PSYC 3221

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When it comes to research findings on interpersonal relationships, including romantic connections, which phrase is the most accurate?

"Birds of a feather flock together."

Which of the following phrases best summarizes the concept of reciprocity?

"I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine."

When one person shares good news with another, and the second person shows true interest and enthusiasm for the news, they are engaging in ________ responding.


The _______ effect refers to the idea that people like people, places, or things only because they are familiar with them and have regular contact with them.


According to research by Baumeister and colleagues (2001), which of the following is true of negative encounters in a relationship?

negative events overpower positive events in people's lives

According to Robert Sternberg's theory, love is comprised of three different components. Which of the following is not one of them?


At what point did researchers begin to consider the implications of attachment styles in adulthood?

the 1980s

Jared is asked by his mother why he is always looking for a new girlfriend. Which of the following answers would be most consistent with the self-expansion model?

"Meeting new people opens me up to new experiences and new possibilities."

Jacqueline and Raquel have been married for 7 years, and both rate their marriage as happy and successful. One contributor to this is the rate of positive versus negative interactions that the two women have with each other. According to Gottman (1994), over time happy couples like this have at least _____ positive interactions to every one negative interaction.


How do attachment figures tend to differ from children to adults?

Children's primary attachment figures are usually parents; adults' primary attachment figures are usually a romantic partner.

Many people find that online relationships, including friendships and romances, are easier to establish and maintain than they would have predicted. From a social psychology perspective, what makes these relationships so 'real'?

Functional distance: There is a high amount of interaction between the individuals involved.

Dr. Holmes wants to study the nature of social relationships in his sample, but he is concerned that each of the methods he can use has their own limitations. What might he do to deal with this problem?

He can include multiple types of measurement, including objective measures, subjective measures, and daily diaries.

________ refers to the complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being, and is not just the absence of disease or infirmity.


Oscar is an 18-year old high school senior who is moderately overweight and has been for most of his life. According to research by Crandall (1991) which of the following might be a consequence of his lower level of body attractiveness?

His parents may be less likely to pay for his education than they would be for a more physically fit sibling.

Robinson Crusoe, written by Daniel Defoe in 1719, describes the lonely life of a man ship wrecked on an island. This book correctly addresses which element of human psychology related to relationships?

Humans have a need to belong and to connect with one another

Which of the following was one of the conceptual details that Bowlby identified about the attachment behavioral system seen in many different species, including humans?

It has been selected over the course of evolution.

Being cunning, strategic, or exploitative in one's relationships- refers to an individuals' level of ________.


Which researcher is credited with devising the Strange Situation task that has been used for decades to study attachment between children and parents?

Mary Ainsworth

According to 'prototype theory', which of the following people would be assessed as being the most attractive?

Maya, who has average facial features.

Antoine responds to his mother in a way that describes an anxious-resistant attachment patterns. Based on the work of Ainsworth, what might you predict about the way Antoine's mother responded to him as an infant?

She may have been insensitive to or inconsistent in responding to his needs.

How do subjective social variables differ from objective social variables?

Subjective social variables are based on personal opinions and feelings, while objective social variables are based on facts.

Vondra and Mitzi live across the street from each other, but almost never interact. The only time they even see each other is when they are both getting into their cars to go to work in the morning. There has been no fight or conflict, but they simply have no cause to interact with each other. Which of the following would describe the relationship between the two women?

They have close proximity and very low functional distance.

Which of the following is the best statement regarding our collective attitude toward attractiveness?

We are ambivalent about attractiveness.

In research published by Richardson and colleagues (1961), children were shown pictures of other children with many different physical limitations or flaws. Which picture did the children in the study consistently rate as being the least attractive?

a picture of an overweight child

Cassondra tells her best friend Dara that she has been offered a chance to take on a new responsibilities at work. Cassondra is very excited but Dara says, "You'll never get any time off and you won't be able to handle the stress." Dara is engaged in _________ responding to Cassondra's news.


Dirk has small eyes, an overbite, and a weak chin. Most people think he is unattractive. They also believe he is not very intelligent. Which of the following explains the way that people use low-but not high-- attractiveness as an accurate indicator of traits?

anomalous face overgeneralization

Juanita wants to be closer to her boyfriend of 3 weeks, but she often feels that if she lets him get too close she will get hurt. So she spends time with him but pushes him away when it feels like he's trying to get to know her better. Her relationship is an example of ________ attachment, which may exist among about 20% of adults.


Aristotle, the noted philosopher, commented that human beings ___________.

are fundamentally social in nature

When Bradon is placed in his crib, he watches as his father leaves the room. Although he is tired Bradon does not want to sleep yet. He begins to whine and soon cries loudly until his father comes back in, sits and rocks him for a bit, and then puts him down to sleep. Bradon's action are an example of ________.

attachment behaviors

According to noted sociologist Emile Durkheim, achieving a state of personal well-being requires what?

being socially connected

Dionna just received word that she has been accepted to a doctoral program after months of application and interviews. She calls her husband to let him know. Dionna's desire to share this exciting news is called ________.


