Preparation for Catcher in the Rye Exam

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Bernice, Marty, & Laverne

3 women that Holden meets and dances with at the Lavender Room

According to Holden, what is "the best thing" about the Museum of Natural History? A. "That everything always stayed right where it was" B. "That no goddam phonies ever went there" C. "That this one crazy Indian always reminds [him] of Allie" D. "That the birds look exactly like the ducks in the lagoon"

A. "That everything always stayed right where it was"

Once back in New York, the first person Holden tries to invite for a drink is A. A cab driver B. Faith Cavendish C. Carl Luce D. Sally Hayes

A. A cab driver

What might symbolize resurrection? A. Ducks B. Ossenburger C. Hat D. Pond E. Jesus

A. Ducks

Who does Holden call from the hotel room after spying on people in the other rooms? A. Faith Cavendish, a possibly promiscuous girl, whose number he has B. Phoebe, his sister C. His parents D. Jane, the girl he used to play checkers with

A. Faith Cavendish, a possibly promiscuous girl, whose number he has

Holden tells the girls he saw ________ at the Lavender Room. A. Gary Cooper B. Laurence Olivier C. Peter Lorre D. Alfred Lunt

A. Gary Cooper

What does Holden say about the guys at Pencey? A. He actually kind of misses them. B. He hates them. C. He thinks they're like everyone else in the world. D. He wishes they were there with him.

A. He actually kind of misses them.

After Maurice hits Holden in the crotch, what does Holden do? A. He repeatedly insults Maurice, resulting in further physical punishment. B. He punches Maurice in the face. C. He collapses to the floor, cursing at Sunny. D. He hops around the room, spewing profanities while smoke comes out of his ears.

A. He repeatedly insults Maurice, resulting in further physical punishment.

Who said, "The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was"? A. Holden B. Sunny C. Sally D. Phoebe E. Jane

A. Holden

What or who is the "catcher in the rye"? A. Holden's dream job B. Phoebe's favorite stuffed animal C. An old college buddy of Holden's father D. A symbolically important drinking glass

A. Holden's dream job

According to Holden, he knew he was happy when he was A. Holding hands with Jane B. Writing essays for Mr. Spencer C. Fooling "phonies" with elaborate lies D. Listening to Ernie play piano

A. Holding hands with Jane

How does Holden see children? A. Innocent B. Phony C. Self-centered D. Uncaring E. False

A. Innocent

Which of the following was not one of Holden's teachers? A. Luce B. Vinson C. Spencer D. Antolini

A. Luce

Who said, "This fall I think you're riding for—it's a special kind of fall, a horrible kind"? A. Mr. Antolini B. Mr. Spencer C. Stradlater D. Ackley E. Ossenburger

A. Mr. Antolini

What is the name of the benefactor of Holden's dormitory wing? A. Ossenburger B. Fawcett C. Weiss D. Merriman

A. Ossenburger

Although Phoebe's real middle name is "Josephine," she signs her name as A. Phoebe Weatherfield Caulfield B. Phoebe Allie Caulfield C. Phoebe Benedict Arnold Caulfield D. Phoebe "Mad Dog" Caulfield

A. Phoebe Weatherfield Caulfield

Holden tries to punch Stradlater immediately after A. Stradlater refuses to answer Holden's questions about his date. B. Stradlater suddenly attacks him. C. Stradlater brags about his sexual conquests. D. Stradlater rips his hound's-tooth jacket.

A. Stradlater refuses to answer Holden's questions about his date.

When the novel begins, Holden describes A. Watching a football game B. Taking a train to New York C. Recuperating in a tuberculosis rest home D. Riding a carousel in Central Park

A. Watching a football game

What does Stradlater ask Holden to do for him while he's out on his date? A. Write a composition for him describing a room B. Do his laundry C. Write a composition about a personal memory D. Do his math homework

A. Write a composition for him describing a room

What's the problem with talking to people about your life, according to Holden? A. You start to miss people. B. They don't get what you're saying. C. They give bad advice. D. You scare them off.

A. You start to miss people.

How did Allie die? A. leukemia B. World War II C. a car accident D. polio

A. leukemia

What is the significance of Stradlater's razor? A. shows how the conceited Stradlater is actually a slob B. symbolizes the violence of adulthood C. foreshadows how Holden will attempt suicide D. symbolizes adulthood

A. shows how the conceited Stradlater is actually a slob

Bob Robinson

Actually has an inferiority complex but girls think he's arrogant

What item of clothing did Holden buy during the team's trip to New York? A. A hound's-tooth jacket B. A red hunting hat C. A brown derby D. A pink leisure suit

B. A red hunting hat

Which of the following characters symbolizes childhood innocence for Holden? A. Lillian Simmons B. Allie Caulfield C. Robert Ackley D. D.B. Caulfield

B. Allie Caulfield

How does Holden feel about sex? A. Wonderful B. Gross C. Clean D. Unopposed E. Open

B. Gross

Why does Holden believe that everyone mistakes him for an older person? A. He uses obscure French words and phrases. B. He has prematurely graying hair. C. He has a perpetual five-o'clock shadow. D. He is 6'4".

