Principles of Management: Chapter 13 (Wesson)

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feedback system in which managers are evaluated by everyone around them


provides a richer array of performance information on which to base an appraisal

360-degree feedback

says that the minority group members should be less than a certain percentage of those impacted by adverse forces

80/20 rule

federal law that protects personal medical information and recognizes the right to relevant medical information of family caregivers and others directly involved in providing or paying for care


requires that employers obey the safety and health standards established by the administration


requires that employers provide a place of employment that is free from hazards that may cause death or serious physical harm


grace is posting job openings in the company's manufacturing division to employment websites, as part of the _ process a. recruiting b. job analysis c. replacement chart d. employee information system


marta is a HR manager who spends much of her time on _. she systematically analyzes the content and requirements of jobs in the organization a. job analysis b. demand forecasting c. recruiting d. selection


the 360-degree feedback performance appraisal system tries to improve performance ratings by forcing managers to: a. include information from a wide variety of sources in their reviews b. rate employees based on intuition c. rate employees based on their actions, not their traits d. compare employees


the fair labor standards act a. requires the payment of overtime rates for work in excess of 40 hours per week b. requires that men and women be paid the same amount for doing the same job c. regulates how organizations manage their pension funds d. sets up a procedure for employees to vote on whether to have a union


the process of determining the predictive value of information is called a. validation b. diversification c. assimilation d. integration


title vii of the civil rights act of 1964, the pregnancy discrimination act, age discrimination in employment act, americans with disabilities act, and the civil rights act of 1991 are all parts of which type of HRM legal environment a. equal employment opportunity b. compensation and benefits c. labor relations d. health and safety


your company plans to emphasize online sales in the future. you've been tasked with HRP, especially for the role of user-experience designers the company predicts it will need. what step do you take next a. forecast external supply of UX designers b. analyze the job duties of UX designers at other orgs c. assess trends in general economic trends d. analyze current jobs in the company


the grocery store down the street from your house is non unionized. which of the following are likely to happen if its employees start a union (can choose multiple) a. employee benefits will increase b. employee wages will increase c. the company will experience more employee turnover d. employees will have higher job satisfaction

a, b

why might denise consider reducing the benefits offered to employees at extreme routes (can choose multiple) a. benefits that aren't utilized by employees are an unnecessary cost b. cutting benefits is a way companies can cut costs without reducing the number of employees c. the cost of programs like health insurance continue to increase d. obamacare eliminates the need for extreme routes to offer defined benefits plans e. employees only value direct compensation, not the indirect compensation provided in the form of benefits

a, b, c

why is unionization desirable for employees (can choose multiple) a. Employees may desire union representation when they perceive threats such as job insecurity, potential cuts to indirect compensation, and other organization changes. b. When a company faces restructuring to lower costs, a benefit of unionization is the ease with which the wage paid per hour per position can be decreased with ease. c. The outsourcing of low paying, unskilled jobs to Third World countries has eliminated the need for unions in developed countries. d. If a company's workforce is unionized, new employees can choose whether to work at-will or to become a union member. e. Unions engage in collective bargaining to negotiate labor contracts for its members.

a, e

performance tests measure _


when minority group members pass a selection standard at a rate less than 80% of the rate of the majority group

adverse impact

a limit of _ is that you're only getting people who are actively looking for jobs


goals that have been put in place organizationally to help individuals that have historically been underrepresented in the organization/country

affirmative action

intentionally seeking and hiring qualified or qualifiable employees from racial, sexual, and ethnic groups that are underrepresented in the organization

affirmative action

several executive orders require federal contractors to develop _ plans and take action in hiring vets and the disabled

affirmative action

name the law associated with the description protects people 40-65 years old from discrimination

age discrimination in employment act

outlaws discrimination against persons older than 40 years of age

age discrimination in employment act

forbids discrimination on the basis of disabilities and requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for disabled employees

americans with disabilities act

name the law associated with the description prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities

americans with disabilities act

requires employers to ask: can you perform the essential functions of the job, with or without reasonable accomodations

americans with disabilities act

says individuals with a disability must be given reasonable accomodations to meet the essential functions of the job

americans with disabilities act

used to gather information about work history, educational background, and other job-related demographic data

application blanks

provide information about maximum, minimum, and average wages for a particular job in a labor market

area wage surveys

a popular method for selecting that is particularly good for selecting current managers for promotion

assessment centers

provides content validation for major parts of the managerial job

assessment centers

used for only managerial candidates or above

assessment centers

_ is an attempt to assess the worth of each job relative to other jobs a. job attenuation b. job evaluation c. job specialization d. job validation


