(PrepU) Chapter 8: Communication

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A nurse is performing a wet to dry dressing change on a client's lower abdomen. The nurse should be aware that he or she will be encroaching on which zone?

intimate zone The intimate zone refers to interactions between parents and children or people who desire close personal contact. The personal zone refers to the distance when interacting with close friends. The social zone refers to the space when interacting with acquaintances, such as in a work or social setting. The public zone refers to communication when speaking to an audience or small groups.

A 70-year-old client had a cholecystectomy 4 days ago. The client's daughter tells the nurse, "My mother seems confused today." Which question would be best for the nurse to ask to assess the client's orientation?

"What is your name?" Asking the client to state their name represents an open-ended question and allows the nurse to assess the client's level of consciousness without ambiguity. Asking the client open-ended questions is a better way to assess level of consciousness than asking closed-ended questions, which are answered with a simple yes or no response. The remaining responses are all closed-ended questions and therefore would not provide an accurate assessment of the client's orientation.

A pregnant client presents to the emergency department with vaginal bleeding. A transvaginal ultrasound is performed, and the health care provider informs the client that there are normal fetal heart tones noted. The client begins to tear-up and has a worried appearance. To facilitate therapeutic communication, what statement would the nurse make after observing the client's nonverbal communication?

"Take your time and tell me how you are feeling. I have plenty of time to answer your questions and discuss any thoughts or feelings with you." Nurses often rely on verbal and nonverbal cues from clients to verify whether client objectives or goals have been achieved. It is therapeutic to allow for a pause in the communication by giving the client time to think about the situation and what has happened. Rescuing, false reassurance, and moralistic judgement are not therapeutic and could lead to client disappointment, minimizing the client's concerns, or inference on what is the "right" way to feel.

Nurses use social media to share ideas, develop professional connections, access educational offerings and forums, receive support, and investigate evidence-based practices. Which is an example of the proper use of social media by a nurse?

A nurse uses a disclaimer to verify that any views the nurse expresses on Facebook are the nurse's alone and not the employer's. A proper use of social media by a nurse would be the use of a disclaimer to verify that any views expressed on Facebook are the nurse's and do not represent those of the employer. The nurse should not use social media in any way to describe a client by room number, medical diagnosis, or accomplished medical goal of any type. Serious consequences can result from a nurse not using social media correctly.

A nurse is planning care for an adult client with severe hearing impairment who uses sign language and lip reading for communication and who has a new diagnosis of cancer. Which nursing action is most appropriate when establishing the plan of care for this client?

Arrange for a sign language interpreter when discussing treatment. During the planning step of the nursing process the nurse develops and prioritizes an individualized plan of care in partnership with the client, family, and others as appropriate. The client with mental or physical limitations should be included in the plan as much as possible. A sign language interpreter allows the client to participate fully in the plan of care. Consulting with the client's children is not as beneficial because it places them in the difficult position of translating while experiencing the emotional strain of the parent's illness. A TTD line can assist in communication but is not as helpful as a medical interpreter. Consulting the oncology nurse specialist is not as helpful in communicating with this client as an interpreter.

A nurse is interviewing a client who has come to the clinic for a follow-up visit. The nurse notices the client does not make eye contact and speaks while looking down. How should the nurse respond?

Assume a position at eye level with the client and continue with the interview. When communicating with most clients, it is best to position oneself at the client's level and make frequent eye contact. Eye contact is perhaps among the most culturally variable nonverbal behaviors, and can be misunderstood as embarrassment, nervousness, or a problem with the client. Asian, Native American/First Nations, Indochinese, Arabian, and Appalachian people may consider direct eye contact impolite or aggressive, and they may avert their eyes during the interview. Stopping the interview, staying silent, touching the client, and forcing eye contact will make the client uncomfortable and should be avoided.

A nurse is communicating the plan of care to a client who is cognitively impaired. Which nursing actions facilitate this process? Select all that apply.

The nurse shows patience with the client and gives the client time to respond. The nurse maintains eye contact with the client. The nurse keeps communication simple and concrete. There are several nursing actions that would be appropriate to facilitate. The nurse would maintain eye contact with the client. The nurse shows patience and gives the client time to respond. The nurse keeps communication simple and concrete. The nurse would not communicate in a busy environment because this could be distracting to the client. The nurse would not give lengthy explanations to the client regarding the care to be given. The nurse would repeat the information if no response was shared by the client.