B. He has prematurely graying hair.

Holden was forced to return early to school from New York because A. His parents caught him in their apartment. B. He lost the fencing team's equipment. C. He desperately wanted to see the final football game. D. He needed to see Mr. Spencer.

B. He lost the fencing team's equipment.

Why did Holden miss his brother's funeral? A. He had a test that he couldn't miss. B. He was in the hospital after breaking the garage windows with his bare hands. C. He got the days mixed up. D. He was with a prostitute.

B. He was in the hospital after breaking the garage windows with his bare hands.

At breakfast, Holden is surprised that the nun A. Eats fatty foods B. Likes Romeo and Juliet C. Shows no remorse over stealing the collection money D. Spits water on her partner's face

B. Likes Romeo and Juliet

What is the name of the school Holden is attending at the beginning of his story? A. The Whooton School B. Pencey Prep C. Don Bosco High D. Elkton Hills

B. Pencey Prep

What represents something honest? A. Ducks B. Phoebe's notebook C. Record D. Hat E. Trains

B. Phoebe's notebook

Holden nostalgically remembers the way Jane Gallagher used to A. Talk about the Museum of Natural History B. Play checkers C. Write stories D. Ride her bike

B. Play checkers

Who said, "I'd love to. Grand"? A. Jane B. Sally C. DB D. Allie E. Phoebe

B. Sally

Which of the following statements about Jane Gallagher is not true? A. She represents Holden's inability to conceive of women as anything but entirely pure or entirely corrupt. B. She represents Holden's contempt for phoniness. C. Her relationship with her stepfather represents Holden's distrust of adult authority. D. She represents innocent gender relations for Holden.

B. She represents Holden's contempt for phoniness.

What record is broken? A. Shirley Temple B. Shirley Beans C. Frank Sinatra D. Fleetwood Mac E. Lady Gaga

B. Shirley Beans

Why does Holden think Sally wants to go ice-skating? A. Because she knows how good a skater Holden is B. So she can wear a short skating skirt C. Because Sally's a gifted skater D. So she can show off that she's out with him

B. So she can wear a short skating skirt

Who said, "Like fun you are"? A. Holden B. Sunny C. Allie D. Phoebe E. Jane

B. Sunny

What smell permeates Mr. Spencer's home? A. Cigar Smoke B. Vicks Nose Drops C. Alcohol D. Potpourri

B. Vicks Nose Drops

Which of the following items best symbolizes adulthood for Holden? A. Little Shirley Beans record B. Vicks Nose Drops C. Red hunting hat D. Toenail clipper

B. Vicks Nose Drops

As he prepares to leave New York City, Holden repeatedly encounters A. Mr. Antolini B. Vulgarity scrawled on walls C. His brother's ghost D. Ackley and Stradlater

B. Vulgarity scrawled on walls

After his fight with Stradlater, Holden claims that he is a/an ________. A. sadist B. pacifist C. anarchist D. wimp

B. pacifist

Ed Banky

Basketball coach at Pencey who favored Stradlater

The Secret Goldfish

Book of short stories D.B. wrote

Carl Luce

Boy Holden knew from Whooton School and met at the Wicker Bar; very intelligent; Holden speaks to him about sex and Chinese philosophy

The elevator operator at the Edmont offers to get Holden A. Drugs B. Complimentary breakfast C. A prostitute D. Movie tickets

C. A prostitute

What does Holden buy for Phoebe? A. A book titled Out of Africa B. An autographed photograph of Robert Donat C. A record titled "Little Shirley Beans" D. A pair of yellow shoes

C. A record titled "Little Shirley Beans"

After Holden checks into his room at the Edmont Hotel, what does he see out of his window? A. A parade B. A flock of ducks flying away from the Central Park lagoon C. A variety of bizarre sex acts going on in other rooms of the hotel D. Jane Gallagher fooling around with Stradlater

C. A variety of bizarre sex acts going on in other rooms of the hotel

Which prep school did Holden NOT attend? A. Elkton Hills B. Pencey C. Andover D. Whooton

C. Andover

Why does Holden flee from the nightclub? A. He sees his parents across the room. B. He feels dizzy and his nose starts bleeding. C. Because he runs into Lillian Simmons, who annoys him. D. He can't get Mr. Spencer's lecture out of his head.