after employees at the grocery store where jeremy works formed a union, wage increases were determined through a _ process, rather than an employee-by-employee basis a. behaviorally anchored rating b. labor relations c. 360-degree feedback d. performance appraisal


comparing future demand and internal supply happens after a. predicting demand b. forecasting internal/external supply c. planning for dealing with predicted shortfalls or overstaffing


the fair labor standards act of 1938, equal pay act of 1963, employee retirement income security act of 1974, and the family and medical leave act of 1993 are all parts of which type of HRM legal environment a. equal employment opportunity b. compensation and benefits c. labor relations d. health and safety


the maine media workshop is similar to _ because it offers a wide variety of developmental classes for people in different stages of their careers a. mentoring b. a corporate university c. on-the-job training


type of rating that ties in behavioral descriptions for each number

behaviorally-anchored rating scale

a good _ plan encourages employees to stay with the company and attracts new employees


things of value other than compensation that an organization provides to its workers


hrm is critical to _ performance of the firm


a job description is (broad/specific)


imagine that you are a HR manager at an online retailer. what will you do in order to know whether you will be giving layoff notices to your programming staff or recruiting for additional programmers a. conduct a job analysis b. create a replacement chart c. compare the future demand for programmers at the company to the internal supply d. assess the external labor market


suppose your plant in mexico city needs someone with security clearance at the organization immediately, but the person must be fluent in spanish. you can use the organization's _ to search for current employees who meet the criteria a. employee manual b. employee newsletter c. employee information system d. instant messaging system


the national labor relations act of 1935, labor management relations act of 1947, and the labor management reporting and disclosure act of 1959 are all parts of which type of HRM legal environment a. equal employment opportunity b. compensation and benefits c. labor relations d. health and safety


title vii of the civil rights act of 1964 a. outlaws discrimination against people older than 40 years b. requires employers with government contracts to engage in affirmative action c. forbids discrimination in all areas of employment relationship d. limits union power and requires organizations to bargain collectively with legally formed unions


which of the following is true of assessment centers a. they are permanent facilities established in every firm according to the law b. they conduct drug tests and credit checks c. they are particularly good for selecting current employees for promotion d. they reveal inherent biases in the way people perceive and judge others at a first meeting


at extreme routes, in what ways are employees paid for time (can choose multiple) a. tuition reimbursements b. worker's compensation c. holidays d. sick leave e. vacation

c, d, e

flexible plans that provide basic coverage and allow employees to choose additional benefits they want up to the cost limit set by the organization

cafeteria benefit

_ are low-cost sources of external recruits, but you only get to do it a few times a year

campus interviews

occurs when a rater gives all the workers the same rating in order to avoid conflict between workers

central tendency error

amended the original civil rights act, making it easier to bring discrimination lawsuits while also limiting punitive damages that can be awarded in those lawsuits

civil rights act of 1991

name the law associated with the description makes it easier for employees to win discrimination lawsuits

civil rights act of 1991

_ came about because of the wagner act

collective bargaining

_ contracts contain agreements about wage, hours, and working conditions and how management will treat employees

collective bargaining

the process of agreeing on a satisfactory labor contract between management and labor

collective bargaining

a reflection of an employee's value to an organization


provide a tangible measure of the value of the individual to the organization


provide means to maintain a reasonable standard of living


the financial renumeration given by the organization to its employees in exchange for their work


an example of _ is giving job applicants typing tests for administrative assistants

content validation

the use of logic and job analysis to determine that selection techniques measure the exact skills needed for job performance

content validation

used to establish the job relatedness of a selection device

content validation

denise compares her management policies to that of fitness unlimited, a competitor. fitness unlimited wants to recruit the best employees available. for this reason, it is a wage leader. management made this _ to intentionally pay more than average to attract high-quality employees a. wage structure decision b. job evaluation c. wage adjustments d. wage-level decision


during a job interview for a waitstaff position, the manager told applicants that waiters need to be on their feet all day and that customers can sometimes be mean. HR professionals often recommend that interviewers provide this type of _ to applicants a. internal recruiting b. validation c. external recruiting d. realistic job preview


during the _ process at the manufacturing plant, union leaders negotiate wages, working conditions, and benefits a. performance appraisal b. grievance procedure c. diversity d. collective bargaining


suppose you are writing an ad seeking candidates for a position at your company. your description of the job duties will come from the _ created during the job analysis a. job specification b. replacement chart c. performance appraisal form d. job description


the _ was passed in 1947 to limit union power a. fair labor standards act b. civil rights act c. national labor relations act d. labor-management relations act


the occupational safety and health act of 1970 and the health insurance portability and accountability act are all parts of which type of HRM legal environment a. equal employment opportunity b. compensation and benefits c. labor relations d. health and safety


leadership training is an example of (training/development)


teaching managers and professionals the skills needed for both present and future jobs


firms are increasingly having to make accommodations for _ partners by delaying transfers, offering employment to spouses, and providing more flexible work schedules and benefits packages


