PSY final

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Your friend Padme believes that fear is the same emotion as anxiety. How should you respond?

"Actually, fear is more of a hard-wired emotion that involves less thinking and reflection than anxiety. "

Which statement best describes the enhanced cognitive-behavioral therapy model of eating disorders?

"All eating disorders have one core issue in common. They all involve a tendency to view your self-worth in terms of managing your body's weight and shape."

A sociocultural therapist finally found the perfect sign to promote his new clinic. It said:

"Need a therapist who will advocate for social change? Look no further."

3 facts about comorbidity

- It illustrates the blurred boundaries between different mental disorder categories. - It is defined as diagnosing multiple disorders at a time. - It poses challenges to validity.

3 Facts about HiTop

- It sees many mental disorders as comorbid. - Its spectra are gained by analyzing scientific data. - It contains six spectra dimensions.

This disorder is an example of how the DSM and ICD may classify the same disorder very differently. Although the DSM considers it a personality disorder, the ICD has grouped it with psychotic disorders.

Schizotypal personality disorder

Which of the following is NOT true about lithium?

Scientists have proven why and how it works.

In his theory of depression, Beck proposed the cognitive triad, which forms the basis for cognitive therapy. The cognitive triad consists of negative beliefs about:

Self, others, and future

Which is true about the relationship between stress and immune system functioning?

Short-term stress boosts immune functioning, but long-term stress depletes it.

According to the Dual Representation Theory related to PTSD, which of the following statements regarding traumatic memories is true?

Situationally accessible memories are connected to the hippocampus, and are related to flashbacks.

It's when psychological problems are expressed in physical ways.


Which of the following statements is one reason that a physical examination may be warranted before commencing with a psychological intervention?

Some psychological conditions, such as major depressive disorder, can resemble medical conditions such as hypothyroidism.

Based on DSM-5 criteria, which of the following is NOT one of the symptoms that overlap between GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and depression?

Uncontrollable worry

Match the MSE General Domain term with the specific behavior, indicator, or descriptive category.

Use notebook

What is one factor we should consider when distinguishing normal fear reactions and pathological reactions, such as panic attacks?

We need to consider the context of anxiety, and whether it is actually a true alarm.

According to the body of empirical research pertaining to the efficacy of MBCT, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is indicated in which of the following situations?

When the person has experienced 3 or more depressive episodes in their lifetime.

Which of the following is NOT true of melancholia?

While most commonly associated with Renaissance Europe, it was first characterized by an Islamic physician.

Who authors the ICD?

World Health Organization

Are economic conditions related to anxiety?

Yes; financial hardship and low socioeconomic status have been linked to anxiety.

When it comes to depression, are there any gender differences?

Yes; women are more likely than men to experience a depressive episode.

Some psychological tests may not elicit valid information from a client who is part of a minority group. This may mean the psychological test has ________ .

a cultural bias.

After finishing 6 pieces of toast with butter, Sally prepares a batch of brownies, while eating 3 large bowls of ice cream. She then eats 2 bags of cookies, the full batch of baked brownies, and 5 slices of pizza. After eating, she feels so guilty and ashamed about the calories she consumed, that she decides to make herself vomit. Sally engages in this type of behavior at least four times a week. However, because she is highly secretive about her problems and maintains a normal body weight, no one in her family seems to be aware of her struggles. Sally appears to meet criteria for:


Dolores entered treatment for problems related to depression, smoking, and binge eating (without purging). Which of the following pharmacological options might be the most efficient in her treatment?


Professor Flitwick showed the class a video of a woman who didn't respond to verbal or physical prompts. She stood very still in a statue-like stance, with her arm raised rigidly. The purpose of this video was to illustrate:


Molly has a headache and complains that regular aspirin does nothing to improve her symptoms. "This is a special aspirin," says her mother, lying, as she hands Molly a peppermint. "It's three times more powerful than regular aspirin, so it should make you feel better right away." When Molly's headache suddenly vanishes after eating the peppermint, her mother knows that this is the result of

a placebo effect

Boris drank quite a lot at his friend's party. Later, he had trouble falling asleep, so he took a sleeping pill along with an extra dose of his anti-anxiety medication. If his heart stops beating during the night, it would probably be the result of _______.

a synergistic effect

Which of the following statements about dissociative identity disorder (DID) is TRUE?

