neck.

necklaces [accept close equivalents such as chain]

1142 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 9 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31636 Question: One work in this medium shows Dudley Carter, a proponent of Art in Action, set up his sculpture of the Bighorn Mountain Sheep, and that work also depicts Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge and was made for San Francisco City College. One work in this form includes parts depicting ancient and modern human sacrifice and Anglo America; that work is titled The Epic of American Civilization and is located at Dartmouth. Jose Orozco worked extensively in this medium, and one work in this form features portraits of Trotsky and Lenin and was originally painted for the Rockefeller Center. For 10 points, name this art form employed for works such as Man at the Crossroads by Diego Rivera, in which paint is applied directly to walls.


1411 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: 11 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41537 Question: An early work by this artist depicts Rienzi raising his fist in the air while holding his dead brother. His first trip to the Middle East was made in order to produce accurate paintings and resulted in a work where a young boy in blue is surrounded by rabbis, The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple. On that same trip, this artist created a work where the titular animal wears a crown of red flowers and stands ankle-deep in the Dead Sea. In another of his paintings, a cat traps a bird underneath a table while a (*) "kept woman" rises from the lap of a man seated at a piano. This artist of The Scapegoat and The Awakening Conscience created another painting in which Christ, wearing a crown of thorns and holding a lantern, knocks at a door with no handle. For 10 points, name this Pre-Raphaelite artist of The Light of the World.

William Holman Hunt

1343 | Collegiate Novice | 2011 | Round: 10 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34905 Question: Architects who participated in this style include Bartolomeo Rastrelli and Dominikus Zimmerman. One sculptor of this style created a replica of the Barberini Faun. A painter in this style created a portrait of Madame de Pompadour as well as The Toilet of Venus. One painting from this movement includes a statue of Venus and a group of people boarding a golden boat at the title island. For 10 points, name this decorative post-Baroque movement exemplified by François Boucher and Jean-Antoine Watteau in his Embarkation for Cythera.


1345 | Collegiate Novice | 2011 | Round: 3 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34760 Question: John Singer Sargent depicted this artist "painting near the edge of a wood." In one painting by this artist, executed from the window of the St. Thomas Hospital, he showed Parliament through the "effect of fog." This artist painted scenes from his garden at Giverny. A reddish solar disc pokes out through Le Havre harbor fog in a painting by this man that lends its name to the movement he championed. For 10 points, name this painter whose Impression: Sunrise gave Impressionism its name, known for painting series of water lilies, Rouen Cathedral, and haystacks.

[Oscar] Claude Monet

1158 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 2.pdf | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30461 Question: This sculpture was given an oval-shaped base despite Renaissance artists' usual avoidance of that figure. Scholars speculate that this sculpture originally included a kneeling, defeated barbarian. It was moved into a trapezoidal plaza near the Palazzo dei Conservatori and the Museo Capitolino as the centerpiece of Michelangelo's reorganization of the Capitoline Hill. This sculpture inspired Verrochio's depiction of Bartolommeo Colleoni, as well as Donatello's Gattamelata. This sculpture depicts a man in bronze raising his right arm and riding without stirrups. For 10 points, name this equestrian statue of a wise Roman emperor.

the Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius [or any equivalents that mention Marcus Aurelius but do not give incorrect information]

1434 | SCOP Novice | 2011 | Round: 7 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54041 Question: This American artist's films include Vinyl and Sleep. He was shot at his studio, the Factory, where he created silkscreens of Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe. His most famous work contains thirty-two canvases depicting (*) flavors like vegetable, beef, and tomato. For 10 points, name this "Pope of Pop" who coined the term "fifteen minutes of fame" and created paintings of Campbell's soup cans.

Andy Warhol (accept Andrew "Andy" Warhola, Jr.)

1254 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 9 | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49129 Question: This artist painted a man milking a mare while another man offers the central figure a basket of food in his Ovid Among the Scythians. He depicted an African servant leaving on the left while the subjects are seated around a hookah in one work. A woman dressed in white is about to fall onto a pile of rubble in his Greece on the Ruins of Missolonghi. Besides the aforementioned Women of Algiers, his most notable work depicts the Bastille in the background as a half-nude woman holding a flag in one hand and a bayonet in the other steps over a pile of bodies. For 10 points, name this artist of Liberty Leading the People.

Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix

1071 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 6 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58119 Question: A contemporary art movement from this country produced a tent covered in the names of everyone the artist slept with from 1963 to 1995, while another artist from that movement created a diamond-studded skull and encased a shark in a tank of formaldehyde. A painting by an artist from this country shows a drowned girl floating in a stream with flowers in her hands in Ophelia, while another painting from here shows Willy Lott's cottage on the left as a horse pulls a cart along the River Stour. For 10 points, name this nation home to Damien Hirst and the Pre- Raphaelite Brotherhood, as well as the artist of The Hay Wain, John Constable.

Great Britain [Accept United Kingdom or the UK, prompt on "England."]

1011 | BHSAT | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50398 Question: At the bottom right of this painting, a beaded crucifix hangs from one of the central figures' neck. To the right of a church in the background of this painting are five houses, two of which are upside-down. A woman is milking a goat on the left of this painting. At the top of this painting, an upside-down violinist is being approached by a right-side-up man with a scythe. For 10 points, name this painting, dominated by the green face of a man holding out a branch to a white sheep, by Marc Chagall.

I and the Village

1557 | FICHTE | 2008 | Round: 5 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55987 Question: The writings of Bridget of Sweden were the major source for this painting, which was commissioned by to illustrate the wings carved by Niclaus Hagnower. Now found in the Unterlinden museum in Colmar, France, it includes the Concert of Angels and the (*) Temptation of St. Anthony, the patron of the monastery where it was created. For 10 points name this Matthias Grünewald-painted altarpiece.

Isenheim Altarpiece

1463 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2010 | Round: 9 | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51585 Question: In one work by this artist, the title animal wears a red harness as it stands in the front of a transport boat manned by three men, and his portraits include ones of Mary Freer and his wife, Maria Bicknell. This artist of The White Horse and Hadleigh Castle also painted two versions of Salisbury Cathedral "from the Bishop's Grounds" and "from the Meadows". Another painting features Willy Lott's cottage on the left and depicts the titular conveyance traversing the River Stour. For 10 points, name this British landscape painter of Dedham Vale and The Hay Wain.

John Constable

1084 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 3 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41795 Question: The red-robed man at the left of this painting looks straight up, and in this painting's original home, that red-robed man gazed at its painter's Pallas and the Centaur. That figure in this work has a helmet, a sheathed sword, and uses a staff of winged serpents to scatter clouds. In this painting, a trail of vegetation leads out of the mouth of Chloris as the blue-skinned Zephyrus attempts to abduct her from behind. A blindfolded putto at the top of this painting fires a shot at the golden haired Graces. In it, Venus sits underneath a grove of oranges. For 10 points, name this companion piece to The Birth of Venus, an allegory of spring by Sandro Botticelli.

La Primavera [accept Allegory of Spring before mention]

1468 | SCOP Novice | 2010 | Round: 3 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53594 Question: This sculptor of Dying Slave and a horned Moses painted The Last Judgement on an altar wall in a church that also includes this artist's Expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Another of this man's sculptures features a contrapposto figure with a weapon resting on his left shoulder. His most famous painting shows (*) God reaching out to touch the finger of Adam. Name this Italian artist who created Pietà, the marble David, and The Creation of Adam on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Michelangelo Buonarroti

1431 | SCOP Novice | 2011 | Round: 2 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53837 Question: The background of this painting shows a floating platform in front of Catalonian cliffs. A dead tree projects from a larger platform in the near left of this painting, and a face-down object in the lower left corner swarms with ants. A monstrous (*) face, a self-portrait of the artist, spans the middle of this painting, and is draped with an unusual timepiece. Featuring soft clocks, for 10 points, name this painting by Salvador Dali.

The Persistence of Memory

1273 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: Finals 1 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41600 Question: Jacopo Bassano painted two of these animals in close detail next to a tree stump, while a group of these animals appear to the bottom left in Pisanello's The Vision of Saint Eustace. Three of them are placed to the right of the main action in Titian's Venus and Adonis, while another is being tortured with an arrow in Hogarth's Four Stages of Cruelty. An amorphous one is shown to the left of a ladder and under a crescent (*) moon in a 1926 Joan Miró painting. Only the head of one of them appears in a massive Goya Black Painting dominated by two sections of differing color. One of these animals lies asleep next to a much larger lion in Durer's St. Jerome in his Study. They are often used to represent marital fidelity, such as when placed on a woman's lap, and one of them stares at the viewer in Jan van Eyck's Arnolfini Wedding. For 10 points, name these animals, some of which were shown playing poker.

dogs [accept equivalents such as hounds]

1459 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2010 | Round: 6 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51519 Question: In one painting by this artist, a woman in a blue robe cradles an infant while looking at an artist who supports a nude woman leaning on his right shoulder and has the features of Carles Casagemas. In addition to La Vie, this artist depicted Dora Maar in his series of Weeping Woman paintings and an emaciated blue man gently fingering his instrument in The Old Guitarist. His other paintings include depictions of five nude prostitutes in Les Demoiselles d'Avignon and the bombing of a Basque town during the Spanish Civil War. For 10 points, name this cubist painter of Guernica.

Pablo Picasso

1103 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: 6 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 52014 Question: This artist depicted Cybele and Neptune standing next to each other in a painting representing the union of earth and water. In another of his paintings, a red parrot sits on a tree as Eve receives an apple from a cherub. This painter of The Fall of Man depicted himself and his wife, Isabella Brant, in The Honeysuckle Bower, and he included The Disembarkation at Marseilles in his Marie de' Medici Cycle. One of his triptychs that includes The Visitation and The Presentation in the Temple depicted a group of men lowering the body of Christ after the crucifixion. For 10 points, name this Flemish Baroque painter of The Descent from the Cross.

Peter Paul Rubens

1077 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41996 Question: This painter depicted white cloth covering the heads of a kissing couple in The Lovers. This artist's masterful use of illusion can be seen in a painting which juxtaposes an urban street with the conical top of a tower. Three identical heads sit in front of a mountain landscape while they peer over a railing at a man who stands neaer a record player in another painting by this artist. In that work by this man, two men hold a net and a club and a dead nude lies with a bloody mouth. This artist painted a work called Golconda, which shows numerous men in the air with bowler hats on them. Another of his works depicts a locomotive coming out of a fireplace. For 10 points, name this Belgian artist of Time Transfixed.

Rene Magritte

1458 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2010 | Round: 5 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51498 Question: One figure in this painting wears a gold amulet depicting a winged figure thrusting a spear into a serpent's mouth. In this painting, inconsistencies exist between the faces of a polyhedral sundial, and an open Lutheran hymnbook sits beside a lute with a broken string on the shelf below. Set in front of a green curtain, this painting includes an anamorphic skull on the floor between the dagger-holding Jean de Dinteville and Bishop Georges de Selve. For 10 points, name this painting by Hans Holbein the Younger depicting two diplomats.

The Ambassadors

1320 | BHSAT | 2011 | Round: 10 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50310 Question: Three oranges sit on the table to the left of one figure in this painting. Hanging from a bedpost on the right is a small broom, and a pair of clogs sit at the feet of the figure on the left. In between the two central figures, stands a small, brown dog. The entire scene of this painting can be seen reflected back in a mirror hanging on the back-center of the wall. The figure on the right is dressed in green and visibly pregnant. Her hand is held by the figure on the left, who sports a large black hat. For 10 points, this is what painting celebrating the marriage of the title Italian merchant by Jan Van Eyck?

The Arnolfini Wedding [or Arnolfini Marriage; or Arnolfini Double Portrait; or Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife]

1324 | BHSAT | 2011 | Round: 3 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50169 Question: This painting was originally displayed alongside a painting by its artist called The Leaping Horse, and it itself was originally titled Landscape: Noon. A small boat can be seen among the rushes on the right-hand side of this painting. In the center is a white-and-brown dog watching two men who are headed toward Flatford Mill. Smoke rises from the chimney of the building at left, which is a cottage belonging to Willy Lott. For 10 points, the title conveyance is pulled across the River Stour by two black oxen in what landscape by John Constable?

The Hay Wain

1292 | SCOP Novice | 2012 | Round: 9 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54582 Question: Leon Black purchased one of the four versions of this work for almost $120 million in a May 2012 auction. This work, part of the Frieze of Life series, depicts a popular suicide spot. Two figures on the left are walking next to a short (*) railing while a bay in this work's background reflects the red-orange sky. For 10 points, name this Edvard Munch painting, whose black-clad central figure holds his hands to the sides of his hairless head.

The Scream (accept Skrik)

1241 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 14 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49240 Question: This artist painted nudes playing panpipes in Arcadia. This artist made several paintings of William Rush and His Model. One of his works shows the title figure looking over his shoulder, reflected in the calm water. One of his studies of the human form shows several boys swimming around a pier. In addition to The Swimming Hole and Max Schmitt in a Single Scull, this artist painted a work featuring some stern figures in frock coats. Students at the Jefferson Medical College look on as a patient with osteomyelitis of the femur is operated on in that work. For 10 points, identify this artist of The Gross Clinic.

Thomas Eakins

1202 | Penn Bowl | 2012 | Round: Editors 4 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44701 Question: In a letter to his friend Charles Morice, the artist states that two figures in this painting bring a "note of anguish" to the central scene and describes this painting as comparable to the gospels. A white bird stands next to an old woman at the very left of this painting, whose very right shows a black dog running into the frame. In the background of this work, two trees framed in blue can be seen in the right half of this painting, while a tree on the left looks black and foreboding and stands next to a blue statue with its arms facing palms outward. Two white cats are behind a girl eating an apple in one section, and at the very center a loincloth-wearing subject reaches upwards to grab fruit from a tree. This painting is meant to be read from right to left, and signifies the passage of life by showing the aging of its Tahitian subjects. For 10 points identify this large panoramic work by Paul Gaughin.

Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? [or D'où Venons Nous / Que Sommes Nous / Où Allons Nous]

1169 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 35624 Question: This artist's early work includes a book of drawings from the Bronx and Central Park Zoos titled Animal Sketching. He did the set design for Erik Satie's Socrate and created the work 125 for JFK Airport. He constructed figures made out of cloth, buttons and wire for an installation in the Whitney Museum titled (*) Circus. The name for his most iconic creations was coined by Marcel Duchamp. One of his works is installed in front of the Federal Center Plaza in Chicago and evokes the image of a giant bird. This man created a 76-foot-long work for the ceiling of the East Building at the National Gallery of Art. For 10 points, name this artist of Flamingo and Lobster Trap and Fish Tail, best known for his mobiles.

Alexander Calder

1332 | BHSAT | 2011 | Round: 9 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50289 Question: This artist painted a mural wall that stands by the swimming pool of Marcel Breuer's Stillman House. One of his sculptures simultaneously protrudes from the floor of and hangs from the ceiling of the Hart Senate Building; that work is Mountains and Clouds. A fifty-three foot tall depiction of the title bird, in this artist's namesake shade of red, stands in Chicago's Federal Plaza. Liquid metal flows from his sculpture protesting Franco's seizure of the Almaden mines. Those works are Flamingo and Mercury Fountain. For 10 points, name this American sculptor of Lobster Trap and Fish Tail, known for his "stabiles" and "mobiles".

Alexander Calder

1191 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 3 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30379 Question: He's not Raphael, but he created a bust of a bearded Bindo Altoviti. An effete nude touches his left hand to his curly hair as he looks down and to his right in this artist's Narcissus. After fleeing Italy in the Sack of Rome, he was commissioned to make The Nymph of Fontainebleau. One of his works sees a man seated on a sea shell drawn by four horses. A nude with wings coming out from his feet and head holds a sword and the head of his foe in a work by this man now in Florence's Loggia dei Lanzi. His best known work, sculpted in gold, shows (*) Ceres grabbing her left breast while a trident is held by a mannerist Neptune. For 10 points, name this artist of Perseus Beheading Medusa and The Salt Cellar of Francis I.

Benvenuto Cellini

1081 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 13 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 42103 Question: John Singer Sargent visited the Prado and copied this painter's rendition of the Pieta, which ascribes a blue tint to Christ's body. In of his works, a yellow-robed St. Peter at the top left suspends two keys with his right hand. He painted a man grasping a rope on Jesus's hand in his version of The Disrobing of Christ. Another biblical scene painted by this artist has a blue-robed John the Baptist throw up his hands during the titular The Opening of the Fifth Seal. He segregated heavenly figures at the top of a painting that shows a funeral procession of a noble. For 10 points, name this artist of View of Toledo and The Burial of Count Orgaz, a man born in Greece.

El Greco [or Domenikos Theotokopoulos]

1144 | MUT | 2012 | Round: Finals 2 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31782 Question: This work was likely inspired by Houdar de la Motte's opera La Ventienne. A shiny helmet and a large shield rest against a big marble in the bottom right of this work behind a man who hold a woman dressed in a large blue robe in his lap. A different version of this painting shows a couple talking next to the bust of a certain goddess around which a string of flowers is wound up and next to which lay a set of arrows belonging to another god. A series of Cupids circling around a large ship in appear in the left background in this Fete Galante painting. For 10 points, name this Rococo era painting by Jean-Antoine Watteau depicting couples getting ready to go to the birthplace of Aphrodite.

Embarkation to Cythera [accept any answer mentioning a trip to or from Cythera]

1291 | SCOP Novice | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54552 Question: One artist from this country painted a dog watching a wagon cross a stream. A portraitist from this country painted Mr. and Mrs. Andrews and Jonathan Buttall holding a hat. This setting of The Hay Wain and The Blue Boy is also home to a (*) Royal Observatory built by Christopher Wren in this home of Constable and Gainsborough. For 10 points, name this country, whose St. Paul's Cathedral was rebuilt after the 1666 Great Fire of London.

England (prompt on United Kingdom or Great Britain)

1310 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: St. Anselm's and Alberta.doc | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30292 Question: Photographer David Seymour showed this work's creator underneath its depiction of a woman who raises her hands in agony. An arm holds a lamp at its center next to a light bulb in the shape of an eye. A bull stands over a woman holding her dead child on its left side. A reproduction of this work located at the U.N. headquarters was covered by a curtain in 2003 in order to hide such images as a man with a broken sword being trampled by a Cubist horse. Commissioned for the 1937 World's Fair, this work shows the horrors of the Nazi-bombing of a certain Basque city. For 10 points, name this painting by Pablo Picasso.


1393 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: Editors 1 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39281 Question: In this painting, a soldier in silver armor rests on a marble structure upon which a man in red robes is perched. A man peers out from in front of a column in the left foreground of this painting, and a woman in an orange robe holds a child on the other side of that column. In this painting, two men lean over a balcony in the left background to see the central scene in which a blue-clad man is positioned on his knees next to the title figure. The foreshortened figure wearing an orange robe in this painting has his hand next to a man's white turban, and the pattern of tools on the ground from left to right matches the order of their use to torture the title figure. For 10 points, name this painting in which St. Mark swoops down from the sky to rescue a servant, a work of Tintoretto.

The Miracle of the Slave [accept The Miracle of St. Mark Freeing the Slave before "St. Mark" is read]

1182 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 20 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49990 Question: One artist from this city produced works like Molo Looking West and Arrival of the French Ambassadors that were popular with English tourists, and he also painted several vedute or "views" of this city. An artist from this city painted a work in which a soldier in red looks at a breastfeeding woman as a lightning bolt strikes in the background. Home to the artist of The (*) Tempest, this city's architecture was discussed in a John Ruskin work titled The Stones [of this Place]. This city was the birthplace of Giorgione and a student of his who painted the Venus of Urbino. For 10 points, name this Italian city, the home of Canaletto and birthplace of Titian whose landscapes often depict its elaborate canals.


1440 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 12 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44953 Question: The center of Netherlandish Proverbs depicts a woman putting a cloak of this color on her husband, providing an alternate title for the painting. Both Mary's robe in the van Eyck annunciation and Joseph's hat in the Merode Altarpiece are painted in a bright shade of this color. French artist Yves Klein invented a shade of this color which he used for the 1001 balloons he released and the eleven monochrome paintings he hung in his most famous exhibition. Yellow folds of cloth emerge out of the turban of this color which is worn by the title figure of (*) Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring. In portraits by Thomas Gainsborough, Mrs. Andrews and Jonathan Buttall wear this color. A man wearing this color dashes across a field on a white horse in a Kandinsky painting that shares its name with the movement he founded. For 10 points, name this color that influenced Picasso's paintings between 1901 and 1904.


1047 | Collegiate Novice | 2012 | Round: 1 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 33999 Question: One work from this movement features a bodybuilder holding a lollipop. Another work in this movement features a blue-haired girl who exclaims, "I don't care! I'd rather sinkthan call Brad for help!" A two-panel depiction of a rocket hitting a fighter plane with the word "WHAAM!" was created by one proponent of this artistic style, Roy Lichtenstein. Another artist in this movement created depictions of Marilyn Monroe and Campbell's soup cans. For 10 points, name this mid-twentieth-century art movement associated with Andy Warhol.

pop art

1155 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 18 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53342 Question: Examples of these works include The Argonauts, Carnival, Actors, and Acrobats, which the Expressionist Max Beckmann created in Amsterdam. The Furies of the Oresteia inspired the disturbing creatures in another work of this type, exhibited near the end of World War II. Francis Bacon used this form to depict "Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion." A famous example of these works , when closed, depicts the Creation, but when opened, depicts Earth, Heaven, and Hell. For 10 points, name this type of painting exemplified by The Garden of Earthly Delights, which consists of three panels.

triptych [do not accept "altarpiece"]

1053 | Collegiate Novice | 2012 | Round: 6 | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34184 Question: One work in this form shows a brass band playing at a dinner party in its center. Otto Dix's Metropolis is in this form, as are many works, including one showing "Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion," by Francis Bacon. A Hugo van der Goes work for the Portinari family is in this form. The outer portions of artworks in this form were often done in grisaille in the Southern Netherlands, where this was the dominant form of altarpieces. They typically have a central panel and two side panels. For 10 points, name these types of artworks that are divided into three parts.

triptychs [prompt on polyptych; prompt on altarpiece]

1199 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 24 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34093 Question: Sing Sing prison is the setting of this man's Big Electric Chair. He created a red-toned image of car accident victims as part of his Death and Disasters series, and his hair extends wildly to the top-left on the canvas in Camouflage Self-Portrait. This man screened films he created like Batman Dracula and a slow motion recording of the (*) Empire State building at the Factory in New York City. The title pop-star aims a gun at the viewer and is rendered multiple times in his Eight Elvises. He also created a silkscreen diptych showing many copies of the star of Some Like It Hot. For 10 points, name this American Pop Artist known for painting Campbell's Soup Cans.

Andy Warhol

1006 | BHSAT | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50558 Question: One of his works depicts Akio Matsumoto, a detained artist. Another shows two young aspen trees before a forest of mature aspen trunks. Another of his works shows a diffusely but directionally lit rose on dark wood. He was a founding member of Group f/64. In 1935, he published Making a Photograph, followed by a work in which he describes his "Zone System" of exposure, The Negative. During World War II, he photographed Manzanar, a Japanese-American internment camp. One of his recurring subjects is the national parks. For 10 points, name this American photographer of Tetons and Snake River and Moon and Half Dome.

Ansel Adams

1387 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 6 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40038 Question: 16. One collection by this artist had Albert Bender, his rich patron, add the nonsense word "Parmelian" to its title, a move to which this artist strenuously objected. This artist who showed the mouth of a certain bay in Golden Gate Before the Bridge depicted a doorless adobe gateway with a cross atop it in Church, Taos Pueblo. With Fred Archer, this male artist of Rose and Driftwood used a scale of EV levels from 0 to the Roman numeral X representing different brightnesses, called the Zone System. He showed the Merced River valley in Clearing Winter Storm and Monolith: The Face of Half-Dome. For 10 points, name this American employee of the Sierra Club whose images such as Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico and many of Yosemite national park made him a pioneering nature photographer.

Ansel Adams

925 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: Florida | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30588 Question: This artist created an image of a rose petal on a piece of driftwood after an inspirational meeting with Paul Strand. Fred Archer helped this man develop a scale for EV levels that he called the Zone System. One of his most famous works of art depicts the night sky above a cemetery. Imogen Cunningham and Edward Weston helped him found the group f/64. Albert Bender helped him publish his book Parmelian Prints of the High Sierras, which contained his photograph Monolith, the Face of Half Dome. For 10 points name this photographer of Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico, and a bunch of photos of Yosemite National Park.

Ansel Adams

1529 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Dartmouth A | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45816 Question: One of his works shows a water nymph in the lower right, holding a piece of music after lulling to sleep Rinaldo, who leans against a tree as Armida discovers him. His time in Italy resulted in portraits like Cardinal Bentivolo and George Gage, Looking at a Statuette, and he created a series of etchings and engravings depicting various colleagues known as his Iconography. At the court of the Earl of Arundel, he painted a portrait of Thomas Howard, and he executed 35 paintings of Queen Henrietta Maria, but is better known for portraits of her husband, including one Hunting Dress. For 10 points, name this Flemish pupil of Rubens and portraitist of England's Charles I.

Anthony van Dyck

1082 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 14 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 42118 Question: The National Gallery of Art contains this man's depiction of the ship Royal Sun, entitled The Battle of La Hogue. In another painting by this man, a horse and a lion play tug-of-war over food with their teeth while two battle-ready men share a white horse. In another of his paintings, he showed William Penn making a treaty with Native Americans. This man, who is not Albert Ryder, painted Death on a Pale Horse. Another of his paintings shows an Indian kneeling before a fallen musket - that painting depicts the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. For 10 points, name this American painter of The Death of General Wolfe.

Benjamin West

1520 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Vandy-Maryland B | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48725 Question: Juan de Arfe is sometimes referred to as the Spanish version of this artist. One work attributed to him at the National Gallery of Art in Washington depicts the creation of the Hippocrene fountain. He borrowed imagery from a lost fresco of Rosso Fiorentino to create a bronze lunette which depicts a woman reclining among hounds who drapes her arm around a stag, the Nymph of Fontainebleau. His best known work includes a group of four seahorses and features one character placing his hand upon a ship, while his legs intertwine with the goddess Ceres who rests her hand upon an ionic temple. The Loggia dei Lanzi houses his "Perseus Holding the Head of Medusa" and he is also known for being repeatedly convicted of sodomy and shooting the Prince of Orange. FTP, name this artist who gave to Francis I the gift of an enamel, ivory, and gold Saltcellar.

Benvenuto Cellini

1197 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31069 Question: A red frame supports the glass roof of the "Peace" one of these objects in Calgary. A large mast was used to create one of these objects for the Milwaukee Art Museum by the Catalan architect Santiago Calatrava, who also designed one for Turtle Bay Exploration Park. The founder of an art movement named for one of these objects depicted women in furs and men in top hats in the 1913 work, Street, (*) Berlin. A rabbit can be seen on one of these structures in Rain, Steam and Speed. They name an art movement founded by Ernst Kirchner and come in cantilevered and suspension varieties. For 10 points, name this type of expanse, such as the red Golden Gate one in San Francisco.

Bridges [or Die Brucke]

1007 | BHSAT | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50567 Question: In one of his paintings, a man on the left has a patch worn through the right elbow of his green jacket. On the right of that painting by this artist, a bearded man wears a scallop on his lapel and a beardless Christ, dressed in red and white, sits in the center. A boy in yellow with a feather in his hat sits to the right of the title figure of a painting by this artist, which is located in the Contarelli Chapel. In that painting by this aritst, a ray of light falls on a figure pointing to himself, the title tax collector. This painter made heavy use of chiaroscuro in his style, which was known as tenebrism. For 10 points, name this Italian Baroque of The Supper at Emmaus and The Calling of Saint Matthew.

Caravaggio [or Michelangelo Merisi]

1554 | FICHTE | 2008 | Round: 18 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59505 Question: He is shown "from three angles" in one painting, and on a white horse next to the red-clad painter in another. A yellow-maned horse is being tended on the right of another painting, in which this man wears a (*) big black hat, a white jacket, and red breeches while leaning on a stick. For 10 points name this monarch, shown in several paintings by Anthony van Dyck including one "in hunting dress."

Charles I

1544 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Wayne State | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47977 Question: One of this man's works is an aquatint titled as a "Proposal for a Colossal Monument in New York City," a sharpened pencil stub designed to stand next to the "fallen peak" of the Woolworth Building. His other works include the Spoonbridge and Cherry for the Walker Art Center, the Bottle of Notes in Manchester, the Crusoe Umbrella in Des Moines, and the Lipstick Ascending on Caterpillar Tracks, which was controversially erected at Yale. Since his marriage to Coosje van Bruggen, his collaborations with her have included giant binoculars, shuttlecocks, and a clothespin. For 10 points, name this Swedish sculptor associated with the Pop Art movement.

Claes Oldenburg

945 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Editors 5 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44335 Question: In the Romantic period, many English artists tried to emulate this artist's technique by wearing tinted glasses named for him. J.M.W. Turner painted Dido Building Carthage in homage to this artist, and bequeathed it to the National Gallery on the condition that it hung between two of this artist's paintings. This artist's careful studies of the Roman Campagna inspired many of his paintings, including one in which two Biblical figures dance with tambourines in front of a background water mill. This artist of The Marriage of Isaac and Rebekah tried to prevent forgeries of his paintings by publishing sketches of them in his Liber Veritatis, or Book of Truth. He painted many scenes of harbors illuminated by the sun just above the horizon, such as Seaport with the Embarkation of St. Ursula and Seaport with the Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba. For 10 points, name this friend of Nicholas Poussin, the leading 17th century French landscape painter.

Claude Lorrain [or Claude Lorrain; or Claude Gellee]

1244 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48996 Question: The Czech branch of this movement included the sculptor Otto Guttfreund. One painter in this style, Fernand Léger, had his cylindrical shapes mocked by Louis Vauxcelles, who coined both "fauvism" and this term. Juan Gris painted a portrait of this movement's founder. It was strongly influenced by a painting depicting a small town beneath Mont Sainte-Victoire by Cezanne. Works like Still-life with Chair Caning and Three Musicians were part of its late "synthetic" school, dominated by the artist of Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. For 10 points, name this artistic movement founded by Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso.

Cubism [prompt on "Tubism" if the buzz is on "Fernand Léger"]

1270 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40915 Question: In one of this artist's photographs, the subject's head is beside two parallel trees, and a woman walking with a child and a man pushing a carriage are out of focus in the top right. Another of this artist's works depicts a man wearing buttons that say "Bomb Hanoi" and "God Bless America, Support Our Boys in Viet Nam." She also depicted a naked man in a contrapposto pose with his penis tucked between his legs. She made Eddie Carmel famous by photographing in his home, (*) leaning over so that his head doesn't hit the ceiling as his parents look on. More famously, she depicted a pair of identically-dressed twins in Roselle, New Jersey, as well as an exasperated-looking boy in Central Park holding a toy hand grenade. For 10 points, name this artist often described as a "photographer of freaks."

Diane Arbus

1315 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: WUSTL A.doc | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30357 Question: Due to its poor acceptance, one of this artist's paintings was cut into two separate works: The Bullfight and The Dead Toreador. Two women in blue bonnets sit in the foreground of a painting dominated by men in top hats in his Music in the Tuileries. A cat stands at the feet of a reclining woman in a work of his that was inspired by the Venus of Urbino. The model for that painting, Victorine Meurent, appears in another of this man's paintings, which caused a scandal at the Salon des Refusés of 1863 due to its depiction of a nude woman casually sitting among some trees next to two fully-dressed men. For 10 points, name this French painter of Olympia and The Luncheon on the Grass.

Edouard Manet

1342 | Collegiate Novice | 2011 | Round: 1 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34712 Question: This artist used his wife Jo as a model for a painting in which two women in nearly identical hats sit across from each other in a Chinese restaurant. At the top of another painting by this artist of Chop Suey, cigars are advertised as "only 5 cents," and a woman in red eats a sandwich next to a suited man, while another man sits alone with his back to the viewer. That painting by this artist depicts an establishment named "Phillies." For 10 points, name this artist who depicted people at a diner late at night in Nighthawks.

Edward Hopper

1301 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Maryland and UIC.doc | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29694 Question: Smoke rises from a Byzantine city while people kneel down to the titular soldiers in one work by this artist, who also painted a man in white turban preparing to stab an animal that is attacking his horse. In addition to Entry of the Crusaders into Constantinople and The Tiger Hunt, this artist painted a work where naked women are slaughtered in front of the title Assyrian king. A man in a top hat and a boy brandishing pistols appear in the best-known work by this artist of The Death of Sardanapalus; that work also depicts a bare-chested woman wearing a Phygrian cap and holding a tri-color flag. For 10 points, name this French artist of Liberty Leading the People.

Ferdinand Eugene Victor Delacroix ("day"-lah-KWAH)

1043 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 33032 Question: In this work, a floating female carries a flame lit lamp and a soldier is clutching a broken sword from where a flower is growing. This work also has a distraught horse in the background and a bull standing over a woman, who is grieving over a dead child. For 10 points, name this work by Pablo Picasso created to bring world notice to the bombings during the Spanish Civil War.


1381 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 2 | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40178 Question: In one of his paintings, a brown-haired figure on the left buries her head in her hands while red-haired mother cradles a curly-haired child. In another of his works, an embracing couple in mosaic-like robes stands to the right of a depiction of the Tree of Life. In another work by this painter of The Three Ages of Woman and the Stoclet Freize, the title red-haired figure curls up into a ball in his depiction of Danae. His so-called "golden phase," named for his abundant use of gold leaf, includes a portrait of the title industrialist's wife, which sold for $135 million in 2006, making it the most expensive painting at that time, and one in which garlanded lovers embrace as the male smooches the female on the cheek. For 10 points, name this Vienna Secessionist artist who painted a portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer and The Kiss.

Gustave Klimt

1226 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 15-Extra | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40656 Question: Several paintings of this figure were held by George Alexis Wymouth and were purchased by Leonard Andrews. This figure is often depicted with a medallion on a simple black band around the neck, and one painting shows this figure in a green coat from behind walking towards a house. Another depiction of this figure shows the subject leaning against a tree and is entitled In the Orchard. Gone was the last chronological depiction of this figure, who appeared in Sheepskin and (*) Pageboy. A more characteristic depiction of this figure shows her under a translucent white canopy. Other paintings of this figure include one entitled Overflow in which she lies in bed, and one entitled Lovers in which she sits on a chair nude next to a window. For 10 points, name this German caretaker and popular model for Andrew Wyeth.

Helga Testorf [accept either, since they're commonly called the Helga paintings]

1018 | BHSAT | 2012 | Round: 9 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50541 Question: This artist depicted the title figure dressed like a vestal virgin, glancing over her shoulder, while reclining on an Empire-style sofa in his Portrait of Madame Recamier. In another of his paintings, a woman in orange clutches her crying children as corpses are borne in on the left, behind the title figure, who sits in the shadows. The title figure of another painting by this artist of The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons holds a letter from Charlotte Corday as he slumps in his bath. Another painting by him shows three brothers reaching towards three swords held by their father. For 10 points, name this French painter of The Death of Marat and Oath of the Horatii.

Jacques-Louis David

1245 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 3 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49007 Question: This artist painted a woman in a black dress with a white bow from the back in a work subtitled The Andalusian, and Thomas Carlyle commissioned one work after seeing a largely monochromatic piece of his. Another work of his in the Anglo-Japanese style is The Peacock Room. He sued John Ruskin for libel, and rose to prominence with The White Girl. A curtain and a framed picture surround the seated subject in his most famous work. He is known for his maritime "nocturnes" and other musically-titled works such as Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket. For 10 points, name this American artist of Arrangement in Grey and Black.

James Abbot McNeill Whistler

1297 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Georgia Tech B.doc | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29641 Question: This artist's etching Black Lion Wharf can be seen in another of his paintings. He used gold leaf decoration in a project for Frederick Leyland that includes the painting The Princess from the Land of Porcelain. Sparks from fireworks can be seen in one of his works that was compared to "flinging a pot of paint in the public's face" by John Ruskin. This artist of the Peacock Room titled many of his works after musical terms, as seen in his Symphony in White or Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket. For 10 points, name this artist who depicted a member of his family sitting in a room in his Arrangement in Grey and Black: The Artist's Mother.

James McNeill Whistler

1371 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2011 | Round: Finals 2 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51897 Question: In one painting by this man, six figures wearing uniforms all face the title region, while another depicts the title figure and a police officer engaged in a conversation at a diner. This painter of Beyond the Easel and The Runaway also depicted four white men escorting a young black girl in The Problem We All Live With. He depicted himself smoking a pipe three times in Triple Self Portrait, and he depicted a family dinner in his Freedom From Want. For 10 points, identify this American painter of Four Freedoms.

Norman Rockwell

935 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: VCU | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30919 Question: On an inn's cupboard door, this artist painted his disembodied, halo-bearing head next to hanging apples and examining a hissing snake. This artist included a large blue idol and groups of yellow people in a painting he instructed should be viewed from right to left as it attempts to answer its namesake questions. A man climbs over a fence behind the title figure in this artist's depiction of Jesus, who appears to suffer from jaundice. This artist of Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? depicted a crucifixion in The Yellow Christ. For 10 points, name this French painter, who spent much of his life painting female nudes after moving to Tahiti.

Paul Gauguin

1350 | Collegiate Novice | 2011 | Round: 7 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34853 Question: This artist painted a work in which a man in blue holds scissors over a shirtless man who is asleep in the lap of a woman wearing red. In addition to painting Samson and Delilah, this man painted a series on the life of Marie de' Medici and a painting in which a young boy and a black servant look on as a voluptuous woman admires her reflection, his Venus at a Mirror. The image of Christ cuts across the diagonal of both his The Raising of the Cross and The Descent from the Cross. For 10 points, name this Flemish artist who frequently painted full-figured women.

Peter Paul Rubens

1454 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2010 | Round: 10 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51587 Question: This artist decorated the ceiling of Inigo Jones's Banqueting House of Whitehall Palace and painted the altarpiece for the Chiesa Nuova in Rome. The Flight from Blois and The Disembarkation at Marseilles are included in his series of twenty-one paintings centered on Marie de Medici. In a triptych including The Visitation and The Presentation in the Temple, he depicted a man using his teeth to hold a white shroud on which Christ is lowered into the arms of a red-clad Saint John. For 10 points, name this Flemish painter of Descent from the Cross known for paintings incorporating fleshy female nudes.

Peter Paul Rubens

929 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: Hunter | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30706 Question: Two candlesticks, a woman in white and sheet music are depicted in this artist's Lady at the Piano. His paintings of children include a girl with a red bow and a blue dress tending to flowers, and another work depicting Alice and Elisabeth Cahen d'Anvers. Those works are A Girl with a Watering Can and Pink and Blue. This artist depicted dancing in a Montmartre courtyard, while another of his works features Parisian socialites, including Charles Ephrussi and Gustave Caillebotte, partaking in wine and fruit beside the Seine. For 10 points, name this French impressionist painter of Le Moulin de la Galette and Luncheon of the Boating Party.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

1359 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2011 | Round: 1 | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51669 Question: Maarten de Vos painted the holy figures for this artist in his early paintings. A group of Spanish soldiers attack a helpless village in his The Massacre of the Innocents, and the cultivation of a ripe field of wheat is depicted in his The Harvesters. A skeleton army attacks a group of people in one of his paintings, and he painted two figures with a pack of dogs gazing at a village in Hunters in the Snow. In another of his works, a pair of legs flails in the sea below a passing ship. For 10 points, name this Flemish artist of The Triumph of Death and Landscape with the Fall of Icarus.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder

1295 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Georgia Tech A.doc | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29615 Question: A plowman working in a field can be seen on the right side of this painting, and its left side shows a bridge with four arches. A rabbit is barely visible running away from the center, and the top half of this work is characterized by a cloudy sky with visible impasto marks. This painting shows a boat in a river below the central object, which contains people exposed to the elements and expels smoke. Reflecting the conflict of nature and technology during the Industrial Revolution, this work depicts the Thames River under the Maidenhead Bridge, on which a train quickly approaches the viewer. For 10 points, name this Romantic watercolor by J.M.W. Turner.

Rain, Steam, and Speed - The Great Western Railway

1068 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 3 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 57859 Question: A painting entitled Portrait by this artist depicts a man in a white suit with a detached piece of Swiss cheese for a head. This artist created a version of Van Gogh's Bedroom at Arles using his best known technique which he debuted with his Look Mickey, an emulation of Mickey Mouse comic books. In one painting by this man, a blue- haired girl is drowning in splashing waves while thinking, "I'd rather sink than call Brad for help!" This artist's most famous work shows rockets blazing through the sky from a fighter jet, creating a large red and yellow blast and the titular captioned noise. For 10 points, name this Pop Artist who made use of Ben-Day dots and painted Whaam!

Roy Lichtenstein

1010 | BHSAT | 2012 | Round: 13 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50623 Question: One of this artist's works, featuring massive conglomerations of body parts against a desert landscape, is subtitled "Premonition of Civil War". A fish watches a landscape turn into a series of blocks in a work by this artist of Soft Construction with Boiled Beans, which shows the disintegration of his most famous work. One of his works show animals transforming into the image of different animals in a pool. This artist's most famous work depicts yellow clifs in its upper left corner and an orange object crawling with ants. For 10 points, name this Spanish surrealist artist of Swans Reflecting Elephants who painted melting watches in his The Persistence of Memory.

Salvador Dalí

1344 | Collegiate Novice | 2011 | Round: 2 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34742 Question: This artist depicted a knife hovering in front of a disarrayed table in one work. In another painting, he included the gadflies of St. Narciso and twenty-eight Venus de Milos. In addition to his Living Still Life and The Hallucinogenic Toreador, this artist created a work whose use would result in one's mouth lining up with an animal's genitals, his Lobster Telephone. He later created a "disintegration" of another of his works, which depicts ants on a timepiece and melting clocks. For 10 points, name this Spanish surrealist who painted The Persistence of Memory.

Salvador Dalí [or Salvador Domenec Felip Jacint Dalí i Domenech, Marquis de Pubol]

1240 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 13 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49214 Question: A figurine of Saint Margaret emerges from a dragon in this work. A single orange lies on the windowsill and a cherry tree is barely visible through the window. The two figures in red and blue standing in the doorway are reflected in the round mirror on the back wall, and one of the central figures wears a large black hat. A small brown dog and a pair of clogs are shown in the foreground. One of the subjects is wearing a long green dress and is holding hands with the other in, for 10 points, this painting of an Italian merchant and his wife by Jan van Eyck.

The Arnolfini Wedding [accept The Arnolfini Portrait; or The Arnolfini Marriage; or Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife]

1521 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Vandy-Maryland B | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48740 Question: This painting is bookended on each side by maroon chairs with tassles and gold studs. The image on the wall in this painting is, as in many other works by its artist, labeled with the word "Descriptio," its creators being known as "World Describers. The lack of candles in the golden chandelier adorned with a double-headed eagle in this work is likely a reference to the suppression of the painter's faith. A large tapestry serves as a repoussoir, held back by the chair on the left. Black and white tile belies this painting's meager setting and led to its misidentification as a work of Peter de Hooch. One figure, wearing a poofy black and white slashed doublet, has his back to the viewer and rests his right arm on a maulstick, while the other figure wears holds a book and a trumpet in the guise of Clio. For 10 points, name this work that symbolically depicts an artist painting a posing subject, by Jan Vermeer.

The Art of Painting [or The Allegory of Painting; or The Allegory of the Art of Painting; or Die Allegorie der Malerei]

1269 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40890 Question: One woman in this work covers her face with a green cloth near a jewel-encrusted vase on this work's left side, where a man stares at a knife in his hands. This work shows a woman whose hands are tied near its top, where a man in red approaches a woman lying next to a scarf. Smoke fills the top of this work, which depicts two elephant (*) heads near the center and also shows a black man trying to pull a white horse towards the center. Shocking critics at the 1827 Salon, this work depicts a room lined with treasure and also shows a naked woman being murdered by one of the title figure's servants. That man props his head up with his arm and lies on a red bed while his possessions are destroyed around him. Showing the last moments of an Assyrian ruler, this is, for 10 points, what painting by Eugène Delacroix?

The Death of Sardanapalus

1124 | Minnesota Open | 2012 | Round: Tiebreakers | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44658 Question: In the bottom center of this work, a man in a bowler hat looks back toward the central scene as he climbs a ladder pointed toward the viewer. Alexander Wilson is shown surveying the scene in this work as several men work a large system that pumps water away from its central action. Coleman Sellers is talking to his wife Sophonisba in the bottom right of this painting. A shirtless man is shown proudly displaying an object to his master from the central pit in this work, in which a family portrait shows the artist's sons Rubens and Raphael, who are helping hold up a large drawing of a bone. For 10 points, name this painting which depicts the discovery of a large mammoth-like creature, by Charles Wilson Peale.

The Exhumation of the Mastodon [or The Exhumation of the First Mastodon or The Exhumation of the First American Mastodon]

1194 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 5 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30653 Question: A sign post in this painting displays a kneeling man and a deer; that sign post hangs over a child and two adults who kindle a large fire. In its mid-ground, a figure carries a bundle of hay over a bridge with two arches. Several black birds are perched on barren trees at the top of this painting, which also shows a castle in the mountains in its top right. In the background, men play a game with curved sticks. This work is the last entry in a series also featuring The Gloomy Day and The (*) Return of the Herd. The title figures are followed by a pack of dogs, and villagers can be seen ice skating in the distance. For 10 points, name this work set in winter by Peter Brueghel the Elder where the title figures bring back meat they've shot.

The Hunters in the Snow [or The Return of the Hunters]

1561 | The Experiment | 2007 | Round: 1 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58884 Question: In his autobiography, the painter of this canvas says that it was named by poet Georg Trakl, who sat on a barrel in the artist's empty studio and wrote the poem "Die Nacht" in front of this work. An all-white man lies naked across the canvas, his eyes fixed open as a tortured insomniac, with the background dominated by blues and purples, as a woman sleeps peacefully on his shoulder unconcerned with the shipwreck they are in. Depicting the artist's ►relationship with Alma Mahler, FTP, name this work also known as The Tempest, the best known piece of Oskar Kokoschka.

3. Bride of the Wind (accept The Tempest before read)

1256 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41055 Question: One statue of this man is directly below two paintings by Jules Guerin, while in another statue he extends his arm above a crouching man with shackles. Leonard Volk created a notable life mask of this man, who is shown standing in front of a small chair in a work subtitled "The Man." A statue of him standing in front of a granite wall engraved with one of his speeches was sculpted by a man who collaborated with the Piccirilli Brothers on the most famous statue of this man. That work is located in a Henry (*) Bacon-designed building that has 36 Doric columns and stands near a large reflecting pool. One sculpture of this man by Augustus Saint-Gaudens is in a namesake park in Chicago, while another by Daniel Chester French shows him seated in a large chair in a Washington, D.C. memorial. For 10 points, name this U. S. President who is also the rightmost figure on Mount Rushmore.

Abraham Lincoln

974 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: MIT A | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29891 Question: This artist depicted his pupil Alessandro Allori and himself in a painting in which a figure on the right wearing a laurel wreath points to the title character, who is being grilled. The subject of the one portrait by this artist of The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence stands in front a mast with his name carved into it and holds a trident. In one work by this artist, a female figure with lion's legs and a serpent's tail holds a honeycomb in her left hand. That work by this painter of Andrea Doria as Neptune features an old man carrying an hourglass, an old woman representing syphilis, and two of the title figures embracing in front of a blue curtain. For 10 points, name this Italian Mannerist painter of Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time.

Agnolo Bronzino [or Agnolo di Cosimo; or Il Bronzino]

1133 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31490 Question: This artist made two depictions of his family's coat of arms with a cock and a skull, and he showed a sultan clad in a blue robe pointing to a recently severed head in his The Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand. This artist often signed his works with a monogram in which the the first letter of his last name sits under the first letter of his first name. This artist depicted a figure without a nose or lips holding an hourglass to the central armor-clad figure in one work which also shows a dog running between two horses. The title figure hunches over a desk in a room which is also occupied by a dog and a lion in another of his works. One work by this artist of Knight, Death and the Devil depicts a magic square next to a gloomy angel. For 10 points, name this Renaissance era German artist of Melencolia I and Four Horseman of the Apocalypse.

Albrecht Dürer

1417 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: 4 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41375 Question: This artist's swimming-inspired works include one that shows a girl sitting on a diving board amongst a crowd of children, The Pool-Deal, and several depictions of Ellen Koeniger wearing a bathing suit. He created hundreds of abstract depictions of clouds which he later called Equivalents, while earlier he had depicted many realistic scenes of everyday life, such as a man washing off two horses or a carriage making its way through the snow. In addition to (*) The Terminal and Winter-Fifth Avenue, this artist also took a notable photo of immigrants aboard the ship SS Kaiser Wilhelm II, worked with Edward Steichen to open up the gallery "291" in New York, and co-founded the Photo-Secession movement. For 10 points, name this American pioneer of modern photography who created The Steerage as well as many photos of his wife Georgia O'Keefe.

Alfred Stieglitz

1255 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 1 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40518 Question: In this artist's depiction of Judith, the only part of Holofernes' body that can be seen other than his head is his foot. He was also known as an engraver, creating such works as a depiction of a bacchanal and the Battle of the Sea Gods. This artist's painting of St. James Led to His Execution has an extremely low viewpoint, and was destroyed in 1944. His frescoes in the Camera degli (*) Sposi were originally created for a Ducal Palace, like a series of nine paintings now housed at Hampton Court which depict people parading slaves, vases, and other spoils from Caesar's victory in Gaul. He painted three versions of the martyrdom of a certain saint, which are located in Vienna, Venice, and the Louvre. His most famous painting shows two people on the left weeping over an extremely foreshortened body lying on a marble slab. For 10 points, name this Mantuan painter of St. Sebastian and The Dead Christ.