A nurse communicating with a client states, "I will be changing your dressing, but we have plenty of time to talk first." She is already wearing sterile gloves and a mask and is busy working with her back to the client. The nurse is conveying:

an incongruent relationship. What the nurse is communicating verbally and nonverbally are incongruent with each other. Even though the nurse is verbally saying that he or she has time to talk, the nurse's nonverbal actions demonstrate that he or she is ready to perform the procedure. In addition, the back turned to the client while speaking demonstrates closed communication.

Paramedics arrive in the emergency department with a client who was in a motor vehicle collision. The paramedic reports that the driver was restrained, the car was traveling about 30 miles per hour (48 km/hr), and the air bags were not deployed. The paramedic continues to report that the car was struck from behind and that all individuals in the car were able to self-extricate. Which statement made by the nurse is verifying the report from the paramedic?

"All of the people got themselves out of the car?" A validation question or comment serves to validate what the nurse believes the nurse has heard or observed. Asking for additional information that was not reported is not validating the report given by the paramedic.

A nurse is obtaining a history from an adult female client. When the nurse asks how many times the client has been pregnant, the client answers, "I have four kids." Which statement, made by the nurse, seeks clarification of the original question?

"I understand you have four kids; how many times have you actually been pregnant?" The use of the clarifying question or comment allows the nurse to gain an understanding of a client's comment. In this scenario, the nurse is asking how many times the client has been pregnant. Gravida refers to the number of pregnancies, whereas para refers to the total number of live births. Confirming the client has four children is a form of validating what the client said. The age and/or term of the children does not clarify the original question asked by the nurse.

A nurse is caring for a client with depression. The nurse finds that the client is withdrawn and does not communicate with others. What is the most appropriate response by the nurse?

"Is that a new shirt you're wearing?" When the client is not talking, the nurse should use the observation technique of therapeutic communication. The nurse should complement the client to get the client's attention. Wearing a new shirt is an observation about the client that would draw communication from the client. The nurse should avoid direct questions to a client who is experiencing depression.

A client reports to the primary health care facility reporting chest pain. After the investigations and initial treatment, the client anxiously inquires if he had a heart attack. What should be the nurse's reply?

"The physician wants to monitor you and control your pain." The nurse should give true information to the client. Stating that the physician wants to monitor the client and control his pain is true information. The nurse telling the client that he had a heart attack may increase his anxiety. Assuring the client that he will never have a heart attack is also an inappropriate statement because no one can ensure against a disease condition.

The client is an 18-month-old in the pediatric intensive care unit. The client is scheduled to have a subgaleal shunt placed tomorrow, and the client's mother is quite nervous about the procedure. The nurse tells the client's mother, "The surgeon has done this a million times. Your son will be fine." This is an example of what type of nontherapeutic communication?

False reassurance False reassurance minimizes the client's concerns and feelings and is providing assurance not based on fact. Rescue feelings occur when a nurse feels a strong urge to personally try to fix the client or family member's problem. The nurse is not giving advice or being moralistic in this scenario.

When caring for a psychiatric client, a nurse would make a formal contract with the client during which phase of the nurse-client relationship?

Orientation phase In the psychiatric setting, the orientation phase of the relationship represents the first phase of therapeutic work and involves signing of formal contracts. Formal contracts in this setting are used as a therapeutic tool to help a client develop more insight and control over behavior. The working phase consists of the nurse and client working together to achieve the client goals established in the orientation phase. The termination phase consists of evaluating the client's progress toward meeting the goals and concluding the relationship. There is no intimate phase in the nurse-client relationship.

A nurse is caring for a client in a semi-private room. How will the nurse prepare a private environment to discuss the client's plan of treatment?

Pull the curtain dividing the two beds. It might not always be possible to carry on conversations alone with the client in a room, but every effort should be made to provide privacy and to prevent conversations from being overheard by others. Sometimes merely drawing the curtains around the bed in a hospital or long-term care facility, or sitting in a corner of the waiting room or lounge, can provide the sense of privacy that is so important in most interactions. It is not appropriate to ask the client in the other bed or any visitors to leave the room. Personal information should not be discussed in public thoroughfares.

An experienced nurse is orienting a new nurse to the unit. Which activity demonstrates the nurse is an effective caregiver?

