Propaganda - A

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7 Wishful Thinking

37. A native, pointing to the lion's tooth which the chief always wore around his neck, said, "That tooth will prevent the chief from getting malaria."

6 Rationalization

10. A worker, after being turned down for a promotion in her department, said, "I never had a chance. Clara had the inside track with the boss all along. She knew him from many years ago."

9 Causal Oversimplification

11. I really think the way to solve the handgun problem is not to ban guns. Instead, we should outlaw bullets.

7 Wishful Thinking

12. Mr. Williams can't possibly fail me. I know I haven't passed any of his tests, but I am always on time for class; besides, I bought him a really nice Christmas present.

4 Not Drawing the Line

13. I know I've already had eight beers, but one more won't make any difference in the way I drive.

2 Academic Detachment

14. I have a math test and an English test tomorrow. I don't know which one to study harder for, so I'll just wait to see how I do. Next time I'll study harder for whichever subject had the more difficult test.

7 Wishful Thinking

15. I know I must be gifted. After all, don't most doctors have an awful handwriting?

8 Tabloid Thinking

16. Foley is a typical athlete. You know, big, stupid, and not very refined.

6 Rationalization

17. So what if I didn't pay taxes on my second job? My employer didn't declare me as an employee of his firm.

7 Wishful Thinking

18. Jack will get a scholarship to M.I.T. I know, because he has been studying hard for the past three years, and he tries.

3 Drawing the Line

19. College students are either not knowledgeable enough to teach, or so filled with high-sounding facts that they can't explain their ideas to high school students.

7 Wishful Thinking

2. My new invention, the Hula Graph, is going to make me a millionaire. I'm sure everyone will buy one.

1 Prejudice

20. Students should not be allowed to help make course decisions. Why, they don't even have degrees.

8 Tabloid Thinking

21. Sure, I know who Lincoln was. He was the President who ended slavery.

4 Not Drawing the Line

22. Steve shot and kept one duck more than the limit. He told the Game Warden, "Well, who's going to miss this one duck? You have so many in this area, you don't know what to do with them all."

9 Causal Oversimplification

23. Wife to husband: "I knew this World's Fair would fail. They didn't advertise enough for it."

2 Academic Detachment

24. I am so sick of politics in our state, with the reformers on one side and the crooks on the other, that it is really not worth the effort to go to the polls.

1 Prejudice

25. Let's not play with Johnny. He's crippled. Handicapped people are no fun anyway.

5 Conservatism

26. I see no reason to use plastic bags in our grocery. Schwegmann's has been using paper grocery bags since 1892.

7 Wishful Thinking

27. Immortality must be a fact. Otherwise our deepest longings would go unfulfilled.

9 Causal Oversimplification

28. The building of America was the greatest success story in history; it was no accident. It was the direct result of our marvelous free enterprise system.

8 Tabloid Thinking

56. The Women's Liberation Movement is just a bunch of poor losers in the competition to get a good man.

8 Tabloid Thinking

29. The Arabs and Israelis are both the same kind of people - hot-blooded, stubborn, and violent.

6 Rationalization

3. Student: "I know the school dress code forbids tank tops, but my Mama was at work. I didn't know how to operate the washer, and the tank top is the only clean garment I had."

6 Rationalization

30. Dad, I couldn't remember exactly what time you said to be in. But all my friends had to be in by 12, so I figured that's what you said to me.

9 Causal Oversimplification

31. The Government can easily stop inflation. All they have to do is raise the money-lending interest rate to banks.

4 Not Drawing the Line

32. We have already sent 500,000 troops to Vietnam. We have committed ourselves. If things worsen, we will have to send more.

10 Inconceivability

33. It's too bad Johnny got hurt. Without him, it will be just too much to expect our team to win.

5 Conservatism

34. What do you mean, "Extend the city limits and we'll have a bigger tax base?" Why, Point City has never included outskirts before and we won't now.

9 Causal Oversimplification

35. The United States is now faced with its highest unemployment rate in decades. A Senator explained, "Today's unemployment exists because American companies pocketed all their profits and never put a cent back into modernizing existing factories."

4 Not Drawing the Line

36. Gus, after smoking his first marijuana joint, reasoned that, since he had not been bothered by smoking two packs of cigarettes a day, he would not be affected by smoking marijuana.

10 Inconceivability

38. When the presence of unidentified aircraft in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands was indicated by radar on the morning of December 7, 1941, the officer in charge disregarded the evidence on the grounds that hostile planes could not be anywhere near.

9 Causal Oversimplification

39. It is sometimes argued that the ultimate reason for war is human aggressiveness and, thus, as long as humans are aggressive, there will be wars. Hence, world peace organizations and disarmament programs are doomed to failure.

