PSYC 281

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Suppose Brad is praised for saying "nine" when asked "what is the sum of five plus four?" but ignored for saying anything else. Suppose he is praised for saying "twelve" when asked "what is the sum of eight plus four?" but ignored for saying anything else. Behavior analysts call this complex procedure

discrimination training

Teaching Teddy to discriminate his blood pressure involves reinforcing his guess when it matches the measurement his actual blood pressure and extinguishing his guess it doesn't. Teaching this behavior is a health-related example of the procedure of _________ ____________.

discrimination training

The child saw the letter "A" and said "aaaaah." The instructor said "Excellent. That is the short A sound." When the child saw the letter "B," this same verbal response "aaaaah" was not reinforced. What behavioral procedure does this describe?

discrimination training

The master says "sit" and the dog sits. The dog gets a biscuit. The master says "lie down" and the dog sits. The dog gets nothing. This is an example of _________________ training.


You can narrow stimulus control through ________________ training.


fading is a procedure used to help teach a specific __________ that involves gradually withdrawing a stimulus called a prompt.


If Mary calls her boyfriend Leonardo "Leo-pooh" when they are alone, he actually responds. If she calls him "Leo-pooh" when others are around, he ignores her. If she calls him "Leo-pooh" more when they are alone than when others are around, Leonardo would be using the procedure of _____________ _______________.

discrimination training

If one behavior is reinforced while another behavior is extinguished in the presence of one stimulus and if the first behavior is extinguished while the second is reinforced in the presence of a second stimulus, we label this complex procedure

discrimination training

If you reinforce behavior #1 and ignore behavior #2 in situation A and you reinforce behavior #2 and ignore behavior #1 in situation B, you are using the procedure called __________ ____________.

discrimination training

Professor Samson encouraged his sociology students to express ideas about U.S. social problems, but he ridiculed them if they talked about abstract theory. Professor Raul encouraged his students to express ideas about abstract sociological theory and scolded them if they expressed ideas about actual social problems. Casey was a student of both professors. She soon learned to talk about social problems in Professor Samson's class and not to talk about them in Professor Raul's class. The changes in Casey's behavior would be the result of what behavioral procedure?

discrimination training

Reinforcing a behavior in the presence of one stimulus and extinguishing that same behavior in the presence of another stimulus is called

discrimination training

As soon as Robyn felt her feet get cold on the cold floor, she put her slippers on. Her rate of putting her slippers on when her feet got cold increased; putting her slippers on to stop the cold is called a(n) ___________ behavior.


Claire likes to ride her snowmobile without a hat. If the cold becomes too intense after driving for awhile, she puts on a hat. Putting on a cap after feeling intense cold is an example of ________ behavior.


Is the following an example of escape or avoidance? Jerry took a sip of the spoiled milk, it tasted terrible so he spit it out into the sink.


Is the following an example of escape or avoidance? Jenny conducted an experiment on pain tolerance. Participants placed their hand in a tub of ice-cold water and she timed how long each could keep the hand submerged.


Responding to terminate a negative reinforcer is called a(n) [a] response. Responding to prevent a negative reinforcer is called a(n) [b] response.

escape; avoidance

Because playing basketball is a non-uniform duration behavior, it could be observed only by using which two methods of direct observation? ___________ and time sample recording.


During consecutive 1-minute intervals, a psychologist watched his client as he interacted with staff members. If one or more psychotic verbalizations occurred during an observation period, the psychologist made one check mark on his observation sheet. The psychologist is using the ____________ recording method of direct observation.


Judy was curious to find out how much of the time the president was smiling. So she watched several of his news conferences. She divided the conferences into a series of intervals 15 seconds long and recorded whether he was smiling or not during each interval. (He smiled 79% of the time!) What method of direct observation was she using? __________ recording


When continuous intervals are used to record non-uniform behaviors, this is called the method of _______ recording.


Gordie is recording data on how often he chews his fingernails while he watches TV. He set his watch to beep every 60 seconds. If he finds himself chewing even once during the 60-second time period, he marks this down on his observation sheet. Gordie is using the _______________________ method of direct observation.

interval recording

Anna wanted to do well in school so that she could have a future beyond begging for money outside of Hibbard, so she decided to study for her Behavior Anaylsis quizzes. She passed the first two with 100% and from then on Anna studied before all quizzes. The 100% on her quiz had ____________ Anna's studying behavior.


Jimmy came into his father`s study and asked him questions about Pokemon, Digimon and Power Rangers. Jimmy's father got upset about the interuption but spoke with his son anyway. About an hour later, Jimmy came back into the study to ask more questions. Although the father wants Jimmy to leave him alone while he is in the study, he has unintentionally ___________ Jimmy's interrupting behavior.


People will continue to follow instructions only if they are __________ for doing so


People will continue to imitate the behavior of someone else only if they are __________ for doing so.


Differential reinforcement is a procedure in which one response is ______ and the other responses are _________.

reinforced extinguished

Anna kissed Michael any time he bought her a gift. Michael started buying her gifts more often in the future. Anna use the procedure of


When we ask people what TV programs they watch, they name educational programs on PBS more than they actually watch them. This is an example of the problem with what approach to measuring behavior?


May studied the child-rearing practices of college graduates by asking a random sample of 25 of them to answer such questions as "how many times last week did you tell your child to finish the rest of the food on his or her plate?" Since the parents did not record the observations when they occurred, the approach they used is an example of

self-report observation

A stimulus/response chain involves a ________ where each behavior produces an _________ for the next behavior and the last behavior is _________.

sequence SD reinforced

Sam is disruptive in class. The teacher ignores Sam`s disruptions. The rate of Sam`s disruptions does not change. The procedure used by the teacher is ___________.


Sue loved to write on people's lockers. The principal caught her and had her stay after school whenever she would write on someone's locker. Now Sue writes even bigger on people's lockers. Her principal used what procedure on Sue's writing on others' lockers?


Suppose that you have been in the habit of telling your employees to put their time-sheets away at the end of the day. When you stop reminding them, they stop doing it. What behavioral procedure did you use to decrease their behavior?


Another name for a fixed-ratio 1 schedule of reinforcement is

continuous reinforcement

What is the best generic schedule of reinforcement to use when attempting to shape a new behavior?

continuous reinforcement

Interval recording involves recording whether or not a behavior occurs during each of a series of _____________ intervals.


Each of a series of behaviors that are similar to some target behavior is called an


Talking, walking, eating, and reading are all examples of ____________.


Shaping involves selecting an initial __________ to the target behavior and differentially reinforcing it until it occurs frequently.


To decide if the principle of contingency was followed, ask, "was the event given ________ if the desired behavior occurred?"


One of the most controversial positions of behavior analysis is the view that __________ events do not cause behavior.


If an event follows a behavior and reduces the future probability of that behavior, it is called a(n) ___________.


If Kevin is complimented every 14 times he says "no," what schedule of reinforcement are Kevin's "no's" on?__________________ (include the value).


Shaping involves selecting an initial ______________ to the target behavior and differentially reinforcing it until it occurs frequently.


Reliability is a measure of the __________ between two independent observers.


Here are Otis` observations-> Yes No No No Yes No Yes Here are Jim`s observations-> No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Calculate their reliability: _____%


Jim counted 124 new words that a child with autism had learned this month. Jerry counted just 120. In calculating reliability, how many agreements did they have?


The multiple baseline design gets its name from the fact that the researcher finds baselines for ____ or more behaviors, people, or settings.


To find out how many students fall asleep in class, you might have an observer count the number of students who fall asleep. To measure reliability, you would need at least people to do the counting.


Figure 25-6 shows the observations of two observers who have developed a definition of nervous behavior. They recorded the occurrence of nervous looks by witnesses at the congressional hearings. Compute the reliability: _______ Is the reliability acceptable?

80% yes

Here is the result of an INTERVAL recording session: Interval 1: Behavior started Interval 2: Behavior ended Interval 3: No behavior Interval 4: Behavior started, ended and then started again. Interval 5: Behavior ended How many occurrences will you have recorded at the end of the 5th interval?


Mary was observed by the primary observer to talk with other children in her class 8 times. A reliability observer noted 10 instances of talking. Compute the reliability of these observations: _________%. Is it acceptable?

80; no

Juan and Carla made behavioral observations for 5 behaviors. A 'yes' or 'no' indicates whether or not the behavior was emitted. Calculate the reliability from the data listed below: Tasks: Dishes; Laundry; Homework; Shine Shoes; Cook -------------------------------------------------------------- Juan: YES YES NO NO YES Carla: NO YES NO NO NO


Here are the records made by two independent observers recording the same behavior: Danny: Y N Y N N N N N N Y N Y N N Y N Libby: Y N Y N N N Y N N Y Y Y N Y N Y Trial reliability is ____%


Jim counted how many people ran a red light. Jerry counted the same thing from the other side of the street. Jim counted 24 cars, while Jerry counted 18. Their frequency reliability is ____%.


Terry observed 90 problem behaviors in a 30-minute period. Janice observed at the same time and place, but she only counted 72 instances of problem behavior. What was their interrater reliability?


Yolanda has had no luck in finding a well-established behavioral definition of shyness in the published literature. She therefore develops her own definition of shyness and attempts to use it in her study. Because this is the first time this definition has been used, Yolanda will be happy with an interrater reliability score of ____ percent or greater.


Here are the records made by two independent observers who recorded whether or not a behavior occurred: Gary: N N N N N N N Y N N Fred: N N N N N Y N N N N Trial reliability is ____%


Reliability is a measure of the extent to which there is ____________ between two independent observers.


Two observers, who worked in the same office as Ruby, observed to see whether she was smoking during each 15-minute period of the day.First: S N S N S N N S N NSecond: S N S N S N N N S NWhat is the reliability of their observations? [a] %If this is not a new definition, is it acceptable? __________ (yes/no)

80; yes

Cheryl is using a behavioral definition that she borrowed from Stokes and Baer (1980). Because this is a wellestablished (old) definition of the behavior of interest, she should aim for reliability of ____ percent or greater.


Two students enrolled in Psych 271 counted the number of shoppers bagging their own groceries. One student counted 18 shoppers, the other member counted 20 shoppers. They used the same, established behavioral definition. Compute the reliability: ______%. Is it acceptable? ______ (yes, no) (put one space between each answer)

90 yes

When using a well-established behavioral definition, you should aim for at least ___% reliability.


Reliability is the _______________ between two independent observers.


Define a negative reinforcer, and distinguish it from a positive reinforcer.

A negative reinforcer is any event that, when terminated or prevented by a behavior, increases the rate if that behavior. A postive reinforcer involves the delivery of any event rather than its termination or prevention.

A consequence can be classified as a reinforcer only if the behavior which it follows subsequently _______________.


Theresa seemed to have a hearing problem. She never answered a question the first time it was asked of her. Theresa always said "What?" to the questioner and then would answer the question the second time it was asked. Because Theresa answered every second question, what schedule of reinforcement did Theresa put the questioner on?____________________(include the value).


The football coach only says "Yes! That`s it!" when his player has lifted the weight 20 times. If the coach`s comment is the reinforcer and lifting the weight is the target behavior, then the coach uses a(n) ____________ schedule of reinforcement (you need to tell the schedule value too).


Eric has to run 5 marathons before he gets paid $50,000. Eric works really hard and runs 5 marathons. Many times after he is paid, Eric will miss the next marathon. What schedule of reinforcement is Eric on: ___________ schedule. (schedule and schedule value needed)


Mr. Tally couldn't decide whether to reinforce Fin's behavior every time that Fin swept the porch or only after every five times. Under which of these two schedules would Fin continue to sweep the porch for the longest amount of time if he was never again reinforced?_______________________(include a value in your answer).


Jerry knows that if he drinks 6 beers he will be drunk. If drinking a beer is the target behavior and getting drunk is a reinforcer, then Jerry is on a(n) ________ schedule of reinforcement (you need to tell the schedule value too).


True or False: Behavior analysts say that private events are the cause of behavior.


Explain in behavioral term why people use punishment so often.

Because punishment often produces an immediate effect which is reinforcing

Which of the following behaviors is a public event:

Buying a book about religion and modern man

One difference between differential reinforcement and shaping is that in shaping, the contingencies (the rule for reinforcement) keep _______________.


Jim: "Hey Scott, why did you just hit that guy?"Scott: "Because I saw him push my younger sister." Scott`s explanation of his aggressive behavior appeals to ___________________ events.


____________ is a useful strategy for decreasing problem behavior, but if you use it you need to be very consistent and you need to be ready for a temporary increase in the problem behavior.


Jerry has liked every Stanley Kubrick film he has ever seen. He loved Dr. Strangelove, 2001 A Space Odyssey, and Full Metal Jacket. For Jerry, going to see a Kubrick film is on a(n) ________ schedule (you need to tell the schedule value too).


We give our son access to computer games contingent upon writing letters. Our current rule is that 1 letter earns him 30-seconds of playing time. If the reinforcer is 30-seconds of playing time, then our current schedule is a _______________ schedule of reinforcement (be sure to specify the schedule value too).


What schedule of reinforcement is almost always used in shaping? A(n) __________schedule of reinforcement.


When Seinfeld tells the joke about the butler and the car accident, he gets a laugh every time. I mean, it never fails - he tells the joke and the audience laughs. What schedule of reinforcement is telling this joke on? A ______________ schedule of reinforcement.


Lisa loves to spike the volleyball in practice. Her coach lets her take a 5-minute break after every 10 spikes that go inbounds. What schedule of reinforcement is coach using? (include the schedule value)


Believe it or not, Jane counted every step that Bob took while jogging and praised him after every hundredth step. What schedule of reinforcement was Bob's running on? (There should be a numerical value in your answer ex. XX-#)


Every week, I must write 120 fill-in-the-blank questions like this one. On Thursday night, when I finish the last one, it feels great. I usually don`t work on next week`s questions for at least a couple days. What schedule of reinforcement is my writing question on? (you need to give the schedule value also)


Explain how to distinguish between punishment by contingent withdrawal and extinction.

If you think the procedure is extinction, ask if it stops the reinforcer that caused the behavior

Sara didn't have much time to carry out an experiment so she decided to use a comparison design. Unfortunately, using a comparison design left her results subject to _________ explanations.


We say that the question "What is the sum of eight and two?" is a(n) ___________ for the answer "four."

S delta

A stimulus associated with extinction for a particular response is called a


The funny shaped little car is not a plane. Therefore, "plane" as part of the questions about what the objects would be called, is a


Mom extinguishes Johnny's saying "Dada" in the presence of his uncle. Because his uncle is a stimulus in the presence of which Mom extinguishes saying "Dada," behavior analysts call the uncle a(n) ______ for saying "Dada."


A stimulus associated with reinforcement for a particular response is called a


A stimulus/response chain is a sequence of responses in which the occurrence of one response serves as the _______ for the next response.


Cold weather is an _____________ for putting on warm clothes. In the presence of cold weather, putting on warm clothes has been reinforced with warmth.


During a workshop on campus, the instructor told the students how to log in on the computer. The students followed the instructions and doing so was reinforced when the UWEC homepage appeared on the screen. The instructions were a(n) _____________ for doing what the instructor told them to do.


During a workshop on campus, the instructor told the students how to log in on the computer. The students followed the instructions and doing so were reinforced when the UWEC homepage appeared on the screen. The instructions were a(n) ___________________ for doing what the instructor told them to do.


