Pre-Clinic 11 Midterm Review

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The first statement is true and the second statement is false.

A plan for treatment or personal oral care outcomes, created in consultation with the patient, contains at least one goal for each oral health problem identified in the dental hygiene diagnosis. A plan for treatment or personal oral care outcomes, created in consultation with the patient, contains a unrealistic time frame for measuring success.

anterior sickle

A sickle scaler with a straight, simple shank is a(n) _______.

The first statement is true; the second statement is false.

A universal curet has two cutting edges that are level with one another. A universal curet can be used to remove only supragingival calculus throughout the mouth.

the dentist

The patient's periodontal diagnosis is formulated by:

proper terminology for patient understanding and face-to-face interaction

The procedure to present the care plan to the patient includes:


The study of health and disease in populations is:


The total number of cases of a specific disease or condition in existence in a given population at a certain time is called:

both statements are false

Pinch pressure refers to the force applied to the fulcrum finger. Lateral pressure should be applied between instrumentation strokes.


Prognosis is considered a look ahead to an anticipated ________ or end point expected from the dental hygiene intervention selected for an individual patient.

8, 3, 6, 9, 2, 1, 4, 10, 5, 7

Put the following steps for calculus removal in the correct sequence. 1) My finger rest 2) My dominant hand 3) My patient 4) My adaptation 5) My stabilization 6) My equipment 7) My activation 8) Me 9) My nondominant hand 10) My angulation


The "Get Ready Zone" is in the _____ of the crown.

smoking cessation information, self-examination, oral cancer risks, periodontal disease information

The care plan for a 50-year-old smoker of 1.5 packs of cigarettes/day with a white patch on lateral border of tongue would include which service(s)?

economic considerations for services.

The dental hygiene care plan includes all of the following except:

Identify patient needs that can be met by implementing treatment and education interventions that are within the scope of dental hygiene practice

The dental hygiene diagnosis serves which function?

Observe the relationship between the distal surface of the molar and the lower shank of the instrument; the lower shank should be parallel to the distal surface.

To select the correct working-end for use on the distal surface of a molar tooth, the clinician should do which of the following?

both statements are true

When the tip-third of the sickle cutting edge is adapted, the middle-third of the cutting edge is not adapted. Since anterior teeth are curved, only the tip-third of the sickle can be adapted.


When using OSCAR as a treatment plan for dental hygiene care, the "S" is for:

evidence-based care

When you provide oral care based on relevant, scientifically sound research, it is called:


Which dental index evaluates both debris and calculus and examines the facial surfaces of teeth 3, 8, 14, and 24 and lingual surfaces of 19 and 30?


Which index is only used with groups who have primary teeth?

Moderate pressure to snap deposit from the tooth

Which of the following correctly describes the type of lateral pressure used with a calculus removal stroke?

inadequate biofilm removal

Which of the following is a behavioral risk factor for dental caries?

Restore and maintain health of the periodontal tissues

Which of the following is the primary objective of the dental hygiene plan for periodontal therapy?

Notation of the patient's chief complaint Patient's name Patient's date of birth

Which one of the following is a component of the demographic data in the care plan?


Which one of the following is not a risk factor for oral cancer?

determine goals based upon patient needs

Which one of the following steps should be first in developing a care plan?


Which one of the following types of stain is considered an intrinsic stain?

Horizontal bone loss

bone destruction parallel to a line between CEJs of adjacent teeth

0 to 40 degrees

A closed angle is one in which the face-to-tooth surface angulation is between _____.

dental hygiene prognosis

A judgment regarding the results (outcomes) expected to be achieved from oral treatment provided by the dental hygienist is called:

formation of stannous sulfide

Case Study 1 Jill Carter is a 27-year-old female; she presents herself for a maintenance examination and prophylaxis. Her last recall visit was 6 months ago, and, at that time, the dentist prescribed a brush-on fluoride gel to control caries. Jill states, "I am upset by the stains on my teeth; I don't drink coffee or smoke." She asked the RDH where this stain came from, what it is called, and how it will be removed. After carefully reviewing the medical history with Jill (she is not taking any medications) and a thorough examination, the RDH concludes she has staining. Open and read the attached case to answer the following question. Her stain is most likely caused by:

scaling and polishing

Case Study 1 Jill Carter is a 27-year-old female; she presents herself for a maintenance examination and prophylaxis. Her last recall visit was 6 months ago, and, at that time, the dentist prescribed a brush-on fluoride gel to control caries. Jill states, "I am upset by the stains on my teeth; I don't drink coffee or smoke." She asked the RDH where this stain came from, what it is called, and how it will be removed. After carefully reviewing the medical history with Jill (she is not taking any medications) and a thorough examination, the RDH concludes she has staining. Stains occurring directly on the tooth surface can be removed by:

used in mouthrinses and are effective against plaque formation.