5 Moderatism

4. The budget freeze is neither a conservative nor liberal proposal but is supported by both Republicans and Democrats.

6 Rationalization

40. A writer who has had nothing accepted for publication: "In a world that's a mess like ours, no one can and no one should function successfully."

8 Tabloid Thinking

41. The Democratic Party is the bleeding-heart liberal party.

9 Causal Oversimplification

42. Since the Catholic Church started saying the Mass in English instead of Latin, attendance at Mass has dropped off considerably.

3 Drawing the Line

43. Do you feel Medicare for the aged is right, or are you going to condemn them to an early death?

9 Causal Oversimplification

44. Elementary school principal addressing a parents' group: "Students have trouble in school because they have poor reading habits."

7 Wishful Thinking

45. Don't worry. We'll win the Propaganda tournament. Judy is back, and with her on our side, we can't lose.

0 No Technique

46. Mrs. Pratt knows she was rationalizing. Before we criticize Mrs. Pratt, we should ask ourselves if maybe we rationalize sometimes too.

9 Causal Oversimplification

47. The President gets a lot of advice on how to cure our economic problems. The only advice that will work is to freeze the economy - fix the prices on everything. Then we will all get well financially.

8 Tabloid Thinking

48. Frank Sinatra? Oh, he was the crooner of my parents' time - "Old Blue Eyes" in person.

3 Drawing the Line

49. A question asked of Florida citizens about Cubans moving into the state: "Are we going to keep the Cubans out or is our community going to go straight downhill?"

9 Causal Oversimplification

5. Our country's budget deficit is tremendous. We are just spending too much money. The way to balance our budget is to just stop spending money.

0 No Technique

50. Let's wait a few more days before writing that report. We still have a couple of weeks to finish it. Let's make it the best we can.

1 Prejudice

51. If we want to get our College Fund campaign started off right, let's ask the Rosenbergs first. They're Jewish, so they are bound to have a lot of money.

4 Not Drawing the Line

52. Open and closed hours at a women's dormitory are perfectly arbitrary. Once you allow men in at all, there is no logical reason why they shouldn't be in at all hours. Let them come and go as they please, I say.

5 Moderatism

53. If elected, I will represent the great majority of Middle America - the people of wisdom and common sense who know how to keep within due bounds.

7 Wishful Thinking

54. I just know there will be peace in Vietnam by July. Deep down inside, the North Vietnamese, the South Vietnamese, the Vietcong and the Americans surely must be people of good will. There's got to be an end to it, and there will be.

3 Drawing the Line

55. A questionnaire distributed to college students contained the question, "Would you rather work with Establishment or protest groups?"

9 Causal Oversimplification

57. The Germans lost World War II because they spread their forces over too great an area and thus weakened their strength. That's the sum of it.

10 Inconceivability

58. Don't make me laugh! Women are being exploited? That will be the day. Now if you'd said that women were exploiting men, that I could believe.

3 Drawing the Line

59. Either these secretaries of ours will have to get on the ball, or we'll have to close the office.

2 Academic Detachment

6. I don't know whether that statement is "prejudice" or "tabloid thinking," so I'll pass on this one.

7 Wishful Thinking

60. I have been to the National Tournament four times and never won. I deserve to win this year.

1 Prejudice

61. You're inviting me to go camping? No thanks - no sand and flies for me!

9 Causal Oversimplification

62. The candidate for governor said, "The problems of our state are the result of a poor educational system. Elect me governor and I'll reform education."

4 Not Drawing the Line

63. I was going to start my diet today, bSut since there is an all-you-can-eat special in the cafeteria today only, I can wait one more day to begin the torture.

10 Inconceivability

64. Buying a house in Beau Chene is easy. All you need is a lawyer, a real estate agent, and a winning lottery ticket.

3 Drawing the Line

65. Representative Richard Gephardt asked fellow candidate Senator Albert Gore the following: "If I get to 52% in the polls in New Hampshire, will you start attacking me like you attacked Governor Dukakis?"

8 Tabloid Thinking

66. The only reason people join the SDS is because they like to cause trouble.

6 Rationalization

67. Nova High School supporter commenting on the football team's worst season: "Our coach used an outdated system and did not discipline the players enough."

10 Inconceivability

68. It is simply unimaginable that a man like Bill Clinton would decline to run for another term of office. Don't ask me to believe that he won't.

5 Radicalism

69. I know Martin has run the club well for five years. But new people have new ideas. A change in leadership just has to be good.

10 Inconceivability

7. There is no way Hillary can win the presidential election. How can she possibly win enough states to be elected?

9 Causal Oversimplification

70. There's nothing wrong with the country today that a good spanking administered to the rears of its young people won't cure.

