Principles of Management: Chapter 16 (Wesson)

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which of the following is NOT an example of a decision making style that is recognized by the vroom decision tree model a. participate b. facilitate c. delegate d. consult group e. decide


which of the following are task-oriented leadership behaviors a. communicating annual sales targets in a national sales meeting b. completing a budget for the upcoming year c. making sure members of the company's team are interested in the work they are doing d. reviewing an employee's work before sending it on to a client

a, b, d

if a follower lacks job challenge, which leadership style is required


leadership role: doing a good job of creating external and internal relationships

building business partnerships

the degree to which the decision will have an impact on the organization

decision significance

the _ leader behavior is the traditional view of management


leader behavior that tends to be more effective


the more important the information and the fewer the people who have access to it, the greater is the degree of _ power possessed by any one person


t/f if one has power, they must use it


t/f leadership and management are the same thing


t/f the mere possession of legitimate authority makes someone a leader


decision making style: manager presents the problem to the group, defines the problem and its boundaries, and then facilitates group member discussion as they make the decision


leadership style that mirrors job-centered behavior


influencing a subordinate's behavior through an appeal to a set of higher ideals or values is an example of _

inspirational appeal

the influence tactic from al pacino in the scent of a woman example is _

inspirational appeal

a subordinate complying with a manager's request to get the rewards that the manager controls is an example of _ compliance


doing something to get a reward that the manager controls is an example of _ compliance


which two leader behaviors stem from the michigan studies

job-centered, employee-centered

directive, supportive, participative, and achievement-oriented are examples of which leadership style determinant that determine the subordinates' motivation to perform

leader behaviors

studies that tried to describe leadership behaviors as independent parts of a matrix

ohio state

the ability to affect the behavior of others


convincing subordinates compliance is in their best interest is an example of _

rational persuasion

the personal power that accrues to someone based on identification, imitation, loyalty, or charisma


the greater the number of rewards a manager controls and the more important the rewards are to subordinates, the greater is the manager's _ power


the power to give or withhold something subordinates want


most day to day interactions between manager and subordinate are of the _ type


leadership as a _ helps to define the organizational culture


in the army, many tasks are done according to a precise series of steps. for example, rifles are broken down and reassembled the same way every time they are cleaned. this is an example of the _ element of the path-goal theory a. environmental b. leadership style c. employee d. outcomes


nick (who has coercive power) is likely to have difficulty using his power if employees a. are not interested in nick's reward b. are not afraid of nick's punishments c. don't believe in nick's expertise d. feel that nick is unpleasant


leadership role: pushing subordinates to be the best they can be

championing continuous improvement

in _, the manager consciously becomes a model for the subordinate

personal identification

leadership as a _ means using non-coercive influence to shape the group's organization's goals


a concept that identifies situations in which leader behavior is neutralized or replaced by characteristics of subordinates, the task, and the organization

substitutes for leadership

if a follower lacks self-confidence, which leadership style is required


the _ leader behavior looks like setting challenging goals, expecting subordinates to perform at high levels, encouraging and showing confidence in subordinates


on your first day as a nursing home assistant, you realize that you and many of your coworkers have little experience in caring for the elderly. this is an example of the _ element of the path-goal theory a. employee b. subordinates' personal characteristics c. outcomes d. leadership style


nick, an internet marketing manager, has coercive power at work. people are likely to do what nick says because a. he is very charismatic b. he can increase their vacation time c. he can lower their pay d. his social media skills are awesome


threatening to fire, punish, or reprimand subordinates if they do not do something is an example of _


_ power is the capability to force compliance by means of psychological, emotional, or physical threat


the more punitive the elements under a manager's control and the more important they are to subordinates, the more _ power the manager possesses


leadership style in which the leader shows concern for subordinates and attempts to establish a friendly and supportive climate


decision making style: manager presents a problem to group at a meeting, gets their suggestions, then makes a decision

consult (group)

decision making style: manager presents program to group members individually, obtains their suggestions, then makes the decision

consult (individually)

decision making style: manager makes decision alone and then announces it or "sells" it to the group


the degree of time pressure for making a decision in a timely basis

decision timeliness

the _ approach concerns itself with only a single aspect of leader behavior: subordinate participation in decision making

decision tree

the basic premise of the _ approach is that subordinate participation in decision making depends on the characteristics of the situation

decision tree

which situational approach to leadership attempts to prescribe a leadership style appropriate to a given situation

decision tree

decision making style: manager allows the group to define for itself the exact nature and parameters of the problem and then develop a solution


if a follower faces an ambiguous job, which leadership style is required


people who have an external locus control, that assume that fate, luck, or "the system" determines what happens to them, probably require what type of leader behavior


the _ leader behavior looks like letting subordinates know what is expected of them, giving guidance and direction, and scheduling work


type of leader behavior: managers who focus on the development of cohesive work groups and satisfaction


task structure and work group are examples of which leadership style determinant that determine the subordinates' motivation to perform


