Psy 321 Quiz 9

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Which of the following is one of the behaviors in the text that couple can do to build stronger romantic bonds?

all of the answers are correct

According to critiques of frustration aggression theory, frustration is LESS likely to result in aggression when the person views the frustration as...

an expected feeling in the kind of situation

When parents see a photo of a startled infant, they are more likely to say they look angry if told the baby is a boy and startled if the baby is a girl. This evidence is used to support the BLANK argument for understanding gender differences in physical aggression.


Hal is more likely to become aggressive as a result of watching violent television shows that depict...

violent against bad people that seems justified

Our lecture and the research in the book supports the idea that BLANK can lead to increased deindividuation, while BLANK can lead to increased self-awareness

wearing a mask; seeing oneself in a mirror

Samantha wants to persuade her roommates Larissa to allow her to get a dog. Samantha's arguments for wanting the dog are not very strong, but they are uplifting. According to research on mood and persuasion, when should Samantha approach Larissa if she wants the best chance of persuading her roommate?

when Larissa has finished eating a delicious snack

In what situation would group members be most likely to engage in self-censorship

when they have a strong leader

In Latane and Darley's (1968) smoke-filled room study, participants were LEAST likely to report the smoke to the experiment when they are in the room

with two calm confederates

Paul and Ray are bowling together. Ray watches as Paul rolls the ball right into the gutter for a score of 0. According to actor-observer bias, Paul is likely to think BLANK, whereas Ray is likely to think BLANK.

"The ball slipped", "He is a bad bowler"

Sarah and Mia fill out a love styles facebook quiz. They find out that their relationship is characterized by feelings of passion, intimacy, and long-term loyalty. According to Sternberg's Triangular theory of Love, their relationship style is

NOT romantic love

Glenda is going to watch her very first hockey game. She doesn't know much about hockey, but her friend Brianna has been to many games and is a big fan. She watches how her friend acts and behaves, and does what she does because she assumes this is the accurate way to behave at hockey games. This type of conformity is a form of _______ social influence.


Which of the following individuals in NOT expressing a basic emotion?

Billy is confused he earned an F on the Final exam.

According to affect valuation theory, western culture like the US are more likely to pursue BLANK as their ideal emotion because it promotes

excitement; indépendant action

Freyja is planning to hire a new working. After interviewing three candidates, she finds all of them to be very friendly and kind. However, she chooses to pay less attention to this information because of the BLANK principle.


Isaac forgot his PIN to his bank account. Rather than starting with the combination 0000 then working his way up, he begins guessing on numbers he frequently uses. Isaac is using BLANK to solve the problem.

A heuristic

Asch's line study differs in important ways from Sherif's autokinetic effect study because:

Asch"s participants could clearly see the correct judgement

Recall that Sherif showed participants a dot of light and asked them to judge the light's movement. This study suggests that people

Change their own judgements in accordance with other people's judgements

The self-validation hypothesis states that

Feeling confident about one's thoughts serves as a form of validation.

"Failure to share unique information" can lead groups to make poor decision. Which of the following is a strategy to combat this failure to share?

Group member should be assigned to be "experts" on their unique information

Nathan cries during every movie night with you and other friends. Nathan is the only one who cries during movie night. He also cried while watching movies by himself and when watching. Kelley's covariation theory, how will you explain Nathan's behavior of crying during movie night?

It is due to something unusual about Nathan, because his behavior is low in consensus, low in distinctiveness, and high in consistency.

Which of the following is the best example of the think-drink effect?

Jen expects that alcohol will make her act angry and belligerent, so she is even more aggressive where

Attitudes do a good job predicting behavior when

NOT Attitudes and behavior are measured at the same levels of specificity

Social Exchange Theory argues that all of the following are important considerations when deciding if your relationship is satisfying EXCEPT...

NOT beliefs about what you deserve in a relationship

When listening to the news, Suzie hears about a person who was robbed. She thinks to herself "that's terrible! but they probably deserve it". Suzie likely believes in

NOT correspondence inference theory

Diego won first place in the 100-meter dash. The next day, he lost at a game of chess. According to the self-serving bias, Diego is most likely to say he won the race because BLANK, and he lost the game because BLANK

NOT he is a good runner and trained a lot; his friends kept him up late celebrating which made it hard to NOT the other runners had a bad day, his friends kept him up late celebrating which made it hard to focus

Dissonance theory suggest that people BLANK their attitudes as a result of dissonance, whereas self-perception theory suggests that people BLANK their attitudes form observing their behaviors.

