Psy 100

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The ______ nervous system is responsible for responses such as pupil dilation, increased heart rate, and increased respiration.


The space between two neurons is called the _______.

synaptic gap

The auditory cortex is located in which lobe of the brain?


A ______ is any environmental agent - biological, chemical, or physical - that causes damage.


Heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, cigarettes, and alcohol are all examples of ________.


Which of the following is not one of the conditions that leads to the impulse to use heuristics?

the decision to be made is important

Sensations and information are received by our brains, filtered through emotions and memories, and processed to become ________.


Giorgia memorizes the German poem "The Erlking" to recite in his eighth grade German class. He remembers it well for weeks after the presentation, but gradually his ability to recite the poem fades. This is an example of _____, one of the seven sins of memory.


In classical conditioning, the ______ is an unlearned reaction to a given stimulus. For example, if you have an allergy to pollen and sneeze, sneezing is an unlearned reaction to the pollen.

unconditioned response

Individuals undergoing hypnosis ________.

usually have clear memories of the hypnotic experience and are in control of their own behaviors

A ______ begins as a one-cell structure that is crated when a sperm and egg merge.


people often report that they have not been asleep if they are woken during stage _____ sleep.


In what stage of sleep do sleep spindles appear?


Which of the following theorists is not neo-Freudian?

Albert Bandura

Who developed social-cognitive theory?

Albert Bandura

Henry is juror number four in a murder trial. He believes the accused is guilty, but when the jurors vote it becomes clear he is the only one that thinks this way. Henry votes not guilty along with the other jurors despite what he sees as evidence clearly indicating guilt. This is an example of the ________ effect.


What is the main idea of operant conditioning?

Behavior is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behavior: reinforcements and punishments.

What occurs during stage 1 sleep?

Both our respiration and heartbeat slow down.

Which of the following statements about eyewitness testimony is correct?

Eyewitness testimony is vulnerable to the power of suggestion

The traits openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism are key components of the ________.

Five factor model

Which of the following is an example of vicarious punishment?

Jeong observes Bronwyn getting spanked for spitting out her carrots. Because he saw his friend punished, he does not spit out his carrots.

Who proposed the locus of control concept?

Julian Rotter (1966)

According to Albert Bandura, ________.

Learning can occur by watching others and modeling what they do or say.

According to the Atkinson-Shiffrin model, ________.

Memories are processed the same way that a computer processes information.

Which statement summarizes the main idea of reciprocal determinism

Our behavior, cognitive processes, and situational context all influence each other

Which of the following is a way police have changed their interrogation techniques to lower the risk of false memory syndrome?

Police have modified the way witnesses are questioned

Mohammed is sleeping. His eyelids are quivering because his eyes are darting around. Mohammed is probably experiencing ________ sleep.


The ______ Inkblot Test employs a series of symmetrical inkblot cards that are presented to a client by a psychologist in an effor to reveal the person's unconscious desires, fears, and struggles.


Studying close relatives allows behavioral geneticists to determine ______

The relative contributions of genes and environment in a population

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? "the brain's clock mechanism is located in an area of the hypothalamus known as the pineal nucleus"

The word "pineal" should be changed to the word "suprachiasmatic"

Rosemary had a stroke about a year ago and now she cannot understand what people are saying to her. This is embarrassing for her, so she responds using vague language and tries to make it appear as though she understands. Which area f Rosemary's brain was likely damaged by the stroke?

Wernicke's area

Which question was central to the marshmallow test?

Would you be able to resist getting a small reward now in order to get a larger reward later?

_______ is the electrical signal that typically moves from the cell body down the axon to the axon terminals

action potential

If the principles of social learning theory are true, then children may model aggressive behavior ________.

after seeing a television character receive a reward for taking violent action against another character

Which of the following statements about algorithms is false?

algorithms cannot be used in everyday life

If I am looking at a snake and feeling the fear caused by the snake, what part of my brain am I using?


Kim believed he failed his math class because the test was too hard, passed his psychology class because the professor passed every student in the class, and didn't get the internship because the manager didn't like him. Julian Rotter would say that Kim has ________.

an external locus of control

What is the just-world hypothesis?

an ideology common in the United States that people get the outcomes they deserve

Jessica believes that she succeeds in high school because she works hard, earned a place on the basketball team because she practices constantly, and cooks well because she takes cooking classes. Julian Rotter would say that Jessica has ________.

an internal locus of control

Children whose parents have an authoritarian parenting style can be ________.

anxious, withdrawn, and unhappy

Illnesses such as diabetes and stomach cancer kill more than twice the number of Americans than murder or car accidents. However, Zale sees car accidents as more dangerous because he often hears about car accident fatalities on the nightly news, and he doesn't know anyone with diabetes or stomach cancer. Therefore, Zale takes more precautions against car accidents. This exemplifies ________.

availability heuristic

Marcy is 15 months old, and her father is insensitive and inattentive her needs. Marcy reacts to him the same way she reacts to a stranger—she doesn't care if he leaves the room and when he returns she is slow to notice or react. What kind of attachment is this?


