Pre-AP Biology Unit 6

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Characteristics of archaebacteria. Extreme environments? Nucleus? Number of cells? Prokaryote/eukaryote? Level of organization Cell wall with ____? Autotroph/heterotroph? Reproduction? Motility?

- Found in extreme environments - No true nucleus - Unicellular - Prokaryote - Level or organization = cell - cell wall NO peptidoglycon - Autotroph or heterotroph - Asexual - Motile/non-motile


- Method of taxonomy in which cladogram belong to - Aka phylogenetic systematics - Accepted way of classifying organisms - Permits hypotheses of relatedness to be tested - Tests all possible hypotheses objectively

Characteristics of eubacteria. Extreme environments? Nucleus? Number of cells? Prokaryote/eukaryote? Level of organization Cell wall with ____? Autotroph/heterotroph? Reproduction? Motility?

- Not found in extreme environments - No true nucleus - Unicellular - Prokaryote - Level of organization = cell - Cell wall with peptidoglycon - Autotroph or heterotroph - Asexual - Motile/non-motile

Characteristics of plantae. Nucleus? Number of cells? Prokaryote/eukaryote? Level of organization Cell wall with ____? Autotroph/heterotroph? Reproduction? Motility?

- Nucleus - Multicellular - Eukaryote - Level of organization = cells, tissue, organ systems, systems (all) - Cell walls of cellulose and chloroplasts - Autotroph - Asexual/sexual - Non-motile

Characteristics of fungi. Nucleus? Number of cells? Prokaryote/eukaryote? Level of organization Cell wall with ____? Autotroph/heterotroph? Reproduction? Motility?

- Nucleus - Multicellular - Eukaryote - Level of organization = cells, tissues, organs systems, systems (all) - Cell walls of chitin - Heterotroph: gets food from rotting cells and leaves - Asexual or sexual - Non-motile

Characteristics of animalia. Nucleus? Number of cells? Prokaryote/eukaryote? Level of organization Cell wall with ____? Autotroph/heterotroph? Reproduction? Motility?

- Nucleus - Multicellular - Eukaryote - Level of organization = cells, tissue, organ systems, systems (all) - NO cell walls - Heterotroph - Sexual - Sessile motile

Characteristics of Protista. Nucleus? Number of cells? Prokaryote/eukaryote? Level of organization Cell wall with ____? Autotroph/heterotroph? Reproduction? Motility?

- Nucleus - Unicellular - Eukaryote - Level of organization = cell - Cell walls of cellulose and chloroplast - Autotroph or heterotroph - Asexual or sexual - Motile/non-motile


- Shows hypotheses of relatedness that can be supported by evidence and are diagrams that show evolutionary relationships - Comes from Greek word meaning "branch" - Does NOT depict time

Birds are birds not just because they have feathers but because they have: - ____ bones - ____ wrists - ____ blooded - ____shell - ____ "wishbone" - ____ toes All of the characteristics of birds listed have been found in fossils of a group called _____ which includes T-Rex. This led taxonomists to the concluding that birds are really ____.

- hollow bone - flexible wrists - endothermic (warm-blooded) - egg shell - fused clavicles - three toes pointing forwards and one toe pointing back Group of dinosaurs called theropods Birds are really dinosaurs

What are the 3 rules for writing a scientific name using binomial nomenclature, the two-term Latin naming system?

1. Scientific name always written in 2 parts with genus name first and species last 2. Scientific name always written in italics and if handwritten, it is in cursive or underlined 3. First letter of genus name is a capital letter


All the organisms that live in a place, together with their non living environment


An individual of a species

____ structures may appear anatomically similar but not closely related.


In Linnaeus's time, classification was based on appearance of organisms. Think about the appearance of organisms such as tadpoles and frogs, sharks, and dolphins, and penguins and eagles. What are the limitations of classifying organisms by their appearance only?

Analogous structures and difference in phenotypes of young and old

Be able to analyze a scenario to determine what kingdom is being observed under a microscope based on characteristics provided. Which kingdom could have a visible nucleus, irregularly shaped, and lack a cell wall?


What kingdom is this? Made from multiple cells Does NOT get food from rotting cells and leaves Heterotroph


What kingdom would frogs go in? Unicellular/multicellular? Heterotroph/autotroph? Eukaryotes/prokaryote?