If a behavior analyst reinforces a particular behavior, she becomes associated with reinforcement for it. The behavior analyst then becomes a stimulus that influences that behavior. The name of that kind of stimulus is a ____________ for that behavior.


Seeing 10:50 on your watch can function as a(n) ______________________ for walking to your 11:00 class.


When typing the word "COW," seeing the letter "C" on the screen functions as a(n) ____________ for pressing the "O" key.


Willy's teacher asked him to complete the sentence "Any event that follows a response and increases the future probability of that response is called what?" She reinforced Willy when he answered "reinforcer." Because the sentence signals that "reinforcer" is the correct answer, this sentence would technically be called a(n) ____________________ for the response "reinforcer."


A discriminative stimulus for reinforcement is abbreviated _____. A discriminative stimulus for punishment is abbreviated _____. (put a single splace between the two answers)


A stimulus/response chain is defined as a sequence of two or more behviors. Each response in the chain is a(n) __________ for the next response. The last response is followed by the procedure of ____________ (put a space between your answers).

SD reinforcement

A stimulus event that occurs prior to a response and increases the frequency of that response is called a _______ ; a stimulus event that occurs after a response and increases the frequency of that response is called a

SD reinforcer

What terms have you learned so far are both stimuli that increase the rate of a behavior? _________ and _________. (Do not give the procedures, the question is asking for the stimuli)

SD reinforcer

A stimulus that consistently signals the occurrence of punishment is called a


If a stimulus signals the contingent withdrawal of a reinforcer, that stimulus is called a


Among other things, ____________ formalized the law of reinforcement and is recognized as the father of modern behavior analysis (provide last name only).


The founder of modern behavior analysis is _______________.


Mr. Jackson observed five students to determine whether they were studying. He first observed Diane for 12 seconds, then shifted to Ken and observed him for 12 seconds, and so on for the other three students. He started over again with Diane after having observed the others. What method of observation is he using to observe Diane?

Time-sample recording

If you were the manager of a store and you wanted to increase the rate of your sales staff approaching customers, you might try either an FR a VR schedule. Which would you recommend?


Ken was only interested in those parts of the movie that showed scenes in Hawaii where he had lived as a boy. These scenes came after 13. then another at 18, then another 2, and finally another 7 minutes of the movie. What specific schedule of reinforcement was his movie watching on? _________ schedule

VR 10

Cindy played the slot machine 3 times before it payed off. Then she played it 17 times and it paid off again. Next, she played it 20 times before it paid off. And finally, she played it 4 more times and it paid off. What schedule of reinforcement was she working under (give the schedule value too)?


If Jack is praised after an average of 13 responses he makes, he is on a ________ schedule. (also provide the schedule value)


If Kayla is praised after an average of 13 responses, she in on a(n) ____________________ schedule (include the value in your answer).


Six drug addicts were allowed to take their methadone (a therapeutic drug used in heroin treatment) home and take it when they want if they were able to stay off of drugs. The users came to the clinic, provided a urine sample that was screened for drug use, and if the individual was clean, they rolled a die. If the number was 1, 2, or 3, the individual got more of the take-home methadone. If the number was 4, 5, or 6, they did not. What schedule of reinforcement (methadone is the reinforcer) did they put "staying clean" on? (you need to tell the schedule value too).


In an effort to increase the number of people riding the city bus, the city started giving out coupons to the third passenger (on average) who paid their bus fare. The coupons could be exchanged for free bus rides, movie tickets, and fast food. Every rider had about a 1 in 3 chance of getting a coupon when they got on the bus. The city is using a ______________ schedule of reinforcement (you need to give the schedule value)


Sandy has to strike matches about 4 times before they light. Sometimes she gets it on the first try; other times it takes her more tries, but on average it takes her four tries before it lights. What schedule of reinforcement is her lighting behavior on? (you need to tell the schedule value too).


Barry counted violent acts on TV on Monday from 8-9 PM. Jim counted the same thing at the same time. Barry counted 10 violent acts while Jim counted only 9. Barry and Jim concluded that their observations were reliable. Do you agree? (Yes/No)


The weakness of a simple comparison design is that it does not rule out ___________ explanations of an observed change in the behavior.


If a person reports on their own behavior yesterday, drawing only from their memory of events that happened, the person is using _________________ observation.


Tom was teaching Mona to play the guitar. He first praised her only when she held it correctly, next only when she strummed properly, and finally only when she struck a particular chord. Holding the guitar properly is called a _________________ to playing it correctly.


The practical (technical) application of the laws of behavior discovered by behavior analysts in the basic science laboratory is called __________ behavior analysis.


The practical application of the laws of behavior discovered by behavior analysts in the basic science laboratory is called __________ behavior analysis.


Austin was teaching Matt to play the guitar. He first praised him only when he held it correctly, next only when he strummed it properly, and finally only when he struck a particular chord. Each one of these steps is a(n) ________________ to the target behavior of playing the guitar correctly.


One problem with self-report observations is that their __________ cannot be checked.


Wendy agreed to encourage Carol to speak more loudly as a step toward helping her to become more assertive. At first, Wendy praised Carol only if she could hear her; later only if she could hear her 5 feet away; and still later, only if she could hear her from 10 feet away. Carol speaking loud enough to be heard from 5 feet away would be called a(n) ________ to the ultimate goal.


When Lori cried because she didn't want to do her homework, her parents would help her complete it. In the future, Lori cries a lot when its time to do her homework. What is the reinforcer here?

attention or help

The use of punishment and negative reinforcement to control behavior is called ___________ control.


Dad grounds Doug when he comes home late. Doug can evade the grounding by coming home on time. Because it prevents the grounding, coming home on time is a(n) __________ behavior.


If your behavior prevents a negative reinforcer that is not present, then you are making an __________ response.


Is the following an example of escape or avoidance? Harry went out drinking with his friends for the first time last week. He got really drunk and threw up several times. He had a terrible hangover the next day. This week, Harry still drinks with his friends, but he chooses not to drink more than four beers (last week he drank 10 beers).


Is the following an example of escape or avoidance? Buying a fire alarm.


Is the following an example of escape or avoidance? Just before our dog vomits on the floor, he always engages in the gag response where he opens his mouth real wide and makes a AGHGHGHGHG sound. As soon as we see this, we run him outside so that he doesn`t vomit inside the house.


Sally hated to carry out the garbage at night after dinner. So her father carried the garbage out for her if she studied for at least an hour after dinner. Since he has started doing that, Sally has done a lot more studying. Because studying prevents having to take out the garbage, her study behavior would be an example of __________ behavior.


Tom frequently looks in his rearview mirror so tha the won't have an accident. If having an acciden is a negative reinforcer, then looking in his rearview mirror is an example of a ____________ behavior.


Any behavior that prevents a negative reinforcer is called a

avoidance behavior

If a response prevents a negative reinforcer, it is termed a

avoidance response

Non-behavior analysts rely heavily on people reporting their memory of behavior. This approach is called __________-__________ observation.


The three parts of imitation training are 1) the imitative stimulus, 2) the imitative ____________, and 3) the trainer delivering a reinforcer.


If you wanted to develop techniques that used external, environmental events to change behaviors, what behavioral science would you use? _____________.

behavior analysis

Maria helped Dan learn how to make a good impression when interviewing for a job. She told him to look the interviewer in the eye, smile, and speak loudly. She role-played being the interviewer and praised him when he did it right. She studied whether her approach worked. She was using the science of _________________ .

behavior analysis

Ruby as using a special cigarette case that counted the number of times that she opened the case to take out a cigarette. Bob Behaviorist recorded the number of such openings for three weeks prior to helping Ruby stop smoking. This three-week period of measurement is called a(n) __________.


The record of behavior before any attempt is made to change it is called the ______________ condition.


when civil rights groups measure the number of shoppers at a store prior to undertaking a boycott, the resulting data are called a


Because looking at a snowcapped mountain is something that a person does, behavior analysts regard it as a form of ____________.


Behavior analysts call everything that a person does ___________.


Behavior analysts regard private events such as anger as instances of ________. But they don't use them to explain behavior.


Behavior analysts view everything people do as _________________ .


If its observable, physical, and it involves movement of an organism, it must be an example of ______________.


Many psychologists view behavior analysis as a shallow approach to the science of psychology. Their complaint is that the focus is on _____________ rather than mental events.


Reliability can only be assessed when two observers use the same behavioral definition and observe the same ______________.


Reliability can only be measured if the two observers are measuring the same _____________.


The most important idea in this lesson is that behavior analysts regard anything that a person does as a form of _____________.


Suppose Dad taught Tyler how to take out the garbage and then showered him with praise and fun when he did. Dad was examining whether teaching plus praise and fun can change Tylers's garbage removal behavior. Dad is using an informal approach to the science of ______________.

behavior analysis

The strategy for solving human problems that defines the problem as a behavior problem is what Miller calls the __________ strategy.


The science that studies environmental events that modify what a person does is called __________ _____________.

behavioral analysis

A ________ ___________ is a statement that specifies exact what behavior to observe.

behavioral definition

Before the behavior analyst can begin making direct observations, he/she must develop a valid _________________.

behavioral definition

Dr. South might define understanding a concept as "being able to fill in the key words left out of a definition." Because this statement specifies what behavior she has decided to call understanding, it is a(n) ___________ ___________.

behavioral definition

Paul wanted to show his professor that he knew how to conduct an experiment. After deciding what behavior he wanted to examine he knew he needed to create a ______ ______ for it.

behavioral definition

Pooh measured depression in Eyore by counting the number of statements he made about anything being bad. Whether it was socially valid or not, this was Pooh's __________ __________ of depression.

behavioral definition

Students listening to a lecture are often regarded as being "attentive" if their eyes are open and their heads are point toward the speaker. If this statement were used to describe attentive behavior, it would be called what?

behavioral definition

The statement that "shyness is the behavior of avoiding eye contact, speaking so softly that the words cannot be heard, and failing to make one's wishes known" would be an example of a(n) ___________.

behavioral definition

To use the behavioral strategy: 1) create a _________ __________, 2) use a method of direct observation, 3) check the reliability and social validity of your observations, and 4) design a single-subject experiment.

behavioral definition

clearly stating what behavior to observe is called

behavioral definition

A statement specifying what to observe is called a(n) ____________ ____________; personally seeing and immediately recording observations is called a(n) _____________ ____________.

behavioral definition direct observation

Behavior analysts call a statement of exactly what behavior to observe a(n) ___________ ___________; they call personally seeing and immediately recording their observations ____________ _____________.

behavioral definition direct observation

Talking and reading are both examples of ____________.


Punishment by _________________ involves the presentation of a stimulus (usually an aversive stimulus) that decreases the future probability of the behavior it follows. (hint: title of Lesson 22)

contingent stimulation

Putting on your coat is an example of a ________________. First you put one arm in. When you feel the coat reach your shoulder and under-arm, you reach around the back side and put your other arm in. When both arms are in, you reach down and pull up the zipper.


When you trying to print a document in MS Word, you press the printer icon. Then a screen appears that sets the occassion for selecting the appropriate printer location. That done, you press the OK button. This entire sequence is called a ______________.


Behavior analysis is the science that studies how environmental events ____________ behavior.


When you begin shaping you want the person to earn the reinforcer (if they don`t, the reinforcement-based intervention will not work). Therefore, it is important to make sure that the first approximation is a behavior that the person __(can/cannot)__ already do.


What does saying "Each response produces an SD for the following response" really mean? It usually means that you ____________ (can, can't) do the second response until you have done the first one.


A sequence of responses in which the prior response serves as the discriminative stimulus for the succeeding response is called a


Comparing a single treatment condition with a single no-treatment condition is called a _________ design.


Dr. Gold observed Maria's assertiveness prior to assertiveness training and then during. What experimental design was he using?


If a teacher starts the semester by making class attendance optional and later makes it required to see what difference it makes, he or she would be using what type of experimental design you have learned about in this class?


If the participant is exposed to a single baseline and treatment condition, the experimenter is using a ___________ design (one of the single-subject designs).


If the participant is exposed to a single baseline and treatment condition, the experimenter is using a ___________ design.


In Milwaukee, parents were given education vouchers that could be used to send their children to the school of their choice. To asses the efficacy of this program, educators compared each child's standardized test scores from the no-voucher period with scores from the post-voucher period. The educators are using a _____________ design.


Jane kept track of her reading rate for two weeks for each homework assignment. She read about 150 words per minute and usually didn't finish her homework. Then she took a speed-reading course. After finishing the course, she observed her reading rate again for two weeks and found that it had increased to 700 words a minute. Her homework was much easier to finish as a result. What kind of design was she using to determine the effect of the course in her reading rate? __________ design


Jim never cleaned the apartment. His roommates made a sign that said "Honorary Swine Award" and hung it on his door. This didn't seem to help. Jim still never cleaned the apartment. Jim`s roommates used which single-subject design to study the effects of the "award"? A ______________ design.


The single-subject design in which a behavior is observed during baseline and then during treatment would be called a

comparison design

Withdrawing tokens when using a token system is an example of punishment by ______________________.

contingent withdrawal

Any reinforcer that is weakened permanently by unpaired presentations is called a ________________ reinforcer.


Orange Guy loved to climb on our windows and subsequently knocked over plants. I used a spray bottle to shoot the cat with water when it got near the plants. After awhile, all I had to do was pull out the bottle and he would get away from the plants. The sight of the bottle functioned as a ______________ punisher because it was paired with the backup of an aversive water spray.(PS: This is not based on a true story - remember punishment should be a last resort!)


Tim was working with Gary (a child with autism). When Gary earned 10 poker chips, he could trade them in for a sip of Pepsi. What kind of a reinforcer are the poker chips? A __________________ reinforcer.


Whenever you clean your dorm room, your roomate thanks you, which you know from past experiences means that she will be willing to do a variety of favors for you later. Your roomate`s "thank you" can be labeled as a _________________ reinforcer.


First you get the _____________(backup, conditioned) reinforcer, then you get the ______________ (backup, conditioned) reinforcer.

conditioned backup

Ms. Whalen wanted to increase the amount of studing in her fourth grade so that the children would learn faster. She decided that she would walk through the room while the children were working on their math and would grade their work right then and there. Each child would then be allowed to play outside for 10 minutes after he completed 10 problems correctly. She found that the rate of work in the class went up dramatically as a result of this approach. The grade in this example is probably a ________________ reinforcer. Because you can ear it with 10 correct problems, the right to play would be a ___________ reinforcer for the grade.

conditioned backup

When Conrad did something pleasant for the family, his father awarded him reinforcer A. Conrad could trade in Reinforcer A for cookies later on. If Reinforcer A is unpaired with cookies, it permanently loses its effectiveness (until again paired with cookies). Since Reinforcer A loses its effectiveness permanently when unpaired with cookies, call it a(n) __________ reinforcer. Call the cookies __________________ reinforcers for Reinforcer A.

conditioned backup

A punisher that loses its effectiveness through unpaired presentations is called a

conditioned punisher

Martin wore a wrist counter to count the number of times that he said something positive to someone. On any day that he counted at least 15 positive statements, he permitted himself to watch TV that night.What kind of reinforcer is the counter: a(n) [a] reinforcer;the TV would serve as a(n) [b] reinforcer for the counts

conditioned; backup

If a response is reinforced every time it occurs, it is said to be on what generic schedule? A _______________ schedule of reinforcement.


If you are trying to use an extinction procedure, you violate the principle of ___________________ if you accidentally reinforce the undersired behavior.


