Proteins and Enzymes Quiz Study Guide

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an enzyme

Luciferin is a molecule that, when broken down in fireflies, produces heat and light. The rate at which luciferin is broken down in cells is controlled by__

active site

The part of an enzyme or antibody where the chemical reaction occurs.

enzyme substrate complex

When an enzyme binds to its substrate, it forms: enzyme binds to its substrate


any compound made of 3 or more repeating units

37 degrees celsius

normal body temperature

primary structure of protein

order of amino acids

amino acids

proteins are made of smaller subunits called ______________

lipids, lipase, 3 fatty acids and glycerol

substrate, enzyme name, end result of lipids


what elements do proteins contain?

peptide bond

what is the name of the bond that links amino acids together?


3 or more amino acids linked together and makes up proteins primary structure-order of amino acids secondary structure-results from any hydrogen bonding to form a helix tertiary structure-intricate 3D shape or conformation--->specific quaternary structure-more than one polypeptide chain interacting

reactions that are controlled by catalysts

All chemical breakdown processes in cells directly involve


DNA controls cellular activity by directing the synthesis of

how does the temperature affect the reaction rate of the enzyme? the optimum reaction rate of this enzyme will be seen in tubes 4 or 5

a bacterium was discovered in several hot springs. the temperature of the springs can range from 50 to 80 degrees celsius. scientists investigate an enzyme from this bacterium. they set up the data table shown below to collect their results. part a: which question could be answered using the data to be collected? part b: what is a reasonable hypothesis for this study?

specific type of molecule it interacts with during a reaction

a fully functioning enzyme molecule is arranged in a complex three-dimensional shape. this shape determines the

biological catalysts

acne is caused when hair follicles become blocked with an oily substance called sebum, which the body makes to stop the hair and skin from drying out. normally harmless bacteria, such as propionibacterium acnes, that live on the skin can then contaminate and infect the plugged follicles. phages(a type of virus) appear to help counteract this. when the scientists sequenced the DNA coding of the phages, they discovered that, as well as sharing most of their genetic material, the viruses all had some key features in common. all carry a gene that makes a protein called endolysin---an enzyme thought to destroy bacteria by breaking down their cell walls. and unlike antibiotics, which kill many types of bacteria, including "good" ones that live in our gut, phages are programmed to target only specific bacteria... the protein endolysin belongs to which group of chemical substances?

proteins are polymers

are proteins polymers?

an enzyme

base your answer to the following question on the diagram below, which represents stages in the digestion of a starch, and on your knowledge of biology. the structure labeled X most likely represents


base your answer to the question on the information and graphs below and on your knowledge of biology. the graph shows the relative enzymatic activity of four different enzymes in acidic(below pH 7) and basic(above pH 7) environments the activity of which enzyme decreases in both acidic and basic environments?


breaks down hydrogen peroxide

amino acids

building blocks of enzymes

amino acids

building blocks of proteins


can't be too acidic or basic depends on the type of enzyme, can be more acidic or basic depending on the enzyme


cannot be too hot or too cold when it reaches maximum rate, that temperature is the optimal temperature(best) 98.6 degrees fahrenheit = 37 degrees celsius = body temp when above and below the optimal temperature, the enzyme would lose its shape and become denatured(enzyme loses shape and structure) and reactions would become slower

H2O2 -> H2O + O2

catalase formula

organic catalysts

chemicals that help chemical reactions occur at faster rates in living organisms are known as

the enzyme does not change and could be reused

did the enzyme change when the enzyme and substrate bind together?

substrate did change

did the substrate change when the enzyme and substrate bind together?

shapes, function

different protein __________________ = different protein _____________________

activation energy

energy that is needed to get a reaction started


enzyme that breaks down proteins

lower the activation energy required thus making the reaction happen faster, controls the reaction's speed, activation energy with enzyme is lower so the reaction happens faster

enzymes and activation energy role

very specific

enzymes are ___________________ for their substrates(reactants)


enzymes are ___________________(usually end in ase)


enzymes are ____________________ -composed of amino acids

organic catalysts, lowering the energy

enzymes are __________________________ that speed up chemical reactions by ___________________________ needed for the reaction to begin


enzymes can ___________________ around the substrate to fit better

build up, break down

enzymes can ________________________ or ______________________ molecules


enzymes loses its shape/structure

sequence and number of amino acids can be different in each protein

even though human proteins are synthesized from only 20 different amino acids, there are thousands of different proteins found in human cells. this great variety of proteins is possible because the

an enzyme

experiments revealed the following information about a certain molecule -it can be broken down into amino acids -it can break down proteins into amino acids -it is found in high concentrations in the small intestine of humans

temperature, pH, substrate and enzyme concentration

factors that affect how enzymes work(enzyme activity)

source of energy

for chemical reactions to take place there must be a _____________________________

slowing the rate of enzyme action

fruits and vegetables exposed to air begin to brown because of a chemical reaction inside their cells. this may result in these foods being thrown out. some people have found that adding lemon juice(citric acid) to apple slices keeps them from turning brown. the prevention of browning is likely the result of


has enzymes that help break down foods into simple sugars in your mouth

dehydration synthesis

how are proteins synthesized?