Animalia kingdom Multicellular Heterotroph (ingestion) Eukaryote

What kingdom would millipedes go in? Unicellular/multicellular? Heterotroph/autotroph? Eukaryotes/prokaryote?

Animalia kingdom Multicellular Heterotroph (ingestion) Eukaryote

What kingdom would sponge go in? Unicellular/multicellular? Heterotroph/autotroph? Eukaryotes/prokaryote?

Animalia kingdom Multicellular Heterotroph (ingestion) Eukaryote

Which kingdoms contain eukaryotic organisms?

Animalia, plantae, fungi, Protista

In which domain would you place the kingdom Archaebacteria?


Which domains include prokaryotic organisms?

Archae and Bacteria

From which kingdom did the eukaryotic kingdoms evolve?


What kingdom is this? Made from only one cell Does not contain true nucleus Found in extreme environments such as volcanoes, hot springs, or deep sea vents


To which kingdom do you find organisms that live in extreme environments that no other organisms seem to be able to survive? Where would you find them residing?

Archaebacteria Residing in extreme heat, lack of H2O, lack of nutrients, anaerobic (no O2), desert, acidic environment

What kingdom would bacteria go in? Unicellular/multicellular? Heterotroph/autotroph? Eukaryotes/prokaryote?

Archaebacteria Unicellular Autotroph or Heterotroph (absorption) Prokaryote

Which kingdoms contain only unicellular organisms?

Archaebacteria and eubacteria

Which kingdoms contain prokaryotic organisms?

Archaebacteria and eubacteria

What fossil was thought to be close to the common ancestor of modern birds? Its age and discovery of other fossils have changed our interpretation.


Be able to analyze a scenario to determine what kingdom is being observed under a microscope based on characteristics provided. What type of reproduction would a specimen use if it were unicellular with excellent motility? Give example of a specimen.

Asexual such as paramecium


Assemblage of different populations that live together in a defined area

Identify the three domains of the classification system.

Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya


Basic unit of all forms of life


Basic unit of matter

What are three additional ways besides appearance to classify organisms?

Bone structure DNA Amino acid sequences


Branches above node represent a clade in cladogram and all the organisms in a clade share a number of features an a common ancestor

The specimen fungi rhizopus stolonifer has a cell wall. What is the cell wall composed of?


What diagram does not account for time?


What shows hypotheses of relatedness that can be supported with evidence?


What suggest that there may be different ways of obtaining the same result and belong to a method of taxonomy called cladistic?


Since all life on Earth shares a common origin, two different organisms will always share ____ who lived in harsh environments.

Common ancestor

What are represented at the points where branching occurs in cladogram and phylogenetic trees?

Common ancestors

____ ____ would suggest that the first cladogram is the correct approach. Is common sense objective? Is common sense scientific?

Common sense Common sense is NOT objective Common sense is NOT scientific

Binomial nomenclature is used all over the world. Why is Latin used instead of modern language? Would it be possible for two different species to have same name?

Derive from Latin No

Which group is larger: domain/kingdom?


Amnion allows eggs to develop on land without ____ ____ and has protection of membrane.

Drying out


Each branch point representing common ancestor in a cladogram

Mammals characteristics.

Endothermic Jaws connect to skull Suckle milk as baby Diaphragm between thorax and abdomen

What kingdom is this? Made from only once cell Does not contain true nucleus Not found in extreme environments


Be able to analyze a scenario to determine what kingdom is being observed under a microscope based on characteristics provided. Which kingdoms lack a nucleus?

Eubacteria and archaebacteria

To which kingdoms do you find only prokaryotic organisms? What do these organisms lack that are found in the other kingdoms?

Eubacteria and archaebacteria Nucleus

Which domain includes eukaryotic organisms?



Evolutionary development and history of a species or higher taxonomic grouping of organisms Aka phylogenesis How groups of organisms are related to each other

What kingdom is this? Made from multiple cells Gets food from rotting cells and leaves


Which kingdom contains all members that have a cell wall composed of chitin?


In which kingdoms do you find decomposers?

Fungi Eubacteria Archaebacteria

What kingdom would mushrooms go in? Unicellular/multicellular? Heterotroph/autotroph? Eukaryotes/prokaryote?