Katie loves chinese food. She bought herself chinese food when she completed her homework for the entire week. Katie's rate of completing homework ahead of time increased. Then, Katie started eating chinese food everyday rather than just when she completed her homework for the entire week, and she subsequently stopped completing homework early. Katie has violated the principle of _______ when she started eating chinese food everyday.


On these tests you only get points for giving us the correct answer. Here we are following the principle of __________________.


One of the complaints of Republicans about the welfare system was that money was given for free without requiring the welfare recipient do anything to earn it. Which principle of reinforcer efficacy do Republicans seem to be concerned about here?


The effectiveness of an event will be maximized if it is delivered only when the desired behavior occurs, according to the principle of


The principle of __________ states that you must deliver the event only when a desired behavior occurs.


The principles of effective reinforcement that we went over a few weeks back also apply to how effective aversive events are at suppressing behavior. Cancer would be a pretty effective aversive if you knew were going to get it tomorrow but it doesn't seem to control much behavior when people think about getting cancer 30 years from now (such as smokers). Which of the principles of effective consequences does cancer violate?


When a reinforcer is delivered only when a desired behavior occurs, the principle of __________ is being followed.


Name the four principles of effective reinforcement:

contingency, immediacy, size, deprivation

Lenny asked Kravitz to say "cow." Every time Kravitz said "cow," Lenny immediately said "very good." Lenny's praise obviously pleased Kravitz very much. Lenny praised Kravitz whenever he said "cow"... over and over again. Then, Kravitz slowed down, and finally he quit saying "cow" altogether. Kravitz probably quit because by using praise so often Lenny violated what principle of effective reinforcement, if any?


The problem with ____________ measures is that they rely on the observer's memory and they cannot be independently verified.


The opposite of satiation is


extinction involves stopping the delivery of a reinforcer for a behavior and observing a __________ in the rate of that behavior.


Suppose Baby Tommy spits his applesauce on the floor. Grandma might yell, "Don't!" The event of yelling "Don't!" follows Baby Tommy's spitting. You should call it a punisher if the rate at which Baby Tommy spits out his food in the future __________.


Satiation, extinction, and punishment all have the effect of _________ the rate of a response.


Imitation training involves _______ to another person how to perform a behavior. Instructional training involves ______ to another person how to perform a behavior.

demonstrating describing

Danny was trying to teach Marty to say "one". Every time Marty said something like "one" Danny said, "very good." At first, Marty had a high rate of saying something close to "one". Then he slowed down, and finally, he quit altogether. Marty probably quit because Danny was saying "very good" too often. What principle of effective reinforcement did Danny violate?


Dog trainers often tell people with problematic pets that they should stop giving the animal any privileges or treats. When this advice has been heeded for several weeks, the trainer has the owner start giving treats for desirable behaviors. What principle is the trainer using to make the treats function as more effective reinforcers?


Flora wanted to teach her daughter to be an opera singer. When the daughter was 2 years old, Flora started devoting the half hour dinner to singing lessons in which she used ice cream to reinforce singing. Because it was right after diner, her daughter didn't seem very interested in the ice cream. What principle of effective reinforcement, if any, had Flora neglected in choosing a time right after dinner? _________


Janet loved to show affection to her boyfriend Jason. Jason liked it at first, but she did it so much that he described himself as "smothered." What principle of effective reinforcement did Janette violate?


The principle of effective reinforcement that states "the more deprived a person is with respect to the event, the more effective it will be" is called the principle of


In order for a primary reinforcer to be effective, the person must be ____________ of that reinforcer. For example, ice-cream is not going to function as a reinforcer if the individual just finished a large ice-cream sundae.


One reason that a generalized reinforcer is so effective is that the person is likely to be ___________ of at least one of the backup reinforcers.


One reason that a generalized reinforcer is so effective is that the person is likely to be ______________ with respect to at least one of the backup reinforcers.


Skinner _______ (did/did not) deny the existence of private events.

did not

Armond found that he could not drive the nail with a pushing motion, but that a swinging motion was very effective. Now Armond swings the hammer, he never pushes it. What behavioral procedure accounts for Armond`s hammering technique?

differential reinforcement

At the skeeball alley, Billy rolls the ball softly. The ball flips up into the No-Points zone. Billy throws the ball a bit harder and it goes into the 50-point hole. He throws soft again and he earns 0 points. Now he only throws the ball hard. What procedure explains Billy`s rolling the skee-ball harder?

differential reinforcement

Dr. Felix reacted positively when Nector thanked him for a compliment but ignored him when he deferred the compliment. Gradually, Nector learned to thank Dr. Felix for his compliments. What behavioral procedure did Dr. Felix employ to teach Nector to thank him for compliments? ______________ ______________.

differential reinforcement

Gary tried to open the bag of chips by pulling the sides apart. He tried this for about 3 minutes, but he wasn`t strong enough to open the bag (hey, it was a big tough bag). Gary went to the drawer, pulled out some scissors, and cut the bag open. In the future, Gary always uses scissors to open bags of chips that he buys and doesn't try to pull the sides apart. What behavioral procedure accounts for Gary's behavior?

differential reinforcement

Harvey, dressed like a dinosaur, rang the doorbell of his first house on halloween night. A woman answered the door. Harvey roared "Ashow o` Hanonslov" (Harvey was from Russia and this worked well in Russia). The woman must have been afraid, because she closed the door quickly without giving him any candy. At the next house, Harvey reads "Trick or Treat" from a sheet of paper his translator gave him. This results in some candy. By the end of the night, Harvey says "trick or treat" at all the houses. What behavioral procedure explains this change in Harvey`s behavior?

differential reinforcement

If a behavior analyst reinforces someone for chewing gum but not for smoking cigarettes and if his rate of chewing gum increases, the behavior analyst would be using what procedure?

differential reinforcement

If one behavior is increased through reinforcement and all others are decreased though extinction, the procedure is called _____________________.

differential reinforcement

If someone reinforces one behavior and extinguishes all other behavior, then the procedure used is called

differential reinforcement

James was having an argument with his little brother about a toy. James wanted the toy and tried to explain to his brother why he should give it to him. James` little brother did not give up the toy. James smacks his little brother, who then drops the toy and James plays with it. Because a ___________________________ procedure was in place here, James is likely to behave aggressively and not waste his time with rational explanations when his little brother has something he wants.

differential reinforcement

Jeremy took out the light switches in his new dream house and installed "the clapper" in every room. For several weeks, Jeremy would rub the wall where the light switch used to be in an attempt to turn them on. This behavior gradually declined and then he started clapping to turn on the lights. What behaivoral procedure explains Jeremy`s behavior change?

differential reinforcement

John speaks english fluently and knows just a little spanish. When John goes to Mexico, he tries talking to people in english, but they just stare at him and make hand gestures that indicate they don`t understand. John then tries some spanish. Although his spanish is poor, the locals are enthusiastic and encouraging and make every effort to help him. John speaks more and more spanish the longer he is in Mexico. What behavioral procedure accounts for this change in John`s behavior?

differential reinforcement

Larry used to use his remote control to change the channel. That was before the batteries in the remote died. Now he gets up, walks to the TV, and changes the channel manually. What behavioral procedure accounts for Larry`s behavior?

differential reinforcement

Melissa was learning how to use a clutch for driving a car. Every time she let the clutch out slowly the car would start moving. When she let the clutch out too quickly the car would lurch forward and then die. Soon Melissa was always letting the clutch out slowly (which is a different behavior). What procedure accounts for Melissa learning how to use the clutch correctly?

differential reinforcement

Mom paid attention to Bruno when he hit himself but she did not pay attention when he engaged in behavior other than hitting. Bruno started to hit himself more often. By her attention, Mom unknowingly used what procedure to increase hitting?

differential reinforcement

Mom praises Kenny when he eats fruits but ignores him when he drinks Kool-aid at home. Kenny starts to eat more fruits and drink less Kool-aid. What procedure is mom using?

differential reinforcement

Mom praises Sally only when she rides her trike but not when she watches TV. If Sally's rate of trike riding increases and her TV watching decreases, Mom's procedure is called ______________.

differential reinforcement

Mrs. Hopper asked Martha to sing a C-sharp after she played it on the piano. When Martha sang off-key, Mrs. Hopper said nothing and played the note again. When Martha hit the note, Mrs. Hopper said "That`s it. Beautiful!" After two lessons, Martha could sing the C-sharp very accurately. What procedure was Mrs. Hopper using?

differential reinforcement

Reinforcing a toddler for making a desired sound and ignoring all other sounds is an example of _____.

differential reinforcement

Reinforcing one response while extinguishing a different response is called

differential reinforcement

Shaping involves applying what procedure to a behavior that approximates the target behavior?

differential reinforcement

To teach the correct pronounciation of a difficult English word to a child while eliminating the incorrect pronounciation, one could use the behavioral procedure of___________________.

differential reinforcement

When Liam made the letter A with straight lines, we complimented him and told him how good he was getting. When he deviated from straight lines we ignored his behavior. Over time, his A`s got much straighter. We were using what behavioral procedure to improve Liams` penmanship?

differential reinforcement

When Nathan says "Hey dad, look at how I`m blowing up these aliens!" Dad ignores him or says "Hmmm." Dad doesn`t really want to encourage his son to play mindless computer games. When Nathan says "Dad look at what I just did on my reading program!" dad reacts by saying "Ooo, show me!" Over time, Nathan tends to play his reading games more than the alien destruction game. What behavioral procedure is dad using?

differential reinforcement

You react with excitement when Scott talks about cars but not about school. Let's imagine that talking about these two topics are two different behaviors. If Scott starts talking with you a lot more about cars, you have used what procedure?

differential reinforcement

Young Jackson couldn't for the life of him say "zucchini" correctly. Instead he said "zucky." Once in awhile he got lucky and said the word correctly. His dad praised the rare correct pronunciation and ignored the "zucky's." Pretty soon Jackson was usually saying the word correctly. What procedure did his dad use?

differential reinforcement

Shaping is the _______________________ of a series of ________________approximations to a target behavior.

differential reinforcement successive

Shaping involves applying the procedure of ____________ to a series of successive ____________ to some target behavior.

differential reinforcement, approximation

Reinforcing one response and extinguishing is called _______________; reinforcing a response in one situation and extinguishing the same response in a different situation is called ___________.

differential reinforcement; discrimination training

Outcome, event, interval, and time sample recording are the four ___________ observation techniques that are most commonly used by behavior analysts.


When behavior analysts use trained observers who personally see and immediately record behavior, they are using the principle of __________ observation.


An observation that is seen (or heard) by the observer and promptly recorded uses what approach to observation?

direct observation

Behavior analysts are not satisfied with self-report measures of human behavior. They prefer _________________________.

direct observation

The most accurate approach to observing behavior is usually __________ ___________.

direct observation

Time sample recording involves observing whether or not a behavior occurs during each of a series of ____________ intervals.


Lora swears in the presence of her friends at school but not in the presence of her parents. Because her swearing behavior occurs more often with her friends it would be called _____________ behavior.


Stewart likes green tea but he doesn`t like any other kinds of tea (e.g., Earl Grey, rooibos). At the store, Stewart only reaches for boxes of tea that read "green tea." We would say that Stewart`s behavior is ____________ behavior.


If Tommy has learned to call the funny shaped little car a "beetle" but not other cars, then we would call his behavior of calling it a "beetle"

discriminated behavior

If a behavior occurs more frequently in the presence of one stimulus and less frequently in the presence of another stimulus, we call it

discriminated behavior

When Theo heard the gun go off, he would take off running. If he got a good start, he could usually win the race. His problem was that he would sometimes jump the gun. If he did this more than twice, he would be disqualified. These contingencies resemble what behavioral procedure?

discrimination training

The imitative stimulus could also be referred to as the _________________ stimulus.


The obvious movement of big muscles used in scoring a touchdown is a clear example of behavior because it is something that a person __________.


The private event of daydreaming about a vacation is an example of behavior because it is something that a person _________.


Pointing at a hawk (does, does not)____________ require a different movement of the finger muscles than pointing at a pigeon.

does not

According to the principle of public events, when analyzing behavior we must focus on behavior and the _______________.


Skinner rejected private events as the cause of behavior. Instead, Skinner suggested that psychologists should explain behavior by examining the _____________________ that affect behavior.


Behavior analysis is the science that studies ___________ events that change behavior.


Behavior analysis is the scientific field that studies how ______________ events can function to ___________ behavior.

environmental change

A negative reinforcer is any _________that is terminated or prevented by a behavior.


Alice was training her pit bull "Cuddles", but had trouble gaining control of his jumping. She started to raise her knee each time he jumped up in order to discourage his behavior. She recorded each time the dog jumped up on her. Alice is using what method of observation?


Dana is trying to teach Arthur to imitate what she does. Every time Arthur imitates Dana, Dana records this behavior on her recording sheet. Dana is using the ____________________ method of direct observation.


Outcome recording and ____________ recording are generally used when the behavior is of a uniform length.


The four direct-observation techniques are outcome recording, ___________ recording, interval recording, and time-sample recording.


A method of direct observation base on counting instances of a behavior is called

event recording

Dana is trying to teach Arthur to imitate what she does. Every time Arthur imitates Dana, Dana records this behavior on her recording sheet. Dana is using the ____________ method of direct observation.

event recording

Larry wondered if Kevin's stuttering was decreasing, so he recorded each time that Kevin emitted a stuttered word in his presence. What method of direct observation was he using?

event recording

Outcome recording and ___________ recording are used when the behavior is of a uniform length.

event recording

Tim was to count each time Mary shouted out an answer in class without being called upon. A behavioral definition was developed to help Tim decide what instances of shouting counted. Tim used what method of recording Mary's behavior?

event recording

When pregnant women go into labor, the physician usually requests the woman record information about her contractions. Typically this is done by having the woman record each contraction at the moment it occurs. Physicians are having their patients use which form of direct observation?

event recording

When psychology majors and minors take Research Methods, they are required to make several oral presentations on the research they have conducted. Since this is a fairly complex behavior, the instructor uses a checklist to record all of the components of the oral presentation as they are covered (e.g., the number of subjects in the study, the results of the statistical analyses). The Research Methods instructor is using the ___________________ method of direct observation.

event recording

We want to know why we do the things we do, right? Most people's explanations are that our thoughts cause us to do the things we do. The problem with this private-events explanation is that we still have to __________ the private events.


We want to know why we do the things we do, right? Most people`s explanations are that our thoughts cause us to do the things we do. The problem with this private-events explanation is that we still have to __________ the causes of the private events.


Behavioral analysis looks at _________ events that ________ behavior.

external change

An S-Delta is a stimulus that is associated with the ________ of a particular response.


Dave used to feed his dog popcorn for sitting in front of him when he watched Monday Night Football. The vet said that the dog was getting too fat so Dave stopped giving him popcorn. Dave saw a gradual reduction in the amount of time his dog sat in front of him. Now the dog does it very rarely. What procedure explains this reduction in the dog's behavior?


Frank is one of those guys who starts arguments with everyone around him. One day he argued long and loud against the idea that only co-op members should be allowed to buy at reduced prices. If no one paid any attention to him, it is likely that this verbal behavior (arguing) would decrease. What procedure would be involved?


Genera bites her fingernails constantly. Her boyfriend, Clark hates this and yells at her everytime she does it. Nonetheless, she continues to bite them. Eventually, Clark stops yelling at her and she just keeps biting away. If Clark's yelling is the target behaivor, then the process described here can be classified as ____________.


