psc 135

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38. A patient with a stroke that damages the right hemisphere will show reduced ability to solve a visual-spatial task, such as matching the shapes of colored blocks to a picture of a polygon.

(A) True

49. Conscious awareness involves a set of brain systems collectively known as the neural correlates of consciousness. The neural correlates of conscious are conceptualized as: all of the above!

(A) a distinct set of brain structure that support conscious awareness (B) identical with sensory brain structures (C) a brain area rather than system or circuit(s) (D) all of the above

6.Given the retinotopic organization of primary visual cortex, a lesion to the right occipital lobe would cause:

(A) blindness in the left visual field

44. The orbitofrontal cortex is involved in:

(A) executive control processes (B) speech (C) planning the future ---> (D) all of the above except B

24. Patient H.M. had his medial temporal lobes removed surgically to treat epilepsy. What structure that was removed in this region is believed to result in his memory problems?

(A) hippocampus

30. The left and right hemispheres differ in language capacity, evidence from aphasia, and from studies in split-brain patients indicate that speech is predominantly a

(A) left hemisphere function.

37. The left and right hemispheres differ in language capacity, evidence from aphasia, and from studies in split-brain patients indicate that speech is predominantly a:

(A) left hemisphere function.

50. Some theories of consciousness argue that: none!

(A) the left hemisphere is the "conscious" hemisphere in humans (B) the right hemisphere has no conscious awareness independent from the left (C) split-brain patients do not have dual consciousness (D) all of the above (E) none of the above

41. If a picture of a dog is flashed briefly in the left visual hemifield of a split-brain patient, and they are asked what they saw, they will say:

(B) nothing

23. Patient "Tan" studied by the neurologist Broca had great difficulty in generating spontaneous speech and was unable to utter any word other than the nonsense syllable "tan". Postmortem autopsy of "Tan's" brain revealed:

(B) softening of tissue in the left inferior frontal cortex.

39. Information delivered to the right hemisphere in a split-brain patient, can be investigated by:

(C) asking the subject to point to pictures with the left hand.

Results of the Posner spatial cueing task showed that cueing subjects to the location of an upcoming target decreased (speeded) their reaction time to detect it because attention enhanced perceptual processing for the target. Such a finding and this interpretation is most consistent with:

(C) early-selection models of attention.

24) Points in the visual field that are close together are ____ in the primary visual cortex.

-Primary visual cortex small receptive field sizes, point by point mapping, retinotopic mapping is this. Showed audiograph of animal study while they ejected radioactive into their blood. Topographic mapping of world on visual structures. Things that are close out in the world are close together in the V1 = retinotopic mapping close together

5. Phrenologists of the nineteenth century believed that bumps on the skull could indicate the psychological makeup of individuals because both A and B

A) It was believed that function was localized in the brain B) It was held that increases in a given function produced increased brain size and hence a bump in the skull C) Careful correlation of site of brain lesions from stroke with behavioral outcome had demonstrated the validity of phrenology. D) Both A and B

4. Localization of mental functions is an old idea that gained support from

A) Paul Broca's studies of patients with language disorders. B) Karl Wernicke's studies of patients with language disorders. C) Ramon y Cajal's theory of dynamic polarization in neuronal coding D) Karl Lashly's studies of spatial learning in rats. --> E) Both A and B.

12. During a particularly boring lecture, you carefully note the time on a clock that is mounted on the side wall of the classroom while keeping your eyes fixated on the professor's face. This is an example of

A) covert attention.

2. Studies of mind, brain and behavior involve techniques from

A) neuroscience. B) psychology. C) neurology/neuropsychology D) computational modeling. ---> E) all of the above

1. Cognitive neuroscience is best described as studies of

A) the biological bases of higher mental function.

7. One finding demonstrated by the Posner spatial cueing task is that

A) the focus of attention can be moved separately from eye fixation.

5. One finding demonstrated by the Posner spatial cueing task is that:

ALL OF THE ABOVE (A) the focus of attention can be moved separately from eye fixation. (B) valid cues cause a speeding in reaction time to detect targets. (C) invalid cues cause a slowing of reaction time to detect targets. (D) neutral cues produce slower reaction times to targets than valid cues but faster than invalid cues. (E) All of the above

11. Which best summarizes the current general results of studies of visual attention?

B) Directing attention to a visual stimulus can cause an increase in the activity of visual cortical cells, and these effects are most robust for extrastriate visual regions.

