Pre AP FINALE Semester 1

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Put the following steps of the scientific method in the correct order. State the problem Test your hypothesis Analyze your data Make a conclusion Gather Information Write a hypothesis

1. State the problem 2. Gather Information 3. Write a hypothesis 4. Test your hypothesis 5. Analyze your data 6. Make a conclusion

A chemical formula uses the chemical symbol and dots representing electrons. True False


According to the law of conservation of mass, three atoms of calcium can react to produce six atoms of calcium. True False


All chemical reactions occur at the same rate. True False


All metals have two oxidation numbers. True False


Chemical equations are balanced by changing the subscripts of the molecules. True False


Exothermic reactions do not require any activation energy. True False


In the symbol K+, the + indicates the potassium atom gained a proton. True False


Lowering the temperature speeds up most chemical reactions. True False


Nonpolar molecules have a partial negative charge on one end and a partial positive charge on the other. True False


Polar molecules have ionic bonds. True False


To become more stable, an atom that has two electrons in its outer energy level will gain two electrons. True False


A group of elements that have two electrons in its outer energy level is the ______. a. alkaline earth metals b. halogens c. alkali metals d. noble gases e. none of the above


Match the following properties and changes with the correct term. a. physical change b. chemical change c. physical property 1. orange juice being made from fresh oranges 2. plants making food (glucose) out of water and carbon dioxide 3. wind and water erosion 4. leaves changing colors in the fall 5. the wall was blue

1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. c

Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy needed for a chemical reaction to begin. True False


Boiling occurs when the vapor pressure from a liquid is equal to the atmospheric pressure. True False


Energy is needed to break bonds in chemical reactions. True False


In covalent bonds, atoms share electrons to fill up energy levels. True False


Temperature is defined as the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter. True False


The N2 molecule is nonpolar. True False


The kinetic molecular theory describes the behavior of matter in terms of particles in motion. True False


The law of conservation of energy states that energy is neither created nor destroyed. True False


The rate of a reaction is the speed at which products form or reactants disappear. True False


The substance dinitrogen monoxide is a molecule with three atoms. True False


When a chemical equation contains the same number of atoms of each element on both sides, the equation is balanced. True False


When the molecules of gases are heated, the average kinetic energy of the molecules increases. True False


You are given a beaker that contains 250 mL of a light brown, "see-through" liquid . You shine a light through the liquid, and no light beam is visible (meaning that light is not scattered, it travels directly through the liquid). For the following description, choose YES if that description could be a valid description of the unknown liquid and choose NO if that description could not be a valid description of the unknown liquid. Description: it is a substance a. Yes b. No


A scientist discovers a new ingredient that she believes reduces wrinkles. In order to prove that it works she sets up an experiment. She gives group A, 40 women between the ages of 40 to 50 years old, the new reducing wrinkle cream. She gives group B, 40 women between the ages of 40 to 50 years old, regular moisturizer with a label that says new reducing wrinkle cream. Each group uses 50 mg of the cream every day for a two months on their face. At the beginning of each week the women have the same photographer take their picture. After the two months is over 32 women in group A and 4 women in group B see less wrinkles than they had 2 months before. The dependent variable is ... a. the amount of wrinkles b. the amount of women c. the type of cream d. the amount of cream e. none of the above


A scientist discovers a new ingredient that she believes reduces wrinkles. In order to prove that it works she sets up an experiment. She gives group A, 40 women between the ages of 40 to 50 years old, the new reducing wrinkle cream. She gives group B, 40 women between the ages of 40 to 50 years old, regular moisturizer with a label that says new reducing wrinkle cream. Each group uses 50 mg of the cream every day for a two months on their face. At the beginning of each week the women have the same photographer take their picture. After the two months is over 32 women in group A and 4 women in group B see less wrinkles than they had 2 months before. Which of the following is NOT a constant? a. the amount of wrinkles b. the amount of women c. the type of cream d. the amount of cream e. none of the above


A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without undergoing a permanent change itself is a(n) ______. Selected: a. catalyst. b. coefficient. c. inhibitor. d. reactant. e. none of these are correct