_ training allows employers to roll out large amounts of information


a database of employees' education, skills, work experience, and career expectations, usually computerized

employee information system

computerized system that helps identify where the company is missing skills/abilities

employee information system

biggest source of external recruits

employee referrals

sets standards for pension plan management and provides federal insurance if pension plans go bankrupt

employee retirement income security act

_ give companies temporaries that turn into full-time employees

employment agencies

a traditional view of the workplace in which an employer can fire an employee for any or no reason


federal agency charged with enforcing title vii as well as several other employment-related laws

equal employment opportunity commission

where an employee would file a violation of title vii

equal employment opportunity commission

name the law associated with the description requires that men and women be paid the same for doing the same work

equal pay act

requires men and women to be paid the same amount for doing the same jobs

equal pay act

training and development programs should always be _


headhunters for high-level candidates

executive search firms

t/f affirmative action is a quota system


t/f age is one of the things included in title vii of the civil rights act


t/f application bank = resume


t/f application banks can ask for information unrelated to the job


t/f benefits stimulate high performance


t/f employers can ask if you are authorized to work in the us based on title vii of the civil rights act


t/f every organization has to use affirmative action


t/f hostile work environment can happen even if it's a one-time thing


t/f internal recruiting increases turnover


t/f nobody is exempt from the fair labor standards act


t/f performance feedback is best given to all the employees at once


t/f performance tests also measure motivation


t/f polygraphs are popular for assessing potential employees


t/f ranking is the easiest for a large number of employees


discussion in a performance feedback session should focus on the _


name the law associated with the description banned child labor and created a federal minimum wage

fair labor standards act

sets a minimum wage and requires overtime pay for work in excess of 40 hours per week for non-exempt employees

fair labor standards act

the _ act banned child labor

fair labor standards act

guarantees that employees will have the same/similar job when they return

family and medical leave act

name the law associated with the description allows employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to address medical issues for themselves or immediate family members

family and medical leave act

requires employers to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for family and medical emergencies

family and medical leave act

assessing trends is the (first/second/third) step in HR planning


_ HR demand answers the question - do you need a person to fill a position


evaluations at the end of a semester are examples of _ scales

graphic rating

allowing the assessment of the employee on one dimension to spread to that employee's ratings on other dimensions

halo error

form of sexual harassment, creates an environment that is so uncomfortable that employees feel like they can't work

hostile work environment

hrm is increasingly important as firms realize the value of their _ in improving productivity

human capital

_ answers the question, how can we create value associated with our people

human resource management

at times, an organization could lay off a significant portion of its workforce while also recruiting for open positions. this sometimes happens because of the need for _ to maintain an effective workforce a. procurement b. restructuring initiatives c. operations control d. human resource management

human resource management

the set of organizational activities directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining an effective workforce

human resource management

is the following phrase in an interview legal or illegal? are you married


is the following phrase in an interview legal or illegal? do you have a mental illness


is the following phrase in an interview legal or illegal? how will you care for your children while you are working


is the following phrase in an interview legal or illegal? that's an interesting name. where's your family from


_ represent special compensation opportunities that are usually tied to performance


sales commissions are examples of _


benefits are a form of (direct/indirect) compensation


a disadvantage of _ is that it can create a "ripple effect"

internal recruiting

considering current employees as candidates for openings

internal recruiting

promotion from within

internal recruiting

_ can be poor predictors of job success due to biases


a systematic analysis of jobs within an organization

job analysis

david, kenny and brian are completing questionnaires to describe the tasks they do in their jobs as part of their company's _ process a. employee information system b. recruiting c. job analysis d. replacement chart

job analysis

observations, interviews, and questionnaires are all ways to get through _

job analysis

using this is because you need to know what the job is before you attract someone

job analysis

where can employers find the essential functions of a job

job analysis

a listing of the job's duties, its working conditions, and the tools, materials, and equipment used to perform the job

job description

output of job analysis

job description, job specification

_ are the basis for determining the worth of each job relative to other jobs in the organizational wage-structure

job evaluations

a listing of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other credentials the incumbent jobholder will need to do a job

job specification

describes what the current person is doing, and what they're actually using for the job

job specification

the new argument in which an organization should be able to fire only people who are poor performers or who violate rules

just cause

the process of dealing with employees when they are represented by a union

labor relations

regulates labor unions' internal affairs and their officials' relationships with employers