The nurse uses open-ended questions when working with a crying client. Any nurse who wishes to be an effective caregiver must first learn how to be an effective communicator. Good communication skills enable nurses to get to know their clients and, ultimately, to diagnose and to meet their needs for nursing care. By asking open-ended questions the nurse can gain more information as to why the client is crying. Without understanding the "why" behind the crying the nurse cannot determine if the hospital chaplain might be needed. Providing privacy for the client can be thoughtful but not a way to learn more.

A nurse is attempting to complete an admission database. While taking the history, the nurse notices the client appears uncomfortable and slightly tachypneic. The nurse should:

allow the client to set the pace. It would be ineffective to rush through a list of questions when obtaining a nursing history; it is more effective to let the client set the pace. Let the client know at the beginning of the interaction if time is limited so that the client does not feel that you are rushing because of a lack of concern or personal interest. Open-ended questions do not apply to "yes or no" answers. The client should be the person answering the questions unless unable to.

The term metacommunication is best defined as:

interpersonal bridge between verbal and nonverbal communication. Metacommunication is a communication about the client's communication or lack thereof. It is an implicit, but integral, part of the message and is an interpersonal bridge between the verbal and nonverbal components of communication.

A nurse is attempting to calm an infant in the nursery. The nurse responds to the highest developed sense by:

swaddling the child and gently stroking its head. Touch is the most highly developed sense at birth. Tactile experiences of infants and young children appear essential for the normal development of self and awareness of others. It has also been found that many older people long for touch, especially when isolated from loved ones because of hospitalization or long-term care facility care. Vision, taste, and hearing are not as fully developed as touch in the neonate.

Which is an open-ended question?

"Why did the health care provider prescribe this medication for you?" Open-ended questions (e.g., "Why was this medication prescribed for you?") give the client an opportunity to express what the client understands and prevent the client from answering with just "yes" or "no" or some other one-word response. The other three responses require only a one-word response (e.g., "yes" or "no") and so are closed-ended questions.

In which situation would the SBAR technique of communication be most appropriate?

A nurse is calling a physician to report a client's new onset of chest pain. The SBAR technique of communication has numerous applications, including nurse-physician communication surrounding acute client developments. The technique is not normally applied in client education or in communication between the health care team and patients' families.

A family has lost a member who was treated for leukemia at a nursing unit. The nurse provides emotional support to the family and counsels them to cope with their loss. Which quality should the nurse use in this situation?

Empathy The nurse should empathize with the family for their loss. Empathy helps the nurse to provide effective care and support without being emotionally distraught by the family's condition. If the nurse becomes indifferent to the family's condition, the nurse may not be able to assess their needs. The nurse should not pity, or provide sympathy to, the family for their loss, as it would involve the nurse emotionally.

The nurse is visiting a hospice client in the client's home. The client is explaining difficulties with a home infusion pump. By making statements such as "I see" and "go on" during the conversation, the nurse is using which therapeutic nurse-client communication technique?

Encouraging elaboration Encouraging elaboration involves making simple statements that indicate active listening and comprehension on the part of the nurse and that prompt the client to continue talking. This technique helps the client to describe more fully the concerns or problems under discussion. Clarification involves asking a follow-up question about a statement made by the client to clear up some point that the nurse is not sure about or to elicit more specific details. Reflection and restatement involve the nurse repeating back to the client a comment made by the client to ensure that the nurse has correctly heard or understood the client.

When the preoperative client tells the nurse that the client cannot sleep because the client keeps thinking about the surgery, an appropriate reflection of the statement by the nurse is:

"The thought of having surgery is keeping you awake." Reflection means repeating or paraphrasing the client's own statement back to the client to verify that the nurse understands what the client is saying. identifying the main emotional themes. Saying that the surgery sounds scary does not accurately reflect this client's statement. The other answers are offering false reassurance, which is not reflection nor therapeutic communication.

A nurse is conducting a health history. The client's spouse is answering the interview questions. What question would be appropriate to ask the client before proceeding with the remainder of the interview?

"Who manages health care-related issues in your family?" In some cultures, the male is considered the head of the family and makes health care decisions and takes the role of answering questions related to health and medical care. It is important to establish who makes those decisions and to be respectful of the client's culture. It is best to take cues from the client. A client that is allowing another family member to answer questions may be doing so based upon the culture and roles in the family; it is important to clarify. Asking the spouse to leave the room or asking why the spouse is answering the questions can be insensitive and unprofessional. While asking about a hearing impairment may be appropriate, determining who makes the decisions is priority.

A nurse is completing a health history on a client who has a hearing impairment. Which action should the nurse take first to enhance communication?