DID is notoriously difficult to diagnose, and many clinicians don't believe in it.

New research that monochorionic identical twins show higher concordance rates (about 60%) for schizophrenia compared to dichorionic identical twins (about 11%), and that dichorionic identical twins show similar rates of schizophrenia to fraternal twins (about 17%) suggests that:

Environmental factors, specifically the embryonic environment relative to a shared placenta, may explain increased risk for schizophrenia previously attributed to shared genetics.

The medical term referring to the underlying cause of something is:


Which of the following factors is the best predictor of traumatic stress?

Experiencing trauma while identifying as an ethnic, racial, sexual, gender, or cultural minority

Dr. Granger is interested in the origins of somatization disorder. In particular, she is interested in the interaction of genetic predisposition, anxiety sensitivity, early parent-child relationships, and maladaptive cognitions that may be causal contributors to the onset of somatization disorder. We could say broadly that Dr. Granger:

Explains etiology in this case from a biopsychosocial perspective, including the cognitive and attachment psychological approaches.

Which of the following is not one of the narcissism traits common to both the grandiose and vulnerable subtypes?


Complex PTSD includes the core features of PTSD plus additional domains, such as affect dysregulation. Affect dysregulation includes all of the following symptoms and behaviors, except what?

Feeling diminished, defeated, worthless

The key to figuring out whether your client meets criteria for bulimia or whether she meets criteria for binge-eating disorder would be to:

Find out whether she engages in compensatory behaviors

When it comes to developing schizophrenia, what do adoption studies generally suggest about its causes?

Genes and environment interact to produce schizophrenia.

Who has voluntary control over their physical symptoms?

Gilderoy Lockhart, who has factitious disorder.

Research has identified some developmental precursors to schizophrenia in children. Which of the following is not one of the precursors that was mentioned in the text or during the lecture?

Greater than average intellectual capacity

Some evolutionary psychologists view grief as adaptive because:

Grief reflects an ability to attach to others, which can increase the social cohesion of a group.

Which of the following is UNLIKELY to be a characteristic of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)?

Having obsessions for germs and washing hands compulsively.

Which is true about the 19th-century neurologist Charcot and his use of hypnosis to treat hysteria?

He was heavily criticized for using hypnosis, but his work nonetheless had a strong influence on Sigmund Freud.

What describes the main features of mania?

High energy and a euphoric mood

Individuals with this personality disorder are likely to be very high in conscientiousness, assertiveness, and perfectionism. They are likely to have difficulty relaxing and expressing warmth in relationships.

Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

According to HiTOP, which of the following pairing of mental disorders is incorrect?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Which of the following characteristics is more typical among Type II versus Type I trauma?

Often in the context of an ongoing relationship (e.g., caregiver; partner)

Which of the following about pharmacology and eating disorders is TRUE?

SSRIs appear to help those with bulimia diagnoses more than those with anorexia diagnoses.

Which of the following is NOT a core condition for change in Rogers' person-centered psychotherapy? What are the 3 core conditions?

Safety Genuineness (or congruence), Empathy, and Unconditional positive regard

An area of controversy regarding the diagnosis of __________ is the lack of clarity regarding how it should be distinguished from obesity.

binge eating disorder

Impulsivity is associated with ________; whereas perfectionism is strongly correlated with _______.

binge eating; anorexia

In the DSM-5, the disorder is called somatic symptom disorder. In the ICD-10, it is called somatization disorder. But in the ICD-11, they call it _____.

bodily distress disorder

Watson and Raynor's case study of Little Albert (the white rat study) suggested that phobias could develop through ____________ conditoning

classical conditioning

A clinical psychologist notes that a client wears his clothes inside out, that his hair is matted, and there is dirt under his fingernails. This information is known as ________ .

clinical observation.

"It's not the event itself that upsets us. Rather, it's our unique interpretation of that event that determines how we feel," said the _______ therapist.


