PSYC 312 Chapter 5 Study Guide

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Immigrants are (more/less) likely to have cross-ethnic friendships than other adolescents.


Support-seeking is most often utilized by (middle/high) school victims of bullying.


As adolescence progresses, the peer group becomes composed entirely of (same/mixed) -sex cliques.


Compared to members of crews, gang members tend to be (more/less) isolated from their family.


Troy is considered very good looking by most of his peers. Gage is a star football and baseball player. These traits are examples of ______.

perceived popularity

Adolescents seek out individuals whom they perceive as having common interests and values. Which type of change in peer relations does this represent?


______ adolescents are shy, anxious, and inhibited. They are also frequently targeted by bullies.


During adolescence, peer groups function much more often (with/without) adult supervision.


Being singled out for harassment feels (better/worse) than being just one of many who are picked on.


The determinants of (sociometric/perceived) popularity are highly variable.


In contemporary society, peer groups represent which of the following?

One of the most important contexts in which adolescents spend their time

Identify the four categories of victim responses to bullying.

Aggressive Support-seeking Passive Mixed-strategy

Select three types of disliked, or rejected, adolescents.

Aggressive and withdrawn; aggressive adolescents; withdrawn adolescents.

Identify the two types of popular boys identified by studies.

Boys who are extremely aggressive, physically competent, and average or below average in friendliness, academic competence, and shyness Boys who are physically and academically competent, friendly, and neither shy nor aggressive

According to research on the influence of ethnicity and socioeconomic status on adolescent friendships, which adolescent pair is likeliest to be good friends?

Carlos, who is from an affluent Latinx family, and Jose, who is from a poor Latinx family

Which of the following aggressive adolescents does research suggest will likely be more popular among peers?

Casey, who uses aggression strategically

What is the primary difference between how adolescents are socialized in kinship-based societies and how they are socialized in contemporary societies?

Contemporary societies, unlike kinship-based societies, do not rely on the family as the primary source of socialization

Female adolescents who hang around with gangs are likely to be involved in which of the following?

Drug use High-risk sexual behavior Crime

Research shows that there are two distinctly different types of popular girls. Identify these two groups.

Girls who are prosocial and good students Girls who are antisocial and poor students

Kadeem is a rejected adolescent. Based on research, which statement about Kadeem's background is most likely to be true?

He likely had behavioral and emotional difficulties in early elementary school.

According to a large, nationally representative sample of adolescents, researchers identified which four profiles of adolescent friendship groups?

High functioning; Engaged; Disengaged; Maladjusted

The tendency to interpret ambiguous interactions with others as deliberately hostile is called ______ ________ ________.

Hostile attributional bias

Identify characteristics of adolescents who join gangs.

Isolation from family Poor self-conception Emotional and behavioral problems

Which of the following statements about peer harassment is true?

It can be either direct or indirect.

DeAnn is a depressed teenager. Based on research, which of the following teenagers is DeAnn most likely to become friends with?

Justine, who suffers from depression

Identify two types of popularity.

perceived and sociometric

Identify the three broad purposes of crowds.

To locate adolescents within the social structure of the school; To provide contexts that reward certain lifestyles and disparage others; To channel adolescents toward some peers and away from others

The transition from same-sex groups to mixed-sex groups is associated with a(n) (increase/decrease) in alcohol and drug use among females and a(n) (increase/decrease) in alcohol use among males.

increase; increase

According to a recent comprehensive review, physical bullying is ______ electronic bullying.

about twice as common as

Educators first developed the idea of free public education, with students grouped by age, a practice known as ______.

age grading

Research has shown that the most effective bullying interventions address which of the following groups?

all students

True or false: Antisocial adolescents rarely have any friends.


Bridget, Fawn, Emily, Tara, and Valencia are good friends who study together several times a week. They eat lunch together every day at school and spend most of their weekends together. These girls are part of a ______.


The (clique/crowd/possee) provides the main social context in which adolescents interact with one another.


Before adolescents become more interested in one another romantically, which of the following occurs?

cliques that used ti be separated by gender come together

Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between rejection in childhood and adolescence?

closely related

At age 16, Collin has a more sophisticated understanding of social relationships, which allows the sort of abstract categorization that leads to grouping individuals into crowds. This example illustrates the ______ changes of adolescence.


Sociometric popularity is determined mainly by which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

friendliness, social skills, sense of humor.

Aggressive individuals who are rejected are at risk for ______.

conduct problems and involvement in antisocial activity.

Membership in a (crowd/club/gang/posse) is often the basis for an adolescent's identity.


What groups clarify where adolescents fit in the school's social structure?


Bullying that occurs over the Internet or via cell phones is called ______


Between 1975 and 1995, the relative size of the adolescent population (increased/decreased) .