Getting emails from Jim used to be great. I`d open them right away because he always had something interesting to say. Then, Jim went through a break up with his girlfriend. All he ever wants to write about is how sad he is. I may be heartless, but I hardly ever open emails from Jim any more. What behavioral procedure accounts for my current lack of interest in Jim`s emails?


In the 1980`s, many scientific psychologists left the American Psychological Association after they had been members for many years. They complained that after years of acceptable service, the APA suddenly offered them nothing (no support for scientific research, no science programming at the convention, no lobbying Washington in the name of science, etc). What behavioral procedure accounts for the drop in APA membership in the 1980`s?


James stopped praising Marybeth for making her bed. Marybeth did not make her bed as often after that. James used the procedure of _____________


Jamie was an avid hobby photographer but he dropped his camera while hiking. He didn't know it at the time but the camera was damaged so badly that all pictures that it took from that time forward were really fuzzy. Jamie took pictures with several rolls of film after the accident and kept attributing the fuzzy pictures to his poor photographic skills. After awhile, Jamie stopped using the camera. What behavioral procedure describes why Jamie eventually stopped using the damaged camera?


Jan tried and tried to read her 4th year latin text, but what could she say, it was written in latin and she couldn't read latin (even though it was written using the alphabet she had read many times before). After a few weeks of trying to read the text with no success, she gave up. She didn`t open it again for the rest of the semeter. What behavioral procedure explains this change in Jan`s behavior?


Jerry has a 1977 Dodge Charger and he is proud of how fast his car can go. Jerry has raced the Charger many times before and has won many races. Jerry got in a drag race with Stan (he has a 1969 Camaro). After 5 races, Jerry hadn't won once. When Stan asked Jerry if he wanted to drag after school, Jerry said no. What behavioral procedure accounts for Jerry`s lack of interest in racing Stan?


Kaija used to complain all the time and you usually responded by arguing with her. You decide to change tactics and now you ignore her when she complains, and thankfully her complaints have decreased. You used the procedure of ___________.


Let's say you love talking with your professor because she is so nice and funny (yes, we're talking about me here). During the school year, you frequently walk down the hallway to see if she's in her office so you can talk, and you mostly find her there. During the summer, you walk down the hallway but she is rarely around (she prefers to work on her porch at home when it's warm out). You find yourself checking periodically, but your behavior of walking down the hallway decreases. What procedure can account for this?


Little Tommy threw temper tantrums when he couldn't stay up late. His parents, wanting to be kind, would usually give in and let him stay up late. However, lately they changed their procedure and have insisted he go to bed and have ignored his temper tantrums. Tommy has stopped throwing the tantrums. What behavioral procedure did his parents use to eliminate temper tantrums? ____________.


Mom ignores Lilly while she screams at the top of her lungs in the grocery store. Even when Lilly starts kicking along with the screaming, mom sticks to her guns and doesnt give attention to the screaming and kicking. What procedure is Mommy trying to use here?


Nick used to love to clean his room because his parents would give him two-dollars afterwards. After a while Nick's parents stopped paying him, so Nick stopped cleaning his room. This process is called______.


On Jim`s old computer, pressing the F3 key saved his files and Jim pressed this often. When Jim got his new computer, the F3 key did nothing when it was pressed. After awhile, Jim stopped pressing the F3 key. This procedure used here is called ___________.


One characteristic of differential reinforcement is that one or more behaviors are decreased by using the method of ____________.


The teacher reinforces a student only when he emits a particular behavior. If this is an example of differential reinforcement, then the teacher must be applying what procedure to one or more other behaviors?


Tim lost his sense of smell. After this happened he noticed that he no longer stopped to smell flowers, no longer walked by the bakery on his way home, and no longer put on cologne (all of which were behaviors that he had done regularly before). What behavioral procedure accounts for the decrease in all of these behaivors?


Tim lost his sense of smell. After this happened he noticed that he no longer stopped to smell flowers, walked by the bakery on his way home, or put on cologne (all of which were behaviors that he had done regularly before). What behavioral procedure accounts for the decrease in all of these behaivors?


Tom wanted to go out with Caroline. He asked her out and she said "no." This was surprising to Tom because most women said "yes" when he asked them out. Tom asked Caroline a few more times, but she kept saying no. Eventually Tom stopped asking. Whether she knows it or not, Caroline used __________ to get Tom to stop asking her out.


Trish was constantly hitting her brother Kyle. Mom scolded Trish each time she did it. This seemed to increase Trish`s aggression. Mom decided to ignore the hitting (after she made sure Kyle was not being hurt). Trish`s behavior decreased. What procedure did Mom ultimately use to decrease Trish`s aggression?


When Janice heard the Beastie Boys new CD, she hated it. She never played it again. What behavioral procedure explains this change in Janice's listening patterns?


When John got a job at the medical school, he would tell everyone about behavior analysis and how effective it could be in solving patient problems such as medication compliance. Although these behaviors had been richly reinforced while John was in graduate school, no one at the medical school seemed interested in these suggestions. After a while, John got frustrated and just quit. He would say things like "Those idiots would know a great idea if it hit them in the face." What behavioral principle explains the decline in John`s offering behavioral advice?


When my cat Orange Guy wants some attention, he comes over to me and meows. If I'm busy and don't pet him right away, he usually starts meowing more and more. Eventually his rate of meowing decreases and he wanders away in search of other (more reliable) reinforcers. He gives up due to what behavioral procedure?


You have learned that when you stop reinforcing an undesirable behavior, the behavior decreases. The procedure that this describes is called


Before an applied behavior analyst uses extinction to reduce a problem behavior, he/she needs to decide if the can be tolerated. If not, then he/she wouldn't want to use extinction because you are likely to give in (i.e. you are likely to reinforce the problem behavior and that will only make it more difficult to extinguish the behavior in the future).

extinction burst

The temporary increase in behavior observed after an extinction procedure is introduced is called a(n) _________________ _______________.

extinction burst

Discrimination results from reinforcing a response in one situation and ________ it in another.


A procedure used to help teach a specific discrimination that involves gradually withdrawing a prompt is called


Eleanor learned to read the word dog from a special book. The book reinforced her when she pronounced "dog" but not when she pronounced another word "dog". The book started out by showing a picture of a dog when the word was first presented but gradually showed the dog less frequently until Eleanor had to read the word without the help of the picture. What behavioral procedure did the book use?


Jimmy said "sit" but Fido did not sit. Jimmy pressed on Fido`s backside until he sat. Jimmy said "sit" again. When Fido did not sit, he simply touched Fido`s backside until he sat. At the next "sit" all Jimmy had to do was reach toward Fido and he sat. What behavioral procedure is Jimmy using?


Mrs. Franklin taught Jimmy to label a large circular line as a "circle." When he labeled a circle as "circle," she would praise him. When he labeled any other figure a "circle," she ignored him. She helped him learn by adding onto her question "You know, a circle" and praising him when he said "circle." Next, she gave as a hint only "you know, cirk;" leaving the "le" sound off. Finally, she gave no hint at all, and Jimmy could label the circle correctly. What behavioral procedure did Mrs. Franklin use?


When learning to write the letter E, the child was first asked to trace a letter E. Next, he was to trace a dotted line E. Finally, he was to write the E on his own. What procedure is being used to teach the boy to write E`s?


When someone uses an imitative stimulus as a temporary prompt during discrimination training, you should not label the procedure as imitation training but rather as ___________.


When teachers use an imitative stimulus as a temporary prompt during discrimination training you should label the procedure as ____________.


A primary problem with self-report observations is that they are often just plain _______.


Extinction can either involve withholding the reinforcer OR the delivery of an aversive stimulus contingent upon the target behavior. (True or False)


In extinction, the organism simply forgets that the response can earn some reinforcers. (True or False)


True of False? Extinction can either involve withholding the reinforcer OR the delivery of an aversive stimulus contingent upon the target behavior.


True or False. Shaping requires that participants be instructed about each successive approximation.


True or False: Behavior analysts call the simplest experimental design a reversal design.


True or False: Once you provide an imitative stimulus, humans will always engage in imitative behavior (imitating is human nature).


On a ______________ ratio schedule, there is a characteristic post-reinforcement pause followed by a high-constant rate of responding.


If a reinforcer is produced by the first response that occurs after a fixed period of time, we say that it is being reinforced according to a ____________ schedule.


Carol didn't like football, but she did like the interview with the players. So she tuned in exactly at the start of half time. The interviews always started five minutes after the start of half time. What schedule of reinforcement is her TV viewing on?

fixed-interval schedule

Mr. James awarded Tom a token for every 10 multiplication problems he got correct. What schedule of intermittent reinforcement is Mr. James using?


What two schedules of reinforcement produce low rates of responding right after reinforcement and a higher rate as the time for the next reinforcement approaches?

fixed-ratio and fixed-interval

If a response is reinforced after a fixed number of occurrences of the response, this procedure is an example of a

fixed-ratio schedule

Name the ratio schedule that produces alternating periods of responding and pausing:_________________schedule. Name the ratio schedule that produces a high and uniform rate of responding:________________schedule.

fixed-ratio variable-ratio

An event must both __________ a behavior and increase the _________ of behavior to be classified as a reinforcer.

follow rate

Two observers were asked to record how many jackets were left on the floor in several dorm rooms. One observer counted 50 jackets and the other counted 48 jackets. In order to compute reliability, these observers would use ____________ reliability.


A few semesters back, two students were watching a fellow student make an oral presentation in a Research Methods class. The observers were counting the number of times the presenter said the word "like." They recorded every instance of saying "like." One student counted 32 "likes" and the other counted 31 "likes." What type of reliability should they compute?

frequency reliability

If a person's behavior occurs in the presence of a novel stimulus, we call this the process of


Money is probably the best example of a __________ reinforcer.


Professor Matematica pointed to a linear equation (12x+7=y) that no one had seen before. He asked Joe what kind of equation it was. Joe said, "That is a linear equation." The occurrence of his correct response in the presence of this novel equation is the process called ___________.


Programming is the temporary use of a prompt to produce ______________ of behavior to a novel situation.


`_______________ training is used to make a behavior spread to new situations, whereas ______________ training is used to make behavior occur only under certain conditions.

generalization discrimination

Bob really liked Kay when she acted assertively, so he always made it a point to praise such behavior. After a while, Kay always acted assertively around Bob, but for some reason her assertiveness did not spill over into her other relationships. However, after David also started reinforcing assertiveness, Kay began acting assertively with everyone she knew. What behavioral procedure did this series of friends use to change Kay's behavior in this way?

generalization training

Parents teach a child to follow one instruction. They give the instruction and then reinforce the child for following it. When the child learns that first instruction, they teach a second instruction, then a third, and so on. The child soon starts to follow most new instructions even without immediate reinforcement. Because the parents have reinforced instruction following in a series of situations until it occurs with a novel instruction, the parent has used what procedure?

generalization training

Reinforcing a behavior in the presence of a series of situations until it generalizes to novel members of that same stimulus class is called

generalization training

Suppose Bob found any time Ruby wasn't shocked for taking a cigarette, she smoked at her normal rate. This discovery would indicate that the effect of the shock on her rate of smoking did not _________ to situations in which she wan't shocked.


After an abusive incident, the abusers apologize, buy gifts, and generally offer love and affection. Because of its pairing with gifts and love, the physical abuse could become a(n) _____________ reinforcer.


Customers in grocery stores used to be given trading stamps as incentive to continue buying at a particular store. The trading stamps could later be exchanged for anything from a toaster to a vacation. What kind of reinforcers are trading stamps? __________ reinforcers


Higgins (1994) used __________________ reinforcers to treat substance abuse (Higgins called them "vouchers"). The vouchers could be exchanged for a host of goods and services.


In Amber's elementary school, green tickets were given out to students who behaved nicely or did well on their homework. Every so often, the principal would open up a "green ticket store" where students could go and use their green tickets to purchase a variety of fun items. These green tickets would be an example of what type of reinforcer?


In Liams' kindergarden class, the children can earn wooden rings on a stick by being good (e.g., sitting "criss-cross applesauce"). When the stick gets full of rings, the class gets to go to "choice time" (a time when they can all pick their own activities from a wide assortment of things to do). The rings would be considered a __________________ reinforcer.


The three types of punishers are primary, conditioned, and ____________ punishers.


We all stop at red stop signs and red lights. If someone stops at a red fire hydrant, we would say his/her behavior has _______________.


Any conditioned reinforcer that is paired with many backup reinforcers is called a

generalized reinforcer

The attention that one person pays to another is frequently associated with many other reinforcers. What kind of conditioned reinforcer is it?

generalized reinforcer

The person who is consistently nice to other people may be reinforced by the smile of the other person. If the smile is usually associated with many other reinforcers from that other person, it would be an example of what type of reinforcer?

generalized reinforcer

When a stimulus is associated with many different kinds of backup reinforcers we call it a ______________________.

generalized reinforcer

Generalization training consists of reinforcing behavior in each of a series of situations until it ___________ to other member of that same stimulus class.


If an applied behavior analyst is going to successfully use extinction to decrease a problem behavior, his/her first step is to __________ the reinforcer that maintains the problem behavior. This will allow him/her to change the environment so that this reinforcer is no longer delivered contingent upon the problem behavior.


If a teacher shows students how to do something, observes to see whether they do it the same way, and then reinforces them, we say that the teacher is using the method of ___________ training.


Michael showed Dennis how to grease a pan so that he could fry some eggs without the eggs sticking. Dennis then tried it and Michael praised him when he did it right. What procedure did Michael use to teach Dennis how to grease a pan? ___________ training.


When Dale shows Casey how to grill a hamburger and then reinforces her for doing it, he is using what procedure? __________ training


"Son, please hold your fork like this..." Dad shows the boy how to hold his fork. The lad holds his fork like his father. Dad says "That`s good." This scenario describes a combination of two behavioral procedures, they are ________________ training and ________________ training.

imitation instructional

Hank showed Bill how to work the drill press. While doing so he said things like "See, this is how it works." Then he let Bill have a go at it. Bill did pretty well. He made a good clean cut (and this reinforced his behavior). What behavioral procedure did Hank use to teach Bill how to use the drill press?

imitation training

On an _____________________ (generic name) schedule, not every response is reinforced.


In a 2000 issue of the journal Nature, researchers reported that humpback whales in Southern Australia changed their mating calls after using the same call for decades. The change occurred when two new humpbacks arrived with a new, louder, more complex call. These males were very successful in attracting mates. Soon, the native humpbacks began singing the new call and became successful at attracting mates as well. What behavioral procedure does this sound like?

imitation training

Jane Goodall wanted to separate rice from rocks after she accidentally spilled her dry rice on the dirt. She tossed the mixture into the water and the rice floated. She then skimmed it off and cooked it. One of the chimps saw her do this and was then seen to do the same to separate grains from dirt. The chimps kept doing this in the future because they could easily separate the rice from the dirt. What behavioral procedure accounts for the chimp's behavior?

imitation training

Justin couldn't figure out how to execute a certain wrestling move. His wrestling coach then went out on the mat and showed him how. Justin tried to move several times and with the coach's encouragement was able to do it perfectly. What procedure did the coach use to teach the wrestling move? ________ training.

imitation training

Mr. Cosgrove displayed on the blackboard how to find the square of a number. He then erased his example and asked the students to find the square of that same number. He examined each student's work and praised him or her if it was correct. What behavioral procedure did he use?

imitation training

If you show someone how to do something, watch his behavior, and reinforce it when it is correct, your behavior is called the ________ stimulus.