The therapist's mind was busy as she listened to her client: Is he filtering? Is he jumping to conclusions? Is this an example of minimizing an event? In other words, she was searching for examples of _______.

cognitive distortions

If we shift to a dimensional approach to personality disorder, we can potentially overcome long-standing problems with _______________ .

comorbidity of personality disorder categories

Lily, who was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), is extremely anxious about germs. She relieves her anxiety by washing her hands frequently with hot water. During therapy, however, she is asked to touch doorknobs but is NOT allowed to wash her hands afterward. What type of intervention is her therapist using?

exposure and response prevention

Some people fake or exaggerate symptoms to convince others they are sick. When done from a deep psychological need for medical attention, it is called _____; when done to gain something else, such as disability payments, it is called _____.

factitious disorder; malingering

Someone who struggles with drugs and comes to therapy "high" would be diagnosed with _______, whereas someone who quit using drugs three months ago and no longer has problems associated with the drug would be considered _______.

intoxication; in remission.

One of the main problems with the worry in generalized anxiety disorders is ________

it is a form of avoidance and prevents extinction.

Dr. Lupin believes that depression results from a shortage of the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Further, he believes that antidepressants are the best method to treat depression. Dr. Lupin would probably endorse the ________.

monoamine hypothesis

Genetic marker and genome-wide association (GWA) studies have found some evidence that there is a gene linked with both eating problems and with

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

"Reward and punishment" is to _____ as "association" is to_____.

operant conditioning; classical conditioning

The idea that people may misinterpret bodily sensations in anxious ways has been used to explain ________.

panic disorder

Peter Pettigrew is 19 years old. For the past year, he has experienced an increase in unusual psychotic-like behaviors. For example, he has become increasingly suspicious of others and has started to believe he has special abilities like telepathy. Peter has not experienced additional symptoms and would not meet the criteria to be diagnosed with schizophrenia. Based on this information, a psychologist would likely say that Peter is probably in the _____________ of schizophrenia.

prodromal phase

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is involved in __________.

stress, immunity, mood regulation, and the production of cortisol

The fight or flight response is controlled by the __________.

sympathetic nervous system

Fill in the blanks. A __________ is what the client tells the clinician they experience, whereas a __________ is observed by the clinician, both of which occur in distinct combinations or patterns, referred to as a _____________ .

symptom; sign; syndrome

In the past, symptoms of anxiety were grouped together with symptoms of depression. However, during ________, people started to view anxiety as a distinct disorder.

the 19th century

A person with schizoid personality disorder lacks social relationships because ________, whereas a person with schizotypal personality disorder lacks social relationships because ________.

they don't want or enjoy them; of their odd or eccentric behaviors

3 facts of melancholia

- Explanations included the influence of the moon and stars, weather, excessive exercise, witchcraft, and the devil. - It described what we would now call depression. - It was often treated in ways we would consider inhumane, such as whipping, chaining, and near-drowning.

Who would be most likely to use heritability estimates to support their claims?

A biological psychologist

What is psychosis?

A broad term used for people who appear to have lost touch with reality.

When it comes to comparing behavioral addictions to substance addictions, which statement is TRUE?

A growing body of research suggests that the neurochemistry of a person with a gambling addiction may be very similar to the neurochemistry of a person with a substance addiction.

A functional analysis is:

A judgment about relationships between the environment and behavior.

For an adult patient, which of the following is an example of a proximal stressor within the diathesis-stress model?

A recent breakup with a romantic partner

A double bind is:

A situation in which there are two mutually exclusive demands, neither one of which can be fulfilled or avoided.

Which of the following is not consistent with the schizophrenia recovery patterns presented during the class lecture?

A substantial proportion of people diagnosed with schizophrenia, between 40-50%, will require lifelong institutionalization.

Which of the following is NOT one of the five symptoms of psychotic disorders, according to the DSM-5?

A tendency to become aggressive without obvious cause or provocation

Which of the following statements about amygdala hijack is NOT true?

According to the triune brain model, amygdala hijack occurs in the neocortex.

Which of the following statements regarding addiction is NOT true?