_ power is derived from the possession of information or expertise


the martian showed an example of commander lewis using what style from the decision tree


leadership role: removing obstacles, showing the value/importance of learning, and helping you understand the importance behind it

facilitating learning

subordinates are involved when the decision significance is (low/high)


which group is generally part of the role-making process, and has special duties requiring responsibility and autonomy and special privileges


in order for reward power to be successful, a manager must add _ rewards such as praise, gratitude, and recognition


withholding or distorting information to influence subordinates' behavior

information distortion

which two leader behaviors stem from the ohio state studies

initiating structure, consideration

leadership style in which the leader clearly defines the leader-subordinate role expectations, formalizes communications, and sets the working agenda


the basis of _ compliance is clarifying important performance-reward contingencies


five traits of the "great man" approach

intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, sociability

the studies conducted at michigan found that _ leaders were the least productive because they focused on schedules and efficiency rather than on people


type of leader behavior: managers who play close attention to subordinates' work, explain work procedures, and are keenly interested in performance


which situational approach to leadership stresses the importance of variable relationships between supervisors and each of their subordinates

leader-member exchange approach

which situational approach to leadership uses vertical dyads in which leaders form unique independent relationships with each subordinate (dyad) in which the subordinate becomes a member of the leader's out-group or in-group

leader-member exchange group

_ are people who can influence the behaviors of others without having to rely on force


_ is necessary to create change, and _ is necessary to achieve orderly results

leadership, management

leadership role: instead of telling subordinates things, creating compelling messages

leading through vision and values

four leadership roles

leading through vision and values, championing continuous improvement, building business partnerships, facilitating learning

_ power is granted through the organizational hierarchy


_ power is like your boss above you in an org chart


_ power often has reward/coercive power


a subordinate's compliance with a manager's request because the organization has given the manager the right to make the request is known as a _ request


identified two forms of leader behavior, considered to be at opposite ends of the same continuum


the studies conducted at (ohio state/michigan) centered on leadership effectiveness


formalization, group cohesion, inflexibility, and a rigid reward structure are examples of _ characters that substitute for leadership


legitimate, reward, and coercion power are examples of (organizational/personal) power


if a follower faces improper procedures and poor decisions, which leadership style is required


people who have an internal locus of control, that believe what happens to them is a function of their own efforts and behavior, probably require what type of leader behavior


the _ leader behavior looks like consulting with subordinates, soliciting suggestions, and allowing participation in decision making


the _ theory states that the primary functions of a leader are to make valued or desired rewards available in the workplace and to clarify for the subordinate the kinds of behavior that will lead to goal accomplishment or rewards


which situational leadership theory is a direct extension of the expectancy theory of motivation


job-centered leadership behaviors are most likely to produce an increase in (performance/job satisfaction) for followers


using the superior's referent power to shape a subordinate's behavior is an example of _

personal identification

the meaning of leadership has two dimensions: leadership as a _ and as a _

process, property

leadership as a _ explains the characteristics attributed to individuals perceived as leaders


_ is like reward power, except that the manager does not really control the reward

rational persuasion

ability, experience, need for independence, professional orientation, and indifference towards organizational goals are examples of _ characters that substitute for leadership


perceived ability and locus of control are examples of which leadership style determinant that determine the subordinates' motivation to perform

subordinates' personal characteristics

developed because existing leadership models and theories do not account for situations in which leadership is not needed

substitute for leadership

the _ leader behavior looks like being friendly and approachable, having concern for subordinate welfare, and treating subordinates as equals


t/f initiating structure and consideration are independent behaviors on a matrix


t/f the trait approach provides potential, not a guarantee, for successful leadership


routineness, the availability of feedback, and intrinsic satisfaction are examples of _ characters that substitute for leadership


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