PSY20007 Dev Psych Prac Exam

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When Daniel Offer and his colleagues (1988) studied the self-images of adolescents in the United States, Australia, Bangladesh, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Taiwan, Turkey and West Germany, at least _____ per cent of the adolescents displayed a healthy self-image.


What is the average life expectancy today for women in Australia?

84 years

Which of the following statements about brain development and early childhood is true?

By the age of six, the brain has reached about 95 per cent of its adult size.

From the following, identify an important difference between the reasoning of children and the reasoning of scientists.

Children tend to bias experiments in favour of whatever hypothesis they began with.

Which of the following is not a primary emotion?


_____ theories describe development as primarily unconscious and heavily coloured by emotion.


What are the two major forms of love?

Romantic and affectionate.

Which of the following statements is true regarding smell and taste in the elderly?

Smell and taste decline less in healthy older adults than in their less healthy counterparts.

Which theory explains why older adults spend most of their time with familiar individuals and family?

Socioemotional selectivity theory.

Which of the following organs or systems develop first in prenatal development?

Spinal cord

Which of the following terms is used to describe the exchange of emotions between the infant and parents when all is going well?


Which of the following is one of the reasons why many middle-aged workers are delaying retirement plans?

The decline in defined-benefit pensions.

How can rejected children be trained to interact more effectively with their peers?

They should be taught to more accurately assess whether the intentions of their peers are negative.

Which of the sensory domains is most strongly related to independent living skills, intellectual activities and leisure activities in older adults?


Why do behavioural theorists emphasise behaviour in the study of development?

We can study scientifically only what can be directly observed and measured.

When children experience cognitive conflict in trying to understand the world, they shift from one stage of thought to the next. The mechanism through which this shift occurs is called _____.


The hormone that is associated with breast, uterine and skeletal development in girls is:


People remember very little about what happened in the early years of their lives. This is called:

infantile amnesia

According to Sandra Scarr, passive genotype-environment correlations are relatively more common in the lives of:

infants and young children

Erik Erikson believed that people who experience intimacy and generativity in earlier adulthood are more likely to develop _____ in later adulthood.


If a community wants to develop programs to help at-risk youths, an important component to include in the program would be:

intensive individual attention.

The research on fathers as caregivers indicates that they:

interact with their babies in different ways than mothers do, regardless of which parent is the primary caregiver.

Female friendships are more _____ than male friendships, whereas male friendships are more _____ than female friendships.

intimate; competitive

The second substage of preoperational thought, occurring between approximately four and seven years of age, is characterised by the emergence of:

intuitive thought

Early-onset antisocial behaviour:

is associated with more mental health problems.

Most psychologists believe that it is best for dying individuals to:

know that they are dying.

Adolescents who fail to develop close friendships tend to:

experience loneliness and a reduced sense of self-worth.

In the development of language and thought:

external speech precedes internal speech

The most influential factor in delaying brain deterioration during old age is:

mental stimulation.

Colin, age four, has a difficult temperament and throws tantrums at the slightest provocation. Research indicates that, as an adult, Colin:

might discontinue his formal education.

Older adults who live alone often report being ______ than their counterparts who live with someone.

more lonely

Parents often interact differently with each sibling, and siblings interact differently with parents. Even these experiences occurring within the family can be part of the _____ of siblings.

non-shared environment

The cultural makeup of the Australian population has changed over the past few years due to immigration and other factors. Such long-term changes in the genetic and cultural makeup of a population are also part of:

normative historical change.

The idea of very old adults having no sex life is:

not true, because sexual ability is usually maintained throughout life.

The _____ lobes in the cerebral cortex function in vision.


The peak of synaptic overproduction in the prefrontal cortex takes place at around _____ of age

one year

Lawrence Kohlberg emphasised perspective taking and _____ as critical aspects of the social stimulation that challenges children to change their moral reasoning.

peer interaction

Recent studies have led researchers to conclude that the emotional life of older adults is more _____ than once thought.


Deaths that are sudden, violent or traumatic are likely to:

produce more intense feelings in survivors than if the person died of a long illness.

The main cognitive change between the fourth and fifth stages of cognitive development is _____ thinking.


When parents select and attend to certain behaviours, initially demonstrating them for their child, then gradually turning over more of the responsibility for the behaviour to the child, the parents are engaging in:


When compared to the Binet intelligence test, the Wechsler test offers the advantage of:

scores on a number of subtests.