Addiction is a requirement for DSM-5 SUD diagnoses

Neville avoids leaving his home. He fears being in public places because he thinks he may embarrass himself or have an anxious or panicked reaction when in public. His symptoms appear most consistent with which disorder?


High levels of this personality trait are related to a person being straightforward, modest, trusting, and compliant. However, low levels of this personality trait are associated with mistrust and antagonism.


Which of the following is true, regarding the overlap between borderline, narcissistic, and antisocial traits and psychopathy?

All individuals with secondary and primary psychopathy have narcissistic personality traits.

Harry thought that someone was going out of their way to hurt him, Ron thought that others could hear his thoughts, and Hermione thought that an evil entity was inserting thoughts into her mind. How can we label these experiences?

All three appear to experience delusions. Harry is experiencing a delusion of persecution, Ron is experiencing thought broadcasting, and Hermione is experiencing a delusion of thought insertion.

Which of the following terms describes a symptom of schizophrenia that is indicated by a poverty of speech, including diminished speech output and a tendency not to initiate speech?


Who authors the DSM?

American Psychiatric Association

Which symptoms reflect disruptions of cognitive retrieval?

Amnesia and flashbacks

Why is amphetamine-induced psychosis relevant to the dopamine hypothesis?

Amphetamines increase dopamine levels in the brain.

What is a projective test? Which of the following is an example of a projective test?

Analyze what the patient sees Rorschach Inkblot Method

Who is most likely to struggle with hypochondriasis?

Andromeda, who has illness anxiety disorder.

The eating disorder in which a person mainly loses weight by avoiding calories and excessive exercise is:

Anorexia, restricting type

What is one drawback of using Antabuse to treat alcohol use disorder?

Antabuse can provide an incentive to stay sober, but the negative effects will stop almost immediately if the medication is discontinued

Which trait domain is most strongly connected to narcissistic personality?


With regard to substance use disorder (SUD) comorbidity, which of the following is NOT true?

Anxiety Disorders are typically preceded by SUDs

All of the following are true regarding assessment, EXCEPT what?

Assessment is not necessary if the client understands what is causing their problem.

Which of the following provides a unique challenge when trying to eliminate the obsessions seen in OCD?

Attempting to not think about something may lead to thinking about it more.

If you are a clinician conducting an assessment, and you suspect Schizoid Personality Disorder, you would want to rule out all of the following symptoms/disorders except what?

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Some clinicians question the ethics behind these techniques because they may include pain or humiliation for the client.

Aversion therapy and overcorrection

Which physician is most associated with breaking the historical connection between female genital physiology and hysteria?


Which of the following best describes borderline personality disorder (BPD)?

BPD is marked by an inconsistent and readily shifting sense of self and relationships.

Which of the following is not consistent with the DSM-5 definition of personality disorder?

Behavior patterns that are sanctioned by the dominant culture

Type II trauma is probably best represented by:

Being a prisoner of war.

According to the self-medication hypothesis, who would be most at risk for developing an addiction to drugs?

Betty, who has trouble recognizing and regulating her emotions

Molly has come in for treatment at the suggestion of her husband. He is worried because over the last month she has become increasingly agitated and hyper. Over the past week, she has been staying up all night shopping online and maxed out all of their credit cards. She does not believe she needs sleep or treatment because she reports feeling better than she ever has and has begun working on a self-help book despite having never written before. Molly might be diagnosed with _______.

Bipolar I disorder

The ancient Greek physician Galen proposed a classification of personality types and personality disturbances based on:

Bodily humors

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) can be used for many presenting problems, but was originally developed for:

Borderline personality disorder

Parasuicidal behavior is associated with:

Borderline personality disorder

Professor Sprout is wondering whether tobacco smokers are more likely to experiment with other drugs compared to non-smokers. To answer her question, she distributes an anonymous survey to 200 people and asks them how often they use tobacco and other drugs. She finds that those who use tobacco are more likely to also try other drugs. Which of the following best describes Professor Sprout's data?

Correlational data

The fact that, in some cultures, eating live beetles is considered a "treat," while in other cultures the same behavior may be considered "gross" supports which perspective(s)?

