PS2700 Exam 2

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"Kill the chicken to scare the monkey" ← what does this phrase mean How has this motto manifest itself in recent Chinese events

"Kill the Chicken, Scare the Monkey" - make an example out of someone in order to scare others. Chickens are more brainless than monkeys Xi embarked on largest anti-corruption drive in CCP history and there was 182,000 CCP officials convicted of corruption. The big chicken was Bo Xilai, former CCP Secretary of Chongqing (pop 10 mil) Fought organized crime Boosted economic growth. Increased welfare spending. Reduced inequality. Made it to the Politburo... would have been a potential future leaderBut then was purged & expelled from CCP Xi Jinping joined the CCP and wanted this guy gone

By the 1800s, the Qing dynasty had grown weak and was able to be dominated by European powers. In class we talked about three cities in particular that Europeans were able to take....what were they

One of those cities in important to the May 4th Movement...describe this connection. The UK fought and won the legal right to sell opium in China through unequal treaties and this led to the "century of humiliation." Three cities that were taken over by European powers were... Hong Kong → UK Macau → Portugal Qingdao → Germany Qingdao → Germany → Japan ---> protest against weak Republic of China (ROC) government The Allies (US, France and Britain) after WWII gave QingDao to Japan (Japan was setting up their own empire at the time) People viewed the ROC as incapable of negotiating and everyone was poor This is the beginning of the May Fourth movement This is started by students who wanted to have control of their own city instead of European power and this set up the nationalist party.

What are Taipei Economic and Cultural Offices

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECO) have them in America, Malaysia, etc. These are embassies in disguise

Why did Russia 'miss' the Renaissance

The renaissance was 14th to 17th century Europe. There was great art,music, philosophy,science, navigation,etc. During this time Russia was invaded by the Mongols, leading to massacres enslavement, depopulation.

How does 'Trotskyism' and 'Stalinism' differ

Trotskyism = we must continue the revolution by spreading it to other countries and withering away the stateStalinism = revolution can only be successful one state a time

Who were the Voortrekkers

reference to voortrekker who were cowboys moving to the interior of Africa also known as Afrikaans

Describe the 'dynastic cycle'

1. A ruler unifies China and founds a dynasty 2. A country prospers 3. The population increase 4. Problem arise: limited resources, corruption, rich and poor gap.. 5.Multiple crises occur, triggered by natural disasters, foreign invasions or political infighting 6. When crises disrupt farming, ensuing famine pushes people to rebel 7.The central government collapses in war 8. The population decreases 9. A rebel leader founds a new dynasty. The Dynastic Cycle begins again.

In class we talked about three different strategies that developing countries use to try and grow economically. One strategy is currently promoted by the US, one strategy was used the Asia 'tigers', and another strategy was that used by Latin America and the former Soviet Union. What are these strategies

1. Import Substitution - based on mercantilism. State plays a strong role in the economy. Tariffs or non tariff barriers are used to restrict imports. State actively promotes domestic production, sometimes creating state-owned businesses in developing industries. Criticized for creating "hothouse economies," with large industries reliant on the state for support and unable to compete in the international market. Soviet union used this strategy. 2. Export-oriented industrialization - based on mercantilism. State plays a strong role in the economy. Tariffs barriers are used to protect domestic industries. Economic production is focused on industries that have a niche in the international market. Seeks to integrate directly into the global economy. Has generally led to higher level of economic development than import substitution. Taiwan and asia used this. 3. Structural adjustment - Based on liberalism. State involvement is reduced as the economy is opened up. Foreign investment is encouraged. Often follows import substitution. Criticized as a tool of neocolonialism and for its failure in many cases to bring substantial economic development

What is a "princeling"

A princeling is someone who is high up in the Chinese leadership, someone who they are related to was high up in leadership as well First "Priceling" President - someone whose parents were head honchos in communist party during Mao's time. Descendant of prominent CCP member. He represents the second generation of leaders. Son of Xi Zhongxun - Mao's Head of Propaganda. Xi Jinping has always been around the community party. His dad During cultural revolution purges and sent to jail. Released and restored to a leadership role during Deng Xiaoping's time as leader. Governor of Guangdong, i.e. 'Canton' (which is near Hong Kong) At the time, the average Guangdong resident made 1/100th of the average Hong Kong resident. Which is why so many residents were desperate to move to Hong Kong Helped oversea economic liberation (creation of "Special Economic Zones")Special Economic Zone- place where they test out special economic policy. They chose a city to practice capitalism, where foreign countries come in with a business. They would experiment with communist model Today Guangdong is one of the richest provinces...the son came to the United States to be an exchange student, he was exposed to American culture, and life

Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)

Admit to crimes in return for amnesty. Desmond tutu came up with this new idea at the time, which won his Nobel peace prize. It catalog crimes . It's similar to confession- but at a national level. We are not hiding the past, but giving just to victims in history. White afrikkanana were the largest group in the military. Downsides- hard to translate languages with the same emotional emphasis

In class we talked about some pros and cons of colonization. Provide two of each

Africa states were demarcated per longitude and latitude instead of by geography or population (e.g. ethnic, religious , or linguistic differences) Pro: increases in education, Infrastructure (railroads) and life expectancy (unexpected consequences - too many people) Ex. Nigeria Con: Local religions, customs, languages replaced by or fused with that of the colonizer... border problems later...

After 'missing' the Renaissance, Russia belated began to westernize. Who spear-headed this effort In class we talked about several of his initiatives...what were some of them

After independence from the Mongols, Ivan the formidable fought against Mongols and kept russia united. Ivan Made himself the first Czar of Russia,Moved the capital to Moscow,Consolidated power (more massacre, enslavement, depopulation) Peter the great focused on westernization :Move the capital from Moscow to St.Petersburg (the Venice of the North). Built a navy at St. Petersburg Altered the calendar, Reformed the way Russia wrote. He also imposed a beard tax-- so that people started shaving to look like a sophisticated european

In class we briefly discussed the potential long-term ramifications of the Belt and Road Initiative...discuss

All the infrastructure they are building around the world are based on chinese standards. If a war broke out, china would have an advantage. This included the great wall, a lot of standardization of money on all sides of the empire and standardization in general.

1971 was a significant year for the both the ROC and PRC....why

Although Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (ROC) was an original signatory to the UN Charter, in 1971 the United Nations decided to recognize the PRC as the "representative" of all of China. U.S voted against this measure but there was enough votes so it doesn't matter. It wasn't until 1979 that US recognized the PRC

In class, we discussed a country that somehow went from being a 'breadbasket' to a 'basket case'....which country was this Discuss. South Africa tried to avoid this fate....what did it decide would BEE the answer

BEE : Black Economic Empowerment : Affirmative action employment preferences + skill-development programs +'ownership' programs. Pro: more equitable society.. Ownership of more than +10 % of the economy has changes hands. Con: 'White Flight' - more of the white population when to college and has a concentration of education attainment. More educated whites are having a hard time finding jobs

Who are the 'bourgeoisie'

Bourgeoisie are middle/upper classes that own the means of production. They lead the first revolution against feudalism.

What was/is CETA

CETA Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement- this is modeled off of TTIP and it was advertised as such. By pulling out of TTIP and threatening to end NAFTA, the US inadvertently drove Canada

What was the Long March .How is it portrayed by the PRC. How was it significant in helping to end the Chinese Civil War

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is founded in 1921. CCP strategically retreated to the countryside called the long march. 13 years after the Long March, the People's Republic of China (PRC) was founded It was a 13 year long retreat. Mao was able to recruit new people in the countryside and formed the backbone of chinese leadership now. The experience of the long march allowed for the development of loyalty to the current leadership now. 800 million peasants

In class talked about 3 broad reason why the Qing dynasty grew weak. What are these three reasons

Culture - Meritocracy tests still based on 2,000 year-old Confucian dogma and Outside knowledge viewed as unimportant. Geography - China at this time had no incentive to innovate and there was tibetan plateau, himalayas, deserts, the great wall and ocean all to prevent invasion which surrounded China Economics - Qing might be victim of them own success because their population skyrocketed due to no wars. The lack of wars lead to a lot of people, lots of labor, and no need to innovate and so they fell behind technologically.

What is 'Xi Jinping Thought'

Currently, XI Jinping controls the CCP , the military and the presidency "Xi Jinping Thought" has been written into the constitution Term limits have been abolished. The most powerful leader since Mao because the power is most concentrated in the executive office and Time magazine/ BBC news thinks so. Communist with chinese characteristics - his philosophy

ROC constitution outlines what kind of political system

From 1948-1991...what kind of political system was it effectively? Republic of China (Taiwan) they were effectively a dictatorship but the ROC constitution outlines a semi-presidential system in 1947. 1948 "Temporary Provisions against the Communist Rebellion" Martial Law Extensive powers given to President. President exempt from term limits

1991 was a significant year for the ROC...why

In 1991 "Temporary Provisions against the Communist Rebellion" finally end . 1947 constitution of a semi-presidential system finally start operating as intended. Although, in 1991 pass amendments making parliament unicameral (this is equivalent to the senate only) and the president elected directly