10. All of the following describe differences between early-selection and late-selection models of attention EXCEPT

B) Early selection models argue that capacity is unlimited.

9. Patients with hemispatial neglect following unilateral brain damage are unable to detect a visual stimulus presented on the contralesional side of space

B) if this stimulus is presented at the same time as a stimulus on the ipsilesional side of the visual field. -their visual fields are in tact but they exhibit if they are challenged to two stimulus one gets extinguished. Their languages are intact un like spilt brains! -If patient had lesion on right side of brain the contra side is the opposite side of space to their lesion, so it would be the left, and ipsa means same side. Usually has a stroke, that's how the lesion arises, -they omit all left side of space, so it doesn't exist. -Two or objects being presented simultaneously that seems to illicit breakdown of info. processing. -it's the competition of two or more sides of space

8. Directing attention toward a visual stimulus results in an increase in the evoked response (event-related potential) to the stimulus when

B) subjects are selectively attending to the stimulus based on its location

27) The central nervous system is composed of

Brain and spinal cord

32. Information delivered to the right hemisphere in a split-brain patient, can be investigated by

C) asking the subject to point to pictures with the left hand.

6. Results of the Posner spatial cueing task showed that cueing subjects to the location of an upcoming target decreased their reaction time to detect it because attention enhanced perceptual processing for the target. This finding is most consistent with

C) early-selection models of attention.

3. The lesion analysis method used in studies of human brain function primarily involves

C) testing patients with brain lesions in cognitive experiments designed to isolate specific mental processes.

Sensory and motor processing tends to be more localized in the brain than does higher level cognitive processing because:

Cognitive processes often involve activity in distributed cortical/brain networks

35) The best tool for studying the timing of brain activity is _________.

EEG (electroencephalography) and MEG (magnetoencephalography)

22) Neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield mapped the human cerebral cortex using

Electrical stimulation

10) Each of Brodmann's areas maps precisely onto a known cognitive, sensory or motor function, thereby defining the functional organization of the brain


11) Brodmann used histology, behavior and cellular recordings to parcellate the brain into 52 regions


28) In the human brain, caudal refers to the inferior (ventral) surface of the brain, because it is in the direction of the tailbone


40) EEG recordings can only be made from the surface of the scalp


41) EEG recordings are only useful in studies of healthy persons


44) fMRI is a method to detect magnetic fields emitted by the active brain


45) Understanding changes in brain blood flow is useful in neuroscience only to understand whether the whole brain increases or decreases activity during mental processing


46) TMS permanently damages brain tissue, and therefore can only be used in patients who already have neurological problems


47) Single cell recordings with fine wire electrode implanted in the brain can only be performed in animals


48) Positron emission tomography (PET) is used only in animal studies because it involves the injection of radiation into the blood, which is not permitted in humans


50) All the methods we needs have already been invented, and now we merely have to apply them to understand the brain and mind


43) You cannot do EEG recordings in a fish, because they do not have EEG.

False EEG stands for electrical picture gram, of the brain, fish have brains YOU CAN DO IT ON A FISH F

23) The map of the sensory surface of the body on the cerebral cortex can be represented using a


29) If you wanted to view a slice of the brain that contains both hemispheres, the frontal lobes, and the occipital lobes, what orientation would you need?


13) Wernicke's patient had brain damage in the left posterior temporal and inferior parietal lobes, which led to problems with

Language understanding

6) Phrenologists of the nineteenth century believed that the pattern of bumps on the skull could indicate the psychological makeup of individuals because

None of the above.

7) Localization of mental functions in the brain is an idea that gained support from

Paul Broca's studies of patients with language disorders.

31) You have are interested in a neuron in the occipital lobes that you believe is responsible for processing information about color. What type of neurophysiological technique would allow you to assess this hypothesis in a living animal?

Single-cell recording

12) Broca's patient "Tan" had brain damage in the left inferior frontal cortex, which in him led to problems with

Speech production

33. The language comprehension skills of the right hemisphere are diminished compared to the left. How would the right hemisphere "respond" (not verbally) to the following test?

