Psyc 101 - FINAL

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Which of the following authentic slogans from public service announcements would be rated highest on a scale of weight stigmatization?

"You wouldn't inject your children with junk. So why are you feeding it to them?" (Australia)

This module on motivating people to lose weight highlighted several specific skills. Which of the following skills did you most clearly practice as you completed the activity? Select all that apply.

- Demonstrating sensitivity to cultural and individual differences - Using evidence to support a claim - Identifying examples of a complex concept

Marion has always been a high achiever. No matter what life has thrown at her, she has always persevered through her hard work, high standards, and high persistence. Although at times she can be very competitive, her positive drive has helped her to overcome many challenges. Marion is MOST LIKELY high in which personality factor?

Achievement motive

Which of the following statements MOST CORRECTLY summarizes our current understanding regarding the relationship between the hypothalamus and hunger?

Both the lateral and ventromedial hypothalamus play some role in the neural regulation of hunger, but they are not the primary centers of hunger control.

All else being equal— In which of the following situations would you expect people to consume the most food?

Eating in a group of six

Paulo has started a new internship, and the company provides badges to staff who complete workshops on their own time. He signed up for several workshops taking place in the evening and on weekends to earn these badges, even though they don't sound very fun. Which term best describes the influence on Paulo's behavior?

Extrinsic motivation

A person who is very hungry would likely have high levels of which chemical in their bloodstream?


If you are attending college because you enjoy learning and want to become a more well-rounded individual, which term describe the source of your motivation?


The town of Crestview recently passed a law that restricted the size of all sodas: no containers larger than 16 ounces could be used to serve soda. In contrast, the neighboring town of Mitchell had no such law, and often served sodas in 32-ounce containers. In which town would you expect to see greater rates of soda overconsumption?


Gareth is a food researcher working for a major American food corporation. Over the course of his studies, Gareth finds that when given a choice between equal amounts of both unflavored popcorn and flavored popcorn, individual participants overwhelmingly ate more flavored popcorn. Gareth's findings BEST illustrate which of the following environmental factors in the regulation of hunger?


Which of the following scenarios BEST describes a typical research study that uses the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) to measure an individual's achievement motive?

Participants are shown pictures of several scenes and are asked to create stories about what may be happening in each scene, what the characters in the scene might be experiencing, and so forth.

Is weight stigmatization an effective way to motivate those who are obese or overweight to lose weight? Choose the best response.

Probably no, but I'd like to review the evidence.

Early scientists believed that stomach contractions cause hunger. However, as time went on, new research proved this theory to be incorrect. What piece of information changed this theory?

Research showed that people's experience of hunger persisted even after their stomachs were removed.

Which of the following is the greatest limitation of the Chen, Elliot, and Sheldon study?

The study only sampled participants at a single Chinese university.

Which of the following scenarios BEST illustrates the James-Lange theory of emotion?

While driving on a busy freeway, a car suddenly and without warning veers into your lane. Your breathing and heart rate increase, your body tenses, and your pupils dilate. Because of your physiological reaction, you feel fear.

Your friend, who hasn't taken this course, says, "I thought body shaming would cause people to lose weight. But the research shows the opposite—it causes people to gain weight." Which of the following statements is the best and most accurate response?

You're wrong. Weight stigmatization is associated with obesity, but none of the studies show a cause-effect relationship.

Among schizophrenia patients, the fluid-filled areas of the brain are a. abnormally large and the thalamus is abnormally small. b. abnormally active and the thalamus is abnormally large. c. abnormally small and the thalamus is abnormally small. d. abnormally large and the thalamus is abnormally active. e. abnormally small and the thalamus is abnormally


Check My Work When does separation anxiety typically peak, before then declining? a. 14-18 months b. 12-14 months c. 10-12 months d. 8-10 months


Every week, Rupert complains to a doctor about swollen glands, heart palpitations, constipation, or some other physical symptom. He is sure these symptoms are a sign of cancer, even though more than a dozen physicians have told him he is physically healthy. Rupert's behavior is most characteristic of a(n) ________ disorder. a. somatic symptom b. generalized anxiety c. dissociative d. obsessive-compulsive


Flat affect and catatonia are symptoms most closely associated with a. schizophrenia. b. obsessive-compulsive disorder. c. bipolar disorder. d. antisocial personality disorder. e. dissociative identity disorder.