NOT infer; change

People typically prefer partners with BLANK personalities for long-term relationships, and partners with BLANK personalities for short-term relationships

NOT opposite; similar

A bicultural student from Japan is studying in the US. He is asked to describe why a man is dancing on a table at a crowded party. When primed with US cultural icons, he is most likely to say BLANK. When he is primed with Japanese cultural icons, he is most likely to say BLANK.

NOT the music was really good; the other party-goers encouraged him to do it. NOT the other party-goers encouraged him to do it; the man is very out-going

A detergent company asks shoppers to write a testimonial about their product in exchange for either a very small or a very large coupon. According to cognitive dissonance theory, who will have the most positive attitude towards the product?

NOT those who have received the very large coupon because of justification of effort

Paul is trying to decide whether he liked the last movie he saw. After thinking it over, he decides he did like it. According to the process of thought polarization, how will Paul feel after he continues to think more about the film?

Paul's attitude toward the film will get more extreme after he thinks about it.

According to the empathy-altruism hypothesis, what prediction would we make about helping behavior when there is high or low personal cost

Pedro, who takes the perspective of Christina, will help her regardless of personal cost

Peter wants to measure both implicit and explicit attitudes to see if they match. Peter should BLANK to measure implicit attitudes, and BLANK to measure explicit attitudes.

Response Latency; Likert Scale

Which of the following best summarizes the "Barry Manilow T-Shirt" study in which participants answered some questions about wearing shirts?

Results supported the spotlight effect, because participants overestimated how many other people noticed the shirt that the participant was wearing.

Sarah just won first price in an art competition. Which of the following is an internal attribution about Sara?

Sara is very creative and spends a lot fo time practicing her art, which makes Sara's work stand out.

Which of the following individuals is more likely to engage in social loafing?

Tom, who washes cars at a fundraiser with a group of his friends.

You heard from a friend that your roommate's new partner Sam is other unfriendly. According to self fulfilling prothesis, which one comes over for dinner?

You will be unfriendly to Sam, who will repeatedly respond by being cold and aloof. You become further convinced that Sam is unfriendly.

The main difference between compliance and obedience is that obedience necessarily involves _______.

a demand from an authority

Which of the following is the best example of instrumental aggression?

a soccer player purposefully slams into an opponent to stop them from taking a shot on the goal

Sam feels that his partner, Leslie, is too "clingy" and depends on him too much. According to attachment theory, Leslie's attachment style is most likely


Imagine you are playing a video game when five strangers arrive to watch you. According to Robert Zajonc's work on social facilitation, the BLANK created by the presence of these strangers would impair your performance if you BLANK this particular video game.

arousal; are unfamiliar with

You are planning an upcoming trip to another country for a service project. The research on facial expressions and emotion would suggest you should

assume that you are reading most people's facial expressions accurately

A friend asks you whether there is a lot of crime in Oxford. Although crime rarely occurs here, you recall a recent story about a Oxford gas station robbery. On the basis of this memory, you tell your friend there is a lot of crime in College Station. This illustrated the BLANK heuristic.


In class, Linda had to give a "pro-life" speech on abortion. Before her speech, the teacher told everyone that Linda had been assigned to take this position, regardless of her true beliefs about abortion. Research on the fundamental attribution error suggests that, after class, the other students will

be biased to think that Linda is truly pro-life

Wanda is about to have a difficult conversation with her mom to confess that she lied to her. She knows her mom will forgive her but she still needs to tell the truth. On her way to her mom's house sees a charity asking for donations to the local animal shelter. Based on the Negative State Relief model, Wanda is more likely to give money _______ confession because _______ influences compliance.

before; feelings of guilt

Marco sees a garden snake. He runs away while thinking. "I know that garden snakes are not dangerous" This example illustrates an inconsistency between the BLANK components of his attitude.

behavioral and cognitive

You can expect that major league baseball pitchers would be more likely to hit batters on a day that is

bright, sunny, and very hot

According to our lecture, are generally more susceptible to persuasive messages than

children; the elderly

Which is NOT one of the universal moral domains described in Haidt's moral foundation theory?