Assess how the client would like to communicate Clients with hearing impairment pose unique challenges for communication. Assessing how the client communicates best is important. For example, if a deaf client can read and write, writing can facilitate communication. If the client knows sign language, the nurse could use a person trained in sign language. Using hand gestures and exaggerated facial movements does not allow for adequate acquisition of knowledge.

A nurse administers pain medication to a client. Which action should the nurse take to facilitate trust?

Return in 30 minutes for follow-up per previous communication with the client. When a nurse repeatedly upholds commitments made to a client, it fosters foundational trust within the therapeutic relationship, such as returning to see if the pain is receding. Empathy, including allowing the client to vent, may be part of the therapeutic relationship, but in this case the nurse's behavior will instill trust. Reporting to the oncoming nurse is important for the record, but the client may not be aware this is happening. Sharing a time the nurse was in pain can take the focus off the client and place it onto the nurse.

A nurse has been caring for a client who had a myocardial infarction 2 days ago. During the morning assessment, the nurse asks the client how the client feels. Which scenario warrants further investigation?

The client stares at the floor and states, "I feel fine." It often helps nurses to understand subtle and hidden meanings in what the client is saying verbally. For example, in the scenario in which the client stares at the floor while claiming to feel fine, the nurse should investigate further because of the incongruence between the client's verbal and nonverbal communication. In the other three scenarios, the nurse-client communication is effective and no further investigation is warranted.

Which nursing actions help improve listening skills when conversing with clients? Select all that apply.

Using facial expressions and body gestures to indicate attention to what the client is saying Thinking before responding to the client, even if this creates a lull in the conversation Listening for themes in the client's comments The following nursing actions would help improve listening skills when conversing with clients: using facial expressions and body gestures to indicate attention to what the client is saying; thinking before responding to the client, even if this creates a lull in the conversation; and listening for themes in the client's comments. The nurse should not cross the arms or legs while communicating with a client because this body language conveys a message of being closed to the client's comments. A face-to-face pose and maintaining eye contact would not be appropriate in all nurse-client relationships. The nurse would not pretend to listen to the client while performing a task rather than interrupting the client's conversation.

Care provided to a client following surgery and until discharge represents which phase of the nurse-client relationship?

Working phase During the working phase, the nurse and client explore and develop solutions that are enacted and evaluated in subsequent interactions. The orientation phase involves making introductions and establishing client goals. The termination phase involves evaluating client progress toward goals and concluding the relationship. There is no evaluation phase in the nurse-client relationship.

Each of the following facilitates a therapeutic nurse-client relationship except:

closed-ended questions. Rephrasing, reflection, and active listening are essential for accurate assessment and interventions.

A nurse is assessing vital signs on a pregnant client during a routine prenatal visit. The client states, "I know labor will be so painful, it sounds awful. I am sure I will not be able to stand the pain; I really dread going into labor." What is the best response from the nurse?

"You're worried about how you will tolerate the pain associated with labor." Reflecting or paraphrasing confirms that the nurse is following the conversation and demonstrates listening, thus allowing the client to elaborate further. False reassurance may initially relieve the client's anxiety, but it actually closes off communication by trivializing the client's unique feelings and discourages further discussion. Using clichés provides worthless advice and curtails exploring alternatives.

Which nurse would most likely be the best communicator?

A nurse who easily develops a rapport with clients Rapport, a feeling of mutual trust experienced by people in a satisfactory relationship, facilitates open communication. Advanced practice does not make an individual an effective communicator. Although being bilingual or proficient in sign language allows a nurse to communicate with more people, it does not necessarily make the communication meaningful or effective.

A client is diagnosed with diabetes. The client's adult child offers to serve as an interpreter, because the client does not speak the dominant language. Which is the best action for the nurse to take?

Contact a professional interpreter. If an interpreter is necessary, the nurse should use a professional interpreter recommended by the facility or agency. It is inappropriate to rely on the client's family members or friends for this service. If the fellow nurse is not fluent in the language, then this nurse is not likely to be effective as an interpreter.

A registered nurse (RN) working with an experienced licensed practical/vocational nurse (LPN/LVN) delegates the task of administering oral medications to a group of clients. The LPN/LVN documents a client's medication administration before entering the client's room. What action will the LPN/LVN anticipate?

