Principles Mgt 301
In allocating weights to the decision criteria, which of the following is most helpful to remember?
Assign the most important criterion on a score, and then assign weights against that standard.
Which of the following is an example of an unstructured problem?
Choosing the best wardrobe for an executive
In Mexico and Japan, Jana noticed that it seemed easy to convince people to work together for the good of the group. How would you characterize this trait?
When Michelle addresses a complaint filed by an employee, she is performing which management role?
Disturbance handler
If Brenda accomplished her projects on time with high-quality results, but she took more time than other managers in the process, you could say that as a manager she was ________
Effective, but not efficient
a listener's summary of a speaker's words shows that the listener correctly understood the speaker's message. Which must be true?
Either the speaker sent a clear message, or the listener was able to interpret an unclear message successfully despite its lack of clarity
Under which category would you classify skill in motivating subordinates?
Interpersonal skills
A_____ organization has a high degree of specialization, formalization, and centralization.
This is the PRIMARY reason for why managers often travel long distances to have a face-to-face meeting with someone
Most communication is done through body language.
Which of the following is a key difference between managerial and nonmanagerial employees?
Nonmanagerial employees do not oversee the work of others
the greater the environmental uncertaintity, the more an organization needs to become____
the personal secretary of a top manager may have____
Power but not authority
A delegating leadership style works best with which type of follower?
____ is the power that arises when a person is close to another person who has great power and authority.
Referent Power
A manager wants to invest in one of three start-up companies. All three of the companies seem to have a good business plan. None of the companies has a track record. The manager is operating under which condition?
Which of the following is NOT a function of planning?
Settling disputes between employees
Court rulings allowing gay marriage provide an example of a change in which components of the external environment?
Sociocultural and political/legal
The four managerial functions first described by Fayol are considered the "best" because?
They are clear, simple, and intuitive
A ____ view of ethics states that more productive workers should get more pay and less productive workers less pay, regardless of other circumstances.
Escalation of commitment can occur when people don't____
Want to admit that an earlier decision was flawed
Which of the following is NOT a common way in which corporate cultures are transmitted to employees?
a formal culture meeting
visionary leadership differs from charismatic leadership because of its focus on____
a positive image of the future
Which problems are women LEAST likely to face in today's workplace?
a)a gender pay gap b)being outnumbered in the workplace c)career interruptions due to childbirth d)skepticism about whether they are qualified to do the job
Mid-Level managers in a country with high power distance are____ than managers from a low power distance country.
a)more likely to make risky decisions b)less likely to make risky decisions c)less likely to make safe, conservative decisions d)more likely to disagree with their leaders' decisions
The total freedom political party is trying to determine its position on climate change. Whom should the party consider as critical stakeholders?
all potential voters
Team diversity generally leads to _____ in overall team performance.
an eventual increase
A tennis player who blames a loss on windy conditions would be likely to have____
an external locus of control
One effect of planning on managers is that it forces them to____
anticipate and consider the effect of change
According to the EEOC, sexual harassment is ________ that creates a hostile environment, interferes with a person's work or diminishes the person's employment opportunities.
any unwanted or unsolicited speech or physical conduct
Directional plans___
are flexible general guidelines
Which is an organizational "people change"?
attitudes that people have
A manager with a Theory X view of human nature would____
be unlikely to allow workers to work independently
According to Herzberg, when an extremely dissatisfied employee gets an improved salary and working conditions, he or she____
becomes less dissatisfied, and their motivation is unaffected.
A major criticism of Fiedler's work stated that is failed to recognize that effective leaders____
can change leadership styles
To identify a problem a manager ____
compares the current state of affairs with some standard or goal
A certain amount of this is usually required for effective teams.
Job studies show that this big 5 personality dimensions was consistently important for success no matter what the job type.
This is the dimension of trust that includes how reliable a leader is
Group decision making typically increased the legitimacy of a decision because the decision was made___
all of the following are goals of the orientation process EXCEPT___
discuss payments and benefits
Lewin's force field analysis identified ____ forces that compete when people try to achieve a goal.
driving and blocking
Keena's company needs to increase the diversity of its workforce. Which choice might this requirement rule out?
employee referral
Because they are not systematic or comprehensive, using heuristics in place of an eight-step decision-making process can lead to___
error and biases
In an attempt to get employees to stop congregating, a manager decides to remove free bagels from the company snack bar. Which behavior-shaping method is she using?
