Programming and Logic Design, Chapter 2, Variable Naming Conventions
Pascal casing, upper camel casing
P_____ c_____ is a convention in which the first letter of a variable name is uppercase. It is sometimes called u_____ c____ c_____ to distinguish it from lower camel casing.
Visual Basic
Pascal casing is commonly used with which language(s)?
Hungarian notation
H________ n_______ is a form of camel casing in which a variable's data type is part of the identifier.
Pascal Casing
HourlyWage and LastName are examples of which variable naming convention?
C for Windows API programming
Hungarian notation is commonly used with which language(s)?
Mixed case with underscores is commonly used with which language(s)?
Camel casing, lower camel casing,
C____ c_____ is the convention in which the variable starts with a lowercase letter and any subsequent word begins with an uppercase letter. It is sometimes called a l____ c____ c_____ to emphasize the difference from Pascal casing.
Java, C#
Camel casing is commonly used with which language(s)?
Mixed case with underscores
Hourly_Wage and Last_Name are examples of which variable naming convention?
Kebob case
K____ c___ is sometimes used as te name for the style that uses dashes to separate parts of a variable name. The name derives from the fact that the words look like pieces of food on a skewer.
Lisp (with lowercase letters), COBOL (with uppercase letters)
Kebob case is commonly used with which language(s)?
Mixed case with underscores
M____ c___ w___ u__________ is a variable naming convention similar to snake casing, but new words start with an uppercase letter.
Snake casing
S____ c_____ is a convention in which parts of a variable name are separated by underscores.
C, C++, Python, Ruby
Snake casing is commonly used with which language(s)?
Kebob case
hourl-wage and last-name are examples of which variable naming convention?
Camel casing
hourlyWage and lastName are examples of which variable naming convention?
Snake casing
hourly_wage and last_name are examples of which variable naming convention?
Hungarian notation
numHourlyWage and stringLastName are examples of which variable naming convention?