Complete the following chemical equation by filling in the correct formulas: K2O + MgBr2 --> _______ + ________ a. MgO + KBr b. Mg3O2 + KBr c. Mg2O + KBr2 d. Mg2K + Br2O e. None of the above are correct


Convert the following: 152 centimeters = _______________m a. 1.52 m b. 15.2 m c. 0.152 m d. 0.0152 m e. none of the above


Different forms of the same element that have different properties because of different atom arrangements are called ____. a. allotropes b. carbons c. graphites d. halogens e. none of the above


Each energy level of an atom has a maximum number of ____ it can hold. a. electrons b. neutrons c. quarks d. protons e. none of the above


In Bohr's model of the atom, electrons move around the nucleus...​ a. like planets orbiting the sun b. ​like balls rolling down a hill c. ​like a beach ball on ocean waves d. ​like popcorn in a popcorn maker e. none of the above


In the electron dot symbol shown, what kind of bond connects the two nitrogen atoms in this molecule? a. none of these are correct b. metallic bond c. single covalent bond d. ionic bond e. double covalent bond


Metals can be used as wire because they are _____. a. ductile b. malleable c. shinny d. alloys e. none of the above


Most of the time the oxidation numbers of the nonmetals are __________________________. a. negative b. covalent c. neutral d. positive e. none of these are correct


The ability of metals to reflect light is referred to as _____. a. luster b. ductility c. conductivity d. malleability e. none of the above


The bond that forms when two sugars (carbohydrates) are joined together is called a... a. glycosidic bond b. peptide bond c. ester bond d. metallic bond e. none of the above


The measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles of a substance is the ____. a. temperature b. heat c. thermal energy d. kinetic energy e. none of the above


The nucleus of an atom is ______ charged. a. positively b. negatively c. variably d. none of these


The smallest piece of an element that still retains the properties of the element is a(n) ______. a. atom b. molecule c. compound d. plasma e. none of the above


The substances on the left side of the arrow in a chemical equation are called _____. a. reactants b. nuclear reactors c. compounds d. elements e. none of these are correct


What caused some of the positively charged particles to bounce straight back from the gold foil in Rutherford's experiment?​ a. ​the positively charged nuclei of the gold atoms b. ​negative charges in the gold atoms c. ​electrons in the gold atoms d. ​other particles e. none of the above


What is the group number for elements that have a stable number of electrons in their outer energy level? a. none of these are correct b. 8 c. 2 d. 17 e. 1


What is the neutral particle that is formed when atoms share electrons? a. molecule b. cation c. ionic compound d. nucleus e. none of these are correct


What kind of chemical bond is formed when an equal exchange of electrons occurs? a. ionic b. covalent c. hydrate d. magnetic e. none of these are correct


What observation of a Cathode Ray did J.J. Thomson make that showed the existence of electrons?​ a. the negative pole of the magnet repelled the ray b. ​the positive pole of the magnet repelled the ray c. ​magnets had no effect on the ray d. ​the gold foil repelled the ray e. none of the above


What type of chemical reaction is shown in the equation 2H2O.→2H2 +O2? a. none of these are correct b. double replacement c. single replacement d. combustion e. synthesis


When the following chemical reaction is balanced, what number is placed before NH3? N2 + 3H2→ NH3 a. 2 This answer is correct. b. none of these are correct c. 3 d. 1 e. 6


Which of the following generic chemical equations represents a double replacement reaction? a. AB + CD --> CB + AD b. AB + CD --> DA + BC c. A + B --> C + D d. AB +C --> AC + B e. none of the above


Which of the following is an example of a physical change? a. evaporation in a swamp cooler b. electricity produced by a dry cell c. digestion of a hamburger d. rusting of a car body e. none of the above


Which of the following materials will burn the fastest in open air? a. a pile of small splinters made from a two-foot diameter log b. a log, two feet in diameter c. two logs, each one foot in diameter d. Both logs and the splinters will burn at the same rate.