When a person actively seeks out another person with whom to share good news, they are engaging in ________.


According to Armour (2007), a Gallup poll indicated that employees who had ________ at work reported 50% more job satisfaction than those who did not.

close friends

A person's willingness to stay in a relationship no matter what - to "stick it out" even in hard times" - is related to which component of love, according to Robert Sternberg?


When Miguel feels that life is really getting to him, he has one very close friend with whom he can share anything. This friend, Anitra, never judges him and is supportive in any way that she can be. Anitra is serving as a ________ to Miguel.


In the model of Robert Sternberg, what kind of love is marked by passion, commitment, and intimacy all at the same time?

consummate love

Joe and Ruth have been married for 43 years. Neither of them is terribly attracted to the other anymore; in fact, they have not had sex in many years. They don't share common interests, and rarely do things together. When they are asked why they don't divorce, they both say "after all of this time, where am I going to go?" This type of love that only involves commitment, is called ________ love.


Of the various domains of attractiveness, ________ attractiveness has received the most attention in research studies.


In a village in northern Spain, women tend to find men who are more robust (that is, they are a bit bigger in the stomach) as being far more attractive. Slim men with a "six pack" are actually seen as being unattractive. Larger men are thought to have better genetic traits. This reflects the ________ hypothesis.

good genes

The ________ hypothesis suggests that people with average physical qualities are more attractive because such features advertise mate quality. This quality is perceived as indicating either better fertility or better genetic traits.

good genes

Currently, it is estimated that about _______ of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce.


The tendency to associate physical attractiveness with a variety of positive traits, such as sociability, intelligence, competence, and health, is called the attractiveness ________ effect.


When Vincent attends a job interview, he dresses in a suit and tie. He is very attractive in appearance. The interviewer has an immediate impression that Vincent is intelligent and competent. This is an example of the attractiveness ________ effect.


Joe runs 2-3 miles each morning. He does not smoke, only occasionally drinks alcohol, and watches after his diet. Joe is making sure to engage in plenty of ________.

health behaviors

25-year old Cassy has recently learned that her roommate from college is suffering from a serious family matter, and Cassy is upset by this. With whom is Cassy most likely to discuss her feelings of distress?

her boyfriend

Of the following, which is the leading cause of divorce in the United States?


Caring, closeness, and emotional support are all parts of the ________ component of love.


Wendy and her best friend Mayola have known each other for over 25 years. They know each other's private lives, share secrets, and have a strong emotional bond. From a psychological perspective, one would say that these women have a high level of ________ in their relationship.


In what important way is the development of social media, such as Facebook, important in its relationship to attachment relationships?

it allows people to stay connected despite physical distance between them

A traditional tribe in Myanmar has a cultural preference for people with long necks. What explains this preference?

long necks are thought to resemble a mythical dragon that spawned them

If a person has a general absence of unpleasant, unhappy emotions in their life they are experiencing which of the three major dimensions of subjective well-being?

low negative feelings

Denita is a very ardent, right-wing conservative and always votes for Republican candidates. She recently met Troy, who she thinks is interesting and very attractive. Once she finds out that he is a very liberal individual who prefers Democratic candidates, she may no longer want to date him. This change in her opinion demonstrates the ________ hypothesis.


When Myrl and Becca began dating, people would talk about them quietly behind their backs. The conversations centered around the fact that Becca was judged to be highly attractive while most people thought that Myrl was relatively plain-looking. In this instance the couple seems to be dating in a way that violates the ________ hypothesis.


Every day on his way to work, Darnell passes a particular coffee shop. Before starting his job Darnell had never heard of the shop, but now that he sees it every day he stops there regularly and finds that it has become his favorite place to get a cup of coffee. According to research by Robert Zajonc, Darnell's liking of the coffee shop is due to the ________ effect.

mere exposure

The ________ effect refers to the tendency of people to prefer stimuli that have been seen before over brand new stimuli.

mere exposure

Mrs. Lee is an 8th grade teacher. According to research into the attractiveness halo effect she will judge Eli, who has attractive physical features, in all but which of the following ways?

more likely to misbehave

A face or other image that has been transformed by a computer program so that it is a mixture of multiple images is called a(n) ________.


Donald is a real piece of work. He always thinks that his accomplishments are the best ever, does not give credit to anyone else, and is totally incapable of accepting criticism from others. His employees do not stay on his team for very long because he never recognizes their work. Donald has a high level of ________.