How is the President of the ROC elected

In 2016, the first female president was elected. President is elected by FPTP with 4-year term, max 2 years. Does not have the power to veto legislation. PRC refers to this person as the "Leader of the Taiwan Region". Trump accepted a congratulatory phone call from the ROC president. Most countries in the world recognize PRC only, but keep informal relations with taiwan

Decades before the Nazis set up their concentration camps, the idea of uses camps to as a war- fighting strategy was 'invented' by who

In the 2nd Boer wars-- The british used a technique based on the concentration camp- british were the ones who invested this idea. Women and children were held here. They starved, it was a hostage tactics . This is how the war ended. Germans copied this idea later on

What was the 'Great Retreat'. How was it portrayed at the time. Do you think that this portrayal reflected reality

In your answer detail particular actions that were taken by Chiang Kai-shek... 1949 "The Great Retreat" Communist were able to outrun the nationalist. The japanese did most of the work in the chinese civil war Intended to be temporary and nationalist planning to take back the mainland. Over 100 tons of gold 2,972 crates of artifacts (22% of the Forbidden Palace collection). All this is in the national palace museum

How did Lenin alter Marx's theory

Lenin is skipping the first revolution with Bourgeoisie, the poor can start the revolution but it is factory workers in the cities starting the revolution. Lenin led a successful revolution in 1917. He argued that the revolution would not occur in more-developed societies, but rather in struggling countries such as Russia.

How did Mao alter Marx's theory

Mao skipped the first revolution just like lenin did but the main difference is in the people. Mao has the lower class such as peasants in the countryside lead the revolution. Mao had a continuous revolution, it was a revolution against the revolution.

What was/is NAFTA

NAFTA (Northern American Free Trade Agreement) - first proposed by ronald reagan in 1979. The largest free trade agreement at the time. Negotiated by George H.W. Bush. Went into effect in 1994 (while Bill Clinton was president). There is a trade imbalance between mexico and canada and U.S.A. Canada buys more from U.S. buys more from U.S. Even with the upper hand, being overly aggressive negotiator can have unintended consequences. For instance, the canadian government started looking elsewhere when the US threatened to end NAFTA entirely

"There lies a sleeping giant. Let him sleep! For when he wakes he will move the world." Who said this

Napoleon Bonaparte and he meant that they are a "rising"economic and military power

What does the term 'nomenklatura' refer to

Nomenklatura: select communist Party members who held all the influential jobs

The choice of which alphabet to use is a very political issue in Kazakhstan

Nursultan Nazabaev want to make Kazakhstan its own country because they previously use to be apart of the Soviet Union

What is "organizational parallelism"

Organizational parallelism happens in China and people in the party side are always checking government institution. Party side of the structure is calling all the shots. Every layer of government has fall guys. Exist at every level of government; federal, state, and local The KMT (chinese national party - ppl in taiwan) was a "quasi-Leninist' regime" CCP (Chinese communist party) they both had the same structure. KMT is not a communist country but organized as a community country. The son went to school in russia The state council is the de jure cabinet and The Politburo is the de facto cabinet National Party Congress is sort of the Republican/Democratic National Conventions. Few real decisions are made there "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun" - Mao "The Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party" - Mao

The way you 'become' the PM in Russia is quite different than the other areas of the world that we have already studied. Describe this process. How is this process problematic

President chooses and can dismiss the Prime Minister and cabinet, even though this is suppose to be a semi-presidential system. PM doesn't have to come from the State Duma. State Duma may reject PM nominees but if they reject three times, it trigger new elections. This is problematic because it can be manipulated. Foreign, Defence, and Interior which oversees the police Ministries directly handled by president . Federal Security Service (FBS... successor to KGB) also directly handled by the president.

Who are the 'proletariat'

Proletariat are working/lower class that has a revolution against Bourgeoisie class. A dictatorship of the people, which is a worker's utopia.

In class we talked about several initiatives that the Qin dynasty started upon unifying China...what were some of them

Qin Dynasty worked on centralization. Standardized money weights/measurements Built roads, canals, other public works. Started building great wall. Introduced non-hereditary government appointments based on merit.Han dynasty later added competitive exams which were based on Confucian thought to assess 'merit'

What was/is RCEP

RCEP Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership - Without TPP, the US now has fewer ways to combat China on the trade front. This deal is still being negotiated. This is a trade block China is trying to set up.

How are Russia 'republics' and US 'states' similar? How are they different than, say, 'krais'/'territories'? What political science-y term describes concept?