Sally was babysitting Kyle. Kyle was crying because he was bored. In order to cheer Kyle up, Sally made a funny face. Kyle laughed and made the same face back at Sally. Kyle's behavior is called __________ behavior.


Suppose a teacher touches the top of her head, Dave touches the top of his head, and the teacher reinforces him. You call the teacher's touching the top of her head the ______________ stimulus.


The three parts of imitation training are 1) the _________________ stimulus, 2) the imitative behavior, and 3) the trainer delivering a reinforcer.


When a father demonstrates to a child how to grip a baseball in order to throw it, the father is producing a(n) ___________ stimulus.


When a mother demonstrates to a child how to hold a football in order to throw it, the mother is producing a(n) ___________ stimulus.


Dad belched at the dinner table. His kids laughed and then his oldest son belched too. Everyone laughed a lot at that. Then everyone at the table started belching and laughing and it all started with Dad's original belch. Dad's original belch is an example of a(n) __________________ _________________.

imitative stimulus

According to Miller, there are 4 principles of effective reinforcement. They are 1) deprivation, 2) contingency, 3) ______________, and 4) size.


At the prison, the guards told the prisoners that if they would avoid getting into fights, the guards would recommend that they be paroled when they came before the parole board in 3 years. What principle of reinforcer efficacy have the guards overlooked?


Because they can be delivered right after the behavior occurs, generalized reinforcers can enhance the effectiveness of the backup reinforcers by utilizing the principle of ___________.


For effective use of punishment or reinforcement, it is necessary to deliver them very soon after the behavior has occurred. This is known as the principle of __________.


If you make a negative reinforcer most effective in increasing the rate of a response by removing it right after the response, you are using what principle of reinforcer effectiveness?


Lenny's mother was very interest in increasing his rate of comment reflecting a positive outlook on life. Therefore, she watch very carefully for such comments to occur and noted them to herself. She then would praise Lenny for each comment at a special meeting that they held every Sunday. She never praised comments that were not positive. Her praise was very important to Lenny, and he never seemed to get too much of it. What principle of effective reinforcement, if any, did his mother neglect?


One of the reasons that gambling is so addictive, is that when you win, you get your money right away (you don`t have to wait for a paycheck to be mailed to you in two weeks). What principle of effective reinforcement are the casinos using to increase gambling?


Any time a response is not reinforced after every occurrence, we say that the response is on what generic schedule?

intermittent schedule

Richie didn't like the way that Chase treated him at work--Chase was usually very unpleasant. But Richie had heard about reinforcement and decided to try it. He kept track of any pleasant behavior that Chase engaged in for a week and then mentioned those things to him on Saturday after work. He never praised Chase for unpleasant behaviors. You can be sure that Chase did not get too much praise. Chase seemed genuinely delighted at the praise. However, Chase did not get any nicer as a result. If you could talk with Richie, what principle of reinforcer efficacy would you tell him he was neglecting in his method?


The more immediate the delivery of an event after the occurrence of the desired behavior, the more effective the reinforcer, according to the principle of


A punisher is effective only if it is delivered __________ upon the target behavior.


An effective punisher is delivered ___________________, is of sufficient magnitude (size), is delivered contingent upon the problem behavior, and follows every instance of the problem behaivor.


Delivering punishers is a behavior that parents often find reinforcing. The reason why is because the desired consequence (a decrease in problem behavior) usually occurs ______________ after the punisher is delivered.


Direct observations tend to be more accurate when the observer records the behavior _____________.


In order for punishment to be most effective, it should follow the undesirable response ______________.


Primary reinforcers cannot always be delivered __________ after a behavior occurs, therefore, behavior analysts will often use conditioned reinforcers so that this principle of effective reinforcement is not violated.


The problem with self-reports is that they tend to be __________.


A reinforcer always causes a behavior to ____________ in probability of occurrance, regardless of whether it is a positive or a negative reinforcer.


An extinction burst is a temporary ________ in responding as soon as extinction begins.


Positive reinforcers and negative reinforcers are both events that result in a(n) ____________ in the rate of behavior.


The first tactic in using the reinforcement strategy is to ________ desired behavior through reinforcement. (hint: the answer is not "reinforce")


Differential reinforcement is designed to both _________ a desired behavior and __________ an undesired behavior.

increase decrease

One of the characteristics of differential reinforcement is that one behavior is ____________ by using reinforcement.


A positive reinforcer is any event whose delivery following a response ___________ the rate of that behavior. A negative reinforcer is any event whose termination or prevention following a response __________ the rate of that behavior.

increases increases

To assess social validity, you need to have a(n) ________ __________ say whether they believe the definition captures the important characteristics of the behavior being studied.

independent observer

Miller lists two types of alternative explanations for ones findings. These are ___________ differences and time coincidences.


One great advantage of single-subject designs is that they effectively rule out ____________ differences as a potential explanation of the findings.


Event recording involves recording each _______ of behavior.


In event recording, a response is recorded if the observer sees a(n)________ of the behavior.


Because talking to and telling people what to do, when to do it, and how to do it is so prevelant in our everyday lives, _______________ training is probably the most widely used behavioral intervention.


Makenzie described in detail to Jenna how to mix an apple martini. Makenzie then watched Jenna try mixing one and provided feedback when she had finished. What procedure did Makenzie use to teach Jenna how to mix an apple martini: __________ training.


When using tactic #4 of the stimulus control strategy, create complex stimulus control through imitation training and _____________ training. When using tactic #5, make reinforcement more practical by creating ____________ reinforcers.

instructional conditioned

Amy has been throwing legos around the room. Her dad says, "You pick those up right now!" She picks up the Legos. Dad says "That`s better" and hugs Amy. Assuming that these consequences functioned as a reinforcer, this is an example of ______________.

instructional training

Homer saw the Ronco Salad Shooter on the TV. He wanted it. The anouncer said "Call now, don`t delay! 1-800-654-8763." Homer picked up the phone, called the number and ordered the salad shooter. A few weeks later he got his product. He was pleased to shoot salads for several months thereafter. What behavioral procedure did the advertisers use?

instructional training

Joe Nathan was the best pitcher on the team, but he tended to take his eye off the catcher's mitt when he was throwing. This behavior often led to his missing the strike zone. So Coach Gardenhire patiently explained to Joe exactly where to look when he was pitching. He then had him throw several pitches while he was watching and praised him when he did it right. What procedure did Coach Gardenhire use by explaining where to look and praising him when he did?

instructional training

Mr. Cosgrove explained to his eighth graders exactly how to find the square of a number. He then asked them to find the square of the number. He praised each student who got the right answer. What behavioral procedure was he using?

instructional training

The procedure of reinforcing a desired behavior that has been verbally described to a person is called ___________.

instructional training

The use of a verbal description of behavior and reinforcement to teach a new behavior is called ____________.

instructional training

To improve Jesse`s chances of getting a job, his job coach told him to look the interviewer in the eyes, sit up straight, and talk clearly. When Jesse did these things in his training sessions, the coach gave him good feedback. What behavioral procedure was the job coach using?

instructional training

A behavior will take longer to extinguish if it has been on what generic schedule? A(n) __________ schedule


Given that you don`t always get to talk to someone interesting every time the phone rings (sometimes you get stuck with a telemarketer), what schedule of reinforcement is answering the phone on (assume that talking to interesting people is the reinforcer and talking to others is not)?


James has some social phobias about women. His therapist has asked him to keep records of how much he talks to people of the opposite sex. Most of the time, James' social encounters with women are pretty short, but one time out of five, they might go on for a half-hour or so. Because James' social encounters are of non-uniform length, James should probably use the ___________ method of direct observation.

interval recording

Mr. Warren, a high school teacher, was always negative in his class. Several of his students decided to observe him to find out how much of the time he was negative. They made their observations in consecutive 15 second blocks throughout the day and found that he was negative 75% of the time. What method of direct observation did they use?

interval recording

The method of observation based on dividing the observational period into many continuous intervals and observing during each interval whether the behavior occurs is called

interval recording

Trial reliability is calculated with the following two direct observation methods: __________ and time-sample recording.

interval recording

Remember, if you tell people to do something and they do, this _____ an example of reinforcement.


The longer the delay in providing reinforcement for a response, the _____ effective the reinforcer.


A generalized reinforcer is a reinforcer that is associated with __________ other reinforcers.


A generalized reinforcer is any conditioned reinforcer that is paired with __________ backup reinforcers.


Behavior analysts attempt to record behavioral data immediately after it is observed. This way they do not have to rely on their __________.


To deside whether the principle of immediacy was followed, ask, "was the event delivered within a ______ of the behavior (or while it was still occurring)?''


Because you can use it to get food, a new car, a place to live, and so many other backup reinforcers, what is the most obvious example of a generalized reinforcer? ___________.


An advantage to using time-sample recording is that with this technique it is possible to observe and record ________ behaviors or people at the same time.


If the participant is exposed to a single baseline and treatment condition, the experimenter is using a ___________ design.

multiple baseline

In order to be certain that a reinforcer caused the increase in behavior, you must use either a reversal or a ___________________ design.

multiple baseline

The counselor wanted to test the effects of praise on compliance to instructions. She began collecting data on several clients. The counselor praised Kim (one of her clients) for every instruction that Kim followed. A few weeks later, she started praising Jerry when he followed instructions. The counselor is using a _________________ design.

multiple baseline

The music instructor had Ms. Halberson wear headphones while she practiced. This seemed to improve her performance so the instructor had Mr. Smith do it and it seemed to help him too. Finally, the instructor had Mr. Sanders wear the headphones and his performance improved as well. The instructor is using what type of single-subject design? A ____________________ design.

multiple baseline

The two single-subject designs that can rule out alternative explanations of the behavior change are the reversal and ____________ designs.

multiple baseline

Vernon heard on the radio that daily praise was good for children. He immediately started praising his son on a daily basis. A week later, he started praising his daughter. A week after this, he started praising his dog. What kind of a single-subject design is Vernon using? A ___________________ design

multiple baseline

Vernon heard on the radio that daily praise was good for children. He immediately started praising his son on a daily basis. A week later, he started praising his daughter. A week after this, he started praising his dog. What kind of a single-subject design is Vernon using? A ___________________ design.

multiple baseline

An experimental design in which two behaviors are observed over baselines of different length prior to the introduction of the treatment is called a

multiple baseline design

Brad was helping Carol change several of her behaviors. He started by doing baseline observations on her interrupting and arguing behaviors for one month. During the second month, he gave her a wrist counter and asked her to count interrupting but not arguing. During the third month, he gave her a second wrist counter and asked to also count arguing behaviors. The two were happy to find that both behaviors decreased. What single subject experimental design was Brad using?

multiple baseline design

Which experimental design introduces the treatment at different times and also involves two or more behaviors, people, or settings?

multiple baseline design

Tactic #2 in using the aversive control strategy is to increase desirable behavior through ___________ reinforcement as a last resort.


Tactic #2 of the aversive control strategy is to increase desirable behavior through ____________ (negative, positive) reinforcement as a last resort.


After the election, Al Gore couldn`t stand the sight of George W. Bush. So, he sold his TV and started listening to the radio. Whenever he when to the mall, he stayed away from the appliance stores because he didn`t want to accidentally see President W`s image and he stayed away from the magazine racks and newspapers too. All of these activities seem to be maintained through the procedure of

negative reinforcement

In Mexico, one bus company has installed buzzers that sound when the driver exceeds the highway speed limit. It works pretty well, because the driver keeps his speed down most of the time (not only does he want to avoid the buzzer sound, but he wants to avoid everyone on the bus yelling at him when it sounds). What specific behavioral procedure has the bus company used to increase the probability that their drivers will obey the speed limit?

negative reinforcement

In the first Indiana Jones movie, Indy finds himself faced with a large boulder heading toward him. Indy runs like mad and narrowly avoided being crushed. Dr. Jones` behavior of running like mad when faced with a large boulder increased. This is an example of a ____________ procedure.

negative reinforcement

In the past, Ann never cut her fingernails. They were long and disgusting and would get in the way of everything. When she began a new job that involved working on computers, this became a problem. Her long nails would get caught in the keys and would tear off, causing her quite a bit of pain. She found that if she trimmed her nails she could avoid getting her nails caught. She increased cutting her nails to at least once a week. This would be an example of what behavioral procedure?

negative reinforcement

John is a computer programmer. He likes to work on databases. A few years ago he took two sick days in a row and it was rumored that he was not sick. John`s boss took him off the database project and put him on a graphics project (John hates graphics). Now, John is really sick but he goes to work anyway. If going to work is the target behavior, what SPECIFIC behavioral procedure explains why John is going to work even though he is sick?

negative reinforcement

Mike's parents "punished" him by sending him to bed early on any day that he hadn't done his homework. Mike started doing his homework. What procedure increased Mike's rate of doing homework?

negative reinforcement

The instructor does not like to see his college students disappointed, so he gives them lots of extra credit and curves the exams so that no one scores below a C (no matter how poorly they did on the exam). The instructor`s behavior seems to be maintained by what behavioral consequence?

negative reinforcement

Avoidance behavior prevents an event called ____________ from occurring.

negative reinforcer

One way that shaping is different from differential reinforcement is that shaping creates ____________ behaviors.


Faith was a high school student who was very interested in music. She always listened to music before tests and believed that it helped her do well on them. However, she wanted to see if this was true for her classmates as well. She set up an experiment where for one month her classmates took their tests like they usually did, without music. Then, for the next month her classmates listened to music 15 minutes prior to their tests. Does her particular experiment rule out alternative causes? (yes/no)


Fred and Charlie observed Murray's study behavior using the same definition but on different days. Is their agreement a measure of the reliability of their observations?


Is a generalized reinforcer defined as an event that can be used to reinforce a response as it generalizes to new situations?


Julie's roommates wanted to measure how often she sneezed while she did her homework. One of her roommates observed her during lunch and counted 15 sneezes while her other roommate observed her while she was on her computer and counted 11 sneezes. Can you conclude that the two sets of observations are reliable?


Would a skeptical audience believe you if you said that the treatment caused the behavior change in the treatment phase? (yes/no)


Figure 25-3 shows the number of card games that Ron played when Kelsey did not and did nag him. Divided? Stable? Convincing? Cause?

no yes no no

Figure 25-5 shows the number of hours that Dan practiced on the piano per week: Divided? Stable? Convincing? Cause?

no yes no no

In order for an applied behavior analyst to use extinction to decrease a problem behavior, he/she is going to have to be able to ensure that the reinforcer will __________ be delivered after the problem behavior occurs.


After one has defined the behavior to observe, one must then choose the appropriate method to ___________ it.


Private events are called "private" because only the person who experiences them can __________ them.


Direct observations require that the observer personally ____________ the behavior and ___________ it at that time.

observe record

John used interval recording to estimate the proportion of time his girlfriend spent talking about her work. John observed in 5 minute intervals. In the first interval, she talked about work 8 times. How many check-marks should John record in this observation interval?