C. Because he runs into Lillian Simmons, who annoys him.

In what month does the novel take place? A. November B. January C. December D. May

C. December

Which character does Holden talk to during the course of the novel? A. Jane Gallagher B. Hazle Weatherfield C. Faith Cavendish D. D.B. Caulfield

C. Faith Cavendish

What does Stradlater think of the essay Holden wrote for him? A. He's angry that it's written in rhymes. B. He's moved to tears by it. C. He hates it and complains that it's about the wrong subject. D. He loves it and begs Holden to write another essay for him.

C. He hates it and complains that it's about the wrong subject.

Holden leaves Mr. Antolini's apartment because A. Mr. Antolini passes out drunk. B. He feels sick. C. He thinks Mr. Antolini made a pass at him. D. Mr. Antolini throws him out.

C. He thinks Mr. Antolini made a pass at him.

Which of the following things does Holden NOT like? A. Allie Caulfield B. The nuns at Grand Central C. Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms" D. James Castle

C. Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms"

Just before he leaves her room, Phoebe gives Holden A. A stern scolding B. A record she had bought for him C. Her Christmas money D. His red hunting hat

C. Her Christmas money

How does the novel end? A. Phoebe and Holden hitchhike out West. B. Holden goes to live with D.B. in California. C. Holden is getting better and plans to go back to school in the Fall. D. Holden and Jane are married and living in New York.

C. Holden is getting better and plans to go back to school in the Fall.

Who said, "You don't like anything that's happening"? A. Holden B. Sally C. Phoebe D. Ossenburger E. Carl

C. Phoebe

What did Allie write on his baseball glove? A. Bible verses B. Baseball stats C. Poems D. The names of girls he liked

C. Poems

After his encounter with Maurice, Holden A. Calls the police B. Calls Jane Gallagher C. Pretends he's a movie character who has been shot D. Realizes he's in love with Sunny

C. Pretends he's a movie character who has been shot

As Holden predicted, Sally is excited to A. Talk about their futures B. Openly discuss their problems and emotions C. See the Lunts D. Listen to "Little Shirley Beans"

C. See the Lunts

Which sentence about Carl Luce's girlfriend is not true? A. She is Chinese. B. She is older than Carl. C. She lives in Brooklyn. D. She is a sculptress.

C. She lives in Brooklyn.

Who does not symbolize Holden's views of sex? A. Mrs. Antolini B. the guests at the Edmond Hotel C. Sunny D. Faith Cavendish

C. Sunny

What is Phoebe's favorite movie? A. The Wizard of Oz B. Gone With the Wind C. The 39 Steps D. The Doctor

C. The 39 Steps

Where does Holden get drunk? A. Lavender Room B. Ernie's C. Wicker Bar D. Edmond Hotel

C. Wicker Bar

Where does the title of the novel come from? A. a game that Holden and Allie would play B. a reference to Greek mythology C. a poem by Robert Burns D. the title of Holden's favorite song

C. a poem by Robert Burns

According to Holden, which item shows that Stradlater is a phony? A. his hound's-tooth jacket B. his suitcases C. his razor D. his baseball mitt

C. his razor

Contrasting him with the annoying and sloppy Ackley, Holden describes Stradlater as a(n) A. "Anal-retentive neat-freak" B. "Guy whose mess you don't mind" C. "Clean and nice roommate" D. "Secret slob"

D. "Secret slob"

Why does Holden call his brother D.B. a prostitute? A. Because he works as a male escort B. Because he became an actor and lives in Hollywood C. Because he writes best sellers D. Because he lives in Hollywood, writing for the movie industry

D. Because he lives in Hollywood, writing for the movie industry

Holden finds nearly everything A. Fixable B. Interesting C. Useful D. Depressing E. Happy

D. Depressing

Phoebe chastises Holden because, in her mind, he A. Smokes too many cigarettes B. Dates terrible women C. Is too nice D. Doesn't like anything

D. Doesn't like anything

What do Mal, Ackley, and Holden end up doing when they take a bus into town? A. Going to the movies B. Going for a walk on the beach C. Stealing cars D. Eating burgers

D. Eating burgers

What does Holden say about digressions in speeches? A. He practices really hard to do them well B. He finds them really boring. C. Kids are rewarded for their use of clever digressions. D. He thinks they are interesting.

D. He thinks they are interesting.

Holden claims he can't sleep with Sunny because A. He's a virgin. B. He loves her too much. C. He's mourning the death of his mother. D. He's just had an operation on his "clavichord."

D. He's just had an operation on his "clavichord."

What most likely seems to be an explanation for why Holden calls everyone phony? A. He was raised to be judgmental. B. He doesn't like anyone else. C. They really are phony. D. He's protecting himself from rejection. (And some of them really are phony.)