Children can begin to regulate their emotions:

shortly after birth

Sleep problems in middle-aged adults have been associated with all of the following except:

single parenting.

Melissa is 10 days old. She sleeps about 18 hours a day. She:

sleeps as much as the typical newborn.

Vygotsky believed that children construct knowledge through:

social interaction

According to Jean Piaget, adolescents differ from younger children in that younger children cannot:

systematically test hypotheses.

The average life expectancy for Indigenous Australians is more than ____ years lower than for non-Indigenous Australians.


How would an eight-year-old child be most likely to describe himself or herself?

'I am nice, and I have a friend called Julie.'

The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale is typically performed within _____ after birth.

24-36 hours

Muscle tone and strength usually begin to show signs of decline around the age of _____.


Three prominent meanings are attached to being a grandparent. Which of the following is not one of those meanings?

A financial strain.

Who among the following will be most dissatisfied with body image as pubertal change proceeds?

A girl in late adolescence.

What does research reveal about the trends in adolescents' self-disclosing online?

About one-third of adolescents self-disclose better in person than online.

Which of the following non-medicated techniques for childbirth involves the insertion of fine needles into specific locations of the body?


_____ is a prenatal medical procedure in which a sample of amniotic fluid is drawn.


At what stage do the hemispheres of the cerebral cortex begin to specialise?

Before birth

In what way can denial of death be a positive response?

Denial can soften the emotional impact of impending death.

Which of the following is a chromosomal abnormality?

Down syndrome

_____, also known as developmental arithmetic disorder, is a learning disability that involves difficulty in maths computation.


_____ is characterised by severe impairments in reading and spelling ability.


One of the differences between Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson is that:

Erikson emphasised the importance of both early and later experiences.

_____ correlations occur because a child's characteristics elicit certain types of environments.

Evocative genotype-environment

_____ attention involves action planning, allocating attention to goals, error detection and compensation, monitoring progress on tasks and dealing with novel or difficult circumstances.


The worldwide increase in intelligence scores that has occurred over a short period of time has been called the:

Flynn effect

Gabriella is an anxious person. Her husband, Tyler, is an avoidant person. Based on research by Mario Mikulincer and Phillip Shaver, what issues might this couple face?

Gabriella's needs and demands will frustrate Tyler's need for distance.

Which two factors appear to be associated with greater poverty in old age?

Gender, Ethnicity, and Culture

According to research, which of the following could be the least important characteristic women look for in men?

Good looks

Which of the following is typically the last male pubertal characteristic to occur?

Growth of facial hair.

Which of the following was the most commonly prescribed treatment for the unpleasant side effects of menopause?

Hormone replacement therapy.

Researchers are discovering that infants are more socially sophisticated and insightful at younger ages than previously envisioned. In which aspect is this sophistication and insight reflected?

In infants' perceptions of others' actions as intentionally motivated and goal-directed.

Which of the following is the finding of the longitudinal and cross-sectional assessment of intellectual abilities conducted by K Warner Schaie?

Intellectual abilities showed a decline more in the cross-sectional than in the longitudinal assessments.

Compared with younger adults, what sensitivity to pain are older adults likely to experience?

Less sensitivity.

Why is it difficult to identify a midlife crisis in other cultures?

Many other cultures do not have a well-defined concept of midlife.

_____ is knowledge about language, such as knowing what a preposition is or the ability to discuss the sounds of a language, and allows children to think about their language, understand what words are and even define them.

Metalinguistic awareness

_____ involves the development of thoughts, feelings and behaviours regarding rules and conventions about what people should do in their interactions with other people.

Moral development

Which of the following educational strategies would Lev Vygotsky say should be incorporated into the classroom?

Offering just enough assistance to the child to accomplish the task.

Which of the following is a positive feature of the transition from high school to university?

Opportunities to explore different lifestyles and values.

Which of the following statements about late midlife is not true?

People in late midlife are less likely to experience their last child leaving home than people in early midlife.

Today it is more accepted to view sexual orientation as:

a continuum from exclusive male-female relations to exclusive same-sex relations.

Grief is most like:

a roller coaster because it goes up and down.

Identity _____ is the status of individuals who have undergone a crisis and made a commitment.