Andrea Mantegna

1388 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 7 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40002 Question: In one painting, this artist depicted his curly-haired sister sitting on a chair gazing at a window to the viewer's left; in another of his paintings, a dog lies sleeping next to a tan and blue striped sack inside a room. In yet another painting of his, a boy walks down a hill upon which this artist's father had recently died. This artist of Up in the Studio, Night Sleeper, and Winter, 1946 painted a figure with Braids who was to later star in this artist's painting Overflow, in which she lounges in front of an open window nude. He scandalized the American art scene with his several hundred images of Prussian immigrant Helga Testorf and painted a woman who "was limited physically but by no means spiritually," laying on the grass and looking towards her home. For 10 points, name this artist who painted Christina's World.

Andrew Newell Wyeth

1174 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 15 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49762 Question: A ceiling mural by Giambattista Tiepolo depicted this deity "Conducting Beatrice of Burgundy to the 'Genius' of the German Nation". This god is sculpted with long curly hair in the so-called Chatsworth Head. A lizard can be seen climbing up a tree in a Roman copy of a Praxiteles sculpture of this deity now in the Louvre known as (*) "Sauroctonos". This figure walks forward and holds out his left arm, which supports his cape, in a nude originally sculpted by Leochares known as the "Belvedere" version of this god. One sculpture shows his lover transforming into a tree, and he is often depicted with a lyre. For 10 points, Daphne is depicted in a Bernini sculpture alongside which Greek god of oracles?


997 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: No Eric, No Crown | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40511 Question: A lone caper flower lies at the bottom of this painting, while in the lower-left, a gold urn inscribed with the artist's signature lies on a manila-colored sheet or garment. On the right, a figure reminiscent of Laocoon struggles to throw off a snake. The first title character is followed by an (*) entourage including a woman wielding cymbals and a satyr dragging the head of a calf. Two cheetahs pull the chariot of the first title character, who is leaping off after having just thrown a crown into the sky to become the constellation Corona. Prior to the events of this painting, the second title character had just been deserted by her love on the island of Naxos. For 10 points, identify this painting which depicts the god of wine absconding with the lover of Theseus, a work by Titian.

Bacchus and Ariadne

1436 | SCOP Novice | 2011 | Round: 9 | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54070 Question: This artist painted multiple plein-air [plehn-"air"] views of the English Parliament and Rouen [roo-AHN] Cathedral. He showed a series of haystacks at different times of day near his home in Giverny [jee-vehr-NEE]. Cataracts late in life gave a red tint to his many paintings of (*) water lilies. This artist‟s depiction of a harbor in the early morning lent its name to the Impressionist movement. For ten points, name this French artist of Impression, Sunrise.

Claude Monet

1515 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Maryland A | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48572 Question: William Hogarth described the importance of including these in the sets of performances of Antony and Cleopatra in his tract The Analysis of Beauty. One of these appears by a shallow pool at the far right of Masaccio's Saint Peter Baptizing the Neophytes, while two groups of them flank the left side of Delacroix's Entry of the Crusaders into Constantinople. Gold was applied very liberally to those separating the prophets and sybils when Michaelangelo decorated the Sistine Ceiling. St. Jerome unfurls a scroll as he stands in front of a group of them in Parmigianino's Madonna of the Long Neck, while two of them fittingly appear in the background of David's Oath of the Horatii. FTP, identify these architectural features which have acanthus leaves on their capitols in their Corinthian varieties, and might also come in Doric and Ionic examples.

Columns (accept specific buzzes of "Corinthian Columns," etc.)

1099 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51932 Question: This sculptor used three cylinder pieces to represent the torso of a male, and he created an oval-shaped head lying on its side with its eyes closed. This man displayed twelve stones around a circular slab of stone, and this sculptor of Sleeping Muse and Table of Silence created a sculpture made up of seventeen rhombus-shaped pieces stretched vertically called The Endless Column. His most famous work is a series of propeller-like sculptures representing the flight of the title animal. For 10 points, name this Romanian sculptor of Bird in Space.

Constantin Brancusi

1460 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2010 | Round: 7 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51537 Question: This man included a reflecting pool in a windowless chamber with an underground entrance in his design for a Temple of Meditation at Indore, and another of his works consists of twelve hourglass-shaped stools around a limestone table. This creator of Mademoiselle Pogany and The Table of Silence caused scandal with his phallic Princess X, and his other sculptures include a nearly hundred-foot stack of rhomboid forms and a series of marble and bronze sculptures capturing the essence of flight. For 10 points, name this Romanian sculptor of The Endless Column and Bird in Space.

Constantin Brancusi

1375 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 10 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39318 Question: This artist's body is overlaid with leafy imagery due to double exposure in one black and white self-portrait photograph. Isamu Noguchi made Sphere Section during his time in this man's studio. One ensemble by this artist includes a structure into which circles with vertical lines through them are carved into all four sides of its two rectangular stone legs. That stone entryway appears near a ring of twelve limestone stools by this man, who stacked seventeen and a half increasingly-small rhomboids to honoring his country's war dead with Endless Column. One copy of his Sleeping Muse is a sideways bronze head; he caricatured Marie Bonaparte with his Princess X, a giant bronze penis. For 10 points, name this Romanian whose sleek modern sculptures include the Bird in Space series.

Constantin Brâncuşi [brin-KUSH; accept bran-COO-zee or other such pronunciations though]

1563 | The Experiment | 2007 | Round: 10 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 60042 Question: The artist of this painting commissioned his friend, the sculptor Gottlieb Christian Kuhn, to carve its gilt frame, which features the heads of five angels with a silver star above the middle head. It was immediately controversial drawing the ire of critic Freiherr von Ramdohr; its artist responded with a programme claiming that the five rays of sun in this piece symbolize the pre-Christian world as they descend from a dark pink sky and the fir trees represent hope. It was meant to be the centerpiece of the Tetschen Altar, and its artist had to defend his unique choice of a landscape, but it became his most popular piece until ►1824's The Polar Sea. FTP, name this masterpiece of German Romanticism by Caspar David Friedrich, depicting some rocks and a gilded Christ.

Cross in the Mountains (accept reasonable translations mentioning a cross and mountain)

1146 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53158 Question: This man designed the cover for the Red Hot Chili Peppers album I'm With You. He created a grid of colorful polka dots in LSD, one of his "spot paintings;" he also poured paint onto rotating circular canvases to create his "spin paintings." Maggots devour a cow's head in another of his works, A Thousand Years, which impressed his patron Charles Saatchi. This artist of In and Out of Love may be better known for creating For the Love of God, a platinum recreation of a human skull covered in diamonds. For 10 points, name this Young British Artist, whose The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living consists of a shark preserved in formaldehyde.

Damien Steven Hirst

1176 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 16 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49888 Question: Some scholars have argued that one depiction of this person is instead a depiction of Mercury and Argo because of the petasus hat he wears; in that same sculpture, a feathered wing slides up this man's right leg. This figure wears a skirt and a leather jerkin and holds a dagger in a Verrocchio sculpture commissioned by Lorenzeo de'Medici. One sculpture of this man has him standing over his shed armor and (*) about to perform his most famous action. This figure is depicted with long curly hair and wears only boots in a free-standing nude statue in bronze by Donatello. Bernini depicted him crouching with a slingshot. For 10 points, name this Biblical figure often depicted standing near the head of Goliath.


1340 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2011 | Round: 8 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32666 Question: A 2003 restoration of Verrochio's depiction of this figure revealed the sculptor's fingerprint. Bernini depicted this figure in combat with his armor at his feet, while a Donatello statue of him was the first freestanding nude male sculpture since antiquity. For 10 points, Michelangelo unusually depicted what Biblical subject without the head of Goliath?


1004 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: zEditors 1 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40777 Question: A baby head cannibalizes itself in this painter's uber-creepy Echo of a Scream. The titular building appears ready to devour a horde of faithful in this man's The Devil in the Church, while he depicted a line of doctors loading a nude woman into a claw in a work defending a "future victory" over cancer. A gallery named for "Dr. Atl" can be found at a museum designed by this man, where visitors sit on a large rotating stage surrounded by his largest work. In another of his paintings, a gigantic fascist (*) parrot bellows at left and gold coins spill from a jumble of machinery at center while soldiers wearing gas masks look on. This artist decorated his Polyforum Cultural Center with a work expanding on an earlier series tracing his country's history "from Porfiriata to the Revolution" that ends by depicting man's encounter with the cosmos. For 10 points, identify this artist of Portrait of the Bourgeoisie and The March of Humanity who, while not trying to kill Trotsky, was a leading Mexican muralist along with Rivera and Orozco.

David Alvaro Siqueiros

1277 | RAVE | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59660 Question: One painter from this movement wrote "And all being is flaming agony" on the back of one of his works, in which he depicted a pair of red boars and a blue deer; that was his The Fate of the Animals. Another artist from this movement created a one-act opera titled The Yellow Sound and painted a series of ten "Compositions", which progressively became more abstract. That colleague of (*) Franz Marc painted the work from which this movement takes its name; that work shows a figure in the titular color riding a horse on a hillside. For 10 points, identify this movement whose key figure, who wrote On the Spiritual in Art, was Wassily Kandinsky.

Der Blaue Reiter [or The Blue Rider]

1560 | FICHTE | 2008 | Round: 9 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 56094 Question: Windy Day and the Head of Christ sculpture were created by this group. One member of this group created the wood sculpture Crouching Girl, while another painted (*) Indian and Woman. A prominent member was the painter of Dance Around the Golden Calf. For 10 points Ernst Kirchnet, Mac Pechstein, and Emil Nolde were all part of what movement?

Die Brucke or The Bridge

1464 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2010 | Round: Finals 1 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51619 Question: One artist from this movement depicted three large sunflowers leaning over the feet of the central woman in his triptych Convalescence, and another member painted himself wearing a robe-like coat with orange and purple stripes in Self-Portrait with Model. Including Akseli Gallen-Kallela and Cuno Amiet, one artist of this movement worked in wood with Crouching Girl and Sleeping Negress and another painted Bathers at Moritzburg. Founded by Erich Heckel and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, For 10 points, name this expressionist German art movement whose name means "The Bridge".

Die Brücke [accept The Bridge before "Bridge"; prompt on Expressionism before "Gallen-Kallela"]

1329 | BHSAT | 2011 | Round: 7 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50254 Question: A thin, serious-looking man with a pince nez sits in front of geometrical drawings in this artist's The Mathematician. A crowd of people drink and don skull masks to celebrate the title holiday in another work. Workers in the Ford Motor Company are depicted in a fresco series by this man. Those works are The Day of the Dead and Detroit Industry. A depiction of Lenin caused Nelson Rockefeller to have this artist's most famous work destroyed, though it was later remade, depicting the title figure as "Controller of the Universe". For 10 points, name this Mexican painter and muralist of Man at the Crossroads, the husband of Frida Kahlo.

Diego Rivera

1228 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 3 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39395 Question: One statue by this man shows angels in battle armor on one of its reliefs, which in turn sits on top of a pair of false doors symbolizing the entry to the underworld. He used white poplar for his depiction of a woman with her hands folded in prayer, which Vasari called an example of perfect anatomy; that work is the Penitent Magdalene. He depicted the condottieri (*) Erasmo of Narni in another work. Another work by him shows a man placing his hand in a fold of his toga; that realistic work was commissioned for the bell tower of the Florence Cathedral and depicts a bald prophet. Another of his works shows a man with his hand resting on his hip holding a sword in his right, naked except for a cap and shoes and standing on a decapitated head. For 10 points, name this renaissance sculptor who created the Gattamelata, a statue of Habakkuk called Zuccone, and a bronze depiction of David.

Donatello [or Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi]

1250 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 6 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49081 Question: The text "This is America... Keep it Free!" is superimposed over a photograph by this artist in a propaganda poster. Initially skilled in portraiture, she took photographs commissioned by the War Relocation Authority, including some pictures at Manzanar of Japanese people in internment camps. This photographer also worked for the Farm Security Administration, which commissioned a photograph showing a haggard-looking woman named Florence Owens Thompson with two children huddled behind her. For 10 points, name this photographer known for works like Migrant Mother that portray Depression-era poverty.

Dorothea Lange

1326 | BHSAT | 2011 | Round: 5 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50206 Question: A ragged beggar stands next to some oysters in this painter's The Philosopher and the title figure sports a white bandana and black hat and strums a guitar in his The Spanish Singer. Théophile Gautier and Jacques Offenbach are among the luminaries standing in the title public garden in his Music in the Tuilieries. An African maid presents a bouquet to the title white nude female in another work, while a woman bathes in the background of his most famous work, in which two clothed men enjoy a picnic with a nude woman. For 10 points, name this French impressionist of Olympia and Luncheon on the Grass.

Edouard Manet

1097 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: 12 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 52146 Question: This artist depicted a green-faced figure walking toward the viewer in The Murderer, and in another work, he depicted a group of amorphous-looking figures dancing in pairs. This artist of The Dance of Life depicted his Madonna with a red halo, and he depicted his sister Sophie in a green bed next to a black-clothed figure. He included works such as The Sick Child and Vampire in his Frieze of Life series, and he painted a contorted figure performing the title action beneath a red-orange sky. For 10 points, name this Norwegian painter of The Scream.

Edvard Munch

1096 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: 11 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 52126 Question: This artist created a painting in which an open door instantly leads the viewer to the ocean, while another of his works depicts a subway entrance in front of the title location. This artist of Circle Theatre depicted an attendant next to three pumps in his painting Gas and created a series of paintings illustrating office settings. He depicted a barbershop pole in front of a row of shops in Early Sunday Morning, as well as a pair of women sitting next to a restaurant window in Chop Suey. He depicted an advertisement for the Phillies cigars in his most famous painting, in which three figures dine at an almost-empty bar. For 10 points, name this artist of Nighthawks.

Edward Hopper

1285 | SCOP Novice | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54609 Question: In one work by this artist a bowl of fruit sits by a window behind a woman in a green coat who stares into her coffee. In another of this artist's works, a cash register can be seen in an empty store in the background. This artist of (*) Automat created a painting that includes an advertisement for five cent Phillies above two men and a woman in a red dress sitting at a diner counter. For 10 points, name this artist of Nighthawks.

Edward Hopper

1094 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 52092 Question: This artist depicted a dead horse being eaten by a group of birds, next to which is a giant lobster. A black woman stares at the two concubines in this artist's The Women of Algiers, and a group of tormented souls surround a boat as three figures cross the River Styx in The Barque of Dante. He also depicted the massacre of Greeks by Ottoman soldiers, as well as an Assyrian king watching the murder of his concubines. For 10 points, name this artist of The Death of Sardanapalus, who depicted a bare-breasted woman holding a tri-color flag in Liberty Leading the People.

Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix

1136 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 5 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31562 Question: One landscape by this artist shows the garden of George Sand's house in Nohant. One work by this artist shows a red-turbaned man take the hand of a scared brown robe wearing man as they are surrounded by damned souls swimming around in a river. He painted a chaotic room in which nude women are killed and treasures are destroyed as the title king apathetically looks on from his bed in one work. This artist of The Barque of Dante painted himself holding a rifle next to a young boy wielding pistols and a bare-breasted woman holding up the tricolor in one work. For 10 points, name this Romantic painter of Death of Sardanapalus and Liberty Leading the People.

Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix

922 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: Cornell | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30546 Question: Giotto built this structure's campanile, for which Donatello created his sculpture of Habakkuk, and Luca della Robbia included reliefs of children singing Psalm 150 in the cantoria he designed for it. One part of this structure was the first of its kind to be built without a wooden supporting structure and did not use flying buttresses, marking a break with the Gothic style. The dome of this building was built by Filippo Brunelleschi. For 10 points, name this religious structure built during the Renaissance in the capital of Tuscany.

Florence Cathedral [or Il Duomo; or Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore]

1309 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: RPI A and VCU.doc | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30272 Question: This man included a banner of a grinning man among a group of revelers in his Burial of the Sardine. His painting Asmodea once decorated the so-called "House of the Deaf Man" along with a work where a man with long gray hair holds the body of a smaller individual. This artist created "naked" and "clothed" versions of the same maja, and included Witches' Sabbath and Saturn Devouring His Son in a series. Also known for depicting the family of Charles IV, this man is best known for his Black Paintings and a painting where the central figure is illuminated as he faces a firing squad on the titular date. For 10 points, name this Spanish artist of The Third of May, 1808.

Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes

1367 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2011 | Round: 7 | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51795 Question: One work by this artist, depicting a mental asylum with its inhabitants, is The Madhouse, while a boy with a blindfold holds a wooden spoon in his Blind Man's Bluff. He created a series of cartoons for the royal tapestry factory, and created a set of 80 aquatint prints called Los Caprichos. He depicted a woman in the same pose both clothed and unclothed, and his Black paintings included Saturn Devouring his Sons. For 10 points, name this Spanish painter who depicted a line of prisoners awaiting execution in The Third of May, 1808.

Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes

1365 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2011 | Round: 6 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51755 Question: This man's group of buildings in the Florida Southern College is called the Child of the Sun. He designed the lily pad columns in the Johnson Wax Headquarters, and described his Usonian homes in An Autobiography. The Great Kanto Earthquake in Tokyo was survived by his Imperial Hotel. This man built a three-winged summer house in Wisconsin, and his most famous building features a stream running through it. For 10 points, name this leader of the Prairie School movement who designed the Robie House and Fallingwater.

Frank Lloyd Wright

1187 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 23 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53013 Question: A giant fish decorates the front of a restaurant this man designed in Kobe, Japan, while an F-104 fighter jet is attached to the facade of a building this man designed for the California Aerospace Museum. The common name of one of his buildings derives from the relationship between the more solid cylindrical tower and the arched glass tower; that building is located in Prague and is the (*) Fred and Ginger House. A monorail runs through one of his buildings that is adjacent to the Space Needle in Seattle. Besides the Experience Music Project, he's perhaps best known for the unusual geometric forms used for an art museum in Spain. For 10 points, name this architect of the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles and Bilbao's Guggenheim Museum.

Frank Owen Gehry [or Frank Owen Goldberg]

969 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Maryland A + Chicago B | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29813 Question: In one of this director's films, a character sings "La Marseillaise" to disprove that he has an accent, which fades into a montage of footage of the outbreak of World War I. One of this director's female characters feels excluded by her companions' discussion of Strindberg and jumps into a river. In one of this director's films, a candle from a shrine to Balzac starts a fire in a cupboard, and the protagonist is later accused by Sourpuss of plagiarizing an essay. The title characters of one of his films are Austrian and French writers who fall in love with the temperamental Catherine. Another protagonist is sent to an observation center for juvenile delinquents after stealing a typewriter in his first film about Antoine Doinel. For 10 points, name this French New Wave director of Jules et Jim and The 400 Blows.

François Truffaut

1442 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 13 | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45142 Question: In one painting by this artist, a man with his head bandaged slumps dejectedly on a bench as two boys play a knife game called "mumble-the-peg" in the center. In another of his paintings, a white bearded gentleman stands among his fainting family holding out his hand as irregulars commanded by Thomas Ewing approach him. The former painting by this artist includes a small blue banner inscribed with the phrase "the will of the people is the Supreme law," while the latter depicts the issuing of General Order Number 11. In another painting by this artist of (*) The County Election, a boy relaxes as his French father holds an oar across from a bear cub tied up on their boat. For 10 points, name this Missouri regionalist artist of Fur Traders Descending the Missorui.

George Caleb Bingham

1070 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 5 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 57947 Question: This painter's most famous work appears in the background of another of his works, which depicts three nude women in a room cluttered with clothes, shoes, and umbrellas. In addition to painting The Models, this artist included a red-haired clown in the foreground of a painting in which an acrobat jumps above a white horse, The Circus. His best known work occupies an entire wall at the Art Institute of Chicago and depicts some steamboats and rowers on the River Seine, on the banks of which many Parisians relax with parasols, including a woman with a monkey on a leash. For 10 points, name this French pointillist, the artist of A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.

Georges (Pierre) Seurat

911 | WIT | 2013 | Round: editors1 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31969 Question: In one painting by this artist, a nude woman puts on green stockings while part of one of his more famous paintings can be seen on the pink and blue wall. This artist painted a woman suspended from wires leaping besides a galloping white horse in another painting. This artist of The Models and The (*) Circus showed a boy in a red cap waist-deep in water and a man wearing a bowler hat reclining behind a brown dog in another painting. This artist, who referred to his painting style as divisionism, painted a black dog looking at the ground to the left of a parasol-carrying woman holding a monkey on a leash in his most famous work. For 10 points, name the painter of Bathers at Asnieres and Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, best known for developing pointillism.

Georges Pierre Seurat

1038 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Teitler | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47322 Question: This artist painted a man holding a knife at bay with a woodwind instrument in The Musician's Quarrel, and showed a pregnant woman sitting on a stool in The Flea Catcher. A foppish young man on the right sits next to a courtesan and has wine poured for him as his opponent cheats him in both of this artist's paintings The Cheat with the Ace of Clubs and The Cheat with the Ace of Diamonds. He painted a boy having his fortune read while two women surreptitiously steal his coin purse and his watch in The Fortune Teller. This resident of Lunéville painted a seated woman clasping her hands above a skull and looking into the reflection of a candle in the mirror in his version of The Penitent Magdalene. He painted a similar scene in Magdalen with the Smoking Flame. FTP, name this French imitator of Caravaggio known for his interior scenes lit only by candles.

Georges de La Tour

1083 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41097 Question: One artist born in this country made a woodcut of a bearded emotional man in The Prophet. A different artist from this country depicted a blue horse growling against a psychedelic background in Animal Destinies, which is similar to his work The Fate of the Animals. A shipwreck lies in a broken sheet of ice in The Sea of Ice, a work painted by a man from this country who also depicted a lone man facing a misty plain in Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog. One group from this country took its name after the Russian immigrant Wassily Kandinsky's work The Blue Rider. For 10 points, name this country whose so-called Degenerate Art was subject to destruction by Nazis.

Germany [or Deutschland]

1305 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Ohio State B.doc | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30183 Question: This artist's equestrian sculpture of Louis XIV was so disliked by Louis that it was changed into another work. His collaborations include the "Fountain of the Old Boat" with his father Pietro and the Palazzo Barberini with his rival, Francesco Borromini. Cerberus sits below the title female as she struggles to escape in one of his works. Another work shows a Trojan hero carrying his father while his son trails behind. This sculptor of The Rape of Proserpina also depicted a nymph changing into a laurel tree in his Apollo and Daphne. For 10 points, name this Baroque Italian sculptor who depicted a spear-holding angel above the title woman in his The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini

1368 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2011 | Round: 8 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51798 Question: This man created the staircase entrance to the Vatican Palace known as Scala Regia. He created the two marble figures below the tomb of Urban VIII, and his works in the Borghese Gallery include a depiction of a hero carrying his father fleeing from Troy. One of his works shows a god and a nymph turning into a tree, and he also sculpted a man in the process of firing a sling. In addition to Apollo and Daphne and David, he sculpted a work located in the Cornaro Chapel which shows an angel ravishing a woman with an arrow. For 10 points, name this Italian sculptor who created The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini

1526 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Amherst and South Carolina | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44745 Question: He sculpted a terra cotta work in which the title figure is breast-feeding another one in Charity with Four Children. One title character blows a conch shell while his father hovers over him in his Neptune and Triton, and the title figure pushes against Pluto's face in The Rape of Proserpina. Another work shows the three title figures fleeing Troy, while another found in the same location, the Borghese Gallery, depicts a youth readying to sling a rock. In another work, a hidden window in the Cornaro Chapel showers light down gold rods toward an angel holding an arrow. For 10 points, name this sculptor of the Fountain of Four Rivers and The Ecstasy of St. Theresa.

Gianlorenzo Bernini

916 | WIT | 2013 | Round: Maryland A | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32118 Question: This non-Swiss artist's time in Munich produced an image of a red-hewed man facing away and blowing a conch horn next to a floating, topless mermaid entitled Siren and Triton. Like the landscape Prometheus, that work arose from a formative period this man spent reinterpreting Arnold Bocklin. Another painting by him features a marble torso juxtaposed with a characteristic banana bunch, as well as a background locomotive this artist frequently depicted passing through Montparnasse station. This artist of The (*) Uncertainty of the Poet is best known for painting a girl playing with a hoop before a single looming shadow. For 10 points, name this metaphysical artist of Mystery and Melancholy of a Street.

Giorgio De Chirico

1170 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 35638 Question: A demon flies towards a hanged woman in Despair, a scene in this artist's series on the seven vices. The enthroned St. Peter of his Stefaneschi Triptych is drawn similarly to Mary in his Ognissanti Madonna. The blue ceiling of his most famous work is decorated with stars and circular busts of Jesus and the Four Apostles. Christ extends his arms and is surrounded by a rainbow in his Last Judgment. He designed a tall bell tower in Florence. Angels fly recklessly above a craggy rock in the (*) Lamentation scene by this student of Cimabue; that scene was commissioned to atone for the sins of the usurer, Reginaldo Scrovegni. For 10 points, name this artist of the early Italian Renaissance who created the Arena Chapel frescoes.

Giotto di Bondone

1138 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31592 Question: One painting by this artist shows him walk by his patron Alfred Bruyas. This artist of The Meeting placed a guitar and a large hat on the same side of a painting as a beggar woman, and the other side of that painting depicts figures such as Prudhon and Baudelaire. This artist painted himself surrounded by a cat, a child an a nude model in the center of that painting. Another of his paintings shows a man wearing ripped suspenders carry a large basket as another man is preparing to use his hammer, and this artist drew a lot of criticism for depicting a commonplace funeral in one work. For 10 points, name this French realist who painted The Burial at Ornans and The Stone Breakers.

Gustave Courbet

1441 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 12 | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44959 Question: Until 1987, winners of the Pritzker Prize in architecture received a work by this man instead of a medallion. He joined Paul Nash, Ben Nicholson, and Barbara Hepworth in the group Unit One. His last and largest work was a Large Divided Oval: Butterfly in Berlin. A version of this man's Large Interior Form sits outside the Art Institute of Chicago, and his other Chicago-based works include Man Enters the Cosmos near the Adler Planetarium and (*) Nuclear Energy at the University of Chicago. He was inspired by a Mayan Chac Mool to begin a lifelong series of sculptures, many of which are displayed outdoors in his birthplace of Yorkshire. For 10 points, name this modern British sculptor best known for his series of reclining figures.

Henry Moore

1571 | The Experiment | 2007 | Round: 6 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59855 Question: This painting was initially purchased by Ernest Gambart in Belgium who accompanied its artist on a trip to London, and popularized by engravings of Thomas Landseer. Barely visible in the back left is the asylum of Salpetriere at the end of a long line of green trees, through which figures can be seen walking on a hill on the right. The canvas, which stands 8 feet high and 16 feet wide, depicts the dusty brown Boulevard de l'Hospital; its artist obtained permission from the Police Prefect to ►come dressed in trousers and waistcoat to make her sketches of the percherons for this canvas. FTP, name this best-known work by Rosa Bonheur, which depicts the selling of some animals.

Horse Fair (Le Marche aux Chevaux)

938 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: Yale A | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30959 Question: One of this architect's window grids was transformed into a playable Tetris game in 2012. Besides the MIT Green building, this architect has also designed a Boston skyscraper with a parallelogram base. That skyscraper, notorious for its faulty window panes, is the John Hancock Tower. Due to the limitations of a trapezoidal lot, his East Wing of the National Gallery of Art contains many sharp angles, and the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame both include his signature triangles. For 10 points, name this Chinese-American architect whose glass pyramid marks the entrance to the Louvre.

Ieoh Ming Pei

933 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: UCSD A | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30880 Question: Alfred Sisley was the most famous Englishman from this art movement, which hailed the West Indies-born Camille Pissarro as a precursor. One painting from this movement was unfavorably compared to "a preliminary drawing for a wallpaper pattern" by Louis Leroy, who coined this term to satirize that work. Early examples of works in this style were showcased in the famous Salon des Refuses and depicted settings like outdoor concerts and dance halls. A landscape depicting a sunrise over Le Havre inaugurated, for 10 points, what art movement led by figures like Renoir and Monet?

Impressionism [or word forms]

1014 | BHSAT | 2012 | Round: 5 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50465 Question: One of his paintings is dominated by a large snowy peak on the right, and contains a very yellow sun in the upper-left shining through a dark-grey cloud which dwarfs the army moving at the bottom. In another painting by this artist of Snowstorm: Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps, the sun sets to the right of a tugboat tugging a gunboat that fought at Trafalgar. His most famous painting shows a boat in the water to the left of Maidenhead Bridge, which is being crossed by a speeding train. For 10 points, name this English landscape painter of The Fighting Temeraire and Rain, Steam, and Speed.

J[oseph] M[allord] W[illiam] Turner

1319 | BHSAT | 2011 | Round: 1 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50125 Question: The artist laid out his principles of art for art's sake and improving nature in his Ten O'Clock Lecture. He painted Joanna Hefferman holding a lily and standing in a dress of the titular color in his The White Girl. A barge sits at the bottom of the span of the title structure over the river Thames in one painting of his, while another depicts golden fireworks going off in a black, night sky. Those two canvases, Old Battersea Bridge and Falling Rocket, are part of his series of Nocturnes. For 10 points, this is what 19th century American painter whose Arrangement in Gray and Black No. 1 is a portrait of his mother?

James McNeill Whistler

1060 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58070 Question: A man in red leaning over some ramparts in front of a river cityscape can be seen through three arches in one work by this artist, which also shows a man in brown and gold robes kneeling at a Book of Hours in front of Mary. Another work by this artist of Madonna of Chancellor Rolin shows clergy, knights, prophets, and martyrs gathering for the central Adoration of the Lamb scene, and also shows God the Father enthroned in its top panel. This man is best known for a work with a circular mirror on the back wall, an open window at left, and a dog at the feet of a newly wedded couple. For 10 points, name this Flemish painter of The Ghent Altarpiece and The Arnolfini Wedding.

Jan van Eyck [Accept Johannes de Eyck, as well as the Madonna of Chancellor Rolin before "this artist."]

1193 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30408 Question: Four lions decorate the throne of his The Madonna in Her Chamber, also called the Lucca Madonna . He collaborated with his older brother on a work where two kneeling patrons pray to grisalle representations of Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist. That same altarpiece by this artist depicts angels singing and playing an organ to flank a seated depiction of (*) God the Father in a meticulously painted red robe. In another of his paintings, an orange rests on a windowsill on the left and a richly decorated chandelier contains just one lit candle. This artist can be seen reflected in the convex mirror of that painting, and he also painted Man in a Red Turban. For 10 points, name this artist of The Arnolfini Wedding.

Jan van Eyck [or Johannes de Eyck]

1419 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: 6 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41437 Question: One painting by this artist depicts two women intently staring at a man in white with a guitar on his back, while another depicts people gathered at the estate of his patron Pierre Corzat. In addition to The Party of Four and The Perspective, he also depicted a man with a colorful suit and a black mask attempting to seduce a woman in another work. His teacher Claude Gillot introduced him to the characters of commedia dell'arte, and one of his last works depicts people packing paintings into boxes. This artist of (*) Do You Want to Succeed with Women? and Gersaint's Shop Sign also depicted a man dressed as a Pierrot, or clown, in Gilles. He may be best known for a "fête galante" painting where cherubs fly around and couples flirt while waiting to go to the titular island. For 10 points, name this French Rococo artist of The Embarkation for Cythera.

Jean-Antoine Watteau

1518 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Stanford | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48644 Question: In one of his paintings, a white-haired man in a red cape leans over his harp asleep as gray-and-white figures of warriors appear in the clouds above him, representing his dream. In another of his paintings, a royal figure from Toledo kneels as he extends his hat back with his left arm and leans over to kiss a rapier on a pillow. In addition to painting The Dream of Ossian, this painter depicted the composer Cherubini with the muse of lyric poetry. He painted a nude woman stretching one arm over her head as she pours out a water jug in The Source, while this painter of Portrait of Countess D'Haussonville also painted The Valpincon Bather. Perhaps his most famous portrait shows a blue-dressed woman with a red bow in her hair appearing to scratch her chin. FTP, identify this painter of the Apotheosis of Homer, who painted too many vertebrae on the woman in La Grande Odalisque.

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

956 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: NorthwesternUSC | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45025 Question: Like his student Henri Lehmann, this artist created a portrait where Franz Liszt faces right. A woman holds her finger to her face in the pose of Hercules and Telephus from Herculaneum in his portrait of Madame Moitessier. He depicted the owner of the Journal des Debats holding his hands to his knees, while in an oval composition, the subject of one of his portraits wears a white veil and is wrapped by a brown and tan shawl. Those portraits are of Louis-Francois Bertin and Madame Riviere. This painter of Napoleon I on his Imperial Throne depicted Nike placing a laurel wreath on the head of the title figure in a painting which features a crowd of ancient and Renaissance authors. For 10 points, name this French artist of The Apotheosis of Homer, who painted a woman with too many vertebrae in The Grand Odalisque.

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

1065 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 14 (Finals 1) | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58214 Question: This man painted a side profile of a young girl in a bright saffron dress with a book in her hand in his The Reader. In another work by this man, a ray of light shines on a woman feigning a struggle with her lover, who is trying to kiss her while locking the door. This artist of The Bolt placed a statue of Venus and Cupid in a garden scene in which a couple have arranged the titular Secret Meeting. He is most famous for a work at the Wallace Collection in which a statue of Cupid holds its finger up to its lips and a small pink slipper flies off the foot of a woman whose skirt is open for a man lying on the ground to see. For 10 points, name this French Rococo artist of The Swing.

Jean-Honore (Nicolas) Fragonard

1449 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 6 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44409 Question: This artist included a misspelled inscription of the title and several crossed out words in his work Irony of a Negro Policeman. Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich broke records by selling this artist's Profit I and Untitled (Boxer), which both depict a male figure with his arms held above his head. He altered news headlines and posed as a boxer for his sixteen piece collaboration with Andy Warhol. Working with Al Diaz, he introduced the quasi philosophical false religion (*) SAMO with phrases like "SAMO does not cause cancer in laboratory animals." Art critic Rene Ricard dubbed this man "The Radiant Child," a name adopted by a 2010 Tamra David documentary which ends with his 1988 heroin overdose. For 10 points, name this New York City graffiti artist.

Jean-Michel Basquiat

1446 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 4 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44364 Question: In the Byzantine trope of the Deesis, Jesus carries a book and is flanked by Mary and this man. This man's blood forms the only appearance of Caravaggio's signature in a painting in which two prisoners watch his death through some bars. He holds a book and stands to the right of the crucifixion in Grunewald's Isenheim Altarpiece. This man's mother is painted in scenes of the (*) Visitation, and a picture of him by Da Vinci popularized his association with a thin reed cross. John Everett Millais painted this figure holding a bowl of water in the right hand corner of a carpentry workshop. In another popular scene, this man is painted standing in a river as a dove emerges from the sky. For 10 points, name this man whose head is often depicted on a platter in paintings of Salome.

John the Baptist [prompt on "John"]

1558 | FICHTE | 2008 | Round: 7 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 56040 Question: This artist started out in the Finish Fetish group and created two versions of Rainbow Pickett, then did a series of needlework depictions of birth. Thirty-nine individually painted pieces of (*) porcelain and 999 tiles with names are found in another of her works, a large installation-style piece in the shape of a triangle. For 10 points name this creator of a monument to famous women, The Dinner Party.

Judy Chicago

1107 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: 9 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 52071 Question: In this work, a small mug can be seen next to a fisherman on the bottom right, and a small rock structure with an entrance can be seen on the right side of a white cliff formation. A man with a staff stares at the sky with a dog next to him, and around that man is a group of white sheep. A ship in full sail can be seen above the title figure in this work, in which a farmer plows the field with his horse at the highest elevation of the painting. Nobody in the painting notices the two legs of the title figure, which can be seen flailing in ocean. For 10 points, name this painting largely attributed to Pieter Bruegel the Elder.

Landscape with the Fall of Icarus

1049 | Collegiate Novice | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34055 Question: In the background of this work, two paintings by Peter Paul Rubens are depicted hanging on a wall. A mirror in the back of this painting features a double portrait of Mariana of Austria and this work's patron, Philip IV. The artist of this work depicted himself at work on its left side, holding a paintbrush and palette. On the right side of this work, a dwarf rests his foot on a dog. In its foreground, the Infanta Margarita of Spain is tended to by two attendants. For 10 points, name this iconic painting by Diego Velázquez.

Las Meninas [or The Maids of Honor; or The Ladies in Waiting]

1538 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: MIT B and Oklahoma State A | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47593 Question: Foucault's The Order of Things opens with an extensive discussion of how this painting signals an epistemological break in its complex sightlines, and Luca Giordano called it the "Theology of Painting." A dark figure, knee half bent, pauses in a doorway in the rear, while an ebony mirror on the rear wall reflects the likely viewers of the scene depicted. The greatest emphasis in this painting is on a young girl, illuminated by a window at right and accompanied by her attendants, one of whom is rousing a sleeping dog with his foot. The Infanta Margarita and two dwarfs are the central figures of, for 10 points, what painting by Diego Velazquez?

Las Meninas [or The Maids of Honor]

1456 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2010 | Round: 3 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51455 Question: In one work by this artist, four arches can be seen behind a bloated baby Jesus reaching for a red flower in his mother's left hand, and in another, the Virgin's mother watches as she restrains Jesus from pulling a lamb's ear. In addition to Madonna of the Carnation and Virgin and Child with St. Anne, this man painted a work in which to the right, a mostly hidden Thomas jerks his right forefinger upward, and to the left, Judas clutches a bag on the table, and he extensively used sfumato in his portrait of Lisa del Gioconda. For 10 points, name this Italian painter of The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa.

Leonardo da Vinci

1003 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: Yale A + Minnesota B | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40750 Question: A lion lays on the ground next to a figure sitting on a rock with a spear in this artist's A Faun and His Family. A man in a red cap on the left stands on a skeleton and a lion while the central figure gushes blood on three men standing before tents at right in this artist's Christ on the Cross. A bow and quiver rest on a tree while a nude woman reclines on the grass below a rock in this artist's Nymph of the Spring. This man abandoned a traditional signature in favor a winged (*) serpent emblem awarded to him by Frederick III of Saxony, through his sponsorship this man painted Maximilian and a young Charles V. This artist of the Glagow Madonna depicted his most famous subject and friend in an all-black outfit and hat, and also designed the woodcuts for that man's translation of the New Testament. For 10 points, name this German artist associated with Martin Luther and the Reformation.

Lucas Cranach the Elder

1572 | The Experiment | 2007 | Round: 7 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59980 Question: Works generally attributed to this sculptor include a bust of the poetess Praxilla, a statue of Agias found at Delphi, and an allegorical depiction of Kairos as an opportunity god. The teacher of Chares of Lindos, he also completed a depiction of a "Weary Herakles" leaning on a club known as the Farnese Herakles and a group of four horses eventually taken by Constantine the Great. This native of Sicyon is, however, better known for Apoxyomenos or The Scraper, depicting an athlete removing oil from his body. FTP, name this Classical Greek sculptor who also created several heroic busts of Alexander the Great.

Lysippus (of Sicyon)

1073 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58016 Question: One artist from this movement placed a butterfly in front of the pubic region of a title nude figure, on whose hand an owl is perched. In addition to that Portrait of the Dwarf Morgante, this school of painting produced a Deposition scene by Jacopo Pontormo as well as a circular self-portrait with an distorted hand in the foreground, the result of looking into a convex mirror. Perhaps the best-known work from this movement shows Saint Jerome holding a scroll in the background and an elongated Christ child in the arms of a long-necked Mary. For 10 points, name this art movement that included Bronzino and Parmigianino, known for its elongated figures.


934 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: UNC | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30903 Question: Giambalogna used this style to sculpt his Rape of the Sabine Women. In a painting of this art style, an old man at the top extends a muscular arm to the left, while two title figures, a mother and son, share an illicit embrace. Painters from this art period include Jacopo Pontormo and the artist of Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time, Il Bronzino. An iconic painting from this art period shows an extremely large infant Jesus on the lap of Mary; that work is Madonna of the Long Neck by Parmigianino. For 10 points, name this art style that followed the High Renaissance and preceded the Baroque, which often depicted strained and elongated figures.

Mannerism [accept word forms; prompt on the Renaissance]

1304 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Ohio State A.doc | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30174 Question: The influence of Robert Delauney can be seen in this artist's painting where a cat sits on a window sill looking out at the Eiffel Tower. A burning house, an army with red flags, and other scenes of violence float around Jesus Christ in another work. This artist used the image of a parachuting man in his Paris Through the Window and in a painting where a man holds a palette and has extra appendices on one hand. In addition to The White Crucifixion and Self-Portrait with Seven Fingers, this artist also painted a work where two houses and a woman are upside-down and a man with a green face stares at a large goat. For 10 points, name this Belarussian artist of I and the Village.

Marc Chagall

1056 | Collegiate Novice | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34218 Question: One of this artist's works includes 152 white marble cubes upon which the words "Made in France" appear. This artist of "Why not Sneeze?" used a snow shovel in his In Advance of a Broken Arm. A pair of glass panels sandwich various materials, including lead foil and wire, in his The Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even. Man Ray photographed this man in drag as Rrose Selavy. He used the name "R. Mutt" to sign a work that was simply a urinal. For 10 points, name this French Dada artist of the readymade Fountain and Nude Descending a Staircase.

Marcel Duchamp

1086 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41805 Question: One of this man's works, currently at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, is a large wooden wall with a peephole that allows the user to view a nude on the grass. A more traditional work of art by this man makes use of sugar cubes and cuttlefish bones, which are inserted into a tiny bird cage. This creator of Etant Donnes inscribed the phrase "In Advance of the Broken Arm" onto a shovel for another artwork. He often dressed up as his alter ego Rose Selavy, and he showed nine malic molds in "The Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even." This man's works include "L.H.O.O.Q" as well as a urinal signed "R. Mutt." For 10 points, identify this sculptor of many "ready-mades" such as Fountain.

Marcel Duchamp

1514 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Illinois | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48562 Question: The otherwise empty right side of this painting is highlighted by a projection of wheat crops in the lower right corner, three trees above them, and a distant image of sheep grazing in an enclosed pen amidst the background of a cloudy sky over the fields of the Auberies estate. An unfinished patch was left in the female subject's lap, and like her floppy sun hat and tiny pink slippers, contrasts with her enormously oversized pastel blue dress. That space was probably meant to be filled with the image of a pheasant killed by the man to her left, who wears a tri-cornered hat and stands leaning against the bench she sits on, a hunting rifle tucked underneath his arm. FTP, identify this portrait honoring the marriage of an 18th Century Suffolk couple, painted by Thomas Gainsborough.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrews or Robert Andrews and his Wife

1428 | SCOP Novice | 2011 | Round: 1 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53801 Question: One work by this artist depicts a young man with a crown of roses sitting against a floral-patterned wall and holding a pipe. Another is tinted blue, and depicts a tattered man holding a guitar. In addition to (*) Boy with a Pipe and The Old Guitarist, this artist painted five prostitutes in a style inspired by African masks in Les Demoiselles d'Avignon [lay duh-MWAH-zells dah-veen-YAHN] and painted the bombing of Guernica [GWAYR-nih-kah]. For 10 pionts, name this Spanish cubist.

Pablo (Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y) Picasso

1159 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 20 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53386 Question: One of this artist's sculptures has tennis balls forming the shape of each eye and chicken wire supporting a headdress decorated with discarded molds. That work of his is Head of a Warrior. This artist contributed to the pottery renaissance at Vallauris. Another of his works features a skeleton that includes a rib cage made of a wicker basket and ceramic jugs as the title creature's udders. This sculptor of She Goat created a work of art located in Chicago's Daley Plaza, a copper maquette of which was called "Tete de Baboon." For 10 points, name this sculptor, probably better-known for paintings like Guernica.

Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso

1279 | RAVE | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59887 Question: This artist included the cut-off phrase "Le Jou" as a pun in a work which contrasts a central solid white circle with a drawing of a wine glass, and he depicted a seated man as he probes for wine in his The Blindman's Meal. He also created a portrait of Gertrude Stein, but he remains better known for a work which depicts five (*) prostitutes in a brothel, two of which wear masks; that work is his The Young Ladies of Avignon. One of his most famous works includes a broken sword and a woman crying out as she holds her child; that work protests the bombing of a Basque city. For 10 points, identify this Spanish painter of Guernica.

Pablo Ruiz Picasso

1122 | Minnesota Open | 2012 | Round: Finals 2 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44651 Question: This thinker modified Runge's color sphere, with white on the top and black on the bottom, at the beginning of a lecture in which he painted red and green over one another repeatedly to produce grey. This person divided one work into sections on "line and structure," "dimension and balance," "gravitational curve," and "kinetic and chromatic energy." This thinker's methods are outlined in namesake notebooks whose two volumes are translated into English as "The Thinking Eye" and "The Nature of Nature." He described the act of drawing as (*) "taking a line for a walk" in his Pedagogical Sketchbook. For 10 points, name this painting teacher at the Bauhaus who executed the works Viaducts Break Rank, Angelus Novus, and Twittering Machine.

Paul Klee

1160 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 3.pdf | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30478 Question: This painter's Flowering Apple Tree shows no apples. A blue woman with a yellow Star of David on each of her shoulders stands in the third panel of this man's triptych Evolution. This man's experiments with cubism produced the work Pier and Ocean. This man produced many diamond-shaped paintings called "lozenges," in which he sometimes experimented with "visual rhythms" influenced by jazz. This man, who split with Theo van Doesburg over the use of diagonal lines, coined the term Neo-Plasticism to describe the movement he was a part of. The Manhattan street grid inspired his painting, Broadway Boogie-Woogie. For 10 points, name this Dutch painter, who helped found De Stijl.

Piet Mondrian

1051 | Collegiate Novice | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34118 Question: This painter designed, but his subordinate Giulio Romano probably painted, The Fire in the Borgo. An intricate bell and manuscript appear before the future Pope Clement VII, Luigi de Rossi, and Pope Leo X in this artist's portrait of those three. This student of Perugino created La Disputa for the Stanza Della Segnatura, one of the rooms he decorated in the Apostolic Palace. In another work, he showed Plato holding his Timaeus and talking to Aristotle. For 10 points, name this Renaissance master who painted The School of Athens.

Raphael Sanzio da Urbino [accept either underlined part]

1080 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 12 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 42037 Question: Artists in this man's workshop include Perino del Vaga, as well as Giulio Romano, who assisted this artist in painting The Fire in the Borgo. As a portraitist, this man executed portraits of Baldassare Castiglione and Julius II, but gained renown in Florence for his execution of Madonna of the Goldfinch and Madonna of the Meadow. One of this artist's most notable works depicts three arches, whose interiors are inlined with a hexagonal pattern. That work, which shows Zoroaaster and Boethius, resides in the Stanza della Segnatura and extols the virtues of Aristotelian and Platonic classical learning. For 10 points, name this artist who painted The School of Athens.

Raphael [or Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino]

1445 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 3 | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31056 Question: This artist made several sketches of the talented touring elephant Hansken. The equestrian subject of The Polish Rider has led to allegations that it was painted by his student Willem Drost. In his first painting, the title figure kneels in a pink robe as a throng of men surrounding him hold rocks over their heads. This painter of The Stoning of Saint Stephen painted a woman accidentally pouring out a pitcher to the right of the title turbaned king in his version of (*) Belshazzar's Feast. This artist frequently used his wife Saskia as a model, and painted an illuminated girl carrying a chicken in one piece. He painted another work in which the title scientist holds up an arm that has been stripped of its skin. For 10 points, name this Dutch artist of The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp who painted the the Shooting Company of Frans Banning Cocq in The Night Watch.

Rembrandt von Rijn

1524 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Zeke | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48761 Question: One of these works shows the fur clothing a polish nobleman. Another one depicts an oriental prince behind a dog posing with a dark red feather in his turban, while another finds the central figure attired after Titian's Ariosto. Two enormous semi-circles can be seen behind a white haired figure in the version painted at Kenwood. There are also numerous poster card size versions that show a man in "studio attire" and one depicting the scene of the prodigal son in a tavern. In a more famous example, the central figure, draped in red, raises a glass to his wife Saskia, that work was painted one year before its subject's more famous The Blinding of Samson was completed. For ten points, identify this series of drawings and paintings by a certain Dutch who also painted Night Watch.

Rembrandt's Self-Portraits (accept equivalents, i.e., depictions of himself, drawings of himself, etc.) prompt on portraits or pictures of Rembrandt

1251 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49083 Question: Images in one work by this man include a metallic background with bells and a cloudy sky at which a cannon is pointed. Those bells also appear in The Empty Mask. Another of his paintings shows a man listening to a gramophone while two men wait in a doorway to ambush him. This painter of The Menaced Assassin also painted a fireplace with a train coming out of it in Time Transfixed. One of his works, Golconda, shows flying men in bowler hats, and another appears to depict a single pipe. For 10 points, name this Belgian surrealist artist of The Treachery of Images.