The RN will stop the LPN/LVN immediately and discuss the possible consequences of this action. Administration of oral medication is within the scope of practice for a LPN/LVN. However, the LPN/LVN has violated one of the rights of medication administration and is practicing unsafe care. The RN's responsibility requires that he or she stop the LPN/LVN immediately and discuss the possible consequences of this action. The RN will not check all the client's medication records, contact the nurse manager, or continue to supervise the LPN/LVN; these are inappropriate actions.

A nurse is preparing to provide discharge instructions to a postpartum client regarding infant care. Before beginning the education session, the nurse should:

eliminate as many distractions as possible. Factors that distort the quality of a message can interfere with communication at any point in the process. These distractors might be from the television, or from pain or discomfort experienced by the client. Visitors may remain in the room as long as the mother agrees and they do not interfere with the education session. It may also be beneficial for others to learn the care in the event that they too will be caregivers for the infant. For this reason, it is best for the client's partner to remain in the room.

The nurse is performing an admission interview with a new client diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome. For the nurse to obtain information and allow the client free verbalization, which question would elicit the most information?

"Could you tell me more about how you are feeling right now?" Using an open-ended question is the most effective way to elicit further conversation and information. Asking the client to tell the nurse more about how the client is feeling is an open-ended question, unlike asking whether the client has had chest pain prior to the admission or whether the client took any medication during the pain, which allow for a yes or no response and thus are less likely to elicit much information. When the nurse informs the client about chest pain that the nurse experienced, it takes the focus off of the client and does not facilitate obtaining information that could be helpful.

A nurse has developed strong rapport with the spouse of a client who has been receiving rehabilitation following a debilitating stroke. The spouse has just been informed that the client is unlikely to return home and requires care that can only be provided in a facility with constant nursing care. The client's spouse tells the nurse, "I can't believe it's come to this." How should the nurse best respond?

"This must be very difficult for you to hear. How do you feel right now?" Acknowledging the difficulty of the situation for the spouse is empathetic, and asking the spouse to elaborate on feelings may be therapeutic as well as provide insight into the spouse. Asking about the reasons underlying the care team's recommendation is less likely to be of benefit and may encourage the spouse to find fault with the recommendation. Attempting to redirect the spouse to a positive outlook at this early point is insensitive. Pointing out that the health care team has the client's best interest at heart might come across as defensive, and questioning what would help the spouse accept the situation is dismissive of the spouse's feelings and discourages the spouse from sharing feelings.

A nurse is completing a health history with a client being admitted for a mastectomy. During the interview the client states, "I do not know what to do. I am not sure if I really need this surgery." Which response by the nurse demonstrates active listening?

"You seem unsure. Tell me your concerns about your surgery." To understand the client's perspective, the nurse uses therapeutic communication techniques to encourage verbal expression. The use of active listening facilitates therapeutic interactions. "You seem unsure" demonstrates that the nurse was actively listening and has decoded the content and feelings of the client. "Tell me your concerns about your surgery" is an open-ended statement which will allow the client to express themselves. Giving clients the opportunity to be heard helps them organize their thoughts and evaluate their situation more realistically. "I understand you are confused" and "I understand that you are not sure" are examples of rescue feelings on behalf of the nurse. Saying I understand implies the nurse has the knowledge to fix the problem, especially followed by an explorative statement. Asking the client what he or she thinks he or she should do or why the surgery is not needed will put the nurse in the position to judge the response. "Please let me know if you decide to postpone the surgery until you are no longer unsure" suggests that the client should postpone the surgery and is an example of giving advice. The nurse should not give opinions, attempt to sway a client's opinion, or avoid an uncomfortable discussion.

What nursing care behavior by the nurse engenders a client's trust in the nurse?

A nurse answers the client's questions about an upcoming test in a calm gentle voice while making eye contact with the client. It is important to remember that helping relationships are professional relationships. Telling a client not to worry about the test because others have not had problems with it undermines trust by belittling the client's concerns. A nurse that answers the client's questions while documenting or defers the questions to the oncoming nurse gives the impression that the client's questions or concerns are not important. Answering the client's questions while making eye contact instils trust by showing that the nurse is competent to answer the questions and cares about the client in their care.

A nurse is completing a health history with a newly admitted client. During the interview, the client presents with an angry affect and states, "If my doctor did a good job, I would not be here right now!" What is the nurse's best response?