Cultural relativism

Which is FALSE when it comes to cultural bias in diagnosis, formulation, and assessment: What is TRUE?

It has been eliminated now that researchers are aware of it. - It is something that can lead to mistreatment of clients from other cultures. - It can place members of certain cultural groups at a disadvantage. - It can affect validity of measures.

Type I signs of schizophrenia include _______ , whereas Type II signs include _______.

Delusions; avolition

What is the primary difference between substance abuse and substance dependence?

Dependence entails withdrawal and tolerance, while abuse does not.

Individuals with this personality disorder are very likely to have problems with indecisiveness, tend to subordinate their needs in order to keep others involved in a relationship, and tend to be high in agreeableness.

Dependent Personality Disorder

Which is NOT included among DSM-5's cluster of dramatic, emotional, or erratic personality disorders?

Dependent personality disorder

Which of the following is CORRECT about Depersonalization, dissociation, and derealization

Depersonalization and derealization are examples of dissociation.

What is the definition of comorbidity?

Diagnosing multiple disorders at the same time.

Fred, a psychology professor in NY, is missing. His family tracks him down in London where he claims to be a British book publisher named Luke Block. Fred is most likely suffering from:

Dissociative fugue

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is included within which category in the HiTOP model of psychopathology?


I asked my patient, "Why are you here (in the emergency room) today?" He answered: "There's a rat in my belly. He's gnawing on me. The rat is a lover. Are you a lover?" According to the mental status exam, which of the following would best describe his response?

Disturbance in thought process; looseness of association

Bill has just been diagnosed with schizophrenia, a form of psychosis. Which neurotransmitter might we reasonably suspect could be playing a central role in this disorder?


What is the most central distinction between feeding and eating disorders?

Eating disorders involve distorted body image, while feeding disorders usually do not.

Repeating what someone just said is called:


Which individual was one of the first to catalog psychiatric disorders?

Emil Kraepelin

The parietal cortex is responsible for:

Encoding and recalling negative information.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding comorbidity?

It improves interrater reliability.

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is rooted in the idea that to reduce depression, clients should ____ their thoughts.


Dr. Grande mentioned three viewpoints on the origin of Dissociative Identity Disorder. Which of the following assumes that DID is not a "real" disorder, and explains the etiology of DID as due to treatment, including clinician suggestion or encouragement?


Which of the following is a rare symptom of dissociation?

Identity confusion

According to the Alternative Model of Personality Disorders, there is a disruption in self and interpersonal functioning. Which of the following correctly matches these concepts?

Identity: Boundaries between self and others, accuracy of self-appraisals, and experiencing a range of emotions

Which of the following is NOT true of anxiety from a cross-cultural perspective?

In Western societies compared to non-Western societies, generalized anxiety is more likely to involve physical complaints.

All of the following statements are TRUE, regarding the differences between clients who truly have Dissociative Identity Disorder and individuals who are malingering, EXCEPT what? (Which of the following statements is FALSE?).

Individuals who are malingering tend to deny the diagnosis of DID, under report symptoms, and over focus on depression.

Research examining environment-gene interactions in relation to increased risk for schizophrenia has focused on cannabis use and the COMT gene. What are the key messages of this research?

Individuals who used cannabis during adolescence and possessed the COMT genotype Val/Val were at the greatest risk for schizophreniform disorder.

It is important for clinicians to accurately distinguish between schizophrenia and DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) in diagnostic assessment because treatment for these two disorders is very different. One of the reasons that DID may be confused with and misdiagnosed as schizophrenia is related to the presence of Schneiderian First Rank Symptoms, which historically were used to diagnose schizophrenia. Which of the following are examples of these symptoms?

Internal conversations

PCT or Panic Control Treatment is a form of CBT with strong empirical support. Which of the following statements regarding PCT is NOT true?

Interoceptive exposure involves presenting the client with cues that elicit panic, such as dirt or germs.

Which of the following is an example of a reversible substance-specific syndrome?

Intoxication and withdrawal

Ataques de nervios:

Is a culturally specific syndrome with symptoms that resemble panic disorder.