René Magritte

1397 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: Editors 5 | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39880 Question: This artist depicted two men rowing at the prow of a boat filled with sheep in Changing Pastures which, like Crossing a Loch and A Scottish Raid, is among the works this artist produced after a trip to the Highlands. In this painter's most famous work, the asylum of Salpetriere is visible at the end of a line of trees. Another painting by this artist depicts a driver raising a stick as two teams of oxen march uphill. This artist successfully petitioned the prefect of police for the right to wear pants to the market at the Boulevard de l'Hôpital, where she made sketches for her most famous work, an eight-foot by sixteen-foot canvas which depicts men corralling a number of percherons. For 10 points, identify this animaliere whose most two famous paintings are Ploughing in the Nivernais and The Horse Fair.

Rosa Bonheur [or Marie-Rosalie Bonheur]

1215 | Penn Bowl | 2012 | Round: UVA ` | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45657 Question: Brian Sewell claims to have masturbated in the left armpit of this man's Debris Christ. He painted a crucified Jesus at an extreme angle hovering over a boat and some fisherman in another work. In addition to painting Christ of Saint John of the Cross, this man depicted a painter from an earlier era with an extremely long leg in front of a brick wall, and another of his works shows a woman, with a grasshopper on her, giving a man with cuts on his knees fellatio. In addition to The Ghost of Vermeer of Delft and The Great Masturbator, this man painted a "Disintegration of" his most famous painting, which depicts yellow cliffs in the background, while ants crawl over an orange melting watch in the foreground. For 10 points, name this painter of The Persistence of Memory.

Salvador Dali

1009 | BHSAT | 2012 | Round: 12 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50612 Question: In one of his paintings, various members around the Virgin Mary crown her as she dips a pen into an inkwell. On the right of a different painting by this artist of Madonna of the Magnificat, roses trail out of the mouth of Chloris who is struggling in the embrace of a male figure with blue skin, representing Zephyrus. That painting by him is an allegorical depiction of Spring in an orange grove. His most famous painting shows the goddess in a scallop shell rising out of the sea. For 10 points, name this Italian Renaissance painter of Primavera and The Birth of Venus.

Sandro [or Alessandro] Botticelli [or Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi]

1064 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 13 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58202 Question: The artist of this work painted a similar one titled for Joan Deyman. The central subject in this painting was acquired following an armed robbery and a subsequent strangling. The artist's signature and the date "1632" appears on a faint poster at the back wall of this work, in front of which a man leans forward with a list of notes in his hand. A large book is propped up in the lower right corner of this painting, whose title figure wears a wide black hat and holds a pair of forceps in his right hand, peeling apart the arm of a corpse lying on a table. For 10 points, name this Rembrandt work in which Dr. Nicolaes Tulp lectures about the human body.

The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp

913 | WIT | 2013 | Round: editors2 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31981 Question: A version of this Biblical scene is the center panel of a triptych whose right panel shows St. Joseph building a mousetrap in a carpenter's shop. A red bed appears in the centerpiece of a Rogier van der Weyden triptych of this scene, which also appears in the Merode Altarpiece. One painting of this scene, which omits the appearance of a book, has a mysterious black line drawn over the two central characters inside a modest Tuscan home. That painting by (*) Fra Angelico contrasts with one by Jan van Eyck, in which rays of light point towards a woman in blue, who is approached by an angel clothed in red and gold inside a tall monastery. For 10 points, name this Biblical scene in which the angel Gabriel tells the Virgin Mary of the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Annunciation

1165 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53079 Question: The lowermost step visible in this painting is inscribed with a quote in Latin from Quintilian and a quote in Greek from Longinus. The background of this work contains a temple whose frieze was taken from the work of John Flaxman. On its right side, three men in a crowd proffer a lyre, a hammer, and a golden box. The title character of this painting is flanked by two women in red and green dress, attributed respectively with a sword and an oar. In this painting, "sovereign geniuses" like Moliere, Dante, and Shakespeare stand around as the winged Nike prepares to wreath the title character. For 10 points, name this Neoclassical painting by Jean-Dominique Ingres, which celebrates the author of the Iliad.

The Apotheosis of Homer

1548 | FICHTE | 2008 | Round: 11 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 57917 Question: A Dali riff on this painting shows a flying horse in the background and a man emerging from a stone bust on the left. In the original, a woman in a blue dress on the left holds her companion's hand, several figures at he bottom look out at the viewer, a man in white hands a (*) lyre to the title figure, and a winged attendant places a crown on the poet's head. For 10 points name this Ingres painting showing a man becoming a god.

The Apotheosis of Homer

1360 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2011 | Round: 10 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51839 Question: A red fruit can be seen on the window sill on the left this painting, and a figure in a green dress wears a golden bracelet around her neck. That figure also wears a white veil on her head, and a chandelier with a single candle appears above the convex mirror. A feather duster is hung around the bed post on the right, and a pair of red sandals appears below a red chair. A large signature states that its painter "was here", and a brown dog stands below the two main figures. For 10 points, name this depiction of a couple holding hands, a work by Jan van Eyck.

The Arnolfini Wedding [accept Arnolfini Portrait or anything about Arnolfini and his bride]

950 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Finals 2 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44852 Question: Catherina Bolnes hid this painting after its artist's death to prevent its seizure by creditors. The top of this painting depicts a chandelier with no candles that contains a double-headed eagle. In the background of this painting, a table holds a large mask lies, which some critics interpret as a death mask for the Hapsburg dynasty. This painting's background features a map with a rip in its center depicting the provinces of the Netherlands. One figure in this painting is depicted in an anachronistic black doublet with slits across its back and holds a maulstick in his right hand; the other figure is dressed in blue, holds a book and a trumpet, and wears a laurel wreath, possibly to represent the muse of history, Clio. For 10 points, name this allegory depicting an artist at work, a picture by Jan Vermeer.

The Art of Painting [or The Allegory of Painting; or The Painter in His Studio; or Die Malkunst]

1534 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Irvine | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47443 Question: In a Frederic Bazille painting of this English title, a man plays the piano in the back right, while two men address the central figure in front of a large window. Another painting of this name features a woman in a yellow dress looking into a mirror, a woman in a white dress sitting on a chaise, and the title figure in a gray suit carefully eyeing something, and was painted by James Whistler. In another version, a mix of all walks of life are found on the left, with Charles Baudelaire on the right, and a small boy and a nude model watching the central figure sitting in front of a canvas. For 10 points, give the title of these works, including one by Gustave Courbet showing his place of work.

The Artist's Studio [accept reasonable approximations here as long as "Artist" and "Studio" are said]

1190 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 25 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53063 Question: Helene Toussaint argued that the figures on the left-hand side of this work, long identified only as types like "an Irishwomen" and "a Jew", were portraits of people like Achille Fould and the Duc de Persigny. A young boy in tattered clothes who represents "the people" looks at the title figure of this painting. To his left, a guitar and a dagger lie next to two white dogs. The right third of this painting contains portraits of men like Jules Champfleury and (*) Charles Baudelaire. The title figure is seated next to a model holding her clothing and is painting a landscape of Ornans in this work. For 10 points, name this Gustave Courbet painting set where Courbet creates his works.

The Artist's Studio: A Real Allegory of a Seven Year Phase in my Artistic and Moral Life [accept The Painter's Studio or The Studio of the Artist or The Studio of the Painter or L'Atelier du peintre, Allégorie réelle]

1499 | VCU Open | 2009 | Round: 4 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55566 Question: The odd perspective of this painting suggests that a ship seen in the mid-right background would, in reality, be up to 1500 meters long. The left-center of this painting shows a tower perched on a rocky promontory, from which a path winds down a mountain, and behind which can be seen a shadowy coastal town. The center of this painting features Mount Olympus and the island of Cyprus, to the upper right of which lies the Nile delta. The Tower of Babel can be found on its darker left side. In the center of the scene at its bottom, a chariot pulled by three white horses flees from the forces of a gold-armored knight with a golden lance. The upper-left corner of this painting contains a crescent moon, while the rising sun can be found near the horizon at right. The two armies clashing at bottom carry banners that identify them, and a large tablet hovering above the scene also identifies their leaders as Darius and a certain Macedonian. For 10 points, identify this 1529 canvas depicting a victory of Alexander the Great, a work by Albrecht Altdorfer.

The Battle of Alexander at Issus [prompt on The Battle of Alexander or Alexander's Victory; accept Alexander's Victory: The Battle of Issus]

1432 | SCOP Novice | 2011 | Round: 4 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53976 Question: Gold accents adorn a grove of orange trees to the right of this painting, where a nymph stands, holding a pink robe. Zephyr approaches from the left in a shower of roses, blowing the title figure to (*) shore. The central figure is nude and attempts to cover herself with flowing blonde hair as she stands on a shell. For 10 points, identify this painting by Botticelli, depicting the title Roman love goddess arising from the sea.

The Birth of Venus

1131 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 13 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31736 Question: One work from this movement shows four men in bowler hats observe various birds and mammals. One artist from this movement often painted deers in works such as one which shows deers look up in anguish as trees fall around them and is titled The Fate of the Animals. Gabriele Munter and the author of The Spiritual in Art were members of this movement, whose leaders included Aguste Macke and Franz Marc. Another painter from this movement also painted a series of Compositions. For 10 points, name this art movement which takes its name from a painting depicting a man on horseback by Wassily Kandinsky.

The Blue Rider [accept Der Blaue Reiter]

1001 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: Ohio State A | Question: 22 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40603 Question: One figure in this work who is identified as Pierre de Wiessant gestures with one hand as he turns towards the youngest figure who stands with his arms uplifted and with his mouth open. Jean d'Aire stands firmly in his place with his jaw set, holding a set of keys, while another covers his head with enormous hands and crouches behind (*) Eustache de Saint-Pierre, the leader of the titular group. Each of the six figures cast in this sculpture has a noose around his neck and is dressed in rags. Commissioned to honor the sacrifice of young French soldiers in the Franco-Prussian War, it depicts a popular story of sacrifice from the Hundred Years War. For ten points, name this sculpture showing the prominent citizens of the titular French port about to surrender to the English, a work of Auguste Rodin.

The Burghers of Calais

963 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Virginia | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45315 Question: The central scene of this painting is watched by two men holding golden rods, one of which is topped with an eagle, the other with an open hand. In between the two central characters in this painting, a bishop directly faces the viewer and holds a giant crozier topped with a cross; one of those characters wears a crimson mantle which is held up by two women behind her, and kneels on an ornate pillow. Madame Mere can be seen in this painting, despite the fact that she was not at the event it portrays. Also called Le Sacre, this painting depicts a congregation of over two hundred nobles and prelates in Notre Dame, where Pope Pius VII is blessing the title action. For 10 points, name this Jacques-Louis David painting, in which the title French Emperor prepares to place a crown on Josephine.

The Coronation of Napoleon [or Le Sacre before it is read]

1271 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40921 Question: One work in this series shows a boy in blue drawing on a stone and a man drawing symbols with a stick, while another work shows a soldier grabbing the red cape of woman. The idea for this series supposedly came while its artist was occupying Claude Lorrain's old studio in Rome and it was commissioned by Luman Reed. Another painting in it shows two golden statues draped with a pink cloth as well as an elaborate black (*) fountain. That work also shows a parade of people and several ships docking near a temple. The first work in this series shows people hunting with bows and arrows, while the last work shows a broken column among ruins and is entitled Desolation. A headless statue stands above the destruction of a city in the best known entry in this series, which shows a city from its birth to its demise. For 10 points, name this series of five paintings by Thomas Cole.

The Course of Empire

1380 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 14 | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39080 Question: In one part of this series of works, a woman in a red cape can be seen jumping into the water to avoid the clutches of a soldier in brown. In another member of this series, shepherds populate a landscape with a temple in the background, from which smoke is rising. In the third entry in this series, a red-robed figure is paraded in triumph across a bridge from which purple banners have been hung. The penultimate painting is dominated by a headless statue holding a shield. Ivy climbs up a column amid ruins in the final entry, which depicts "Desolation" following the "Destruction" of a society that had arisen from "The Savage State". For 10 points, name this series showing the rise and fall of a civilization, by Thomas Cole.

The Course of Empire

1027 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Grames | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48398 Question: In David Lubin's book Act of Portrayal, he describes the poses of the figures in this painting with the letters A, R, I and J - with J being a "clitoricentric" representation within a penis-free box. The same artist painted a relative of the title figures in this canvas seated on a gold divan wearing a pink dress with black polka dots. In the dark background, light from a window reflects off a mirror flanked by two small blue vases. Likely influenced by the artist's trip to see Las Meninas at the Prado, in the foreground, one title figure sits with her feet stretched outward on a blue-and-white area carpet and holds a pink doll. Behind her, another girl rests her back against a gigantic porcelain Japanese vase. This painting is now at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts, where it sits in between the two huge Japanese vases shown in the canvas. The figures depicted in the canvas are named Julia, Mary Louisa, Jane, and Florence. FTP, name this John Singer Sargent painting of some offspring of the title guy.

The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit [or Portraits d'enfants]

1413 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: 12 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41559 Question: A man holding a flag and a small object above his head runs towards the central scene in this painting, which also shows a tattooed man wearing a triangular ear ring. This work depicts a steeple of a church peeking out through the cloudy sky as well as a black hat at the feet of two men who hold their hands in prayer. A man who originally did not support this painting, Joshua Reynolds, declared that it would "occasion a revolution in art" due to its depiction of contemporary figures in common dress, and this painting would ultimately help its artist become the court painter for (*) George III. A musket lies below this work's central scene, which depicts several British soldiers and a Native American warrior looking at a man in red who looks up at the sky. Depicting a causality of the Battle of Quebec, this is, for 10 points, what 1771 painting by Benjamin West?

The Death of General Wolfe

1019 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Auroni | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48356 Question: Art historian Carlo Ragghianti gathered 18 copies of this work the artist created using tracing paper. The head of one figure in this painting resembles the artist's earlier The Mathematicians, while its body borrows from The Return. One figure is seated on a blue box next to a pole sticking up from the ground. The foreground contains a rectangular box divided into multi-colored triangle sections, while the background depicts the red Castello Estense and a factory with two smokestacks. The figures in this work have been described as having "heads like darning eggs" and "gowns of stone." Those figures are shown as three dressmakers' dummies, and a red mask one the ground may represent Melpomene. This canvas provided the name for a poem by Sylvia Plath, and was painted by its artist a few years after The Soothsayer's Recompense. FTP, name this metaphysical painting by Giorgio de Chirico named after a group of nine Greek goddesses who inspire art.

The Disquieting Muses [or Le Muse inquietanti]

954 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Michigan, Carleton, and Rice | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45052 Question: One part of this work depicts vultures in clerical collars holding keys, while another of its sections depicts a schoolhouse, a barn, and a town meeting behind a woman surrounded by expressionless children. A skinless Christ holding an axe stands above a cross and in front of a pile of machinery in another part of this work, whose final parts depict the construction of a steel building. Another of its sections portrays the corpse of an unknown soldier covered in wreaths and a multicolored flag. Painted in the Baker Library in Dartmouth College, it includes a panel depicting figures in academic robes watching a skeleton give birth to another skeleton. Its twenty-four panels include "Modern Human Sacrifice," "The Departure of Quetzalcoatl," and "Gods of the Modern World." For 10 points, name this mural by Jose Clemente Orozco about the history of the title continent.

The Epic of American Civilization

941 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Editors 1 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44155 Question: Adam Elsheimer's version of this scene is unusually set at night, and features a starry landscape with a full moon on the right. In Caravaggio's version of this scene, an angel with its back to the viewer plays a hymn on a violin. Peter Aartsen depicted this scene in the background of his painting Meat Stall. Paintings of this scene commonly depict the miracle of the corn, which occurred during it. An early 17th century lunette portraying this scene features an ideal, classical landscape in the background, and portrays the main figures walking on either side of a donkey after being ferried across a river. Based on Matthew 2:13-14, this scene was painted in a semicircular canvas by Annibale Carracci. For 10 points, name this scene from the New Testament in which Joseph and Mary hide Jesus from Herod by going to another country.

The Flight Into Egypt [or The Rest on the Flight Into Egypt]

1200 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 9 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 35180 Question: The leftmost figure in this work wears a medallion of the Order of St. Michael attached to a gold chain around his neck. An open book in this painting reveals that the man holding a glove in his right hand is 25 years old. Other visible text in this painting includes the Ten Commandments and a translation of Luther's Veni, Creator Spiritus. One man's arm is in front of a (*) globe in this work, while a lute with a broken string may represent religious discord. A crucifix peers out behind a green curtain in the top left of this painting, while the foreground contains an anamorphic image of a skull. This work is a dual portrait of Georges de Selve and Jean de Dinteville. For 10 points, name this Hans Holbein portrait of two foreign dignitaries.

The French Ambassadors

1135 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31536 Question: This painting's bottom right shows a naked man getting kissed by a pig wearing a nun's veil. One figure in this painting has a large torso supported by a set of branches that look like hands, and a plate occupied with a large bagpipe is placed on that man's head. When closed, the outside of this work shows a tiny God figure look on as trees and animals grow across an as-yet unpopulated Earth. The leftmost part of this work shows God presenting Eve to Adam, and birds fly out of the ass of a man being eaten by a big blue bird in the right panel of this work. For 10 points, name this triptych depicting a bunch of sinful acts, a work of Hieronymous Bosch.

The Garden of Earthly Delights

1237 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49161 Question: The right side of this work shows people fleeing from a burning city emitting diagonal beams of light. A hooded man with an arrow between his buttocks climbs down a ladder from the Tree Man, who is situated in front of two ears with a knife between them. On the left, a flock of birds flies around a spiral shaped tower. Men ride horses and unicorns around a pool in the central panel. Adam looks on as Jesus holds Eve's hand in the left panel, representing Eden, while the other two panels represent hell and the title area. For 10 points, name this triptych painted by the Netherlandish artist Hieronymous Bosch.

The Garden of Earthly Delights

1201 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 9 | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 35184 Question: A bearded man shakes hands with the Queen of Sheba in a scene from this work that may represent the Treaty of Santa Maria Novella. Commissioned by the Arte di Calimala, this work was a follow-up to a project completed 70 years earlier by Andrea Pisano. Its artist sculpted himself into a medallion piece over the Nativity and Adoration of the Magi scenes. During the 20 years it took to create its 10 panels, the artist also created bronze statues for the Orsanmichele and was helped by Michelozzo. A scene in bronze of (*) Abraham sacrificing Isaac was created by two artists competing for this commission; the loser in that competition was Brunelleschi. For 10 points, give the name of this portal for the Baptistery in Florence created by Lorenzo Ghiberti.

The Gates of Paradise [or the Doors of Paradise; accept the North Doors of the Baptistery in Florence or the East Doors of the Baptistery before "Baptistery" is read]

967 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Harvard + Rice A | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29787 Question: One character in this film says: "I distrust a man who says 'when.' If he's got to be careful not to drink too much, it's because he's not to be trusted when he does." In this film, the captain of La Paloma delivers a package with his dying breath to the protagonist. Wilmer Cook takes the protagonist to meet a figure called "The Fat Man" played by Sidney Greenstreet. At the end of this movie, the protagonist describes the title object as "The stuff that dreams are made of." Peter Lorre plays Joel Cairo in this film that ends with the protagonist turning Brigid O'Shaughnessy over to the police for murdering his partner Miles Archer. For 10 points, name this film directed by John Huston starring Humphrey Bogart as private eye Sam Spade, hunting for the title avian statue.

The Maltese Falcon

1261 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40545 Question: One object in this painting is inscribed with words that translate to "companion of joy, balm for sorrow." A blue chair in this work slightly obstructs the view of a man holding a cane and standing next to a partial painting of the Roman Charity story. The light in this work comes from windows on the left, illuminating a white jug on a table whose tablecloth drapes over onto the black and white-tiled floor. A (*) mirror in this work reveals an easel, suggesting the scene is staged, and also shows a woman who is sitting in front of a bass viol lying on the ground. Similar to its artist's other work The Concert, this work shows a woman receiving the title instructions while playing the virginal. For 10 points, name this painting by Johannes Vermeer.

The Music Lesson [or Lady at the Virginals with a Gentleman]

1055 | Collegiate Novice | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34206 Question: The hand of the central figure of this painting casts a shadow upon the yellow jacket of the figure immediately to the right of the central figure. This painting includes a cut-off drum on the far right and a figure holding a yellow and blue flag. Light shines particularly strongly upon a little girl standing next to man in red holding a rifle on the left side of this work. The central figure of this painting, who wears a black hat and red sash, is Franz Banning Cocq. For 10 points, name this group portrait by Rembrandt whose name references the darkness of the canvas.

The Night Watch [or De Nachtwacht ; or The Shooting Company of Franz Banning Cocq before "Franz"]

1005 | BHSAT | 2012 | Round: 1 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50373 Question: A pastel version of this painting, one of four versions of this painting by the artist, is set to be sold by Sotheby's in May of this year. That version of this painting moves a building in the background much closer to the shore of the yellow water in which two boats are floating. In this painting, two figures in black are walking behind the central figure along the pier, underneath the red-and-yellow streaked sky. For 10 points, name this painting of a figure in black clutching his face and wailing, the masterpiece of Edvard Munch.

The Scream [or Skrik]

1473 | SCOP Novice | 2010 | Round: 8 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53684 Question: Rosenblum suggested that the sexless central figure in this work was modeled after a Peruvian mummy. On the left side, two men walk away from a bright lake. This painting may capture the anxiety of the artist dealing with his family's tuberculosis, a theme also touched on in the artist's Frieze of Life. The swirling red (*) sky may represent Krakatoa's eruption in 1883. Name this Edvard Munch (MOONK) painting about a bald fellow standing on a bridge, shrieking.

The Scream or Skrik

1313 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: UCSD and Berkeley.doc | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30338 Question: The inspiration for this work came at a dinner hosted by Edouard Laboulaye. Richard Hunt and General Charles Stone designed and built its base, and it was adapted from its creator's blueprints for a never-built lighthouse at the entrance of the Suez Canal. Chains lie at this work's feet, and its internal framework was designed to be flexible by Gustave Eiffel. Located on Bedloe Island, it is engraved with the poem "The New Collusus" by Emma Lazarus and depicts a woman holding a tablet and a torch. Frederic Bartholdi designed, for 10 points, what massive sculpture in New York Harbor as a gift from France?

The Statue of Liberty [or Liberty Enlightening the World]

1058 | Collegiate Novice | 2012 | Round: 9 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34246 Question: One figure in this painting, illuminated by a cubic lantern, wears the yellow and white colors of the papacy and has a stigmata-like wound on his right hand. A companion piece to this painting is titled The Charge of the Mamelukes. The figures on the right side of this painting are all faceless. Several bloody corpses are strewn across the ground in this painting, while other figures cower in fear from soldiers with rifles. This work portrays "the execution of the defenders of Madrid" by a firing squad. For 10 points, name this work by Francisco Goya, set on the title date.

The Third of May, 1808 [or El tres de mayo de 1808 en Madrid; or Los fusilamientos de la montaña del Príncipe Pío; Los fusilamientos del tres de mayo]

1253 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49113 Question: Elements of this work could be earlier seen in the artist's print "And it cannot be helped." This work is paired with a Picasso painting in which some victims are replaced with pregnant women, Massacre in Korea. Besides including themes from the Disasters of War series, a companion to this piece shows a dead man sliding off his horse in the Charge of the Mamelukes. A box lantern is surrounded by a group of uniformed men facing the central figure, who has his arms raised in despair. For 10 points, this work showing a firing squad in Madrid, painted by Francisco Goya and titled for the date of that event.

The Third of May, 1808 [or El tres de mayo de mil ochocientas ocho en Madrid]

1091 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41942 Question: This artist painted a view of Rome from Tivoli and a view of Florence from San Maniato. He also depicted a series of ruins on the rim of a cup in The Titan's Goblet. One of this artist's recurring images is that of a golden boat which is adorned with sculptures of the horae. He produced companion pieces showing melancholy and mirth in L'Allegro and Il Penseroso. He painted a floating white castle that appears to be made of clouds in a work that shows a boy and guardian angel each standing with one arm raised. That painting called Youth, joins Childhood, Manhood, and Old Age. For 10 points, The Voyage of Life was painted by what Hudson River School artist?

Thomas Cole

1106 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 52062 Question: This man depicted Daniel Boone sitting at the door of a cabin with a wooden staff and a dog. In another work by this man, a ray of light shines an old man and an angel on a boat. This man depicted a giant goblet on a cliff in one work, and he created a series of paintings which depicts the four stages of human life. This artist of The Voyage of Life included The Savage State and Desolation as part of The Course of Empire, and his most famous work shows the view of Connecticut River on top of a mountain. For 10 points, name this artist from the Hudson River School who painted The Oxbow.

Thomas Cole

1426 | Penn Bowl | 2011 | Round: Editors Packet 10 + Minnesota + Some MD | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45551 Question: This man created a black-and-white painting for the premiere issue of Tiger's Eye, which the editors insisted on calling Orestes. Marie Marchowsky invited him to compose a backdrop for her dance performance Landscape. The word ZOT is scrawled over his painting Zurich, but as he moved towards a monochromatic period he shifted his focus to pure shapes in works like Light in August. While teaching at Black Mountain College, this man painted Asheville. This painter of Excavation and Pink Angels also did a series of Abstract Urban Landscapes and Abstract Parkway Landscapes, which grew out of a series characterized by figures with oversized breasts. For 10 points, name this Dutch-born abstract expressionist painter of the Woman series.

Willem de Kooning

1120 | Minnesota Open | 2012 | Round: 9 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44222 Question: One of this artist's works shows a young woman wearing a blue ribbon sitting side-saddled on a horse in the White Mountains. This artist of a series of five paintings showing people playing croquet showed Francis Channing Barlow and four prisoners in an artwork that was executed when Harper's Weekly sent this artist to the Civil War. A work produced during this artist's "Darwinian" period shows a group of (*) crows attacking an animal whose movement is impeded by snow. This artist of Prisoners from the Front executed another work that shows a black man and a shattered boat on a beach in the Bahamas titled After the Hurricane. For 10 points, name this American artist who painted a work showing a man nonchalantly staring into the distance as his tiny boat is circled by sharks titled The Gulf Stream.

Winslow Homer

1357 | Delta Burke | 2011 | Round: 9 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54420 Question: . In the Jean-Pierre Jeunet film Amelie, the character known as "the glass man" constantly repaints this famous painting. Much controversy has been generated over TIME Magazine art critic Alexander Eliot's attempt to have a blister ironed out of this painting which resulted in a loss of tone and color. The artist of this painting used many of his friends and patrons as the models for the characters depicted. The title event takes place underneath an orange canopy on a balcony along the Seine. FTP, give the name of this painting in which a certain group of people take part in a particular meal, a work by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

le dejeuner dur l'herbe

1217 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 01 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55887 Question: One painting titled after a group of these objects inspired Louis Vauxcelles to coin the term "cubism". Van Gogh created a large group of paintings named for a "Yellow" one, which he also depicted in another painting. One of Cezanne's only signed paintings is a heavily-reworked depiction of one of these objects belonging to a hanged man. A group of five of these, with the second and third (*) upside-down, are shown in the top right of Chagall's I and the Village. Braque painted a group of them at L'Estaque. One of these owned by Charles Dibble was depicted behind the artist's dentist and sister in one painting. For 10 points, name these objects, a carpenter gothic style example of which is shown behind a couple in Grant Wood's American Gothic.

house or home

1218 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 1 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39055 Question: One painting titled after a group of these objects inspired Louis Vauxcelles to coin the term "cubism". Van Gogh created a large group of paintings named for a "Yellow" one, which he also depicted in another painting. One of Cezanne's only signed paintings is a heavily-reworked depiction of one of these objects belonging to a hanged man. A group of five of these, with the second and third (*) upside-down, are shown in the top right of Chagall's I and the Village. Braque painted a group of them at L'Estaque. One of these owned by Charles Dibble was depicted behind the artist's dentist and sister in one painting. For 10 points, name these objects, a carpenter gothic style example of which is shown behind a couple in Grant Wood's American Gothic.

house or home

1284 | RAVE | 2012 | Round: Replacements and Tiebreakers | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59911 Question: A Brassai photograph with a vase of flowers in the right foreground depicts this action being performed in a mirror. Another photograph that depicts this action features a sign that reads BOND in the background and was taken by Alfred Eisenstadt. Robert Doisneau's most iconic photograph depicts this action being done by the Hotel de Ville, and a photograph showing this action being performed by a (*) sailor and a nurse was published in Life magazine. For 10 points, name this action being performed in a picture titled "V-J Day in Times Square", where a couple shows affection using their lips.


1039 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2012 | Round: 1 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32864 Question: Ancient practitioners of this art form include Polykleitos (PAHL-ee-KLY-tohss), whose Doryphoros (dorr-ee-FOR-ohss) is one of the oldest Greek works that still exists. Other practitioners of this art form include Phidias and Myron. Modern works of this type include Frederic Remington's Bronco Buster. For 10 points, name this type of art exemplified by Michelangelo's Pieta and The Thinker by Auguste Rodin.

sculpture [or word forms, such as sculpting]

1057 | Collegiate Novice | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34236 Question: A work of this type featuring a twisted arm was painted by Egon Schiele. Artemisia Gentileschi created a work of this type that depicts the "allegory of painting." Parmigianino created one of these works "in a convex mirror." Frida Kahlo created works of this type featuring hummingbirds and monkeys. A Dutch post-impressionist created many works of this type, including one featuring a straw hat and one showing a bandaged ear. For 10 points, name this type of painting in which the artist depicts their own likeness.

self-portraits [prompt on portraits; accept equivalents like paintings of yourself]

1278 | RAVE | 2012 | Round: 11 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59693 Question: In one painting, this action is performed by the central figure of Frederic Leighton's Flaming June, and this action is performed by the rightmost boy in the foreground of Honore Daumier's Third Class Carriage. A dog performs this action next to a lion in Albrecht Dürer's (*) St. Jerome in His Study, and a horse peeks its head out of a curtain as an incubus sits on top of a woman engaged in this activity in a Henry Fuseli painting. It also takes place in a work in which a lion examines a woman next to a jug of water. For 10 points, identify this activity shown in The Nightmare, as well as in Henri Rousseau's depiction of a gypsy engaged in it as she is reclining.

sleeping [prompt on answers like reclining and resting until there's a clear demonstration of the fact that the figures mentioned in the tossup are in fact asleep or even just unconscious but not dead; grudgingly accept dreaming; grudgingly accept something like having a nightmare during the description of the Fuseli painting]

1259 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 11 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41422 Question: The documentary Shadow of the Iceberg debates the authenticity of a photo of Federico Borrell García, who was this type of person. They are not soccer players, but these people are shown wading through water in the photographs known as "The Magnificent Eleven." Alexander Gardner and Tim (*) O'Sullivan are best known for taking photographs of these people in the 19th century. One of them is shown grasping his leg in Robert Capa's photograph entitled "The Falling" one of these. Robert F. Sargent showed these people moving towards a beach in his photo Into The Jaws of Death, while Joe Rosenthal showed several of them raising a flag at Iwo Jima. For 10 points, name this type of person whom Matthew Brady took pictures of during the Civil War.

soldiers [accept Spanish soldier before "The Magnificent Eleven"; prompt on anything relating to Spanish people before "The Magnificent Eleven"]

1206 | Penn Bowl | 2012 | Round: Editors Packet 2 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44461 Question: A hypothesis claiming that the subject of one of these artworks was misidentified was published by John-Pope Hennessey but proposed by Jeno Lanyi. Another work of this type, which was attacked with a hammer by Pierro Canatta, shows the subject's right hand larger than its left. One of these works depicts a feather grazing the central figure's thigh. A work of this type by Verrochio, like the aforementioned example with a feather, is found at the Bargello Museum. One of them was designed for display on a high pedestal but ended up by the doorway of the city hall, and another of these features a soft hat and an effeminate body which some have used to claim that its creator was homosexual. Known as symbols of freedom, either from Milan or from the Medici, for ten points, name these items designed contraposto in bronze by Donatello and in marble by Michelangelo.

statues of David [or sculptures of David slaying Goliath, etc.]

1041 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32879 Question: Artists primarily known for work in this movement include Max Ernst and Yves Tanguy. One work of this movement, The Treachery of Images, depicts a pipe and the French words for "this is not a pipe." Another of its works depicts melting watches and is titled The Persistence of Memory. For 10 points, name this art movement featuring bizarre juxtapositions, whose artists include Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali.


1373 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 1 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39761 Question: 15. A faceless figure with a rifle stands apart from the firing squad in one of three paintings this artist made of the death of a certain figure. The title figure of one his paintings sits on blue bench, wears a white bandana and black hat, and strums a guitar. Jacques Offenbach, Théophile Gautier, and this artist himself are among the luminaries depicted in a painting of a concert in a Paris park. This artist of The Execution of Maximilian and The Spanish Singer painted a woman bathing in the background of a work depicting a picnic of clothed men and nude females. The title figure of another painting by this artist of Music in the Tuileries wears a pink flower in hair and is being brought a bouquet by her black maid. For 10 points, name this painter of Luncheon on the Grass and Olympia.

Édouard Manet [accept Execution of Maximilian I until "this artist" is read]

1374 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 1 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40230 Question: A faceless figure with a rifle stands apart from the firing squad in one of three paintings this artist made of the death of a certain figure. The title figure of one his paintings sits on blue bench, wears a white bandana and black hat, and strums a guitar. Jacques Offenbach, Théophile Gautier, and this artist himself are among the luminaries depicted in a painting of a concert in a Paris park. This artist of The Execution of Maximilian and The Spanish Singer painted a woman bathing in the background of a work depicting a picnic of clothed men and nude females. The title figure of another painting by this artist of Music in the Tuileries wears a pink flower in hair and is being brought a bouquet by her black maid. For 10 points, name this painter of Luncheon on the Grass and Olympia.

Édouard Manet [accept Execution of Maximilian I until "this artist" is read]

1210 | Penn Bowl | 2012 | Round: Editors Packet 8 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45181 Question: In one work in this series, two girls stand with chairs on their heads, while another entry depicts four women driving away bird-like creatures with brooms. In addition to "And there they go, plucked!," another work from this series shows a goat in human's clothes looking at a picture book with nothing but more goats in it. The artist also attacked the clergy in the "Hobgoblins" entry in this set, and claimed he was critiquing "the innumerable foibles and follies present in every human society." In the most famous work in this series, an artists rests his head on a desk as he is harassed by a horde of bats and owls. Including The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters, for 10 points, identify this series of aquatint prints by Francisco Goya.

Los Caprichos

1040 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 33153 Question: This artist of The Bridge Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even drew a mustache and goatee on a Mona Lisa in L.H.O.O.Q. His Nude Descending a Staircase, No.2 was compared to an "explosion in a shingle factory." His series of readymades includes an overturned urinal inscribed "R. Mutt." For 10 points, name this Dada artist of Fountain.

Marcel Duchamp

931 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: Machiavelli | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30834 Question: One artist from this country depicted a baby and a large baby head in the midst of war fallout in Echo of a Scream. Another artist from this country included a volcano and plants among floating objects in a bathtub in What the Water Gave Me and made several depictions of Henry Ford Hospital. That artist painted a self-portrait in which the two figures are connected by a blood vessel. That artist was married to another artist from this country who painted the Detroit Industry and Man at the Crossroads murals. For 10 points, name this country, the home of David Siqueiros, Diego de Rivera, and Frida Kahlo.


1543 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Wayne State | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47961 Question: One painting on this theme, by Bartolome Murillo, shows a man clad in a bright orange robe with white fur at the top kneeling in the bottom center with two young girls on the left. The version by Leonardo da Vinci was for the monastery of San Donato a Scopeto and originally featured a camel. Maybe the most important one is the center of an altarpiece for the Strozzi family chapel in Florence and is by Gentile da Fabriano. Pieter Bruegel the Elder did one "in winter landscape" and Bosch did one in triptych form showing Joseph handling some diapers. For 10 points, name this artistic theme which shows the laying of gold, frankincense, and myrrh before Jesus by the title dudes.

Adoration of the Magi [or reasonable equivalents]

1139 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31603 Question: In one of this artist's rare portraits, he depicted guide Orville Cox standing next to a female artist with an odd expression on her face. This man collected some of his works in the book These We Inherit, while in his book Born Free and Equal, he included many of the artwork he created during World War II at the Manzanar internment camp for Japanese-Americans. This artist of the black-and-white Clearing Winter Storm joined Willard Van Dyke and Edward Weston to form a group of artists called Group f/64 ("F STOP 64"), which took its name from a "diaphragm number of the photographic lens." Some of his photos include El Capitan and Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico. For 10 points, name this photographer best known for his work in Yosemite National Park.

Ansel Easton Adams

1140 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31620 Question: The pedestal of one of this artist's statues includes sculptures of figures such as Danaë and Minerva. That work in the Loggia dei Lanzi was sculpted for the Piazza della Signoria, and shows the central figure look downward as he triumphantly holds up a certain object. One of this artist's works was stolen by Robert Mang in 2003, and that work was made as a gift to Francis I and depicts one figure representing the earth and another representing the sea. Hector Berlioz wrote an opera named for this artist, and this artist's most famous work includes a boat used to store a certain substance. For 10 points, name this early mannerist sculptor of Perseus With the Head of Medusa who also made an enamel and gold based Salt Cellar.

Benvenuto Cellini

1318 | BHSAT | 2011 | Round: 1 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50114 Question: The texture of ragged hair matches the texture of the ragged dress in this artist's wooden sculpture, Magdalene Penitent. The tomb of Antipope John XXIII was co-designed by him with his mentor, Michelozzo. This artist designed marble statues of St. John and St. Mark to stand in the exterior niches of the Orsanmichele. His equestrian statue of the condotierro Erasmo da Narni stands in the Piazza del Santo in Padua. He depicted the title biblical figure naked except for a helmet, with a down-pointed sword, and a foot on Goliath's head. For 10 points, this is what Renaissance sculptor of Gattamaleta and a bronze David?

Donatello [or Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi]

984 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Virginia + Dartmouth | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30034 Question: At the right of one painting by this artist, a clock and two black plates sit on a mantelpiece behind a man in a green-gray coat in a black armchair with his back to the viewer. In that painting by this artist, two girls in black dresses and white pinafores stand next to their black-clad mother. This painter of The Bellelli Family depicted a man leaning back and reading a newspaper in a workstation full of men examining the title substance in one painting. He painted a bearded man smoking a pipe who sits next to a woman looking distractedly into the title green liquid in another painting. For 10 points, name this painter of A Cotton Office in New Orleans and L'Absinthe, best known for his depictions of ballerinas.

Edgar Degas

1148 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 12 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53204 Question: This artist gained popularity during his namesake "Affair," in which the Union of Berlin Artists shut down his exhibition after one week due to its supposed French influences. This artist painted a woman wearing an unbuttoned white dress that reveals a red slip in Ashes. He also depicted a skinny, developing nude woman sitting at the edge of her bed in Puberty. His most famous work was recently sold for $120,000,000 dollars, making it the most expensive work of art ever sold at an auction. That work depicts a swirling orange sky above a green-faced figure on a bridge. For 10 points, name this Norwegian artist of The Scream.

Edvard Munch

1461 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2010 | Round: 8 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51544 Question: In one of this artist's works, blood covers the bottom-right corner of a bed bearing a dark-haired man beside a standing nude woman facing the viewer, and in another, a nude adolescent girl sits on the edge of a bed pressing her legs together and crossing her forearms over her genitals. In addition to a non-Jacques-Louis-David Death of Marat and Puberty, he depicted seven dark-clad mourners around a bed in the background in Death in the Sickroom, and he also painted a red sky over a figure on a boardwalk pressing his hands to his face. For 10 points, name this Norwegian painter of The Scream.

Edvard Munch

1480 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: Chicago Culture Heroes and Psychopomps | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53442 Question: His self-portraits include one "with Burning Cigarette," one "Beneath Woman's Mask," one "Between Clock and Bed," two "During the Eye Disease," and one "with Skeleton Arm." His namesake museum in the Tøyen district of his hometown, designed by Fougner and Myklebust, houses a work in which he painted a a naked woman with her head tilted back and a red halo and another in which the title character's red hair is draped over the head of a bent-over man. In addition to Madonna and Vampire, he included Death in the Sickroom in his painting cycle the Frieze of Life. FTP name this man who painted a swirling red sky and two indistinct figures on a bridge approaching a figure with a distorted face in The Scream.

Edvard Munch

1335 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2011 | Round: 2 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31819 Question: This man sits between Liberty and Victory in a fresco by Constantino Brumidi on the inside of the U.S. Capitol Rotunda. The iconic portrait of this man was painted by Gilbert Stuart. In a painting by Emmanuel Leutze, he faces left and holds his hand over his heart as he stands up on a boat. For 10 points, name this U.S. President painted crossing the Delaware River, whose portrait appears on the one dollar bill.

George Washington

930 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: Illinois A | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30771 Question: A woman in a pointed hat painted by this artist stands on a pedestal and plays the trombone in Invitation to the Sideshow. He painted a sitting nude putting on a green sock alongside a standing nude with her hands closed. In another work, this man depicted a woman in yellow dancing on a white horse in front of a crowd. This artist of The Models and The Circus painted a boy in a red hat waist-deep in water as others recline on a river-bank. His technique of painting with dots can be seen in a work where a parasol-wearing woman walks a monkey on a leash. For 10 points, name this pointillist painter of the Bathers at Asnieres and Sunday Afternoon on La Grande Jatte.

Georges Seurat

1212 | Penn Bowl | 2012 | Round: Editors Packet 9 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45281 Question: Prior to drawing cartoons for the newspaper The Vanguard, this man compiled watercolors of prostitutes into his House of Tears series. The title character of another painting is on his knees as he seems to reach beyond the top of the painting to claim fire; that work is his Prometheus. A blonde man surrounded by waves points angrily out to sea as gray people look on in one panel of another work, and shirtless men carrying machine gun rounds are smashed against rocks in this artist's The Trench. This artist painted a work at Baker Library at Dartmouth College which chronicles the migrations of native peoples, the arrival of Europeans, and the rise of industry. For 10 points, name this Mexican muralist of The Epic of American Civilization, a contemporary of Diego Rivera and David Siqueiros.

Jose Clemente Orozco

1573 | The Experiment | 2007 | Round: 8 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59990 Question: This artist's characteristic work includes pieces titled Toward the Blue Peninsula, Verso of Cassiopeia I, and Grand Hotel Semiramis. Salvador Dali reportedly became so angry that he overturned the projector at the screening of this artist's experimental film Rose Hobart, which was composed of found footage of the title starlet in the B-movie East of Borneo. This lifelong Christian Scientist's most famous piece may be the Medici Slot Machine constructed in 1942. FTP, name this American best known for creating glass-fronted boxes full of assembled items.

Joseph Cornell

1145 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 1.pdf | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30429 Question: One of this artist's works depicts a gust of wind that blows away a stream of papers and hats, while another shows a craftsman sitting in a wheel-like object in the process of constructing a barrel. He once won a commission by dipping a chicken's feet in red paint and chasing it across a canvas. In one work, he painted a sunrise hitting a mountain in such a way that it turns red. More notoriously, this artist painted two octopi enveloping a diver in The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife. He incorporated various random sketches into a book called his namesake "manga." For 10 points, name this Japanese print maker who included The Great Wave Off Kanagawa in his 36 Views of Mount Fuji.

Katsushika Hokusai [do not accept "Katsushika"]

1179 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 18 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49948 Question: One artist from this country showed an orange crest pinned to the white robe of a martyred saint in his painting of Saint Serapion. A later artist from this country painted a triptych named for the color blue and included a ladder and a fish out of water in his childlike painting of a clown's birthday party. Another artist from this country painted a portrait of Pope (*) Innocent X that was adapted into into Francis Bacon's Screaming Pope. That same artist from this home of the Escorial Palace included an exchange of keys in his Surrender at Breda and depicted himself wearing a red cross at an easel in a painting named for royal maids of honor. For 10 points, name this country home to the painters Francisco de Zurbaran and Diego Velazquez.

Kingdom of Spain [or Reino de Espana]

1429 | SCOP Novice | 2011 | Round: 1 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54131 Question: In one of this artist's works, Mary supports an infant John the Baptist who looks, with clasped hands, toward the infant Christ. A distantly-seen bridge fades into blue behind a veiled figure in another work by this man. This painter of two (*) Madonnas of the Rocks painted an anatomical model inscribed in a circle and Francesco del Giacondo's wife with a mysterious smile. For 10 points, name this artist of Vitruvian Man and the Mona Lisa.

Leonardo da Vinci (accept either underlined name)

1362 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2011 | Round: 3 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51705 Question: In this painting, a boy holds a saber behind a barricade of rocks on the left, while a man lies on the ground without a shoe in the bottom. Another man wearing a bandanna crouches and stares at the central figure, while a peasant holding a cutlass stands in the left. A bearded man is wearing a top hat next to the peasant, and he holds a musket with both hands. The bare-breasted central figure wears a Phrygian cap, and a boy wielding two pistols stands next to her. For 10 points, name this painting commemorating the July Revolution, a work by Eugene Delacroix.

Liberty Leading the People [accept La Liberté guidant le peuple]

970 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Maryland B + Loyola | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29816 Question: One of Henry Moore's Reclining Figures sits in a pool at the North Plaza of this building complex. In 2010, a new stairway was added to this complex, which contains an LED display that says "welcome" in 235 languages. One part of this complex contains Marc Chagall's mural, "The Triumph of Music". That building in this complex has chandeliers shaped like starbursts, which ascend to the ceiling of the auditorium before performances begin. Eero Saarinen designed the Vivian Beaumont Theater, which is part of this complex, along with The Juilliard School, and the Philip Johnson-designed David H. Koch Theater, which is the home of the New York City Ballet. For 10 points, name this performing arts complex that includes Avery Fisher Hall and The Metropolitan Opera.

Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts [anti-prompt on "Metropolitan Opera" anywhere between "Chagall" and "Saarinen"]

1108 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: Finals 1 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 52167 Question: This artist depicted two goats lifting their two feet toward a vase of flower in one of his twelve stain glass windows located in Jerusalem. This artist painted a completely blue house near a village in one work, and he also painted a contorted figure kissing a woman holding a bouquet of flowers in The Birthday. This artist painted a man paragliding near a white Eiffel Tower in Paris Through the Window, and he depicted a figure painting a red goat in his Self-Portrait with Seven Fingers. For 10 points, name this artist who depicted an upside down woman with a violin and two large faces in his I and the Village.

Marc Zaharovich Chagall [accept Moishe Shagal]

1535 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Irvine | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47459 Question: He painted his dad sitting in a chair with his legs crossed in his Fauvist Portrait of the Artist's Father. He created a fake rip in the canvas near a pointing hand and a real bottle brush in Tu m', and his last major work was a peep show created in secret. He collaborated on the film Anemic Cinema with Man Ray, who photographed him in drag as Rrose Selavy, and he never quite finished a work also known as The Large Glass. In Advance of the Broken Arm and Bicycle Wheel are examples of a form he created that included one signed by R. Mutt. For 10 points, name this producer of ready-mades who caused a stir at the Armory Show with his Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2.

Marcel Duchamp

1376 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 10 | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39322 Question: In the foreground of one part of this work, some sheet music is strewn over an overturned chair. In the background of another entry in this work, a portrait of woman holding a squirrel is visible. In the lower right corner of another painting in this series, a black child points to a horned figure. One character procures mercury pills to counteract syphilis in the third scene in this work. In the fourth scene, the male protagonist is stabbed the lawyer Silvertongue with whom the female protagonist had been having an affair and the first scene shows the contract being drawn up for the title ceremony between the Earl of Squanderfield and the female protagonist's father. For 10 points, name this William Hogarth series about the problems of modern matrimony.

Marriage à la Mode series

1289 | SCOP Novice | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54310 Question: This artist painted a coffee mug sitting on a greenish nightstand in Breakfast in Bed. A baby in pink is held by a women sitting in the yellow interior of a boat in this one work by this artist, and another of this artist's paintings shows a woman in a striped dress washing a child's (*) feet. The artist of The Boating Party and The Child's Bath is, for 10 points, this female American Impressionist who frequently painted mothers and children.

Mary Stevenson Cassatt

1061 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58085 Question: A sculpture of this name at the Glenkiln Sculpture Trail shows a hunched-over figure with clasped hands and raised arms which was made by Jacob Epstein. Antonio Canova sculpted a kneeling figure of this name with a cross resting over a skull and the figure's knees. A legend about that same figure fasting for thirty days inspired a wood sculpture showing an extremely gaunt depiction in which she is covered in her long hair. St. Peter's Basilica contains a very youthful sculpture of another woman by this name in which she holds in her lap the body of her dead son. For 10 points, give this name shared by the subjects of Donatello's Penitent Magdalene and Michelangelo's Pieta.

Mary [Accept Maria. Be lenient and accept Mary Magdalene or the Virgin Mary even though the Epstein work is just "Mary."]

1484 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: Editor's Packet 3 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54798 Question: In the left background of this painting, two men in breeches contrast with another man wearing Quaker dress, while wispy clouds are seen in the sky over a clump of willow trees. Its artist's familiarity in painting the Biglen brothers and work with Jean-Leon Gerome may have assisted in this painting, which sees the mansion Sweetbriar serves as a contrast with the eighteenth century building at the right center. The Girard Avenue Bridge and the Connecting Railroad Bridge can both be seen in the background, while the title character sits in the Josie while three parallel wakes trail behind him. While the artist himself can be seen resting on his oars, the title character is in the foreground of, FTP, which Thomas Eakins painting set on the Schuylkill River?

Max Schmitt in a Single Scull

1286 | SCOP Novice | 2012 | Round: 11 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54612 Question: A mistranslation of the Vulgate led this artist to create a horned Moses for the tomb of Pope Julius II. This artist's only signed work depicts a young Mary cradling a recently (*) crucified Jesus, and another of this sculptor's works shows a nude youth resting a sling on his shoulder and contemplating his upcoming battle with Goliath. For 10 points, name this Renaissance sculptor of Pietà and the marble David.