Fungi kingdom Multicellular Heterotroph (absorption) Eukaryotes

Know the ways to write the scientific name of an organism. Genus Species

Genus - first part of scientific name - always written first - first letter is capitalized - word is in italics or underlined Species - second part of scientific name - descriptive term about the species - always written second - first letter is lower cased - word is in italics or underlined


Group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area

Organ system

Group of organs that work together to perform a specific function


Group of similar cells that perform a particular function


Group of similar organism that can breed and produce fertile offspring


Group of tissues that work together to perform closely related functions


Group or ecosystems that share similar climates and typical organisms

Be able to record a scientific name in the proper format. Write homo sapien in correct format.

Homo sapien (both in either italics or underlined)

What type of structure would a cat and human have in common since they share a common ancestry that can be seen in our anatomy?

Homologous structures

What is different about the way the genus and species names are written compared to the other taxa?

In italics

What does it mean if something are placental mammals?

Inside womb

Order the classification levels and analyze relationships between the levels.

Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Ordered from least specific to most specific Categorized into three domains

Since cladogram do not account for time, this means what for a fossil? Newly discovered fossils have rewritten the cladogram for birds.

Means fossil can be analyzed in the same way as a newly discovered living species

How would a scientist have made distinction between a unicellular and a multicellular organism in the 17th, 20th, and 21st century?



Molecule containing a very large number of atoms, such as a protein, nucleic acid, or synthetic polymer; large organic molecule composed of smaller units aka monomers

Since cladistic tests all possible hypotheses objectively and permits hypotheses of relatedness to be tested, evidence that can be used comes from ____, ____, ____, ____. These four are also apart of evidence of evolution.

Morphology including embryological and vestigial structures DNA similarities Fossil similarities Geographical (species distribution)

Do cladogram account for time?


Is the absence of a characteristic relevant?


Derived characters

No other organisms share these traits except that type of species or broad category of the species


No shared characteristic in cladogram

In phylogenetic trees, how can we tell which species are oldest and which are newest? Can all species on the tree be alive?

Oldest species are at bottom of tree and youngest are at top with the new species represented by branches off the main tree More than one type of species can be alive at one time; all species on the tree may be alive

What can we do with relative progression? (3 things)

Origins of characters to others Shared derived characters Common ancestry


Part of earth in which life exists including land, water, and air or atmosphere

What represents the same information as cladogram but incorporates the concept of ____.?

Phylogenetic trees incorporates concept of time

Be able to analyze a scenario to determine what kingdom is being observed under a microscope based on characteristics provided. Which kingdom has cell wall that are brick shaped and surrounded by cell walls composed of cellulose?


What kingdom is this? Made from multiple cells Does NOT get food from rotting cells and leaves Autotrophic


What kingdom would a flower go in? Unicellular/multicellular? Heterotroph/autotroph? Eukaryotes/prokaryote?

Plantae kingdom Multicellular Autotroph Eukaryotes

What kingdom is this? Made from only one cell Contains a true nucleus (eukaryote)


Which eukaryotic kingdom gave rise to the other three eukaryotic kingdoms?


Be able to analyze a scenario to determine what kingdom is being observed under a microscope based on characteristics provided. Which kingdoms contain chloroplasts or chlorophyll?

Protista and plantae

What kingdom would amoeba go in? Unicellular/multicellular? Heterotroph/autotroph? Eukaryotes/prokaryote?

Protista kingdom Unicellular Heterotroph (ingestion or absorption) Eukaryotes

In which kingdoms do you find photosynthesizers? What are two benefits these species contribute to the planet?

Protista, plantae, eubacteria, archaebacteria Provide food and O2 (eukaryotes undergo cell resp) to other organisms and help manage the CO2 (manage temperature)

Why are the decomposers important to our planet?

Recycle nutrients in ecosystem


Smallest unit of most compounds that displays all the properties of that compound

What is the purpose of the spores in a specimen composed of hyphae and spores such as rhizopus stolonifer?

Spores' purpose is asexual reproduction

Cladogram do not account for ____.


All life on Earth shares a common origin. True or false?


Based on homology, we know humans and cats share a common ancestor. What do we not know? What can we suggest about this?

When Where How they came to be the way they are We can suggest relative progression but not exact timeline

How are humans and cats related to amniotes?

When embryos they were protected by membranes that many terrestrial vertebrate animals have

Be able to analyze a scenario to determine what kingdom is being observed under a microscope based on characteristics provided. Which specimen would be considered eukaryotic, unicellular and have a cell wall composed of chitin?

Yeast or fungi

Can fossils be placed in cladogram? Can they occupy the same status as a living (extant) organism?

Yes Yes

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