The difference between a conditioned and a generalized reinforcer is that a conditioned reinforcer is paired with ________ backup reinforcer, whereas a generalized reinforcer is paired with __________ backup reinforcers.

one multiple

Drinking coffee takes many forms from day to day. Sometimes we drink from a paper cup. Sometimes from a ceramic cup. And sometimes from a styrofoam cup with a lid. Despite the different response topographies involved in drinking coffee from all of these different kinds of cups, behavior analysts classify all of these behaviors as members of the same class of ______________ behaviors because they are all maintained by the same reinforcer (coffee in the mouth).


Carly wants to see how effective the new "No Smoking" signs are. She doesn't have time to sit outside Hibbard Hall all day watching to see if people are smoking where it is prohibited. She decides to simply count the number of cigarette butts in the garbage cans close to the signs. Carly is using the _____________ method of direct observation.


Carol is interested in the behavior of her animators that she supervises for the Disney company. She doesn't have time to observe them as they work all day, so she decides to just record how many seconds of video tape they recorded at the end of each week. Carol is using the __________ recording technique.


Jim goes to the tailor to see if she has repaired his leather riding pants. When he gets the pants back, he inspects them only to find the hole in the seat is still there. Jim knows that the repairing behavior was never done. Jim has used the _____ recording technique.


The neighborhood boy who mows the lawn came by this morning asking for his $20 owed for mowing the day before. I paid him because the lawn looked nicely trimmed. Although I did not observe him mow the grass, I could see the ________ of his work.


Thomas can earn points exchangeable for money or privileges when he dresses himself in under 5 minutes. When his father wakes him up he says "Ready, go!" and 5 minutes later, comes in to see if Thomas is dressed. The father has chosen to use a(n) __________ method of direct observation.


_________ recording and event recording are used when the behavior is of a uniform length.


__________ recording involves observing the results of behavior, while __________ recording is the observation of every instance of behavior.

outcome event

Observation made on some physical result of a response rather than observation of the response itself is called

outcome recording

The easiest (i.e., the least labor and time intensive) direct observation method is _______________.

outcome recording

To decide whether the public areas of a building are clean enough, you might make up a checklist of things that should be clean and check once a day to see whether they are clean. You would be using what method of direct observing?

outcome recording

When an untrained observer reports observations from memory, we call the approach _______________ observation.


Bess called all kinds of pops "pop." On new years eve she saw her parents drinking champagne and asked if she could have some of her parents` "pop." Bess' behavior is a bit ____________________ given that she mislabeled the drink.


Every week, I must write 120 fill-in-the-blank questions like this one. On Thursday night, when I finish the last one, it feels great. I usually don`t work on next week`s questions for at least a couple days. This period of non-responding is called a post-reinforcement ____________.


B. F. Skinner believed that we should try to use _____________ rather than punishment as a procedure for controlling human behavior.

positive reinforcement

Avoidance is a behavior that _________ an aversive event from occurring.


Conditioned reinforcers are originally neutral stimuli but they acquire reinforcing power after they consistently precede ______________ reinforcers or other conditioned reinforcers.


Reinforcers that are innate are called _________________ reinforcers.


Spanking will always be a punisher unless it has been used too often recently. Therefore, behavior analysts classify it as a(n) ___________ punisher.


Any reinforcer that is weakened temporarily only by satiation is called a

primary reinforcer

Behavior analysts regard thinking, visualizing and feeling as ____________ events.


Behavior includes activities that are obvious and quite public. In addition, behavior includes activities that are subtle or internal. These are refered to as _________ events because they often can be observed only by you.


From a behavior analytic perspective, thinking and feeling are both examples of ___________.

private events

Mr. Jones claims little Violet has a messy locker because she is a slob. Mr. Jones is claiming that being a slob is causing Violet to not clean her locker. Ask yourself - is being a slob outside or inside of Violet? You should conclude that Mr. Jones is explaining Violet's lack of cleaning with a(n) _____________ (environmental, private) event. The problem with Mr. Jones' approach is that he still needs to ___________ why Violet is a slob.

private explain

When you are asked to identify instances of generalization and generalization training, generalization is a ________, and generalization training is a behavioral __________.

process procedure

The temporary use of a prompt to produce a generalization is called


Tommy's mother wanted to teach him the idea of "boy," so she showed him a picture of Ken and asked, "What kind of person is this-you know, like Daddy?" and reinforced him when he said "boy." She then gave him the hint less frequently until Tommy always said "boy" when showed a picture of Ken. She then repeated the procedure with a picture of Joe until he learned to call Joe a boy. Eventually, Tommy could label any picture of a young male as a boy. By adding the hint to the basic procedure, what procedure did his mother use?


If a prompt is used with generalization training, the procedure is called ____________; if a prompt is used with discrimination training, the procedure is called _____________.

programming fading

If a prompt is used with generalization training, the procedure is called ____________; if a prompt is used with discrimination training, the procedure is called _____________.`

programming fading

The differential reinforcement of a series of successive approximations to some target behavior is called


Dr. Phil helped a preschooler named Dave to play with shy children. He praised Dave when he played with shy children and ignored him when he played with normal children. Part of the procedure involved the teacher suggesting one of five ways of playing every 30 seconds. Each suggestion would be called a(n) _____________.


If a book asks a child to read a word like "cat" but shows the child a picture of a cat as a hint and then shows less and less of the cat in subsequent pages where the child must read the word, the picture of the cat would be called a(n) _________


You call an added stimulus that increases the probability of a person's making the correct response in the presence of a novel stimulus a(n)_____________.


Behavior analysis is the science that studies ___________ events that change behavior.


Gary used the new electric toothbrush. It tore up his gums pretty bad. He never used that toothbrush again. It appears that Gary`s choosing the electric toothbrush was _____________.


A consequence that decreases the probability of the response it follows is called a __________________.


Any event that follows a response and reduces the probability of that response's occurring is called a


Herb is a lawyer in the Bye, Goff & Rohde law firm. Early in his career he called the judge a raging b^%#@(*&. The judge ruled that he was out of order and ordered the baliff to slap him (no joke - it was quite a scene). Well, needless to say, he never said that in court again. How would you classify the slap as a behavioral consequence? It is a __________________.


Suppose that Baby Sally smiles sweetly at Mom. Suppose Mom delivers a spoonful of ice cream to Baby Sally. Suppose Baby Sally's rate of smiling decreases. Because delivery of the spoonful of ice cream follows the smile and decreases its rate, you would label this event as a(n) _________.


Suppose you get the same quiz question twice. If you got the answer wrong the first time, then you would surely not provide the same wrong answer the second time you saw the question. In this case, we can classify the printed word "WRONG" or the big red X as a ___________________.


According to Skinner (1953) the most common form of controlling human and animal behavior is _______________.


Barb used to throw tantrums often. Then mom started making her go to her room for a half hour when she threw one. Her rate of throwing tantrums decreased. What procedure did mom use to decrease Barb's rate of throwing tantrums?


Behavioral analysts don't consider negative reinforcement and ____________ to be the same.


If you withdraw a reinforcer (unrelated to an undesirable behavior) every time that particular undesirable behavior occurs and the undesirable behavior decreases, you are using what procedure?


If you withdraw an event contingent on a behavior and if the rate of that behavior decreases, the procedure is called


Jim broke the rule about dinner complaints, but a reminder didn't work to stop him complaining. The group decided to fine him a dollar in addition to the reminder, which worked. What procedure decreased Jim's complaining? __________


Peter used to drink beer after beer immediately upon arriving home from work. His wife begged him for months to stop doing it, but to avail. Finally, she decided to leave the house anytime that he drank beer, and she would stay gone until the next day. Peter has stopped drinking beer. What behavioral procedure did his wife use to decrease beer drinking?


Shock collars are very popular devices for keeping pets in the yard without having to install a fence. If the dog walks out of the yard, the collar delivers a painful electric shock. The shock collar employs a _______________ procedure.


Sue repeatedly said racist things in the presence of members of her group. One day she made a racist comment, and another member said, "Sue, that's ugly talk." She never repeated that comment again. Sue's racist comment was eliminated by what procedure?


Tactic #1 using the aversive control strategy is to decrease undesirable behavior through ____________ as a last resort.


Ted used to flirt with all the other women that he met. This greatly angered his girlfriend Katie, who finally decided to withhold all affection for him on any day that he flirted with someone else. Ted no longer flirts with other women. Katie decreased Ted's flirting by using a __________ procedure.


The child was asked to put down the Legos. He threw them to the ground and laughed. The parent said "You pick those up right now!" The child picks up the Legos and (more importantly for the present purposes) is less likely to throw down objects again when asked to put them down. The parent has used a(n) __________________ procedure.


To use the aversive control strategy, (1) decrease undesirable behavior through __________ as a last resort.


When Ivar Lovaas worked with children with autism he frequently slapped the table and yelled "NO!" if the child started engaging in "autistic-like" behaviors when they should have been cooperating with the instructor. This produced a rapid decrease in "autistic-like" behaviors and allowed the instructor to continue teaching more appropriate behaviors. Lovaas used a(n) _________________ procedure.


Name two procedures that reduce the frequency of a behavior.

punishment and extinction

Brittany loved to flirt. Her new interest was Keith. Whenever she flirted with him, he never responded. Brittany didn't get the hint and continued to flirt with him. Finally, Keith began to walk away from her when she started to talk to him. Brittany stopped approaching Keith after he walked away from her on two different occasions. What procedure did Keith use to eliminate her approaches?

punishment by contingent withdrawal

If Samantha watches Joe only when he arrives home, then we say that Joe's arrival home exerts _______ _______ over Samantha's watching.

stimulus control

James got grounded when he soaped the neighbor`s car. He was not allowed to spend time with his friends outside of school, could not talk on the telephone, and could not watch TV. James never soaped the neighbor`s car again. What behavior procedure accounts for this decrease in soaping (be specific)?

punishment by contingent withdrawal

Little Cassie sometimes threw a temper tantrum if she could not have a cookie when she wanted it. When she threw a temper tantrum, her father carried her upstairs to her room and made her stay there until well after she had finished her tantrum. Cassie no longer throws temper tantrums. What behavioral procedure did her father use? ____________.

punishment by contingent withdrawal

Renee drew a beautiful picture of her family on the walls of her bedroom. Her mother took Renee`s crayons away and told her that she could not use them for the rest of the day (she got them back the next day). Renee has not colored on the walls for several weeks. This is an example of what behavioral procedure?

punishment by contingent withdrawal

The procedure of withdrawing an event following a behavior, resulting in a decrease in the rate of behavior is called ____________.

punishment by contingent withdrawal

Tommy was playing golf in his front yard with his little brother Skip. When it was Skip's turn he hit the ball as hard as he could and it flew into their neighbors window and broke it. Tommy's parents made him pay for the broken window, and now Tommy hardly ever plays golf with his brother. Behavior analyst would call this procedure _________.

punishment by contingent withdrawal

Whenever Sam drew on the wall with his crayon's his mom would make him go to his room. Now Sam no longer draws on the wall with his crayons anymore. What procedure did Sam's mom use?

punishment by contingent withdrawal

If a question asks for a procedure whereby a stimulus follows a behavior and decreases its rate, then you know from the word "procedure" to answer ______________. If a question asks for an event that follows a behavior and decreases its rate, you know from the word "event" to answer ____________.

punishment punisher

If a behavior is reduced in frequency by removing an event usually in the person's environment any time that the behavior occurs, the name of the procedure is [a] if a behavior is reduced in frequency by stopping the delivery of an event that had followed the behavior in the past, the name of the procedure is [b]

punishment; extinction

To use the aversive control strategy, (1) decrease undesirable behavior through [a] or (2) increase desirable behavior through [b] reinforcement as a last resort.

punishment; negative

To decide whether the principle of deprivation was followed rather than violated, ask, "has the reinforcer __________ been delivered?"


If you use a ratio that is too high, the person often stops responding. This is known as ________________.

ratio strain

Max is on a schedule of reinforcement that is determined by the number of responses made. If the number of responses required by him are so large that his behavior is not maintained, we can say that __________ has occurred.

ratio strain

If people are reinforced only every 500 responses, their responding may become erratic and slower. This consequence is known as

ratio strain.

Direct observations are made by observers who personally see (or hear) the behavior and immediately ___________ it.


Carrie made a deal with herself. For every page of her boring physics book that she read, she would let herself eat a piece of licorice. This seems to be working pretty well because Carrie reads all the materials and she reads them faster than she did before! What procedure did Carrie use?


During the depths of the 30-month drought, the Phoenicians began praying to a new golden idol. After 2 weeks of prayer and sacrifice, the drought breaks with an evening shower. For years to come, the Phoenicians pray to the golden idol. The procedure described here is called _________.


Fred`s presentation topic was _______________. He knew he would have to say something about the procedure by which consequences increase the probability of the behaviors they follow.


Gail liked to go dancing, but Harvey almost never took her. She finally started nagging him like the hounds of hell until he would say, "All right, we'll go dancing tonight" Harvey takes her dancing more often now. What procedure did Gail use to increase Harvey taking her dancing? ___________


Henry was dating Jill who was extremely ticklish. Every time Henry tickled Jill she screamed and sometimes even got mad at him. She absolutely hated when he tickled her, and she wasn't afraid to tell him that. Whenever she screamed or yelled at him, Henry would tickle her even more. What behavioral procedure explains Henry's increase of tickling?


In child-development research, a mobile hanging above the infant's crib is tied by a string to the infant's toe. When the child moves its leg, the mobile moves. Researchers have found that infants will move their legs a lot under these conditions. Developmental psychologists call this "self-awareness." Behavior analysts call this the procedure of ______________.


Laura asked stupid questions that caused the professor to get angry. He tried ignoring her questions, but they just kept coming (and they continued to be dumb questions). Ignoring Laura`s questions is an example of what behavioral procedure?


One of the side-effects of punshment that Azrin and Holtz discovered was that the organism will attempt to escape from the aversive stimulus resulting in an increase of the escape behavior. What behavioral procedure does this side-effect describe?


Our dogs learned that most of the time when they would come in from outside there would be a tasty treat in their food dish (we use the food dish as a food garbage disposal). We noticed a pronounced increase in their rate of standing by the door (this is what they do when they want to go outside). What behavioral procedure probably accounts for this increase?


Right before dinner Tommy was craving some pineapple juice and sliced tomatoes. He decided to bug his mom until she gave him the snack. Although she resisted at first, she ultimately gave in. From then on Tommy bugged his mom more often for a snack before dinner. What procedure caused Tommy's increase in begging? ___________


The procedure of having an event follow a behavior and increase its rate is called


The procedure that a teacher would be using if she reinforces a student for a particular behavior, and the behavior subsequently increases, is called__________.


Tom's only problem was that he was always griping about the food at the frat. When he griped, people argued with him. The more they argued, the more he griped. What behavioral procedure did the other frat members use to increase his rate of griping?


When James was young, he started talking with his father about his day at school. His father usually listened and asked questions. James started talking with his father more often as a result. What behavioral procedure was James` father using?


When the children teased Percy about his name, he cried and told this teacher. Nonetheless, the children teased Percy a lot after that (and Percy would cry each time). What behavioral procedure appears to explain why all this teasing is going on? (it's not one of the 4 principles of reinforcer efficacy).