Michelangelo (di Lodovico) Buonarroti (Simoni)

1046 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2012 | Round: 9 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 33125 Question: This work was based on a real life location in Greenwich Village. It depicts a red-headed woman and two men in hats seated at a bar while being waited on by a man in a white hat. Above the well lit diner in this painting is a sign saying Phillies Cigars: Only 5 cents. For 10 points, name this iconic American painting by Edward Hopper.


1338 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2011 | Round: 6 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32589 Question: The top left corner of this painting shows partially closed windows, while the right side shows a door with a square window. In the center, a man with a hat sits on a stool with his back facing the viewer. Another man with a hat stares at a man in all white who is leaning down, and a woman with red hair and a red blouse stares at her mug. For 10 points, name this painting showing the Phillies diner, by Edward Hopper.


1186 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 23 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53007 Question: Several women hold phones to their ears in this man's The Gossips. A series by this man contains an image where a man holds a newspaper about "bombings" and stands next to a doll as his children are put to sleep. Self-portraits of Durer and Van Gogh are pinned to the canvas in this artist's (*) Triple Self-Portrait. A young black girl in a white dress walks past a wall with the N-word scribbled on it in his The Problem We All Live With. One of his most iconic works sees a grandmother placing a large turkey on the table for Thanksgiving dinner. For 10 points, name this American artist best known for creating works like the Four Freedoms and for illustrating the covers of the Saturday Evening Post.

Norman Rockwell

1034 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Mik | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 46007 Question: This man wrote the short story "Anne Eliza Reed" after a trip to the Scottish highlands. One of his plays, sees Mr. Rubberman emerge from a dog's skin before confronting the title character, who's killed when his wife Anima falls on him out of the sky. That play, Hiob or Job, was adapted from this author's earlier play Sphinx and Strawman. After serving in Ukraine during World War I, he wrote a play converted into an opera by Ernst Krenek about Orpheus and Eurydice. This author of A Sea Ringed with Visions also wrote a play in which "The Man" is stabbed by "The Woman" after he and his Warriors enter a dark tower, but Man breaks free from his cage and kills Woman with a single touch - that play is "Murderer, Hope of Women." FTP, name this Austrian expressionist who, in his Mein Leben, details how he created a sex doll to deal with his anguish over his affair with Alma Mahler.

Oskar Kokoschka

1487 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: Minnesota A and Dartmouth A and South Detroit University | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55437 Question: Clive Bell advanced his idea of the "significant form" in a book whose title refers to art "Since" this painter, who also is the subject of a "study of his development" written by Roger Fry. Maurice Denis painted artists admiring one of this man's works in his Hommage to this painter, who used the technique of applying paint in thick slabs to create a series of portraits of his Uncle Dominic. Early landscapes by this artist include a depiction of the House of the Hanged Man, and in a characteristic work, he painted a conch shell to the left of a teacup and the titular object entitled The Black Clock. This artist paid tribute to Manet in his painting A Modern Olympia, and Picasso's Demoiselles d'Avignon was inspired by this man's Bathers series. Famous for his still-lifes and for paintings like The Card Players, for ten points, identify this French post-Impressionist whose landscapes of Provence prominently feature Mt. St. Victoire.

Paul Cezanne

1490 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: UCLA B + Iowa | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55507 Question: His visit to North Africa alongside August Macke inspired early watercolors such as Southern Tunisian Gardens and Red and White Domes. Equally colorful were this artist's Fish Magic and Golden Fish, standing in stark contrast to his bizarre early lithograph Two Men Meet, Each Believing the Other to Be of Higher Rank. During the 1930's this author of The Pedagogical Sketchbooks produced a number of Pointillist "magic square" paintings, most notably Ad Parnassum, while the extreme primitivism of drawings such as Angelus Novus prompted the Nazis to declare his work "degenerate". Better known is his painting on burlap in which the German word "tod" forms the features of the central skull, while his most famous piece sees a pink "stain" encroaching upon the stick-like rotating title contraption. Briefly associated with Der Blue Reiter, For ten points, identify this Swiss painter of Death and Fire as well as Twittering Machine.

Paul Klee

1537 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: MIT A | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47469 Question: This man used pastel paint to write the printing instructions for his lithograph Pinned Hat. His somber early period is exemplified by his Cabaret of Mother Antony, while Woman Bathing with Griffon was posed for by his mistress, Lise Trehot. Early paintings in the style for which he is best-known include Parisian Woman and The Theater Box. Favorite portrait subjects of his included Jeanne Samary and Mme Charpentier and her children, while Gustave Caillebotte can be seen in a better-known en plein air work. For 10 points, name this impressionist painter of Moulin de la Gallette and The Luncheon of the Boating Party.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

1485 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: Harvard | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55370 Question: In one of this man's paintings, a man falls into a ditch, tripping the man behind him, who will cause the four behind him to fall in turn since they are all holding onto a long stick, being unable to see. In addition to The Parable of the Blind, he depicted an army at center marching ominously into a snowy village as the cavalry rides around spearing infants in The Massacre of the Innocents. Peasants dance gaily while a bird perches on a wooden frame in his The Magpie on the Gallows, while he drew a man with a knife twice the size of his body cutting into a bloated corpse in Large Fish Eat Small Fish, which is itself included in a larger painting depicting the proverbs of his native land. Well known for several depictions of the Tower of Babel, for 10 points, identify this Flemish artist of Hunters in the Snow and Landscape with the Fall of Icarus.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder

987 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Yale B + Bellarmine | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30098 Question: An early work of this artist uses a series of loosely painted gray and gold horizontal lines to create the title landscape in View from the Dunes with Beach and Piers. His Cubist period is represented by works in which the title blue vessel is surrounded by gray and brown geometric objects, his two versions of Still Life with Ginger Pot, and his The Gray Tree. A stained-glass window by a colleague inspired this artist's diamond-shaped "lozenge" works. Influenced by his contemporary, Bart Van Der Leck, he founded a style he termed "neoplasticism." Though not Kandinsky, most of his works are generically titled "compositions". For 10 points, identify this figure in the De Stijl movement and painter of Broadway Boogie Woogie.

Pieter Cornelis Mondrian

1044 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 33100 Question: This style emerged in Great Britain in the mid-1950's and was started by the Independent Group. Some examples of this style include the "combines" of Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns's work Flag. Its most famous practitioner founded a studio known as "The Factory" and produced reproductions of everyday objects such as Campbell's Soup Cans. For 10 points name this type of art practiced Andy Warhol.

Pop Art

1161 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 3.pdf | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30485 Question: The main building of this country's national library is unique in that it was designed in the shape of a rhombicuboctahedron. Among its noted sites is the residence of the Radziwill family called Nesvizh Castle. Most of the early course of the Pripyat River flows through this nation, passing through cities such as Brest, once known as Brest-Litovsk. It was estimated that about 70% of the radiation from Chernobyl was blown into this country. Foreign observers have accused its president of running the last dictatorship in Europe. For 10 points, name this Eastern European nation, led by Alexander Lukashenko, whose name roughly translates as "White Russia."

Republic of Belarus

1185 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 22 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 52992 Question: This artist riffed on Picasso in Purist Painting with Bottles, while he depicted a black and white version of Matisse's The Dance in the background of his The Artist's Studio. A mustachioed man stares through a periscope in this artist's Torpedo... Los!. An anthropomorphic duck has caught his own coat with a fishing hook in this artist's painting, (*) Look Mickey. One of his best known works was based on an image in All-American Men of War and depicts a fighter pilot firing a rocket at another plane. This man used Ben Day dots in his painting Drowning Girl. For 10 points, name this pop artist of works like Whaam!, which employed the aesthetics of comic book art.

Roy Lichtenstein

1172 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 13 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 43877 Question: One artist from this country showed a mother rising in surprise as her disheveled son returns from political exile in a follow-up to a painting where that man gets arrested. That same artist from this country was a member of The Wanderers and showed eleven men hauling a boat along a river. Another artist from this country painted watercolors he called bagatelles in addition to The Garden of Love, one of his (*) Improvisations. That second artist from this nation painted a man on a white horse darting across a field in a painting that names an art movement that also included the German-born Franz Marc. For 10 points, name this country home to artists like Blue Rider member Wassily Kandinsky.

Russia [or the USSR; or the Soviet Union]

1239 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 12 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49195 Question: This country's UNOVIS art group was led by a man whose works included White on White and Black Circle. A depiction of "Barge Haulers on" this country's longest river was painted by a member of its Wanderers movement, Repin. Another man from this country painted abstract works like Composition VII and founded a group including Franz Marc and August Macke, the Blue Rider movement. One man's childhood in this country inspired a work in which a green-faced man is staring at a goat, I and the Village. For 10 points, name this home of Marc Chagall and Wassily Kandinsky, whose art was stifled under socialist realism.

Russia [prompt on "Soviet Union" or "USSR" or "Russian Empire" and similar answers]

1358 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2011 | Round: 1 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51649 Question: One of this artist's works depicts Shirley Temple with the body of a lioness, while another painting shows a knife and fruit basket hovering "still" in midair. This painter of Living Still Life also created a painting with twenty-eight Venus de Milos, The Hallucinogenic Toreador. Other works by this artist include a couch shaped like the lips of an actress, as well as a sculpture of a telephone made with the body parts of a lobster. Along with Mae West Lips Sofa, this artist painted a scene featuring a swarm of ants and melting clocks. For 10 points, name this surrealist painter of The Persistence of Memory.

Salvador Dali

1130 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 12 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31709 Question: One of this artist's paintings is set on a balcony near a sea and shows a series of objects flying off of a kitchen table. This artist made one work which shows his wife's face made up of a series of floating balls, and another painting by this artist of Still Life, Fast Moving shows a procession of elephants walking towards the title figure, who hold ups a cross to a long-legged horse. This artist painted Galatea of the Spheres and The Temptation of St. Anthony, and the background of another of his paintings shows the central objects draped across a ledge and a tree. For 10 points, name this artist of The Persistence of Memory.

Salvador Dalí [accept Salvador Domènec Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, Marquis de Púbol]

1052 | Collegiate Novice | 2012 | Round: 5 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34153 Question: Many of this artist's works are set against Costa Brava, including Still Life Moving Fast. In one painting, this artist compared a figure looking into a pool with a stone hand holding up an egg. His Madonna of Port Lligat and Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee feature his wife Gala. One canvas by this artist of Metamorphosis of Narcissus shows a branch growing from a table and was later re-imagined "disintegrating." He showed ants crawling on a pocket watch in that canvas. For 10 points, name this Spanish surrealist who painted The Persistence of Memory.

Salvador Dalí [or Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech]

960 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: PennRutgersYaleB | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45085 Question: One work in this collection depicts a member of a marching band whose tuba hides his face. Another work in this collection depicts a man walking down the sidewalk in the same direction as an enormous neon arrow. This collection's blurred images include one, which depicts a lonely woman looking upwards in an elevator. The cover of its early editions featured its image of a white woman, two children, and a black man looking out of a trolley. This collection's opening image depicts two women looking out of windows obscured by a waving flag, and is titled "Parade Hoboken, New Jersey." Described as a "sad poem" in its introduction by Jack Kerouac, it consists of photographs its artist took while driving across the country on a Guggenheim grant in 1955. For 10 points, name this photography collection by Robert Frank, which depicts the residents of the title country.

The Americans

1512 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Finals 2 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48512 Question: One character at the center of this painting is an entirely red dwarf who hunches against a column with a dark parrot on his arm, while two soldiers are conspicuously milling about in German dress. A black and white dog sits in the front center on a raised platform; the platform is accessible by gradually ascending the stairs in the lower corners. The background is dominated by an arcade of three massive arches, beyond which city buildings rise, including a white tower at center. Commissioned for the refectory of the Dominican monastery of Santi Giovanni e Paolo, it now sits in the Academy in Venice. It was renamed in the wake of heresy charges and completed a decade after its artist's other masterpiece, The Marriage at Cana. FTP, name this painting which depicts the Last Supper, but was named by its artist Veronese to reflect the festive banquet taking place at the title place.

The Feast in the House of Levi or Convito in casa di Levi or La Cena in casa di Levi

1562 | The Experiment | 2007 | Round: 1 | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58904 Question: This painting contains two columns which bracket the scene, a plain one on the right and a statue of Janus on the left with wreaths hanging off of it; a putto rests on the ground near the Janus statute blowing bubbles. Painted for Cardinal Giulio Rospigliosi, the sky contains a massive cloud in the center on which a chariot and a team of horses are perched, driven by Aurora as she emerges from the zodiac with Apollo. The bottom center is occupied by four goddesses holding hands and facing outward in a circle. This painting inspired a massive 12-volume ►cycle of novels narrated by Nick Jenkins starting with A Question of Upbringing. FTP, name this painting by Nicolas Poussin or the cycle it inspired, by British writer Anthony Powell.

A Dance to the Music of Time

1154 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 17 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53307 Question: In one of this artist's works, smoke billows above a yellow and blue sign that reads "Office & Plant Eshelman Est. 1881 FEED." He referenced a French pastoral romance in the title of his painting of a factory, Aucassin and Nicolette. This artist of Buildings, Lancaster led the Precisionist movement and painted a grain elevator to resemble the monuments of an exotic country in My Egypt. In another of this man's paintings, part of the words "bill" and "Carlos" can be seen, as can three representations of the title number, which is above the initials "W.C.W." For 10 points, name this Philadelphian artist of I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold.

Charles Demuth

1349 | Collegiate Novice | 2011 | Round: 7 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34846 Question: Bartolomeo Bellano's bronze depiction of this figure is housed in the MoMA. Another depiction of this figure includes a harp on the ground while its central figure bites his lip. In addition to Bernini's version of this subject, Rossellino worked on a marble depiction of him. A Settignano column held up another depiction of this subject, which included a sword and was the first freestanding nude since antiquity. For 10 points, name this subject of sculptures by Michelangelo and Donatello, who is shown after he has defeated Goliath.

David [do not accept "Goliath"]

1530 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Editors 1 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47269 Question: One member of this group designed the Allegonda villa at Katwik and the Café de Unie. The early works of Burgoyne Diller are often said to belong to this group, which also included the painter of Mechano-Dancer, Vilmos Huszár. A home constructed with its principles has a sub-dividable open space on the 2nd floor and a façade of protruding planes, designed by the man who did the Red and Blue Chair. With J.J.P. Oud and Bart van der Leck, Theo von Doesburg founded the journal of this group, whose work was exemplified by Rietveld's Schröder House and another artist's Broadway Boogie Woogie. For 10 points, name this Dutch art school including Piet Mondrian.

De Stijl [prompt on neoplasticism]

957 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Ohio State | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45096 Question: This artist planned to build two plateaus, two cones, and a pyramid in the shape of a face in his never built earthwork project, Sculpture to be Seen from Mars. The MoMa owns one of his black radio nurse speakers designed for the Zenith Radio Corporation, while the Met owns his biomorphic pink marble sculpture Kouros. This artist sculpted a giant red cube with a cylindrical hole for the financial district of Manhattan. He designed a table that consists of a plate glass top resting on a base of two identical curved wooden pieces, as well as a series of Akari lamps. From 1927 to 1929, he worked as an assistant to Constantin Brancusi, years before he created minimalist sets for Martha Graham. For 10 points, name this American sculptor of Japanese descent who designed the set of Appalachian Spring.

Isamu Noguchi [or Noguchi Isamu]

1101 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51981 Question: In one painting by this artist, a black-armored figure rides a white horse while battling the title creature in St. George Fighting the Dragon. A crowd of people gather around the palace of Pope Leo IV in his The Fire in the Borgo, and this student of Perugino depicted Jesus and John the Baptist as they hold the title bird in his Madonna of the Goldfinch. He illustrated two bored- looking cherubs in his Sistine Madonna, while his most famous work depicts Plato, Aristotle, and other philosophers under an arch. For 10 points, name this artist of The School of Athens.

Raphael [accept either underlined name of Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino]

1195 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 6 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30988 Question: In one of this artist's paintings, three angels read a book on the roof above the title scene as angels and men embrace in the foreground. A woman holds a giant axe and grabs the hair of the other title figure in his Pallas and the Centaur. Two women pull on the hair of an unjust judge while a naked representation of truth points to heaven in this artist's Calumny of Apelles. He painted The (*) Mystical Nativity in reaction to Savonarola. Mercury, who symbolizes May, can be seen to the left of the three Graces in a painting by this artist in which Venus stands on a bed of flowers. In another work, Zephyr blows a goddess on a seashell to shore. For 10 points, name this artist of La Primavera and The Birth of Venus.

Sandro Botticelli [or Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni dei Filipepi]

975 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Northwestern A | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29916 Question: One member of this movement showed a nude reclining woman with a parasol in Girl Under a Japanese Umbrella. That member of this movement showed himself dressed in a military uniform and missing his right hand in Self-Portrait as a Soldier and painted a series of street scenes called "metropole pictures". Another member of this movement depicted one purple nude woman with black hair and three yellow nude women waving their arms in frenzy around the title idol in his Dance Around the Golden Calf. For 10 points, Ernst Kirchner and Emil Nolde, who were declared "degenerate" by the Nazis, were part of what German Expressionistic art movement that sought to connect the old and the new with a namesake structure?

The Bridge [or Die Brucke]

1531 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Editors 1 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47282 Question: In the lower left of this painting, a man in a hooded gray robe bows his head in front of a man in a hooded black robe with his right arm extended. In the lower right, a man in white partially obscures a priest while looking to the upper left, where St. Peter dangles his keys as he looks over the shoulder of Mary, who is below a white-shrouded Jesus and on one side of an opening in the clouds through which an angel flies holding a small spirit. In the center, the artist's son points at the golden sleeve of St. Stephen, who along with St. Augustine holds the title figure clad in black armor. For 10 points, name this work depicting the internment of a pious Spaniard, a work of El Greco.

The Burial of Count Orgaz [or The Burial of the Count of Orgaz; or El Entierro del Conde de Orgaz]

1033 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Magin | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44507 Question: Zygmunt Wazbinski argued that the most famous depiction of this subject, now in Vienna's Kunsthistorisches Museum, contains a portrait of Alexander the Great. A black man stretches his arms out to the sky to the right of a mixed-race pair attempting to have a conversation in M. C. Escher's top-down treatment of this subject. A "little" painting of this subject made in 1563 shows it in orange and red with storm clouds in front of it. Two men walk in the wheel of a giant pulley in the most famous depiction of this subject, whose lower-right shows men hauling supplies off boats near several large red rock slabs. That same painting of this subject contains numerous crooked and dilapidated arches, while in the foreground men genuflect in front of a ruler who may be King Nimrod. FTP, name this subject of a Pieter Bruegel the Elder painting which consists of concentric levels extending skywards, based upon a story in Genesis.

The Construction of the Tower of Babel

1547 | FICHTE | 2008 | Round: 10 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 56115 Question: Three kneeling and bowing figures in white are in front of an altar dominated by huge golden trees in this artist's The Sacred Wood. An angry, brown and white unicorn is in his Silence of the Wood, and he showed a green figure dressed in black and riding a dragon backwards in The Plague. (*) For 10 points name this man who depicted a small rowboat approaching sheer, oddly lit cliffs in The Isle of the Dead.

Arnold Bocklin

1173 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 14 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49727 Question: This artist added a spout to the back of his own head in his stoneware work, Jug Self-Portrait, while another self-portrait sees him standing in front of his painting in which his wife lies naked, face down on a bed haunted by an evil spirit. This artist of The Spirit of the Dead Watching created a work in which three women (*) imagine the title religious figure, who wears a loin cloth and is painted the same color as the fields in the background. Breton peasants witness Jacob wrestling with the angel in his related work, Vision After the Sermon. For 10 points, name this Post-Impressionist behind The Yellow Christ who painted Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? in Tahiti.

(Eugene Henri) Paul Gauguin

1574 | The Experiment | 2007 | Round: 8 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 60001 Question: Two paintings by this name reside in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna: one by Jan Steen which features a set of two stairs on the right. The other work has a dark green rectangular cloth of honor hanging on the back wall, in front of which sits the central figure. A nobleman sumptuously dressed in black seems out of place seated on the far right, as he chats earnestly with a monk in a green hood, while a dog peeks its head out from under the table. Two corn husks and a rake are also on the wall, two men play the bagpipes, and another two carry a wooden door which is being used ►as a serving table. FTP, name this painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder which depicts a nuptial celebration.

(The/A) Peasant Wedding (also accept The Wedding Feast)

1422 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: 9 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41500 Question: This man is shown collecting water next to a goat in a painting by Veronese, while another work sees him approaching an angel holding a sword. That depiction of this man can be found on the left side of The Haywain by Hieronymus Bosch. Masolino and Masaccio painted scenes from this man's life on opposite walls of the Brancacci Chapel, and one of those scenes depicts him holding his hands over his eyes while a red-robed angel (*) expels him from his home. This man also appears on the left side of the Ghent Altarpiece underneath a depiction of his two sons, while a more famous depiction of him sees him extend his hand in order to touch the finger of God. For 10 points, name this man whose "Creation" Michelangelo painted on the Sistine Chapel ceiling.


1551 | FICHTE | 2008 | Round: 14 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59205 Question: Some critics have noted the pubic hair and a phallic trident in this man's portrait of Andrea Doria as Neptune, and he put much more weight into the Christ in his Deposition than his contemporary (*) Pontormo did. A mask and a left hand holding fruit are at the bottom right corner of another of his paintings, with a bearded man at the top and a man shrieking at the left. For 10 points name this creator of Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time.

Agnolo Bronzino or Agnolo di Cosimo

999 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: Northwestern A + VCU | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40573 Question: One of this artist's works, which was inspired by a mask he bought at a flea market while visiting Andre Breton, depicts a seated, bare-breasted woman whose shins are covered by a board. In another of his works, a man's head hangs in a cage with only the titular body part protruding. This creator of Hands Holding the Void (Invisible Object) and The Nose was inspired by an affair with a woman named Denise to create a (*) matchstick house featuring a hanging spinal column and pterodactyl skeleton, his The Palace at 4 A.M. This man created the iconic lone tree as the set designer for Waiting for Godot and may or may not have been envisioning a praying mantis while creating Woman With Her Throat Cut. For 10 points, name this Surrealist Swiss sculptor best known for creating long, thin bronze figures in his Walking Man works.

Albert Giacometti

1452 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 9 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44617 Question: This artist painted a woman holding her hand on a girl's head and looking up at a man on a white horse in his painting Roadside Meeting. Ten of his paintings were included in the Armory Show, including his depiction of a dim sun off the coast in Moonlit Cove. A ship blends into the background sky as a boat bearing three skeletal figures approaches a giant wave in his The Flying Dutchman. Because he applied paint on still wet surfaces in deep layers, most of his paintings show extensive cracking, including one in which a solitary (*) dead tree rises behind a fence. In that painting by this man, a snake looks on as a skeletal figure bearing a scythe rides the wrong way around a racetrack. For 10 points, name this American artist of Death on a Pale Horse.

Albert Pinkham Ryder

1112 | Minnesota Open | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44246 Question: This artist is not Mantegna, but men seated on a bridge look on as a man dressed in green pants shoots an arrow toward a man chained to a column in this painter's The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. This artist's engravings served as a major influence to the Little Masters. One of this artist's works shows a large number of tents and the ruins of a castle in the background. The title action of this man's St. George Overcoming the Dragon only takes up a small amount of space on a canvas that is dominated by a forest. In another work, this artist showed the (*) crescent moon in the upper left and the setting sun at right. This artist of one of Europe's first landscapes, which shows a footbridge, executed another work for William IV of Bavaria that includes a large panel bearing an inscription about the title conflict. For 10 points, name this member of the Danube School who depicted Alexander defeating Darius in The Battle of Issus.

Albrecht Altdorfer

1132 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31469 Question: This artist made two depictions of his family's coat of arms with a cock and a skull, and he showed a sultan clad in a blue robe pointing to a recently severed head in his The Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand. This artist often signed his works with a monogram in which the the first letter of his last name sits under the first letter of his first name. This artist depicted a figure without a nose or lips holding an hourglass to the central armor-clad figure in one work which also shows a dog running between two horses. The title figure hunches over a desk in a room which is also occupied by a dog and a lion in another of his works. One work by this artist of Knight, Death and the Devil depicts a magic square next to a gloomy angel. For 10 points, name this Renaissance era German artist of Melencolia I and Four Horseman of the Apocalypse.

Albrecht Dürer

914 | WIT | 2013 | Round: GMU + Sheffield A + Chicago C | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32067 Question: Jacques-Louis David depicted this man on the left of a painting that shows a naked woman sitting on a bed in Apelles Painting Campaspe in the Presence of [This Figure]. A painting by Eugene Delacroix shows this man along with an advisor picking out Homer's epics as a treasure. A more famous painting depicting this man shows a moon on the top left while a sun occupies the top right. In that painting, a giant (*) scroll in Latin flies over the top of the soldiers fighting on the ground. In a famous mosaic, this man is looking towards his enemy in a yellow headdress on the right. For 10 points, identify this historical personage that Albrecht Altdorfer depicted fighting against Darius III in the Battle of Issus.

Alexander the Great [or Alexander III of Macedon]

1150 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 14 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53232 Question: This artist recorded the construction of skyscrapers from the perspective of his apartment in Looking Northwest from the Shelton. He created a series of images of clouds he called Equivalents. In one of his works, a driver gives water to his steaming horses in front of a post office in Harlem. To display his work, he created the gallery 291. In another of his works, which depicts the S.S. Kaiser Wilhelm, a white gangplank separates the upper and lower decks of a ship headed to Europe. This man's photographs include The Terminal and The Steerage. For 10 points, name this husband of Georgia O'Keefe, a leader of the Photo-Secessionist movement.

Alfred Stieglitz

1013 | BHSAT | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50440 Question: In the bottom-left corner of one of his paintings, a man in white-and-yellow hammers nails into the cross, while a man in green grabs at Jesus' red cloak. In another of his works, a figure in shiny blue robes raises his arms skywards while standing in front of a group of nudes that stand in front of green and yellow draperies. In another work by this artist of The Disrobing of Christ, saints gathered in heaven watch as St. Stephen and St. Augustine bear the corpse of the title nobleman. For 10 points, name this Spanish Renaissance artist of The Opening of the Fifth Seal and The Burial of the Count of Orgaz, whose name reflects his Cretan origin.

El Greco [or Domenikos Theotokopoulos]

1575 | | 0 | Round: | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 43422 Question: Jean Metzinger created a divisionist rendition of a painting of this woman, whose artist exasperatedly replied "Black, obviously," upon being asked about her dress. This woman holds a fan in her gloved arm and sits on a blue chair in that controversial painting, which was bought by Leo and Gertrude Stein. This woman often alternated modeling duty with her husband's daughter Marguerite. This woman's black hair is done in a bun in a painting in which her face is bifurcated by the title feature. A portrait of this woman was singled out for attack at the 1905 Salon d'Automne by critics who likened it to a wild beast. For 10 points, name this subject of Woman with a Hat and Green Stripe, which were painted by her husband, the leader of the Fauvists.

Amelie Matisse [or Mrs. Matisse; or Henri Matisse's wife; or Amelie Noellie Parayre; prompt on Matisse]

1042 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2012 | Round: 3 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32899 Question: In this painting, the colonial print and flowers on the woman's dress symbolize domestic care and the traditional role of women in society. The two figures in this work were modeled after the artist's dentist and sister. The man has a cross look on his face and symbolizes hard labor by holding a pitchfork. For 10 points, name this work by Grant Wood, which symbolized America in the 1930s.

American Gothic

1129 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 11 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31680 Question: Like the subject of its artist's Woman with Plants, the leftmost figure in this painting wears a red cameo brooch and is positioned close to a potted geranium and mother-in-law's tongue. The figure on this painting's right wears a green-striped undershirt and a white collar with a gold button. This painting's title derives from the Dibble House, whose distinctive arched gable window sits in the upper background of this work between its two central figures, who were modeled on the artist's sister and dentist. For 10 points, name this painting of a strict-looking woman and a bald man holding a pitchfork, executed by Grant Wood.

American Gothic

1469 | SCOP Novice | 2010 | Round: 4 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53607 Question: Despite its title, the house appearing in this painting is of the "Carpenter" variety of a title concept. A church steeple, a red barn, and a cactus plant all appear in the background, and while Nan looks away from the viewer, Byron McKeeby (*) stares directly out. McKeeby wears a black coat and blue overalls. Featuring the artist's sister and pitchfork-wielding dentist, name this oft-parodied work by Grant Wood.

American Gothic

1394 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: Editors 2 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39273 Question: This artist depicted a man in a green tunic holding a pail on the right side of one work, and the title character of another painting has open palms facing the viewer while two angels with red and blue wings sit behind him on a sarcophagus. This artist depicted the first title character depositing the head of the second title character in a bag while under a pink tent in his Judith and Holofernes. Another painting by this artist of Christ as the Suffering Redeemer shows two men walking away from the viewer on a sloping pink road to the left of the title figure and includes a rider with a scythe in a cloud at the top left. He painted The musicians and The corselet bearers as two parts of his series the Triumphs of Caesar. This artist foreshortened the title figure of another painting but made his feet smaller. For 10 points, name this Italian artist of Dead Christ who painted three versions of St. Sebastian.

Andrea Mantegna

926 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: Florida | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30594 Question: This man depicted an artist leaning on his elbow next to an unfinished Pieta in his Michelangelo in His Studio. One of his paintings shows the title animal attacking the leg of a rearing horse, while another is set in a palace where concubines are being murdered in preparation for the title event. This creator of Tiger Hunt and Death of Sardanapalus is best remembered for a painting featuring a small boy pointing a gun at the sky while the title character stands on a pile of bodies and waves the French flag. For 10 points, name this artist who created Liberty Leading the People.

Eugene Delacroix

1479 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: Carnegie Mellon University and University of Central Florida | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53430 Question: On the left side of his "Triumph of Virtue," the mother of virtue is imprisoned in a tree with twigs growing from her nipples, and his first work, the Santa Sofia Altarpiece, is now lost. His work with Ansuino for the Ovetari Chapel of the Eremitani Church was largely destroyed by the Allied bombings of Padua, including a famous grisaille fresco with an extremely low vantage point. That work shows the titular figure on the left beneath a large arch commanding a lame man to walk. Also utilizing his creative perspective are his frescos for the Gonzaga family and a depiction of Jesus on a slab. The son-in-law of Jacopo Bellini, for 10 points, who was this artist of St. James Led to His Execution, the Camera Degli Sposi, and the Dead Christ?

Andrea Mantegna

1274 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: Finals 2 | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41618 Question: Late in his career, this artist showed a pair of severed hands on top of a block of ice in his work Breakup and also showed some of his favorite models, such as Anna and Karl Kuerner, dancing around a maypole in Snow Hill. Another work by this artist shows a naked woman lying on a bed while light pours in from the window, while another shows a naked woman in braids sitting on a stool by an open (*) window. Both of those works, ¬¬-Overflow and Lovers, depict a woman whom this artist painted in secret for 14 years in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. In addition to his paintings of Helga Testorf, this painter is also known for a work set in Cushing, Maine in which a girl in pink turns to look up at a gray house while lying on the ground. For 10 points, name this American painter of Christina's World.

Andrew Wyeth

1031 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Listeruud | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48318 Question: This artist included the words "Lee" and "Lime" on an obscured green sign at the right edge of a canvas with a pier, an olive colored post, and a blue and red boat sitting opposite the Blackfriars Bridge. He painted a man in grayscale with a Modigliani-esque head reading Le Journal in his Chevalier X, and he illustrated the 1943 edition of Pantagruel by Rabelais Another painting has a man dressed in multi-colored diamond-shaped patches and a man in baggy white robes - that is his Harlequin and Pierrot. A portrait of this artist shows him with blue eyelids, red face, brown bowtie, and a pipe in his mouth. He did a landscape with a pink, orange and blue sky over a green rendition of Westminster Palace - that work is Charing Cross Bridge. This artist of The Turning Road at L'Estaque is also known for sharing a studio with Maurice de Vlaminck, and for inspiring the critic Louis Vauxcelles to name a movement that he helped found. FTP, name this French artist who worked with Henri Matisse to found Fauvism.

André Derain

1105 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 52037 Question: He wrote that he created much of his work with the aid of "previsualization," and he designated zones one through nine of his Zone System as the "dynamic range." His efforts led directly to the creation of Kings Canyon National Park after he was hired to photograph the area by Harold Ickes, and this founder of the group f/64 [f-stop-64] documented the internment of Japanese-Americans in his photographs of Manzanar. Two of his most famous photographs are entitled Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico and Monolith, The Face of Half Dome. For 10 points, name this American photographer who took numerous photos of Yosemite National Park.

Ansel Easton Adams

1384 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 4 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40084 Question: In the bottom right corner of one painting by this artist, a nymph leans out of a stream to sing to the central couple while the central female's red cape flutters in the wind as she drapes rose garlands over a knight. A black servant holds a red parasol for the title figure of his portrait of the Marchesa Elena Grimaldi. Another painting of Italian nobility by this artist is his portrait of the Lomelli family. Other paintings by this artist of Rinaldo and Armida include many portraits of his patron, such as an equestrian portrait of him on a fat, light-brown horse and one from three different angles, which was sent to Bernini for an intended bust. His most famous self-portrait shows him with a giant sunflower. For 10 points, name this Flemish court painter of Charles I who names a type of facial hair.

Anthony Van Dyck

1209 | Penn Bowl | 2012 | Round: Editors Packet 6 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44752 Question: This man's time in Italy saw the creation of his portrait of Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy, while the religious works of his early period include St. Martin Dividing His Cloak and The Crowning with Thorns. In a self-portrait, he cradles a gold chain given to him by his patron. Engravers in this artist's home city adapted his many drawings and quick portraits to create the prints which make up his Iconography. This creator of Self Portrait with Sunflower man also painted a portrait in which the subject wears a slanted, full-brimmed black hat and is accompanied by a horse and two courtiers; that work depicts the title monarch on a hunt, and this man also made an equestrian portrait of that monarch. A student of Peter Paul Rubens, for 10 points, name this Flemish painter from Antwerp known for his many portraits of the English King Charles I.

Anthony van Dyck

947 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Editors 7 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44514 Question: While in Palermo, this artist painted five depictions of St. Rosalie interceding on the behalf of the victims of plague. This painter created nearly one hundred small etched portraits of prominent nobles and artists, which became known as his Iconography. He painted portraits of Elena Grimaldi and the Balbi Children during his time in Genoa, and was succeeded at court by Peter Lely. Thomas Gainsborough painted The Blue Boy in homage to this artist, who painted a depiction of the dwarf Jeffrey Hudson, as well as a self-portrait with a large sunflower. One of this artist's patrons is the subject of an equestrian portrait under a large triumphal arch, as well as a triple portrait depicting that figure's torso from three angles. After starting out as an assistant to Rubens, he moved to England, where he painted portraits of Queen Henrietta Maria and her husband. For 10 points, name this Flemist artist who created many portraits of Charles I.

Anthony van Dyck

1525 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Amherst and South Carolina | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44731 Question: His teacher Claude Gillot's interest in the commedia dell'arte and scenes d'opera were an important influence on this artist, whose depiction of Diana was an inspiration for Manet's Dejeuner Sur l'herbe. A clown during intermission is the subject of his Gilles, and he painted a wounded soldier in convalescence in Les Fatigues de la guerre. His Gersaint signboard shows an art dealer's shop, though more typical works include Do You Want to Succeed with Women? and The Pleasures of Love. A rococo artist known for his fetes galantes, this is, for 10 points, what painter best known for his depiction of pilgrims traveling to a mythical island, Embarkation to Cythera.

Antoine Watteau

994 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: Michigan A + Brian McP | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40361 Question: The head of this figure is twisted over the shoulder to gaze down at a bare back in the "Kallipygos" rendering. This deity crouches and turns to face the viewer with a vaguely surprised expression in a statue once owned by Peter Lely. In another rendering, this deity is seen wielding a sandal and preparing to put a holy beat down on Pan, who hangs from this figure's left arm. Many depictions of this deity in Classical times were referred to using the word (*) "Pudica," to refer to shame or modesty. Those depictions include the "Capitoline" version, which shows the same bathing urn present in a Praxiteles sculpture known as "[this deity] of Knidos" that was the first Classical depiction of this deity in the nude. For 10 points, name this deity depicted in that work as covering her genitalia with her left hand, the Greek goddess of love.

Aphrodite [or Venus]

1424 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: Finals 2 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41666 Question: In 1973, two works by this artist, Aerial Map and Mechanics of Flying, were discovered under 14 layers of paint at the Newark Airport; those works were part of his ten-section mural entitled Aviation. Works inspired by this artist's youth include a series of paintings inspired by his father's garden in Khorkum, Garden in Sochi, and two paintings based on a 1912 picture of himself and his mother, who died of starvation while fleeing soldiers. This creator of the Nighttime, Enigma, Nostalgia series also painted the Portrait of (*) Master Bill, which depicts his friend Willem de Kooning, as well as the aforementioned The Artist and His Mother. He may be better known, however, for his abstract works such as One Year the Milkweed. For 10 points, name this Abstract Expressionist who fled to America during the Armenian Genocide and painted The Liver is the Cock's Comb.

Arshile Gorky [accept Vostanik Adoyan]

1000 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: Ohio State A | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40591 Question: Red drapery surrounds Pietro Gentile, who wears the Maltese cross and sports a long sword strapped to his belt, in this artist's Portrait of a Gonfaloniere, This artist painted the titular mythological creature sitting back and looking perplexed after grasping at his query and coming away with only a wig in Corisca and the Satyr. In this artist's first major work, a brown-haired man whispers to his companion, who presses a (*) finger to his lips as they lean over a wall to leer at a nude woman who twists away. This artist appears in green leaning into a canvas and stretching out a lone brush in Self Portrait as the Allegory of Painting, and drew on characteristic themes to paint Susanna and the Elders and a more famous work depicting a maid holding down a general while the other title figure cuts through his neck with a sword. For 10 points, identify this painter of a famed Judith Slaying Holofernes, a female Italian Baroque artist

Artemisia Gentileschi

1227 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39180 Question: One woman in this painting wears a dress with gray rectangles outlined in red. In the right background of this painting, a woman in a purple v-back dress faces away from the viewer as she fixes her reddish hair. The abstracted background of this painting shows a series of wall mirrors on reflecting hanging lights, and cutting across the bottom left corner is an empty bar. The artist painted himself and his cousin walking behind the central group of (*) three men and two women drinking at a table. Facing the viewer is a woman in black dress with a bluish, ghastly face. This painting was finished two years after the artist was commissioned to create a series of posters for the establishment depicted, and the artist also depicted several singers and dancers employed there. For 10 points, name this painting by Henri Toulouse-Lautrec showing a scene at a popular French cabaret.

At the Moulin Rouge

1221 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 11 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40384 Question: One statue of this figure is named for Count Lenormant, and another one by Alan LeQuire is found in Nashville's Centennial Park. The pedestal of one statue of this figure shows the birth of Pandora and a battle of the Amazons, and the clothing of the subject is tied at the waist by a snake. The position of a spear present in that statue is subject to some controversy. In one work depicting this figure, the subject's helmet has a pair of (*) griffins and a depiction of the sphinx, while Nike sits on the subject's outstretched hand. In that depiction, the aegis shield leans against her left leg. That statue was chryselephantine, much like the sculptor's depiction of a seated Zeus. For 10 points, name this figure, a statue of whom was sculpted by Phidias for a temple dedicated to her, the Parthenon.

Athena [accept things like Virgin Athena]

1017 | BHSAT | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50523 Question: This artist often left his works purposely "incomplete", such as in a bronze sculpture of a striding figure with no arms or head, and a bust that has no back to the head and no shoulders, his Man with a Broken Nose. A crouching woman is caught by a falling man in this artist's I Am Beautiful. One of his sculptures depicts an Italian nobleman consuming one of his children. He depicted Paolo and Francesca embracing in one sculpture and his most famous male figure, rests his chin on his fist as he cogitates. For 10 points, name this French sculptor whose Gates of Hell includes "The Kiss" and "The Thinker".

Auguste Rodin

919 | WIT | 2013 | Round: Rice | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32182 Question: Near the end of his life, this artist created a monument for his birthplace, Dublin, honoring Charles Stuart Parnell. He mentored other American artists at the Cornish Art Colony in New Hampshire and designed a $20 Double Eagle gold piece for the US Mint. His Civil War memorials include an equestrian statue of a (*) Union general in Central Park as well as a sculpture of a president standing thoughtfully in front of a chair with an eagle motif. This sculptor of the Sherman Memorial and Standing Lincoln depicted the leader of the all-black 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment in a monument on Boston Common. For 10 points, name this American Renaissance sculptor of the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial.

Augustus Saint-Gaudens

1423 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: Finals 1 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41635 Question: A notable conté crayon study for this painting is known as The Echo. People depicted in the background include a man wearing all white except for a brown hat and three people passing by on a boat. Other people depicted in this painting include a man in a straw hat sitting on a red shirt and a man in a black hat lying down on the grass next to a small brown dog, both of whom look towards the right side. (*) The smoke stacks of a factory can be seen in the background of this work, which also shows two shirtless guys wearing red shorts. One of those guys is a boy who also wears a circular red hat and holds his hands up to his mouth, while the other guy sits on the grassy shore and stares across the river at the island of la Grande Jatte. For 10 points, name this painting of people relaxing near a river by Georges Seurat.

Bathers at Asnieres [or Une Baignade, Asnières]

978 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Penn A | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29930 Question: On the left of one painting by this artist, a man in a red cape raises a scimitar to a lion that is leaping onto the frightened horse of a man with a spear. At the bottom right of that painting by this artist lie two dying doves and a snake crawling over a rock. On the left of another painting by this artist, a steeple rises through smoke, as a man with a flag runs towards the central scene. On the right of that painting by this artist, a hat lies on the ground next to a standing man in orange, who is one of two with hands clasped as if in prayer. In that painting by this artist, a seated Native American watches the central scene of soldiers tending to a dying man who lies beneath a furled Union Jack. For 10 points, name this American painter of Death on a Pale Horse and The Death of General Wolfe.

Benjamin West

1502 | VCU Open | 2009 | Round: 7 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55628 Question: One character joins a Morocan monastery after his roommate Kurt hangs himself in a German concentration camp. The protagonist marries the sister of his college friend Boy Mulcaster, and she gives birth to his daughter Caroline while he is on a two year expedition exploring ruins in South America. Much of this novel takes place at Oxford, where Mr. Samgrass fail to prevent Sebastian from living the life of a drunkard. This novel opens with the protagonist being billeted in the central locale by the army, and one character in this work openly lives with his mistress Cara in Venice. Sebastian's sister Julia marries Rex Mottram but carries on an affair with the protagonist, ultimately refusing to marry him for fear of a life of sin. For 10 points name this novel about the "Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder," a painter who spends time with the Marchmain family at the title estate, a work of Evelyn Waugh.

Brideshead Revisited

1493 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: Virginia Commonwealth University | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55396 Question: This painting inspired the first major work of American artist Larry Rivers, and it is the subject of Michael Fried's essay concerning "The Structure of Beholding in" this work. This work's artist depicted his sisters Zoe, Juliette, and Zelie in the right half of this work, whose frieze-like quality prompted Mary Cassatt to exclaim "Why, it's Greek!" upon seeing it. In addition to two boys, both wearing skullcaps, two figures robed in red can be seen in the center left of this painting, whose title locale was also the setting for an earlier work by the same artist depicting the titular workers. The crowd gathered for the depicted event is arranged in an S-curve across this monumental painting, and only a cross projecting into the upper half of the painting breaks this work's division between the sky and the titular event occurring below. For ten points, identify this painting depicting a country funeral by Gustave Courbet.

Burial at Ornans or Tableau de figures humaines, historique d'un enterrement a Ornans

1036 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Petereson | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48441 Question: The Cleveland Museum of Art refused this artist's offer to restore a purple swirl that had faded to blue in the central element of one work. This subject of the first solo exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art moved to Buffalo to design wallpaper, leading to a middle realist period featuring industrial sites like Black Iron. A pair of black and yellow eyes peer out over the house of his childhood neighbors, the Weavers, in a work by this artist of Salem Bedroom Studio. He explored themes like imbecility in his Conventions for Abstract Thoughts, and black rain pours down on a house in his 1918 painting, The East Wind. Also known for The Insect Chorus and Church Bells Ringing, Rainy Winter Night, FTP, name this friend of Edward Hopper, who specialized in hallucinatory watercolor paintings.

Charles Ephraim Burchfield

1029 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Ike | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 46415 Question: A father holds the small hand of his daughter as his wife plays a stringed instrument in this artist's Family of Edward Lloyd. A woman in blue and pink dress holds a sword and stands next to the mouth of a cave in his portrait, Nancy Hallam as Cymbeline. One of his works has a young man holding a walking stick and a palette as his brother looks down at the viewer from an illusionistic staircase. Another canvas shows a man climbing a ladder in the foreground while holding a cartouche with a bone on it, as men stand waist-deep in water below an enormous mechanical crane. A red curtain is lifted by the title figure in his canvas The Artist and His Museum, while a portrait of his shows a man leaning with his hand on a bronze cannon. This artist of The Staircase Group and Exhuming the Mastodon painted George Washington at the Battle of Princeton. FTP, identify this man who named his sons Rembrandt, Raphael, and Titian.

Charles Wilson Peale

1224 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 13-Finals 1 | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40609 Question: Klas Anshelm used this man's studio as the basis for the Malmo Konstall, and one of his earliest works was a gravestone memorial depicting a woman on her knees, entitled The Prayer. This man created an ovoid portrait of Nancy Cunhard, and a war memorial created by this man is a circular stone surrounded by a series of hourglass-shaped chairs. One of his works is modeled on Marie Bonaparte and looks like a large bronze (*) phallus. He stacked 17 rhomboid shapes on top of each other for one work in his hometown. He showed a bronze head lying on its side in his Sleeping Muse, and another series by this creator of Princess X, Table of Silence, and Endless Column was a series of seven marble and nine bronze sculptures meant to capture flight. For 10 points, name this modernist Romanian sculptor of the Bird in Space series.

Constantin Brancusi

1447 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 4 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44378 Question: This sculptor used two marble forms fused together to depict Two Turtles, and other animals he sculpted included a jagged lightning shaped Cock and a stingray shaped Flying Turtle. He created several versions of a bird with a puffed chest and prominent plume titled Maiastra. This sculptor used the same egg shaped marble in The Beginning of the World and Sculpture for the Blind. This man visited India after he was commissioned by the (*) Maharajah of Indore to construct a temple that would hold his works. He depicted the embrace of two rectangular figures in one work, and stacked seventeen rhomboidal structures for a war monument. Another of his works was purchased by Edward Steichen and classified by U.S. customs as a "miscellaneous household good." For 10 points, name this Romanian sculptor of Endless Column and Bird in Space.

Constantin Brancusi

1539 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: South Florida | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47638 Question: This artist worked on an unrealized temple for the Maharaja of Indore, and while in Paris, Isamu Noguchi worked in his studio. He created a scandal with the phallic Princess X, and a shape meant to represent fertility comprises his Beginning of the World. A solitary disembodied head, known as Sleeping Muse, launched his career at the Armory Show, while legend from his native country inspired his Maiastra. His large public installation at Tirgu Jiu features The Gate of the Kiss, The Table of Silence, and the 100 foot tall spire known as The Endless Column. For 10 points, name this artist of a highly polished bronze statue that resembles a wing, the Romanian sculptor of Bird in Space.

Constantin Brancusi

1495 | VCU Open | 2009 | Round: 11 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55670 Question: . One of his paintings appears to show a young boy looking at the viewer, holding up the decapitated head of a deer by its antlers. In addition to Putto with Hunting Trophy, this artist painted a now-lost Madonna of Albinea. He was commissioned by the abbess Giovanna Piacenza to paint numerous frescoes for a chamber in her convent, and he painted a fresco depicting a scene from the Book of Revelation on the ceiling of the San Giovanni Evangelista. In addition to painting works in the previously mentioned convent of San Paolo, this artist created a fresco of the Assumption of the Virgin on the ceiling of the dome of the Cathedral of Parma, as well as a series of four paintings depicting scenes from Ovid's Metamorphoses, such as the Abduction of Ganymede and Danae. For ten points, name this artist of the Loves of Jupiter series.

Correggio (or: Antonio Allegri)

1496 | VCU Open | 2009 | Round: 11 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55690 Question: . One of his paintings appears to show a young boy looking at the viewer, holding up the decapitated head of a deer by its antlers. In addition to Putto with Hunting Trophy, this artist painted a now-lost Madonna of Albinea. He was commissioned by the abbess Giovanna Piacenza to paint numerous frescoes for a chamber in her convent, and he painted a fresco depicting a scene from the Book of Revelation on the ceiling of the San Giovanni Evangelista. In addition to painting works in the previously mentioned convent of San Paolo, this artist created a fresco of the Assumption of the Virgin on the ceiling of the dome of the Cathedral of Parma, as well as a series of four paintings depicting scenes from Ovid's Metamorphoses, such as the Abduction of Ganymede and Danae. For ten points, name this artist of the Loves of Jupiter series.