4 Not Drawing the Line

71. It's purely arbitrary to say that a full-time student is one who carries at least 12 hours per quarter. The student who carries 11 hours may do more work. I think all distinctions between part-time and full-time students should be abolished.

3 Drawing the Line

72. Your government will either meet our demands or meet our guns.

2 Academic Detachment

73. "Don't bother me, boy," said the Sheriff. "If the Hatfields and the McCoys are shooting it out again, there's nothing for us to do but to keep out of the way."

5 Radicalism

74. Introducing the Brockwell all-electric car! For those who want tomorrow today! For people on the move! For those who are content with nothing less than the latest and best!

10 Inconceivability

75. You say that Mary Hitchcock has left her husband and gone home to her mother? Such a nice girl, so devoted to her husband and children. No! Don't expect me to believe that!

6 Rationalization

76. I can't feel too bad about not sending aid to the Pakistan victims. They probably wouldn't have received it in time anyway.

3 Drawing the Line

77. Advertisement: "There are two kinds of mufflers: Borcan mufflers and any old muffler. Don't be disappointed."

3 Drawing the Line

78. Boy to girlfriend: "Look, either you go to the movies with me or you will be staying home by yourself."

6 Rationalization

79. Apprehended shoplifter: "Oh, so what, it's not really expensive. And they'll never miss it anyway. It serves them right for charging twice what it's worth."

3 Drawing the Line

8. Life insurance salesman to client: "Do you want to invest in this $100,000 whole life policy now to insure your present and provide for your future, or are you going to have to work forever, even after retirement?"

7 Wishful Thinking

80. The Pakistan earthquake victims won't die. Just look at their faces - so pitiful. Someone will surely help.

5 Conservatism

81. I'd rather stick with Gordon's advertising plan. His plans earned us $20,000 per year for the last five years. I know that Frank projects earnings of $80,000 next year with his plan, but let's try Gordon for another year.

5 Conservatism

82. We'd better stick with that old style barbed wire fence. It's been on the market for years. I just don't trust this new-fangled electric fence.

9 Causal Oversimplification

83. What can we do about traffic fatalities? I can tell you. It's speed that kills. Eliminate speed violations and you have solved your problem.

3 Drawing the Line

84. Son, you're either going to school to make something of yourself or you're going to be a beggar all your life.

9 Causal Oversimplification

92. John devotes most of his time in college to fraternity activities. He defends his actions by saying, "It's easy to get along in life. All you have to learn is how to meet people."

1 Prejudice

85. Mom to her daughter: "No, honey, you cannot go out with Musalah tonight. He's some sort of Muslim. I don't want you associating with him."

0 No Technique

86. Business owner: "I refuse to discuss the issue of equal pay for equal work with Mary. She is not the workers' representative and has no authority to negotiate with us."

9 Causal Oversimplification

87. Graduation speaker: "If you want to be successful, simply fall in love with your job."

3 Drawing the Line

88. We must fight Russia now or give up all our cherished liberties.

4 Not Drawing the Line

89. Even though I have two weeks to read this book, I'll wait until the day before I go back to school. That way it will be fresh in my mind and I will remember more.

7 Wishful Thinking

9. I know I'm going to win the chance to date Prince. I have sent in ten entry blanks, and I have been his devoted fan for years.

3 Drawing the Line

90. School board member: "We can't let them have the raise they're asking for. If we do, every other teachers group in the state will campaign for higher pay and ours will simply campaign again in two years for better benefits. We've got to hold back some."

1 Prejudice

91. You know how Charley will act. Why, he's one of those longhaired guys - you can't count on them.

7 Wishful Thinking

93. This war must end soon: too many people are being killed. Besides, we have been negotiating for two years. I'm sure this war will end soon.

1 Prejudice

94. Politician: "Why am I against Medicare? Medicare is socialized medicine, that's why."

6 Rationalization

95. I know I had a bad trip and lost my job from taking cocaine. But it's important to me to try all that exists in this world.

10 Inconceivability

96. I can't imagine Reagan NOT changing our laws and running for another term in office. Don't ask me to believe he won't.

0 No Technique

97. When we realize that millions of dollars are spent on commercial art and for illustrations in printed material, we can see how powerful art is as a propaganda device.

0 No Technique

98. My friend, Jimmy, says that he likes only two kinds of girls: those with blonde hair and those who don't have blond hair.

5 Conservatism

99. My father is very comfortable with George Bush as President because he reminds him of Dwight Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt.

3 Drawing the Line

Mary fell into the pool. "Sink or swim!" yelled her roommate.

7 Wishful Thinking

There is nothing to worry about in next month's election. With Ronald's nationwide appeal and the backing of the top party leaders, we cannot possibly lose.

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