Prin of Macro - Adam Fulton Final

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Enforceable property rights encourage economic growth by encouraging: a. depreciation. b. the sale of property rights. c. the growth of human capital. d. investment.


The slope of the consumption function is the: a. marginal propensity to invest. b. average level of consumption over time. c. marginal propensity to import. d. marginal propensity to consume.

marginal propensity to consume

If you see that the consumer price index this year is lower than the consumer price index last year, this means that: a. the prices of each and every good and service went down. b. economic growth also decreased. c. on average, prices went down across the economy. d. the consumer price index is lower than the producer price index.

on average, prices went down across the economy

Holding all else constant, if people eat out more at expensive restaurants when they earn more, then expensive restaurant a. inferior goods. b. goods with a network-effect. c. goods with a congestion-effect. d. normal goods.

normal goods

Investment refers to: a. spending on financial assets such as stocks. b. depreciation of capital stocks. c. spending on physical capital. d. saving money in banks.

spending on physical capital

Human capital refers to: a. money earned by workers in businesses. b. work done by machinery. c. worker skills and knowledge. d. machines that have artificial intelligence.

worker skills and knowledge

An underemployed person is one who is: a. employed in the underground economy. b. working but whose skills are not fully utilized. c. retired or outside of the labor force. d. cyclically unemployed.

working but whose skills are not fully utilized

Which of the scenarios represents consumption spending? a. You eat at a fancy restaurant for Valentine's Day. b. You take out a bank loan. c. Your parents pay their income taxes. d. A new hospital is constructed in your town

you eat at a fancy restaurant for Valentine's Day

According to the figure, if there is no international trade, the equilibrium price in this market is: a. $600. b. $60. c. $500. d. $50.


The table contains information about Pfizer's stock. How much is Pfizer, as a company, worth? a. $200.33 billion. b. $35.86. c. $36.22. d. $36 billion.

200.33 billion

(Figure: Market for TVs 2) According to the figure, if there is international trade in this market, and the world price of televisions is $500, the quantity demanded is _____, and the quantity supplied is _____ at the world price. a. 20,000; 80,000 b. 80,000; 20,000 c. 70,000; 40,000 d. 40,000; 70,000


In a market graph, consumer surplus is the area: a. above the price and below the demand curve. b. below the demand curve. c. above the price. d. between the demand curve and the supply curve.

Above the price and below the demand curve

On a market graph, producer surplus is the area that is: a. above the supply curve and below the price. b. above the demand curve. c. below the demand curve. d. above the demand curve and below the supply curve.

Above the supply curve and below the price

A trade cost is: a. an extra cost incurred as a result of buying or selling a good abroad rather than domestically. b. the price of a good that is bought or sold abroad. c. the cost associated with producing a good that is bought or sold abroad. d. the difference in price between a good that is bought or sold abroad rather than domestically.

An extra cost incurred as a result of buying or selling a good abroad rather than domestically.

When a U.S. consumer buys Canadian maple syrup at the grocery store, this purchase is: a. gross domestic product. b. a transfer payment. c. an import. d. an export.

An import

Market failure occurs when market forces lead to: a. an inefficient outcome. b. high price. c. high quantity. d. a marginal benefit that is equal to marginal cost.

An inefficient outcome

The cost-benefit principle states that a decision should be pursued only if the a. costs are negative. b. costs are greater than the benefits. c. benefits are greater than the costs. d. benefits are positive

Benefits are greater than the costs

Specialization will increase output when it is based on: a. who can produce the fastest. b. absolute advantage. c. who can produce at the least comparative cost. d. comparative advantage.

Comparative advantage

The "market value" of a good or service refers to the: a. total market demand for that good or service. b. units of that good or service that are produced in the current period. c. current dollar value of that good or service. d. units of that good or service that are purchased by consumers.

Current dollar value of that good or service

You go to Starbucks and see that the price of your favorite tall vanilla latte has gone up by 25 cents. All sizes of the vanilla lattes are now more expensive. As a result of this price increase, you would expect to see a a. fall in the demand for vanilla lattes. b. rise in the demand for vanilla lattes. c. fall in the quantity demanded of vanilla lattes. d. rise in the quantity demanded of vanilla lattes.

Fall in the quantity demanded of vanilla lattes.

To maximize production, people should a. learn all the skills so that they can perform any task needed. b. focus on the task in which they have a comparative advantage. c. focus on improving their weakest skills. d. focus on the task in which they have an absolute advantage.

Focus on the task in which they have a comparative advantage

The principle that your best choice depends on your other choices, the choices others make, developments in other markets, and expectations about the future is known as the _____ principle. a. cost-benefit b. opportunity cost c. marginal d. interdependence


What is quantity supplied? a. It is the amount of an item that a buyer is willing to buy at a particular price. b. It is a graph that plots the quantities of an item that a seller plans to sell at different prices. c. It is the amount of an item that a seller is willing to sell at a particular price. d. It is a graph that plots how much a seller produces at different points in time.