landrum-griffin act

viewed as pro-employee act

landrum-griffin act

_ are good training methods for factual information


is the following phrase in an interview legal or illegal? at your last job, how many times per month were you late for work


is the following phrase in an interview legal or illegal? have you ever been convicted of a crime


is the following phrase in an interview legal or illegal? have you ever held a job under a different name? if so, please provide the name under which you worked


is the following phrase in an interview legal or illegal? how many years of experience as [job title] do you have


the wagner act, taft-hartley act, and the landrum-griffin act create the _

national labor code

the federal agency empowered to enforce provisions of the NLRA

national labor relations board

can employees be fired as part of an organization-wide cutback, even without just cause


you want a performance appraisal to be (subjective/objective)


richest way to approach measuring relative job performance


name the law associated with the description makes sure work conditions do not endanger employees' health

occupational safety and health act

the majority of training comes from _


alternative to job analysis, talking about tasks, skills, knowledge, education, compensation


bias where some have a better chance to perform than others on performance appraisals


the point of _ is to create workplace protections


form of retirement account


a formal assessment of how well workers do their jobs

performance appraisal

aids in making pay raise, promotion, and training decisions

performance appraisal

provides feedback to workers to improve their performance and plan future careers

performance appraisal

validates the selection process and the effects of training

performance appraisal

most difficult part of performance appraisal

performance feedback

correlating previously collected test scores of employees with the employees' actual job performance

predictive validation

creating an intelligence test to current employees, wanting to compare high performers to high scores, is an example of _

predictive validation

specifically outlaws discrimination on the basis of pregnancy

pregnancy discrimination act

warnings, suspensions, and termination make up a _

progressive discipline plan

form of sexual harassment based on power

quid pro quo

this for that - if you do this, i will give you that

quid pro quo

compares employees to each other, and can be good if you're only using quantifiable evidence


compares employees to a fixed statement


considered a successful method to ensure person-job fit

realistic job preview

the tendency of the evaluator to base judgments on the subordinate's most recent performance because it is the most easily recalled

recency error

the process of attracting qualified persons to apply for jobs that are open


a list of managerial positions in the organization, the occupants, how long they will stay in the position, and who will replace them

replacement chart

_ are good training methods for giving people ideas on what to expect/practice

role play, case studies

(waged/salaried) employees are exempt from the fair labor standards act's minimum wage and overtime provisions


(salary/wage) are generally exempt


_ refers to compensation paid for the total contribution of an employee and not based on total hours worked


you've just received an employment offer to work as a route setter with extreme routes. the _ will be $55,000 annually, regardless of the hours worked


predicting demand is the (first/second/third) step in HR planning


a job specification is (broad/specific)


hr planning is not part of the _ planning process


interview validity can be improved by using _ interviews


t/f BARS take a long time to develop


t/f employers can use credit checks to screen prospective employees


t/f exemptions for the equal pay act are seniority and merit pay


t/f incentives are forms of direct compensation


t/f management is required to bargain collectively with the union


t/f organizations prefer employees to remain nonunion


t/f pay for time not worked is an example of a type of benefit


t/f rankings do not provide useful information for employee feedback


allows the US president to prevent or end a strike that endangers national security

taft-hartley act

amended NLRA to limit the power of unions and increase management's rights during organizing campaigns

taft-hartley act

very pro-management, shifted power back to management from unions

taft-hartley act

an increasing trend is to use more _ workers without the risk that the organization may have to eliminate their jobs


ability, skill, aptitude, or knowledge _ are usually the best predictors of job success


forecasting internal/external supply is the (first/second/third) step in HR planning


forbids discrimination in the employment relationship

title vii of the civil rights act

name the law associated with the description prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex, or national origin

title vii of the civil rights act

says employers are not required to seek out and hire minorities but they must treat fairly all who apply

title vii of the civil rights act

says protected classes include race or color, national origin, sex, and religion

title vii of the civil rights act

determining what needs exist is the first step in developing a _ plan


interview validity can be improved by _ interviewers


teaching an employee how to use a saw is an example of (training/development)


teaching operational or technical employees how to do the job for which they were hired


determining the extent to which a selection device is predictive of future job performance


the potential to predict performance


(salary/wage) are generally non-exempt


the level of unemployment in the labor force is a factor affecting the _ decision


a management policy decision to pay above, at, or below the going rate for labor in an industry or geographic area

wage-level decision

decision to evaluate what a job is worth


_ are hourly compensation paid to operating employees


pro-unions act


gave unions the right to organize, created the term "collective bargaining"

wagner act

set up procedures for employees to vote whether to have a union

wagner act

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