Which region contains elements with two valence electrons? a. A b. B c. C d. D


Why is it important to approach a scientific investigation in a "non-bias" way? a. Because bias can skew the results of your experiment whether you know it or not b. Because bias will make your experiment take longer c. Because your bias may cause other scientists to become bias as well d. None of the above


You are given a beaker that contains 250 mL of a light brown, "see-through" liquid . You shine a light through the liquid, and no light beam is visible (meaning that light is not scattered, it travels directly through the liquid). For the following description, choose YES if that description could be a valid description of the unknown liquid and choose NO if that description could not be a valid description of the unknown liquid. Description: it is a liquid dissolved into another liquid a. Yes b. No


You are given a beaker that contains 250 mL of a light brown, "see-through" liquid . You shine a light through the liquid, and no light beam is visible (meaning that light is not scattered, it travels directly through the liquid). For the following description, choose YES if that description could be a valid description of the unknown liquid and choose NO if that description could not be a valid description of the unknown liquid. Description: it is a solid dissolved into a liquid a. Yes b. No


____ is NOT a homogeneous mixture. a. A salad b. Glue c. Vinegar d. Gelatin e. none of the above


​Which of the following traits stay the same as you move from L to R across a period on the periodic table? a. ​# of energy levels b. ​atomic # c. ​mass # d. ​# of valence electrons


Which of the following traits vary (change regularly) as you go from top to bottom in a group on the periodic table? (choose all that apply) a. ​# of energy levels b. intensity of reactions c. ​atomic # d. ​# of valence electrons

a b

Which of the following traits vary (change regularly) as you move from L to R across a period on the periodic table? (choose all that apply) a. ​atomic #This answer is correct. b. ​# of valence electrons c. ​metallic to nonmetallic properties d. ​# of energy levels

a b c

Which of the following traits stay the same as you move from top to bottom in a group on the periodic table? (choose all that apply) a. ​# of valence electrons b. ​# of energy levels c. ​physical and chemical properties d. ​atomic #

a c

A chemical ______ is the force that holds atoms together in a compound. a. element b. bond c. compound d. formula e. none of these are correct


A chemical reaction in which two or more simple substances combine to form another more complex substance is a ______ reaction. a. none of these are correct b. synthesis c. decomposition d. product e. reactant


A chemical reaction that releases energy in the form of heat is called _______________. a. endothermic. b. none of these are correct c. endergonic. d. exergonic e. flammable.


A scientist discovers a new ingredient that she believes reduces wrinkles. In order to prove that it works she sets up an experiment. She gives group A, 40 women between the ages of 40 to 50 years old, the new reducing wrinkle cream. She gives group B, 40 women between the ages of 40 to 50 years old, regular moisturizer with a label that says new reducing wrinkle cream. Each group uses 50 mg of the cream every day for a two months on their face. At the beginning of each week the women have the same photographer take their picture. After the two months is over 32 women in group A and 4 women in group B see less wrinkles than they had 2 months before. The control is.... a. Group A b. Group B c. Both Group A and B d. None of the above


A___________________ shows you the elements that are in a compound and how many atoms of each element are in the compound. a. superscript b. chemical formula c. subscript d. chemical symbol e. none of these are correct


An allotrope of carbon that is hard and is often used in jewelry is ______. a. silver b. diamond c. quartz d. graphite e. none of the above


As a sample of matter is heated, its particles ____. a. are unaffected b. move more quickly c. move more slowly d. stop moving e. none of the above


Compared to most substances, water is unusual because it ____ when it goes from the liquid to solid state. a. contracts b. expands c. melts d. diffuses e. none of the above


Complete the following chemical equation by providing the correct chemical formulas: Al2O3 + Rb ---> __________ + __________ a. RbO + Al b. Rb2O + Al c. AlRb + O2 d. Rb2O + Al2 e. None of the above are correct


Convert 2.45 mol of NO2 to grams of NO2 Choose the correct answer below. a. 111.7 grams b. 112.7 grams c. 18.78 grams d. 121.7 grams


Elements in groups 3 through 12 are called ______. a. metalloids b. transition elements c. noble gases d. isotopes e. none of the above


Hydrogen is grouped with the alkali metals because it _____. a. is a metal b. has one electron in its outer energy level c. it is a gas d. does not readily form compounds e. none of the above


In a combustion reaction, the main products of the reaction are __________. a. oxygen and water b. carbon dioxide, water, and heat energy c. none of these are correct d. carbon dioxide and oxygen e. oxygen, water, and heat


Numbers that precede symbols and formulas in a chemical equation are called ______. a. none of these are correct b. coefficients. c. fractions. d. subscripts. e. superscripts.