A building contractor follows the network organization model when he does which of the following?
farms out the plumbing to a plumbing firm
A cell phone maker tests its new model with a sample audience when it is fully operational. What kind of control is this?
feedback control
because the average listener can comprehend language at a rate that is much higher than speakers can speak people tend to ___
focus better when listening than talking
A sneaker company creating its own stores where it sells only its own brand is an example of which of the following?
forward vertical integration
which is NOT a factor that should influence compensation and benefits?
Workers seem to reject a simple new manufacturing method that has been shown to increase company sales because they say, "That is not the way we do things around here." These workers are most likely to be resisting change due to which of the following
the first step in any employment planning process involves making a ____
human resource inventory
A cell phone company might ask managers to do some environmental scanning of blogs that deal with electronics as a way to ____
identify emerging trends
A banker opts for short-term gain despite indications that his decision might not pay off in the long run. Which error or bias is the banker guilty of?
immediate gratification
potential stress can become actual stress when the outcome of an event is uncertain and____
important to the individual
The primary reason for why social loafing occurs is that output contributions from ____ easily be measured.
individuals cannot
Apple, which lives and breathes new product development, emphasizes which dimension of organizational culture?
A manager would most likely be interested in employee's attitudes about what?
job satisfaction
Problem solving teams usually___
lack the authority to implement their decisions
When a manager attempts to covertly influence others by distorting the facts he is using which of the following methods of reducing resistance to change?
A group that has gone through the norming stage of the group development process__
may return to the forming or storming stage
The more a control system helps an organization____. The more successful it is judged to be.
meet its goals
Today's managers are moving away from formalization and trying to be this.
more flexible
Group cohesiveness is largely a measure of how____
much individuals share the groups goals
A global village can be best characterized as a business climate in which there are___
no international boundaries
In the second step of the control process, actual performance can be considered acceptable as long as the performance doesn't fall____
outside an acceptable range of variation
A ____ leader in path-goal theory often makes decisions collectively with followers
During an interview, an applicant for a managerial job is confronted with role players who make the claim that they have been "harassed on the job." The applicant is then asked to deal with the complaints. What kind of selection device is being used?
performance simulation test
The culture of an organization is analogous to the ____ of an individual.
Which of the following best defines sustainability for a company?
running the company with a strategy that is both profitable and good for the environment
All of the following are important in efforts to protect information in an organization EXCEPT:
search engines
In a goal setting theory, which is the best kind of feedback?
self-generated feedback
which communication sequence is correct?
Suppose Director Jossleman proposes building a wildlife preserve near the wind farm for the local community. What is Josselman demonstrating in her proposal?
social responsiveness
_____ variables are thought to promote innovation
structural, cultural, and human resource
Most successful companies find that ____ a competitive advantage is almost as difficult as developing a competitive advantage.
Acme Corporation's management feels that employees could be more motivated by their jobs. The jobs were enriched earlier and some improvements were seen in motivation. Most jobs at Acme were redesigned to allow the employees to complete a whole and identifiable piece of work. This fits ________, a core dimension of the job characteristics model.
task identity
Theodore and Janice have formed TJ Soft, an entrepreneurial venture to develop games and other kinds of software for consumers. Theodore has just read an article that describes the explosion of computer games among young people in India using cell phones and simple computers. This generation in India has well over 300 million people in it, and if TJ Soft can capture just a tiny portion of that market it will be highly successful. Which component of the external environment will affect TJ Soft the most in this situation?
the Demographic Component
Attribution theory is primarily concerned with explaining___
the behaviour of others
by using____ , we form an impression about a person based on a single characteristic, such as intelligence or appearance.
the halo effect
The CEO of a major corporation experiences emotional problems and makes an appointment to see a psychiatrist. Which of the following has the least legitimate right to be informed about the situation?
the media
In the integrated model for motivation as shown in the chapter reading, high achievers circumvent the entire sequence of steps for motivation because ________.
they are internally motivated, not motivated by rewards
How should managers at Apache Corp. communicate its positive attitude toward risk taking to its employees?
through actions that reward risk taking and initiative
Behavioral theories of leadership focused on ____
what effective leaders did
A balanced scorecard approach creates goals in four key performance areas and assess____
whether all four goals are met
A supervisor jokingly tells a colleague, "you're fired" in an email. What risk does the supervisor run?
without nonverbal cues, the message may be taken seriously.
The jobs of assembly-line employees are to be changed to allow more tasks to be done by individual workers. This is a reduction in ________.
work specialization