PSY 215 - CH. 3

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characteristics of the first trimester

- can tell woman is pregnant w/ a urine test - breasts enlarged/tender - cervix thickens & secretes mucus - uterus shifts position and puts pressure on bladder - morning sickness - prenatal care is most important here

fetal stage developments: weeks 17 - 20 (5)

- fetal movements felt - heartbeat detectable - hair covers body - eyes respond to light - fingernails

fetal stage developments: weeks 9-12 (7)

- fingerprints - grasping reflex - facial expressions - swallowing & "breathing" of amniotic fluid - urination - genitalia - physical activity + rest

fetal stage developments: weeks 13 - 16 (2)

- hair follicles - response to mom's voice/loud noises

characteristics of second trimester

- morning sickness subsides - pregnant woman gains weight & begins to show - uterus expands to accommodate fetus growth - fetal movement felt - regular checks for gestational diabetes

fetal stage developments: weeks 32 - 36 (2)

- moves into head down position for birth - lungs mature

fetal stage developments: weeks 29 - 32 (3)

- rapid growth - antibodies from mom - fat deposited under skin

fetal stage developments: weeks 25 - 28 (3)

- recognizes mom's voice - regular rest/activity

fetal stage developments: weeks 21 - 24 (3)

- vernix protects skin - lungs prod surfactant - viability now possible if baby is born

characteristics of third trimester

- weight gain and abdominal enlargement - breasts secrete colostrum - differences in fetal behavior noticeable - woman becomes more emotionally attached to the fetus

Which of the following is a correct statement about the events leading up to conception?

After ejaculation, sperm travel the following path: the woman's vagina, cervix, uterus, and fallopian


Any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome (22 pairs)

Stages of Labor

1. Dilation and effacement of the cervix 2. Delivery of the baby 3. Delivery of the placenta


1/4 of infants born to HIV infected mothers get it as well and it's usually passed on via the placenta or during birth *transmission more likely when mom has AIDS *infants who acquire typically fall ill in 1st 2 years of life

Lorna notices that her fetus has begun to kick and move. Her physician tells her that she can hear a heartbeat with a stethoscope. Lorna is most likely at what point in her pregnancy?

17 - 20 weeks

first trimester

1st day of LMP to 12 weeks; begins when zygote implants itself in uterine lining, causing menstruation to stop

third trimester

25 weeks and beyond

ectopic pregnancy

A pregnancy outside of the womb, usually in a fallopian tube

Mrs. Lincoln is receiving information and advice about prenatal care from her health care team. With regard to alcohol, what advice will they most likely give Mrs. Lincoln?

Avoid alcohol entirely


Condition in a female of having a developing embryo and fetus in her uterus for about 40 weeks

Which of the following is associated with the second trimester of pregnancy?

Fetal movements are felt

How are newborn infants affected by medications given to the mother during the birthing process?

Infants whose mothers received analgesics or anesthetics during labor are usually more sluggish, spend more time sleeping, and gain a little less weight during the first weeks after birth


German measles; can be deadly to a fetus and those exposed in 1st trimester have hearing/visual impairment and/or heart deformity

Which of the following serve to hold neurons together?

Glial cells - hold neurons together and give shape to the brain's major structures

Which of the following happens during the first trimester of pregnancy?

Implantation of zygote in uterus

What does current research say about smoking during pregnancy?

Pregnant women should quit smoking because infants whose mothers smoked during pregnancy weigh an average of one-half pound less at birth

Which of the following is a characteristic of a child born with fetal alcohol syndrome?

The child may be mentally retarded

how does cocaine use affect fetal development?

The effects are not clearly understood because it is difficult to separate the effects of cocaine from those of poverty and other drugs

Which of the following is a conclusion drawn from The Cat in the Hat studies?

That newborn infants respond to sounds that they heard during the last trimester of development.

Salina is becoming emotionally attached to her unborn fetus. Her breasts are secreting colostrum. Salina is most likely in which trimester?

Third trimester

Pregnant women should eat foods high in folic acid, such as beans or spinach, during pregnancy. What is the purpose of this dietary recommendation?

To reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida

Nadia is exposed to high levels of radiation during the 6th, 7th, and 8th weeks of gestation. Which of the following organ structures in the fetus are most likely to show abnormalities?