Which of the following is NOT one of the requirements for a situation in which contract between members of different groups will reduce prejudice?

clear penalties if group members show prejudice toward each other

According to research on the prisoner's dilemma, if participants are told the task is a BLANK game, they are BLANK likely to cooperate

community, more

Joe think that dogs are better than cats. He goggled pro-dog websites, subscribes to an Obsessive Dog Lovers listserv, wears an I heart Dogs shirt and looks for articles on the evils of cats. He completely ignores anti-dog ads on facebook and avoids the Cat owners against dogs protests. The is an example of

confirmation bias

A group of business people are working on an ad campaign where they are looking to use a computer-generated image of an attractive female face to help sell their product. To portray the most physically appealing female face, what should they do?

create her face from the composite of many highly attractive faces

A social norm that reflects how things are typically done is considered _______, whereas a social norm that reflects what behaviors are approved of is considered _______.

descriptive; prescriptive

Mika asked her uncle if she could live with him for a year while she sorted out her life. When he declined, she asked if she could stay with him for a month, and he agreed. This is an example of the _____ technique, which works in part because of _____.

door-in-the-face; the norm of reciprocity

Public service ads often try to elicit fear to induce people to change unhealthy behaviors. How should fear appeals be used in order to increase the likelihood of behavior change?

elicit high levels of fear and provide specific recommendations for how to reduce the unhealthy behaviors

Imagining how a situation could have almost happened or almost not happened leads to increased

emotional amplification

Based on the 5-stage model or Bystander intervention, which of the following is NOT a reason why we fail to help?

feelings of incompetence

According to the evolutionary perspective, altruism towards non-kin individuals

follows rules related to reciprocity

Imagine that you are walking inside the mall and you come across a person asking for signatures on a petition for a cause that you support. The person asks if you would be willing to sign the document, to which you agree, but then asks if you would be willing to volunteer your time to collect signatures as well, and you find yourself agreeing again. What technique did the person use to get you to agree to both requests?


Recall that Festinger and his colleagues (1950) conducted research at housing at MIT. Among other things, they examined friendship formation among apartment residents. The results showed that the residents living near the stairwells formed twice as many friendships with upstairs neighbors as those living in the middle apartments, which were further from the stairs. These results illustrate the impact of BLANK on friendship formation.

functional distance

At movie night, Brandon witnesses Stephanie eat most of the pizza, and thinks that she must be a greedy person. He ignores the fact that she hasn't eaten since lunch because she was busy getting everything ready for the event, and no one else seems like they wanted to eat it anyway. Brandon's is falling prey to

fundamental attribution error

the persuasive arguments theory of group polarization suggests that group members' previously-held opinions

get stronger when they are exposed to other group member's unique arguments in favor of that opinion

Barry watches Megan fall down and scrape her knew. He assumed she might be a clumsy person, failing to notice the uneven sidewalk and the fact that she's rushing because her bus was late. Barry is relying on the fundamental attribution error, which research suggests is caused by all of the following EXCEPT:

global vs. specific explanatory style

Bad guys in movies have scars or are less attractive as a cue that they are bad people in a variety of domains. This tendency is relying on the

halo effect

Research on decision making suggests that, compared with a single person, a group is more likely to generate the correct solution to a problem that

has a precise, factual answer

The approach/inhibition theory of power suggests that BLANK individuals are more inclined to pursue their goals, whereas BLANK individuals are more inclined to constrain their behavior

high-power; low-power

Experiments that employ the minimal group paradigm show that groups that are created on the basis of arbitrary and seemingly meaningless criteria tend to show

in-group favoritism

The process by which small attacks on our beliefs help counteract larger attacks on our beliefs is called


Lenore's parents always taught her that she ought to "put on a happy face" even when she is not. According to research on Embodied Cognition, what effect does this behavior likely have on her corresponding internal state?

it works and she actually belongs to feel happier

Noel hears his coworker crying at their desk. He feels distressed and stops to check in on then and offer some help. His prosocial behavior seems most likely an example of the

negative state relief hypothesis

At the airport, Felicia likes to walk on the moving walkway. However, if others are standing still on the moving walkway, Felicia also stand stills so others will not think she is rude. Felicia's decision to stand instead of walk in the presence of other people standing demonstrates:

normative social influence

Zajonc and colleagues (1969) found that the mere presence of others tends to facilitate performance BLANK, but to hinder performance BLANK

on well-learned tasks; on novel or difficult tasks

When sitting with her sweetheart, Jane's body begins to release BLANK to promote long-term commitment to her partner