A formulation:

Is a hypothesis about a person's difficulties rooted in a psychological theory. (explain the long-term consequences of human behavior and provide evidence as to why people believe, behave, and react how they do.)

Which statement describes a strength of using the sociocultural perspective for understanding addiction?

It allows people to focus on the social, economic, and cultural factors that contribute both to addiction and to a society's understanding of addiction.

An advantage to using a sociocultural approach to understanding mood problems is that:

It could help us see how social oppression harms people and why social reform is necessary.

Which of the following is true of posttraumatic growth?

It focuses on positive changes following crises, traumas, losses, and other stressful events.

Which of the following statements about HiTOP is FALSE?

It relies heavily on diagnostic categories

Which of the following statements about hysteria is FALSE?

It was predominantly diagnosed in women, but the Greeks also diagnosed it in men. (hysteria is only in women)

Which is true about depersonalization/derealization disorder?

It's more likely to be diagnosed in clinical samples such as veterans with PTSD.

Which of the following about anorexia nervosa is TRUE?

Its distinguishing characteristic is failure to maintain minimum body weight.

Which is associated with the glutamate hypothesis of depression?


Which of the following statements about prevalence is true?

Lifetime prevalence will almost always be higher than point prevalence.

Symptoms of both antisocial and borderline personality disorders have been linked to:

Low serotonin

One week or more of persistently elevated mood characterizes which of the following?

Manic episode

Who is best known for pioneering short-term dynamic therapy of stress syndromes?

Mardi Horowitz

A person endorsing what model would be most likely to view addiction as a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry?

Medical model

Which of the following statements is true, regarding eating disorders in men?

Men tend to focus more on muscrularity than weight, and are more likely to have a history of being overweight,compared to women.

Expressing empathy, developing discrepancy, avoiding argumentation, rolling with resistance, and supporting self-efficacy are all components of:

Motivational interviewing

What is the relevance of Mowrer's Two-Factor Theory to CBT interventions for anxiety or PTSD?

Mowrer's Two-Factor Theory explains the need to use exposure-based therapies to extinguish the reinforcing properties of avoidant behavior.

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is more common in:

Much more common in females than in males.

This treatment, a type of antagonist, helps to reduce cravings for the substance of choice by blocking or nullifying the "positive" effects when the substance is used.


Which personality disorder is associated with an exaggerated sense of entitlement?


Which of the following personality disorders are likely related to the following combination of personality traits and behaviors: low levels of neuroticism, arrogance, low conscientiousness, manipulativeness, and low agreeableness?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder

Which personality disorders are associated with manipulative, exploitative, and potentially illegal behavior, as well as a lack of empathy?

Narcissistic and Antisocial

What is one key factor that distinguishes anxiety and fear?

Neurochemicals such as adrenalin are discharged in cases of fear, but remain active in cases of anxiety.

Seamus fakes a severe medical illness for one reason only: he wants 6 months of paid medical leave so that he can stay at home practicing magic tricks. Which would be the BEST diagnosis for Seamus?

No diagnosis or malingering

If you heard that your neighbor was "psychologically abnormal," does that mean that this person is also "mentally ill?"

No; abnormality is not the same thing as having a mental illness.

According to the lecture, which of the following statements about the alternative personality disorder system is false?

Only high levels of traits, such as neuroticism, extraversion, and agreeableness are relevant to personality disorder diagnoses.

How is the diagnosis of PTSD different from other diagnoses in the DSM-5?

PTSD is the only diagnosis to require the experience of an event as part of the diagnostic criteria.

If clinicians are not careful when making diagnoses, marginalized members of society—people who are justified in their suspicion and mistrust of others—could accidentally being diagnosed with:

Paranoid personality disorder

Dislocation studies have found that:

People who move from a country that has a low rate of eating disorders to a country with a high rate of eating disorders are more likely to develop an eating disorder.

John Nash believed that CIA operatives were following him to and from work, in an effort to steal his physics theory and murder his wife and child. This is an example of what?