It is the amount of an item that a seller is willing to sell at a particular price.

Which of the following is an argument for limiting international trade? An increase in international trade may: a. lead to anticompetitive practices, such as dumping. b. lead to economic growth, stemming from specialization. c. reduce the amount of outsourcing by domestic firms. d. reduce specialization, which has national security benefits.

Lead to anticompetitive practices, such as dumping

Which of the following is an investment? a. Cameron saves $400 in his savings account. b. Dale purchases a house that was built in 1940. c. Mary buys $4,000 worth of Alibaba stock. d. Marios builds a new house.

Mario builds a new house

GDP is defined as the: a. value of all output produced by businesses within a country in a given year. b. market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given year. c. value of all intermediate goods produced within a country in a given year. d. market value of all consumer goods purchased within an economy.

Market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given year

What is the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics? a. Microeconomics focuses only on the forces of individual demand and individual supply, whereas macroeconomics focuses only on policy making for the economy. b. Microeconomics is the study of individual decisions in specific markets, whereas macroeconomics is the study of government policies. c. Microeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole, whereas macroeconomics is the study of individual decisions in specific markets. d. Microeconomics is the study of individual decisions in specific markets, whereas macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole.

Microeconomics is the study of individual decisions in specific markets, whereas macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole.

How is monetary policy different from fiscal policy? a. There is no difference between the two policies. b. Monetary policy is determined by the president, whereas fiscal policy is determined by the chair of the Federal Reserve. c. Monetary policy adjusts interest rates, whereas fiscal policy adjusts government spending and taxes. d. Monetary policy focuses on correcting inflation, whereas fiscal policy focuses on unemployment.

Monetary policy adjusts interest rates, whereas fiscal policy adjusts government spending and taxes.

An import is a good or service: a. sold to a foreign buyer. b. sold to a domestic buyer. c. purchased from a foreign seller. d. purchased from a domestic seller.

Purchased from a foreign seller

Government-provided financial funding to households to compensate for bad outcomes such as unemployment, illness, disability, or outliving your savings is known as a: a. progressive tax system. b. disaster relief program. c. social insurance system. d. social safety net.

Social insurance system

An export is a good or service: a. sold to a foreign buyer. b. purchased from a foreign seller. c. sold to a domestic buyer. d. purchased from a domestic seller.

Sold to a foreign buyer

Which of the following is a source of comparative advantage? a. small-scale production b. scarce inputs c. specialized skills d. high tariff rates

Specialized skills

Due to a decline in demand and popularity, Ford Motor Company is planning to phase out traditional sedans such as 'Fusion' and 'Taurus' to focus on SUVs and trucks. Ford's sedans and trucks/SUVs are a. complements-in-production. b. products that do not follow the law of supply. c. inputs in production. d. substitutes-in-production.


When a manager uses comparative advantage to assign tasks in a workplace, then each a. task is assigned to the worker who is best at doing the task. b. worker learns how to do all tasks to increase flexibility in assignments. c. task is assigned to the worker with the lowest opportunity cost for performing the task. d. worker is assigned to the tasks for which he or she has the highest aptitude and efficiency.

Task is assigned to the worker with the lowest opportunity cost for performing the task.

A tariff is a: a. limit on the quantity of a good that can be imported. b. limit on the quantity of a good that can be exported. c. tax on exported products. d. tax on imported products.

Tax on imported products

A market's deadweight loss is calculated as a. the economic surplus at the efficient quantity minus the economic surplus at the actual quantity. b. the loss to consumers when a product malfunctions or fails to meet expectations. c. the economic loss that a firm has when it is not producing its profit-maximizing output. d. the price at equilibrium minus the price at actual quantity.

The economic surplus at the efficient quantity minus the economic surplus at the actual quantity

What happens to the equilibrium price and quantity when demand increases and simultaneously supply decreases, and the relative size of the shifts is not known? a. The equilibrium price rises, and the change in the equilibrium quantity is ambiguous. b. The equilibrium price falls, and the change in the equilibrium quantity is ambiguous. c. The equilibrium quantity rises, and the change in the equilibrium price is ambiguous. d. The equilibrium quantity falls, and the change in the equilibrium price is ambiguous.

The equilibrium price rises, and the change in the equilibrium quantity is ambiguous.

Which principle tells you that the true cost of something is the next best alternative you have to give up to get it? a. The interdependence principle. b. The opportunity cost principle. c. The marginal principle. d. The cost-benefit principle.

The opportunity cost principle

A production function is: a. the amount of money generated from selling outputs. b. a method through which inputs can be turned into outputs, given the available resources. c. the sum of total production possibilities, if resources were unlimited. d. a method by which outputs can be recycled to produce inputs.

a method through which inputs can be turned into outputs, given the available resources.

When quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied, _____ exists. a. a shortage b. fixed demand c. a surplus d. equilibrium

a shortage

An excise tax is a tax on: a. luxury goods and services. b. imports. c. purchases that is typically a percentage of the purchase price of goods and services. d. a specific product.

a specific product

The liquidity of an asset is defined as the: a. ability to index the asset's returns to the inflation rate. b. ability to quickly and easily convert the asset to cash, with little or no loss in value. c. ability to predict the future cash flow of the asset. d. risk that if you need to sell the asset quickly, you may not be able to get a good price for it.

ability to quickly and easily convert the asset to cash, with little or no loss in value.

The working age population includes people who are: a. age 16 or older. b. not in the military or institutionalized. c. not retired. d. age 16 or older who are not in the military or institutionalized.

age 16 or older who are not in the military or institutionalized

Future value is the: a. amount that your money will grow into by a future date as a result of earning interest. b. sum of all present values for a portfolio of savings instruments. c. equivalent of present value divided by the real interest rate. d. total amount of interest paid on a loan by a future date.

amount that your money will grow into by a future date as a results of earning interest

Sunk costs are costs that a. are incurred in the past and cannot be reversed. b. are part of the opportunity costs of a decision. c. should be considered in any decision. d. are potential costs associated with a particular decision.

are incurred in the past and cannot be reversed.

The consumer price index is an index that tracks the: a. price of all goods and services produced domestically. b. average price that consumers pay over time for a representative basket of goods and services. c. price that businesses pay over time for the inputs used in the production process. d. highest prices consumers pay over time for imported goods and services.

average price that consumers pay over time for a representative basket of goods and services

A mutual fund is a fund that: a. consists of only international assets. b. buys a portfolio of stocks and bonds on your behalf. c. buys a variety of assets, including land and precious metals, for companies. d. is owned by the government.

buys a portfolio of stocks and bonds on your behalf

A "final" good or service is one that is: a. not for sale. b. finished and ready for the final user. c. intermediate and ready to be used as an input. d. not being produced for the market.

finished and ready for the final user

Depreciation refers to the: a. spending by a business on new capital assets. b. decline in capital due to wear and tear, obsolescence, accidental damage, and aging. c. fall in the price of output that the business produces. d. decline in the quality of output produced by a business.

decline in capital due to wear and tear, obsolescence, accidental damage, and aging.

Which of the following items is an inferior good? a. Car rentals b. Discount stores c. Airline tickets d. Luxury SUVs

discount stores

Frictional unemployment is unemployment: a. due to the time it takes for employers to search for workers and for workers to search for jobs. b. due to a temporary downturn in the economy. c. that occurs because wages don't fall to bring labor demand and labor supply into equilibrium. d. that occurs because of seasonal changes.

due to the time it takes for employers to search for workers and for workers to search for jobs.

Positive analysis is based on identifying _____ and _____. a. beliefs; options b. priorities; scruples c. facts; relationships d. values; judgments

facts; relationships

The concept of equity focuses on: a. fairness. b. profit. c. the level of economic surplus. d. efficiency.


An initial public offering occurs when a company: a. first sells stock directly to the government. b. experiences a rise in the price and demand for its stock. c. first sells stock directly to the public. d. first opens for business and offers its goods and services for sale to the public.

first sells stock directly to the public

A bank can make money by: a. giving you a particular interest return on your savings and then loaning out the same money at a lower rate of interest. b. borrowing money from the government at 0% interest. c. giving you a particular interest return on your savings and then loaning out the same money at a higher rate of interest. d. storing and locking away all the deposits made by consumers.

giving you a particular interest return on your savings and then loaning out the same money at a higher interest rate

Discretionary spending is spending that: a. includes all state and local government spending. b. includes all federal government spending. c. is appropriated by Congress annually. d. supports programs that do not get determined annually but instead are set in law.

includes all state and local government spending

Diminishing marginal benefit: a. is when buying an additional item yields a smaller marginal benefit than the previous item. b. is not important in determining a consumer's purchase decision. c. is when buying an additional item yields a larger marginal benefit than the previous item. d. is when consumers do not follow the rational rule.

is when buying an additional item yields a smaller marginal benefit than the previous item.

Shifts in demand a. always lead to increases in equilibrium price. b. lead to price and quantity to move in opposite directions. c. lead to price and quantity to move in the same direction. d. always lead to increases in equilibrium quantity.

lead to price and quantity to move in the same direction.