Chlorhexidine and alexidine are:

enamel hypomineralization resulting from ingestion of excessive fluoride during tooth mineralization.

Dental fluorosis is:


Discoloration of the teeth of a child can result when tetracycline is administered to the mother during the ____________ trimester of pregnancy.

Allows for consent of planned treatment Lists sequence of treatment to be rendered Informs patient of length of treatment

Explaining the plan to the patient serves which function?

coffee, tea, and tobacco. food. bacteria. some medications.

Extrinsic stains may be caused by:

Both statements are true

For successful instrumentation, correct angulation of the working-end must be maintained throughout the instrumentation stroke. Incorrect angulation can result in a burnished calculus deposit.

using multidirectional strokes on tooth surfaces

If you "crosshatch" during instrumentation, you are:


In 2004, 150 new cases of squamous cell carcinoma were reported among a group of 5,000 seniors examined in the county. This is an example of:

Type II

Inflammation into the deeper periodontal structures with slight bone loss and connective tissue attachment describes which periodontal classification type?

addresses risks of doing or not doing procedures

Informed consent carries which characteristic?

universal curet

Isabella is examining the working-end of a periodontal instrument. The instrument has a rounded toe, rounded back, and two cutting edges per working-end. What design classification is this instrument?

remove large supra gingival calculus deposits

James is about to use a sickle scaler. What is the function of this instrument?

adapting the middle-third of the working-end to the tooth

James is removing calculus deposits located at the gingival margin of a mandibular anterior tooth. As he works around the tooth, his instrument cuts the soft tissue of the gingiva. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the tissue trauma?


Jill Carter is a 27-year-old female; she presents herself for a maintenance examination and prophylaxis. Her last recall visit was 6 months ago, and, at that time, the dentist prescribed a brush-on fluoride gel to control caries. Jill states, "I am upset by the stains on my teeth; I don't drink coffee or smoke." She asked the RDH where this stain came from, what it is called, and how it will be removed. After carefully reviewing the medical history with Jill (she is not taking any medications) and a thorough examination, the RDH concludes she has staining. Open and read the attached case to answer the following question. The RDH explains to the patient that this type of stain is:

Achieved by pressing the tip of the fulcrum finger against the tooth surface

Stabilization of the hand during instrumentation is:

all of the errors listed

Your classmate, Paz, is having trouble removing calculus and asks you to observe her working in clinic. Which of the following technique errors could cause problems with calculus removal? 1) The wrong clock position 2) The wrong patient position 3) Incorrect grasp 4) Bent fulcrum finger 5) Incorrect angulation 6) Incorrect adaptation

explain that coffee stain is primarily an esthetic concern

Your patient Jack is a heavy coffee drinker and has just come in for a 6-month recare appointment. Jack has a lot of stain and he is concerned that it may cause him to lose his teeth. Jack has pocket depths of 3 to 4 mm, and his overall oral hygiene is good. How will you address Jack's concerns?

Mr. todd's toothache

Your patient Mr. Todd has come into the office for his 6-month recare appointment. Mr. Todd tells you that he has had a constant toothache around #3 and that it seems to be getting worse. Mr. Todd is not due for radiographs and is anxious for you to start because he has a lot of stain on his front teeth. Mr. Todd explains to you that he no longer has insurance and hopes the prophylaxis won't cost him too much. The chief complaint is:

brown stain

ill Carter is a 27-year-old female; she presents herself for a maintenance examination and prophylaxis. Her last recall visit was 6 months ago, and, at that time, the dentist prescribed a brush-on fluoride gel to control caries. Jill states, "I am upset by the stains on my teeth; I don't drink coffee or smoke." She asked the RDH where this stain came from, what it is called, and how it will be removed. After carefully reviewing the medical history with Jill (she is not taking any medications) and a thorough examination, the RDH concludes she has staining. Open and read the attached case to answer the following question. The type of stain is most likely:

Vertical bone loss

the level of crest bone between the second premolar and the first molar is not parallel with a line between the cejs of the same tooth

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