D. He's protecting himself from rejection. (And some of them really are phony.)

Which of these statements is not true? A. Holden dislikes Dick Slagle because of his cheap suitcases. B. Holden dislikes Ackley because he is a slob. C. Holden dislikes Stradlater because he is a "secret slob." D. Holden dislikes Ernest Morrow because he is so well-respected.

D. Holden dislikes Ernest Morrow because he is so well-respected.

Why is everyone at the football game that Holden watches from the top of the hill? A. It's the popular first game of the season against a school rival. B. There is mandatory attendance. C. There is a particularly good half time show. D. It's the popular last game of the season against a school rival.

D. It's the popular last game of the season against a school rival.

After Holden fights Stradlater, what does he think about? A. Moving to a ranch in Colorado. B. Jumping out a window. C. Shooting Stradlater. D. Joining a monastery.

D. Joining a monastery.

How did Holden lose his brother? A. Car accident B. Plane crash C. Fire D. Leukemia E. Brain tumor

D. Leukemia

Why does Holden dislike museums? A. Only phonies who want to appear intellectual visit museums B. Museums remind him of Allie C. Holden's mother works in a museum D. Never changing, they remind Holden of other changes

D. Never changing, they remind Holden of other changes

Holden wonders about the fate of which animals in Central Park? A. The squirrels in the Sheep Meadow B. The goats in the Children's Zoo C. The feral dogs roaming the Nature Preserve D. The ducks in the lagoon

D. The ducks in the lagoon

What is one of Holden's least favorite words? A. indeed B. fabulous C. phony D. grand

D. grand

Lillie Simmons

D.B.'s ex girlfriend; Holden runs into her at Ernie's

How does Holden involve himself in the world? A. He wants to conquer it. B. He engages in noble works. C. He is altruistic. D. He is isolated. E. He tries to save it.

E. He tries to save it.

True or False: Allie wrote bible verses on his baseball glove.


True or False: Holden ends up marrying Sally.


True or False: Holden has a girlfriend throughout the entire story.


True or False: Holden is unable to get cocktails (alcohol) served to him at the bar with Carl.


True or False: Holden's parents find Holden hiding in Phoebe's closet.


True or False: Spencer is Holden's old art teacher.


True or False: Stradlater lives next door to Holden and he has many pimples and is accused of never brushing his teeth.


Eddie Birdsell

Gave Holden Faith Cavendish's number; goes to Princeton

Bobby Fallon

Guy that Holden went biking with instead of Allie

Mr. Thurmer

Headmaster at Pencey; "life is a game and you must follow the rules"

Ernest Morrow

Holden meets his mom; tells her that he's popular and sensitive when he's really the biggest bastard

Robert Ackley

Holden's dorm-mate; has bad skin and teeth; no one likes him

Ann Louis Sherman

Holden's ex-girlfriend; he necked with her once; "phony"

Mr. Spencer

Holden's history teacher who's old and sick

Dick Slagle

Holden's roommate at Elkton Hills; had crappy suitcases; burgeois

Ward Stradlater

Holden's roommate; phony friendly; secret slob

What was James Castle wearing when he committed suicide?

Holden's turtleneck


Hotel elevator operator; gets in a fist fight with him

Al Pike

Jane Gallagher dated him; hot-shot

Rudolph Schmidt

Janitor of Holden's dorm; Holden's name when talking to Mrs. Morrow

Ducks in the park

MOTIF: discomfort with uncertainty, uncertainty about the afterlife, cycle

Museum of Natural History

MOTIF: permanence, preserving the past, childhood innocence, nostalgia,

Holden's hat

MOTIF: vulnerability, isolation, seeking security, nonconformity, "hunting" for something

What is the setting of the novel?

New York City in late 1940s


Pencey alumnus; gave a speech; made $ by opening funeral homes; hall was named after him

Selma Thurmer

Pencey's headmaster's daughter; nice but not pretty

Arthur Childs

Quaker that Holden had a religious argument with


SYMBOL: cycles, childhood innocence

Allie's glove

SYMBOL: innocence, purity

Mr. Vinson

Taught Oral Expressions class


Touchy cab driver that drives Holden to Ernie's

True or False: Holden failed all subjects but English.


True or False: Holden is a heavy smoker.


True or False: Holden lives in a rest home.


True or False: Holden makes a drunk phone call to Sally Hayes.


True or False: While in the Lavender Room, Holden dances with 3 girls.


True or False: While looking out of his window in the hotel, Holden sees a couple spitting liquid on each other.


Mal Brossard

Wrestler that goes into town with Holden and Ackley


Young prostitute sent to Holden; she lost her childhood

The mark of the ________________ man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.


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