Persecutory delusion

This disorder has symptoms that are usually (but not always) considered milder than the symptoms of major depressive disorder. A person with this disorder may experience changes in sleep and appetite, low energy, feelings of hopeless, decreased self-esteem, and problems concentrating. The symptoms are considered chronic/ongoing and must last at least two years before a diagnosis can be made.

Persistent depressive disorder/dysthymia

Your client has come to you with distress related to an impending divorce after discovering their partner's infidelity. The client reports intrusive thoughts, nightmares, avoidance, rage, and physiological reactivity when they see things that remind them of the day they learned of their spouse's affair. Based on this information, what is the most likely diagnosis for this client?

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Since her car accident six weeks ago, Dolores has refused to drive. She's also experienced anxiety, flashbacks, and dissociative symptoms. Her symptoms most closely resemble:

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

What are the four Ps of the 4P model of case formulation?

Preconditions, precipitating factors, perpetuating factors, protective factors

Which area plays a role in decision-making, emotional regulation, goal-oriented behavior and speech?

Prefrontal cortex

Which of the following best describes the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?

Psychiatrists have MDs, while psychologists usually have PhDs.

Which of the following is most associated with case study research?

Psychoanalytic perspective

Professor Trelawney discusses how problematic substance use may stem from insecure attachment styles and a need to cope via substance use (i.e., self-medication). Based on these perspectives, we might expect that she is a proponent of which perspective?


When it comes to treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), how do psychiatric drugs compare to psychological therapies in terms of their effectiveness?

Psychological therapies are considered superior to drug treatments for PTSD.

How do quantitative and qualitative methods differ from one another?

Qualitative methods explore how people understand or make meaning of things; quantitative methods test objective theories using statistical analyses.

John Nash thought people wearing red neckties were trying to communicate with him. This is an example of a delusion of______ .


Essentially, this method is about teaching people how to identify and cope with the high-risk situations that could tempt them to use drugs.

Relapse prevention

Which definition describes the term presenting problem?

Someone's current problems for which they are seeking treatment.

The phase-based treatment for Dissociative Identity Disorder includes three treatment phases. The first phase focuses on what?

Stabilization and symptom reduction, and safety from self-injurious or suicidal behavior.

According to hopelessness theory, depressed people tend to make attributions that are:

Stable, global and internal

Tolerance involves a change in the dose-response curve. What does this actually mean?

That a higher concentration of the drug is required to achieve the same (usually desired) effect.

Katie can't stop eating chocolate donuts. She heard a rumor that chocolate donut cravings might be polygenic. If the cravings are truly polygenic, what would this mean?

That several genes work together to produce her donut craving.

Which of the following is NOT a cognitive explanation for anxiety? What is?

The accommodation and expressed emotion model - The emotional dysregulation model - The intolerance of uncertainty model - The avoidance model of worry

Vanessa shared with her clinician that she was seeing and talking with her deceased grandmother. The clinician needs to determine how to use this information in relation to diagnosis and treatment. Which of the following statements best characterizes this situation?

The client's cultural beliefs around death and the afterlife are relevant to determining the accuracy of labeling such experiences as psychosis.

The Dark Triad refers to what?

The confluence of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism

What evidence is there to support the concept of the addictive personality?

The evidence is weak.

Ron is terrified of spiders. He probably has a spider phobia. His phobia is consistent with this perspective, which argues the fact that people are more likely to develop phobias for heights, rats, and blood than for books, pencils, or cars.

The evolutionary perspective

What is the difference between neuropsychological and neurological tests?

The former use perceptual, cognitive, and motor tasks to infer brain dysfunction; the latter directly measure brain function.

In motivational interviewing (sometimes called motivational enhancement), what is the goal of "heightening dissonance"?

The goal is to increase intrinsic motivation for substance use treatment by acknowledging losses associated with substance-related problems

What do dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue, dissociative identity disorder, and conversion disorder all have in common? According to psychodynamic theorists, each results from:


Which of the following is not used as a mood stabilizer?

Tricyclic antidepressants

What is GABA and what does it do?

The main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain, major role in controlling nerve cell hyperactivity associated with anxiety, stress and fear.