Differential reinforcement involves two basic procedures. They are _________ and _________.

reinforcement extinction

Differential reinforcement is the combination of two procedures commonly used by behavior analysts. This first is ________________ and the second is _________________.

reinforcement extinction

The two behavioral procedures that are involved in differential reinforcement are :______________ and _______________.

reinforcement extinction

differential reinforcement involves two basic behavioral procedures. They are ___________ and _____________.

reinforcement extinction

When you arrange to deliver an event after each instance of a behavior, thereby increasing the rate of behavior, you refer to the procedure as ___________ and the event as a _____________.

reinforcement reinforcer

_________________ is the process/procedure by which behavior is followed by a _________________ and the behavior is more likely to occur again in the future under similar circumstances.

reinforcement reinforcer

A consequence that increases the probability of the response it follows is called a __________________.


A event/stimulus that follows behavior and increases the future probability of the behavior is called a _____________.


Amber barely studied for her first behavior analysis quiz. When she looked at her grade, she almost cried when she saw she had gotten a 50%. The following day she had extra time and decided to study for at least an hour. When she checked her grade after her second quiz, she was ecstatic to see she had gotten a 100%! In the future, she was more likely to study for all of her quizzes. Her good grade acted as a ________ for her studying behavior.


An event that seems unpleasant but never-the-less increases the rate of a behavior that it follows would be classified as a(n) ______________.


By entering the numbers 938-1688 on the telephone, little Jimmy got to listen to a story on the library`s story line. After heading his first story, Jimmy now makes it a point to call the story line at least twice a week. The stories appear to function as a(n) ________________.


Carrie got upset with her boyfriend when he burped (especially in public!). Even though she kept hitting him and telling him to stop it, he just kept burping in front of her. Then Carrie decided to ignore the gross behavior. After she ignored it for about two weeks, she saw that he hardly ever burped anymore. It appears that all that hitting and yelling had been functioning as a __________________.


Dr. Ayllon instructed long-term mental patients to pick up and use eating utensils at meals. This was largely ineffective until they gave tokens for following instructions. Most patients then began using utensils. Because giving tokens increased the rate of instructed behavior, the token is called a(n) ________________.


If an event follows a behavior and increases its rate, it is called a


In order to call something instructional training, it has to have a verbal description, the instructed behavior, and a __________________.


Jimmy loves to play baseball but he`s not very good at it. Jimmy watches the Yankees playing on ESPN and sees how their shortstop gets in front of ground balls. Jimmy tries this the next time he is faced with a ground ball and it works! He was able to stop the ball and threw out the runner at first base. Jimmy has been getting in front of grounders ever since. His stopping of the ball appears to have functioned as a(n) _____________.


Jimmy was acting up and his mom sent him to his room. In his room he has the option of watching TV, listening to music, or playing his Gameboy. Jimmy acts up as often as he always has. The consequence of being sent to his room is a(n) _______________.


Johnny gave Beth flowers on Valentines day, and she gave him a big kiss in return.... from that day on, Johnny brought Beth a flower every day. Beth's kiss must have functioned as a _______ for Johnny.


One exception to the principle of immediacy is that a delayed ________ can be effective if you immediately signal that it will be delivered at a later time.


The consequence of putting on headphones that are connected to an iPod is music. If you listen to music often, then we would classify this consequence as a(n) ____________________.


When Marie wore her hair in a pony tail, her husband said "Honey, what did you do different? You look great." Marie wears her hair in a pony tail more often. The husband`s compliment can be classified as a(n) ___________.


A _________________ is the consequence or event that increases the future probability of the behavior it follows. _______________ is the procedure of delivering these consequences contingent upon behavior.

reinforcer reinforcement

A _________________ is the consequence that increases the future probability of the behavior it follows. _______________ is the procedure of delivering these consequences contingent upon behavior.

reinforcer reinforcement

In Canada the cigarette manufacturers are required to put photographs of cancerous organs on the outside of the cigarette packs. Gary is a teenage smoker. He has a collection of cigarette packs with diseased lungs, spleen, heart, etc. Gary buys a lot of cigarettes so he can add more pictures to his collection (in fact, Gary doesn't even smoke, he just thinks the gross looking organs are cool). The Canadian government`s program is obviously not working (if the objective is to decrease cigarette sales) on Gary because these pictures are functioning as ___________________.


Using extinction to reduce undesired behavior involves removing the ___________ that maintain these behaviors.


A crucial step for instructional training is when the learner emits the instructed behavior and the teacher ______ it.


A friend is someone who ___________________ your behavior often. Because they do so, this makes them plesant to be around and you try to spend more time with them.


Behaviorists tend to _____________ (accept or reject) private events as causes of human and animal behavior.


A stimulus class consists of a set of __________ stimuli.


If two students measure the amount of time their professor talks about himself during the same class period, the extent to which their observations are the same is a measure of the ___________________ of their data.


The extent of agreement between two sets of observations is called their ____________.


When two observers use the same behavioral definition and agree that a behavior occurred, the observations are said to be ______________.


Differential reinforcement teaches a person what ________ to make.


Outcome recording involves observing some relatively lasting _________ of the response.


Bob observed Ruby's rate of smoking during three different periods: before the case shocked her, while the case shocked her, and after the case shocked her. Bob used what type of design to study the effect of the shocks on Ruby's smoking? __________ design


Burger King's sales of kids meals was so-so. They saw a huge increase in sales after they added Pokemon toys to their kids meals. When the toys were later removed, sales declined. Burger King concluded the toys were an effective way to increase sales and so reintroduced the toys. Burger King used a ______________ design.


Marge tested whether Ann studied better with the radio on or off. During baseline, the radio was off. During the treament phase, the radio was turned up to 5. During the final phase the radio was turned off again. Marge used a ______________ design (one of the single-subject designs).


Suppose Megan gets 50% on her math tests when she doesn't gets hugs from Mom. When Mom starts hugging her, she gets 90% on her tests. Then Mom stops hugging her again and she gets 50% again. The name for this experimental design would be ___________.


The advantage of the __________ design is that it can rule out alternative explanations of the observed behavior change.


The design in which you measure a behavior before the treatment is introduced, while the treatment is in place, and after the treatment is withrawn is called a ___________ design.


The two single-subject designs that can rule-out alternative explanations of the behavior change are the ___________ and multiple-baseline designs.


Young Professor Lagorio was a messy child. Her parents cringed every time they saw her bedroom. They would ask her to clean her room, but she refused. They decided to give her a quarter every time she cleaned her room when they asked. Little Professor Lagorio began cleaning her room a lot more. After awhile her parents realized that they could not continue to pay her forever, so they went back to asking her without giving her a quarter. Little Lagorio's cleaning decreased. This experiment is an example of what type of single-subject design?


Mrs. Whalen observed Penny's study behavior prior to praising it, while she praised it, and after she had stopped praising it. What experimental design was she using?

reversal design

The design in which a behavior is observed during a baseline, during a treatment condition, and finally, during a return to baseline, is called a

reversal design

Kari told Ryan that if he took out the garbage they could go sledding. Ryan had just gone sledding the day before. Ryan did not take out the garbage as he was asked. This likely due to the fact that he was


Note that a conditioned reinforcer will no longer be effective if the person has had so much of the backup reinforcer recently that the primary reinforcer has temporarily lost its effectiveness because of the person being __________ with it.


Carey had not learned to read at the fourth-grade level during the regular school year. To avoid Carey's repeating the grade, her parents volunteered to get her to finish three books during the summer. Her parents gave Carey 1 point for each page she completed. Carey could exchange 10 points for ice cream. Carey read about five pages a day, averaging 1 ice cream cone every other day. This worked, but the points might become ineffective. Let's imagine that Carey started reading so much she could earn 10 ice cream cones a day, her reading might decrease because she would become ______________ on the ice cream. Because the points in this example could be exchanged only for ice cream, they would be an example of a(n) ______________ reinforcer.

satiated conditioned

A primary punisher is a punisher that loses its effectiveness only through _________.


A primary reinforcer is a reinforcing event that loses its effectiveness only temporarily through _______________.


Direct observation has two features: an observer personally _______ the behavior and immediately __________ it.

sees records

An easy, but notoriously inaccurate method of gathering information about behavior is called ____________________ observation.


Behavior analysts ask a person to directly observe their own behavior by personally seeing and immediately recording it. They call this approach direct observation. If they let the person write their observations from memory, then they would call this approach _______________ observation.


During college, there are 100, 200, 300, and 400-level courses. The idea behind this is that freshman focus on 100-level courses, sophomores on 200-level, etc., and each level increases in difficulty as you progress through your undergrad career. Through this progress, your behavior is being _______________, with some behaviors becoming more fluent and others becoming less likely (such as not reading required materials). Interestingly, while you may think that a 200-level course (such as statistics) is challenging when you're taking it, as you get into 300- and 400-level classes you'll look back at those 200-level classes like they were a breeze!


At first, Henry's teacher praised him greatly whenever he wrote a short story. He wrote several stories 10 pages long. Later, Henry's teacher praised Henry only when he wrote stories 20 pages long and paid no attention to his shorter stories. By this method, the teacher eventually got Henry writing 50 page stories. What behavioral procedure did the teacher use to teach Henry to write 50-page stories?


Dad started by surprising Tanya with $5 only when she scored over 60% on her Math quizzes. Then, he gave Tanya $5 only when she scored over 70%. Eventually, he gave her money only when she scored over 90%. Dad was using the procedure of


For the first step, Dr. Babcock paid Kayla only when she smoked less than 46 cigarettes a day. For the second step, Dr. Babcock paid her only when she smoked less than 43 per day. Dr. Babcock continued with many additional steps until paying her only when she smoked less than 15 per day. Dr. Babcock used what overall procedure to get from first to last step?


In a Research Methods course, students first learn to write a Methods section (Participants, Apparatus, and Procedures). In the next paper, they learn how to conduct library research and write an Introduction (in addition to writing the Methods section). At this point in the semester, if they were to turn in only a Methods section, they would receive a very bad grade. On the final paper, they learn to write a Discussion section. On each paper they receive positive feedback about the well-written portions while no positive feedback is given for the poorly written sections. In the end, they can write a complete APA-formatted research report. What behavioral procedure is being employed in this course?


Michael, a 7-year old, looked up to his older brother Mark, who was very good at basketball. Michael wanted to learn how to play, so Mark agreed to teach him to shoot a free-throw. First, he showed Michael how to shoot the ball. Then, he had him shoot until he made ten shots right by the basket. Every time Michael made a basket, Mark would praise him. After ten made shots, Mark would move him back a little bit and have him make ten more shots. This process continued until Michael was shooting from the free-throw line. What behavioral procedure did Mark use to teach Michael to shoot a free throw?


Mom wanted Jenny to brush her teeth better. On the first night, when Jenny brushed her front teeth only, Mom said "nice job." The next night, she didn't say "nice job" when Jenny brushed her front teeth but she did when when brushed her back teeth also. After requiring better and better performance over several nights, Jenny became a good brusher. What procedure did Mom use?


In a ____________ experiment, the focus is on the individual rather than the average of an entire group`s behavior.

single subject

To use the behavioral strategy: 1) create a behavioral definition, 2) use a method of direct observation, 3) check the reliability and social validity of your observations, and 4) design a _________ ___________ experiment.

single subject

According to the textbook, for it to be classified as differential reinforcement, there must be two or more physically different behaviors occuring in one _______________.


After Danny got skilled at writing his name, his father said that he was no longer going to give him $1 for writing his name; he would only give him 25-cents. Danny stopped writing his name except when asked to do so at school. What principle of effective reinforcement did Danny's dad violate?


An intermittent schedule of reinforcement that states "the more worthwhile the amount of an event that is delivered after the desired behavior, the more effective it will be" is called the principle of


Andi does not like chocolate. Andi's mother told her that she will get a surprise if her room gets cleaned. Andi cleans her room, and then Andi's mother immediately gives her a bar of chocolate. Andi no longer cleans her room when her mother offers her a "surprise". Andi's mother has clearly violated the principle of _____.


To decide whether the principle of ____ was followed, ask, "Was the amount of the reinforcement used worthwhile?"


Carol provides the following behavioral definition of drunkeness: The inability to adequately speak to a woman with the respect she deserves. This behavioral definition is lacking in _____________ ___________ because outside judges would probably not agree that this adequately describes all instances of drunkeness.

social validity

Correlating ratings by outside judges with observations by observers trained to use a particular behavioral definition is called determining the ___________ of the definition.

social validity

If Tommy has learned to call the funny little car a "beetle" but not the long sleek car, we say that the funny little car exerts _________________ over his behavior of calling it a "beetle."

stimulus control

Dr. Brown developed a behavioral definition of generosity. He asked a number of non-behaviorists to rate the generosity of several individuals appearing in videotape recordings. If he compared their ratings of generosity with the level of generosity according to his behavioral definition, he would be able to determine the __________ of his definition.

social validity

Dr. Smith showed his behavioral definition of senility to the directors of three area nursing homes. They all agreed that the definition was appropriate. Dr. Smith is trying to establish the ________________ of his behavioral definition.

social validity

Fred felt that it was important to determine whether the behaviors that he was observing and calling studying would be regarded by others as studying. He had a panel of individuals observe several student who were studying according to his definition and several who were not to see if the panel would agree with his definition. Fred is attempting to determine the ____________ of his definition of studying.

social validity

Mrs. Anderson had a rowdy first grade classroom. She imposed discipline on any students who were not sitting quietly at their desk with hands folded in their lap. Mrs. Anderson observed the rate of behaving properly before and after her discipline. She also asked a group of parents who had visited the classroom before and after the new discipline to rate the degree exhibiting acceptable school-children behavior. The parents rated it high before and low after because children can't write anything if their hands are in their laps. The degree of correlation between the parents' ratings and Mrs. Anderson's observations is a measure of

social validity

Reliability is an estimate of the accuracy of your observations, whereas __________ __________ refers to whether you are actually measuring what you intended to measure.

social validity

To use the behavioral strategy: 1) create a behavioral definition, 2) use a method of direct observation, 3) check the reliability and ________ _________ of your observations, and 4) design a single-subject experiment.

social validity

There are three behavioral procedures used to decrease the frequency of behaviors: 1) extinction, 2) punishment by contingent ___________, and 3) punishment by contingent withdrawal.


Fading is a method of gradually changing the __________ in a situation. Shaping is a method of gradually changing the _____________ in a situation.

stimulus behavior

A set of related stimuli is called

stimulus class

The collection of all works of art would be considered a

stimulus class

If Grace watches for Alex only when Alex comes home in the evening, then we say Alex's arrival home exerts ________ ______ over Grace's watching him.

stimulus control

If Tommy learns to say "forty-nine" when asked "What is the square root of seven?" but not when asked for the square root of other numbers, we would say that the question "What is the square root of seven?" has come to exert _________ over his behavior of saying "49."

stimulus control

During extinction, the delivery of reinforcers for the target behavior must be _________________.


Behavior does not refer just to obvious activities but also to activities that are __________.


Coach wanted to teach Tyler how to do really good, fast basketball moves. He decided to start by teaching him some very slow steps. Doing basketball moves slowly would be a(n) ____________ to doing faster moves.

successive approximation

When conducting an experiment on behavior, you should continue to collect baseline data until there is no ____________ in the data over time.

systematic change

In shaping, the behavior analyst continues to differentially reinforce behaviors until the ___________ behavior is reached.