Statement by investigator: "The boy was hit by the girl". Question by investigator: "Who hit whom?" (A) boy hit girl

34) The technique known as ________ can be used to induce virtual (temporary) lesions in humans

TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation)

31. A patient with a stroke that damages the right hemisphere will show reduced ability to solve a visual-spatial task, such as matching the shapes of colored blocks to a picture of a polygon.

TRUE -right hemisphere is better at spatial cognitive types of task, mentally reorganize orientation of things. And manipulate things in space.

4) Philosopher Rene' Descartes was a dualist. He believed that

The interaction of the soul with the brain enables cognition.

8) In the early 20th C, Karl Lashley articulated the concept of

The principle of mass action.

25) Following a focal brain injury, a patient shows great difficulty in discriminating tones that differ in frequency. Which area of the cortex is most likely affected?

The superior temporal lobe

42) You can do EEG recording on a dog


49) PET can be used to localize certain neurotransmitters using radiolabeling of molecules that bind to specific chemicals in the brain


1) All of the following are advantages of a folded cerebral cortex EXCEPT:

a) ---> the need for blood vasculature in the cortex is eliminated. the following are: b. neural conduction time between regions is reduced. c. neurons are brought into closer three-dimensional relationships. d. more cortical surface can be packed into the skull.

2) Cognitive neuroscience research utilizes methodological techniques from

a. neuroscience. b. cognitive psychology. c. neurology/neuropsychology. d. computational modeling. ---> all of the above.

1) All of the following terms refer to the same cortical region that processes visual input EXCEPT: primary visual cortex = striate cortex= area 17 = V1

a. striate cortex. b. area V1. C --> Heschl's gyrus. d. Brodmann's area 17. e. None of the above

15) The two main divisions of the nervous system are the _____

central and peripheral nervous systems.

26) It is better to think about _________ when trying to understand the organization of brain functions

distributed brain systems

32) The term ________ is used to describe the situation in which Patient Group 1 is impaired on task X and unimpaired on task Y, and Patient Group 2 is impaired on task Y and unimpaired on task X

double dissociation

30) Parts of the brain where neural activity is relatively high are characterized by

elevated regional blood flow.

36) The best tool for studying the location(s) of brain activity is _________

fMRI (functional MRI)

39) EEG recordings are primarily characterized by their _____

frequency of oscillation

18) The central sulcus is an anatomical landmark that separates the ________ lobe from the ________ lobe

frontal / parietal

20) The _____are the crowns of the folded cerebral cortex, while the ____ are the crevices between the crowns


1. The lesion analysis method used in studies of human brain function primarily involves:

identifying the sites of lesions in patients, and then testing them for deficits in cognitive experiments designed to isolate specific mental processes.

17) The temporal lobe likely bears this name because

it lies beneath the area of the scalp where hair grays with age.

Gray matter consists primarily of:

neuronal cell bodies

14) The difference between gray matter and white matter is that gray matter refers to ________, whereas white matter refers to ________

neuronal cell bodies / axons

33) A patient has an injury to the parietal lobe and has a selective deficit in processing information about the spatial location of visual stimuli. You hypothesize that this region of the brain is distinct in function from other visual areas in the occipital lobe, in which you suspect color information is processed. In order to establish the difference between the two functions and brain regions, you would need to find another person who had damage to the_______

occipital lobe and had only a color perception deficit.

22. The French neurologist Broca was among the first researchers to notice that language deficits resulting from brain injury was often accompanied by hemiparesis on the __________ of the body which indicated that the ___________ hemisphere was especially critical to language function.

right / left

left visual hemifield - right hemisphere

right visual hemifield- left hemisphere

19) The Sylvian fissure separates the ______lobe from the ______lobe

temporal / frontal

5) The lesion analysis method used in studies of human brain function primarily involves

testing patients with brain damage to identify cognitive brain mechanisms

38) EEG recordings reflect _______

the activity of large populations of neurons

1) Cognitive neuroscience is best described as studies of

the biological bases of higher mental function.

43. Neurons in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of the monkey, show activity during:

the delay period of a working memory task.

9) Korbinian Brodmann used ________ techniques to document 52 regions of the brain that differed in ________

tissue staining / cytoarchitectonics

37) Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a method for _________

tracing white matter tracts in the brain

3) Once it was clear to scholars that the brain gave rise to behavior and cognition, the following brain structure was first thought to be most important


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