The breaking down of a substance into two or more substances is ______. a. endothermic. b. decomposition. c. displacement. d. none of these are correct e. synthesis.


The following are examples of chemical properties except ____. a. the ability to burn b. the ability to be crushed c. the ability to react with oxygen d. toxicity e. none of the above


The following generic chemical equation shows how this type of reaction works... AB --> A + B a. synthesis b. decomposition c. single replacement d. double replacement e. none of the above


The hydrocarbon molecule called "ethyne" contains the following: a. single covalent bonds only b. at least one double covalent bond c. triple covalent bonds only d. at least one triple covalent bond e. none of the above


The primary similarity between a LAW and a THEORY in science is.... a. They both have been scientifically proven to be 100 % true all the time b. They both are supported with data from experimentation c. Neither of them have been proven to be 100% true all the time d. None of the above


The substances on the right side of the arrow in a chemical equation are called_________________. a. none of these are correct b. products c. compounds d. reactants e. elements


The substances that are put into a chemical reaction are called.... a. products b. reactants c. entrants d. ingredients e. none of the above


The substances that result from a chemical reaction are called... a. reactants b. products c. entrants d. exit ingredients e. none of the above


This type of reaction requires more energy to break the original bonds then is released when new bonds are formed. a. none of these are correct b. endergonic c. replacement d. exothermic e. combustion


What element is used in sprinkler heads to lower the melting point of the metal rod which will allow water to flow out? a. antimony b. bismuth c. carbon d. arsenic e. none of the above


What is the base unit for liquid volume? a. mL b. L c. dL d. cm^3 e. none of the above


What two groups are found in every amino acid? a. -COOH and -OH b. -COOH and -NH2 c. -NH2 and -OH2 d. -COOH and -NOOH e. none of the above


What type of reaction involves 2 simple substances combining to form a more complex compound? a. decomposition b. synthesis c. single replacement d. double replacement e. none of the above


Which metalloid is in the fourth period and the same group as Carbon? a. Silicon b. Germanium c. Tin d. Boron e. None of the above


Which of the following chemical formulas does not represent a hydrocarbon? a. C2H6 b. C6H12O6 c. C4H10 d. C5H12 e. none of the above a. a b. b c. c d. d e. e


Which of the following molecules is made up of a sugar, nitrogenous base and phosphate group? a. Carbohydrate b. Nucleic Acid c. Protein d. Lipid e. none of the above


Which of the following prefixes indicates a hydrocarbon with 3 central carbons? a. but- b. pro- c. meth- d. iso- e. none of the above


Which region contains the alkaline earth metal family of elements? a. A b. B c. C d. D


You are given a beaker that contains 250 mL of a light brown, "see-through" liquid . You shine a light through the liquid, and no light beam is visible (meaning that light is not scattered, it travels directly through the liquid). For the following description, choose YES if that description could be a valid description of the unknown liquid and choose NO if that description could not be a valid description of the unknown liquid. Description: it is a colloid a. Yes b. No


You are given a beaker that contains 250 mL of a light brown, "see-through" liquid . You shine a light through the liquid, and no light beam is visible (meaning that light is not scattered, it travels directly through the liquid). For the following description, choose YES if that description could be a valid description of the unknown liquid and choose NO if that description could not be a valid description of the unknown liquid. Description: it is a suspension a. Yes b. No


a. Liquid b. Solution c. Substance d. Suspension e. none of the above


Which of the following would be classified as substituted hydrocarbons? (CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY) a. ethyne b. tetrachloroethene c. ethane d. benzene e. propane f. acetic acid g. all of the above h. none of the above

b c

A characteristic of matter that allows it to change to something new is a ____. a. physical property b. physical change c. chemical property d. chemical change e. none of the above