What evidence is there for using family-based treatment (FBT) for treating eating problems?

The overall body of research suggests that FBT is effective at reducing symptoms of anorexia and bulimia.

Define prevalence:

The percentage of people in a population believed to currently have a specific disorder.

Define incidence:

The rate of new cases of a given disorder reported over a specific period.

What is the social oppression perspective as it pertains to psychopathology?

The tendency to explain psychopathology by referencing how social conditions lead to troublesome behavior and emotions.

What might suggest that a person has a personality disorder?

Their traits seem to cause interpersonal problems and problems with daily functioning.

Besides looking at the person and the person's family, which approaches also focus on the broader environmental factors that might contribute to a person's substance use and/or to successful treatment?

Therapeutic Communities

You decide to conduct a study to determine whether foot size is associated with reading ability. After obtaining a correlation coefficient of 0.05, you can confidently conclude that:

There is essentially no relationship between foot size and reading ability.

Which of the following is TRUE about control groups?

They do not receive the treatment, but instead serve as a basis of comparison for our treatment group(s).

MAOIs and tricyclic antidepressants are not used much today because:

They have a host of unpleasant side effects, including potentially fatal interactions with food and alcohol.

Which of the following is NOT an assumption of the psychodynamic model? What is the psychodynamic model?

To understand mental problems, one must study the brain scientifically. Old/known information or trauma effects what we do now

Depression can occur at any age, but people in this age group are at greatest risk.


Neville was getting a brain scan when the loud sound of thunder startled him. "I can see that the thunder scared you," said the technician, "because I suddenly noticed a burst of activity in your _____."


In the diathesis-stress model, "diathesis" refers to

an inherited tendency or condition that makes a person susceptible to developing a disorder.

If you had a client with bipolar disorder and believed that many of their symptoms were impacted by problems with sleep and circadian rhythms, you might consider using __________ .

interpersonal and social rhythm therapy

If you had a client with bipolar disorder and believed that many of their symptoms were impacted by problems with sleep and circadian rhythms, you might consider using _________.

interpersonal and social rhythm therapy

Punishment _____ future behavior, while reinforcement _____ future behavior. (decreases or increases?)

decreases the likelihood of; increases the likelihood of

Fill in the blank. A diathesis is a ________ cause, whereas a stressor is a ___________ cause.

distal; proximal

"I study the prevalence and incidence of anxiety disorders in different countries," said Dr. Weasley. "This kind of work is called________ research."


To examine the chromosomal defects associated with a disorder, one should conduct a(n) _______ study.

genetic marker

A person's entire genetic makeup, which includes both recessive and dominant alleles, is their _______.


A sensory experience without any input from the surrounding environment is known as a __________ whereas a belief that would be seen by most members of society as a misrepresentation of reality is known as ____________.

hallucination; delusion

Because of its role in long-term memory storage, researchers believe that the _______ plays a role in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


Expressed emotion is considered a familial risk factor for schizophrenia. Which of the following is an example of expressed emotion?


The fact that Penelope always gets a cold during final exams and other high-stress situations could provide evidence to support the ________ perspective.

immune system

Socioeconomic status (SES) is based on a person's ________.

income, employment, and education

In an experiment, the researcher controls or manipulates the _________.

independent variable

At first, Pascal only needed one sleeping pill to help him fall asleep at night. Two months later, he found that the pill was no longer working, so he started taking two pills each night. Six months later, he found that he needed to take three pills in order to fall asleep. This is an example of _______.


What might suggest that Professor Lockheart has damage to the amygdala? He has _______.

trouble interpreting basic emotions

According to conceptualizations of anxiety disorders, fear is considered a ________ , whereas anxiety is considered a ________ .

true alarm; false alarm

Dora Tonks had been taking antipsychotic drugs for many years, but no one seemed to notice her muscle tremors, fidgeting, and muscle rigidity. These symptoms worsened over time. When her doctor noticed lip-smacking, repeated eye blinking, and other repetitive, involuntary movements, he told Dora the bad news "These muscle problems are permanent. They won't go away because ________."

you have developed tardive dyskinesia

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