Menopause refers to the a. loss of fertility in women. b. absence of sexual desire in men. c. loss of fertility in men. d. absence of sexual desire in women


One of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia is a. an expressionless face. b. loud and meaningless talking. c. inappropriate laughter. d. uncontrollable outbursts of rage. e. feelings of supreme importance and paranoia.


Research on the causes of schizophrenia strongly suggests that a. there is a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia. b. almost anybody will develop schizophrenia if exposed to extensive environmental stress. c. schizophrenia patients suffer from a deficiency of the neurotransmitter serotonin. d. if adopted children's adoptive parents have schizophrenia, they will, too. e. a detached or permissive parenting style may increase chances of schizophrenia in children.


Savannah has entered the period of adolescence. According to Erik Erikson's psychosocial model of development, what is the central question Savannah is likely to ask herself? a. "Who am I?" b. "Where did I come from?" c. "What does it all mean?" d. "Where are we?


Schizophrenia victims have difficulty focusing attention. This is most likely to be related to a smaller-than-normal a. thalamus. b. cerebellum. c. hypothalamus. d. pituitary gland. e. occipital lobe.


The chances for recovery from schizophrenia are considered to be greatest when the disorder develops a. rapidly in response to a stressful life situation. b. slowly over a period of years. c. in reaction to abnormalities in brain chemistry. d. during adolescence or early adulthood. e. in combination with drug use.


The principle of object permanence refers to a. the awareness that objects continue to exist even when they are no longer visible. b. the reality of the world around us, despite wishing circumstances were different. c. the awareness that physical quantities remain constant despite changes in their appearance. d. the belief that currently living beings will continue living forever.


Vigorous activity in the thalamus of schizophrenia patients has been found to be associated with a. hearing voices. b. flat affect. c. disorganized speech. d. repetitive rocking motions. e. catatonia.


What was Erik Erikson's fundamental proposal regarding psychosocial development? a. An individual needs to resolve specific crises at each stage of life. b. The gradual unfolding of genetic tendencies, determined by inheritance, causes development to occur. c. Interactions with siblings, who reinforce desired personality traits, shape personality development. d. Careful correction of undesired behaviors by parents and peers produces a "healthy" personality for an individual.


When Mary shows her 2-year-old daughter a doll and then hides the doll behind a cushion, her daughter attempts to search for the doll. This shows that her daughter has acquired the concept of _____. Your Selections a object permanence b irreversibility c centration d cognitive dissonance


Which of the following is a primary sex characteristic? a. Presence of a vagina b. Pubic hair c. Facial hair d. Breast development in females


Which of the following occurs during stage 4 of Erikson's stage theory? Your Selections a Children develop a sense of competence if they learn to function effectively in the social realm of the neighborhood and school. b Children develop an optimistic, trusting attitude toward the world if their biological needs are adequately met by their caregivers. c Children develop a sense of initiative and self-confidence if they learn to get along well with siblings and parents. d Children begin to take some personal responsibility for feeding, dressing, and bathing and acquire a sense of self-sufficiency if everything goes well.


The two factors that comprise Schachter's two-factor theory are:

autonomic arousal and the interpretation of that arousal.

A PET scan study of people with ________ found increased activity in the amygdala. a. mania b. paranoia c. catatonia d. antisocial personality disorder e. depression


A psychological disorder in which the symptoms take a bodily form without apparent physical cause is a a. personality disorder. b. somatic symptom disorder. c. mood disorder. d. dissociative disorder. e. obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Check My Work For most babies, walking is typically mastered around the age of a. 7 months. b. 12 months. c. 20 months. d. 24 months.


Clara asks you for advice on how much alcohol she should consume during her pregnancy, based on the available research evidence. To give her the best advice possible, how should you reply? a. "Evidence shows that drinking during the first 4 months of pregnancy is okay, but intake should decrease as delivery draws near." b. "The only safe course of action is to completely abstain from alcohol consumption during pregnancy." c. "Moderate social drinking, however you define it, is acceptable; only heavy drinking is dangerous." d. "Most researchers agree that 2 to 3 drinks during a week is an acceptable amount of alcohol intake."


During a stressful military battle, Maizani suddenly went blind. When hypnotized by an army psychiatrist, his blindness vanished. Maizani apparently suffered from a a. dissociative disorder. b. conversion disorder. c. generalized anxiety disorder. d. bipolar disorder. e. post-traumatic stress disorder.


Experiencing physical symptoms, such as blindness or paralysis, that make no physiological sense is indicative of a. schizophrenia. b. conversion disorder. c. dissociative disorder. d. generalized anxiety disorder. e. personality disorder.