Forgetting anything good that happened on your trip to France because you just broke up with your French fiancée and now can't bear the thought of anything French is a good example of ________: Memories are distorted by your current belief system.


the brain contains ______ of interconnected neurons and glia.


Which part of the brain is most involved in creating implicit memories?


Don knows that drinking too much liquor is a costly habit that is bad for his health, but he continues to drink large amounts of liquor. He also thinks he is a smart person that makes good choices. Don feels some psychological discomfort from this contradiction, which is also called ________.

cognitive dissonance

The _____ refers to the common psychological tendencies that have been passed down from one generation to the next.

collective unconscious

______ are categories or groupings of linguistic information, images, ideas, or memories, such as life experiences.


During the ________ stage, children understand events and analogies logically, and they can perform simple mathematical operations.

concrete operational

Which of the following is an example of stimulus discrimination?

conditioned to drool when a bell rigns and being able to tell the difference between the sound of a ringing bell and the sound of a whistle

Carmela believes her assistant, Lian, is incompetent. She notices only what Lian does wrong while ignoring the above average quality of most of her work. This exemplifies ________ bias.


Not all aspects of cognition are ________.

consciously experienced

The formulation of new memories is sometimes called ______, and the process of bringing up old memories is called ______.

construction reconstruction

Ina can no longer read the street signs, but she refuses to admit she needs glasses to drive. Which defense mechanism does this exemplify?


Suppose you are walking down a street. A woman has fallen down, but because there are so many people around it does not occur to you that you should help. You just assume someone else is about to help her and keep walking. This is an example of _______.

diffusion of responsibility

Suppose you are walking down a street. A woman has fallen down, but because there are so many people around it does not occur to you that you should help. You just assume someone else is about to help her and keep walking. This is an exmaple of _______.

diffusion of responsibility

Mona works at a bank. When Luis, a Colombian man, arrives to drop off his paycheck she pretends to be busy and directs him to another teller. She does this whenever a non-White person wants assistance. This is an example of ________.


_______ is a neurotransmitter involved in mood, reward, addiction, and motor behavior.


Jory, a six year old, is picking out a card for his mother's birthday. He picks the card with a picture of Lightning McQueen, reasoning that since he loves Cars his mother does to. What does this exemplify?


_____ and ______ are powerful influences on both our thoughts and behaviors.

emotion; memory

Sleep apnea is defined by _____

episodes during which a sleeper's breathing stops

Which psychological perspective might advance the argument that our sleep patterns evolved as an adaptive response to predatory risks, which are higher during periods of darkness?


Natural concepts are mental groupings created naturally through our _____


What type of memories can we consciously remember and recall?

explicit memories

A (an) ______ locus of control is the belief that our outcomes are outside of our control; an ______ locus of control is the belief that we control our own outcomes.

external; internal

Molly attempts to condition her puppy to greet her when she enters the house. She repeatedly pairs her entry to the house with a treat for the puppy. The puppy eventually acquires this ability, and Molly realizes how irritating it is for the puppy to run up to her every time she enters the house. She attempts to make the puppy stop, and eventually the puppy no longer feels motivated to greet her when she enters the house. The puppy no longer greeting her when she enters the house is an example of ________.


Eysenck viewed people as having two specific personality dimensions: ______

extroversion/introversion; neuroticism/ stabiity

Gus receives a paycheck every week. Which reinforcement schedule is this?

fixed interval

What is confirmation bias?

focusing on information that confirms your existing beliefs

Children in the ________ stage can use abstract thinking to problem solve, look at alternative solutions, and test these solutions.

formal operational

Broca's area is located in which lobe of the brain?


What concept is a type of mental set where you cannot perceive an object being used for something other than what it was designed for?

functional fixedness

Kara gets an F on her social psychology exam. Then she goes home and gets into an argument with her roommate, Lee. Lee assumes Kara is yelling at him because she likes to bully him, not because she had a bad day. Lee is making a ________.

fundamental attribution error

A difference in ______ can explain why one person dies from a disease and another person survives.


Based on the discussion in your text, which of the following strategies would effectively reduce prejudice between groups?

having groups meet under equal terms and cooperate on a task

Niaz's car breaks down, and he is convinced that it was a predictable event even though there was no way of knowing it would happen. This exemplifies ________.

hindsight bias

The endocrine system consists of a series of glands that produce chemical substances known as ______.


While ________ is generally achieved through the interaction of a therapist and the person being treated, an individual can perform ________ alone.

hypnosis, mediation

Which of the following is not an endocrine gland? hypothalamus ovaries pineal gland thyroid


When people say you never forget how to ride a bike, they are referring to _______ memory, also called non-declarative memory


Jasmin belongs to the chess club on her campus. She prefers to associate with other members of the chess club while avoiding people that do not belong to this group. Jasmin has a(n) ________ bias.