Be silent and allow the client to continue speaking when ready. When clients are angry or crying, the best nursing response is to remain nonjudgmental, allow them to express their emotions, and return later with a follow-up regarding their legitimate complaints. Therefore, staying silent and allowing the client to continue speaking when ready is the most appropriate response in this scenario. Giving false reassurance, agreeing, giving advice, or avoiding the subject are traps that block or hinder verbal communication.

A client, who was recently diagnosed with diabetes, has been coming to the emergency room every day for hyperglycemia. The client reports not being able to self-administer insulin injections. What strategy would best educate the client and improve the client's ability to self-administer insulin?

Demonstrate the proper method and have the client mimic the demonstration. The best strategy for this client is to demonstrate the proper administration and have the client mimic the demonstration to ensure the client is confident and knowledgeable on self-administration. Offering encouragement and explaining the importance of self-administration is important, but not the best method to ensure compliance. The client may or may not need to be referred to a nutritionist, and the nurse should be considered the diabetes educator.

The nurse meets with the client to teach self-administration of low molecular weight heparin. During the initial part of the training the client shakes the head and asks the nurse to repeat the instructions. What action demonstrates that the nurse has assessed the client's communication abilities?

The nurse faces the client, speaks slowly and clearly, and demonstrates the procedure using a needleless syringe. During the initial phase of the nurse-client relationship the nurse assesses the client's verbal and nonverbal communication. Shaking the head and requests to repeat what has been said points to a hearing deficiency. Facing the client, speaking slowly and clearly, and providing a visual demonstration is effective for communicating with individuals with a hearing impairment. Making a mental note to repeat instructions is a poor nursing action regardless of the communication difficulties of the client, because the nurses failed to let the client know the plan to repeat the instructions. Stopping the instruction and getting a home health nurse to administer the medication demonstrates that the nurse interpreted the client's communication as unwilling or as an inability to self-administer. This misinterpretation may result in an unnecessary healthcare expense. The nurse asking the client if he or she is worried demonstrates that the nurse is ignoring or not paying attention to the client's communication abilities.

A nurse anticipates collaborating with the nurse aide, physical therapist, surgeon, and respiratory therapist in which circumstance?

caring for a client following a total hip replacement The nurse acts as a collaborator and is responsible for managing client care and delegating care to others, such as an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP). Collaboration also occurs with other members of the health care team, such as the physician. In this case, the client would benefit from physical therapy and respiratory therapy following surgery. The client preparing to receive treatment for a partial-thickness or second-degree burn, the client who has trouble swallowing, and the ambulating client with a new cast would not benefit as much from the collaboration with the nurse, nurse aide, physical therapist, surgeon, and respiratory therapist.

A nurse is caring for a client admitted to the hospital for dehydration. The physical findings consistent with this diagnosis that the client's general appearance can nonverbally communicate to the nurse include:

easy wrinkling of the skin and sunken eyes. Most illnesses cause at least some alterations in general physical appearance. Observing for changes in appearance is an important nursing responsibility for detecting illness or evaluating the effectiveness of care and therapy. For example, a person with an insufficient intake of fluids has dry skin that wrinkles easily, eyes that might be sunken and dull in appearance, and poor muscle tone. On the other hand, a person in good health tends to radiate this healthy status through general appearance. Although prolonged capillary refill is consistent with dehydration, slow heart rate is not. Pallor may be associated with dehydration but diaphoresis is not associated with this condition. Cold intolerance and brittle nails are consistent physiologic changes seen in clients with hypothyroidism.

A unit-based infection control task force was developed in an attempt to reduce catheter-acquired infections. The group consists of 10 team members. During the past three meetings, one person dominated the meeting and did not allow other members ample time to speak. The best way to address the team dysfunction is to:

have group members confront the dominant member to promote the needed team work. Effective groups have members who are mutually respectful. If a group member dominates or thwarts the group process, then the leader or other group members must confront the member to promote the needed collegial relationship. Planning a secret meeting does not solve the underlying issue. Picking a team leader who is not the dominant member will not address the dominance issue. A written warning would be inappropriate; a verbal communication is what is required among the team.

A nurse gives a speech on nutrition to a group of pregnant women. Within the model of the communication process, what is the speech itself known as?

Message The message is the actual physiologic product of the source. It might be a speech, interview, conversation, chart, gesture, memorandum, or nursing note. This communication process is initiated based on a stimulus. The sender or source of the message is a person or group who initiates or begins the communication process. The channel of communication is the medium the sender has selected to send the message.