Professor Bahrine goes to a popular nightclub and observes the interactions that take place at the bar. He counts the frequency with which couples make physical contact within a 60 second period. He does this throughout the evening while pretending to be a customer at the bar. The professor is measuring a(n) ________ social variable.


Dr. Tylka is studying the way that people value relationships. For the purpose of her study, she defines an interest in relationships as "the number of people with whom you have had a conversation that is not related to work activities in the past 48 hours." This process of defining the variable of interest is called ________.


The process of being excluded and ignored by others is called ________, and it is inversely related to people's levels of subjective well-being.


Angelo just found out that he is going to sing the lead role in a community musical and he is thrilled about this opportunity. When he tells his wife Helen she says, "that's nice. I'm happy for you." This understated form of support that is marked by a lack of enthusiasm is called ________ responding.


When a person respond to another individual's good news by giving understated, minimal support, they are engaging in ________ responding.


On a popular TV show, when one character named Amy tells her boyfriend Sheldon about her recent publication in a major science journal, Sheldon ignores her big news and talks more about himself. Sheldon's is an example of __________ responding.


When a person ignores positive news shared with them by another, it is called ________ responding.


The extent to which a person behaves, thinks, and feels in a secure or insecure manner toward another individual is called an attachment ________.


An individual's sense that others are available, willing to help, and ready to take action when assistance is needed is called ________ support.


Collin and Valencia are both first-year college students, and they live in the same dormitory. They see each other several times a day, and have begun having romantic feelings toward each other. The factor of physical nearness that predicts their attraction to each other is called ________.


Professor Anyabalechi explains to her students that children in distress from separation from their parents often cry, refuse to eat, or call out for the parent. "These behaviors are a defense mechanism designed to protect them from their own emotional pain," the teacher says. Dr. Anyabalechi is utilizing a(n) ________ explanation of attachment relationships.


When Diener and Seligman (2002) did research to determine what distinguishes the happiest 10 percent from the unhappiest 10 percent of undergraduate students, what did they find to be the key factor?

quality relationships

A ________ refers to a theoretical accounting of relationships in which positive deposits and negative withdrawals can be made during every interaction you have with that person.

relationship bank account

Jada and Will have been dating for 3 weeks and are feeling very emotionally close to each other. They have begun a satisfying sexual relationship and each feels a need to be around the other at all times. Neither of them has thought about whether the relationship has a future; they are both enjoying the present. In Sternberg's model, this might demonstrate ________ love.


Human beings have a natural desire to increase their own capacities by seeking intimate relationships according to the ________ model.


There are many dimensions to one person's ratings of another's attractiveness. This points to a dual process, combining ________ and ________ in our assessments of another person's appearance.

sexual preferences; aesthetic preferences

In the movie The Craft, a fictitious story about adolescent witches, one young witch is thrown out of her circle of friends because she won't cast hurtful spells on other kids. If this punishment lasts a week or two, or until she starts engaging in the desired behaviors, it would be an example of ________.


When her mother finds out that she is dating a man who is not Jewish, Ahava finds that nobody in the family will speak to her. She is not told to leave the house, but her parents, grandparents, and siblings give her a silent treatment until she ends the relationship. Ahava has been the victim of ________ over what others perceive as unacceptable behavior.


Marcia is 71 and her husband of 45 years has just died. Friends and relatives have been helping take care of things so that Marcia can grieve. They bring food and even do her laundry and dry cleaning. This assistance is called ________.

social support

Which of the following is not one of the specific dimensions of well-being that have been identified and studied by researchers?


The fact that attractive men tend to have more short-term partners while attractive women tend to have more long-term partners is explained by which concept?

success for men depends on short-term mating opportunities, while success for women depends on long-term mating opportunities

A social network's provision of psychological and material resources that benefit an individual is referred to as social ________.


Charles shops at an upscale clothing store. He has been three times this month and each time has noticed a sweater. Today, he goes in and finds that he likes this sweater more than he did the first time he saw it. He decides to buy it. What explains Charles's increased preference for this sweater?

the mere exposure effect

According to research by Rhodes, Simmons, & Peters (2005), attractiveness in women is related to ________.

the number of long-term, but not short-term, partners she has.

Which of the following has been found to be the single quality that is a necessary and sufficient condition for high attractiveness across virtually all people?

there is no such single, universal quality for attractiveness

According to research published by Oldmeadow and colleagues (2013), people are most likely to use Facebook to connect with others when:

they are experiencing negative emotions.

According to British psychoanalyst John Bowlby, what is the primary function of an attachment behavioral system?

to regulate proximity between a person and their attachment figure

_________ an attachment figure would be considered to fall at the low extreme end of attachment behaviors? (Conceptual)

visual searching for

In psychology, subjective well-being has come to be defined by three different components. Which of the following is not one of them?

work success

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