A scientist discovers a new ingredient that she believes reduces wrinkles. In order to prove that it works she sets up an experiment. She gives group A, 40 women between the ages of 40 to 50 years old, the new reducing wrinkle cream. She gives group B, 40 women between the ages of 40 to 50 years old, regular moisturizer with a label that says new reducing wrinkle cream. Each group uses 50 mg of the cream every day for a two months on their face. At the beginning of each week the women have the same photographer take their picture. After the two months is over 32 women in group A and 4 women in group B see less wrinkles than they had 2 months before. The independent variable is..... a. the amount of wrinkles b. the amount of women c. the type of cream d. the amount of cream e. none of the above


According to the law of conservation of mass, how does the mass of the products in a chemical reaction compare with the mass of the reactants? a. none of these are correct b. The mass of the reactants is greater. c. The masses are equal d. There is no relationship. e. The mass of the products is greater.


All ____ except mercury are solids at room temperature. a. metalloids b. nonmetals c. metals d. mixtures e. none of the above


All of the following are examples of physical changes except ____. a. melting b. evaporating c. burning d. solidifying e. none of the above


Can you retake tests in this class? a. Yes b. No c. Yes - but only 1 per semester


Convert 79.53 grams of PO4 to moles of PO4 Choose the correct answer from below a. 755.53 moles b. 0.637 moles c. 0.837 moles d. 0.937 moles e. None of the above are correct


Elements that lie along the stair-step line of the periodic table are ____. a. liquids b. metals c. metalloids d. radioactive e. none of the above


Increasing ____ raises the boiling point of a liquid. a. atmospheric temperature b. the amount of liquid c. atmospheric pressure d. atmospheric volume e. none of the above


L x W x H is the formula for what? a. liquid volume b. the volume of an irregular shaped object c. the volume of a regular shaped object d. area e. none of the above


Substances that conduct an electric current only under certain conditions are most likely to be ______. a. metals b. nonmetals c. metalloids d. noble gases e. none of the above


The amount of energy needed to change a material from a solid to a liquid is called the heat of____. a. condensation b. evaporation c. fusion d. vaporization e. none of the above


The most common state of matter in the universe is ____. a. gas b. liquid c. plasma d. solid e. none of the above


The name given to the number of electrons an atom gains or loses is the _________. a. ionic number b. atomic number c. oxidation number d. atomic mass e. none of these are correct


What does the term "saturated" mean when used to describe a hydrocarbon molecule? a. the molecule has at least one double bond b. the molecule has at least one triple bond c. the molecule has only single bonds d. the molecule has the ability to contain more hydrogen than it actually is e. none of the above


What is the base unit for temperature in the SI system? a. Celsius b. Fahrenheit c. Kelvin d. None of the above


Which elements are found in all of the biological molecules? a. C, N, O b. C, S, O c. C, H, O d. C, P, O e. none of the above


The idea that matter is made up of small particles that are in constant motion is ____. a. Bernoulli's principle b. heat of fusion c. Charles's law d. the kinetic theory of matter e. none of the above


Which of the following enables carbon to form so many different compounds? a. Carbon has 4 valence electrons and will bond only to other carbon atoms b. Carbon has 4 valence electrons and forms only single bonds with other atoms c. Carbon has 4 valence electrons and are able to link together with other atoms in different arrangements d. Carbon atoms have 4 valence electrons and bond only to hydrogen atoms e. None of the above


Which of the following is a carboxyl group? a. -OH b. -SH c. -COOH d. -NH2 e. none of the above


Which of the following shows a correct way to balance this chemical equation: Fe + O2 > Fe2O3 A. 4 Fe + 3 O2 > 2 Fe2O B. 2 Fe + 3 O2 > Fe2O6 C. 4 Fe + 3O2 > 2 Fe2O3 D. 2 Fe + 3 O2 > Fe2O3 E. None of the above a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E


Which region contains the halogen family of elements? a. A b. B c. C d. D


Why do the noble gases NOT form compounds readily? a. They have no electrons. b. They have six electrons in their outer energy levels. c. None of these are correct d. They have empty outer energy levels. e. Their outer energy levels are filled to capacity with electrons


hich one of the following factors would not speed up a chemical reaction? a. none of these are correct b. adding a catalyst c. making the reactant particles larger d. raising the temperature e. increasing the concentration of a reactant