A nurse enters a client's room to complete an admission history. The nurse will convey interest in the client's story if the nurse:

sits at the client's bedside and faces the client. When possible, sit when communicating with a client. Do not cross the arms or legs because that body language conveys a message of being closed to the client's comments. Constant eye contact may be culturally inappropriate. Visitors may remain in the room if allowed by the client and if they do not obstruct history gathering.

The nurse is collecting health data and avoids using closed-ended questions. Which are examples of closed-ended questions? Select all that apply.

"Are you ready to get out of bed?" "Do you smoke cigarettes?" "Is there any chance you might be pregnant?" "Does it hurt when I touch you here?" The closed-ended question provides the receiver with limited choices of possible responses and might often be answered by one or two words: "yes" or "no." Closed-ended questions are used to gather specific information from a client and to allow the nurse and client to focus on a particular area. Closed-ended questions are often a barrier to effective communication. Asking what the client does for fun or what the client's future plans are facilitates communication between the client and the nurse.

A client has just been given a diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver. Which statements by the nurse should be avoided because they could impede communication? Select all that apply.

"Cheer up. Tomorrow is another day." "Your doctor knows best." "Don't worry. You will be just fine in another day or two." "Everything will be all right." A clichés© is a stereotyped, trite, or pat answer. Most health care clichés suggest that there is no cause for anxiety or concern, or they offer false assurance. Clients tend to interpret them as a lack of real interest in what they have said. For example, even though the common question "How are you?" could start a conversation, it can cause a problem if the client hearing this suspects that the nurse is not sincerely interested in how he feels. Statements such as: "Everything will be all right," "Don't worry," and "Cheer up" impede communication and foster false hope. Stating your doctor knows best can lead to powerlessness in the client. On the other hand, acknowledging that the client has just received a lot of information and that it is understandable if the client is struggling to process it all is empathetic, and offering to talk about it opens up a line of communication rather than closing it.

A 35-year-old client with Down syndrome is on the nurse's unit following heart surgery. The client is very weak and has had difficulty with activities of daily living. Which statement is the best example of the nurse using advocacy as a style of client communication?

"I know that it has been difficult for you to walk to the bathroom to brush your teeth. How can we make this work for you?" The nurse advocates for the client by offering the client choices based on the current situation. The other options are examples of guilt inducement and authoritarian interaction where the client is unable to make one's own decision about treatment options and nursing care. Either/or questions, such as taking a bath or shower and walk in hall or courtyard, are allowing the client to make one's own decision about care or treatment. Either/or questions are usually choices on how the care be done (bath or shower) or how the treatment will be completed (walking in the hall or courtyard); either way the care will be done or the treatment will be completed.

A client with a cardiac dysrhythmia was recently prescribed metoprolol and is at a follow-up appointment at the cardiologist's office. The client tells the nurse, "I feel depressed, tired, and I have no desire to exercise." To determine a cause-and-effect relationship, the nurse should ask:

"Were you tired and depressed before starting the new medication?" Sequencing is used to place events in a chronologic order or to investigate a possible cause-and-effect relationship between events. Nursing assessment is facilitated when events leading to a problem are placed in sequence. The symptoms the client is complaining of are common adverse effects of this drug. Sequencing can determine the cause and effect in this scenario. Clients taking metoprolol should check their blood pressure and pulse before taking their medication. Asking about the current diet or exercise regimen does not uncover the cause and effect.

A nurse and an older adult client with chronic back pain are beginning to communicate. What activity should the nurse focus on at this point?

Being sensitive to the client's emotional barriers The nurse should try to establish a good rapport with the client and use therapeutic communication. In doing so, the nurse should be sensitive to all needs of the client-including physical and emotional. The degree to which clients are physically comfortable influences their ability to communicate. Once rapport is established, the nurse and client can communicate about pain management options, although perhaps not in great detail, as the client may not be able to tolerate lengthy explanations. The nurse sharing the nurse's own family and personal history of back pain takes the focus off of the client and is not sensitive to the client's needs. Telling the client that back surgery will likely alleviate pain completely is providing false assurance, as this is not necessarily true.

A client has cancer, but the significant other does not want the client to know the diagnosis. The nurse demonstrates sensitivity to the significant other and works with the couple to achieve desired outcomes. What kind of behavior is the nurse exhibiting?