In early adulthood, individuals often switch from acquiring knowledge to applying knowledge as they pursue success in their work. This reflects the idea that:

adults do progress beyond adolescents in their use of intellect

Social conventional reasoning is _____ while moral reasoning is _____.

arbitrary; obligatory

Friendships in late adulthood:

are associated with lower levels of depression for women.

Which parenting style is demanding and controlling, while also being accepting and responsive?


Your elderly Aunt Marie was recently admitted to a nursing home where there is a residents advisory board made up of the people who live in the home. They consult with the staff on changes that affect their lives and help to plan the monthly activities. Based on research by Judith Rodin and Ellen Langer, you would expect that Aunt Marie will:

be happier than if she did not have any input into decisions affecting her life.

Physical activities such as sucking, grasping and walking are examples of:

behavioural schemes

Lower frequency of depressive symptoms in older adults compared with middle-aged adults was linked to all of the following except:

better geriatric care

Mae is 87 years old. She is most likely to have difficulty understanding you when you:

call her on the phone.

The interaction view of language development emphasises that:

children learn language in a specific context.

One way that older people maintain strong information-processing skills is by improving _____ relevant to the mental or information-processing tasks they have to perform.

cognitive pragmatics

Your professor argues that homosexuality in males is the result of exposure of the foetus to hormone levels characteristic of females in the second to fifth months after conception, causing the individual to become attracted to other males. This indicates that your professor believes in the _____ of the factors in homosexuality.

critical period hypothesis

Dr Wilman is researching the place women occupy in families in Japan and Australia. Dr Wilman is conducting a(n) _____ study.


Two concepts that help provide a framework for describing and understanding an individual's development are:

developmental processes and periods.

In some cases, one gene of a pair always exerts its effects, overriding the potential influence of the other gene. This is the _____ principle.

dominant-recessive genes

Your professor says that our perception brings us into contact with the environment in order to interact with and adapt to it. This indicates that he holds a _____ view on perceptual development.


Adolescent _____ is the heightened self-consciousness of adolescents.


Hallie is very active. She loves to tumble and show off. She is always trying out what her parents consider to be hair-raising stunts. She also loves running races and believes she is faster than her parents. This type of activity level and confidence is most characteristic of the:

five year old

Adoptive parents in recent decades have tended to be:

from upper socioeconomic status backgrounds

Combining the genes of two parents in offspring is one of the ways in which _____ increases in the population, which is valuable for a species because it provides more characteristics for natural selection to operate on.

genetic variability

The results of research on the health of older adults and cohabitating has:

has been mixed

The status an elderly person is accorded in a culture depends on the degree to which he or she:

has control over family resources, has valued knowledge and is integrated into the family.

Alan, 18 months old, hates spinach but says 'Yum!' when he sees his mother eating her favourite spinach casserole, indicating that:

he recognises that someone else may have different desires from his own.

Middle-aged adults tend to focus more on the assessment of _____ than young adults do.

how much time remains in life

Interventions with children who have a learning disability often focus on:

improving reading ability

The primary social theories of gender include all of the following except:

the evolutionary psychology view.

Cognitive pragmatics is defined as:

the mental skills and routines that one learns from one's culture.

Jean Piaget concluded that the changes in moral reasoning in children come about through:

the mutual give-and-take of peer relations.

Developmentalist Arnold Gesell proposed that motor development comes about through:

the unfolding of a genetic plan

When looking at the heights and weights of preschool children, we know that:

there are ethnic differences.

Crowds are different from cliques in that:

they are larger and less personal.

Jean Piaget stressed that young adults are more quantitatively advanced in their thinking than adolescents because:

they have more knowledge

At about the age of _____ years, children already show a preference to spend time with same-sex playmates.


Using habituation experiments, some researchers have found that infants as young as _____ can group together objects with similar appearances.

three months

When students make the transition to secondary school, they experience the _____ phenomenon, moving from being the oldest, biggest and most powerful students in the primary school to being the youngest, smallest and least powerful students in the secondary school.


The _____ approach to the study of development emphasises extensive change from birth to adolescence, especially during infancy, little or no change in adulthood and decline in old age.


Through _____ generativity, adults develop skills that are passed down to others.


Changes in the prefrontal cortex associated with ageing are most likely to impact:

working memory and other cognitive activities.

Shama, who is now 80 years old, will show a steady decline in:

working memory and perceptual speed.

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