Presidential Government

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!


a country whose government is controlled by the elected representatives of the people


a government headed by president, with houses of Congress elected by the people


a set of laws and guidelines for the government of a country


an elected legislative body of a country


being answerable to others


government with Prime minister and 2 houses of Parliament elected by the people

Members of the Supreme Court are appointed for ______.


House of Representatives

one of the two houses of Congress found in Presidential government


rejection of a bill passed by legislature

Which government entiy ispart ofour checks and balances system that decides whether a law is within the guidelines if the Constitution?

Supreme Court

The people of America do not vote for _________.

Supreme Court justices


a body of elected officials that is empowered to make laws for a country

The two houses of Congress are

House of Representatives and Senate

________ power enables the president to reject a bill passed by the legislature.



to surpass a veto

If the president vetoes a Bill, it can still become a law if Congress overrides the president's veto with a_________ majority


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