Among unpopular withdrawn children, their hesitancy, low self-esteem, and lack of confidence make them ______.

easy targets for bullies

Which of the following is common among unpopular withdrawn children?

excessive anxiety

Organized peer groups of antisocial individuals are called


Organized peer groups of antisocial individuals are called ______


Age _______ is the process of grouping individuals within social institutions on the basis of age.


Regina and her friends are all high-achieving students. They are involved in sports, participate in student committees, and abstain from sex, alcohol, and drugs. Which profile best classifies Regina and her friends?

high functioning

While playing soccer during physical education class, Byron ran into Drake as he was chasing the ball. Drake fell, jumped back up angrily, and raced after Byron to tackle him. When the teacher intervened, Byron explained that he was simply playing the game and accidentally ran into Drake. Drake argued that Byron's behavior was intentional and yelled, "I should have punched him in the face for it!" Drake is demonstrating ______.

hostile attributional bias

Leo, who is in a clique with four other boys, actively dislikes school. The boys frequently complain about their teachers, homework, and detentions. Today, Leo received a 90% on a difficult science exam. His teacher praised him for his effort and encouraged him to keep up the good work. Leo is likely to feel ______ about the grade and the teacher's comments.


_____ aggression is aggressive behavior that is deliberate and planned.


During (early/middle/late) adolescence, peer crowds begin to disintegrate.


During what period is the larger peer group replaced by loosely associated sets of couples?

late adolescence

Adolescents' online friends are (less/more) similar in age than the friends they make in school.


Sandra is an early adolescent. If she is like most adolescents her age, her clique will be composed of people who are ______. (Select all that apply.)

of the same ethnicity and same sex

Antisocial, aggressive adolescents ______.

often gravitate toward each other

What proportion of American adolescents report having been physically bullied at some time during the past year?


Compared to children, adolescents have increasing contact with ______.

other-sex peers

Chaz goes to school and hangs out with individuals of approximately the same age. According to researchers, these individuals represent Chaz's ______.

peer group

Aggressive behavior that is unplanned and impulsive is called _____ aggression.


Aggressive behavior that is unplanned and impulsive is called _______ aggression.


A ______ group is one against which individuals compare themselves.


Adolescents' crowds serve as ______.

reference groups

Teenagers who are high in perceived popularity tend to ______.

reject less popular teenagers.

______ is especially likely to lead to depression in adolescents who place a lot of importance on their standing in the peer group and who believe that they themselves are at fault.


Like boys, girls act aggressively toward peers, but unlike boys, girls' aggression is often ______.


Ellen and Daisy are part of a clique that is known for gossiping and spreading rumors. They frequently target other girls by excluding them from social activities, trying to damage their reputation, and withdrawing their attention and friendship from girls who were formerly part of the clique. Ellen and Daisy are demonstrating characteristics of ______.

relational aggression

The most important influence on the composition of cliques is ______.


One challenge associated with determining rates of bullying is that ______.

researchers define bullying in different ways

Adolescents and their friends tend to be similar in ______. (Select all that apply.)

school achievement; educational plans; their attitudes toward school

Among all the characteristics of friends that influence the behavior of adolescents, the ______ of their friends has the greatest effect.

school performance

Age segregation in adolescents' cliques result mostly from the structure of their ______.


The characteristics of adolescents influence their choice of friends. Friends, in turn, influence each other's characteristics. This shows that both ______ and ______ contribute to similarity between friends.

selection and socialization

_____ popularity refers to how well-liked someone is.


One study of bystanders found that onlookers were more likely to intervene and defend the victim in schools where (students/teachers) expected them to do so.


Which of the following helps explain the rapid growth of the teenage population between 1955 and 1975?

the baby boom

______ refer(s) to the period following World War II, during which the number of infants born was extremely large.

the baby boom

During the last decade of the twentieth century, when the products of the baby boom began raising adolescents of their own, ______.

the sizeof the teenage population began increasing once again

As adolescents become more interested in one another romantically, but before romantic relationships actually begin, cliques of different genders come together. This is considered a ______ stage.


True or false: Adolescent crowds serve as reference groups.


True or false: Witnessing the harassment of others appears to buffer some of the harmful effects of being victimized.


Laura is planning her school schedule for next fall. She is debating whether or not to take an advanced math course. Research suggests that which of the following will have the most significant impact on Laura's decision?

whether or not her friends are taking an advanced math class

Sex segregation is stronger among (white/Black) students.


Regarding friendships, similarity in attitudes toward school, school achievement, and educational plans tends to be especially true among ______ adolescents. (Select all that apply.)

white and asians

Which of the following best describes how contemporary societies apply social norms across groups?


Sex segregation in adolescence ______.

weakens with age

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