PSY 298 Abnormal Psychology Ch. 7 Study Set

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c. if the client has "too much" anxiety over their symptoms

Many individuals who have been diagnosed with life-altering medical conditions experience anxiety about their symptoms. Because of the change in the diagnostic criteria for somatic symptom disorder, it is up to the mental health clinician to decide _____.

b. decreased activation of the hippocampus

Biological explanations propose which of the following as a causal factor in dissociative disorders?

c. heavily dependent on self-reports

Dissociative disorders are _____.

a. the integration of emotions, cognition, and bodily processes

Adverse life experiences such as child abuse have been associated with alterations in the insular and cingulate cortices in women with conversion disorder. These brain areas are involved in _____.


The amnesia that occurs in dissociative amnesia and dissociative fugue is permanent.

b. Felix's parents, younger sister, her husband, and their children were recently killed in a boating accident

1. Felix's former wife, with whom he had maintained a good relationship, was able to provide clarity on how this all could have happened. Based on what you know about the development of dissociative disorders, which of the following is the reason she most likely gave for Felix's having gone missing?

b. Hannah is getting solicitous attention from her parents and grandmother.

1. Hannah's condition has affected more than her ability to sleep. She is unable to keep a job and has also experienced relationship problems with friends and family. Surprisingly, Hannah may interpret some of these changes as positive, leading to the perpetuation of her symptoms. Which of the following would be an example of this?

illness anxiety disorder

After Clayton's great grandfather died at 94 of heart failure about a year ago, Clayton became concerned about his own cardiovascular health. His doctor has assured him that his heart is healthy and that his diet and exercise habits, which are excellent, will him stay healthy. Clayton, however, is absolutely certain that his heart will suddenly stop and often talks about how tragically short he expects his like to be. What is the most likely diagnosis for Clayton?

d. conversion disorder

Anton was involved in a car accident that injured three of his friends. Anton was driving the car and when the accident occurred, he was texting. Since the accident, Anton has lost all motor control and feeling in his right hand up to his wrist. The neurologist who saw Anton noted that his symptoms are incompatible with the presence of a neurological disorder and also found no evidence of muscle damage. Anton is most likely to be diagnosed with _____.

c. help the client manage his or her response to anxiety-producing conditions

An important component of treating somatic symptom and related disorders is to _____.

d. are associated with abnormal thoughts, feelings, or behaviors

Based on DSM-5 criteria, the somatic symptom and related disorders include physical or bodily symptoms that _____.

a. psychological and emotional symptoms may be caused by physical problems

Contrary to the dominant Western view that physical symptoms are often psychosomatic, many other cultures have a somatopsychic view. The somatopsychic view is that _____.

d. dissociative identity disorder

What is the disorder in which a disruption in an individual's sense of self produces two or more distinct personality states or involve an experience that the individual is possessed?

a. more people being diagnosed with SSD

DSM-5 changed the diagnostic criteria for what was previously (in DSM-IV) known as somatization disorder. The new DSM-5 criteria for somatic symptom disorder (SSD) can reasonably be expected to result in _____.

c. the integration and regulation of emotions

Diffusion tensor imaging of the brains of individuals with depersonalization/derealization disorder has revealed abnormalities in the structural connectivity between the frontolimbic brain regions, areas that are involved in _____.


For some individuals with somatic symptom disorders, the "sick role" may have been reinforced through extra attention or being excused from obligations.

d. illness anxiety disorder

Ginny's mother and grandmother both had strokes in their early 50s. Ginny turned 50 nine months ago. Since then, she has been extremely anxious about her health and the possibility of having a stroke, and she frequently looks for information about stroke causes and warning signs. She interprets every twinge and tingle that she feels as a possible sign of an impending stroke, but she refuses to have a checkup because she is afraid of what the tests might reveal. Ginny is most likely to be diagnosed with _____.

c. depersonalization/derealization disorder

Juan is disturbed about the fact that he often feels as if he is not a real person living in a real world. He is not hallucinating. He sees the world accurately, but he feels as if he is a spirit moving through a dream. This feeling is beginning to affect how he relates to others. Juan is most likely to be diagnosed with _____.

d. perform activities that typically trigger physical sensations associated with anxiety

Margaret, whose father died of a massive heart attack when Margaret was 11 years old, has long worried that she, too, will die suddenly. Her worries have become so extreme that they are interfering with her daily life and relationships, and, pressured by close friends, she agreed to see a therapist. The treatment plan includes interoreceptive exposure, which means that Margaret will be asked to _____.

somatic symptom disorder

Maris has long complained of a wide range of symptoms, including severe pain and stiffness that cause her to be unable to perform her usual daily activities. She has been to a number of doctors and has yet to receive a diagnosis despite extensive tests. She is sometimes distraught about her situation, certain that she will be completely disabled before long. What is the most likely diagnosis for Maris?


Multiple personality disorder is a legitimate mental disorder.

b. selective amnesia

Rick witnessed an armed robbery while walking to work. He is able to remember many details about the event, but says he has no memory of what happened to the victim who was, in fact, killed only feet away from Rick. Which type of amnesia best fits what Rick is experiencing?

a. localized amnesia

Sari is in the hospital after being rescued from a boating accident in which her brother died. For several hours, she denies having any memory of the accident or of her brother's death, and then suddenly became very emotionally agitated as she remembers what has happened. Sari has experienced _____.

a. factitious disorder imposed on another

Shawana often takes her three year-old daughter to the doctor, reporting that the child is experiencing a range of gastrointestinal symptoms including bouts of explosive diarrhea alternating with severe constipation, and severe nausea and vomiting. Past tests have failed to reveal an organic cause for these symptoms but the child's height and weight are now low for her age. At the most recent office visit, the doctor noticed that the girl was dehydrated and ordered Shawna to take her to the emergency room. While there, Shawna was seen giving her daughter a dose of syrup of ipecac, a medication given to induce vomiting and child protective services was called. If Shawna were to be evaluated by a mental health professional, what diagnosis might be appropriate?


Somatic symptom disorders involve physical or bodily issues.

a. individuals of lower socioeconomic status

The prevalence of somatic symptom disorder (SSD) tends to be higher in _____.

c. iatrogenic disorder

What term describes a condition that is unintentionally produced in a client by a therapist's treatment strategies or interactions with the client?

d. psychodynamic

Which perspective holds that dissociative identity disorder is the result of repressing unpleasant or traumatic memories?

d. Suggestive techniques such as hypnosis are used in retrieving "repressed" memories that turn out to be false.

Which evidence argues against the idea of repressed memory and the assertion that traumatic memories can be pushed out of consciousness?

conversion disorder

Yvonne has been complaining of difficulty swallowing, numbness in her face and hands, tremor in her hands, and of problems with blurry vision. She saw her primary care physician who referred her to a neurologist, but the neurologist was unable to find a cause for her symptoms. What is the most likely diagnosis?

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