Mr. Delwar purchased a 10-year bond a year ago. He expected an annual return of 5.25% on it. Last month, he had an unexpected need for money and had to cash in his bond. He received a low price for it. This scenario describes _____ risk. a. market b. term c. liquidity d. default


The ____ suggests, decisions about quantities are best made incrementally a. opportunity cost principle b. marginal principle c. interdependence principle d. cost-benefit principle

marginal principle

The federal funds rate is the: a. interest rate on loans from the Federal Reserve's discount window. b. nominal interest rate that banks pay on overnight interbank loans. c. interest rate the public pays on loans from banks. d. nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate.

nominal interest rate that banks pay on overnight interbank loans

The labor force participation rate is the: a. percentage of the labor force that is unemployed. b. sum of the employed and the unemployed. c. number of unemployed divided by the number of employed. d. percentage of the working age population that is either employed or unemployed.

percentage of the working age population that is either employed or unemployed

The law of supply refers to a. the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. b. the positive relationship between price and quantity demanded. c. the positive relationship between price and quantity supplied. d. the inverse relationship between price and quantity supplied.

positive relationship between price and quantity supplied

The Producer Price Index is an index that tracks the: a. average price that consumers pay over time for a representative basket of goods and services. b. highest prices consumers pay over time for imported goods and services. c. price that businesses pay over time for the inputs used in the production process. d. price of all goods and services produced domestically.

price that businesses pay over time for the inputs used in the production process

Forward guidance occurs when the Federal Reserve: a. provides information about current monetary policy in order to influence expectations about future interest rates. b. provides information about the future course of monetary policy in order to influence expectations about future interest rates. c. carries out open market operations to influence future interest rates. d. follows the same future course of monetary policy that it has been following in the past.

provides information about the future course of monetary policy in order to influence expectations about future interest rates

An equilibrium price is a price where the a. quantity supplied equals the quantity demanded. b. amount that buyers are willing to buy is equal to the amount that buyers are able to buy. c. demand curve is identical to the supply curve. d. quantity demanded no longer changes.

quantity supplied equals quantity demanded

A market is a a. setting that brings together potential buyers and sellers. b. set of supply curves for a product. c. a place where governments decide what is sold. d. set of demand curves for a product.

setting that brings together potential buyers and sellers

Suppose that a CPI basket includes avocadoes, pineapples and oranges. Avocadoes become very expensive, and consumers substitute away from avocadoes and buy hummus instead. If the CPI basket does not change to reflect the move away from avocados, the result is: a. understated inflation. b. the failure to capture real variables versus nominal variables. c. quality bias. d. substitution bias.

substitution bias

Mandatory spending is spending that: a. supports programs that do not get determined annually but instead are set in law. b. includes all federal government spending. c. includes all state and local government spending. d. is appropriated by Congress annually.

supports programs that do not get determined annually but instead are set in law.

Intergenerational mobility is the extent to which: a. children own more personal transportation vehicles (such as cars and motorcycles) than their parents did. b. the economic status of children is independent of the economic status of their parents. c. the geographic dispersion of families occurs as children pursue economic opportunities. d. the income of children in a given family varies across the children.

the economic status of children is independent of the economic status of their parents

The law of demand refers to a. the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. b. the inverse relationship between price and quantity supplied. c. the positive relationship between price and quantity demanded. d. the positive relationship between price and quantity supplied.

the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded

When thinking about retirement, which of the following is correct? You can depend on Social Security and a company pension plan to pay your basic living expenses. You'll spend less money when you retire. Saving just a little bit won't help. The sooner you start saving, the better. Your pension benefits will increase to keep pace with inflation.

the sooner you start saving, the better.

What is the Federal Reserve's mandate? a. to ensure that interest rates remain low all the time b. to encourage inflation and raise unemployment c. to print as many dollars as possible without causing inflation d. to ensure maximum employment while maintaining stable prices

to ensure maximum employment while maintaining stable prices

The law of diminishing returns states that: a. the level of capital accumulation is directly related to the level of human capital in an economy. b. when one input is held constant, while other inputs are increased, eventually output will increase by smaller and smaller amounts. c. when all inputs are held constant, there is an upper limit to the amount of output that can be produced. d. the lower the level of human capital in an economy, the lower the economic growth rate.

when one input is held constant, while other inputs are increased, eventually output will increase by smaller and smaller amounts.

If the price of jet fuel rises, the a. supply of jet fuel decreases. b. supply of airline flights increases. c. quantity supplied of jet fuel increases. d. supply of jet fuel increases.

quantity supplied of jet fuel increases

The three major pillars of the financial sector are the: a. stock market, the labor market, and the bond market. b. foreign exchange market, the bond market, and the government. c. stock market, the bond market, and the banks. d. banks, the goods market, and the labor market.

stock market, the bond, and the banks

A government can promote the development of human capital by: a. placing caps on salaries for teachers. b. subsidizing secondary school education. c. providing savings tax credits. d. promoting programs that encourage late retirement from work.

subsidizing secondary school education

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