Dr. Marl helped Paul reduce his rate of smoking from 20 cigarettes per day during baseline to 5 after treatment, which Paul was okay with. In this example, 5 cigarettes per day is called the

target behavior

Normally, the person who wants to implement a shaping procedure will specify a ______________ (or goal) of the shaping.

target behavior

The goal of shaping is to produce a specified behavior called a

target behavior

Tom's goal was to teach Mona how to play a particular chord on the guitar step by step. He first praised her only when she help it correctly, next only when she strummed a particular chord. Tom's goal of Mona playing a particular chord is called the __________________ that he was trying to teach.

target behavior

Wendy agreed to encourage Carol to speak more loudly as a step toward helping her to become more assertive. Wendy's goal was to get Carol to speak loudly enough so she could be heard 10 feet away. At first, Wendy praised Carol only if she could hear her from 2 feet away; later, only if she could hear her from 5 feet away; finally, only if she could hear her from 10 feet away. Hearing her from 10 feet away would be an example of a(n) ___________

target behavior

Tom told his son, Bobby, to go out and rake leaves. Bobby went outside but raked pretty slowly (one bag in 2 hours). Tom told Bobby that he would pay his $1 per bag. In the next two hours, Bobby raked 6 bags. Data collected in the second 2-hour period is called __________ data.


Andy praised and hugged his daughter Becca when she tried to say "Dada." At first, he praised her only when she said something that started with "da," later only when she said both the "da" and a following "da." In this example, the word "Dada" is called the ____________________ that Andy wants to teach. By teaching her through a series of steps, Andy is using what procedure to get Becca to say "Dada"?_________________. What schedule of reinforcement would you recommend that Andy use when he tries to teach Becca to say "Dada"?

target behavior shaping continuous

Escape is a procedure in which a negative reinforcer is _______ following a response.


An escape response is any response that _________ a negative reinforcer.


What principle of effective reinforcement is determined by asking, "was the amount of the event used worthwhile?"

the principle of size

If a person is taken out of some reinforcing situation after they emit a behavior, this is a form of punishment by contingent withdrawal that is called what specifically?

time out

Mrs. Wilson's six children were not brushing their teeth properly. She began observing them each night as they all brushed together. She broke the one minute that they usually brushed into very brief intervals (about 5 seconds). Then she looked at one child during each of these intervals to see if that child was using the recommended round-stroking method. If they were, she made a check mark for that child. Mrs. Wilson is using the ____________ recording method.

time sample

Trial reliability can always be used in interval and ________ __________ recording.

time sample

Ronald`s professor told him to try harder, so he did. The professor told him that he must try harder still, and he did. The professor kept pushing Ronald and Ronald continued to meet professors demands. What procedure is the professor using to improve Ronald`s behavior?


Carla is a graduate student in school psychology. Her first day of an internship involves collecting data on the problem behavior of her new clients: four emotionally disturbed children in a special education classroom. Carla looks at the first student for 20 seconds, and then takes 10 seconds to record her observation. She then spends 20 seconds on the second child and 10 seconds to record data. This is repeated over and over for 2 hours. Carla is using the ________________ method of direct observation.

time sample recording

Interval recording is used when the observation intervals are continuous, whereas _______ recording is used with a series of discontinuous intervals.

time sample recording

Janet was concerned that her infant child was spending too much time sleeping on her stomach. Because she didn't have enough time to watch her baby sleep all the time (she needed to sleep too, you know), she decided to peek in on her child and record her sleeping position once every 30 minutes or so. Janet is using what method of direct observation?

time sample recording

Karen is extremely annoyed by her roommate's laugh and has decided to find out exactly how often a day she has to endure the cackle. Karen observes her roommate's laugh for 30 minute intervals, three times throughout the day and finds that her roommate is laughing 55% of the time - no wonder she is so annoyed. What method of observation did Karen use?

time sample recording

Mrs. Schmidt wants to observe the amount of time each of her 27 students spends on-task during the computerized instruction component of her class day. She decides to observe a student for 15 seconds, record whether he/she was on task or not, and then switch to another student. Mrs. Schmidt has chosen the ________ method of direct observation.

time sample recording

Mrs. Schmidt wants to observe the amount of time each of her 27 students spends on-task during the computerized instruction component of her class day. She decides to observe each student for 5 seconds, record whether he/she was on task or not, and then switch to another student. Mrs. Schmidt has chosen the _______________ method of direct observation.

time sample recording

Peter is convinced that eating sugar increases hyperactivity in children. To test this hypothesis, he feeds 18 children 60 grams of sugar. Using an agreed upon behavioral definition of hyperactivity, Peter observes each of the 18 children for just a few seconds each. If the child observed at that moment is engaging in a hyperactive behavior, Peter notes that hyperactivity occurred. In the end, Peter finds that the kids were engaged in hyperactive behaviors about 45% of the time. Peter used the _____________ method of direct observation.

time sample recording

Mr. Levin observed five ground-keepers to determine whether they were working. He first observed Ken for 30 seconds, then shifted to Diane for 30 seconds, and so on for the other 3 workers. He started over again every two and a half minutes. What method of direct observation of he using? __________


Recording whether or not a behavior occurs during each of a series of discontinuous intervals is called

time-sample recording

A commonly used procedure (frequently seen in homes and classrooms) for delivering generalized reinforcers is the ____________ economy.


When working with nonverbal autistic children, one of the first things taught is generalized __________________. By teaching this first, the behavior therapist can get the child to make rudimentary vocalizations when the therapist says "Say Mom." From there, the behavior therapist can use shaping.


The baseline is a record of a behavior before the ________ condition.


Kip and Justin were to observe whether or not Drew looked at the television while doing his homework. They divided the time into 5-second intervals where Kip and Justin would mark down whether or not the behavior occurred. After the observations were taken, they wanted to assess their reliability. In this case, Kip and Justin would use ____________ reliability.


Ursula and Harvey used time-sample recording to observe 14 children in a classroom. When they calculate their reliability they should use _______________ reliability.


Juan and Carla are recording 5 different behaviors that their son Jimmy is supposed to do each day: Tasks: Dishes Laundry Homework Shine Shoes Cook Here are their data over a 5-day period indicating whether their son completed his tasks: -------------------------------------------------------------- Juan: YES YES NO NO YES Carla: NO YES NO NO NO -------------------------------------------------------------- What type of reliability should they be calculating?

trial reliability

True or False: Aversive stimulation will not decrease the probability of a target behavior unless it is delivered contingent upon the target response.


True or False: Your eyes focus in the same way and scan from left to right no matter what you are reading. Although there may be slight differences in line length, print, size, illustrations, and even type arrangement, the minor variations in movement required usually do not justify regarding the behaviors as different.


True/False: An exception to the principle of immediacy is that a delayed reinforcer can be effective if the person is able to describe the relation between their behavior and the delayed reinforcer.


Outcome recording and event recording are typically used when the behavior is of a __________ length.


"Jim, put that stick down before you poke your eye out." Jim puts the stick down. Jim`s mom`s verbalization can be classified as a(n) __________________.


Alice was given $10 to clean the garage. In the Fall, Alice`s dad said he would give her $10 to clean the garage again. She refused. The $10 is an example of what?


Billy wanted Sally to like him and talk to him, so he decided to give her compliments every day after their psychology class. Sally still wouldn't talk to Billy. What procedure did Billy use?


Bob came over for dinner. We had chili, and he said he liked it a lot. Nonetheless, he never came over for dinner again when I made chili. If the behavior of interst is coming for dinner when I make chili, then the chili seems to be functioning as a(n) _________________.


Byrne put her finger in the light socket. She got a dreadful shock and never did that again. What behavioral procedure explains this decrease in behavior?


Coach praised little-league football player Brett when he carried out his plays and ignored him when he didn't. If the procedure did not improve the correct carrying out of plays, you would label the procedure __________.


Dylan loves frogs. He always catches them and brings them into the house to show his mom. His mom always tells him to keep the frogs outside; she even takes away his bedtime snack every time he brings a frog into the house. Dylan continues to bring frogs inside just as often as before. What procedure did his mom use?


Gary found that when he smiled to Jane on Tuesday, she was nice to him and smiled back. When Gary smiled at Dorothy on Thursday, she never returned the smile and was no nicer (same big ol' toothless smile). After a while, Gary learned not to waste his smiles on Dorothy. What behavioral procedure accounts for Gary smiling only to Jane and not smiling to Dorothy?


Howard's swearing bothered his friend Barbara. So every time he swore, she gave him a look designed to singe his eyebrows. Howard's rate of swearing remains unchanged. What behavioral procedure d Barbara use with respect to Howard's swearing? _________


If Mother spanks Jessica each time she pesters her for a cookie and her rate of pestering doesn't change, then the use of spanking would be an example of what behavioral procedure? __________.


If a normally aversive event follows a behavior and causes no change in behavior, this stimulus is labelled a(n) ______________.


Jamie instructed her boyfriend to stop feeding dead rats to her snake (her snake prefers live rats). Her boyfriend did what she said. It is apparent that Jamie`s instruction functioned as a(n) ___________________.


Jerry gave Samantha a withering look every time she suggested he go on a diet. Samantha is still suggesting that Jerry go on a diet (the rate of behavior has not changed). Jerry's withering look is an event called a(n) ____________.


Jerry was eating Jelly Belly jellybeans. He ate a green one (Margarita). It tasted good. He ate a yellow one (buttered popcorn). It tasted horrible. Jerry is careful in the future to eat green and avoid yellow Jelly Bellies. What behavioral procedure explains Jerry's behavior?


John would be a star swimmer if he would only practice more. The coach talked with him and praised him when he practiced, but John still didn`t practice enough. Finally, the coach told him in no uncertain terms to practice. John`s rate of practicing increased dramatically. The coach`s talk is an example of what behavioral procedure?


Krista's cigarette case was rigged to give her a painful shock every time she opened it to remove a cigarette. Krista still smoked as much as ever. What procedure is the case administering to Krista:_________.


Laura often asked off topic questions that caused the professor to get angry. He tried ignoring her questions, but they just kept coming (and they continued to be irrelevant to the lecture). Ignoring Laura`s questions is an example of what behavioral procedure?


Mary doesn't talk to Larry when he gets drunk and makes a fool of himself. Larry gets drunk and makes a fool out of himself just as often as before. What behavioral procedure did Mary use?


Michael Bolton was sick of people making fun of his name. Anytime someone made fun of his name he punched them. People still make fun of his name. What procedure did Michael use to change their behavior:_________.


My neighbor likes to tell me all about his fishing trips. I am careful not to act interested. It has been 6 months since I started ignoring his fishing stories but he keeps telling them. What procedure accounts for my neighbor`s behavior?


Ralph wanted Stephanie to smile more often. So every time that she smiled, he told her how good she looked. Stephanie didn't smile any more often even after a few months of compliments. What behavioral procedure was Ralph using?


The manager at Best Buy gave his employees tickets to the movies whenever they sold more than $1000 worth of stereo equipment in a day. Although the manager has had this policy in place for 4 weeks, he has seen no increase in sales. The theatre tickets must be classified as a(n) ______________.


Tilly grabbed for whatever she wanted at dinner. Dad started giving her a lecture on manners each time Tilly grabbed. Tilly continues to grab for what she wants. Dad used the procedure of _____________.


Tommy`s mother tells him to make his bed every day, and this instruction greatly increases the probability that he will make his bed. This scenario is classified as a(n) __________________.


We used to let our dogs lick us in the mouth. Then we heard on the radio that this causes your teeth to rot, so we stopped. This procedure is called __________________.


When Jeremy uses a profane word, his mother washes his mouth out with soap and his father smacks him in the back of the head. Before his parents adopted this policy, he said about 25 curse words a day. Now he says about the same number (25/day). The consequences delivered to Jeremy when using profane language are examples of ___________________.


When Thurmond moved up north, no one paid any attention to his racially prejudiced statements. However, his statements did not decrease in rate. What behavioral procedure was being applied to his prejudiced behavior?


When mom said to stop throwing rocks in the neighbors pool, we all stopped. Mom used what behavioral procedure to produce this rapid decline in our behavior?


An effective conditioned reinforcer must be paired with a backup reinforcer. However, a conditioned reinforcer loses its effectiveness permanently if it is repeatedly presented ___________ with its backup reinforcers.


If a reinforcer is delivered to people for their first response after differing periods of time, they are said to be on what specific schedule?


What two schedules of reinforcement provide uniform rates of responding?

variable-interval schedule ; variable-ratio schedule

Dani cleans the dishes every night. Some pots require a very light scrubbing, whereas others must be scrubbed many times before they are clean. If scrubbing is the target behavior and a clean dish is the reinforcer, then Dani`s scrubbing is on a(n) ______________ schedule of reinforcement (identify the specific schedule type).


For most instructors, hearing a student say something insightful is a powerful reinforcer. Not every question yields an insightful answer; in fact, its hard to tell when the next good answer is coming. One thing is for sure, though, if we don`t ask questions, we won`t hear any insightful statements. What specific schedule of reinforcement maintains asking questions (insightful statements are the reinforcers)?


Henry was particularly interested in pictures of birds. When he looked through a book of photos, he skipped those that did not include birds. What specific schedule of intermittent reinforcement was his picture-looking behavior on?


If Drew is reinforced after a varying number of responses, he is on a(n)__________ schedule of reinforcement (be specific).


If a person is reinforced after varying numbers of responses, what schedule of reinforcement is being used?


Slot machines operate according to a(n) __________ schedule of reinforcement (please name one of the four schedules covered in the text).


The specific schedule on which reinforcement is delivered after different numbers of responses each time is called the ________________ schedule. The specific schedule on which reinforcement is delivered after the same number of responses each time is called the _______________ schedule.

variable-ratio fixed-ratio

Instructional training involves explaining to someone how to do something. That explanation is called a _____________ description.


Lifeguard Mara told swimmers at the beach how they could protect themselves from sunburn. You would label the explanation as giving a(n) _____________. Mara demonstrated how to avoid sunburn by wearing t-shirts, sunglasses, hats, zinc oxide, and sun screen. You would label her demonstration as a(n) ______________.

verbal description imitative stimulus

Instructional training involves explaining to someone how to perform a behavior. You call the explanation a(n) ____________. You call the learner's correct performance the instructed behavior. The teacher then must __________ the instructed behavior.

verbal description reinforce

Instructional training (1) The teacher gives a _________ description. (2) The learner emits the ___________ behavior. (3) The teacher ___________ it.

verbal instructed reinforces

Miller suggests that you have followed the principle of size if you have delivered a ________________ amount of the reinforcer.


The third principle of reinforcer effectiveness is the principle of size. In order to properly follow this principle, you must deliver a _____________ amount to the person.


Alex wanted to learn how to write a paper, so first he learned how to spell small words, then big words, then he learned how to string them together in rythmical ways to WOW his professors. What is the target behavior?

writing a paper

Alia observed Professor Wrigley on Thursday and Friday to see how many times he took a sip of his coffee. She counted 18. Steph observed Professor Wrigley along with Alia and counted 20 sips. Can you conclude that their observations are reliable? (Yes/No)


Here are some baseline data showing the frequency of a problem behavior. Is this a trend?8 7 8 6 6 5 2 3 1 (yes/no)


If you do not observe a behavior but do observe its result, can this be a form of direct observation? ____ (yes,no)


Figure 25-4 shows the minutes that DSaniel spent playing iwth his son when he self-recorded his playing time. Divided? Stable? Convincing? Cause?

yes no no no

The figure shows Lonnie's consumption of beer per week. The "treatment" was exposing her to peers who drink more, with the anticipated consequence that she might increase her beer consumption. Perform a visual analysis - are the data: Divided? ______ Stable?__________ Convincing? __________ Causal? ________ (answer yes or no to each)

yes yes yes no

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