Correggio (or: Antonio Allegri)

1219 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40296 Question: One depiction of this figure shows a pair of putti in the lower right testing lead and gold arrows against a rock. In another depiction she wears red bracelets as an oddly-colored putto hovers above her. Rembrandt used his wife Saskia as a model for his depiction of this figure, but later changed the face to that of his mistress. Correggio's depiction of her shows a winged figure pulling a (*) white cloth over her, and shows her right leg at an odd angle. In one series of paintings depicting her, a nursemaid uses a plate or a piece of cloth to shield her as she reclines on a bed. In another painting she is wrapped in a royal purple cloth, lying in the fetal position with one breast exposed; that depiction gives her bright-red hair and is by Klimt. For 10 points, name this mythological figure, who in a series by Titian is about to be impregnated by a shower of gold.


946 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Editors 6 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44344 Question: This painting appears in the background of a self-portrait by Gustave Caillebote, who owned it up to his death. On the left of this painting, its artist's model Margot appears alongside the Cuban painter Pedro Vidal. The foreground of this painting depicts a table where the artist's friends Frank Lamy, Norbert Goeneutte, and Georges Rivière are seated. To the left of that table, the model Jeanne leans over her sister Estelle, who wears a light blue striped dress and sits on a green bench. A series of white lampposts illuminate this painting, which depicts a cafe near the top of Montmartre. Painted in 1876, it portrays men in straw hats dancing with their partners at the title location in Paris. For 10 points, name this Impressionist painting of a dance at the title location by Auguste Renoir.

Dance at the Moulin de la Galette [or Bal du Moulin de la Galette]

1090 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41928 Question: This artist painted a bent-over girl in white sitting on a bench next to a woman in black holding a black umbrella in the work Waiting. Therese Raquin may have inspired this man's depiction of a man standing in the lamp-lit bedroom of a partially undressed woman called Interior or The Rape. Nude female youngsters challenge boys to physical activity in this painter's Young Spartans Exercising. In another of his paintings, the man on the right examines the title product, while the seated man in the center reads a newspaper. For 10 points, name this French Impressionist painter of The Cotton Exchange at New Orleans, who is better known for his depiction of dancers.

Edgar Degas

1141 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31623 Question: This scene was a subject of a Paul-Jacques-Aime Baudry work in which a woman dressed in a striped gown stands in a corner. One painting depicting this scene shows a red-haired nude standing next to a table holding a fruit bowl staring straight out at the viewer as a nude man lies on a sheet to her right. In a third painting of this subject, a box with the artist's name written on it holds an inkwell, and that work shows the central white turban wearing figure holding a piece of paper with his name underlined on it. Two paintings of this subject by Munch include Charlotte Corday as part of the scene, while another painting of this scene depicts its central figure in a tub shortly after being stabbed. For 10 points, name this subject of a painting by Jacques Louis David.

Death of Marat [accept word forms like Charlotte Corday killing Marat; accept La Mort de Marat or Marat Assassiné]

1390 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 9 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39359 Question: In a painting by a member of this group, a rainbow streches above a bird on the left, in a painting featuring two sad-looking black horses in the center, called The Unfortunate City of Tyrol. A faceless woman in a red hat is the central figure in Lady in a Green Jacket, by one member of this group. A red boar is on the left of a painting from this movement whose center features a blue deer with its head thrown back, The Fate of the Animals. The most famous painter in this group did a series of painting featuring abstract shapes and squiggles of different colors, his Compositions. This group, which included August Macke, takes its name from a painting that depicts the title figure on a white horse galloping across a landscape. For 10 points, name this Expressionist artist group led by Franz Marc and Wassily Kandinsky.

Der Blaue Reiter [or The Blue Rider]

1416 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: 4 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41364 Question: One member of this group created The Cathedral of Socialism for the cover of a manifesto, while another member helped found it after the collapse of The Phalanx. The former artist, Lyonel Feininger, would later join this group's main successor group, which included the painter of Madame Turandot, Alexey von Jawlensky. Gabriele Munter helped found this group along with a man who painted swirls of red and black in (*) Fighting Forms. Its almanac featuring reproductions of primitive and folk art was published in 1912, and this group was formed after many of its founders left the Munich New Artist's Association. Other members of it include August Macke and the painter of The Fate of the Animals, Franz Marc. For 10 points, name this group of German Expressionists which shares its name with a painting by its co-founder, Wassily Kandinsky.

Der Blaue Reiter [or The Blue Rider]

1035 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Mik | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 46015 Question: In one section of this work, two naked women hold corn and apples, and between them is a long panel featuring a cross section of the earth's crust and a baby cradled in the roots of a tree. Opposite those images is a grisaille depiction of the ocean flanked by a dove and an eagle. Giant hands rise from a yellow mountain in one part of this series, while other scenes show a golden-haired Christ-like infant receiving a vaccination, with a nurse and doctor representing Mary and Joseph. In this cycle, Dick Tracy appears in a crowd of spectators to the left of a man in tan hat holding a clipboard who stares at two men in protective masks. The North Wall shows a group of men pushing a metal cart while a furnace rages in the background. Based upon events witnessed at River Rouge, this cycle shows men working on a car assembly line at the Ford Motor Company. FTP, name these murals by Diego Rivera at the namesake city's Institute of Arts.

Detroit Industry Murals

1175 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 15 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49774 Question: 18. This man created early Cubist pieces like Portrait of Zinoviev. A skeleton in women's clothes is depicted in his Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Park. A woman straps a giant basket to a man's back in his The Flower Carrier. Men labor to make cars under massive machinery in one of his works, which contains a note saying it was commissioned by Edsel Ford. Another of his works depicts a (*) "Controller of the Universe" and was removed from the Rockefeller Center for containing a portrait of Lenin. This man painted Detroit Industry, while his wife made a dual self-portrait where the two figures' organs are visible. For 10 points, name this muralist of Man at the Crossroads who was married to Frida Kahlo.

Diego Rivera [or Diego María de la Concepción Juan Nepomuceno Estanislao de la Rivera y Barrientos Acosta y Rodríguez]

958 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Ohio State | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45108 Question: One of this artist's earliest paintings depicts the Virgin Mary standing on the moon and crowned with a halo of stars at the moment of the Immaculate Conception. This artist painted his chief patron in the Fraga Portrait, and depicted the jester Francisco Lezcano playing with a deck of cards in one of his paintings of dwarves. A shirtless man reclining and holding a yellow glass references Titian's Bacchanal of the Andrians in another of his paintings, in which a kneeling man in a yellow shirt is being crowned with a wreath by Bacchus. While in Rome, he painted his Moorish servant Juan de Pareja. In a commission for Gaspar de Haro, this artist of The Drinkers depicted a man holding a mirror that reveals the face of the female title character, whose nude body is rendered from behind. For 10 points, name this court painter of Philip IV of Spain, the artist of the Rokeby Venus and Las Meninas.

Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez

1314 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: UCSD and Berkeley.doc | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30344 Question: He's not Vermeer, but this artist used the same model in his painting Christ in the House of Mary and Martha and a work that shows a boy carrying a melon standing next to the title woman. A figure in a blue sash holds up a mirror into which a naked woman looks in another painting by this artist, who also showed the god of wine surrounded by happy men in Los borrachos, or The Triumph of Bacchus. This artist of Old Woman Cooking Eggs and the Rokeby Venus also depicted himself wearing a red cross in a painting where Philip IV is reflected in a mirror and the Infanta Margarita is surrounded by her attendants. For 10 points, name this Spanish painter of Las Meninas.

Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez

1265 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40844 Question: One work by this artist shows Jacob raising his hands in response to his sons handing him Joseph's bloody coat, while another work shows a tired maid working at a table where four fish lay in a bowl while Mary and Martha listen to Jesus in the background. Another painting by him depicts a man in a ripped brown cloak handing a glass with a fig in it to a customer. In addition to The (*) Waterseller of Seville, this artist also depicted a contest between Athena and Arachne in Las Hilanderas. Another work by him shows several soldiers on the right holding lances upright and centers on Justin de Nassau handing keys to Ambrosio Spinola; that work is The Surrender of Breda. This artist painted himself wearing a red cross in his most famous work, which depicts the Infanta Margarita surrounded by her maids of honor. For 10 points, name this Spanish Baroque painter of Las Meninas.

Diego Velázquez

1363 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2011 | Round: 4 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51720 Question: This man popularized a new type of still life painting called the bodegon. He depicted the myth of Arachne in his Las Hilanderas, and showed a woman sewing a piece of cloth in The Needlewoman. He painted a wild drinking party in his Los Borracho, and depicted Ambrosio Spinola's victory in The Surrender of Breda. He painted the Cupid holding up a mirror for a goddess in his Rokeby Venus. He became the leading artist in the court of King Philip IV, and depicted the young Infanta Margarita with her attendants. For 10 points, name this Spanish baroque painter of Las Meninas.

Diego Velázquez

1263 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40825 Question: One work originally attributed to this architect is now thought to have been mainly designed by Giovanni Antonio Amadeo. This architect designed a palazzo which was demolished in the 17th century, but earlier served as a residence for Raphael. His namesake cloister is located in the Santa Maria della Pace, and he is widely credited with designing the apse of the Santa Maria della (*) Grazie. He designed a small but harmonious building in the courtyard of the church of San Pietro in Montorio, meant to commemorate the location of St. Peter's martyrdom. This architect of the Tempietto is best known for a design based on a Greek cross with a dome based on the Pantheon, but he was replaced by Sangallo, Fra Giocondo and Raphael when his patron Julius II died. For 10 points, name this architect who was the original designer of St. Peter's Basilica.

Donato Bramante

1022 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Byrne | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48423 Question: This artist painted a man in a teal robe standing on a boat and holding a fishnet in his version of The Calling of Peter and Andrew. One of his works gets its title from the three small monks praying at the feet of a black robed Mary; that work is titled Madonna of the Franciscans. Christ points his finger his finger at a winged Satan, who is rendered in all black, and stands on a rock that towers over two walled cities at the bottom in this artist's Temptation on the Mount, located on the back of his best known altarpiece. This painter of the Stoclet Madonna depicted Saint Ansanus and Saint Sabinus as two haloed saints in his best known work. He was the teacher of Simone Martini, and probably the Lorenzetti brothers as well. For a time, his canvas, the Rucellai Madonna, was incorrectly attributed to his predecessor Cimabue. FTP, name this artist best known for his Maesta altarpiece in the Siena Cathedral.

Duccio di Buoninsegna

1208 | Penn Bowl | 2012 | Round: Editors Packet 5 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44723 Question: This artist painted a black-clothed mother and her daughters stiffly facing the viewer while the husband is facing away seated by a fireplace in a work with a light-blue background, The Belleli Family. This artist painted a work where an upside down top hat is on a drawer and a man leans against a shut doorway looking at a partially-dressed woman, which he called The Interior, but is often called The Rape. This artist painted a work where a man is reading a newspaper beside a table covered with the title substance and another work where a man in black sits next to a women looking down at the title green liquid. One of this artist's best-known works shows a white-haired man with a cane surrounded by participants in the title activity standing around, some en pointe. For 10 points, name this French Impressionist of A Cotton Office in New Orleans, L'Absinthe, and the The Dance Class.

Edgar Degas

1312 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Stanford.doc | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30318 Question: A girl partially dressed in blue points at a naked group of boys in one painting by this artist. Another work of his depicts Ernest May, a Jewish banker, talking with others at the titular location. In addition to Young Spartans Exercising and At the Stock Exchange, this artist also depicted his brother Rene reading a newspaper while the titular commodity is spread across a table in his The New Orleans Cotton Exchange. More characteristic works by this artist include a depiction of a woman with a drink in front of her, L'Absinthe, and paintings such as Stage Rehearsal and The Dance Class. For 10 points, name this French painter known for his depictions of ballerinas.

Edgar Degas (de-GAH)

1439 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 11 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44831 Question: This artist was inspired by a prostitute character in Zola's L'Assommoir to paint Henriette Hauser applying her makeup at a mirror in Nana. After being roundly criticized for his depiction of an incident at a bullfight, he ignored Baudelaire's advice to shrug it off and cut the painting in two, resulting in The Dead Toreador. This artist used Leon Leenhoff as a model for Boy Carrying a Sword and also painted him bringing a tray to (*) Bertha Morisot in The Balcony. This artist's favorite model was Victorine Meurent, whom he painted sitting at the Gare Saint-Lazare in The Railway and disdainfully ignoring some flowers proffered by a black servant in another work. For 10 points, name this French impressionist artist of Olympia and Luncheon on the Grass.

Edouard Manet

1063 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 12 | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58179 Question: In one work by this artist, a secretary in a blue dress pulls papers out of a filing cabinet while her boss sits reading at a desk. This artist of Office at Night showed two rows of ceiling lights reflected in a window in a work showing a bowl of fruit next to a woman drinking coffee alone. Ten identical windows with yellow shades appear along the top of another painting by this artist that includes a deserted street with a barber pole casting a long shadow. The best known work of this artist behind Automat and Early Sunday Morning includes an ad for 5¢ Phillies cigars and shows three lonely patrons at a diner at late hours. For 10 points, name this American painter of Nighthawks.

Edward Hopper

1157 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 2.pdf | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30456 Question: This artist received a job in Rome on the recommendation of Giulio Clovio, but had to leave after criticizing Michelangelo's Last Judgment. His only mythological painting shows the Trojan Horse in the background and includes two gods who watch serpents attack Laocoon and his sons. He may have inspired Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon with a painting in which angels give robes to seven naked souls while St. John experiences a vision. In another of his paintings, St. Stephen and St. Augustine are carrying the armored corpse of the title nobleman. For 10 points, name this painter of The Opening of the Fifth Seal and The Burial of Count Orgaz, a Mannerist from Crete who came to live in Toledo.

El Greco [or Domenikos Theotokopoulos]

1026 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Dartmouth | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45285 Question: This artist stands in front the letters XYZ and a hand appears over his face in a self-portrait titled The Constructor. One of his only extant buildings is a printing plant for JSC Ogonek. Folding was required to read his children's book About 2 Squares, and, with Hans Arp, this man published The isms of Art. A red square appears in the center of his New Man figurine, which he planned to use in a staging of Victory Over the Sun with mechanical puppets. He's better known for works which he defined as "the station where one changes from painting to architecture." Those works show his involvement in the group UNOVIS, and consist of several geometrical paintings meant to depict utopia - those pieces are known as "prouns." FTP, name this artist of the canvas Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge, a Russian Suprematist who went by a Spanish-sounding name.

El Lissitzky [or Eliezer Lissitzky or Elizar Lissitzky or Lazar Markovich Lisitsky]

1232 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 6 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39777 Question: Joel Pelletier created a version of this painting entitled American Fundamentalists. One figure in this painting wears a black conical hat and has a pudgy white face and is standing behind a bald man with a green face. Emile Littre is shown holding a baton in this work, while at the right a man in a blue suit wearing a white sash is standing on a green platform. Another figure in this painting wears a tophat with a large green stripe and has a (*) skeletal face. A large red banner reading Vive la Sociale hangs above the crowd in this work, and the artist drew himself as the title figure at the center of the painting riding a donkey. This painting was originally rejected for exhibition with the Twenty, and it shows a Mardi Gras parade. For 10 points, name this painting by James Ensor depicting a religious figure walking into a European capital.

Entry of Christ into Brussels, 1889 [or Christ's Entry into Brussels, 1889]

1030 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Lafer | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47575 Question: This artist created a model for one canvas by sculpting the land in clay, then covering it in sugar and making imprints with a model horse hoof, but he was forced to replace the sugar with flour when the model was attacked by his neighbor's bees. He won the Grand Medal of Honor at the Salon of 1855 for a depiction of a group of men in a tavern, two of whom lunge violently toward each other, called The Brawl. For himself, he designed the "Grande Maison" mansion in Poissy. His intricate portraits include Halt at an Inn and The Visit to the Burgomaster, showing men in seventeenth-century dress, which won this artist the nickname "the French Metsu". FTP, name this magnificently-bearded French artist of many "bonshommes," who's best-known for his paintings of Napoleonic battles like The Campaign of France and Friedland.

Ernest Meissonier [or Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier]

953 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Maryland A, Virginia B, Chicago C | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45036 Question: This man painted himself in uniform with a missing hand in Self-portrait as a Solider. In one painting by this man, green mountains and cottages lie under a yellow sky with a crescent moon. In another painting by this artist of Stafelalp in Moonlight, a woman in blue seems to be walking straight towards the viewer as a woman next to her in a similar black dress with a white collar and plumed hat walks to the left. He depicted himself painting while wearing an orange and blue striped robe and being watched by a seated woman in a light blue dress in his Self-portrait with Model. This artist of Potsdamer Platz painted a child who seems to stand alone in the title location as crowds walk along either side in his Street, Dresden. For 10 points, name this German Expressionist painter, one of the founders of the artistic movement Die Brucke, which regularly met in his studio.

Ernst Kirchner

1425 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: Finals 2 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41671 Question: Among this artist's pupils was Marie-Anne Collot, who designed the head of one of his best known works. A lion attacks the titular Greek wrestler who has his hand stuck in a tree in one of his earliest works, while another work by him depicts a winged figure with his finger on his lips. That latter work was created while he was serving as director of the Sèvres porcelain factory, a position given to him by his patron Madame de Pompadour. In addition to (*) Milo of Crotona and Menacing Cupid, this artist also created a work which stands on top of a large boulder that took two years to move from the Gulf of Finland to Saint Petersburg; that boulder is known as the Thunder-Stone, which is the pedestal for his depiction of a Russian leader. For 10 points, name this French Rococo sculptor best known for his equestrian statue of Peter the Great, The Bronze Horseman.

Etienne-Maurice Falconet

971 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Maryland B + Loyola | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29833 Question: In one of his paintings, a picture of a vase of flowers is drawn on the white wall to the left of a black, gold, and orange cabinet. In the bottom left corner of one of his works, an African man with a red turban clasps the jeweled bridle of a bucking white horse. One of his paintings shows three women and a servant gathered around a hookah. At the bottom of another painting by him, a man holds a dagger to a nude woman's throat as the title king reclines on a giant pink cushion and watches impassively. In another of his paintings, a boy waving pistols and a man in a top hat with a musket flank the title figure, who stands bare-breasted, waving a French flag. For 10 points, name this painter of Women of Algiers, The Death of Sardanapalus and Liberty Leading the People.

Eugene Delacroix

1400 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: Editors 8 + NYU | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40437 Question: A pair of scrolls sit on the floor in the foreground of one of this man's works, which also depicts black-clad philosophers surrounding the reclining title figure, who grips the arm of his disinterested son Commodus. This artist of Last Words of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius painted a double portrait of a female writer sewing while her lover plays the piano that was later cut in half. His paintings of animals include A Young Tiger Playing with its Mother and a work that shows a kneeling man milking a mare as a group of the title nomadic herdsmen gather around a blue-clad poet. This artist of a double portrait of Frederic Chopin and George Sand painted Ovid Among the Scythians 25 years after a work which depicts three women lounging around a hookah as a black servant walks through a harem. For 10 points, name this artist of Women of Algiers, a French painter who also created The Barque of Dante and Liberty Leading the People.

Eugène Delacroix [or Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix; accept Last Words of Emperor Marcus Aurelius before "this man"]

1102 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: 5 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51986 Question: A dark wall and a door marks the right end of this work in which a bird can be seen on a shelf with its wings spread open. The left side of this work shows smoke arising from the tail of an animal, and a flower grows out of a broken sword in its bottom. An elongated arm holds a lamp near an eye-shaped light bulb in this work, and a bull stands over a grieving woman in its left. A horse with a knife as its tongue appears in the center of this painting. For 10 points, name this painting depicting the bombing of the title Basque town, a work of Pablo Picasso.


940 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: ColumbiaChicagos | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 43468 Question: The artist of these works described one of them as "a void rising to the heavens and transformed into a zampillo." One of these works contains a message celebrating the public ornamentation of Urban VII written on a large shell. Another of these works, completed with the artist's father, commemorates a flood, contains an "old boat," and is located next to the Spanish Steps. One of these works contains a figure holding an oar and a man with African features sitting next to a jar of coins. Another of them contains a figure who may be Glaucus supported by dolphins and holding a large conch shell to his mouth. Besides that one, which is named Triton, the most prominent of these works supports an Egyptian obelisk and includes a blindfold over the eyes of one of the title figures because its source was unknown. For 10 points, name these works by an Italian Baroque sculptor, one of which depicts the Four Rivers.

Fountains by Gian Lorenzo Bernini [or Fontanas of Gian Lorenzo Bernini; prompt on partial answer]

1509 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Extra Packet | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48477 Question: This piece is framed at the top by a semicircular arch under a central gable with a relief of the torso of a robed man touching his hands to his chest. The marble relief below this sculpture group shows the construction of a spiral column on the left and a nude cherub on the right in a workshop scene depicting its main subjects in action. This sculpture group shows a set of Romanesque-figured men in togas somberly facing each other inside a semicircular niche, and was commissioned by a guild of stone and woodworkers in homage to a group of artists executed for refusing to build a statue of Asclepius for Diocletian. Located along with works by Ghiberti and Donatello in Florence's Or San Michele, this is, FTP, what sculpture group depicting a quartet of doomed Christian sculptors, the masterpiece of Nanni di Banco?

Four Crowned Martyrs or Four Crowned Saints or Quattro Santi Coronati

1294 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Georgia Tech A.doc | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29605 Question: One film from this country sees Captain von Rauffenstein reluctantly shoot a prisoner-of-war when he tries to escape from Wintersborn. Another filmmaker from here created a character who divorces Christine Darbon in Love on the Run. In another work, that character is sent to a work camp after stealing a typewriter and is named Antoine Doinel. Another film from here focuses on the events after the Humphrey Bogart-admiring Michel shoots a police officer. Such films as The 400 Blows and Breathless are part of this country's "New Wave" movement. For 10 points, name this home country of Jean-Luc Goddard and Francois Truffaut.

France [or French Republic; or République francaise]

1196 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31062 Question: One artist from this modern-day nation inspired J. M. W. Turner with his Seaport with the Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba. Another artist from this country painted a landscape where two men carry the body of the draped title figure off of Athenian soil and a work where Wealth, Poverty, Pleasure and Labor cavort as (*) Father Time plays the lyre. Those paintings are The Burial of Phocion and A Dance to the Music of Time. That same artist from this nation depicted two men pointing at the title enigmatic inscription on a tomb in Et in Arcadia Ego. A later artist from this country painted series of haystacks and the Rouen Cathedral. For 10 points, name this country home to Nicolas Poussin and Claude Monet.

France [or the French Republic or République française]

1066 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 15 (Finals 2) | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58247 Question: One painting by this artist depicts a ghostly baboon perched between the branches of a tree in front of a fence. Literature-inspired triptychs by this painter include one with bound figures in bedrooms based on Eliot's Sweeney Agonistes. The death of this artist's lover George Dyer led him to paint the Black Triptychs, and long necked creatures with open mouths and contorted bodies appear in front of a red background in this man's Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion. In addition to painting hanging lumps of bloody meat, this man borrowed from Velazquez for a depiction of Innocent X. For 10 points, name this Irish artist of the Screaming Popes series.

Francis Bacon

1115 | Minnesota Open | 2012 | Round: 3 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41965 Question: One painting by this artist shows a woman spilling water out of a container as a crippled child crawls on a ring around the woman. The center shows a horribly mutilated corpse set against a window in one of this artist's paintings, which was inspired by the poem "Sweeny Agonistes." Many of this artist's paintings depicted Henrietta Moraes, and this artist's relationship with George (*) Dyer served as the basis for several of his works. The seated subject of one of this artist's paintings dons a purple robe and is screaming toward the viewer. That painting by this artist was based on a painting made by the artist of Las Meninas. For 10 points, name this Irish painter of Three Studies of Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion and Study After Velazques's Portrait of Pope Innocent X.

Francis Bacon

1528 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Darmouth B and Illinois B | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 46049 Question: This artist used pre-made letters known as "Letraset" to vary the surface of paintings like SphinxPortrait of Muriel Belcher, and he juxtaposed oil and pastel paints in his Study of the Human Body. He began his "light" period with Van Gogh's Painter on the Way to Tarascon, eschewing the darkness of works like Study of a Baboon. Many of his paintings were based on photographs by Eadweard Muybridge. The Furies are the title images of his triptych Three Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion, created shortly before a series of deconstructions of a famous portrait by Velasquez. For 10 points, name this British artist known for his shocking depictions of Pope Innocent X.

Francis Bacon

1322 | BHSAT | 2011 | Round: 12 | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50347 Question: A woman with a dog on her lap is shielded by a servant carrying the title green object in this painter's The Parasol. A picture of several animals with their heads switched titled "Look How Serious They Are!" joins "The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters" as part of this artist's aquatint series, Los Caprichos. The Duchess of Alba is thought to be the model for two portraits by him, one clothed and one nude, depicting her as a maja. In his most famous painting, a man's outstretched arms form a V-shape as he and others stand before a Napoleonic firing squad. For 10 points, name this Spanish painter of The Third of May, 1808.

Francisco Goya

1540 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Stanford A | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47902 Question: A woman who had been this man's housekeeper was painted by him wearing a veil in mourning in the painting Leocadia, while he painted two young men each raising a wooden object ready to strike the other in his Duel with Cudgels. Those works were part of a series he did in the "House of the Deaf Man," while he did a series of 80 etchings, including "Hunting for Teeth," called Caprichos. Another of his paintings possibly depicting the Duchess of Alba was scandalous for its depiction of pubic hair, while his later works include his 14 Black Paintings. For 10 points, name this painter of The Nude Maja, whose Disasters of War series contains The Third of May, 1808.

Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes

1311 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Stanford.doc | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30315 Question: The premiere of this man's sculpture of Domingo Sarmiento caused riots. Among his early works are St. John the Baptist Preaching and The Man with the Broken Nose, the latter of which was rejected by the Salon. Nooses hang around the necks of the barefooted figures of one work, and another work was accused of being cast from molds made by a live model. In addition to The Burghers of Calais and The Age of Bronze, this artist also created the massive Gates of Hell, which contains the model for his later sculpture of an embracing Paolo and Francesca called The Kiss. For 10 points, name this French sculptor who originally intended to depict a seated Dante in The Thinker.

François Auguste René Rodin

1372 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 1 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39759 Question: This man attempted to design a giant balloon filled with glass that could be lit at night and built a classical fountain with gas-powered lighting for the 1876 International Exhibition. He designed the The Tomb of the Garde Nationale, which shows a bronze arm attempting but failing to reach a sword. The death of a young Parisian student inspired his Funerary Genius. He produced a statue of Vercengetorix on horseback for Clermont-Ferrand and an enormous sandstone statue, The Lion of Belfort, plus other monuments honoring the Franco-Prussian war. Another sculpture by this artist was originally planned to hold a pileus and a broken chain, but was instead made to hold a tabula and a torch on a base shaped like an eleven-pointed star. For 10 points, identify this French sculptor of the Statue of Liberty.

Frederic Bartholdi

996 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: Minnesota A | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40455 Question: This man's experience painting El Khasne inspired him to can architect Richard M. Hunt and create a Persian-themed residence he called "Olana." A man lectures two soldiers in the foreground of his allegorical canvas showing a darkened tomb entrance at left beneath a high-arching rainbow, while he surprised patrons with his quite realistic rendering of the decayed state of the Parthenon. This artist's most famous work, set rather deeply in a large wooden frame with green curtains, was a product of Cyrus (*) Field's funding and this man's study of Alexander von Humboldt; that work shows two trees loom precariously on an overhang that exposes their roots as two brightly-clad people stop on a cliffside path in front of a cross. He depicted an explosive event rising into the sky in his painting of Cotopaxi, which like his depictions of Mount Chimborazo features a waterfall. For 10 points, identify this member of the Hudson River School whose South American landscapes include Cotopaxi and The Heart of the Andes.

Frederic Edwin Church

1545 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Yale A | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47980 Question: This artist depicted the remnants of a tree hanging over the edge of a cliff after a lightning strike in Storm in the Mountains, and he showed a man walking toward the titular structure high on a cliff in The Monastery of San Pedro. His former home Olana is now a tourist site, and no single place inspired the setting of Twilight in the Wilderness. Various trips led to many of his works, including The Icebergs and Falls of Tequendama, as well as images of the volcanos Chimborozo and Cotopaxi. For ten points, name this student of Thomas Cole who painted a famous version of some New York falls in Niagara and an idealized South American landscape in Heart of the Andes.

Frederick Edwin Church

1234 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40240 Question: This figure is shown kneeling in prayer next to a white horse in a work by Arnold Friberg. JB Stearns painted a series showing scenes from his life. Another depiction of this figure shows him standing in front of the red-turbaned William Lee. One painting of this figure has him standing next to a table with a column-shaped golden chair leg. He is flanked by the goddess Victoria and 13 maidens in a Constantino Brumidi work showing his (*) apotheosis. This subject of the Athaneum and Lansdowne portraits by Gilbert Stuart and of Grant Wood's Parson Weems Fable is depicted standing behind a group of oarsmen breaking ice in another work. For 10 points, name this figure depicted in an Emmanuel Leutze painting crossing the Delaware.

George Washington

1171 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 12 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 36246 Question: A color theorist from this country never finished a series on The Four Times of the Day. Another artist from this country painted the Departure Triptych and showed the horrors of war in his 1918 canvas, The Night. A ship is wrecked in a sea of ice in The Polar Sea, a painting by an artist from here. Home to the Nazarenes, one of the best known artists from this country created the Cross in the (*) Mountains altarpiece and depicted a man with his back to the viewer and holding a walking stick as he gazed out into the fog in his Wanderer Above the Clouds. In the 1930s, its government classified many artists as "degenerate". For 10 points, name this country home to Caspar David Friedrich and Otto Dix.

Germany [or Federal Republic of Germany; or Bundesrepublik Deutschland]

1225 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 14-Finals 2 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40642 Question: This man showed three rays of light emerging from the top right of one painting while the top has some floating green figures; that work is Spirit-Form Transformation. His self-portrait shows him wearing a blue jacket with his mouth open in a surprised expression and is entitled Autosmorphia. This man created a landscape with a black arc descending over it in his Warship, Widow, and Wind. This man drew blue arcs across a work that was supposedly part of a triptych depicting a car moving past. His depictions of a (*) violinist's hand, a pair of swallows, and a motorcycle show superimposed images across several time-points, a technique he also used in a work depicting a woman and her pet. For 10 points, name this artist of Abstract Speed + Sound who painted a canine whose legs and tail are a blur in his Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash, an Italian futurist painter.

Giacomo Balla

1550 | FICHTE | 2008 | Round: 13 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59106 Question: He used a pattern of purple, red and orange chevrons with a yellow crescent moon in the upper right, all arranged around a central bulb, in his The Street Light: Study of Light. In another of his paintings, several black shoes on black socks protrude from a black dress, and (*) blurs surround the feet of the dachsund on the left. For 10 points name this Futurist painter of Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash.

Giacomo Balla

1247 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 5 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49055 Question: Although he is not Massenet, this composer wrote a Manon Lescaut. In an early opera by this man, the title character sings "Vissi d'arte" after it is announced that her lover is to face a firing squad the next morning for giving a cry of joy over Napoleon's victory. In another one of his operas, the character Benoit tries to collect rent but is instead given wine and tossed from the room. In act four of that opera, Rodolfo sings with Marcello "O Mimi, tu piu non torni." For 10 points, name this composer of Tosca, La Boheme, Turandot and Madame Butterfly.

Giacomo Puccini

1128 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31664 Question: This artist designed the Jesuit church of Saint Andrew in the Quirinal. He received his first major patronage from the then Cardinal-nephew Scipione Borghese. This artist renovated and redesigned the Scala Regia, at the base of which he placed his equestrian statue of Constantine the Great. He created the Cathedra Petri and the central Baldecchino for St. Peter's Basilica, for which he also designed the trapezoidal piazza. One of this artist's works is illuminated by a window that is hidden from the viewer, and depicts the founder of the Discalced Carmelites. In that work, located in the Cornaro Chapel, this sculptor depicted the central figure as she has a vision of an angel holding a spear. For 10 points, name this Baroque sculptor of The Ecstasy of St. Theresa.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini

980 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Seven Lakes + Rockefeller | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29970 Question: This artist never finished the second figure in a sculpture whose first figure holds the sun in her right hand and rests her left foot on the earth. He began his Truth Unveiled by Time after he was attacked for his failure to properly construct two towers at St. Peter's Basilica, for which he designed the baldacchino and the Chair of St. Peter. This artist sculpted a harp at David's feet, as he leans back to swing his sling, while another of his sculptures depicts one of the title figures turning into a laurel tree. His most famous work depicts four black marble columns and an angel holding a spear pointed towards the titular saint. For 10 points, name this Italian Baroque sculptor of Apollo and Daphne and The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini

1513 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Harvard | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48540 Question: This man's writings include the unfinished novel M. Dudron's Adventure. This artist's fruit paintings include Transformed Dream, while a bunch of brightly-colored toys dominate his Evil Genius of a King. Nude men wading through pools is the subject of his set of prints entitled Mysterious Bathers, while paintings in a more classical style include the Horses by the Sea paintings. Experiments with lithography culminated in The Grand Metaphysician, while Still-Life with Silverware and Self-Portrait in Black Costume exemplify his "neo-baroque" period. He produced over twenty versions of his painting of three mannequins on a wooden pedestal, Disquieting Muses, but better-known are his "arcade paintings" including one featuring a girl rolling a large hoop in the shadowy title locale. For 10 points name this surrealist artist of Mystery and Melancholy of a Street.

Giorgio de Chirico

1114 | Minnesota Open | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41871 Question: One of these works shows people climbing up a thirty-runged ladder toward a small slit in the top right. Likesness that are "Semitic" and "Zeus-like" dominate one class of these works, another class of which are "not made by hand." Like Egyptian mummy paintings, works of this type were often executed using heated beeswax pigment in the encaustic technique. One of these works depicts the "Hospitality of Abraham" to three angels that appear sitting around a table at Mamre. In addition to the (*) Old Testament Trinity, many of these works show a book in the left hand and two raised of the right hand of Christ, shown as pantokrator. For 10 points, Andrei Rublev was a master creator of what Eastern Orthodox religious paintings?

Greek and Russian or Eastern Orthodox icons [prompt equivalents of religious paintings or Christian paintings]

1113 | Minnesota Open | 2012 | Round: 11 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44304 Question: This artist painted Saul sitting under a tree as a group of Jews lift rocks over their heads around the central figure in a depiction of The Stoning of St. Stephen for an altarpiece in Genoa. This artist is generally credited with turning a design by a teacher into a fresco depicting Leo IV's miraculous intercession during the Fire in the Borgo. A request relayed by Baldassare Castiglione led this artist to leave a home city for a new appointment to redesign parts of a patron's ducal palace, creating scenes of Hecuba's Dream and The Death of Ajax, among others, for the Troy Apartment. For that same patron, this student of Raphael also designed and decorated a palace that contains scenes from Apuleius's The Golden Ass in the (*) Psyche Room and depicted grotesque humanoids attempting to pile up mountains while Jupiter hurls lightning in the Chamber of the Giants. For 10 points, name this court artist of Federigo Gonzaga in Mantua who created the Palazzo del Te.

Giulio Romano [or Giulio Pippi]

1078 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 11 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 42019 Question: He painted a sea-bathing nude with her arms wrapped around her head in The Woman in the Waves, and he gave another nude a companion in his Woman with a Parrot. In a different work, this artist painted a little boy, a white cat, and a woman who covers her chest with a white sheet as they all huddle around a sitting man, often thought to be the artist himself. A red-capped boy carries a lantern in another of this artist's works where bonneted old ladies look off and a dog stands next to a buried coffin. He also painted his buddies like Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Charles Baudelaire in his place of work. For 10 points, name this French artist of The Artist's Studio and Burial at Ornans.

Gustave Courbet

1552 | FICHTE | 2008 | Round: 16 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59458 Question: Two bored men are letting their heads list on the left while a man in a light coat and a man dressed in black are playing music on the right in this man's After Dinner. A guy with a ripped shirt and one suspender is carrying a (*) basket in another his paintings, in which the man on the right is about to lower his pickaxe. For 10 points name this painter of The Artist's Studio, The Stone Breakers, and Burial at Ornans.

Gustave Courbet

973 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Minnesota A | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29866 Question: In one painting by this artist, a man on a white horse and a man cracking a whip spur on a horde of dogs to slay the title creature. On the left of one painting by him, a black hat rests on a guitar near a white dog and some peasants. On the right of that painting by this artist of The Kill of Deer, friends like Charles Baudelaire stand to the right of the central figure, who has a white cat at his feet and a nude model standing behind his chair as he paints a landscape. That painting is subtitled A Real Allegory. Another of his works shows an altar boy holding a censer near a crucifix, while a crowd listens to a priest at the artist's grand-uncle's funeral. For 10 points, name this French painter of The Artist's Studio and A Burial at Ornans.

Gustave Courbet

1216 | Penn Bowl | 2012 | Round: Yale | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45688 Question: . In of this painter's works, the Ten Commandments descend from a red patch of sky in the upper left and a serpent wraps round a T-shaped wooden post. The center of that painting by this artist is dominated by a tree that is dying on its left side and has lush foliage on its right. In another of his paintings, a boy in red stockings plays with an infant on the left, while a girl in white holding a rosary kneels on the right on one of this artist's namesake carpets. Burgomaster Meyer stands to the left of a navy blue-clad Virgin Mary in that painting by this artist of An Allegory of the Old and New Testaments. In the most famous painting of this artist of the Darmstadt Madonna, an open book, a globe, and a lute stand rest between the title figures, above an anamorphic skull. For 10 points, name this German Renaissance painter of The Ambassadors.

Hans Holbein the Younger

1104 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 52027 Question: This artist illustrated himself and his wife in a room with a blue background in The Conversation. Another of his works depicts a man in a suit holding a cigarette in his mouth next to a teacher and a boy playing the piano. Though not Vermeer, this artist of The Music Lesson published a collection of paper cutouts titled Jazz, and he depicted blue vines and a servant arranging fruits on a platter in The Red Room. He depicted his wife with a green stripe running down her nose, and he also painted five nude women in a circle performing the title action. For 10 points, name this artist of The Joy of Life and The Dance, who led the Fauvism movement.

Henri-Émile-Benoît Matisse [accept Henri Matisse]

1119 | Minnesota Open | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44187 Question: One painting by this artist shows the title bonneted crones extending their left arms forward, and another was based on Paradise Lost and depicts the title Shepherd's Dream. Another work by this artist of The Three Witches shows an orange clad woman brandishing a torch, and some of his other Shakespeare-inspired work includes Lady Macbeth Sleepwalking and Macbeth Consulting the Vision of the Armed Head. One work by this artist shows a giant serpent constricting around a man on (*) horseback. One work by this artist is a depiction of a ghostly figure sitting cross-legged with its head hidden in its long hair. This creator of Silence made several depictions of a scene that shows a pale-eyed horse staring at an unconscious female on whose chest sits a demon. For 10 points, name this Anglo-Swiss artist who painted The Nightmare.

Henry Fuseli

1383 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 3 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40169 Question: A statue of this figure designed by Joseph Freelander used to grace the tops of traffic light control towers in New York City. Depictions of this figure wearing a petasos include the Ludovisi version of him. Another statue of this god was originally mistaken to be Antonius, but the inclusion of the remains of a snake identified it as this god. A type of statue of him engaged in the act of speaking, known as the Logios form, was done with arms raised by Phidias. A Lysippian version of this god in the gymnasium of Constantinople shows him bending over and adjusting his pedilla. Giambologna showed this god with a raised finger. Another sculpture of him had a lost right arm raised and a left arm resting on a plinth, holding a child. For 10 points, name this god portrayed "with the infant Dionysus" by Praxiteles.

Hermes [or Mercury until "Logios" is read]

1501 | VCU Open | 2009 | Round: 7 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55614 Question: This artist painted a shield with a belly up frog emblazoned on it followed by the title figure in his version of Christ Carrying the Cross. He showed a sneaky man with his nose in the air stealing a purse from a character engaged in a demonstration involving two cups and metallic balls in The Conjuror. Another of his paintings includes calligraphic text announcing "my name is Lubbert Das" as a woman balances a book on her head and a man with a metal funnel hat completes the title action in The Extraction of the Stone of Madness. In another of his works a long yellow banner flies over a man who tries to cut a roasted bird off a mast and he painted a triptych in which a wagon loaded up with hay crushes some sinners. For 10 points name this painter of The Ship of Fools and The Haywain who painted a triptych in which debauchery involving giant food and animals in the central panel leads to the torture of the right panel, the Netherlandish artist of The Garden of Earthly Delights.

Hieronymus Bosch

1110 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: Finals 2 | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 52194 Question: In one painting by this man, Saint Giles prays next to a deer with an arrow in his chest and two animals fight while Saint Jerome approaches a crucifix. This artist of The Hermit Saints depicted people wearing bonnets on a boat who are drinking and eating in his Ship of Fools. Philip II of Spain collected many of this man's works, and the Museo del Prado in Madrid currently houses his most famous work. In that work, Jesus is seen holding Eve's hand in the Garden of Eden in its left panel, while the right panel shows punishment in Hell. For 10 points, name this Dutch artist best known for his triptychs, the artist of The Garden of Earthly Delights.

Hieronymus Bosch [accept Jheronimus van Aken]

1168 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 1 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30238 Question: . One painting by this artist sees Jesus standing above the words "Salve nos Christe redemptor" and two translucent patrons. This painter of Ecce Homo decorated the exterior of another work with the image of a flat landscape encased in a glass sphere, and set God's all-seeing eye at the center of his circular (*) Seven Deadly Sins. People are crushed by the title conveyance in the center panel of another work by this artist, whose most famous work includes a knife attached to a pair of giant ears and a "tree man" whose body is broken like an egg to punish his sodomy. That work is divided into panels representing Eden, False Paradise, and Hell. For 10 points, name this Dutch artist of The Haywain and The Garden of Earthly Delights.

Hieronymus Bosch [or Joroen Bosch or Jeroen Anthoniszoon van Aken]

988 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Yale B + Bellarmine | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30107 Question: A work of this type in Belarus is in a public park, called the Pit, while another in New Jersey is a statue of two figures, including an American soldier, called "Liberation." Gunter Demnig's work of this type consists of over 20,000 brass plaques set into city pavements, known as "Stumbling blocks." Another of these works in Whitwell, Tennessee is comprised of a boxcar filled with 11 million paperclips. One of these includes a sculpture of skeletons twisted into the shape of barbed wire and the Hall of Names and is called Yad Vashem. A famous example of these projects, designed by Peter Eisenman, comprises a field of more than 2,700 concrete slabs. For 10 points, name this type of monument, exemplified by Berlin's "Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe."

Holocaust memorials [Accept obvious word equivalents for "memorial" like "monument" prompt on "World War II memorials"; anti-prompt on answers that only reference a single group persecuted in the Holocaust]

998 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: Northwestern A + VCU | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40569 Question: Emaciated figures march into a public office in one work by this artist, who depicted a faceless man, a clown, and a nude boy carrying a chair in another work. A dead man lies crushing a dead baby in the Rue Transonian of this painter of The Wandering Saltimbanques, who depicted a contemporary artist in a balloon in (*) Nadar Elevating Photography to Art. Don Quixote was a popular subject of this artist, who showed members of the National Assembly carrying food up a large plank into the mouth of a cartoonishly large king in a notable work. That lithograph, which resulted in his imprisonment, is a caricature of Louis Philippe entitled Gargantua. His most famous painting depicts an elderly woman clutching a basket and a mother breastfeeding on a train. For 10 points, name this French painter of The Third-Class Carriage.

Honore Daumier

1570 | The Experiment | 2007 | Round: 6 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59834 Question: This painting was initially purchased by Ernest Gambart in Belgium who accompanied its artist on a trip to London, and popularized by engravings of Thomas Landseer. Barely visible in the back left is the asylum of Salpetriere at the end of a long line of green trees, through which figures can be seen walking on a hill on the right. The canvas, which stands 8 feet high and 16 feet wide, depicts the dusty brown Boulevard de l'Hospital; its artist obtained permission from the Police Prefect to ►come dressed in trousers and waistcoat to make her sketches of the percherons for this canvas. FTP, name this best-known work by Rosa Bonheur, which depicts the selling of some animals.

Horse Fair (Le Marche aux Chevaux)

1092 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 9 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41980 Question: Triangles in this work line the brim of a red hat with a round white top. The artist of this work was inspired by Delaunay to overlay the sun and the moon at the center of this canvas. At the top of this painting is a green capped farmer who walks toward a female violinist as he shoulders a scythe. The man on the right wears a gold ring with a red gemstone and has a multi-colored beaded necklace with a dangling crucifix. At the top of this painting are five houses, two of which are upside down. This canvas, which depicts the artist's hometown of Vitebsk, features a white-lipped man with a green face who holds a tree in his hand. For 10 points, name this depiction of a town by Marc Chagall.

I and the Village

1361 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2011 | Round: 2 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51687 Question: A figure can be seen under a yellow building in this painting, and a white cross appears above that building. A man wears a ring on his index finger in this painting, and an upside-down woman plays a violin on the top right. Next to her is a man walking with a scythe, and a glowing tree appears in the hand of a man on the bottom. A woman milks a goat on the left of this painting, and the face of a large green man wearing a necklace appears on the right. For 10 points, name this painting involving Yiddish and Russian folk themes, a work by Marc Chagall.

I and the Village

924 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: Dorman A | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30570 Question: In this painting, the head of a man can be seen inside a church in the background. On the lower left side of this painting, a red crescent moon can be seen while a maid milking a cow can be found above it. One of the central figures wears a hat with red and orange triangles lining it, while also wearing a necklace with a cross on it. Another figure holding a scythe stands next to an upside-down violinist in this painting. A colorful town is seen in the background, while the foreground contains a glowing tree branch. For 10 points, name this Marc Chagall painting containing a sheep head on the left and a large green face on the right.

I and the Village

1471 | SCOP Novice | 2010 | Round: 6 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53653 Question: Artists in this style, such as Alfred Sisley, often apply paint "en plein air" and generally avoid black paint, choosing rather to blend complementary colors. One artist of this school that founded the Salon des Refusés placed a naked woman next to two fully clothed men. Besides (*) Luncheon on the Grass, other works in this style include one of men in top hats eating with women in fancy dresses. Name this French painting style employed by Edouard Manet, Auguste Renoir, and Claude Monet.

Impressionism (Accept other word forms)

1260 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 12 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41581 Question: One section of this work shows the crest of its artist's patron, Guido Guersi, on a rock. That section also shows a deer next to two men, who is dressed in palm tree leaves. Desiderius Beichel carved its base, which shows the Last Supper. This work also shows angels playing instruments under a baldachin next to a scene where a black-clad Mary turns away from the angel Gabriel. Soldiers look away from Christ, who is surrounded by a (*) ball of light, in this painting's depiction of the Resurrection. Another part of it shows a creature pulling the hair of St. Anthony as he is being attacked by other bird-like demons. This work's central scene is flanked by depictions of Saint Anthony and Saint Sebastian and shows a particularly gruesome Crucifixion, alluding to the fact that it was created for a monastery which sheltered plague sufferers. For 10 points, name this altarpiece by Matthias Grünewald.

Isenheim Altarpiece

1059 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 1 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 57834 Question: One artist from this country painted a work in which the shadow of an equestrian statue looms in front of a deserted clay field and the titular round brick structure. In addition to painting The Red Tower, that artist showed the silhouette of a young girl rolling a hoop down an alleyway in Mystery and Melancholy of a Street. Another artist from here depicted the motion of a small black animal walking alongside its owner in his Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash as part of a movement that glorified automobiles and mechanized violence, Futurism. For 10 points, name this country home to artists like Giacomo Balla and Umberto Boccioni, as well as Leonardo da Vinci.


1369 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2011 | Round: 9 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51817 Question: One work by this man depicts a red bird drinking out of a bowl, which is titled Man Bull Bird. Another work by this man depicts two carriages and five horses performing the title action, while another shows an outline of the title animal using red arrows. This artist of Going West and The She-Wolf depicted an incomprehensible mix of black, white, and purple in his Lavender Mist. His No. 5 is currently the most expensive painting in the world. For 10 points, name this artist known for his style of abstract expressionism known as "action painting."

Jackson Pollock

1532 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Editors 2 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47304 Question: One of his works shows a left-facing female with her hair in a bun looking downward and using a spoon for stirring. He was shown in his early job as a blinds-painter in a painting by Armand Guillaumin, and his son Lucien was part of Walter Sickert's Camden Town Group. He wears a black hat and coat, a long beard, and a confused expression in a late self-portrait. He presented his work under the name "Pupil of A. Melbye" for seven years, and he showed The Old Road to Ennery and Hoar Frost at the first Impressionist exhibition. For 10 points, name this creator of Peasant Girl Drinking Her Coffee, whose mentorship of other Impressionists led to his epithet "father."

Jacob Abraham Camille Pissarro

1391 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: BentleyDavisHausingerByrne | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39223 Question: Such art historians as Wilfred Wiegand have argued that the frequent waterfall motif in this man's ouvre represents a vanitas theme. The National Gallery of Ireland houses arguably his best depiction of Bentheim Castle. Massive clouds dominate one of his works, where bleaching fields give way to the Church of St. Bavo in the background. A meandering road goes through this artist's early painting, View of Naarden. A "gate" of three women look at the title structure in The Windmill at Wijk bij Duurstede ("wyke by door-stay-deh"), another painting by this teacher of Meindert Hobbema. Monuments to men like Issak Uziel and Israel Abraham Mendez can be seen in the foreground while a rainbow decorates the background of this artist's The Jewish Cemetery. For 10 points, name this Dutch landscape artist known for his "little views of Haarlem".