People with reactive schizophrenia more often have the ________ symptoms that respond to drug therapy. a. negative b. positive c. bipolar d. somatoform e. manic


Perhaps the most interesting and influential work on culture and personality has been that of Hazel Markus and Shinobu Kitayama. Markus and Kitayama argue that American culture: Your Selections a emphasizes agreeableness and contentiousness rather than personal accomplishments. b fosters an independent view of the self. c teaches individuals to view themselves as part of a larger social matrix. d emphasizes the fundamental connectedness of people to one another.


Schizophrenia is associated with an excess of receptors for a. norepinephrine. b. dopamine. c. serotonin. d. acetylcholine. e. insulin.


Thirty-year-old Jacob was sexually abused when he was in high school. The sexual abuse left him traumatized, and he no longer remembers most of what happened during the incident. In the context of Freud's model of personality dynamics, which of the following defense mechanisms is most likely at work in this scenario? Your Selections a Displacement b Repression c Projection d Regression


Which of the following fallacies creates an either-or choice between the position one wants to advocate and an extreme outcome that any sensible person would want to avoid, while ignoring other possible outcomes that might lie between these extremes? Your Selections a A slippery slope argument b A false dichotomy c A circular argument d An etymological fallacy


Which of the following occurs during the first stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development? Your Selections a Children master the concepts of reversibility, egocentrism, and decentration. b Children develop the ability to coordinate their sensory input with their motor actions. c Children develop symbolic thought and begin to understand the concept of conservation. d Children begin to apply mental operations to abstract concepts in addition to concrete objects.


An adopted child's chances of developing schizophrenia ________ if the biological parents have schizophrenia. The child's chances ________ if the adopted parents have schizophrenia. a. increase; increase b. do not increase; decrease c. increase; do not increase d. do not increase; increase e. decrease; do not increase


Check My Work What was the primary goal of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development? a. To explain the outcomes of moral behavior rather than the process of moral reasoning b. To conceptualize moral abstractions rather than catalog concrete examples c. To understand the process of moral reasoning rather than documenting moral behavior d. To focus on moral understanding rather than promoting moral engagement


Check My Work Which line of evidence indicates that the prefrontal cortex is the last area of the brain to fully mature? a. Enhanced decision making skills appear early in the adolescent growth period b. Risk-taking increases from adolescence through early adulthood c. The timing and pattern of synaptic changes that take place during adolescence d. The prefrontal cortex's composition of 100 percent gray matter


Cocaine may ________ symptoms of schizophrenia by ________ dopamine levels. a. eliminate; decreasing b. decrease; increasing c. increase; increasing d. decrease; decreasing e. increase; maintaining


Compared with people in many Western countries, people in China more often a. experience anorexia nervosa. b. suffer from bipolar disorders. c. report physical symptoms of psychological distress. d. exhibit dissociative identity disorder. e. show signs of mania.


Dopamine over-activity appears to be most clearly related to a. flat affect. b. agoraphobia. c. hallucinations. d. somatic symptom disorder. e. an expressionless face.


Emerging adulthood has been identified as a transitional period between adolescence and adulthood. What features characterize this developmental period? a. A desire to leave the family home, spurred by early commitment to a long-term relationship. b. A sense of pessimism, fueled by a distrust of one's peers. c. A sense of possibilities, coupled with identity struggles. d. A clear sense of direction in life, paired with a motivation to work hard.


Evidence suggests that prenatal viral infections contribute to a. generalized anxiety disorders. b. obsessive-compulsive disorder. c. schizophrenia. d. bipolar disorders. e. dissociative disorders.


How do children who have reached the conventional level of moral reasoning view laws and rules? a. Laws and rules are enforced by external agents who have the capacity to mete out reward or punishment. b. Laws are constructed for the benefit of all, and violating those contracts contributes to the decay of society. c. Rules are internalized in these children in an effort to win approval from others for correct moral actions. d. Rules and laws are flexible and should not be accepted blindly; sometimes breaking the law is the most moral action.


In modern Western society, what strategy is commonly used for dealing with the inevitability of death? a. Positivity b. Discussion c. Avoidance d. Acceptance


In the context of research on the effect of culture on personality, Hazel Markus and Shinobu Kitayama posit that: Your Selections a American culture encourages children to fit in with others and to avoid standing out from the crowd. b American culture fosters an interdependent view of the self that encourages conscientiousness and agreeableness. c socialization practices in Asian cultures emphasize the fundamental connectedness of people to one another. d children in Asian cultures are taught to define themselves in terms of their personal attributes and accomplishments.