Virtually all organ systems are vulnerable during this time

genomic imprinting

a chemical label that identifies each gene in a person's body as having come from his father or mother

spina bifida

a defect in which part of the spinal cord is exposed through an opening in the backbone *can be caused by lack of folic acid during pregnancy

Apgar scale

assesses 5 factors for neonates: 1. heartbeats per minute 2. respiration 3. muscle tone 4. reflexive response when feet exposed to stimuli 5. color of lips, palms, soles of feet (skin color)

what are the effects of malnutrition during pregnancy?

baby is low weight or has intellectual disabilities; can cause issues w/ the developing nervous system

sedatives and tranquilizers

can be administered to reduce anxiety

fetal alcohol syndrome

caused by heavy drinking during pregnancy; children are smaller than normal, have smaller brains, heart defects, hearing loss, and have a flattened nose and unusually long space between nose and mouth

identical twins

come from a single zygote and have identical genes *monozygotic twins

When researchers have examined the relationship between maternal emotions and prenatal development, the most consistent finding has been that...

fetuses of severely distressed mothers tend to grow more slowly

cephalocaudal pattern

development of the fetus begins from the head down ex: brain devs before reproductive organs

proximodistal pattern

development of the fetus happens in an orderly way from the center of the body outward toward the extremities ex: rib cage devs before fingers/toes

maternal risk factors

diet, age, chronic illness, environmental hazards, maternal emotions

when do neurons start developing in a fetus?

during the embryonic stage in week 3

fetal stage developments: week 37

full term, ready for birth!

how does heroin/methadone use affect fetal development?

generally the fetus dies or the drugs cause premature labor, but the baby can also be born with the addiction and go through withdrawal

autosomal disorders

genetic disorders caused by genes on autosomes *generally caused by recessive genes *ex: sickle cell, Huntington's

sex-linked disorders

genetic disorders caused by genes on the X chromosome *more likely to affect males, who only have one X gene *ex: color blindness, hemophilia

prenatal development

gestation; the process that transforms a zygote into a newborn *end w/ birth

The Cat In The Hat study

had mothers recite a portion of the cat in that hat each day during the last 6 weeks of their pregnancy after birth infants sucked on pacifiers that made various sounds, requiring a diff type of suckling babies quickly adapted their suckling to listen to a familiar story


herpes-type virus that usually causes disease when the immune system is compromised *1-2% of babies whose moms are infected become infected prenatally or from breast feeding

how does tobacco use affect fetal development?

infants typically weigh less in the womb and at birth *also potentially higher rate of learning problems and antisocial behavior

how does marijuana use affect fetal development?

infants typically weight less, on average, than those of non smokers & as children they have a lower IQ *this typically carries on into the child's youth


insertion of a tiny camera through a small incision in the uterus to directly observe fetal dev


last 2 centimeters of dilation of the cervix are achieved; contractions close and strong


newborn baby (1st month of life)

How many ova does a woman produce per month?

one ovum from one of her 2 ovaries


pain relievers that may be given during labor

multifactoral inheritance

physical traits that are influences by both genes and the environment ex: height based on genes, but also based on child's nutrition status as they grow

second trimester

prenatal development in weeks 12 to 24


sperm and egg cells


substances that cause damage to an embryo of fetus *fetuses most at risk during 1st 8 weeks of dev *severity of damage depends on duration and intensity of exposure

STIs fetal effects

syphilis is the most harmful, causing ear/eye/brain defects genital herpes can be passed from mom to baby during birth - 1/3 of infected babies die from and others have blindness or brain damage gonorrhea can cause blindness


three periods of 3 months during pregnancy that are associated w/ various milestones

critical periods

times in embryonic and fetal stages when body systems are especially sensitive to tetragons

what is the most important goal of fetal-maternal medicine?

to manage the pregnancies of women who have chronic illnesses in ways that will support the health of the mother and fetus

fraternal twins

twins that come from two sets of ova and sperm *aka dizygotic twins


uses high frequency sound waves; during 2nd trimester allow doctors to see fetus' sex, to diagnose deformities/growth issues, to determine position of the fetus


usually given later in labor to block pain (general or local)

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