The burning of gasoline in an automobile engine is an example of a(n) _____. (select ALL that apply) a. endothermic reaction b. photosynthesis reaction c. combustion reaction d. exothermic reaction e. reversible reaction

c d

A certain atom has 26 protons, 26 electrons, and 30 neutrons. Its mass number is ______. a. 26 b. 30 c. 52 d. 56 e. none of the above


Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons are called ______. a. metalloids b. radioactive c. transition elements d. isotopes e. none of the above


Balance the following chemical equation: Na + HCl --> H2 + NaCl A. Na + 4HCl --> 2H2 + 4NaCl B. Na + 2HCl --> H2 + NaCl2 C. Na + HCl --> H + NaCl D. 2Na + 2HCl --> H2 + 2NaCl E. None of the above are correct a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E


Compounds that have the same chemical formula but different molecular structures and shapes are called_____________________ a. isolates b. isotopes c. inorganics d. isomers e. none of the above


Convert the following: 0.5km = _______________cm a. 500 cm b. 5,000 cm c. 0.00005 cm d. 50,000 cm e. none of the above


Dot diagrams are used to represent ______. a. the structure of the nucleus b. atomic number c. isotopes d. valence electrons e. none of the above


Horizontal rows of the periodic table are called ______. a. groups b. families c. clusters d. periods e. none of the above


How many electrons are needed in the outer energy levels of most atoms for the atom to be chemically stable? a. 4 b. 6 c. 2 d. 8 e. none of these are correct


If energy in the form of heat is required for a chemical reaction to take place, the reaction is ______. a. exergonic b. endergonic c. balanced d. none of these are correct e. exothermic


In _____ bonding, positively charged metallic ions are surrounded by a sea of electrons. a. ionic b. covalent c. triple d. metallic e. none of the above


In general, metals are ____. a. poor conductors of heat b. brittle c. poor conductors of electricity d. good conductors of heat e. none of the above


In this type of reaction, the energy required to break the original bonds is less than the energy released when new bonds form. a. endergonic b. none of these are correct c. precipitate d. exergonic e. aqueous


Particles of matter that make up protons and neutrons are ______. a. electrons b. isotopes c. atoms d. quarks e. none of the above


The amount of energy needed to change a material from a liquid to a gas is called the heat of____. a. condensation b. evaporation c. fusion d. vaporization e. none of the above


The following are examples of physical properties EXCEPT ____. a. density b. shape c. color d. ability to react with oxygen e. none of the above


The law of conservation of mass says that... a. mass always created and destroyed in a chemical reaction b. mass is only destroyed during a chemical reaction not created c. mass is only created during a chemical reaction not destroyed d. mass is never created or destroyed during a chemical reaction e. none of the above


The two rows of elements that seem to be disconnected from the rest of the periodic table are the _____. a. nonmetals b. halogens c. noble gases d. transition elements e. none of the above


What grade reduction will you receive on a lab that is turned in late? a. 10% per day b. 25% c. 15% per day d. 50%


What is the fundamental difference between the 20 amino acids? a. the amine group b. the carboxylic acid group c. the hydroxyl group d. the R side chain e. none of the above


What is the purpose of a conclusion? a. to explain whether you supported your hypothesis or not b. to summarize your experiment c. to answer your question/problem that you started with d. all of the above


What type of reaction is shown in the chemical equation NH3 + HCl.→NH4Cl? a. none of these are correct b. single replacement c. decomposition d. synthesis e. double replacement


When one element replaces another element in a compound, the reaction is a ______ reaction. a. none of these are correct b. double replacement c. decomposition d. single replacement e. synthesis


Which change in state requires that energy be added to the substance? a. freezing b. deposition c. condensing d. vaporizing e. none of the above


Which of the following elements will likely form a negative ion in its ionic compounds? a. Al, aluminum b. Mg, magnesium c. Li, lithium d. Cl, Chlorine e. none of these are correct