Jacob Isaackszoon van Ruisdael [do not accept "Jacob Salomonszoon van Ruysdael", since that's his cousin]

1399 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: Editors 7 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40320 Question: Gustave Dore's version of this scene contains shadowy cacti and vines in the lower left and shows one of the central figures stepping over a spear. Rembrandt's unusually sensual 1659 depiction of this scene shows one central figure resting a hand on the other's hip. Eugene Delacroix's version of this scene is set in a forest and features a green-clad water carrier and a crowd of figures on camel-back in the bottom right, as well as a pile of weapons and clothing discarded by the central figures in the foreground. Perhaps the most famous depiction of this scene also shows a cow running under a bent tree in front of a crowd of Breton nuns, whose heads are bowed in prayer. In that depiction of this scene, one figure is clad in a black robe and is being put into a headlock by the other figure, who has yellow wings. For 10 points, identify this scene depicted most famously in a Paul Gauguin work alternately titled Vision After the Sermon, in which Esau's brother grapples with Peniel.

Jacob Wrestling With the Angel [or Jacob and the Angel; accept close equivalents that mention Jacob and an angel]

1451 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 8 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44590 Question: Vasari relates that this man desired to repaint his monumental fresco Faith and Charity just before its completion because he thought he could improve it. He painted a man whose hands are suspended in stocks in his St. Quentin, which is sometimes attributed to his pupil Gianmaria Pichi. He painted frescos on Vertumnus and Pomona and other mythological themes for the Medici country house at Poggio a Caiano, a patronage he secured with the help of his teacher (*) Andrea del Sarto. He painted a crouching curly haired youth bearing the legs of Christ in his masterpiece, a depiction of the Deposition that cemented his place as an early Mannerist. He also painted a portrait of a halberdier and a depiction of Joseph in Egypt. For 10 points, name this Florentine artist born Jacopo Carucci.

Jacopo Pontormo

1317 | ACF Nationals | 2011 | Round: 2011-ACFNationals-BrownFinal.doc | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 17 Question: In one portrait by this artist, a man in black looks up at his wife leaning on him, while glass chemistry instruments stand on a red tablecloth and lie on the floor nearby. On the left of one of his paintings, a bowl rests on top of a tall, spindly stand. That work depicts a woman with a black headband reclining on an orange and blue sofa with her white dress reaching the floor and looking over her back, which is facing the viewer. Another of his paintings depicts a woman in white with her arms outstretched between two mostly nude men brandishing shields and weapons, and was created while he was imprisoned in Luxembourg Palace. This artist of Portrait of Monsieur Lavoisier and his Wife and Portrait of Madame Recamier mined Roman history for a work showing three brothers reaching out to a man holding three swords. For 10 points, name this French neoclassical painter of The Intervention of the Sabine Women and The Oath of the Horatii.

Jacques-Louis David

989 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: Camazotz + Illinois | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39446 Question: In one of his paintings, a green curtain decorated with roses hangs next to a girl in a white dress with a book in her lap in the titular "music room." Sea and Rain and Crepuscule in Opal are two of this man's depictions of Trouville, while version of The Artist's Studio features three equally-spaced figures with the artist at right and a gold-bordered mirror in the background. A woman in blue plays a shamisen in one of his paintings subtitled "The Balcony." "Lamplight" and "The Little Blue Girl" are the (*) subtitles of two works in a series by this man, who painted portraits of Frances Leyland and Theodore Duret. A man in a black coat holds his hat on his knees in this man's portrait of Thomas Carlyle. This painter of the Harmony series and decorator of the "Peacock Room" is best known for depicting a hanging blue curtain next to a seated woman. For 10 points, name this American painter of Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket and Arrangement in Grey and Black: The Artist's Mother.

James Abbott McNeill Whistler

1151 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 14 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53249 Question: This artist chronicled his many fights with the establishment in The Gentle Art of Making Enemies. This man often signed his works with a butterfly, as can be seen in his portrait of Thomas Carlyle. One of this man's paintings shows a woman holding a lily in her left hand while standing on a wolfskin. Many of his paintings depict his mistress, Joanna Hiffernan. He went bankrupt after he only received one farthing in a libel suit against John Ruskin, who accused this man of "flinging a pot of paint in the public's face" with his Nocturne in Black and Gold. For 10 points, name this late 19th-century artist who often titled his paintings after musical works, the most famous of which is a portrait of his mother.

James McNeill Whistler

1483 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: Editor's Packet 2 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54780 Question: This artist depicted himself in a blue jacket and red tie surrounded by ghostly figures in the self-portrait Demons Teasing Me, while he also showed a cosmic figure in red blasting an earthly figure with golden light in The Annihilation of the Rebel Angel. This man depicted large medicine bottles in the foreground of a painting of his dead mother, The Artist's Mother in Death, and he also depicted several people with distorted faces standing around a corpse in The Vile Vivisectors. Several of his paintings depict masks, including Masks Fighting Over a Hanged man, while other paintings depict skeletons, such as those Trying to Warm Themsleves. For ten points, identify this Flemish painter, who depicted a large banner reading "Vive La Sociale" in the titular city of Christ's Entry Into Brussels.

James Sidney Ensor

1405 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: UCSD + Chicago B + Ursinus | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41046 Question: A young boy hangs from two tree branches and a black woman plays the tambourine in this non-Poussin painter's depiction of the Worship of the Golden Calf. A cage hangs from a ceiling in his depiction of a child wearing a paper hat and taking a sip of wine, a variation of an actual festival that occurred on Epiphany in his home country. In one of his paintings, a girl holds up an empty shoe while its owner, her crying younger brother, looks on; that painting centers on a golden child holding a doll and a bucket of other gifts. In another of his paintings, a bearded man pokes his head in a window, while a girl in a bright blue dress plays a pipe and a laughing boy in red holds up the arms of the title animal, who meows in protest. For 10 points, name this artist of The Feast of Saint Nicholas and Children Teaching a Cat to Dance, a Dutchman known primarily for his chaotic interior scenes.

Jan Havickszoon Steen

968 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Maryland A + Chicago B | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29806 Question: In one painting by him, a blue-and-white porcelain bottle sits to the right of the title figure, who is dressed in yellow and a holds a wine-glass in her left hand, as a man in red with an off-kilter hat leans over her shoulder and puts his hand on her breast. In another painting by him, a white jug stands on an Oriental rug-like table cloth to the right of a blue chair, next to which lies a bass viol. In that painting by him, a woman's face is seen in the reflection of a mirror as she plays the virginal. The subject of his most famous portrait wears a blue-and-yellow headdress and the title piece of jewelry on her barely visible left ear. For 10 points, name this Flemish painter of The Procuress, The Music Lesson, and Girl with a Pearl Earring.

Jan Vermeer

1307 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Rancho Bernardo.doc | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30211 Question: The Metabolism architecture movement was founded in this country, whose first Pritzker Prize winner incorporated hyperbolic parabolas into his design of St. Mary's Cathedral in its capital. An airport located here is modeled after an airplane and is built on an artificial island. A museum built here saw its architect dig into a nearby mountain. In addition to an airport designed by Renzo Piano and I.M. Pei's Miho Museum, this country has a building that, due to several innovative features, survived a large 1923 earthquake. That building is Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial Hotel. For 10 points, name this country where many Kenzo Tange-designed buildings can be found in Toyko.

Japan [or Nihon; or Nippon]

952 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: IllinoisDartmouthGMU | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44895 Question: This artist painted the outline of a body against a gray brick wall in a canvas that also features a small snowman and a rope tangled on a broken ladder. A light brown hand that faces to the left of the letters "E. M." lies at the bottom of one of this artist's works, which features paint brushes in a coffee can. Two mouths appear behind horn-rimmed glasses in a sculpture by this artist, whose works include Savarin and The Critic Sees. Side by side ale cans characterize his Painted Bronze, and he painted four faces with covered eyes that sit atop a red background with blue and yellow concentric circles. His many encaustic works include a series of stenciled numbers and red, yellow, and blue depictions of the United States. For 10 points, name this American artist who frequently painted targets and American flags.

Jasper Johns

1519 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: UC-Irvine | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48660 Question: This artist depicts an old woman peering out from a vase of flowers on a ledge in his Bouquet of Margueritas, while his mythological scenes include "Oedipus Taken from the Tree" and "Offering to Pan." He depicted a much-loved family meeting place in The Church at Gréville and did a portrait known as "Man with the Pipe, of Armand Ono, as well as one of his first wife Pauline Ono, after he studied at the studio of Paul Delaroche. One of his more famous paintings was originally commissioned by Thomas Appleton, though he later refused it and the artist added a steeple to the canvas; Salvador Dalí authored a manuscript on the "tragic myth" of that painting. His most famous work features three people bent over in different-colored bonnets, while other characteristic works include The Angelus and The Potato Planters. FTP, name this Barbizon school naturalist best known for The Gleaners.

Jean Francois Millet

1498 | VCU Open | 2009 | Round: 13 | Question: 24 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55738 Question: A lavender-colored stream flows out from a town in the a landscape behind a seated white-gowned girl in this artist's View of the Village. One self portrait by this artist has him wearing a light blue and black sweater vest and staring at the viewer, and in another work, the central nude female places her hand on the shoulder of a topless black serving lady. In addition to painting La Toilette and being painted by Renoir seated hard at work, this painter depicted his cousin Thérèse des Hours sitting on a wall staring at a city in The Pink Dress and mentioned the Rue de la Condomine as the location of his Artist's Studio. His most famous work contains three blue-gowned women and their husbands, Family Reunion. For 10 points, name this short-lived Impressionist who died in the Franco-Prussian War at the age of 29.

Jean Frédéric Bazille

1236 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 1 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48975 Question: This artist painted a woman lying on a couch in Repose, and showed a Spanish dancer performing in front of some musicians in El Jaleo. He portrayed two girls holding watering jars while surrounded by the namesake flowers in Carnation, Lily, Lily Rose, and also painted several works containing Claude Monet. A prominent China vase is seen with four daughters of Edward Darley Boit in one work of his, and another caused a scandal due to the jeweled straps on the subject's revealing black dress. For 10 points, name this American artist of Portrait of Madame X.

John Singer Sargent

1481 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: Editor's Packet 1 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53459 Question: This artist shares both his first and last name with a classical landscape painter responsible for such works as Landscape with a Flash of Lightning. A student of Langlois and Paul Delaroche, this artist's early work included classical paintings such as Oedipus Unbound, which he painted over the canvas of his St. Jerome. A man carrying a bag under one arm and a pitchfork in another is depicted alongside a woman in his The Walk to Work, while his late works include landscapes like November and The Church of Greville. In 1859, Baudelaire unfavorably reviewed this man's The Cowgirl, and his more famous paintings include a depiction of two peasants praying in the middle of their workday as well as one of three women hunched and sorting through straw. For ten points, identify this sometime member of the Barbizon school best known for such paintings as The Angelus and The Gleaners.

Jean-Francois Millet

1382 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 3 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40157 Question: This painter depicted the title Dionysian priest's sacrifice for his beloved in multiple versions of Coresus and Callirhoe. The title creature peeks out of a box sitting next to a smiling girl in a white bonnet in this man's Girl With a Marmot. In one painting by him, a woman swooningly embraces her white-clad lover as he locks the door. A series of paintings by him begins with a young man chasing a woman round a fountain in The Pursuit. In the most famous painting by this artist of The Bolt, a putto puts his finger to his lips as a man looks up the dress of a woman whose shoe has flown off as she rides the title conveyance. For 10 points, name this French rococo painter of The Progress of Love series and The Swing.

Jean-Honoré Fragonard

1494 | VCU Open | 2009 | Round: 1 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55414 Question: In addition to a crust of bread and the titular object, a six-tined fork sticks in a rotten apple in this artist's cryptically political Still Life With Old Shoe. This man employed another fork, pointing upward, to indicate a celestial body in a sculpture originally titled The Sun, The Moon, and One Star and now known as [this man's] Chicago for its location within the Loop. Upon arriving in Paris, he rejected Cubism, remarking that he would "smash their guitar", and an early work in his mature style features an ear growing out of a one-eyed tree and a plow labeled "JOUR". Perhaps best known for a work which included a ladder to the left of the titular animal and celestial object, FTP, name this Catalan surrealist who employed flattened forms and bright colors in works like Chiffres et Constellations, The Tilled Field and Dog Barking At The Moon.

Joan Miro (accept "Still Life with Old Shoe" before "this artist")

1117 | Minnesota Open | 2012 | Round: 6 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44144 Question: In a painting centering on this person, a man dressed in a blue suit is holding a document in his left hand and saluting to this person with his right. A large conflagration is burning on a goblet-like structure in the right background of a work centering on this figure, and a tornado is shown behind this man in that painting. In one work, this figure has a large beard that is being blown by the wind. A man dressed in blue wearing a backpack and a man dressed in all white lie dead at this figure's feet, and this figure holds a huge rifle and a Bible in that work. Jacob (*) Lawrence made a series of paintings depicting the "Legend of" this figure." The artist of the most famous painting depicting this figure makes up the "Regionalist triumvirate" with Thomas Hart Benton and Grant Wood. For 10 points, name this man who is the subject of John Steuart Curry's Tragic Prelude, which is housed in Kansas, where this man led the Pottawatomie massacre.

John Brown

1153 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 16 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53296 Question: In one of this artist's paintings, Fanny Stevenson lies slumped in a chair as her husband, Robert Louis Stevenson, fidgets about. In another of his works, a single orange sits on an abandoned chair beneath two guitars hanging on the wall; in that work, a man tilts his neck back to shout while sitting next to guitarists who accompany a gypsy dancer. Two tall Japanese vases dwarf four young girls in pinafores in another of his paintings. This artist of El Jaleo and The Daughters of Edouard Darley Boit controversially painted Virginie Gautreau as a pale woman wearing a black satin dress. For 10 points, name this artist of the Portrait of Madame X.

John Singer Sargent

1366 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2011 | Round: 7 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51790 Question: In this painting, a man holds an unlit cigarette between his fingers, and several windows with green blinds can be seen on a building. A yellow door without a doorknob appears on the right side of this work, and the entrance to the central building cannot be found. A person in white clothing stands behind a triangular counter, and an advertisement for Phillies cigars appears on the top of the central building. A woman wearing a red dress sits next to a man in a suit. For 10 points, names this depiction of an empty street and a bar, a work of Edward Hopper.


1536 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Maryland | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47625 Question: He showed two hands shaking and a combination of a hammer and a sickle extending out of a man's face in the Carnival of the Ideologies. His opposition to World War II was manifest in his publicly painted send up of mechanized warfare, Dive Bomber and Tank, while he fled his home country following his series that depicted the lives of prostitutes, The House of Tears. In a series of frescos, he depicted scenes such as Gods of the Modern World and Symbols of Nationalism in his Epic of American Civilization, which also included the Coming... and Return of Quetzalcoatl. For 10 points, identify this contemporary of Diego Rivera, a Mexican muralist.

Jose Clemente Orozco

1213 | Penn Bowl | 2012 | Round: GMU | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45596 Question: This painter's will requested that two of his works be hung next to Claude Lorraine's Seaport with the Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba. A pack of dogs races over rolling hills in the foreground of his Raby Castle, while a cloud in the shape of a black wave curves over the sun in this man's Snow Storm: Napoleon and His Army Crossing the Alps. He also painted a work in which the title object is moving East, away from the sunset, symbolizing the end of an old era and the coming of the industrial age. In another of his paintings, an almost-invisible rabbit appears to be running away from an oncoming train. Noted for his watercolor landscapes, for 10 points, name this British painter of The Fighting Temeraire and Rain, Steam, and Speed.

Joseph Mallord William Turner

944 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Editors 4 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44286 Question: This artist's visit to Italy inspired him to paint over thirty versions of the eruption of Vesuvius. Before visiting Italy, he painted five "night scenes" depicting blacksmith shops illuminated by glowing metal, including The Iron Forge. One of this artist's paintings portrays a long-bearded medieval alchemist kneeling on the floor in awe at a glowing container of phosphorus. This artist painted many works inspired by his friends in the Lunar Society, including one in which a group of onlookers watch as a man in a red robe with flowing white hair slowly removes the air from a glass chamber containing a cockatoo. His candlelit scenes of scientific demonstrations include A Philosopher Giving a Lecture on the Orrery and An Experiment With an Air Pump. For 10 points, name this 18th century English painter from Derby.

Joseph Wright of Derby

1564 | The Experiment | 2007 | Round: 2 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58912 Question: The artist includes a piece of a real mirror above a table in his work The Marble Console; other works include a picture of a sherry bottle entitled The Watch and several portraits of his companion Charlotte Herpin, known as "Josette." His more cartoonish Man in the Café resides in Philadelphia; a portrait of him was done by Modigliani, but he's more famous for himself painting another artist in a military tunic against a blue background holding a palette, ►his Homage to Picasso. FTP, name this short-lived Spanish cubist.

Juan Gris (or Jose Victoriano Gonzalez-Perez)

1143 | MUT | 2012 | Round: Finals 1 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31756 Question: One work showing this scene shows a foot rest on a bed in the background, and a figure disinterestedly hands off an object to another figure in that painting by Mantegna. A woman dressed in red carries an object on her head behind a woman in a puffy blue dress in one painting set shortly after the occurrence of this event. Klimt made two depictions of this event, both of which show a bare breasted woman and only a small part of another central figure. An old maid looks in from the right of one painting of this scene which takes place in a tent shortly after a woman seduces an opposing general in a work by Caravaggio. For 10 points, name this scene painted by Artemisia Gentileschi in which the central biblical female is shown slitting the throat of her opponent.

Judith beheading Holofernes [accept answers which make mention of Judith killing Holofernes]

1396 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: Editors 4 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39727 Question: The clouds at the bottom of this painting partially obscure a bas-relief depicting a team of horses rearing up above two fallen men and a coiled snake. A crown-wearing, scepter-wielding female figure leans on her arm as she peeks in from the left side of this painting, while the toes of its two central figures' right feet barely touch in the bottom-center. Its first title character wears a pink robe draped off his left shoulder and holds a golden scepter erect with his right arm, while its green-clad second title character rests her arm on the enthroned first title character's knee and reaches up to stroke his beard with her left hand. For 10 points, identify this painting by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, which depicts a scene from the Iliad in which the second title character pleads to the first title character on behalf of her son Achilles.

Jupiter and Thetis

1504 | VCU Open | 2009 | Round: 9 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55649 Question: Late in this man's life, he went by the title "The Old Man Mad About Painting," and one of his more eccentric works was created by dipping a chicken's feet in red paint and having it run across a landscape to represent falling maple leaves. This man produced a series of sketches entitled Quick Lessons in Simplified Drawing and one of his final works was the 1849 painting A Wood Gatherer. His most famous group of paintings includes depictions of a watermill, the Mannen Bridge, and a tea house, and he also produced a work showing a woman having sexual relations with a pair of octopi entitled The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife. FTP, name this artist who depicted boats about to be engulfed by the titular object, The Great Wave off Kanagawa, the most famous woodblock in his ukiyo-e series depicting Japan's highest peak, 36 Views of Mount Fuji.

Katsushika Hokusai

1489 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: UC Irvine and Michigan State A | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55479 Question: Directly under the people depicted in this painting, a large tree branch has broken off and is falling onto some large rocks. Writing on a tree on the left gives the image that the names of the people depicted in this painting were carved into that tree. This painting incorrectly portrays Kaaterskill Falls and the Clove of the Catskills in roughly the same place, and both of the men portrayed in this painting are standing on a large rock outcropping. One of the title characters holds a hat and walking stick in front of him, while the other points with his stick toward a bird which obscures a blue mountain and holds in his left hand a red book of some sort, possibly a portfolio. For 10 points, name this painting of William Cullen Bryant and Thomas Cole, a work by Asher Durand.

Kindred Spirits

1556 | FICHTE | 2008 | Round: 3 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55791 Question: This work was executed at Kaaterskill Clove after Jonathan Sturges was inspired to commission it by the "Sonnet to Solitude." At the bottom are some rocks which receive a waterfall out of a green forest. Cliffs bracket the painting; on the left, a (*) straw-hatted man points with a stick while talking to his companion. For 10 points name this depiction of William Cullen Bryant and Thomas Cole, by Asher Durand.

Kindred Spirits

1414 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: 2 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41323 Question: A lizard can be seen crawling under a dog in this work, which also shows one figure carrying a spear with two prongs pointing downwards. This work depicts a castle atop a hill in the background, and in the foreground one of the figures wears a crown covered in snakes. In the bottom left corner, a skull lays next to a plaque bearing the artist's monogram, which he also used on the cover of his (*) Four Books on Human Proportion. An hourglass is held in front of a man on horseback, who seems to ignore this work's two spiritual figures, depicted as an old man and a pig. Created in 1513, it is one of the artist's three Meisterstiche, or "master prints," along with St. Jerome in his Study and Melancholia I. For 10 points, name this engraving by Albrecht Dürer which depicts a soldier being tempted by the two other titular figures.

Knight, Death, and the Devil [prompt on The Rider]

1229 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 3 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39405 Question: One painting of this figure shows her with magenta hair down to her knees, tied with orange-gold ribbons; Edward Burne-Jones suggested several color changes to that painting. One painting of this figure shows her in a white, wispy dress holding a finger up to her lips facing an emaciated man. Another painting of her shows her in a green dress holding a crown above her head. John Singer Sargent painted Elaine Terry as this figure, and another painting of this figure shows her carrying a torch while walking through a (*) corridor at night. This figure is depicted "seizing the daggers" and "sleepwalking" in works by Henry Fuseli, and was famously played by Sarah Siddons. For 10 points, name this literary figure depicted standing next to the bed of King Duncan in one work.

Lady MacBeth [do NOT accept or prompt on "MacBeth"; accept Elaine Terry until mention]

1334 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2011 | Round: 10 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32714 Question: At the bottom right of this painting, a girl steps on a dog, while a nun stands next to a servant. In the back, a figure is shown pausing on the stairs and looking at the central group. The king and the queen can be seen in a mirror, and the painter himself is shown holding a paint brush. For 10 points, identify this painting of the Spanish court in which maids surround the Infant Margarita, by Diego Velazquez.

Las Meninas [accept The Maids of Honor]

1407 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: WUSTL | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41201 Question: The foremost Hungarian member of this artistic movement is most famous for a portrait of his grandmother, who wears a black fur hat and scarf and is eerily pale. Many members of this movement, though not the aforementioned József Rippl-Rónai, can be seen gathering around the title figure's painting Fruit Bowl, Glass and Apples in the painting Homage to Cezanne, which was painted by the member of this group known as "the one with the beautiful icons". This movement was inspired by a depiction of yellow trees reflecting in a river near the colony of Pont-Aven painted on the lid of a cigar box. That work, The Talisman, was painted by Paul Serusier, who with Pierre Bonnard, Maurice Denis, and Edouard Vuillard made up the core of this Gauguin-inspired movement. For 10 points, name this group of oft-bearded Post-Impressionist painters, who took their name from the Hebrew for "prophets".

Les Nabis [prompt on "the prophets" until the last word]

1497 | VCU Open | 2009 | Round: 12 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55703 Question: Last name's the same. Though not Giotto, one artist of this name depicted The Raising of Drusiana in the same city as Giotto's version of that scene. That man was commissioned to decorate the Carafa chapel in the church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, as well as the Strozzi chapel in Santa Maria Novella. Another artist of this name depicted God placing a crown on Mary's head below a rainbow in his Coronation of the Virgin in Spoleto Cathedral. That man also created depicted the virgin wearing a turban and standing above Frediano and Augustine in his Barbadori Altarpiece. The aforementioned artist of this name depicted a demon gnawing on his chains in a cave in his Apparition of the Virgin to St. Bernard, while the latter depicted a woman in a black and red headdress approached by a suitor in Man and Woman at a Casement, and was a teacher of Botticelli. For ten points, identify this surname shared by Filippino and his father Fra Filippo.


1402 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: Illinois +Jha + Yale | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40686 Question: The most famous of these works was inspired by pictorial title pages from Rousseau's Philosophie, and they include depictions of the Count Palatine and a man being fleeced by his female barber. A duchess is shown flying off to heaven with the squashed heads of her male favorites in one entry in this series, while the twenty-sixth depicts girls with chairs on their heads. An owl in a skullcap stands on a podium and speaks to monks in the entry titled What a Golden Beak! A man wearing an enormous conical hat is sentenced in Those Specks of Dust, while Might Not the Pupil Know More is among those that depict donkeys. The most famous of these works is the forty-third, which shows a self-portrait of the artist slumped at his desk with numerous owls behind him. For 10 points, name this group of eighty aquatint prints that includes The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters, a production of Francisco de Goya.

Los Caprichos [or The Caprices

1339 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2011 | Round: 7 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32594 Question: One of this man's works depicts his self-portrait in a glass ball situated on his hand. Another features two hands drawing each other into existence. This artist of the lithographs Hand with Reflecting Sphere and Drawing Hands created an ever-increasing stairway in Ascending and Descending, along with several tessellations. For 10 points, name this Dutch artist known for his fascination with optical illusions.

M(aurits) C(ornelius) Escher

1355 | Delta Burke | 2011 | Round: 4 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54246 Question: A 1949 painting on this subject by Salvador Dali shows a large rectangular gap in the title figure's torso and is titled partly for his home city of Port Ligat. This subject holds the title flower in a depiction by Leonardo showing this figure with a carnation. The term "maesta" refers to any painting of this subject enthroned. The titular bird is held by St. John while the baby Jesus reaches out to touch it in a painting on this subject, titled "of the Goldfinch," painted by Raphael. FTP what is this common subject of Renaissance art, one example of which by Parmagianino is depicted with a "long neck"?


1354 | Delta Burke | 2011 | Round: 2 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54197 Question: Though he is not Parmigianino, one work by this artist features a female head with an elongated neck, and breasts and pubic hair instead of eyes and a mouth. In addition to painting The Rape, this artist was fond of depicting the blue sky and featured it prominently in place of human features in works like Black Magic and The False Mirror. Another painting of his depicts well-dressed men falling from the sky and holding umbrellas and is titled Golconde. A famous painting of his contains two candlesticks sitting at opposite ends atop a marble fireplace, and also shows a small clock in front of a mirror. FTP, name this artist of The Treachery of Images and The Son of Man who depicted a locomotive charging out of a fireplace in Time Transfixed


1118 | Minnesota Open | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44112 Question: This figure is dressed in Turkish garb and sits in a dimly lit room as a black servant brings coffee in a Carle Van Loo painting. The Alte Pinakothek houses the "Munich portrait," which refers to a work depicting this figure in flowing green garb as a clock in the background shows 8:20pm. In one painting, sheep surround the central figure as a dove lies in this figure's hands holding the title message. In another painting, this figure is shown playing a mandolin as a black dog watches on. In addition to The Sultana drinking coffee and The billet-doux, this figure is shown delicately clutching a bow as a leopard-skin barely hangs onto her back in a painting by Jean-Marc Nattier in which she is portrayed as (*) Diana. Francois-Hubert Drouais painted a portrait of this figure "at her Tambour Frame." She is depicted playing the Harpsichord in one of several portraits of her by Francois Boucher. For 10 points, name this Marquise, the mistress to Louis XV.

Madame du Pompadour [or Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise du Pompadour]

1541 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Texas | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47920 Question: The artist of this work intended to create an entire Corinthian temple portico in the background but left it with just a single column. One of the figures on the left, possibly John the Baptist, holds a crystal vase and stares at the title figure, whose right foot seems to jut out toward the viewer as it rests on some pillows. In the lower right corner is a rather small depiction of a prophet, possibly Isaiah, reading from a scroll, while a large infant Christ lies sprawled out in an S-shape in the center on Mary's lap. For 10 points, name this painting in which Mary has some rather exaggerated features, a work of Parmigianino.

Madonna of the Long Neck [or Madonna with the Long Neck; or Madonna dal Collo Lungo]

1233 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39801 Question: One figure in this painting holds her thumb and forefinger together as she wraps her arm around a gray-and-white vase. A foot appears on the right of this painting and was originally supposed to belong to a saint, and an inscription on a set of stairs in this painting declares it unfinished. Another figure in this painting wears small strings of pearls in her hair as she grazes her fingers along her breast. One figure in this painting has one leg clad in blue and one leg in white, and rests one foot on a stack of (*) two pillows. A group of angels crowds together on the left of this painting. Behind the central scene stands a broken white column, next to a St Jerome in a green toga unfurling a scroll. For 10 points, name this mannerist painting which depicts Mary holding a large baby, a work by Parmigianino named for the elongated anatomy of the subject.

Madonna with a Long Neck [accept equivalents mentioning Madonna or the Virgin Mary and a long neck]

1476 | SCOP Novice | 2010 | Round: Finals Round 1 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53755 Question: Marilyn Monroe appears in a parody of this painting called Boulevard of Broken Dreams, and it was painted just after Pearl Harbor. A cash register can be seen in the back, and a building within this painting is similar to the one appearing in its artist's (*) Early Sunday Morning. Two men in hats and a woman in a red dress sit across the counter from a parlor worker, and the sign outside advertises Phillies' five cent cigars. Located in the Chicago Art Institute, name this work by Edward Hopper.


1205 | Penn Bowl | 2012 | Round: Editors Packet 2 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44458 Question: This man put his handprint on a white pentagon in a work titled Autoportrait, and showed a group of primary-colored stick figures riding horses and holding yellow tools in his AD 1914. He showed a flower with several yellow and one long spiky green leaf with an eye in front of a petal in his Misunderstood. He wrapped a sewing machine in wool and string in one work. Meret Oppenheim posed nude for him in a few photographs, and he invented the solarization technique. One work by this artist of The Enigma of Isidore Ducasse shows the back of a nude woman with two f-holes cut into her skin, entitled The Violin of Ingres. For 10 points, identify this artist who took a series of pictures of Rrose Selavy, the female altar-ego of fellow Dada artist Marcel Duchamp.

Man Ray [or Emmanuel Radetzsky]

1412 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: 11 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41547 Question: The writings of the Marquis de Sade inspired this artist's depiction of a kneeling woman's feet, hands, and buttocks. In addition to The Prayer, he also depicted Meret Oppenheim standing naked behind a machine in his work Veiled Erotic. This artist's The Gift consists of a clothes iron with thumbtacks attached to it, while another work in the same genre is a metronome with a photograph of an eye attached to its arm. This artist of the (*) readymade Object to Be Destroyed is better known for such works as Tears and several depictions of his friend dressed in drag as his alter ego Rrose Sélavy. Another work by this friend of Marcel Duchamp is a depiction of Kiki de Montparnasse with f-holes in her back, making her look like the titular instrument. For 10 points, name French photographer who exposed objects on light-sensitive paper directly to light and created Le Violon d'Ingres.

Man Ray [or Emmanuel Radnitzky]

1220 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 11 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40371 Question: The bottom left of this painting shows a blond baby crawling next to a turtle and a little boy holding a parrot. A pineapple is sandwiched between two small fruit trees in this work, while on the right a group of bearded men unfurl a red banner with black text front of a headless statue. This work also depicts an army wearing (*) gas masks in the top left and police putting down a workers demonstration right underneath. Its central figure wears heavy black gloves and a yellow jumpsuit, and is surrounded by four wing-shaped objects which show cells and space. It was destroyed because its commissioner was unhappy with a depiction of Lenin in the right half of this painting. Originally created for Rockefeller center, for 10 points, name this mural by Diego Rivera.

Man, Controller of the Universe [or Man at the Crossroads]

985 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Wellesley + Hunter | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30064 Question: At the bottom left of this work, a black child stands next to a collection of animals, including a bearded monkey sitting on an aquarium. Those figures in this work stand beneath a handless white statue, which wears a crucifix. At the bottom of this work, a hand holding a sphere emerges from a garden of plants. The top left of this work is dominated by an army with bayonets and gas masks. The central figure of this work stands amidst the lenses of a giant microscope. Its commissioner, Nelson Rockefeller, was upset by its communist overtones, especially the prominent portrait of Lenin and ordered it destroyed, so a second version was created in the artist's native Mexico. For 10 points, name this mural by Diego Rivera.

Man, Controller of the Universe [or Man at the Crossroads]

1198 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34087 Question: This artist worked with Léonide Massine to create large, colorful backdrops for the ballet Aleko. A man plays a violin while sitting on a large chicken as two people float by in his The Marriage on the Eiffel Tower. He used spokes of color to decorate the ceiling of the (*) Paris Opera House. This artist's The Tribe of Levi was created in stained glass. He painted over the words "Ich bin Jude" and included Nazi soldiers in a 1938 painting where a menorah rests under the feet of Jesus, his White Crucifixion. In another of his works, a man with a sickle stands next to an upside-down woman and a green face looks at a goat. For 10 points, name this Russian-born Jewish artist of I and the Village.

Marc Chagall

1323 | BHSAT | 2011 | Round: 2 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50145 Question: A conjoined yellow portrait of Adam and Eve is at the center of this painter's Homage to Apollinaire. The title woman looms over a forest-like landscape in his Bella with White Collar and he designed stained glass windows for the Metz Cathedral. A man wearing a swastika burns a synagogue and a menorah sits beneath Jesus's cross in one painting by him. A man with a scythe and an upside-down violinist feature in another painting, which is dominated by a sheep's face and a green human face. For 10 points, name this Belarusian-born French painter of the White Crucifixion and I and the Village.

Marc Chagall

1488 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: Stanford A and Maryland A and UIC | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55470 Question: His Crucifixion of St. Peter has a foreshortened halo and two executioners looming into the foreground as Roman soldiers in the background avert their gaze. A wavy pattern reminiscent of Roman sarcophagi can be seen behind two small angels with lutes at the feet of the Virgin Mary in his Madonna with Child and Angels. Both of these works are part of his Pisa Altarpiece, as is his Adoration of the Magi that features indistinct mountains in the background, a technique known as aerial perspective. A red-clad cherub looms over the titular figures in his The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, while a more famous work is a synoptic sequence which depicts the titular object being extracted from the mouth of a fish. For 10 points, name this early Italian painter of The Tribute Money, whose most famous work is the Trinity fresco.

Masaccio [or Tommaso Cassai]

1385 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 5 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40045 Question: In an early painting by this artist, a blushing Christ with ugly blond hair is held by Mary, who sits under a towering figure in pink and red with five angels surrounding the throne. After his death, The Raising of the Son of Theophilus, Disputation with Simon Magus, and Crucifixion of St. Peter were painted by Filipino Lippi to finish a series this artist had started. Thorny leaves sticking out from an arch at the left poke at a figure who had fig leaves before a restoration of one of his paintings, which shows a cherub wielding a sword. This creator of Virgin and Child with St. Anne and Expulsion from the Garden of Eden depicted St. Peter extracting an object from a fish's mouth in his most famous painting. For 10 points, name this painter whose Brancacci chapel frescoes include The Tribute Money.

Masaccio [or Tommaso di Ser Giovanni di Simone; accept Masolino da Panicale or Tommaso di Cristoforo Fini during the first sentence, although the work in question isn't really an early Masolino work.]

1204 | Penn Bowl | 2012 | Round: Editors Packet 1 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44433 Question: This artist showed a blue moon looking over an open cage against a bright orange background in one painting, and he responded to his time in French concentration camps by painting a figure with a helmet and spear standing next to a metallic green spire amidst spongy red ruins. In addition to "Soliloquy," he made a portfolio of black-and-white collotypes which included a large circular eye in "The Fugitive," his Natural History series. One of his most frequent subjects piles an enormous red headdress on a nude woman in "Robing of the Bride," and he employed decalcomania to make "Europe after the Rain." A frequent cohort of Jean Arp, this man's alter ego was the birdman Loplop. For 10 points, name this creator of frottage, a German surrealist who painted Two Children are Threatened by a Nightingale.

Max Ernst

1517 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Minnesota | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48597 Question: He painted a version of Monet's Luncheon On the Grass with a deliberate misspelling in its French title which featured a brown fish and an egg-plant laid on a white cloth. One work by this artist depicts an airplane with human arms flying over an open field as a wounded soldier is being carried away, while another work depicts a human like figure who has a tilted cylindrical head with green hair and spins on a top in a barren landscape. In addition to Murdering Airplane and Ubu Imperator, he made several works featuring the birdman Loplop which appear in his collage novels such as La Femme 100 têtes and Une Semaine de bonté, but he is better known for Pieta or Revolution by Night, and a 1926 self-portrait with André Breton and Paul Éluard witnessing the Virgin chastising Jesus. For 10 points, identify this German surrealist who made famous such techniques as grattage and frottage.

Max Ernst

1074 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 9 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58056 Question: The capital city of this country is home to a cultural center called the Polyforum named for one its artists, with a rotating stage that displays seven large panels from that man's The March of Humanity. Another artist from this country showed herself bleeding on a hospital bed in Henry Ford Hospital, painted while her husband was working on his Detroit Industry. That man, also from this nation, included images of cells under microscopes and swirling galaxies converging on the titular Man, Controller of the Universe and controversially included Lenin in a mural painted for Rockefeller Center. For 10 points, name this country home to Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera.


1020 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Bollinger | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48292 Question: This artist painted a crazy altarpiece in which a criminal sticks his head through bars of his cell window to suck milk from his daughter's breast while Saint James talks to a torch-bearing innkeeper and Samson drinks water from an ass's jawbone. One of his works has a title figure's wings pointing from his thighs to the painting's focal point, the genitals, and is titled Victorious Cupid. In another work, Mary of Cleophas raises her arms to the sky while John the Evangelist and Nicodemus hold Christ's body above a stone slab. This artist of The Seven Works of Mercy painted a boy who reaches for some cherries next to a vase with a sprig of jasmine, only to recoil in pain. This artist of Boy Bitten By a Lizard was the namesake of a certain school which included Gerrit van Honthorst and was based in Utrecht. This artist of The Entombment of Christ also painted an armored saint lying beneath a horse's rear end. FTP, name this man who murdered people over tennis matches, an Italian Baroque artist who painted The Conversion of St. Paul.

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

1347 | Collegiate Novice | 2011 | Round: 5 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34794 Question: This artist names a movement that includes the painter of Mars Chasing Cupid, Bartolomeo Manfredi. Georges de la Tour painted a work similar to this painter's depiction of villains cheating at a gambling game. In addition to The Cardsharps, another work by this man depicts a figure rising from his seat as a diagonal beam of light traces Christ's pointing finger. In a work housed in the Contarelli Chapel, this man showed Jesus summoning the title tax collector in the chiaroscuro style. For 10 points, name this Italian painter of The Calling of St. Matthew.

Michelangelo da Merisi da Caravaggio [accept either underlined part]

1328 | BHSAT | 2011 | Round: 7 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50241 Question: This artist's architectural work includes the Palazzo Farnese in Rome and the Medici Chapel and Laurentian Library of the Basilica San Lorenzo in Florence. A monkey grasps the leg of a figure whose arm is bound to his back in a statue this artist created for the tomb of Pope Julius II, The Dying Slave. A peculiar translation from the Vulgate resulted in his statue of Moses having horns. In 1547, he succeeded Sangallo the Younger as chief architect of St. Peter's Basilica, which also houses his statue of Mary bearing the body of Jesus on her lap after the Crucifixion. For 10 points, name this artist of a famous Pièta and a marble David.

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

1403 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: Maryland A | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40796 Question: This painter created two works showing a man about to be clubbed and stomped on by a horse and a nude idol posing and extending his index finger as soldiers surround him in a series of ten medallions. One painting in another series by this artist shows a boy holding a flaming torch next to a boy rubbing his eyes near a woman turning a book with the letter 'Q' on the left side. He depicted a man with visible buttocks flying next to a giant yellow sun, and also showed a nude man in an aqua cloak struggling to climb a tree as the water level around him rises. One painting by this man survives most completely in a sketch made by Aristotele da Sangallo and shows naked soldiers emerging from the Arno river in response to a sudden Pisan attack. That painting was intended to accompany a now-lost Leonardo da Vinci work and is called The Battle of Cascina. He depicted five male nudes chilling behind the Holy Family in his Doni Tondo. For 10 points, name this painter who may be more famous for being held by St. Bartholomew in a self-portrait in flayed skin found in his The Last Judgement.

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni [accept either underlined portion]

1166 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53109 Question: The subject of this work refused to sit for it, forcing the artist to have his son stand on a ladder and put the subject's uniform on. Paul Delaroche was commissioned to create a more historically accurate version of this work. The bottom left corner of this painting contains stones inscribed with the names "Karolus Magnus" and "Hannibal." In the background, some soldiers are struggling to push a cannon along a path. The title character of this painting has a billowing orange cloak and points upward while "calm on a fiery" rearing horse in the St. Bernard Pass. For 10 points, name this Jacques-Louis David painting, in which the Emperor of the French goes over some mountains.

Napoleon Crossing the Alps [or Napoleon Crossing the St. Bernard]

1072 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58139 Question: A portrait of this man shows him wearing medals marking his membership in the Legion of Honor and Order of the Iron Crown while standing in his green-carpeted study. In another painting, this man takes off one of his white gloves before reaching out to touch a sick man amidst a crowd of victims of the bubonic plague in a mosque at Jaffa. This man's name is etched on some rocks next to the names of Hannibal and Charlemagne in a painting showing him pointing upwards atop a rearing horse while crossing the Alps. For 10 points, name this French ruler who was depicted in a massive Jacques-Louis David work holding a crown above his kneeling wife Josephine.

Napoleon I Bonaparte

1050 | Collegiate Novice | 2012 | Round: 3 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34097 Question: This figure touches the open wound of a shirtless patient in an Antoine-Jean Gros canvas. A massive canvas showing this figure in lavish red and white garb was criticized at the 1806 Salon. In addition to being depicted "in the Plaguehouse at Jaffa" and being the subject of an Ingres painting showing his coronation, he was the subject of a work in which he appears upon his mount at the St. Bernard Pass. For 10 points, name this French leader who was depicted "Crossing the Alps" by Jacques-Louis David.

Napoleon I Bonaparte [accept either underlined part]

983 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: VCU + Michigan State | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30022 Question: The foreground of one painting by this artist contains a man in a white turban with hands clasped in prayer, while on the right, a man in yellow drags a white-clad body out of the water. That painting by this artist is dominated by black storm clouds hovering above a pink-clad Moses. On the left of another painting by this artist, a statue of Janus stands atop a wreathed column. On the right of that painting by this artist, a child with an hourglass sits underneath a gray-bearded, winged angel playing a lyre; in the center, four women holding hands move in a circle. This artist of The Crossing of the Red Sea also painted four Arcadian shepherds discovering the title Latin phrase written on a stone monument. For 10 points, name this French painter of A Dance to the Music of Time and Et in Arcadia Ego.

Nicholas Poussin

1486 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: Lawrence University and Georgia Tech | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55386 Question: In one of this man's paintings, the giant title character sits on top of a mountain in the background while nymphs collect water from a spring in the foreground; in another, a yellow-clad Philistine covers his mouth while a nearby baby sits by his dying mother. Besides Landscape with Polyphemus and the Plague of Ashdod, this artist painted a double series including Baptism, Penance, and Extreme Unction, the Seven Sacraments. In a more famous paiting by this man, four shepherds cluster around a tomb bearing the text by which that painting is known, while another of his paintings shows men in orange capes performing the titular action. His most famous work shows the Four Seasons cavorting next to a statue of Janus. For 10 points, name this seventeenth-century French painter of the Et in Arcadia Ego, Rape of the Sabine Women and A Dance to the Music of Time.

Nicolas Poussin

966 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Harvard + Rice A | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29780 Question: The corner of a window is visible behind a second archway in the upper right of this painting, which is set in a room with white and hatched brown tiles. One of the title figures of this painting has his arm around the side of another, and on the right a woman with a green headband leans on the shoulder of her sister, while a third woman cradles two children beside them. One bronze and two silver helmets are worn by the title figures, one of who holds a spear that mirrors the angle of three differently shaped swords, which are being offered to their outstretched hands by their father. For ten points, name this painting of an episode from Livy, a Jacques-Louis David work in which three Roman brothers vow to fight the Curiatii.

Oath of the Horatii

915 | WIT | 2013 | Round: Louisville B + Chicago A + Imperial A | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32083 Question: This painting was displayed along with a poem by Zacharie Astruc that describes the title figure awakening when "tired of dreaming." Art historian Beth Brombert claims that this painting showed its artist's "contempt for the public" and that the central figure has, unlike in similar works, full control over her body. A (*) "modern" version of this painting was made by Paul Cezanne. Secondary characters in this painting include a black cat to the right and a black servant giving flowers to the title figure. Based on Venus of Urbino, the title nude of this painting reclines on a bed looking directly at the viewer. For 10 points, name this scandalous painting of a prostitute by Edouard Manet.


1503 | VCU Open | 2009 | Round: 9 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55643 Question: One of these compositions uses the fairy kingdom of Etheria as a setting and tells the story of a boy who reunites with his sweetheart when he hooks up with Aladdin's genie. Another of these compositions features the goatherd Sigmund Lump and deals with the two kingdoms of Braggadocia and Graftiana. Besides Chris and the Wonderful Lamp and The Free Lance, more famous examples of these compositions include one focusing on Geraldine Pompton and her father, Silas, who runs a glass works, and another work features the aria "The Sword, The Musket, and the Lance" and is about Musketeers romancing the titular girl. The best known of these compositions describes Don Medigua posing as the titular rebel leader. FTP, name these light compositions which include The American Maid, Désirée, and El Capitan, the latter of which inspired one of the composer's numerous and more famous marches.

Operettas of John Philip Sousa (prompt on Works of Sousa or such)

1266 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 5 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40854 Question: Alexandre Cabanel showed this person in a light blue dress reaching her left hand to grasp at some willow branches while her back is supported by a fallen piece of wood. Another depiction of this person shows her in a white dress lying in a field of grass and holding a bouquet of yellow flowers in her right hand; the same artist of that painting also showed her sitting on a log while putting (*) flowers in her hair in a painting whose background is dominated by a lily pond. In the best known depiction of her, she places her hands face up while she stares up at the sky; several flowers of different colors are floating on the water above her as her body is already submerged, her dress abutting the green banks of a small stream. For 10 points, name this woman painted by John Waterhouse and John Everett Millais, a Shakespearean character who commits suicide after being pursued by


961 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: UCSD | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45220 Question: This figure is depicted with a red, featureless face in an oil and lacquer drawing by Elly Strik. Pierre Auguste Cot depicted this figure in front of a pitch-black background holding a red book. Arthur Hughes used a golden arch to frame his painting of this figure, which portrays her as pale and emaciated, while Richard Redgrave painted her "weaving her garlands." The model for another depiction of this figure contracted pneumonia after the lamps placed underneath her went out. A depiction of her alternatively titled Gather Flowers While Ye May was one of five painted by John William Waterhouse. Elizabeth Siddal posed as this figure lying face up in a river in a painting by John Everett Millais. For 10 points, name this character who commits suicide by drowning herself in Hamlet


1336 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2011 | Round: 3 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31842 Question: In one work, this man depicted five nude prostitutes, two of them in African masks. In another work, a light bulb shines in the shape of an eye and on the right a figure raises his arms in terror with fire above and below. This artist of Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (lay DAY-mwah-ZELL dha-veen-YOH) painted The Old Guitarist during his Blue Period. For 10 points, name this Spanish artist of Guernica, who cofounded cubism.

Pablo (Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y) Picasso

1087 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 5 | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41841 Question: He's not Renoir, but this person painted a darkly-lit Le Moulin de Galette featuring women with eyeliner and colorful hats. This artist painted the left half of a sleeping woman's face as a phallus in The Dream and later painted that woman, Maria-Therese Walter, in Nude in a Black Armchair. He included a pierrot, a harlequin, and a friar playing instruments in The Three Musicians. This artist's portraits include one of Madame Soler and one of the actress Suzanne Bloch. This man painted a cross-legged old man playing a guitar during his Blue Period. For 10 points, name this man who painted a black and white response to the bombing of Guernica.

Pablo Picasso

1268 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 6 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40884 Question: In one painting by this artist, the downturned head of a girl in a pink dress blocks part of the large belly of a man in red, who is standing beside a much thinner man who is holding a barrel on his shoulder. He created several depictions of a bottle and a candle with a goat's skull, in addition to many sculptures of goats. He borrowed the construction of Goya's Third of May for a painting of women standing before a heavily-armored firing squad in North (*) Korea. This man, who painted six circus performers in Family of Saltimbanques, depicted a woman's face partially obscured by a jagged blue and white handkerchief on which her fingers and tears can be seen in a painting of his lover, Dora Maar. He also commemorated the bombing of a Basque town in perhaps his most famous work. For 10 points, name this painter of The Weeping Woman and Guernica.

Pablo Picasso

1316 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: WUSTL A.doc | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30360 Question: A relief of The Birth of Pandora can be found on a pedestal at this site, a treatise of which was supposedly authored by Karpion and one of its architects. Depictions of the sack of Troy on its north side are badly damaged, and the metopes on its south side depict the battle between Lapiths and Centaurs. The exterior walls of the cella contain a frieze depicting the Pantheatic procession. Designed by Ictinus and Callicrates, this building once housed works that were taken by the British ambassador Lord Elgin. Its main attraction was a chryselephantine statue of its dedicatee sculpted by Phidias. For 10 points, name this temple to Athena that sits on the Acropolis.


1015 | BHSAT | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50502 Question: In the bottom right corner of one of his paintings sits a woman in a blue shirt, white jacket, and red skirt. At the right of that painting by him stands a harlequin and a clown in a red cap. In one of his paintings, a canvas depicting a woman cradling a man stands between a nude couple and a woman cradling a baby. His Family of Saltimbanques and La Vie were painted during this artist's Rose and Blue Periods, respectively. A horse with a skull overlaid on its nose stands underneath a light bulb in the center of his painting commemorating the bombing of a Basque town. For 10 points, name this Spanish cubist painter of Guernica.