Republics are similar to US states, which have the most autonomy and whose rights cannot be revoked without permission. Krais/Krays for example are territories, similar to unincorporated, organized territories such as Guam and the US Virgin Islands. Asymmetric federalism is that not all subdivisions have the same power, and some subdivision can be changed without their permission.

In class we discussed two ways that someone can become a candidate for President of Russia. What were those two ways How are these two ways problematic

Russian Presidential Candidates must either... Be nominated by a party represented in the State Duma (note that extreme radical parties will never even make it to the State Duma...) Gather 2 million signature and then must be verified by the government. These two ways can be manipulated by the state

What are "extractive" economies

Subsistence agriculture was replaced by cotton, cocoa, tea, wood, rubber, and other valuable commodities that could be extracted from the natural environment. These territories and their people become "captive markets" for finished goods from the home country. Once these territories became independent..... They have a mismatch of resources that they grew but didn't use ; dependent relationship is bad long term. The way colonialism was designed, the whole economy revolving around selling some cash crop but the population growing it doesn't even use these cash crops. It creates an unequal and dependent relationship

What is the origin of 'Russians'

Swedes (i.e. Vikings) took their row boats up and down rivers, Kiev developed as a trading post. The Finns called these Swedes the Ruotsi (i.e. the 'rowers') Eventually, the Ruptso came to be called the Rus. Eventually the Rus came to be called the Russians. Russians are vikings .

What was/is TTIP

T-TIP Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - a trade agreement between the European Union and the United States, with the aim of promoting trade and multilateral economic growth. The largest bilateral trade initiative every negotiated. It was halted by Trump.

What was/is TPP

TPP - Trans-Pacific Partnership - writes the rules for global trade - rules that will help increases Made-in- America exports, grow the American economy. One goal of TPP was to counter/constrain/contain Chinese economic influence. Another goal was to enshrine ..... Ex of intellectual property theft Corn Wars - the farm by farm between China and US to dominate the global food supply. Chinese spies would steal seeds from Monsanto And they tried to reverse engineer it

How are member of the State Duma elected What other country we have already studies used a similar system How are these two systems different

The State Duma is the 'lower' house of the Federal Assembly of Russia, and there are 450 seats. Japan uses a similar mixed system where 225 are elected using First Past The Post (FPTP) and 225 are elected using Proportional Representation (PR) with a 5% threshold.

How does the Legislative Yuan elect its representatives. How is this similar to some of the other countries we have examined

The legislative Yuan is the parliament of taiwan. There is length of 4 years term, there are 113 seats. They use a mixed system like Japan and Russia. There are 34 seats (30%) by Proportional Representation with a 5% threshold and 73 seats (65%) by First Past the Post and 6 seats (5%) reserved for aborigines by "Single non transferable vote" (SNTV)

According to Marx, how does 'feudalism' lead to a lead to a 'communist utopia'

There was the first revolution with the Bourgeoisie (middle class the upper class) who get rid of feudalism and then there was a revolution with the proletariat (the lower class overthrow the upper class) and the state is dismantled and there is a communist utopia.

Discuss land policy during Afrikaner rule

They set up apartheid and there was differentiation with all races. Ownership of land was concentrated in white people's hands

What was Stalin's policy toward ethnic and religious minorities

Why did Kazakh move its capital? How are these two questions connected? Stalin's policy toward ethnic and religious minorities was to force transfer various groups deemed anti-soviet. Ukrainians were spared only because there were too many of them and there was no place to deport them. Nursultan Nazarbaev moved Kazakh capital to start phasing away from Russia. He wanted to blend the ethnicities. He wanted to phase out Russian language in favor of Kazakh, switch Kazakh from cyrillic to latin alphabet. These two policies were targeted to prevent uprisings from ethnic groups that pose a potential problem.

Who is Zheng He...why is he important in the context of world history?Why is he important to understanding the outlook of the Chinese leadership at that time?

Zheng He was a Chinese Muslim explorer who sailed to India, Sri Lanka, Africa.Ideology of Christian and Muslim were to explore and bring civilization to barbarians and it encouraged exploration. He was the first chinese explorer Leadership of china has an introverted/confusion way of looking at things, while he was shaped by his Muslim beliefs.

What is the CFA Franc

the CFA Franc - money that is controlled by france. Con: French delegates sit on the boards of both central bank and half of all reserves stores in France for "safekeeping" Pro: pegged to the euro, with convertibility guaranteed by France which arguably led to more stable economies and facilitates trade with the countries in the agreement

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