Gilbert and colleagues (1998) compared the happiness estimates of people in a relationship who predicted how they would feel if they broke up, with the happiness levels of people who had recently ended a relationship. What did they find?

people estimated they would be less happy compared with those who had actually broken up

Which of the following scenarios best captures the social psychological definition of a group, as described in the textbook?

people who decide how to help a stranded motorist

The study we spoke about in class regarding terrorist attacks asked participants to write about how the attacks made them feel angry or frightened. The findings of the study show that emotions influence our


You are writing an advertising campaign for a new designer water, which in reality is standard city reservoir water in a fancy bottle. In this case, you are likely best off using the BLANK route, because

peripheral; you do not have strong arguments for why your product is superior

Cognitive dissonance always

produces discomfort

Nancy is gathering information about different cars in order to decide which car she wants to buy. According to the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion. Nancy will be more likely to process this information through the central route if

she is personally motivated to devote time and energy to the information

Jennifer was walking along the street when she saw a man run out of a convenience store clutching on to a bag. The owner of the store runs out and shouts for the man to stop and come back. Jennifer immediately assumes that there has been a robberY, not that the man was in a hurry and forgot his change. How did she fill in this gap in her knowledge of the situation?

she was relying on a schema

Emotions are different from moods in that emotions are

shorter in duration than moods

After winning a model in the olympics, the BLANK medalist is likely to be the least happy.


Before volunteering at a homeless shelter, Sharon considers how hard it will be to get up early every Saturday and how good it will look on her college applications. This strategy is predicted by

social exchange theory

The BLANK states that people first have fast emotional reactions to events with moral significance and then recruit more thoughtful reasoning to make a final judgement about right and wrong.

social intrsionist model

When we help others in order to receive positive attention or gratitude, we are motivated by ________, but when we help others because we identify with people in need, we are motivated by ________.

social rewards; empathic concern

Kevin has spent his life in southern Alabama, which is considered a culture of honor. According to the research on the culture of honor, we would expect Kevin to behave more aggressively than a northerner when

someone insults his wife

A tabloid claims: "Tom Hanks to give up acting for modeling career!" When you see it. you discount the story as ridiculous. Later, when someone mentions Tom Hanks, you say, "Didn't he just start modeling?" However, you can't recall where you heard that information. You just demonstrated the:

speaker effect

In the lecture, we discussed a variety of activities that research suggests increase happiness. Which of the following does research suggest is NOT very effective at increasing happiness?

spending money on materialistic goods

Social Impact Theory affects how normative influence happens using all the following components EXCEPT _______.


Which of the following best summarizes the results in Darley & Batson's Good Samaritan study on prosocial behavior in seminary students?

students who thought they would be late to an appointment were less likely to help than students

Lucy's family is poor. Although they wish they were more prosperous, they take comfort in the love and support they provide to each other and consider themselves quite happy. As a result, Lucy's family does not endorse proposed changes to the laws that would provide them with better health insurance. Their behavior can be explained by ________ theory.

system-justification theory

The BLANK theory states that people deal with their anxiety over the inevitability of their own death by striving for symbolic immortality. This immortality is achieved through preserving values cultural worldview and believing they have lived up to the culture's standards.

terror management

BLANK exemplifies a message characteristic, whereas BLANK exemplifies a source (speaker) characteristic.

the content of a speech: the credibility of a communicator

In his attempts to persuade Roger to get his favorite band tattooed on his arm, Dan assembles 100 friends with tattoos. Dan probably wasted a lot of effort in doing so, because

the effect of group size on conformity levels off when group size reaches about four people

Tamara has been married to Josh for seven years. They have three children, own a house together, and have many mutual friends. According to the investment model of commitment, Tamara may be hesitant to end her marriage, even if she is dissatisfied, because of

the magnitude of her investment

Tori is waiting for a study in a room with pictures of swords and guns. During the study, Tori gives more painful retaliatory shocks to a partner than she normally would. This is best explained by

the presence of weapons effect

Joe, Robert, and David each witness Chelsea fall down a flight of stairs and hurt her ankle. Who is most likely to help?

they are all equally likely to help

Imagine that a group of corporate managers is experiencing groupthink. Which of the following behaviors might they display?

they value reaching a consensus over critically evaluating the facts

In class, when discussing the Shooter Bias Study, all types of participants were more likely to make more errors towards BLANK targets

unarmed black

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