Pablo Ruiz y Picasso

1258 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 11 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41405 Question: This artist depicted the cousins Antonio and Girolamo alongside their namesake saints as well as rendering The Dead Christ with Angels as part of his Petrobelli Altarpiece. A topless woman with her back to the viewer has both of her arms pulled by two lustful men in his Infidelity, the first in an allegorical series that also includes Scorn, Respect, and The Happy Union. Another of his allegories shows (*) virtue dressed in a green gown while vice holds a deck of cards in her left hand and sits on a marble sphinx. He depicted a lamb being butchered in a painting that shows a man pouring wine out of a massive jug, and he painted three archways to segment the action of a work originally intended to be a rendering of the Last Supper. For 10 points, name this fan of sprawling scenes and dwarfs, the artist of The Wedding at Cana and The Feast in the House of Levi.

Paolo Veronese

1262 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 3 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40818 Question: Minor painters from this city include Girolamo Mazzola Bedoli and Michelangelo Anselmi. One member of this city's school of painting created a work which shows a satyr discovering Venus and Cupid asleep in a forest. That artist also used the di sotto in su technique to create the illusion of open space in his Assumption of the Virgin, which decorated the dome of this city's cathedral, and also created a work where a woman is being caressed by a black (*) cloud. That painting is in a series about the loves of Jupiter. Another painter from this city painted the Bardi Altarpiece and a circular self-portrait in which his hand is in the foreground. That painter from this city is most famous for a painting of the Virgin with a lanky baby Jesus, in which St. Jerome holds a scroll in the background. For 10 points, name this city home to Correggio as well as the artist of Madonna of the Long Neck.


1180 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 19 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49975 Question: This artist painted a dwarf with extra-long fingers named Achille Emperaire. This artist of Pyramid of Skulls placed apples around an armless statue in his Still Life with Cherub. A man in a black coat with his back to the viewer looks at a nude and her black servant in a work exhibited alongside this man's House of the Hanged Man. Besides A (*) Modern Olympia, he painted trees forming a triangle above a group of nude women in The Large Bathers. He also executed numerous versions of Card Players. He painted several landscapes of a mountain visible from his house in Provence. For 10 points, name this French post-impressionist and proto-cubist fond of painting Mont Sainte-Victoire.

Paul Cezanne

1147 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 11 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53169 Question: This artist produced Man With a Cloth Cap and a portrait of a Dominican monk in his series of 9 portraits of his uncle Dominique wearing different costumes. He enlisted farm hands from his family estate, Jas de Bouffan, to model for a painting in which four pipes hang on the wall behind three men seated around a desk. In a letter, this artist declared that he treated nature "by the cylinder, the sphere, the cone." He created a series of paintings from such vantage points as Bellevue and L'Estaque, all of which show rolling farmland leading up to the title landmark. For 10 points, name this "father of modern art," who created The Card Players and the Mont Sainte-Victoire series.

Paul Cézanne

1330 | BHSAT | 2011 | Round: 8 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50260 Question: Many of this painter's early landscapes were executed in Point-Aven, Brittany. His paintings of sleeping nudes include one with the title word written on a poster in the background, "Nevermore", and one where the title ominous black-cloaked figure stands at the left, The Spirit of the Dead Watching. His biblically inspired scenes include one in which bonnet-clad women watch a yellow-winged angel wrestle with Jacob, Vision After the Sermon, and a crucifixion in which Jesus' skin color matches the landscape, Yellow Christ. For 10 points, this is what French Post-Impressionist, known for his paintings of life in Tahiti?

Paul Gauguin

951 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Harvard | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44913 Question: This artist used his friend Meyer de Haan as the model for a devilish red-haired figure with a claw-like foot who looms over two naked girls on the left side of one canvas. This artist painted a self-portrait in which red and green apples dangling from a branch appear behind his disembodied head. This artist of Savage Tales painted a self-portrait subtitled "Les Miserables," and created the aforementioned Self-Portrait with Halo. He depicted a small out of perspective cow in the upper left of a painting diagonally divided by a bent tree trunk. He showed a creepy figure in a black robe staring at a sleeping nude woman in The Spirit of the Dead Keep Watch, and depicted a group of Breton women in white bonnets observing a figure with gold wings perform the title action in a painting alternatively titled Jacob Wrestling with the Angel. For 10 points, name this Post-Impressionist artist who painted Vision After the Sermon and left society to live in Tahiti.

Paul Gauguin

1508 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Dartmouth A and B | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48273 Question: Subjects of this man's early works include a barren streetcorner marked by a leafless tree and a run-down industrial plant with ruts leading up to it. The Gennevilliers Road and Gas Tanks at Clichy were painted after this artist ended his training with Jean-Baptiste Bin. Later in life he would introduce the idea of musical tempo into his work, as exhibited in his Presto, while his brief pure color period can be seen in the bright orange hillside that provides the setting for his Women at the Well. Among his best-known paintings are those of a pine tree and the harbor at that location, St. Tropez. Later works include the wildly psychedelic portrait of his friend Felix Feneon, which represented a departure from his roots in Divisionism. The author of From Delacroix to Neo-Impressionism, this is, for 10 points, what artist who together with Georges Seurat developed pointillism.

Paul Signac

1408 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: WUSTL | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41209 Question: This work is notable because of its lack of description outside coinage in later chronicles, save for a brief mention by Lucius Ampelius and a comment by Pausanias comparing it to Olympia. One part of this work features fifty-one panels that depict the son of Auge and Heracles being wounded by Achilles, who later heals him. In addition to the Telephus Frieze, this work is home to a depiction of the Fates clubbing Agrios and Thoas to death. That same section of this work features Hera riding a quadriga into battle while Alkyoneus is lifted into the air by Athena. It can currently be found with the Market Gate of Miletus and the Ishtar Gate in a namesake museum in Berlin. For 10 points, name this work known for its depiction of the Gigantomachy, a famous Hellenistic altar from a city in Asia Minor ruled by the Attalids.

Pergamon Altar

1192 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 3 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30385 Question: While in England, this artist painted a portrait of Sir Theodore Turquet de Mayerne, the physician of Charles I. One work by this artist shows Hermes rushing in to give the central figure a caduceus; that central female is being tutored by the three graces. A work by this artist for the Antwerp Cathedral shows Saint Longinus and a group of heavily muscled men struggling to (*) raise the central object. He painted himself and his wife Isabella Brant seated in a honeysuckle bower. Henry IV is pulled toward heaven by Jupiter in the central work of a series this artist created that also featured the Disembarkation at Marseilles of his patron, Marie de'Medici. For 10 points, name this Flemish artist best known for his voluptuous female nudes.

Peter Paul Rubens

1409 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: 1 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41170 Question: Two lions pull a chariot while cherubs fly overhead in this artist's The Triumph of Divine Love, which is one of twenty tapestries in his Triumph of the Eucharist cycle in Madrid. A torch-bearing Alekto drags Mars to combat despite the struggles of Venus in his painting Consequences of War, while another of his works depicts himself in a honeysuckle bower holding the hand of his first wife, (*) Isabella Brant. The Triumph of Truth ends a cycle of his paintings containing The Disembarkation at Marseilles and "The Destiny of" the central woman. Another of this artist's paintings shows Nicodemus holding onto a large white cloth with his teeth as a crowd tries to bring down the corpse of Christ. For 10 points, name this Flemish artist of the Marie de' Medici cycle and a notable Deposition, also known for painting fleshy nude women.

Peter Paul Rubens

923 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: Cornell | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30559 Question: This artist created both Fauvist and Cubist paintings titled Church Near Domburg. This artist made two paintings of a Still-Life with Gingerpot. This artist left unfinished a work similar to his most famous titled after "Victory." This artist split with Theo van Doesburg over Doesburg's use of diagonal lines. This artist preferred to refer to his own style as "neoplasticism." This artist's most famous work depicts New York using many squares and yellow lines. For 10 points, name this member of De Stijl, whose works such as Broadway Boogie-Woogie depict lines with red, yellow, blue, black, and white fields.

Piet Mondrian

1306 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Ohio State B.doc | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30187 Question: One man associated with this group depicted the construction of an underground tunnel beneath a road in his painting Work. A man wearing a crown and holding a lantern knocks at a door with no handle in The Light of the World, which was painted by another member of this group. Elizabeth Siddal was painted as Ophelia by a member who also created the controversial Christ in the House of His Parents. With William Holman Hunt, that man helped found this group along with the painter of Beata Beatrix. John Everett Millais and Dante Gabriel Rossetti were founders of, for 10 points, what group of English painters who were influenced by art before the Renaissance?

Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood

1137 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 6 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31583 Question: One painting from this movement shows the title figure's hair sprawled across a large bowl in which she has hidden her lover's severed head. Mary offers her cheek to a recently wounded boy Jesus in one work from this movement. One artist from this movement showed a group of neglected sheep wander into a corn field in the background as their shepherd shows a moth to a young girl in The Hireling Shepherd. Elizabeth Siddal served as the model for Beata Beatrix and Ophelia, which were painted by this movement's John Everett Millais and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, respectively. For 10 points, name this movement which sought to take art back to a time before its corruption by a Renaissance artist.

Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood [accept Pre-Raphaelites or PRB]

1067 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 57839 Question: This painting was created alongside a companion piece in which one title figure holds a halberd and grabs the hair of the other, entitled Pallas and the Centaur. The head of the central figure in this work is framed by two wing- shaped gaps in the trees, while in the upper left some clouds are being cleared away with a caduceus by a red-robed Mercury. Set in an orange grove, this painting features a grassy ground with many different species of flowers, above which the three Graces dance in transparent white gowns. Next to the central figure of Venus in this work stands the flower-covered Flora. For 10 points, name this Botticelli painting that allegorizes the titular season.

Primavera [Accept Allegory of Spring.]

992 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: Harvard | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40341 Question: This artist borrowed the pose of a newly discovered statue of Ariadne to portray a woman playing a kithara in one painting, which shows its central figure playing a modified lira da braccio that has nine strings rather than the typical seven. This artist designed that painting as a semi-circular fresco around a large window that frames a view of the Cortile del Belvedere. His student Giulio Romano completed a final painting juxtaposing the miracle of the possessed boy on the bottom with a transcendent Christ floating near Mt. Tabor, this man's Transfiguration. He showed Euterpe and Erato sitting on either side of (*) Apollo on the titular mythological mountain in the aforementioned fresco The Parnassus, which appears in the same room as a massive fresco showing the "Church Triumphant" hovering above a group of theologians debating transubstantiation. For 10 points, name this Renaissance artist who decorated the Vatican's Stanza della Segnatura with works like La Disputa and The School of Athens.

Raphael Sanzio [or Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino]

927 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: Georgia Tech A | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30608 Question: Among this artist's works is a series of tapestries depicting the life of Paul and Peter, known as his Cartoons. In one work, this artist depicted a crucifixion where two angels hold chalices to collect the blood of Jesus, while in another, historical figures such as Pope Julius II and Dante appear in a crowd below a depiction of heaven. This apprentice of Perugino created the Mond Crucifixion and the Disputa, and showed an infant John the Baptist holding the title bird in Madonna of the Goldfinch. His most famous work includes many Greek figures such as Plato and Aristotle. For 10 points, name the Italian Renaissance painter of The School of Athens.

Raphael Sanzio da Urbino

1248 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 5 | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49058 Question: This painter depicted two angels holding chalices to catch the blood of Christ in the Mond Crucifixion, and he painted Mary standing on clouds in his Sistine Madonna. He portrayed John the Baptist holding a bird in his Madonna of the Goldfinch. A series of his frescoes in the Stanza della Segnatura includes Parnassus and Disputation of the Sacraments. His most famous work shows two central figures pointing up and down while standing on some steps, surrounded by historical artists and philosophers. For 10 points, name this Renaissance painter who included Plato and Aristotle in his School of Athens.

Raphael [accept Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino]

1470 | SCOP Novice | 2010 | Round: 5 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53636 Question: He depicted some clothmakers in black hats one of his works, and a woman with a gourd and the namesake king look over their respective shoulders to see a hand and some cloudy writing in another. In addition to Syndics of the Draper's Guild and Belshazzar's Feast, the flexor mechanism is performed on the body of Aris Kindt in his (*) The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp. In his best-known work, he depicted a blue and gold flag next to the Shooting Company of Captain Franz Banning Cocq. Identify this Dutch painter of The Nightwatch.

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn [accept either underlined portion]

1238 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 11 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49181 Question: One work by this artist depicts the title group of merchants looking up at the viewer from across a table and was meant to be hung over a doorway. This artist of The Abduction of Europa and The Polish Rider depicted Christ preaching to a group of sick and poor followers in The Hundred Guilder Print. He often included his wife Saskia in his works. In his another painting, several men carrying pikes are shown in the background as light beams down on the leader of the militia unit. For 10 points, name this Dutch baroque artist of The Anatomy Lesson and the Night Watch.

Rembrandt van Rijn

1453 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2010 | Round: 1 | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51417 Question: In one painting by this man, the title figure wears a red dress as her husband with puffy golden sleeves touches her abdomen, and in another, a Greek philosopher wears a jeweled belt across his chest as his hand rests on a poet's sculpture. In addition to The Jewish Bride and Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer, spectators observe the dissection of convict Aris Kindt's arm in another painting by this artist who also depicted a gold-clad woman bearing a chicken among the soldiers of Frans Banning Cocq. For 10 points, name this Dutch artist of The Anatomy Lesson and The Night Watch.

Rembrandt van Rijn

1333 | Collaborative MS Tournament | 2011 | Round: 1 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31816 Question: One movement with this name involved painters like Aaron Douglas and Jacob Lawrence, who were influenced by African folk art. In addition to that "Harlem" movement, another period by this name flourished in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and was based on humanism and classical influences. Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci were part of, for 10 points, what period of art whose name is French for "rebirth"?

Renaissance [accept "Harlem Renaissance" until "Harlem"; accept variants such as "Early Renaissance" or "High Renaissance"]

1037 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Petereson | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48454 Question: In a painting by this artist now in the Stadel Gallery, St. Cosmas puts a coin into a handbag on his belt and stands to the right of Mary. Juan de Flandes' copy of a non-moveable altarpiece by this artist changes Mary's dress from red to black in the central arched panel. A woman in green dress reads next to a small ointment jar in a surviving panel by this artist known as The Magdalen Reading. This artist of Lady Wearing a Gauze Headdress also painted a work where the title saint uses silverpoint to render Mary and her child; that painting is St. Luke Drawing the Virgin. This creator of the Miraflores Altarpiece is best known for a work tightly enclosed by a gold box, commissioned by the Confraternity of the Archers of Leuven for their chapel. That work shows Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea supporting a certain figure who forms the shape of a crossbow. FTP, name this student of Robert Campin, a Flemish Renaissance artist known for his Deposition.

Rogier van der Weyden [or Roger de la Pasture; accept any underlined answer]

1235 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 9 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40278 Question: One painting in this group shows a man in a three-cornered hat sitting next to his wife and child as a monkey looks up at them. A nude girl braids her hair and stands between a boy holding a jug on his head and a goat in another entry. Another painting in this group shows a man in blue boots and a pink unitard, entitled The Actor. A nude boy leads a white horse towards the viewer in another entry in this group, which has several depictions of families of (*) circus performers. This group includes a depiction of a man in a blue suit wearing a garland on his head, entitled Boy with a Pipe, which was briefly the most expensive painting in the world. For 10 points, name this group of paintings by Pablo Picasso named for their cheerful colors, in contrast to the Blue period.

Rose period paintings [accept anything and everything mentioning the Rose period]

964 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Yale | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45324 Question: One artist from this country depicted three completely white figures standing by a stream in his Bathers. One artist from this nation depicted red figures consuming food and drink above the questions "You want to eat?" and "You want to drink?" In another painting from this country, a goldfish floats next a mermaid who leads a procession of brides from different nations walking underwater. Its early 20th century artistic movements included Cubo-Futurism and Rayonism, as well as the genre of "agitprop." Another artist from this nation expounded his theories in The Non-Objective World and created the painting White on White. For 10 points, name this birthplace of Suprematism, the home country of Natalia Goncharova, Kazimir Malevich, and Ilya Repin, the painter of The Volga Boatmen.

Russia [prompt on the U.S.S.R. or the Soviet Union]

1420 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: 7 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41463 Question: A silver phiale, or shallow bowl, is placed above a rosebush and between two figures in this painting. In 1899, the Rothschild family offered to buy this work at a price higher than the estimated value of the museum it is housed in and all its works of art at the time. Depicting a white steeple and some sheep grazing on its right side, this painting also depicts two dogs chasing a rabbit on its right side and two rabbits sitting on a hill to the left of one of the central figures. That woman, (*) Laura Bagrotto, is dressed in blue and rests her left arm on a bowl. A relief of the Venus and Adonis story as well as the coat of arms of the work's commissioner, Niccolò Aurelio, can be seen on a sarcophagus in this painting's center, into which a chubby Cupid dips his hand and upon which two women, one clothed the other naked, sit. For 10 points, name this 1514 painting by Titian.

Sacred and Profane Love [or L'Amor sacro e Amor profane]

1211 | Penn Bowl | 2012 | Round: Editors Packet 9 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45275 Question: In one of these paintings, the subject holds a kris sword over his left shoulder and is dressed as an oriental potentate. Another of these borrows the pose from Raphael's Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione and is one of only two where the subject faces to the left. X-radiographs have revealed that the artist planned to include a white cap in the last of these, while another late one showcases the subject's anxiety over his recent bankruptcy and was part of the collection of Benjamin Altman. The artist gave himself a swashbuckling costume with plumed hat in one of these with his wife Saskia, while in another of these the subject is framed by the namesake two circles in the background. For 10 points identify these paintings by the creator of The Night Watch, which depict that Dutch artist.

Self-portraits of Rembrandt

1025 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Cheyne | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45884 Question: A scandalous pencil study by this artist entitled Desiderium shows a woman grasping the testicles of an erect penis. He was compared to Gustave Moreau by Robin Ironside, who rebuilt his reputation in the 1940s. He painted a "harmony in blue" with his Viridis of Milan, while eight women all wear green dresses and form a circle in his canvas Green Summer. He resigned from the Old Water-Colour Society due to the scandalous nudity in his Phyllis and Demophoon, and showed a row of women in white walking down a title structure in his The Golden Stairs. A Greek artist named Maria Zambaco served as the model for the the sorceress in his Wine of Circe. A certain African king looks up at a plainly dressed woman in his 1884 painting showing king Cophetua and the beggar maid. FTP, name this Pre-Raphaelite artist who painted The Beguilling of Merlin, and was related to Rudyard Kipling.

Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, 1st Baronet

1149 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 13 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53226 Question: This painter parodied the classical story of Hercules picking between virtue and pleasure in his depiction of a famous actor looking at a blue robed woman. Another of this man's paintings shows a young child in the same outfit and pose as Henry VIII. He represented order being restored to a court-martialed navy officer by having Lord Keppel rest his hand upon a sword. This man painted two aristocratic men on a hunt, stringing their bows, in a painting subtitled "The Archers." A horrific-looking woman holding a goblet stands on the left of an enthroned Welsh actress in his most famous painting. For 10 points, name this first president of the Royal Academy, a portraitist best known for Sarah Siddons as the Tragic Muse.

Sir Joshua Reynolds

920 | WIT | 2013 | Round: St. John's | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32197 Question: This artist depicted a mythological figure with black wings and a stake in his right hand and holding a piece of paper in his right hand while raising his left hand to his face, in his paintings Cupid as a Link Boy and Venus Chiding Cupid. In one of his portraits, Augustus Keppel takes the pose of Apollo Belvedere. He painted Colonel Acland and Lord Sydney wearing contrasting colors of green and yellow while preparing to (*) fire their bows in a forested area. In a more famous painting, this artist depicted an English actress sitting on a throne playing the role of Melpomene, while the figures of Pity and Terror stand behind her. For 10 points, name this English artist of Sarah Siddons as the Tragic Muse, the first president of the Royal Academy.

Sir Joshua Reynolds

991 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: Chicago B | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39679 Question: One member of this profession stands on an outcropping looking over felled trees in Defiance and reappears at left in a work set on muted gray ground covered in mostly leafless shrubbery, which appears burned. Francis Barlow wears a top hat at right in that work as he looks on at four men of this profession, the major subject of William B.T. Trego. Rigging appears at far right in a work depicting these figures wearing pieces of white (*) cloth and crossing a wooden plank as they hold onto each other. In Orozco's Epic of American Civilization, one of these men prepares to stab a peasant in the back. Sargent's Gassed depicts members of this profession, the titular captives of a Winslow Homer Work, who stand in the shadow of another scene illuminated by a boxed lantern as a man in a white shirt throws up his arms in front of them. For 10 points, identify this profession held by the antagonist of Goya's Third of May, in which they prepare to execute civilians with their rifles

Soldiers [accept equivalents]

1062 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 11 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58092 Question: Mary Magdalene can be seen with an angel running away from Christ's tomb in an El Greco work depicting this figure in front of a tree with his hands clasped in penitence. Annibale Carracci showed this figure drawing away in alarm from a cross-carrying Christ in a work set on the Appian Way, Domine Quo Vadis? The Raising of the Son of Theophilus is part of a cycle of works depicting his life at the Brancacci Chapel, the most famous of which shows this man on the left taking a coin out of a fish's mouth. For 10 points, name this apostle who appears three times in The Tribute Money and is missing his usual set of keys in a Caravaggio work in which he is crucified upside-down.

St. Peter [Accept Simon Peter. Accept El Greco or Domenikos Theotokopoulos before "El Greco." Accept The Penitent St. Peter before "this figure."]

1184 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 22 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 52976 Question: One work created during this decade sees two men walking along a road next to a billboard reading, "Next Time Take the Train". One photograph taken in this decade shows a soldier dropping his gun after being shot; that work is Death of a Loyalist Soldier by Robert Capa. A photo taken in this decade of Allie Mae Burroughs by (*) Walker Evans was published five years later in Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. Another photograph taken in this decade sees a woman holding her hand to her chin as her two children look away from that camera. For 10 points, name this decade in which Dorothea Lange took the Migrant Mother photograph, which chronicled a family impacted by the Great Depression.

The 1930s [prompt on "the 30s"]

1214 | Penn Bowl | 2012 | Round: Maryland A | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45622 Question: This work's artist was the subject of a statue by Samuel Murray depicting him while he was working on it. At the very left one can see a man dressed in black resting his head on his hand whose elbow is resting on his knee bent up forming a triangle with his other leg. The very top of this painting features a row of people mostly facing forward except for one man who lays his body down horizontally. The inscription in the frame of the painting commemorates "a venerated and beloved man" and the artist himself can be seen as the rightmost figure, listening to another man whisper in his ear. In the foreground are five figures clothed in white including the dedicatee at the left holding a scalpel. For 10 points, name this painting commissioned to honor the retirement from teaching of a certain surgeon, a work by Thomas Eakins.

The Agnew Clinic [or The Clinic of Dr. Agnew]

1475 | SCOP Novice | 2010 | Round: All Star Game | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53799 Question: The still-unidentified woman in this painting was long believed to be Giovanna Cenami, and parallel to her gaze is a featherduster in the background. Behind her to the right is a large red bed, and a pair of clogs appears on the bottom left hand corner. The chandelier above has one candle lit, and the woman in green holds (*) hands with a man wearing a black hat and a brown cape. Depicting the marriage of the namesake man, this is what painting by Jan van Eyck?

The Arnolfini Wedding [accept anything mentioning Arnolfini, such as Arnolfini Portrait or Arnolfini Marriage]

1352 | Collegiate Novice | 2011 | Round: 9 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34884 Question: Peter Schabacker has reasoned that the method by which a pair of hands in this painting are joined is an indication of unequal status in society. This painting includes a miniature of Saint Margaret on a bedpost. The background of this work includes a feather duster and a chandelier with one lit candle. A dog that may symbolize loyalty in this painting sits at the feet of a woman in a green dress, who holds hands with a man clad in a tabard and black hat. For 10 points, name this painting by Jan van Eyck that depicts a matrimonial scene.

The Arnolfini Wedding [accept anything with Arnolfini and "portrait" or words for "marriage"]

1282 | RAVE | 2012 | Round: Replacements and Tiebreakers | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59903 Question: The central figure of this painting was called a "lovely child" in Baron de Saint-Julien's attempt in commissioning Gabriel- François Doyen for this painting, and Renoir's painting of the same name features a woman in a white and blue dress. The bottom right hand corner of this painting includes a small puppy at the edge of a fountain, and a cherub is depicted holding a finger to his (*) mouth. A man on the far right of this painting looks up into a girl's dress. Depicting that girl in a pink dress kicking off her slipper, this is, for 10 points, which outdoor rococo scene by Jean-Honoré Fragonard?

The Happy Hazards [or Accidents] of The Swing [or L'Escarpolett]

1568 | The Experiment | 2007 | Round: 5 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59801 Question: This artistic piece inspired a 1971 opera by Charles Shere which features the music "Five Pieces After Handler of Gravity." It doesn't include the Butterfly Pump, the Toboggan, the Boxing Match, or the Wilson-Lincoln Effect. But, it does feature a waterwheel in its glider, some oculist witnesses, sieves and giant scissors looming over the chocolate grinder, and the nine malic molds. Now held at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, it is composed of lead foil, ►lead wire, dust, varnish, and oil paint, and is described by its artist's notes in The Green Box. FTP, name this piece by Marcel Duchamp depicting a woman and her suitors.

The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (or The Large Glass)

1281 | RAVE | 2012 | Round: Replacements and Tiebreakers | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59902 Question: Horst Janson commented on this work's "violent foreshortening" by noting that its setting in the Santo Tomé enhances its effect by making the viewer look sharply upward to view the large canvas, hung in a room of low depth. The artist's son bears a torch as well as a handkerchief with the artist's signature, and St. Stephen assists St. Augustine with the titular (*) action of this painting. It is sharply divided into an earthly section and a heavenly section, wherein the titular figure's Guardian Angel directs him to Mary. Located in the artist's place of death, Toledo, this is, for 10 points, which work by El Greco depicting the internment of a Spanish nobleman?

The Burial of Count Orgaz [or The Burial of the Count of Orgaz; or El Entierro del Conde de Orgaz]

1491 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: UCSD and Washington and St Louis and Chicago B | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55824 Question: One figure in this painting is floating in the air and dangling a pair of keys from his hand, while across from him, a naked cherub is being tossed aside on a wave of rent air. A painting depicting the crucifixion is sitting on the ground next to a young boy staring directly at the viewer. A man plays a harp on the left of this painting, while figures on the top right have their attention directed toward a white-shrouded Jesus. The soul of the title figure is seen in the center of this painting and is being assisted in its ascent by an angel, while directly below that, a series of men wearing black and white lace around their neck gather around the black armored title figure, where Saints Stephen and Augustine are holding his body. For 10 points, name this painting that depicts the interment of a noble, a work by El Greco.

The Burial of Count Orgaz [or The Burial of the Count of Orgaz; or El Entierro del Conde de Orgaz]

1379 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 13 | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39102 Question: On the left of this painting, a depiction of David playing his harp can be seen near Moses sitting with the stone tablets. John the Baptist kneels to one figure in this painting opposite a calm-looking Virgin Mary. At the bottom left of this painting is a small child, dressed in black, and holding a torch who stands next to a small painting. An angel in yellow floats above the heads of a crowd of men in black who are gathered around the central figure. Christ watches on from the heavens above, as Saint Stephen and Saint Augustine hold the title dead figure who is dressed in golden armor. For 10 points, this is what depiction of the funeral of a certain Spanish nobleman by El Greco?

The Burial of the Count of Orgaz [or The Burial of Count Orgaz]

1462 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2010 | Round: 9 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51581 Question: One figure in this painting twists his body to the right with his right hand resting on the back of his stool, across which a sheathed sword dangles from his left thigh. In this painting, a window with an open shutter in the back wall is illuminated by a shaft of light coming from the painting's top-right corner, and on the right, Christ's head with a thin gold halo is visible over the shoulder of Saint Peter. The title figure points to himself with his left hand as his right rests on a coin he had been counting. For 10 points, name this Baroque painting depicting Jesus summoning a tax collector to become his disciple, a work of Caravaggio.

The Calling of Saint Matthew [accept La Vocazione di San Matteo]

1389 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 8 | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39620 Question: 21. Naason and Aminabad are two of the figures depicted in the many lunettes in this work, which are capped by spandrels depicting the ancestors of Christ. The Brazen Serpent and the Punishment of Haman of two of the scenes depicted on this work's four large pendentives. Depictions of the prophets who predicted Christ from the alternate with depictions of the Sibyls in this work. The central portion of this work is nine scenes from Genesis, including three depicting the Flood and three depicting Creation. The center three scenes include this work's most iconic image: the outstretched finger of God reaching towards outstretched hand of Adam to give him life. For 10 points, what set of paintings by Michelangelo must be seen by looking up in a certain room in the Vatican?

The Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel [both parts required; prompt on "Sistine Chapel"; accept obvious equivalents for "ceiling"]

1178 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 17 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49918 Question: A counter holding a vase of flowers in the background of this work was painted in a "tender Louis XV green." This depiction of a place "where one can ruin oneself, go mad, commit a crime" contains a mustachioed man in a white suit who is the proprietor of the titular location. On its right, two inconsolable-appearing men (*) stare down at a table. The artist himself summarized this piece as containing "four lemon-yellow lamps" in a letter to his brother Theo. A clock in the background of this painting reads 12:15, while the center is dominated by a slanting pool table. For 10 points, name this painting of an after-hours restaurant by Vincent Van Gogh.

The Night Cafe [or Le Café de nuit]

937 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: Yale A | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30949 Question: Charles Baudelaire rescued this painting from obscurity by praising its "intoxicating perfume of idealism." In this painting, the sentence "my unhappiness is sufficient reason to entitle me to your kindness" is written on a blood-smeared letter. A bloody knife lies on the floor to the left of the dangling arm of this painting's title character, who is depicted without skin disease and wears a turban while reclining in a bath. For 10 points, name this painting by Jacques-Louis David, which shows a figure from the French Revolution who was murdered by Charlotte Corday.

The Death of Marat

1207 | Penn Bowl | 2012 | Round: Editors Packet 3 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44676 Question: In a letter to Joshua Reynolds, John Boydell called this painting "The greatest effort of art since the Sistine Chapel and the Stanze of Raphael." In this painting's left background, a figure in red can be seen waving his hand as he and two others ascend up a flight of stairs. That takes place at the far end of a stone archway inside of which another man leans his hands and head against the walls in sadness. The rigid, upright pose of the central figure strongly contrasts with the swooning postures of his companions as he points his left index finger skyward while reaching for a goblet with his right hand. For 10 points, identify this painting of a philosopher as he prepares to drink hemlock, by Jacques-Louis David.

The Death of Socrates

1346 | Collegiate Novice | 2011 | Round: 4 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34781 Question: This painting, which was commissioned by the Trudaine de Montigny brothers, includes a figure on the far left whose pose was supposedly inspired by a passage written by Samuel Richardson. Some discarded scrolls lie on the ground at the left of this painting, in whose far left background some figures ascend a flight of stairs. In this scene from the Phaedo, the main figure raises his left index finger as he takes a goblet of hemlock. For 10 points, name this painting by Jacque-Louis David that depicts the title Athenian philosopher about to expire.

The Death of Socrates

1523 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: VCU | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48720 Question: The first two sections of this piece consist of a swirling red yellow abstraction atop an animal hide and a green and pink floral shape atop a shell-covered piece of burlap, respectively representing primordial and floral spirits. The artist created a set of six tapestry banners to decorate the entrance to its current display in the Sackler Center in Brooklyn. The rise of Christianity is the focus of the second of its 13 section, 48 foot wings, and follows a range of figures from Marcella to von Schurman. The depressed floor that forms this work's center consists of shiny white porcelain with inscriptions naming Aspasia, Nepthys, Sofonisba Anguissola, and 996 others. A triangle decorated with 39 chalices and plates highlights, FTP, which rendering of a hypothetical suppertime gathering of famous women, a work by Judy Chicago?

The Dinner Party

1089 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41913 Question: This work of art is flanked by two circular, intarsia, inlaid sculptures that both show a skeleton with dramatic hand positions against a blue background. This sculpture is the centerpiece of a chapel in the Santa Maria della Vittoria, and it was begun after the Barberini Pope Urban VIII was succeeded by Pope Innocent X. This work was commissioned by Cardinal Federigo Cornaro and depicts a discalced Carmelite. Completed after its sculptor's earlier Fountain of the Four Rivers and Apollo and Daphne, it shows an angel holding an arrow as golden rays shine above the two central figures. For 10 points, identify this sculpture by Bernini depicting a woman in a trance-like state.

The Ecstasy of St. Teresa [or St. Teresa in Ecstasy or The Reverberation of St. Teresa, or The Orgasm of St. Teresa, or L'Estasi di Santa Teresa or Santa Teresa in estasi. For English titles, take close equivalents to the ones given, but not "St. Teresa on Ecstasy"]

1276 | RAVE | 2012 | Round: 1 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59685 Question: This work's effect is enhanced by a Guidobaldo Abbatini fresco which depicts the heavens as a burst of light; that work is on the vault of the chapel in which this work is contained. The namesakes of that chapel are depicted in "theater boxes" which face this sculpture. This work located in the Cornaro Chapel depicts its central figure as she is surrounded by (*) rays of light. The angel in this work clutches its robes in one hand, and holds an arrow in another. Depicting the title female figure from Avila in euphoria, this is, for 10 points, which work of Lorenzo Bernini?

The Ecstasy of St. Theresa [or Saint Teresa in Ecstasy or Transverberation of Saint Teresa; L'Estasi di Santa Teresa or Santa Teresa in estasi; prompt on just The Ecstasy]

1127 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31662 Question: The left foreground of this work shows a man dressed in brown, clasping hands in prayer, and the right background of this work depicts a large steeple and a group of rioters. Illumination in this work is provided by a large square lantern placed between the two central groups. The central figure of this work has a large stigmata in one of his hands, which he raises in defiance. This painting's companion piece shows a man getting stabbed and falling off a white horse and is titled Charge of the Mamelukes. The central yellow and white clad man stands next to a group of scared men covering their faces. For 10 points, name this painting of an execution of Spanish loyalists by Napoleon's troops, a work of Francisco Goya.

The Execution - May 3, 1808 [or The Third of May, 1808]

1398 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: Editors 6 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39900 Question: Close inspection of the upper left of this work reveals ghostly ruins in the clouds, a remnant of the modifications made to it by Dosso Dossi. A pheasant sits in a tree in its upper right, above a wooden bucket displaying a nameplate. In the lower left of this painting, an orange-clad man puts his arm around the shoulders of a donkey, who stands next to a cask which a kneeling young woman is draining. Much of its current background, including the stone promontory, was actually painted by Titian, who created most of the other works in Alfonso d'Este's "alabaster chamber", which was this painting's original home. A black eagle lurks in the middle of this work's central scene, directly behind the quince-holding Cybele and the amorous Neptune. It depicts two scenes from Ovid's Fasti, with Priapus attempting to seduce the sleeping Lotis on the right. For 10 points, identify this painting that depicts a bacchanal involving a group of deities, a work by Giovanni Bellini.

The Feast of the Gods

1023 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Canadian | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44471 Question: A 1995 Judy Egerton exhibition on the "Making and Meaning" of this painting included items like an altar chair and a cistern barometer created by John Beatson. This painting was the second in a series that also included Peace and Staffa, Fingal's Cave. The central objects in this painting are framed in a blue triangle, while the crescent moon in the upper left mirrors the white sun which makes a linear splash across the clouds on the right. Though the viewer is facing east, the sun is depicted setting beneath a brown cloud. It was originally displayed with a verse from a Thomas Campbell poem, reading "The flag which braved the battle and the breeze / No longer owns her." Smoke bellows from what Thackeray called "a little, spiteful, diabolical steamer" in, FTP, what canvas showing a certain vessel being "tugged to her last berth to be broken up," painted by J. M. W. Turner.

The Fighting Temeraire tugged to her last Berth to be broken up, 1838

1303 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Northwestern A.doc | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30140 Question: A man looks at a mouse at end of a glass tube in this painting, which also depicts a woman balancing a die on her head. Another part of this painting depicts several animals bathing in a pool on its left side and birds flying out of a pink cave. That left section also shows a white giraffe and a unicorn as well as Adam and Eve. A knife between two large ears and a creature eating a human whole are some of the grotesque images on this painting's right panel, where people are being crucified on instruments in a fiery hell. Naked people cavorting around large strawberries and other symbols of pleasure dominate its center. For 10 points, name this triptych by Hieronymus Bosch.

The Garden of Earthly Delights

1478 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: Brown University and Notre Dame | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53412 Question: One figure on the right side of this group is given a narcissistic pose and is sometimes referred to as I am Beautiful, while that figure appears elsewhere and is known as The Falling Man. An aged ***** in this group is given the title She Who Was Once the Helmet-Maker's Beautiful Wife. and three originally separate scuptures from this group were fused together, placed on top, and called The Three Shades. The Count Ugolino is shown in this group, while a better known statue in this group depicts Paolo and Francesca Rmini performing the title act. For 10 points, name this work whose various parts represent the Divine Comedy, a massive entryway which include the sculptures "The Kiss" and "The Thinker".

The Gates of Hell [Or La Porte de L'Enfer]

1095 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 52095 Question: A male figure bends backward in an attempt to grab his lover in one section of this work known as Fleeting Love. Three figures can be seen on the top of this work with each person reaching out one hand in a semi-circle. This work which includes The Three Shades also displays a sculpture originally titled The Poet, which depicts a seated man with his hand underneath his chin. For 10 points, name this set of bronze doors which represents the scenes from Dante's Inferno, a work by Auguste Rodin.

The Gates of Hell [accept La Porte de l'Enfer; accept Fleeting Love or Fugit Amor before the end of the first sentence]

976 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Northwestern A | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29919 Question: One figure in this artwork is an old woman with sagging breasts, inspired by a line from a Francois Villon poem about a helmet-maker's wife who once was beautiful. This artwork also depicts three misshapen men with bowed heads extending their left hands towards each other. In other parts of this artwork, a falling man catches a woman crouching with her legs tucked beneath her chin and an Italian nobleman consumes his progeny. Three Shades, I am Beautiful, and Count Ugolino and his Children are sections of this artwork that also shows Paolo and Francesca da Rimini embracing and engaging in a certain action. For 10 points, name this sculpture that includes The Kiss and The Thinker by Auguste Rodin.

The Gates of Hell [or La Porte de l'Enfer]

1482 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: Editor's Packet 1 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53462 Question: The display of this work prompted the magazine Punch to create a piece parodying it, and it inspired a poem by R.S.C. in The Knickerbocker Magazine. Its creator noted that he hoped to express the "utter despair for the present mingled with somewhat of scorn for all around her," while six different versions were made by its creator. Found in the Raby Castle, its main figure bears a cross and locket, which indicate her Christianity. The subject of a Elizabeth Barrett Browning sonnet and a Whittier poem, the title figure was allegedly nude thanks to the title character's Turkish captors, and her attempt to shield her eyes demonstrates her chastity while chains cover her gentials. Based on the Venus de' Medici, this is, FTP, which statue of a nude woman, the most famous work by Hiram Powers?

The Greek Slave

1223 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 13-Finals 1 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40607 Question: The subject of this painting was originally suggested to Gabriel-Francois Doyen before being passed to its artist. The bottom right shows a dog reared on his hind legs yapping at the central scene. One figure in this painting holds his black three-cornered hat in his outstretched left hand. The left side of this painting has a depiction of a beehive with two babies on top of it. This work was commissioned by the Baron de Saint-Julien. A putto with a (*) finger up to its lips looks from the right of this work, whose central figure is kicking off her shoe as a man behind her pushes her on the title conveyance. For 10 points, name this painting which depicts a man hidden in a bush looking up the pink dress of a woman, and which is a Rococo work by Jean-Honoré Fragonard.

The Happy Accidents of the Swing [or L'Escarpolette]

1002 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: UVA + Michigan B + Buffalo | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40730 Question: On the right of this work, a man pierced through by a spear is riding an ox next to a man getting his genitals eaten by a frog. A crowd gathers for a hanging and three thieves tie their victim to a tree on the exterior of this work, which features a man resembling the artist's iconic "Wayfarer." This painting depicts a man in yellow who plays his lute while resting his legs on his lover, as another couple kisses in the bushes behind him. Next to those lovers, a blue (*) devil is joyfully playing music with his nose as Jesus looks down with resignation from above. This work takes its inspiration from a maxim that "Everyone grabs whatever he can," and it reads as a narrative with the fall of man at left and perdition at right, flanking the central scene which depicts a throng of sinners marching with the title object into Hell. For 10 points, name this triptych by Hieronymus Bosch, which shares its title with a painting of Flatford Mill that is the most famous work John Constable.

The Haywain Tryptich

955 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Minnesota | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29717 Question: Cornelius Vanderbilt bought this painting from A.T. Stewart and donated it to the Met. A group of onlookers stand and sit on a grassy hillside between two trees on the right of this work, which is compositionally similar to its artist's first success, Ploughing in the Nivernais. Two men in coveralls stand at its left, while a man with an unbuttoned collar strides towards its center. The central dome of the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital is visible in the left background of this painting, whose setting is the dirty street of a tree-lined Paris boulevard. In its central scene, two white animals walk away from the viewer while a man raises a whip in an effort to control two bucking stallions. For 10 points, name this gigantic painting of a market selling the title animals by Rosa Bonheur.

The Horse Fair

1406 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: Vinokurov + Michigan | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41182 Question: Ewa Lajer-Burcharth argues a woman in red staring directly at the viewer in this painting represents the "Reign of Terror" which cannot be forgotten in her book about the artist titled Necklines. A horseman sheathing his blade on the right is based on a figure from Flaxman's Fight for the Body of Patroclus. It was first displayed in the old architecture firm of the Louvre across from a mirror so viewers could see themselves as participants. The men are depicted naked while the women are clothed in this work that was inspired when the artist's estranged wife visited him while he was imprisoned in the Luxemburg Palace. The Tarpeian Rock is visible in the upper left hand corner of this painting, whose central scene shows Titus Tatius holding his shield up on the left while Hersilia holds back her husband Romulus from throwing his spear at him. Imagined as a successor to Poussin's depiction of a rape, for 10 points, name this painting showing the titular ladies separating two warring classical tribes, a work by Jacques-Louis David.

The Intervention of the Sabine Women [do not accept "The Rape of the Sabine Women"]

1156 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 19 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53355 Question: Gislebertus created a relief sculpture of this scene in the tympanum over the main entrance to Autun Cathedral. This scene is depicted in several frescoes of the Orvieto Cathedral painted by Luca Signorelli. In Giotto's version of this scene, Enrico Scrovegni presents Mary with the Arena Chapel. Another version of this scene shows a ferryman about to whack his passengers with an oar and depicts Biagio de Cesena with donkey ears. Daniele da Volterra covered the genitals exposed in that scene, which depicts its artist as St. Bartholomew holding flayed skin and is located behind the altar of the Sistine Chapel. For 10 points, name this scene painted by Michelangelo, in which Christ casts sinners into hell.

The Last Judgment

928 | ACF Fall | 2012 | Round: Georgia Tech B | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30676 Question: Daniele de Volterra was commissioned to paint clothes over the original figures in this painting, who were all nude. A coiled snake covers the genitals of a Minos with donkey ears in the bottom left of this painting. Only the legs are visible of the figure at the top of this painting, which has a blue-clothed Madonna standing beside Christ at its center. The artist included a self-portrait in this work as a depiction of St. Bartholomew holding his flayed skin. This work appears behind the altar underneath a ceiling painted by the same artist in the Sistine Chapel. For 10 points, name this fresco depicting the Second Coming painted by Michelangelo.

The Last Judgment [accept Michelangelo before "this painting"]

1016 | BHSAT | 2012 | Round: 8 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50517 Question: The restoration of this painting was guided by a copy made by Giampietrino. The central figure's feet are no longer visible in this painting, because a door was knocked through the wall on which it was painted. One figure in this painting clutches a small bag and knocks over a salt cellar. Dressed in green, St. James sits to the right of the central figure of this figure, with his arms outstretched above the table at which they are all seated. Housed in the Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, for 10 points, name this fresco by Leonardo da Vinci that depicts Christ partaking of a final meal with his apostles.

The Last Supper

1189 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 24 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53041 Question: A white curtain hangs between two pillars in Tiepolo's version of this scene, which also sees a dog chewing at the orange robe of a man with his back to the viewer. Ghost-like angels swirl around a lantern in a version of this scene where the central figures are shown from a diagonal perspective. An enormous work originally titled for this scene included numerous "armed (*) Germans ... and dwarves", leading Paolo Veronese to re-title that work for the House of Levi. The best known version, commissioned by Ludovico Sforza, sees the only shaded man clutching a money bag and groups together Matthew, Jude and Simon. For 10 points, name this scene painted by Leonardo Da Vinci where Jesus and his Twelve Apostles are gathered at a table.

The Last Supper

1275 | RAVE | 2012 | Round: 1 | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59674 Question: Following a recovery from illness, Emil Nolde depicted this scene, using green and yellow prominently in the faces of the bunched-together figures. Andrea del Castagno's depiction of this scene includes the notable seclusion of one figure, and another depiction of it is done on a diagonal axis, with the (*) central figure surrounded by a powerful aureole. In addition to that version by Tintoretto, another depiction of this scene was done for Ludovico Sforza and includes a group of surprised figures on the far left. For 10 points, identify this scene in which Jesus announces that one of his companions will betray him, most famously painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

The Last Supper

1048 | Collegiate Novice | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34286 Question: Andrea del Castango's depiction of this scene includes five marble panels in subdued colors and one violently colored panel above the central figures. Duke Ludovico commissioned a painting of this scene to decorate the refectory of the Santa Maria della Grazie. Veronese's Feast in the House of Levi originally had this title, which names a painting on a diagonal axis by Tintoretto. For 10 points, name this scene painted by Leonardo da Vinci, which portrays Jesus and his disciples gathered around a table for a meal.

The Last Supper [or Il Cenacolo; or L'Ultima Cena]

1293 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Claremont A.doc | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29598 Question: A woman in the foreground of this painting hands a plate to a man in blue and reaches into a basket on the floor, into which a cat peers. A man in red kneels on the closer side of a long table in this work, in which many of the objects are situated diagonally. Angels come out of a lamp on the left and head towards the central figure, who has a halo around his head. The same scene of this painting was painted by another artist on the walls of the Santa Maria della Grazie and shows an effeminate looking John the Apostle sitting next to the central figure. For 10 points, name this painting by Tintoretto which shares its name with a Leonardo da Vinci work depicting Jesus' final meal.

The Last Supper [or The Last Supper by Tintoretto]

1231 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 5 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39568 Question: The artist prepared for this work by completing two studies: Head of a Woman and Orphan Girl at the Cemetery. A man holding a rifle in the center of this work is shadowed by one of his companions and is behind an embracing couple. Of the two central groups in this work, the one on the left is shorter and is capped by a man in a red fez. An (*) infant in one corner of this work is shown face-down, grabbing his dead mother's breast, and above that can be seen a woman whose arm is tied to a horse. The most prominent figure in this painting is a dark skinned man in a turban who appears ready to kill the others in the foreground. For 10 points, name this painting about the title Ottoman slaughter on a Greek island, by Eugene Delacroix.

The Massacre at Chios

1230 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39415 Question: X-rays of this painting show that the artist purposefully put a thin white line around the central figure, and the wall behind that figure shows several nail holes surrounded by rust. This painting originally contained a clothes hamper in the lower right-hand corner, and a controversy about the purchase of this painting led to a political cartoon in which Uncle Sam is inserted into this painting. One object in this painting is a common symbol of arousal and is surrounded by tiles depicting cupid; that object is a coal-containing (*) foot warmer. The back left wall has a lantern and a basket hanging from it, and the central figure wears a white headdress and stands next to a table with a blue tablecloth. The table in this work contains a basket of bread, and the title figure holds a wide-mouthed jug. For 10 points, name this painting showing a woman pouring liquid into a bowl, by Jan Vermeer.

The Milkmaid

1167 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 9 | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53123 Question: X-ray analysis of this painting reveals that it originally had a clothes basket in the bottom right, which currently contains a footwarmer next to a floortile decorated with a picture of Cupid, possibly representing sexual desire. A copper pail and a basket hang on the walls behind this painting's title figure. Pieces of broken bread, a basket, a pitcher, and an earthenware pot lie on the octagonal table in front of the title woman, who wears yellow and blue and holds a pitcher horizontally. For 10 points, name this Jan Vermeer genre painting, which depicts a servant girl pouring out some white liquid.

The Milkmaid [or The Maidservant; or De Melkmeid]

1111 | Minnesota Open | 2012 | Round: 1 | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41846 Question: At the bottom of this painting, three couples are shown embracing and kissing. Seven tiny demons that are all headed back toward the underworld represent Satan in this work. Figures dressed in white, red and green kneel on the roof of the central structure in this painting, in which an ox and a horse are shown gazing toward the central action. Several of this painting's features, such as a ring of angels holding ribbons and olive branches, and an inscription in Greek referencing the (*) Book of Revelation, suggest that it was made when its artist was under the influence of Savanarola's teachings. The Virgin Mary is shown praying toward the baby Jesus in this painting. For 10 points, name this painting that shows angels and men celebrating the birth of Jesus, the only signed work of Sandro Botticelli.

