PSY 200 Final Exam Question Bank

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List the 8 common defense mechanisms. Provide an example of 3.

Denial, projection, displacement, reaction formation, regression, rationalization, identification, and sublimation. Denial is the inability to face or acknowledge reality. Projection is attributing one's thoughts, feelings, and motives to another. Reaction formation is behaving opposite from one's feelings.

List and define the 3 components of abnormal behavior.

Deviant: Unusual or atypical Distressful: Troublesome to the individual Dysfunctional: Poses threat to self or others

Share a sociocultural influence on your personal development.

Father left at the age of 5.

How does Sternberg's Triangle help us better understand long-term relationships?

Over time intimacy grows, commitment grows, and passion fades but is still there

Describe the Hawthorne Effect and explain why it matters.

The increase in performance of individuals who are noticed, watched, and paid attention to by researchers or supervisors. It is important to employers because it reminds them that showing you care for your employees boosts productivity.

What does research tell us about happiness and aging?

There are biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors that play into successful aging. The way a society and culture views aging and the elderly play a lot into the level of happiness we have towards aging.

Name contributing factors to obesity related to (a) biology, (b) psychology, and (c) culture.

a) genetics b) learning and conditioning, emotional regulation, lifestyle c) availability of food, tradition

What are the strengths and weaknesses of (a) self-report and (b) projective personality assessments?

a) we are more likely to see pure data but truth about true personality may be hidden b) depending on how you respond to ambiguous stimuli you learn more about your personality but someone else is interpreting your descriptions

Distinguish achievement motivation from affiliation motivation.

achievement motivation is the drive to do well or be superior while affiliation motivation is the drive to associate with others (have connections)

List 5 teratogens.

alcohol, caffeine, aspirin, marijuana, nicotine

What's the difference between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa?

anorexia nervosa is the restless pursuit of being thin through starvation and bulimia nervosa is periods of binging and purging through vomiting or laxatives

Distinguish prejudice from discrimination.

prejudice is a negative attitude towards members of a group and discrimination is behaving unfairly towards members of a group

Distinguish problem-focused coping from emotion-focused coping.

problem-focused coping tackles the source of the stressor while emotion-focused coping tackles the emotions that come with the stressor

Name and describe Erikson's 3rd, 5th, and 7th psychosocial stages.

1. 3rd Initiative vs. guilt - child begins to act on the world 2. 5th Identity vs. role confusion - Teens question who they are. Failure to answer question leads to role confusion and problems. 3. 7th Generativity vs. stagnation - are they contributing to the world around them or are they stagnant?

Name and describe Freud's 3 structures of personality.

1. Id - primitive, instinctive; unconscious drives 2. Superego - moral component; conscience 3. Ego - deals with demands of reality

List the 3 spectrums attributions may differentiate.

1. Internal v. external causes 2. Stable v. unstable causes 3. Controllable v. uncontrollable causes

Name and define three types of workplace sexual harassment.

1. Quid pro quo - you give something to get something, organizational rewards are offered in exchange for sexual favors 2. The threat of withholding a reward if a sexual request is refused 3. Hostile environment sexual harassment - employee experiences conditions in the workplace considered hostile/intimidating

Draw the five levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

1. self-actualization 2. esteem 3. love 4. safety 5. immediate physiological needs

Explain the theory that promotes using couples or family therapy instead of individual therapy.

Benefits of interaction, social skills practice, feedback, empathy and it commonly address conflict resolution, communication

What are the 3 areas of the BioPsychoSocial Model? Provide no fewer than 2 examples for each area.

Biological - genetics and brain chemistry Psychological - learning and stress/trauma Social/Culture - expectations and cultural context

Name the three components that must come together for an intervention to qualify as Evidence-Based Practice.

Clinical expertise, scientific evidence, and patient's values and priorities.

Explain a controversy surrounding the DSM-5.

Concerns about validity/science/evidence and has reliance on symptoms not objective scientific measures

Explain continuity and discontinuity.

Continuity is experience through gradual changes. Discontinuity is discrete stages.

List 5 lifestyle factors that could influence an individual's psychological state.

Exercise, adequate sleep, social interaction, nutrition, light therapy

Consider a current health problem you're facing. Identify the biopsychosocial factors in play.

I am obese. bio - genetical predisposed through pcos psycho - unhealthy relationship with food social - I am not educated on how to make foods that are healthy but tasty at the same time

Name a role self-regulation plays in your life today.

I know my goal is to be financially well off in the future, and the way I am self-regulating is by staying in school even if I am struggling with mental health.

Why is happiness considered a subjective measure?

It can not be physically measured but comes from one's own subjective feeling of their overall happiness.

Does biological therapy work? Does psychotherapy work?

It depends on the problem/disorder the person has.

What is a 360-degree performance appraisal?

Supervisors, customers, direct reports, peers, and the employee himself rate an employee's performance. This provides different perspectives of employees job performance.

What are some (a) symptoms and (b) risk factors associated with PTSD?

a) Hypervigilance, flashbacks and dreams, conditioned responses / avoidance b) Lower social support, biology (brain/chemical differences), intensity of emotional response

What are the significant psychological findings from studies of (a) Asche and (b) Milgram, as well as of (c) the Stanford Prison Experiment?

a) conforming and wanting to fit in drives people and in the experiment most people decided to conform and it made them second guess themselves b) Subsequent studies found DISOBEDIENCE was more likely if participants could see others disobey, authority figure was not perceived as legitimate, victim was made to seem more human c) if given a position of power, people are likely to abuse their power and hurt others

What is the difference between industrial psychology and organizational psychology?

industrial psychology: studies job characteristics and how it aligns with applicant's characteristics, employee training, and performance appraisal; focuses on hiring and maintaining employees organizational psychology: studies interactions between people in an organization and the effects of it on productivity, interested in worker satisfaction, and considers harassment and workplace violence

List 4 "types" of stressors and an example of each.

money - not having enough to pay the bills work - exhausted, relationships within work personal health - how is my health affecting my ability to live and work family responsibilities - managing taking care of finances while giving time to your family

What steps can be taken to help reduce intergroup hostility?

work together towards a common goal establish meaningful connections share equal status contact

Do you believe the "Big 5" are a reasonable way to make a comprehensive assessment of someone's personality?


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