Mona lives in North Carolina. She takes an overnight flight to California to visit with family for a month; when she arrives she is fatigued, sluggish, and irritable. For the next week or so she has trouble sleeping. Mona is probably suffering from ________.

jet lag

The _______ hypothesis is the ideology common in the United States that people get the outcomes they deserve.


The concept conservation refers to ________.

knowing that even if you change the appearance of something, it is still equal in size as long as nothing has been removed or added

Which of the following is an example of fixed ratio reinforcement schedule?

knowing you will get to play miniature golf as soon as you collect 10 gold stars for your reward chart

Schemata are a(an) ________.

method of organizing information that allows the brain to work more efficiently

When Benito was five he cut his leg on some glass and needed stiches. Years later, his mother tells him the scar came from being bit by a dog. Now, when people ask about his scar he distinctly remembers the dog biting him. This is an example of the ________.

misinformation effect paradigm

What is groupthink?

modification of the opinions of members of a group to align with what they believe is the group consensus

Which of the following is a developmental issue children face during the formal operational stage?

moral reasoning

In operant conditioning, ______ is when something is removed to increase the likelihood of a behavior.

negative reinforcement

After Omar falls asleep he feels a sense of panic, screams, and attempts to escape from his room. Which parasomnia does Omar have?

night terrors

Madeline is seven months old. Her mother is eating a cookie and Madeline wants some. Her mother hides the cookie under a napkin, but Madeline is not fooled. She knows the cookie is still there. What does this exemplify?

object permanence

Dymesha watches her older sister do headstands. Dymesha falls over when she attempts to do a headstand herself. She watches her older sister more carefully, and she notices that her sister leans backward slightly to complete her headstand. Dymesha is then able to do headstands herself. Which type of learning is this?


Learning that occurs while watching others and then imitating, or modeling, what they do or say is called ________ learning.


An anchoring bias occurs when you focus on ________.

one piece of information versus all of the information

NREM is a period of sleep

outside periods of REM sleep

The ______ nervous system is responsible for stimulating digestion and causing the bladder to contract.


Carissa's parents let her stay up as late as she wants. She is allowed to pick out her own clothes and decide when and what she wants to eat. Her parents act more like her friends than authority figures. What kind of parenting style is this?


In the ______ stage, children use words and images to represent things, but they lack logical reasoning.


A(an) ________ is the best example, or representation, of a concept.


In operant conditioning, what describes adding something to decrease the likelihood of behavior?


Which of the following is not part of Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory?

reaction formation

After Mike does not get the job he interviewed for, he moves back in with his parents and spends his days playing video games. Which defense mechanism does this exemplify?


In order to remember his lines for the play, Guy repeats his lines over and over again. This process is called ________.


What should be changed to make the following sentence true? "states of consciousness do not vary over the course of the day."

remove the phrase "do not"

The _______ extends through the hindbrain, midbrain, and forebrain

reticular formation

The act of getting information out of memory storage and back into conscious awareness is known as


Umberto is a one year old, and his mother is sensitive and responsive to his needs. He is distressed when his mother leaves him, and he is happy to see her when she returns. What kind of attachment is this?


Which of the following strategies would effectively prevent groupthink from occurring?

seeking outside opinions on group decisions

Penny gets an acting job on Friday that she attributes to her good acting. She doesn't get the next acting job; therefore, she blames the casting director for not wanting to hire a woman. This is an example of ________.

self-serving bias

The encoding of words and their meaning is known as ______ encoding.


During Jean Piaget's ________ stage, the world is experienced through senses and actions.


Dale thinks that women shouldn't work outside the home and vows never to hire a woman at his bank. Dale's attitudes and planned course of action are ________.


Which state is marked by relatively low levels of physical activity and reduced sensory awareness that is distinct from periods of rest while awake?


Which of the following statements about sleep deprivation is false? a. sleep deprivation can result in decreased mental alertness and cognitive function b. sleep deprivation is associated with obesity c. sleep deprivation often results in ADHD d. sleep deprivation often results in depression-like symptoms

sleep deprivation often results in ADHD

The central nervous system consists of the brain and the ______

spinal cord

Fatima generalizes that all men are irresponsible players, cheaters, and liars. When it comes to men, Fatima may be applying ________: negative beliefs about individuals based solely on their membership in a group.


If a slamming door is a conditioned stimulus, then being able to distinguish between the sound of a slamming door and the sound of a heavy item being dropped would represent ________.

stimulus discrimination

Kerry is conditioned to fear strawberries. Raspberries are similar to strawberries, and even though no attempt was made to make Kerry fear raspberries, she reacts with fear when she sees them. This is an example of ________.

stimulus generalization

Dozens of people witness a purse snatching. One of the eyewitnesses loudly yells "the man with the blue shirt did it." Later, when questioned by police, several other eyewitnesses remember the purse snatcher wearing a blue shirt, even though the purse snatcher was a woman in flowered dress. This is an example of ________: the effects of misinformation from external sources that leads to the creation of false memories.


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