Empathy An empathic nurse is sensitive to the client's feelings and problems but remains objective enough to help the client work to attain positive outcomes. Sympathy is the expression of sorrow for someone's situation, involving compassion and kindness. Sympathy shifts the emphasis from the client to the nurse, as the nurse shares feelings and personal concerns and projects them onto the client. Curiosity is a strong desire to know or learn something. Empathy is perceptive awareness of what a client is experiencing. Humility is a modest or low view of one's own importance.

The nurse and the physical therapist discuss the therapy schedule and goals for a client on a rehabilitation unit. What type of communication is occurring between the nurse and the therapist?

Interpersonal The nurse and physical therapist are engaging in interpersonal communication, which occurs between two or more people with the goal to exchange messages. Intrapersonal communication, or self-talk, is the communication that happens within the individual. Small-group communication occurs when nurses interact with two or more individuals. Organizational communication occurs when individuals and groups within an organization communicate to achieve established goals.

When attending a staff meeting, a nurse is participating in what type of communication?

Small-group communication A nurse is participating in small-group communication when attending a staff meeting. Small-group communication occurs when nurses interact with two or more people. To be functional, members of the small group must communicate to achieve their goal. Examples of small-group communication include staff meetings, client care conferences, teaching sessions, and support groups. Intrapersonal communication, or self-talk, is communication within a person. This communication is crucial because it affects the nurse's behavior and can enhance or detract from positive interactions with the client and family. Interpersonal communication occurs between two or more people with a goal to exchange messages. Most of the nurse's day is spent communicating with clients, family members, and members of the health care team. The ability to communicate effectively at this level influences your sharing, problem solving, goal attainment, team building, and effectiveness in critical nursing roles. Organizational communication occurs when people and groups within an organization communicate to achieve established goals.

A dialysis nurse is educating a client on caring for the dialysis access that was inserted into the client's right arm. The nurse assesses the client's fears and concerns related to dialysis, the dialysis access, and care of the access. This information is taught over several sessions during the course of the client's hospitalization. Which phase of the working relationship is best described in this scenario?

The working phase There are three phases of a helping relationship: the orientation phase, the working phase, and the termination phase. The introduction phase is not a valid phase, yet the nurse introduces oneself during the orientation phase. The scenario defines characteristics of the working phase, during which the nurse and client work together to meet the client's physical and psychosocial needs. During the orientation phase, the nurse and client establish the tone and guidelines for the relationship . The termination phase occurs when the nurse and client acknowledge that they have met the goals of the initial agreement or that the client would be better served by another nurse or health care provider.

Carl Rogers (1961) studied the process of therapeutic communication. Through his research, the elements of a "helpful" person were described. They include all of the following except which choice?

analysis Empathy, positive regard, and a comfortable sense of self were among the key ingredients. Empathy is an objective understanding of the way in which a client sees his or her situation, identifying with the way another person feels, putting yourself in another person's circumstances, and imagining what it would be like to share that person's feelings. Communication is crucial because it affects the nurse's behavior and can enhance or detract from positive interactions or regard with the client and family. Comfortable sense of self is part of the nursing confidence in caring for clients. Analysis is part of the nursing process and not the key elements of therapeutic communication.

A male client has always prided himself in maintaining good health and is consequently shocked at his recent diagnosis of diabetes. The nurse has asked the client, "How do you think your diabetes is going to affect your lifestyle?" The nurse has utilized which of the following interviewing techniques?

open-ended question The nurse's question allows for a wide range of responses and encourages free verbalization, characteristics of a useful open-ended question. Validating questions allow the nurse to confirm what was previously said, while closed questions necessitate a "yes" or "no" answer. A reflective question or comment repeats what the client has recently said.

A nurse is preparing to enter a client's room to perform wound care. The shift report revealed that this client has a tunneling wound in the sacral area that cannot be staged. The wound was also documented as having a foul odor. The nurse is nervous because the nurse has not often performed wound care on a complex wound. Using effective intrapersonal communication, this nurse should:

tell oneself to "remain calm" and remember that the nurse was trained to perform this skill. Intrapersonal communication, or self-talk, is communication within a person. This communication is crucial because it affects the nurse's behavior and can enhance or detract from positive interactions with the client and family. Understanding the importance of intrapersonal communication can also help the nurse work with clients and families whose negative self-talk affects their health and self-care abilities. Speaking directly to the client, a UAP, or charge nurse is interpersonal communication, not intrapersonal. This duty cannot be delegated to an UAP. The nurse should not ask the charge nurse to change the assignment but could ask for help in dealing with the complex wound.

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