The Mystical Nativity [or The Mystic Nativity]

1364 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2011 | Round: 5 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51747 Question: In this painting, a dwarf-like boy holding a large powder horn runs off to the left, while a man holding a lance stands in the background. An old man looks down while blowing gunpowder out of his gun, and a red musketeer reloads his rifle to the left. A dog barks at a drummer in the lower right, and an upside-down chicken hangs from the girdle of a golden girl. The two central figures are highlighted by a double-spotlight, and in spite of its title, this painting depicts a daytime scene. For 10 points, name this painting depicting a company of soldiers by Rembrandt van Rijn.

The Night Watch [or The Company of Frans Banning Cocq]

1325 | BHSAT | 2011 | Round: 4 | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50179 Question: A smaller copy of this painting by the artist's student, Girodet, can be found in the Toledo Museum of Art. On the right side of this painting, a child buries its head in a woman's dark shawl, while another child looks at the main figures. Next to them, a woman in white leans on the shoulder of a woman with an orange shawl, weeping. The left-most figure has a white cape, and holds a spear behind his back. For 10 points, this is what painting by Jacques-Louis David in which the title brothers stretch out their hands towards a man holding three swords?

The Oath of the Horatii [or Le Serment des Horaces]

1257 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 10 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41066 Question: Raphael showed one of these people sitting in front of two similarly-dressed men and holding a magnifying glass in order to read a manuscript. An apocryphal story says that a famous portrait of one of these people was created after its subject saw a portrait of its artist's Moorish assistant, Juan de Pareja. Another painting of these people has a background composed of dark vertical (*) brush strokes and shows its subject sitting on a yellow chair with his mouth wide open. That work, along with Head VI, is from a collection depicting these people "screaming" and is by Francis Bacon. Those works are based on a portrait in which one of these people wears red and white and sits on a golden throne; that work is Velasquez's famous portrait of Innocent X. For 10 points, name this position, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Popes [or Bishop of Rome]

1098 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51922 Question: In this painting, a man with a red cloak over his head grabs the figure on top of his thigh, while a dismal-looking man behind him clutches his hair in despair. A hatchet can be found in the foreground of this work, and the bottom right border of this painting depicts a man whose leg is wrapped around a beam of wood. The arrangement of the figures in this painting roughly form the shape of a pyramid, and a shirtless man on a barrel can be seen waving his shirts at a nearby ship. For 10 points, name this work depicting the survivors of a shipwreck, a work of Theodore Gericault.

The Raft of the Medusa [accept Le Radeau de la Meduse]

1243 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 15 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49579 Question: A man wearing a red cloak stares off into the distance as he holds the naked corpse of his son in the bottom left of this painting, while the African Jean-Charles waves his clothing overhead in the top right. Survivors sight the H.M.S. Argus in the distance off the coast of Mauritania in this painting, though this hope seems to be dashed, as that rescue ship fails to sight the title object. For 10 points, name this Theodore Gericault painting depicting the survivors of the title shipwreck surrounded by their dead companions.

The Raft of the Medusa [or Le Radeau de la Meduse]

993 | BARGE | 2012 | Round: Michigan A + Brian McP | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40351 Question: The scholar Ludwig Burchard believes that two models for martyred saints in this painting came from identical drawings attributed to Jan de Bisschop. This painting depicts Eligius, Catherine of Alexandria, and Saint Walpurgis, whose namesake church commissioned the work. A red string wrapped around what looks like an umbrella atop a pike can be found in the right of this painting, which depicts the sun about to be (*) eclipsed. A black horse with a white mane is ridden by a Roman officer in this painting, who watches the title event while keeping track of his two soon-to-be-executed Jewish prisoners. A throng of women lament in its left panel, watching as nine muscular executioners perform the title feat. For 10 points, name this triptych that is paired with a similar Deposition painted by its creator, Peter Paul Rubens.

The Raising of the Cross [or The Elevation of the Cross; accept reasonable variations like Elevation of Christ, etc.; do not accept anything about depositions]

1559 | FICHTE | 2008 | Round: 8 | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 56071 Question: The artist referred to it as part of his "poesie" series, seven mythical scenes that also include The Death of Actaeon and Perseus and Andromeda. The two putti at the top are almost entirely upside down, and there is another at the bottom left. A (*) red garment and a white dress fly about and the woman holds on to the horn of a white bull in, for 10 points what Titian painting of Zeus abducting a woman?

The Rape of Europa

1430 | SCOP Novice | 2011 | Round: 10 | Question: 5 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54090 Question: The last figure painted in this work was Heraclitus, who leans on a marble desk in the foreground, and this painting is framed by vast marble arches. Euclid and Pythagoras sit on steps at the front of the picture, while (*) Plato and Aristotle discuss their philosophies as they walk down a central hall. For 10 points, identify this fresco by Raphael, in which more than forty great thinkers speak together in the title Lyceum.

The School of Athens

1032 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Magin | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44499 Question: The top of this painting depicts a figure that is either an owl or a skull hidden in a tree. This painting depicts gluttony through a plate of cherries resting on a wooden board and a man reaching to cut down a roast goose. Several figures in the painting try to eat a pancake hanging from a string using only their mouths; those figures may include a monk who faces a nun playing a lute. The central object in this painting features a long banner marked with a crescent moon, as well as a fool with donkey's ears sitting on a rope and drinking wine. Originally part of a triptych with its artist's painting Death and the Miser, it depicts drunken revelers carousing on an object steered by a giant ladle. FTP, name this allegorical painting by Hieronymous Bosch which takes place on a boat.

The Ship of Fools

918 | WIT | 2013 | Round: Rice | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32176 Question: John Ruskin, the first owner of this painting, wrote that it was the painting he would choose "if reduced to rest its artist's immortality upon any single work." White seagulls fly low above the water at this painting's left, while two monstrous fish pop their heads out of the water on the right. Sticking out of the water are (*) chained human hands, including a dark one at lower right surrounded by small white fish. A shadowy object floats on rocky waves in front of a blood red sunset in this painting, which depicts the captain of the Zong's decision to throw 142 men overboard in order to claim insurance payments. For 10 points, name this J.M.W. Turner painting depicting a vessel undertaking the Middle Passage.

The Slave Ship [or Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying, Typhoon Coming On]

1533 | ACF Regionals | 2008 | Round: Illinois A | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 47429 Question: The artist's time as a douanier contributed to the unique characteristics of this work's central figures, and it was intended as a tribute to Laval but refused by that town's mayor. A realistic moon at the top-right of this work hangs in an otherwise clear sky over a series of low mountains in the background. One central figure stands on top of a small dune, in front of which is found a red vase carrying drinking water and a mandolin. Often cited as an example of Primitivism, its artist used dolls as the models for the woman in a multi-colored robe and the nearby lion. For 10 points, name this painting depicting a reposing traveling musician that was created by Henri Rousseau.

The Sleeping Gypsy [or La Bohémienne endormie]

949 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Finals 1 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44790 Question: In a perspective error, this painting's rightmost figure is portrayed with a right hand larger than his left hand, even though his left hand is much closer to the viewer. A still life in this painting includes a bowl of overripe and defective fruit which threatens to fall off the edge of a table. The seated figure on the right of this painting dramatically raises his arms to his sides and wears a vest pinned with a scallop shell, identifying him as a pilgrim. The man in the bottom left of this painting grasps the arms of his chair in surprise, and may be a portrayal of Cleophas. In the center of this painting, a piece of bread is blessed by a beardless Jesus, who reveals himself to two shocked disciples. For 10 points, name this Caravaggio painting of a meal in the title town after Jesus's resurrection

The Supper at Emmaus

1088 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 6 | Question: 1 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41887 Question: One statue in this work is that of two cherubs embracing, whose eyes are fixed on the central figure from the background, while the other cherub statue at the left of this painting holds its index finger toward its lips. A reclined man at the bottom left of this work has his right fingers curled toward the viewer while his left hand holds a black hat. A white dog at the lower right looks up at the central action of this painting as a man sits under a tree with his arms outstretched. Meanwhile, a shoe becomes airborne. For 10 points, name this work where a woman in pink sits in a red seat and clutches ropes as she moves through the air, a painting by Jean-Honore Fragonard.

The Swing [or L'Escarpolette]

1565 | The Experiment | 2007 | Round: 3 | Question: 22 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58971 Question: Lesser-known members of this artistic group included Edmund Tarbell, Thomas Dewing, and Joseph DeCamp. Another member painted The Hovel and the Skyscraper, Celia Thaxter's Garden, and several canvases depicting the Isles of Shoals. After the death of John Henry Twachtman, this movement's Willard Metcalf found a replacement in William Merritt Chase. Also including Childe Hassam, this group of American impressionists began to exhibit in 1898. FTP, name this school which had exactly ►two more members than another group featuring William Glackens and Robert Henri, the Ashcan School.

The Ten (or The American Ten/Ten American Painters, or almost anything with the word Ten, you can prompt on "Impressionists" or "American Impressionists")

1566 | The Experiment | 2007 | Round: 3 | Question: 22 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 58993 Question: Lesser-known members of this artistic group included Edmund Tarbell, Thomas Dewing, and Joseph DeCamp. Another member painted The Hovel and the Skyscraper, Celia Thaxter's Garden, and several canvases depicting the Isles of Shoals. After the death of John Henry Twachtman, this movement's Willard Metcalf found a replacement in William Merritt Chase. Also including Childe Hassam, this group of American impressionists began to exhibit in 1898. FTP, name this school which had exactly ►two more members than another group featuring William Glackens and Robert Henri, the Ashcan School.

The Ten (or The American Ten/Ten American Painters, or almost anything with the word Ten, you can prompt on "Impressionists" or "American Impressionists")

1181 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 2 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30265 Question: The mountains in the background of this painting merge around a corner with a painting of its central figure preaching. This work is located above The Raising of Theophilus' Son. In the center of this work, a man in an orange tunic has his back to the viewer as two other figures point to the left. Directly to its left, an angel with a sword expels Adam and Eve from paradise. Its central scene has a vanishing point on Jesus' head and shows the (*) twelve apostles surrounding him in a semi-circle. This work accompanies paintings by Masolino in the Brancacci Chapel. On the left-hand side of this work, St. Peter pulls the title objects out of a fish. For 10 points, name this Massacio work that depicts St. Peter paying a tax collector.

The Tribute Money

942 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Editors 2 | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44214 Question: In the bottom left of this painting, an emaciated dog gnaws at the face of a child, and a king lies slumped under a figure holding an hourglass while his gold coins are stolen. Another figure in this painting plays a hurdy-gurdy as people are crushed under the wheel of his cart. In the bottom right of this painting, a jester dives under a dinner table next to a strewn pack of cards and a backgammon board. Two figures toll an ominous bell in the upper right of this painting, which is set in a barren landscape under a sky blackened with smoke. In the center of this painting, a crowd of frantic people are herded into a trap marked with a cross by a figure wielding a massive scythe. Painted in 1562, it depicts people from all social classes being massacred by skeletons. For 10 points, name this painting by Peter Bruegel the Elder.

The Triumph of Death

1507 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Chicago A | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48241 Question: In this painting, the tiny bird and flower pattern lining the bottom of the left figure's outfit blends seamlessly with numerous rows of three red blotches. MacKinley Helm spent time interviewing the artist during the production of this work, in which the tiny egg-shaped object held in the left hand of the rightmost figure is actually a miniature portrait of the artist's lover. Set on a green woven bench against the backdrop of a cloudy gray and black sky, it was painted during the artist's divorce proceedings, and shows a pair of surgical scissors severing the artery that connects the exposed hearts of the titular figures, a woman in an white European dress and a woman in a purple and green Indian peasant dress. FTP, identify this portrait representing both of the contrasting backgrounds of its artist, Miss Kahlo.

The Two Fridas or Las Dos Fridas

1510 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Finals 1 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48484 Question: A later self-portrait by this painting's artist in which he is wearing a blue sweater features it in the background, though most of the people depicted in the original painting are not present. A man and two children can be seen climbing over a short wall that runs across this painting, and a winding path leads down to a row of four houses. A set of brown cliffs can be seen in background on the left, though on the right they are obscured by a large hill. Reddish-brown trees dot the majority of the hilly landscape behind the title figure. In the foreground sits a woman wearing a grey wimple, and next to her sit a woman in bright blue and another in black and white, all facing the title character. That character is modeled after an anonymous painting created for a chapel in Tremalo. For ten points name this painting in which the crucifixion is depicted in a certain color by Paul Gaugin.

The Yellow Christ or Le Christ Jaune

1183 | PACE NSC | 2012 | Round: 21 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50011 Question: Boats sail in a gigantic cup in a work by this artist commissioned by Luman Reed. Reed would later commission a series by this artist whose penultimate scene shows a headless statue of a warrior extending a chipped shield as war rages in the background. This artist of The Titan's Goblet showed men with bows and arrows in a work subtitled The Savage State. One of his best known works was painted "after a Thunderstorm" from (*) Mount Holyoke and shows the Connecticut River. In a painting by another artist that was recently bought from the New York Public Library by Alice Walton, this man is shown on a cliff with William Cullen Bryant. For 10 points, name this artist of The Oxbow, a leader of the Hudson River School.

Thomas Cole

1378 | MAGNI | 2011 | Round: 12 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39119 Question: A conductor's baton can be seen in the bottom left of a painting by him showing the title musician giving a recital, Concert Singer. One of this painter's students created an Annunciation scene in which Mary is sitting a modern-looking hovel and the Archangel is a vertical stream of light. A nude woman poses as a water nymph for the title wood sculptor in a painting by him of William Rush. In another painting by this teacher of Henry Tanner, Sweetbriar mansion can be seen to the right of the title figure, who rows along the Schuylkill river. This painter of Max Schmitt in a Single Scull is most famous for a painting of a grizzled gray-hair professor standing near a surgery demonstration for Jefferson Medical College. For 10 points, name this American realist painter of The Gross Clinic.

Thomas Eakins

1421 | Missiles of October | 2011 | Round: 8 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41476 Question: This artist created sculptures to prepare for his painting of Fairman Rogers in his carriage and for his depiction of a sculptor creating the statue Water Nymph and Bittern. In addition to A May Morning in the Park and William Rush and His Model, he also depicted his father Benjamin in his work The Chess Players, which was accepted for the Centennial Exhibition over a more famous work that was later bought by (*) Thomas Jefferson University. This artist included a small self-portrait of himself in front of the Girard Avenue Bridge in another work depicting the titular man rowing on the Schuylkill River. This man also portrayed a partial mastectomy in a work named for Dr. Agnew, while a similar work sees a woman hiding her face from a surgery in a crowded theater. For 10 points, name this American artist of Max Schmitt in a Single Scull and The Gross Clinic.

Thomas Eakins

1283 | RAVE | 2012 | Round: Replacements and Tiebreakers | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 59904 Question: Christina Payne once indicated that a broken pitcher in one of this man's paintings may have had to do with a pregnant figure's virginity. Another painting by this man depicts a 22-year-old man holding a rifle as he sits next to a woman in a blue dress. This man's most famous work hangs opposite a Thomas Lawrence painting titled Pinkie. This painter of The Harvest Wagon and (*) Mr. and Mrs. Andrews created a work in which a youth hands a black hat in one hand, while he rests his other hand on his side. The creator of a portrait of Jonathan Buttall, this is, for 10 points, which English portraitist who painted The Blue Boy?

Thomas Gainsborough [accept early buzz of The Harvest Wagon]

965 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Alabama + Yale C + Alberta | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29758 Question: This man depicted citizens of the title town paying homage to Francesco Contarini in his Siege of Asola. Another of his works shows two nude women in a gondola, one of whom is kissing a man in a suit of armor. This artist of The Deliverance of Arsinoe depicted stars shooting from Hera's breast as she nurses an infant Hercules. In another of his paintings, an Evangelist intervenes to prevent the torture of a Christian. In the most famous work of this painter of The Origin of the Milky Way, he foregrounds a woman reaching into a basket rather than the title meal, which is oriented along a diagonal. For 10 points, name this Mannerist painter of The Miracle of the Slave and a famous Last Supper.

Tintoretto [or Jacopo Robusti]

1222 | Penn-ance | 2012 | Round: 12 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40485 Question: Alveroldi commissioned this man's polyptych depicting St. Sebastian in the lower right and Nazarius and Celsus on the left. This man painted two different depictions of Tarquin and Lucretia, the second of which shows Tarquin in red brandishing a knife at the nude Lucretia. In another of his works, a man on the left pushes aside a red curtain as a group of bathing nudes struggle to cover up. This artist of Diana and Actaeon also painted a work for the wedding of Niccolo Aureliano depicting (*) Cupid reaching into a sarcophagus flanked by a nude Venus and a bride. A girl rummages through a chest in the background of one of his paintings, which depicts a dog lying next to a nude woman reclining on a white-sheeted bed. For 10 points, name this Italian renaissance artist of Sacred and Profane Love and Venus of Urbino.

Titian [or Tiziano Vecelli or Tiziano Vecellio]

986 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Yale A | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30088 Question: In one painting by this artist, the papal coat of arms is visible on an orange flag to which an olive branch has been affixed. In that painting by this artist, a key rests on the steps next to a blue-and-yellow-clad Saint Peter who sits diagonally below the title figure. In another painting by this artist, a decapitated calf's head lies under a satyr who holds a trophy and is tangled in a serpent. One of the title figures of that painting by this artist wears a pink cape and leaps out of a chariot drawn by cheetahs. This artist painted a reclining nude who holds a bouquet of roses in her right hand and shields her loins with her left while a brown-and-white dog curls at her feet. For 10 points, name this Venetian painter of the Pesaro Madonna, Bacchus and Ariadne, and the Venus of Urbino.

Titian [or Tiziano Vecellio]

1500 | VCU Open | 2009 | Round: 6 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55608 Question: The many articles on this man by David Rosand include one in which he speaks of this man's "eloquence of the brush." In one of this man's works, a bolt of lightning breaks through an otherwise pitch black sky while the artist's signature and rank of "eques cesareus" appear on the grill of martyrdom. Besides The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence , one portrait by him shows Duke Federico Gonzaga petting a tan dog, and many of his other works like Adoration of the Holy Trinity were taken to the monastery of St. Jerome in Yuste after one of his patrons retired. In one of his altarpieces, a man on the left brandishes a red flag while two angels play with a cross atop a dark cloud. In addition to the Pesaro Madonna, another work shows Cupid dip his hand into a trough of water between a white-clad bride and a nude Venus to contrast the two title concepts, as well as a picture with three human heads hanging above three animal ones. FTP, name this Venetian painter of Sacred and Profane Love, Allegory of Prudence, and Venus of Urbino.

Titian or Tiziano Vecelli

1252 | Prison Bowl | 2012 | Round: 7 | Question: 21 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 49103 Question: Alexander Cabanel depicted this figure in his most famous work, and Giorgione depicted this figure sleeping. In one work titled for this figure, two servants fetch clothes out of a drawer as a small dog sleeps by this figure's feet. A sculpture named for this figure made out of oolitic limestone was found in Willendorf. In a work by Velazquez, she is looking in a mirror, while Manet referred to an earlier painting of her in his Olympia. Titian painted this figure lying on white sheets in the one "of Urbino." For 10 points, identify this Roman goddess of love.

Venus [prompt on "Aphrodite" before "Roman" is read]

1164 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 5.pdf | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30631 Question: At the bottom right of this painting, a plain white mask and a tan mask with gray eyebrows and goatee can be seen by one figure's foot. One figure is stepping on thorns in front of a girl with the lower body of a lion who holds a honeycomb. This painting includes a grotesque old woman clawing her head and a boy poised to throw a bunch of roses at the central couple. That couple consists of a woman holding up a golden arrow as her son grasps her breast and kisses her. For 10 points, name this allegorical painting depicting a love goddess, her son, and others by Agnolo Bronzino.

Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time

1492 | ACF Winter | 2009 | Round: University of Pittsburgh A and Walter Johnson High Schoo | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55871 Question: This painting was originally supposed to serve as the companion piece to Giovanni Rost's Innocence tapestry, and in Studies in Iconology, Erwin Panofsky has argued that it represents a critique of Luxury. One obscured figure in this painting appears to have a right hand attached to her left arm and a left hand attached to her right arm; she also has a lion's leg and a serpent's tail coming out of her body. At the lower left of is a dove, above it is a woman tearing away her hair in agony, and above her is a mask-like face without eyeballs. More masks lie at the lower right of this painting, near the feet of a character that holds the golden apple. One character has rose petals in his hands, and these characters in the foreground are characterized by sensuous, silk-like skin. A bald, bearded man grasps the blue curtain in the background. For 10 points, incestuous kissing and breast-groping are two of the few things going on in what allegorical painting by Bronzino?

Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time or Allegory of Venus and Cupid

1121 | Minnesota Open | 2012 | Round: Finals 1 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44598 Question: This god's companion is holding a parasol in in one of Jean Ranc's few mythological paintings. Pieter Gijsels' depiction of this figure shows him conversing with a woman clad in yellow who is sitting beside several peacocks. Boucher made several paintings of this god, one of which shows a pair of manly hands attached to an otherwise beautiful female body. This god is shown wearing a yellow jacket and holding a basket in a depiction of him as an old man looking toward his love interest, who is shyly holding a sickle, in a Jacopo Pontormo work that was painted into a lunette. This god is represented by (*) Rudolf II, whose cheeks are made up of a pair of apples, in painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldo. For 10 points, name this god of seasons and ripening fruits who is generally depicted in the form of an old man trying to talk to Pomona.

Vertumnus [or Vortumnus; or Vertimnus]

1162 | NASAT | 2012 | Round: 4.pdf | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30522 Question: One piece of art about this war was created by Sal Veder and depicts Robert Stirm, who had received a letter of separation from his wife three days before. Besides Burst of Joy, which depicts a teenager eagerly racing towards her returning father, this conflict was represented by a work showing a girl mouthing the words "too hot, too hot." One photo of this conflict depicts a national police chief about to shoot and execute his prisoner, while another photo features a naked screaming child running on a road after being burned by napalm. For 10 points, name this conflict represented by a photograph in which General Nguyen Ngoc Loan executes Nguyen Van Lem on a street in Saigon.

Vietnam War

1351 | Collegiate Novice | 2011 | Round: 8 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34871 Question: In 2001, astronomers were able to pinpoint the time in this artist's White House at Night due to the position of Venus. His portraits include those of Pere Tanguy and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. While in Auvers, this artist painted a portrait of Dr. Paul Gachet. His self-portraits include ones of him in straw and felt hats. Another of his works depicts a poor family seated around a table. He also painted a scene depicting a swirling sky over Saint-Rémy. For 10 points, name this painter of The Potato Eaters and Starry Night.

Vincent [Willem] van Gogh

1327 | BHSAT | 2011 | Round: 6 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50232 Question: This artist painted Daubigny's Garden and Wheat Field with Crows during the last year of his life, spent in Auvers-sur-Oise. A red-mustached man leans on his fist in two portraits this man painted of his physician, Dr. Gachet. The title location of one of his paintings has a green ceiling, red walls, and a yellow floor, and is dominated by a billiard table in the center. A woman pours out chicory while the title figures eat by the light of an oil lamp in another work. Those paintings are The Night Café and The Potato Eaters. For 10 points, name this Dutch painter of a landscape dominated by a cypress and several celestial swirls, The Starry Night.

Vincent van Gogh

1433 | SCOP Novice | 2011 | Round: 5 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54005 Question: This artist of several portraits of Madame Ginoux [jee-NOH] painted a narrow room cluttered with pictures in Bedroom in Arles [ahr-l]. Many of his later works depict sunflowers. One painting by this man shows five peasants pouring tea and cutting into the title food. Another shows a shadowy (*) cypress in front of a sky filled with balls of swirling light. For 10 points, name this Dutch artist, who painted The Potato Eaters and Starry Night.

Vincent van Gogh

1353 | Delta Burke | 2011 | Round: 1 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54178 Question: . In one work by this artist of Dinner for Threshers, the titular figure is next to a white steeple, moving towards the left of the canvas while lights are on in three roadside houses behind him. In another work by this artist of Birthplace of Herbert Hoover, the bespectacled figure at the right wears a small brooch in the shape of three oranges while the middle of the three figures holds a white teacup with blue Chinese motifs painted on it; all three figures in that work by this artist stand in front of a copy of Leutze's Washington Crossing the Delaware. FTP, name this American Regionalist painter of Daughters of the Revolution who is most famous for a depiction of his dentist holding a pitchfork, American Gothic.


1444 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 3 | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31037 Question: The well known version of this painting is not the original, which was damaged during a studio fire and destroyed during World War II when it was too large to shelter from an allied bombing run over Bremen. The artist of this work shanghaied his friend Worthington Whittredge to pose as the main figure after finding all the available (*) German models unsuitable. On the strength of the success of this painting, its artist was commissioned to paint a mural for the U.S. Capitol Building in which a man triumphantly stands on a rock formation as pioneer men and women move from the right to the left. This painting by the artist of Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way features James Monroe holding a historically inaccurate flag. For 10 points, name this Emanuel Leutze painting in which an American general travels to the Battle of Trenton.

Washington Crossing the Delaware

1370 | Maggie Walker GSAC | 2011 | Round: Finals 1 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 51861 Question: A fleet of Vikings ships can be seen drifting down a river in this artist's Volga Song. A crowd of people gather around a merchant ship in his Arrival of the Merchants, and many of his paintings depicted his mistress Gabriele Munter. He described his concept of "inner necessity" in his essay On the Spiritual In Art, and taught at the Bauhaus school until 1922. His works were often named "compositions", and his most famous work features a figure riding a horse on an open field. For 10 points, name this Russian painter of On White II, who co-founded the Blue Rider movement.

Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky

1024 | Chicago Open | 2012 | Round: Canadian | Question: 25 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44490 Question: The artist of this work drew heavily from other artists for inspiration, such as Agasias of Ephesus, Rubens, Raphael, and even his contemporary Benjamin West. Despite never having seen the setting of the painting, the artist used literature and the descriptions of the subject to attempt the location of the titular event as accurately as possible, such as by including Morro Castle in the background. One figure in this painting was originally painted as a man with flowing blond hair, but was replaced with the subject of this artist's earlier Head of a Negro. Another central figure's depiction drew inspiration from Laocoon and his Sons and The Death of General Wolfe to produce a tragic figure who despite the occurrence depicted would go on to become Lord Mayor of London, although without his right leg. FTP, what is this painting which depicts an anatomically-incorrect creature about to be harpooned, having just attacked the other titular subject?

Watson and the Shark

1134 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 3 | Question: 17 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31519 Question: The left background of this work shows a series of tall white towers, and its background also includes an accurate depiction of Morro Castle. The artist of this painting produced another history painting showing the Earl of Chatham fainting in the midst of speaking in the House of Lords. A black man wearing a yellow scarf holds on to some rope next to a properly dressed man wielding a spear in this painting. An elderly balding man holds on to one of two men who lean out towards a drowning figure flopping around in Havana Harbor in this painting. For 10 points, name this John Singleton Copley painting in which a group of boaters tries to rescue one title character from the title underwater predator.

Watson and the Shark

1272 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 9 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40938 Question: In this painting, two women in red walking with their arms around each other appear to be surrounded by a black cloud. A Damien Hirst work showing animal skeletons in a display cabinet takes its title from this painting. At the bottom left of this painting, a white bird is next to an old woman with her head in her hands, while in the bottom right corner a dog lies near a baby lying on a rock. This work shows two cats near a girl eating a piece of fruit as well as a fully clothed woman standing next to a blue religious (*) statue. The background of this work, which is meant to be read from right to left, shows a tropical paradise, and many of the people in it only wear loincloths. A boy picking fruit in the middle and many of the other people in it have yellow skin, a trait uncharacteristic of its artist's other works set in Tahiti. For 10 points, name this painting by Paul Gauguin whose title contains three questions.

Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? [or D'où Venons Nous? Que Sommes Nous? Où Allons Nous?]

1203 | Penn Bowl | 2012 | Round: Editors 7 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44969 Question: Clement Greenberg criticized this painting by stating that none of the paintings in its series are "fused into a complete work of art." The artist painted over the inscription on a placard around the neck of one figure in this painting, which shows the Lithuanian flag poking out from behind one structure. A pair of lions battle over a doorway in one section, and in front of that section stands a red man in a black uniform. A light shines down from the upper right of this painting, where four figures float above the action. A group of soldiers carrying red flags turn a series of houses upside down on the left of this work, whose upper right shows a burning synagogue. The central figure of this painting has a menorah at his feet. For 10 points, name this painting whose central image depicts Jesus wearing a Jewish prayer shawl, a work by Marc Chagall.

White Crucifixion

1448 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 5 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44396 Question: One building depicted in this painting is engraved with a pair of lions above its open door. The artist of this work painted over a phrase which was originally written on a placard worn by a man in the bottom left. On the right, a man in a green robe carries a sack through a burst of light that emerges from a scroll. The central figure of this work wears a (*) prayer shawl instead of a loincloth and is positioned above five lit candles and one extinguished one. In this painting, eleven people flail on a boat below an army holding sabers and red flags that storms into a village. On the right of this work, a man with an armband burns a synagogue. For 10 points, name this Marc Chagall depiction of the death of Christ that pairs the sacrifice of Jesus with the suffering of the Jews.

White Crucifixion

1392 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: Chicago A + GMU | Question: 19 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39257 Question: This artist contrasted wavy strokes of blue and teal with larger fields of white and maroon in a painting whose name was taken from Keats's epitaph. Another painting by this artist of Whose Name Was Writ in Water was held in the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art for over 25 years, during which it was illegal to show publicly, before being traded for a partial manuscript of the Shanameh. Glimpses of Lake Eden and the skyline of the Blue Ridge Mountains can be found in his painting Asheville, which was inspired by his time at Black Mountain College. In 1953, Robert Rauschenberg famously erased a drawing by this artist, whose other paintings include Black Friday, Light In August, and Interchange. The most famous works by this husband of Elaine Fried feature wild, exaggerated eyes, snarling mouths, and huge, pendulous breasts. For 10 points, identify this Dutch-born Abstract Expressionist who painted the Woman series.

Willem de Kooning

917 | WIT | 2013 | Round: Oxford + Michigan + Lawrence EDITED | Question: 18 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32168 Question: This artist depicted a bearded king crawling on the floor of a cave with talon-like toenails in his picture of Nebuchadnezzar. In one of his pictures, dying men writhe on a woven mat on the floor while Death floats above them. In one of this artist's paintings, the title creature stands on a star-studded stage with curtains and extends its tongue towards a bowl of blood in its left hand. The (*) House of Death is an illustration this artist of The Ghost of a Flea made of scenes from Paradise Lost. His most famous illustration shows the bearded title figure leaning out of the sun among the clouds and holding a compass. For 10 points, name this English Romantic who depicted Urizen in The Ancient of Days and illustrated his own The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.

William Blake

1126 | MUT | 2012 | Round: 1 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 31455 Question: This artist painted a work that depicts a woman wheeling away books in a cart that reads "waste paper for shops," and The Ghost of Ben Jonson is seen rising from under the stage in that work. This artist of A Just View of the British Stage painted one work depicting a recently married rich couple looking completely uninterested in each other; that work is titled Tete a Tete and appears in a collection that also includes The Marriage Contract. He painted one work depicting the central figure rejecting the hand of Sarah Young, a painting that appears in a series that ends with Tom Rakewell in Bedlam asylum. For 10 points, name this English engraver of Marriage á-la-mode and The Rake's Progress.

William Hogarth

1321 | BHSAT | 2011 | Round: 11 | Question: 6 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 50327 Question: Two women sit on a bench fixing the title objects in this painter's Mending the Nets and ravens swoop towards the title animal running through the snow in his The Fox Hunt. The capture of Confederate soldiers at the Battle of Petersburg is the subject of his Prisoners from the Front. A red brick house stands behind children running with their hands linked, playing the title game, in his Snap-the-Whip. Sharks swim beneath a boat containing a solitary African-American man in his The Gulf Stream. For 10 points, name this American painter of many seascapes of his home-state of Maine.

Winslow Homer

1505 | VCU Open | 2009 | Round: 9 | Question: 20 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 55654 Question: This artist's time in Cullercoats influenced the creation of such words as Inside the Bar. Two black crows menacingly stare down the central animal in this man's Fox Hunt, and a woman holding a parasol gazes over her shoulder at a man in a straw hat in a boat in the sand in his Two Are Company, Three Are None. Two men attempt to get their bearings in the Eight Bells, and A Union officer confronts a group of disheveled confederate prisoners against a desolate Virginia landscape in Prisoners from the Front, and another of his works shows a waterspout in the distance while sharks surround a black man's boat in the foreground. FTP, name this American who painted many watercolors of ocean scenes in addition to Breezing Up and The Gulf Stream.

Winslow Homer

979 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: RPI | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29958 Question: Early works by this artist include one of a soldier sitting in a tree while aiming the rifle he has mounted on a branch. A white woman in a black dress with a white lace collar stands to the right of three black women and a child in a painting by this artist showing a confrontation between former slaves and a plantation owner. This artist of A Sharp-Shooter on Picket Duty and A Visit from the Old Mistress painted a work that shows a group of children holding hands as they play a running game in a field in front of a small red building. Another work by this artist shows a black man in a small boat heading towards a water spout, surrounded by sharks. For 10 points, name this American painter of Snap the Whip and The Gulf Stream.

Winslow Homer

1506 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: Brown A | Question: 12 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48224 Question: The artist of these pieces stated that he was inspired by memories of his childhood and particularly a friend who sang a playful song near the water of a brook. Meyer Schapiro persuaded that artist to continue working, and one of these works may borrow from the artist's own "Self-Portrait with Imaginary Brother." First exhibited at the Sidney Janis gallery, these pieces were followed by a group on urban landscapes, which included "Montauk Street" and "Easter Monday," and they were reportedly inspired by Mesopotamian fertility idols. One of them depicts a bicycle while another is described as a landscape; its artist briefly halted their production but resumed upon spotting a cigarette advertisement in a magazine. FTP, name these six paintings of abstract expressionism, a numbered series by Willem de Kooning.

Woman series

1522 | ACF Nationals | 2008 | Round: VCU | Question: 8 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 48708 Question: In response to the death of Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso painted a set of fifteen variations of this painting. An ornately drawn picture of a flower vase highlights the center of the ivory wall in the background, which is offset by a slightly ajar set of double doors to the right and the slanted mirror above. An unworn red slipper rests in front of the jeweled necklace wearing figure lounging on a set of pillows in the lower left corner, the only one of the title characters directly facing the viewer. To the right, a standing black servant woman looks back at the other two title characters, who are enjoying a private moment with a hookah. FTP, identify this orientalist painting of ladies in a North African harem, a work of Eugene Delacroix.

Women of Algiers in their Apartment

921 | WIT | 2013 | Round: UVA | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 32234 Question: A piece of art in this medium contains the letters "A E," representing Anne of Brittany's motto "A ma vie," emblazoning a central fountain surrounded by animals. In France, Beauvais and Gobelins were the main sites of their manufacture. John D. Rockefeller bought seven of them from the La Rochefoucauld family, illustrating the Hunt of the Unicorn. Pope Leo X commissioned Raphael to create a set of 10 designs for these works, including The Miraculous Draught of Fishes and The Sacrifice at Lystra, known as his (*) "cartoons." A more famous one includes a depiction of Bishop Odo and shows an English king taking an arrow out of his eye. For 10 points, name these works of colorful threads woven together on a loom, such as the "Bayeux" one.

a tapestry

943 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: Editors 3 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44261 Question: Clyfford Still's painting 1957 D No. 1 is dominated by splotches of yellow and this color. The first paintings in Barnett Newman's Stations of the Cross feature vertical "zips" of this color. From 1953 until 1967, Ad Reinhart painted monochrome canvases of different shades of this color. In 1958, Frank Stella began a series of paintings in which bands of this color are separated by thin intervals of unpainted canvas. Many of Franz Kline's mature paintings, such as Mahoning, consist of large lines of this color. Robert Motherwell used this color to paint large rectangular bands interspersed with ovals in his series of Elegies to the Spanish Republic. Willem de Kooning and Josef Albers taught painting at an experimental North Carolina college named for this color. For 10 points, name this color, which titles a group of works painted on the walls of the Quinta del Sordo by Francisco Goya.


1069 | Harvard Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 57941 Question: The lone fox howling at the center of Franz Marc's The Fate of the Animals was painted this color, a distinct shade of which was created by Yves Klein, who made many monochromes in this color. The treatise Concerning the Spiritual in Art identifies this color as a concentric, receding movement, unlike yellow. This color makes up several grazing horses in another work by Franz Marc, and fills the upper half of the background of Matisse's The Dance and helps name a movement titled after a Kandinsky painting in which a man on a horse wearing a cloak of this color rides across a grassy landscape. For 10 points, name this color that makes violet with red.


1348 | Collegiate Novice | 2011 | Round: 6 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 34825 Question: A cloth of this color is wrapped around Zephyr at the left of Botticelli's The Birth of Venus. A man on horseback wears a cape of this color in another painting that names a group led by Wassily Kandinsky. A child thought to be Jonathan Buttall is depicted in an outfit of this color in a Thomas Gainsborough painting. One painting in this color depicts a poor, elderly man hunched over his guitar in a street in Barcelona. For 10 points, name this primary color of The Old Guitarist, which was executed during Picasso's somber period of this color.


972 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Michigan A + George Mason | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29852 Question: The first landscape oil painting in history features one of these objects, and is by Albrecht Altdorfer. A brown dog walks towards a strolling man in a top hat and woman with a parasol, as a man in gray with a bowler gazes off to the right in a Gustave Caillebotte painting depicting one of these objects. These objects also appear in several paintings by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, who depicted those at Mantes and the broken one at Narni. Another one of these objects is shown below fireworks in two paintings by James Whistler, Nocturne in Blue and Gold and Nocturne in Black and Gold; that one is the "old" one at Battersea, London. J.M.W. Turner showed a train running over one of these in Rain, Steam, and Speed. For 10 points, name these structures that usually pass over water.


977 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: Penn A | Question: 2 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29923 Question: One of these buildings located next to the Tor Te Treste housing complex consists of three circular sectors with white concrete curved surfaces and glass; that is Richard Meier's "Jubilee" one. Jorn Utzon designed one of these with an all-white interior and a vaulted ceiling inspired by a line of clouds located in Bagsvaerd, Denmark. Another one of these buildings features pinhole windows and a billowing upturned roof floating above the building on concrete columns; that work by Le Corbusier is located in Ronchamp. Another one of these is located in Garden Grove, California, has a glassy outer surface, and is shaped like a cut prism; that "Crystal" one was designed by Phillip Johnson. For 10 points, name these buildings like Notre Dame du Haut, which usually contain rows of pews and a font where baptisms may be performed.

churches [or chapels; or cathedrals]

1404 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: Sethlene Laferbrook + VCU | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 41018 Question: In Daumier's painting of this type of person, a man in a blue jacket stands between a child holding a chair over his head and a faceless black figure. In Gustave Dore's depiction of people of this profession, a child with a bloody head is held by his mother, who is surrounded by several animals, including an owl and a dog wearing a dress. Toulouse-Lautrec depicted a Chinese one of these named Chan-U-Kao in multiple paintings, and Picasso depicted a family of six of them near the end of his Blue Period. Degas depicted one named Miss LaLa suspended from a rope clenched between her teeth. For 10 points, name this type of person that can be found in the upper left corner of the Bar at the Folies-Bergere, in Watteau's Gilles and in the paintings of John Wayne Gacy.

circus performers [accept clowns or acrobats or saltimbanques]

1472 | SCOP Novice | 2010 | Round: 7 | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53673 Question: These objects appear near the hand of Ophelia in John Millais's depiction of her, and one figure in Chagall's I and the Village feeds one of these objects to another figure. In addition, they're sprawled on the ground beneath two lovers embracing in Gustav Klimt's (*) The Kiss. Other examples include those on a table in Matisse's The Plum Blossoms. Name these colorful accessories of plants, many of which are seen in John Sargent's Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose.

flowers [accept roses before "I and the Village"]

1438 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 10 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44794 Question: Giovanni Lanfranco's The Messenger's Return depicts a shirtless man carrying this food, a nod to the motif of the Israelites carrying it out of Canaan. That trope is referenced in Poussin's Autumn, in which two workers carry this food. Mary feeds the infant Christ this food in Masaccio's Madonna and Child with Angels. According to Pliny, the Roman painter Zeuxis painted this food so well that the (*) birds tried to eat it. Both the Limbourg brothers' September and Van Gogh's painting of a red field depict the harvest of this food. A "young sick" figure clutches this food in a work of Caravaggio, who painted that god wearing them on his head in another work. For 10 points, name this fruit often depicted with Bacchus because of its association with wine.


1356 | Delta Burke | 2011 | Round: 9 | Question: 14 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 54397 Question: . In the Jean-Pierre Jeunet film Amelie, the character known as "the glass man" constantly repaints this famous painting. Much controversy has been generated over TIME Magazine art critic Alexander Eliot's attempt to have a blister ironed out of this painting which resulted in a loss of tone and color. The artist of this painting used many of his friends and patrons as the models for the characters depicted. The title event takes place underneath an orange canopy on a balcony along the Seine. FTP, give the name of this painting in which a certain group of people take part in a particular meal, a work by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

le dejeuner dur l'herbe

1296 | ACF Fall | 2011 | Round: Georgia Tech B.doc | Question: 9 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 29632 Question: Giuseppe Piermarini is best known for his design of one of these buildings, one of which was designed by Santiago Calatrava and is named for Queen Sofia. The main one in Venice is called La Fenice. Another of these buildings features decorations by Aimé Millet, a grand staircase, and The Dancers by Carpeaux. That building was designed by Charles Garnier. Ove Arup helped with the engineering work on one of these located on Bennelong Point. That building featuring large concrete shells was designed by Jorn Utzon. For 10 points, name these buildings including La Scala and an iconic one in Sydney where one can hear performers act out a libretto and sing arias.

opera houses

1450 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 7 | Question: 10 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 44540 Question: In a series of paintings by David Teniers the Younger, Archduke Leopold is surrounded by these objects. In De Chirico's painting Great Metaphysical Interior, one of these objects rests on a wooden platform. Gerard Dou's depiction of a painter with a pipe and book features a curtain slightly covering one of these objects. Magritte painted one next to a rock and a burning tuba in The Fair Captive, on a balcony in The Alarm Clock, and in front of a window in Euclidean Walks. In a Watteau work, a pile of hay in the bottom left is used to (*) pack up some of these objects. Grant Wood painted three old ladies standing in front of one of them in Daughters of the Revolution, and Magritte's pair of paintings titled The Human Condition focus on these objects. For 10 points, the left side of Las Meninas is dominated by a gigantic example of what kind of object, which in real life includes Las Meninas.

paintings [or canvas; accept equivalents]

1079 | Illinois Fall Tournament | 2012 | Round: 11 | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 42023 Question: One practitioner of this medium included his work Behind the Gate Saint-Lazare to illustrate his theories of "the decisive moment." Walter Benjamin wrote that this medium lacks the "strange tissue of time and space" he termed aura. This discipline's practitioners include Henri Cartier-Bresson and a man who collaborated with James Agee on Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. Works of art in this medium include Child with a Hand Grenade and Moonrise, which features New Mexico. One person in this discipline developed the zone system and was part of f/64. For 10 points, Diane Arbus and Ansel Adams are practitioners of what art form, which often uses a camera?

photography [accept obvious equivalents and word forms, such as taking pictures]

1477 | SCOP Novice | 2010 | Round: Finals Round 2 | Question: 4 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 53764 Question: One artist in this medium depicted a boy holding a toy hand grenade in Central Park. Besides Diane Arbus, Kevin Carter controversially showed a vulture near an impoverished dying South African girl in another work in this medium. This medium was used by Dorothea Lange for (*) Migrant Mother, and Joe Rosenthal used it to show four American soldiers raising a flag on Iwo Jima. Name this art medium, the choice for many nature shots of Yosemite Park by Ansel Adams.

photography [accept word forms]

982 | ACF Regionals | 2012 | Round: South Carolina + Carleton A | Question: 13 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30000 Question: A hibiscus sits in a glass next to a book in a Joan Miro painting titled after a "Horse", one of these objects, and a "Red Flower". The leftmost standing figure in The Jolly Flatboatmen at Port wears a red-and-green striped hat and has one of these objects. A man with a top hat seated at a green table holds one of these objects in Bal au Moulin de la Galette. A black dog stands behind a man in red with a black cap who is lying in the grass and has one of these objects in Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte. The most expensive Picasso painting ever sold is a Rose Period work entitled "Boy with" one of these. For 10 points name this object, which a caption tells us Magritte's The Treachery of Images "is not", and which may be filled with tobacco and smoked.


1443 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 2 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30787 Question: The first of these works is a silverpoint drawing depicting its thirteen year old subject wearing a cap and pointing with his right index finger. A later one of these works depicts its nude subject pointing to his yellow spleen with the inscription "that is where it hurts." In the first painted one, the subject wears a red tasseled hat and holds a sprig of sea holly. The Prado owns one of these works in which a window looks out over the (*) alps as its subject sits in fashionable clothes clasping his hands. In the most famous of these works, the twenty eight year old subject wears shoulder length curly hair and a coat with a fur collar and is painted in the manner of Christ against a black background. For 10 points, name these depictions of and by the German artist of St. Jerome in his Study and Melencolia I.

self-portraits of Albrecht Dürer

962 | ACF Nationals | 2012 | Round: VCUAlabamaWUSTL | Question: 11 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 45418 Question: One of these paintings includes a line of music from a love song above a seated figure wearing a suit, who is surrounded by pieces of hair. Another of these paintings features the face of a man with three eyes superimposed over the central figure. In a third of these paintings, dragonflies and butterflies hover above a figure draped in thorns and a dead hummingbird. One of these paintings depicts nails piercing the skin of its subject, who is constrained by a body brace and has a broken column instead of a spine. The largest one features a blood vessel connecting the two title figures, one wearing a white Victorian gown and the other wearing a traditional Mexican dress. Many of them include monkeys and emphasize the central figure's unibrow. For 10 points, name these paintings by the wife of Diego Rivera.

self-portraits of Frida Kahlo [prompt on partial answer]

1264 | QUARK | 2012 | Round: 4 | Question: 3 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40826 Question: A nude woman stares at one of these objects in Antoine Wiertz's Two Young Girls, while Odilon Redon painted one with antlers growing out of it. An etching of one of these objects with a flowery hat by José Guadalupe Posada is commonly known as La Catrina and is a popular image in Mexico. That etching influenced a mural by Diego Rivera in which he painted himself standing next to one of these objects, Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Park. A man in a green top hat looks like one of these objects in (*) Christ's Entry into Brussels, while Van Gogh painted one of them smoking a cigarette. One of them riding an emaciated horse wields a scythe in a Bruegel painting in which an army of them massacres people in a burnt-out landscape, The Triumph of Death. One of them lies in a coffin at the bottom of Masaccio's Holy Trinity. For 10 points, name these bony objects which symbolize death.

skeletons [accept skulls before "Alameda"; prompt on it afterwards]

1437 | VCU Open | 2011 | Round: 1 | Question: 15 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 30753 Question: Depictions of bears and these animals are scattered throughout the Limbourg Book of Hours, as both were symbols of the Berry family. Jan Asselijn painted one of these animals rising in anger as a dog approaches in a work adopted as a symbol of Dutch nationalism. Cezanne painted one of these animals (*) biting the right hand of a calm orange haired nude. A Correggio painting that was attacked by its owner Louis d'Orleans depicts one of these animals in the upper right and one in the lap of the central woman. A lost Leonardo depicts one of these animals standing next to two groups of infant twins. Salvador Dali painted himself looking away as three of them float on a lake. For 10 points, name these animals which "reflect elephants" and which are often depicted next to Leda.


1401 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: Editors 8 + NYU | Question: 16 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 40444 Question: This work's creator was jestingly said to have created a variant of the "lost wax" technique called the "lost lizard," because the common belief held that its designer used real animals to cast its detailed reliefs. Two putti at this work's center hold crossed keys and a tiara. The rumor that this work took its raw materials from the portico ceiling of the Pantheon led to the joke that "what the Barbarian refused to do, the Barberini did." Francoise du Duquesnoy sculpted this work's four large angels, each of whom grasp two leafy sticks. This work atypically lies at the crossing directly below a massive dome co-designed by Giacomo della Porta. From the viewpoint of the congregation, it frames its sculptor's Cathedra Petri between its massive Solomonic columns. For 10 points, name this ornate bronze work in St. Peter's basilica, a big canopy designed by Bernini.

the Baldacchino [or Saint Peter's Baldachin; prompt on canopy]

1395 | Minnesota Open | 2011 | Round: Editors 3 | Question: 7 | Fine Arts | VisualID: 39542 Question: This man depicted a number of disembodied-looking heads of putti peeking through gaps in the clouds in a work which shows the title character hesitantly rising from the bow of a ship as onlookers panic and Jesus extends a hand. Several decades before painting St. Peter Attempting to Walk on Water, he designed a series of "Italian Festivals" for the Beauvais tapestry workshop. The original oil sketch for one of this man's works shows the Cyclopes hammering away at a forge on the right side, though the final version of that painting covers them with a pair of putti bearing a helmet. That painting by this man also shows the reclining first title deity holding up a wrapped sword for the second title deity. This artist of Vulcan Presenting Venus with Arms for Aeneas, who once claimed that nature was "too green and badly lit", painted several reclining portraits of Madame Pompadour reading. The title character of another of his paintings ties a blue ribbon around a dove as several putti pick up strings of pearls and help her fix her hair. For 10 points, identify this Rococo painter of The Toilet of Venus.


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