In the context of the five-factor model of personality traits, people who score high in neuroticism tend to be: Your Selections a more organized than others. b less self-conscious than others. c more emotionally unstable than others. d less impulsive than others.


Of all the twins who share identical genes with a schizophrenia victim, about ________ do not themselves develop schizophrenia. a. one-fifth b. one-fourth c. one-half d. two-thirds e. three-quarters


One of the positive symptoms of schizophrenia includes a. an expressionless face. b. a lack of guilt feelings. c. hallucinations. d. flat affect. e. a feeling of euphoria.


One possible strategy to think critically about the effects of father absence would be to look for: Your Selections a anecdotal evidence that would help one in making a decision. b extreme comparators that can help one make a decision. c some of the fallacies in reasoning such as circular reasoning, slippery slope, and false dichotomy. d correlational evidence because correlation demonstrates that there is a causal link between variables.


Saul frequently feels like he has a lump in his throat that makes it difficult for him to speak or swallow. Medical examinations, however, indicate that there is no apparent physical cause for these symptoms. Saul appears to be suffering from a a. generalized anxiety disorder. b. dissociative disorder. c. somatic symptom disorder. d. mood disorder. e. anxiety disorder.


Schizophrenia that develops rapidly, seemingly as a reaction to stress, is called ________ schizophrenia. a. chronic b. catatonic c. acute d. process e. disorganized


What is the function of the placenta? a. It is the initial mass of cells that eventually develops into a fetus. b. It ensures that fetal and maternal blood intermingle, thereby providing antibodies to the developing fetus. c. It allows oxygen and nutrients to pass from the mother to the fetus, and bodily wastes to pass from the fetus to the mother. d. It causes cell division to take place in the developing embryo.


When translated versions of the scales that tap the Big Five personality traits are administered and subjected to factor analysis outside Western cultures, the results are not always consistent with the five-factor model. The most common inconsistency is that: Your Selections a some cultures do not foster the development of the trait of extraversion. b most Asian cultures foster an independent view of the self. c a clear factor for the trait of openness to experience does not emerge in some cultures. d a factor for the trait of conscientiousness appears to be low in most cultures.


Which of the following is one of the five higher-order traits in the five-factor model of personality traits? Your Selections a Apprehension b Enthusiasm c Agreeableness d Dominance


WorkWhich child shows evidence of egocentrism?a. Marie, who knows she is her brother's sister.b. Yvonne, who is unable to perform arithmetical operations in her head.c. Annette, who doesn't understand why her friends don't always like what she likes.d. Cécilie, who thinks about how sad her daddy feels when she is away.


You and your friends are playing the board game, Monopoly. At the start of the game, you do quite poorly and fall behind your friends—you find that your motivation to play the game wanes. However, towards the end of the game you find that your chances of winning increase dramatically, in that you are locked into a neck-to-neck competition with one other player. Now, you find that your motivation to play is very high. In this scenario, the changes in your game engagement is MOST LIKELY due to:

changes in your perceived probability of success.

Incentive theory

claims our attraction to particular goals or objects motivates much of our behavior.

A conversion disorder is most likely to be characterized by a. alternations between extreme hopelessness and unrealistic optimism. b. a continuous state of tensions, apprehension, and autonomic nervous system arousal. c. offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person. d. very specific physical symptoms that have no apparent physiological basis. e. persistent, preoccupying thoughts that have no basis in reality.


According to psychoanalytic theory, at what level of awareness does the id operate? a. Both conscious and unconscious b. Conscious c. Both conscious and preconscious d. Unconscious


Chad and Jeremy have a friendly rivalry brewing. They've been trying to see who can be more outgoing, upbeat, sociable, and assertive in their dealings with others. What prize would you award to whomever wins this contest? a. The Conscientiousness Crown b. The Agreeableness Award c. The Openness Honor d. The Extraversion Endowment


In the context of Freud's psychoanalytic theory, the primitive, instinctive component of personality that operates according to the pleasure principle is called the _____. Your Selections a ego b superego c libido d id


In the context of gender differences, on average, females tend to do better than males _____. Your Selections a on tests of mathematical abilities b in perception of movement c on most measures of visual-spatial ability d in verbal skills


Maurice, an infant monkey in Harry Harlow's attachment laboratory, has been frightened by the unexpected appearance of a chattering wind-up toy. Where will Maurice scamper to in response? a. A wire "substitute mother" that provides food b. A wire "substitute mother" that does not provide food c. A neutral cage with no "substitute mother" d. A cloth "substitute mother"


People are more likely to recover from ________ schizophrenia than from ________ schizophrenia. a. acute; reactive b. paranoid; disorganized c. chronic; acute d. reactive; process e. disorganized; paranoid


Personality refers to a. the extent to which someone is outgoing and sociable. b. the spiritual side of an individual's existence. c. a set of social actions guided by social pressures. d. an individual's unique set of consistent behavioral traits.