Which of the following formulas represents a saturated hydrocarbon? a. C4H6 b. C6H12O6 c. C4H8 d. C3H6 e. none of the above a. a b. b c. c d. d. e. e


Which of the following is a polyatomic ion? a. None of these are correct b. H2SO4 c. H+ d. NO3- e. Cl-


Which of the following is an example of a chemical change? a. painting a house b. freezing water c. bending steel d. baking soda in water e. none of the above


Which of the following would be the symbol (abbreviation) for "decimeter"? a. DM b. dam c. dkm d. dm e. none of the above


Why is it necessary to balance chemical equations? a. so the equation abides by the law of conservation of mass b. so that the total mass of the reactants is equal to the total mass of the products c. so that there are equal numbers of atoms of each element on each side of the equation d. all of the above e. none of the above


n chemical formulas, the number of atoms in a unit of the compound is shown by numbers called ______. a. oxidation numbers b. hydrates c. superscripts d. subscripts e. none of these are correct


A charged particle is known as a(n) ______. a. none of these are correct b. gas c. plasma d. neutron e. ion


A chemical bond that occurs when atoms share electrons is a(n) ______ bond. a. ionic b. polyatomic c. none of these are correct d. magnetic e. covalent


A cork is able to float on water because it is ____. a. a crystalline solid b. equal in density to water c. small in size d. greater in density than the water e. none of the above


A group of atoms that acts together as one charged atom is a ______. a. ion group b. negative ion c. crystal d. molecule e. none of these are correct


Convert the following: 45.6 cm = _______________m a. 456 m b. 4.56 m c. 0.00456 m d. 0.0456 m e. none of the above


From the statements below, choose the one that best matches the following chemical equation: 3Be(s) + N2 (g) ----> Be3N2(s) a. 3 units of liquid beryllium combines with 1 unit of nitrogen gas to yield 1 unit of beryllium nitride b. 3 units of solid beryllium combines with 1 unit of nitrogen gas to yield 1 unit of solid beryllium nitride c. 3 units of solid beryllium combines with 2 units of nitrogen gas to yield 3 units of beryllium and 2 units of nitrogen d. 3 units of barium combines with 2 units of nitrogen gas to yield 1 unit of solid beryllium nitride e. none of the above


In general, nonmetals are ____. a. good conductors of electricity b. malleable and ductile c. good conductors of heat d. solids at room temperature e. none of the above


Most matter ____ when heated. a. condenses b. contracts c. reduces d. solidifies e. none of the above


Most of the mass of an atom is found in its ____. a. protons only b. electron cloud c. atomic number d. mass number e. none of the above


Some elements are unlikely to lose or gain electrons, but share electrons to form covalent bonds. Which of the following elements is most likely to form covalent bonds? a. none of these would form covalent bonds b. chlorine (#17) c. oxygen (#8) d. sulfur (#16) e. silicon (#14)


Substances that prevent and/or slow down certain chemical reactions are called ______. a. products b. catalysts c. endothermics. d. preventors e. none of these are correct


The attraction that forms between atoms when they share electrons is known as a(n) ______ bond. a. none of these are correct b. net c. simple d. ionic e. covalent


The most unreactive group of elements is the _____. a. halogens b. alkaline earth metals c. alkali metals d. transition elements e. none of the above


What are the 2 main products of a combustion reaction? a. oxygen and carbon dioxide b. carbon dioxide and nitrogen c. water and oxygen d. carbon dioxide and solid carbon e. none of the above are correct


What does the prefix milli- mean? a. thousand b. hundredth c. tenth d. hundred e. none of the above


Which of the following compounds is not likely to have ionic bonds? a. NaCl b. All of these are likely to have ionic bonds c. LiF d. MgF2 e. CH4


Which of the following could represent a single replacement reaction? a. compound = element + element b. compound +compound = compound + compound c. element + element = compound d. none of these are correct e. element + compound = element + compound


Which of the following elements is found in all organic compounds? a. Hydrogen b. Oxygen c. Nitrogen d. Phosphorus e. None of the above


___________________are formed from amino acids. a. fats b. carbohydrates c. nucleic Acids d. lipids e. none of the above


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