hydrolysis(add water)

how could you break up a protein into its smaller subunits?


hydrogen peroxide

an internal factor in the body, such as a temperature increase

in the diagram below, X represents a process that causes a protein to unfold and stop functioning. process X is most likely caused by

tertiary structure of protein

intricate 3D shape or conformation--->specific

the enzyme would match up with its substrate and could wrap around the substrate or lock and allow the substrate to change

lock and key analogy to active site of enzyme and its substrate

a protein is a long chain of amino acids folded into a specific shape

mad cow disease is a fatal disease that destroys brain tissue. researchers have found that a prion protein, which is an abnormally constructed molecule, is responsible. which statement best describes the characteristics a protein must have to function correctly?

quaternary structure of protein

more than one polypeptide chain interacting


most diverse biomolecules. they make up muscles, tendons, skin, hair, enzymes, hormones, hemoglobin, antibodies and the matrix of bone


only ________ enzyme will fit a particular substrate

active site

part of the enzyme that interacts with the substrate

secondary structure of protein

results from any hydrogen bonding to form a helix

R group

side chains differentiate amino acids from each other

a difference in the pH of an environment changes enzyme activity

students did an experiment comparing the activity of four different enzymes, A, B, C, and D. the results are represented in the graph below. a valid conclusion based on the information in the graph is that

maltose(disaccharide), maltase, 2 glucose molecules(monosaccharide)

substrate, enzyme name, end result of maltose

protein, protease, amino acids

substrate, enzyme name, end result of proteins

substrate and enzyme concentration

the amount of each that is present you must have sufficient amounts of each for the reaction to work, all enzymes are saturated, adding a higher substrate concentration would not increase the rate of reaction once it reaches it maximum(point of saturation)

amino acids arranged in a specific order

the diagram below represents a protein molecule present in some living things. this type of molecule is composed of a sequence of

37 degrees celsius

the graph below shows the effects of temperature on the relative rate of enzyme reaction. based on the graph, what is the approximate, optimum temperature for the action of this enzyme?

amino acids

the inability of an organism to produce certain proteins can occur when an organism is lacking an enzyme needed to combine


the most abundant organic compound A. compounds that contain C, H, O, and N(and sometimes S(sulfur)) -they are extremely large ex. hemoglobin C3032H4816O802N780S8Fe9 B. every cell contains large amounts of protein which forms the basic structure of: -cell membranes -cell parts(organelles) C. building blocks of proteins: 1. amino acids 2. 20 different amino acids occur in nature 3. the structure of proteins is determined by the variety and arrangement of their amino acids

functions inside and outside of cells

the shape of a protein molecule directly determines its

enzyme molecules

the venus flytrap is a plant that has a unique system by which it traps and breaks down its prey. unsuspecting insects land on the leaf and touch tiny hairs located on the leaf, triggering the leaf to close around its prey. the substance responsible for breaking down the venus flytrap's prey most likely contains

amino acids

there are over 2000 kinds of edible insects in the world, and they are becoming an increasingly popular source of protein. one cup of cricket flour contains over 28 grams of protein. the building blocks of the protein in cricket flour are

speed up(control the rate) of chemical reactions, interact with reactants to produce products, form an enzyme substrate complex, enzymes are proteins(made of proteins, building blocks are amino acids), enzymes are very specific and only fit to one substrate

what are enzymes/what do they do?

built by dehydration synthesis->for each peptide bond(C-N) one water molecule is removed

what are proteins built by(what process)?

host, diverse abundant organic compound

what are proteins considered as?

make up skin, hair, nails, muscles, antibodies, cells

what are some functions of proteins?

order of amino acids determines shape and shape of the protein would determine the function of the protein

what determines what in proteins?

organelles and cell membranes as well as skin, hair, nails, muscles

what do proteins make up?

order of the amino acids

what do the structure and function(purpose) depend on for proteins?

the shape would change and would have a different function

what happens when there is a loss of enzymes?


what is the process called when the substrate is broken down after the enzyme and substrate are binded together?

meats, beans, eggs, nuts/seeds

what type of foods provide us with protein in our diet?

the rate of activity of an enzyme might change as pH changes

which statement best describes enzymes?

they contain enzymes that function at low temperatures

which statement is most likely correct regarding soil bacteria that inhabit the polar regions of earth?


which substance is most likely represented by letter X in the equation below? amino acid + amino acid ---> dipeptide + X

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