Positive symptoms of schizophrenia are the ________ of inappropriate behaviors, and negative symptoms are the ________ of appropriate behaviors. a. reduction; absence b. presence; presence c. absence; presence d. presence; absence e. absence; reduction


Sara, a 3-year-old, knows that she will be punished if she steals anything. She also knows that if she finishes her lunch, her mother will reward her with a candy. As a result, she refrains from stealing things and ensures that she finishes her lunch. In context of Kohlberg's stage theory, Sara is most likely at the _____. Your Selections a postconventional level of moral reasoning b abstract level of moral reasoning c conventional level of moral reasoning d preconventional level of moral reasoning


Schizophrenia that develops gradually over a long period of time is called ________ schizophrenia. a. acute b. paranoid c. reactive d. chronic e. disorganized


Successful aging has been linked to a. early life hardships. b. lower intelligence. c. greater physical height. d. high self-esteem.


What is the central feature of Piaget's formal operational stage of cognitive development? a. Mastery of conservation b. Egocentrism c. Decentration d. Abstract reasoning


Which attachment style is characterized by high degrees of distress and agitation under a variety of circumstances? a. Secure b. Avoidant c. Remote d. Anxious-ambivalent


a baby carried to full term has typically developed for a. 28 weeks. b. 32 weeks. c. 36 weeks. d. 38 weeks.


Erin almost never gives up on difficult work assignments, is not daunted by long workdays, and often stays long after her office closes to finish assignments. In contrast, her co-worker, Nick, often becomes frustrated during difficult projects, becomes drained with long workdays, and leaves immediately upon the end of his shift. The main difference between Erin and Nick likely arises from:

differences between Erin and Nick's achievement motive.

An abnormal shrinkage of cerebral tissue is most likely to be associated with a. dissociative disorders. b. obsessive-compulsive disorder. c. post-traumatic stress disorder. d. personality disorder. e. schizophrenia.


Evidence suggests that ________ contribute(s) to schizophrenia. a. the internalization of anger b. depressed serotonin levels c. a pessimistic explanatory style d. conscious role-playing e. prenatal viral infections


Low birth weight is a known risk factor for a. antisocial personality disorder. b. dissociative identity disorder. c. major depressive disorder. d. obsessive-compulsive disorder. e. schizophrenia.


The achievement goal approach to understanding motivation in individuals emphasizes

how the achievement goals adopted by individuals are related to their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation

involves a desire for internal gratification.

Achievement motivation

is the desire to achieve success

Avoidance motivation

is the desire to avoid failure.

Psychosocial needs

refer to needs that reflect interpersonal aspects of motivation, such as the need for friendship or achievement.


refers to factors that activate, direct, and sustain goal-directed behavior

Extrinsic motivation

refers to the desire for external rewards.

At one city zoo, zookeepers strive to rotate the fruits they feed their capuchin monkeys in order to ensure that the monkeys eat enough food. In this example, the zookeepers are using food diversity to overcome------------

sensory-specific satiety

Which research method did the Chen, Elliot, and Sheldon (2019) use to investigate the relationships between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, psychological need support, and achievement goals?


Although certain aspects of the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion have been found to be incorrect, one major aspect of the theory that HAS been found to be correct is:

that emotions originate from subcortical brain structures.

A person with LOW amounts of leptin in their bloodstream MOST LIKELY implies:

that the person has LOW levels of body fat.

Henry notices an interesting correlation: in situations where his stomach feels tight and his jaw is clenched, he often feels nervous. In contrast, in situations where his body feels light and he is frequently smiling, he often feels happy. Henry's insight into his emotional states is an example of:

the main principle behind the James-Lange theory of emotion, in which Henry recognizes that different patterns of autonomic activation lead to the experience of different emotions.

The need for achievement is defined as the need to excel in one's endeavors. The need for achievement is driven by extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, or a combination of both.

the need to excel in one's endeavors. The need for achievement is driven by extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, or a combination of both.

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